The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 14, 1898, Image 3
THE AMERICAN, M w hi n to a iivr. St.. M-.ii 1 ) ' 'i t. i t r fitiiifl ( i ting i , i ' I !:i.i n I i S itti MI (. tl ii "1 k (Kf I I I,, . 1 , t ( , , f( , . I. DlIM Hun'. tt ,t. l, , Mr Mh on i r i I' f.-iii H.i- iHif It mtfciiu Ihn.ush r,. tun l.i,.t. it id tM n i t I'" Ili't ill t l t,l l lllitr rtit.t iti n. ur il-r '.iI.V .i . n lAVliht It n tmjMvi lit .i tlUril Ifi fttsnttrl t( th' n .inn iii Ui.n, t i iii i Mr if till), t.lll la lift th M'ttlli-i k lllli (rum lit tiM txil and lr ii i ,iii thrmilh an Itiinunw ami-lnt Ni.ri Thli sluli tn III M'rhtl ovir tho stium I under huh the mitti Innnrl rwt, M 111 IhtlS Mir III river l., ir ll water and tli1 mlii nf any tlatiir frit.n Ihs river. A dsm will bp biilii some distant up the i Ivor, and ihi will m Hi ork In to on thin winter ami also rhaln Ih water so thai It ran be run Into It artlnrlnl channel nni spring. Th slitlivway will lie ,fiw feet Ion, ami will rest on two Immense arthea whose foundations will be lit Ih bed of th river. Th arcbea will bo whl apart at th base and will not threaten th mln tunnel In the l'it After th alulr In tiiillt the darn will b opened and th water will b run Into th new elevated bed. Work In th mln tunnel under the river will continue, and It Ii fipected that Ih mlnera will gradually pick their way toward the old river bed and In tlm th bed will cava In and a rich find of or la then expected. REFLECTIONS IN A CHAPEL. Irg Brrn t'roM Whlib Nerve Mirror. Recently the governor of one of our county prlsois waa greatly perplexed by the discovery that th female crim inal In bla ( barge managed In aome mysterious manner to ascertain the presence of every Individual man on the other eld of the Irnpervlou divid ing barrier which a-parate the male from the female worshipers In the Jail chapel, aay the London Hospital. One of the women Inadvertently made an exclamation, allowing that she had suddenly became aware that her hu band was within the aame walla, al though hl presence ought, according to the rulee, to have been completely unknown to her. None of the officer could account for an unpermitted knowledge which waa found to be shared by all other women. At tout a very careful examination of the chitpel gave an explanation of the mystery, Although strictly divided, aa we have aid, both the male and the female prisoners faced the altar In their seat and over It bad been fixed a very large bran cross against the wall, ao highly polished aa to form a very good mlrmr, and In It clear surface the women saw the reflection of every man aa he passed to hl place and had enjoyed the spec tacle with Impunity till the wlf' affeo tlon overcame her dlacretlon. The bran crona Inntnntaneoualy dlaap peered. A lltnl tit the fur Nrlh, During Dr. Nf mten'a long voyage Into (he Arctic Hca In a'-arcb of tint North I'ole he came upon a group of four Inl and, In the neighborhood of Kraiue 4"f l,nd, near which he w larn nurnhera of a very rare and beautiful bird known a Kooa'a gull, It la de scribed aa the mont beautiful of all the animal forme of the frozen rglona, and a the "moat mirkedly polur olail bird forrna." It la dlatlngnUhed from other apeclea of gull by "Ha beautiful roae-colored breaat, It wedge-ahaped tall, and airy flight' 8jekinK of the dlwovery of the bird, Dr, Nan-a-n aay: "Hitherto It bHa only ben aeen by chance on the utmont conflnea of th unknown I'olnr Hea, and no one knew whence It came or whither It went; but here we bad unexpectedly come upon Ha native haunt, and al though It waa loo late In the year to find Ha neta, there could be no douU bout Ita breeding In thl region," A(lnt Hi N ,!, The Iluffalo Hxpreaa (iio!a a young l.cgro follow: "We euffor, not at the hand of the moneyed power, Unit you have hnrd mo much about recent ly, but at the band of (he laboring people. It I Irnpoaalble for a ng;r to obtain other poxlilon than thoxe of the barber, porter, pbiaterer or dome, tic aervnnt, becau none of the other branchea of labor are open to him, The railroad, the greateat Industrial organisation on the continent, employ In the northern atategover 600.000 men, and yt there I but on ponltlon, that of car porter, op"n to the negro, owing to the Influence of the many labor or ganization that will not let nejEroe in to their aocletlea or work with them In any other poaltlon," Our Kew Nty, Nearly fourteen year have now elapsed alnce, during I'realdent Ar thur' administration, the foundation of a new navy were laid. Without a break congrena haa kept ateadlly at work upon It ever alnce; and there abould be no panne until we hate a fleet trong enough to defend our abona, and to protect our cltl.en, our right, and our flag I" water. New fork Sun, INilnter f"' ranlmw, "Oh, children, you are ao nolny to day. Can't you be a little quieter and better?" "Now, grandma, you timet be a little conalderaie and not avoid u, You aee, If It whkii'I for u you wouldn't be grandma at all." Tlt-BIt. Million lt Krjr enr. The value of the Hrltlnh ahlpa and rargoea lost every year at sea Is about $35,000,000. M- HH till t'ttM III ttgt n ),( I i ' ;. ' k ' t' ' .!( I.. .i t 5 t r ' . (l,l -i'i. , .. , . 1. 1 in ! . n 4 t '..'. at. t...t ite rfr !.. (n m th 4. i i!'i (, ! ' tin i it i -t i With lint ! t(i. mii(p,. ilU it In ttn .( . i Ii l (. tine in ntrt'is mt.i mi'.., (, ili. n that I ime whuh Wi'ttlit U li..l iiit liii. i.ii.ia ...uM f4jl in lite Wn'ltld li t putl'l lite t n(i .'tl bm 4 It I ItiUni m Ih t iini:Uhi d tirlt)! trthli ii'li in HllfMI 1 rl.', tiliflr 111. 1(11.1' Die grnriat l..ltl at Mimt'ti hl mm m mi. h slat nf tinhi th thm fully mi per tftn ff all wntindt wer lllte. lr. y h tiilnitinti rH'Sf A stngeun was tt o tog Intnt til learn the in "l.lMrrUm," and after hi r turn not a Inil t uf hipltI gn gren apHarpd In the Mundh Kran keiihatts, Many silled dingers rr totally destroyed by thl gpl uf rleanllness, ami In addition the suffer Ing of patlenls during necrsssry opera tlmia was vastly rrllevnl, owing to th stinenr of Innamnistlon. The most cnnnervstlv savanta entltnnle that ths Lister antiseptic hss Increased th nM of rsmedlal surgery twentyfold and that th mortality of haxardous opera tlona baa been reduced from probably (0 per rent to aomethlng like 1 per cent With antiseptic trestment the skull, even the viscera, ran be aafely entered fnr operation, and It la literally true that modern surgery can without dan ger remove any part of the human organism which la not Itself essential to life. DU MAURIER DECEIVED. How an Aairrlinn Interviewer Abuied lllii 4 niillil. iii e. Du Maurler was always specially ap preciative of American appreciation and took particular palna to welcome Americana cordially, says the New York Times. It was seldom that thla friendly feeling was abused, but the last time I saw him be waa for once In g atate of rage against an American who had nut only Interviewed htm but outrageously misrepresented him and his household. The visitor had come with some letters of Introduction, but, fearing that an Interview waa In pros pect, Mrs. Du Maurler bad seen him and explained that Mr. Du Maurler could not receive visitors fur that pur pone. The caller promptly disclaimed being an Interviewer and so disarmed the hostess that In apology he wa taken upstairs with cordial welcome, The laird of "Trilby," still In the land of the living and a close friend of Du Maurlcr's, had happened In, and the two, perhaps gently bd by the skillful Interviewer Into the subject, were soon talking over old time In free confi dence. What n Du Maurler' chagrin a few week afterward to re ceive a New York paper containing a highly colored version of thl conver sation, with remark about hi habit and bla household which were more than a breach of hospitality, lie wrote at otic a etr of disclaimer for pub lication among his American friends, and It was with difficulty that he was persuaded that thl would only adver tise the offensive article and give It wider currency, Tli I'nlille r. There I probably no other Influence that cause so much evil a the bale ful Influence of the public eye. Take, for Instance, a girl who can recite. A noon she haa been encored on the stage she become a nuisance to her family and a bore to the public. The public eye ha affected her and ahe will never again be content with her coiner. The office-holder who refuse to retire to private life after he haa once held office Is another victim. The singer who keeps on singing at ama teur entertainments when she la a grandmother la another, The cheap actresses who began their downward career at echool exhibition are also victims. The public eye has more vlc llms than whisky and they are a great er menace to the community for the reason that they sign no pledge and make no effort to reform. Atchison Globe. lliHly-Mnsti'liliig t llnrvuril. In the memoirs of my grandfather, Dr, John C. Warren, the second pro fessor of anatomy at Hurvard, and who succeeded his father In that chair, la an Interesting passage describing bow, when a student, he, with others. "raised" body. He says: "When my father came up In the morning to lec ture and found I had been engaged In this scrape he was very much alarmed, but when the body was uncovered and be saw what fine, healthy subject it waa he seemed to be as much pleased aa I ever saw blra," Forum. A Matter fur th t'ntur. "Yes," remarked the proud father whose tastes are musical, "he's the fin est baby the neighborhood has ever seen. I don't rely on my own preju diced opinion In making the statement. My wife says the same thing." "Are you going to make a musician of blm?" "Oh, It's altogether too early to decide that. Ilia hair hasn't begun to grow yet." Washington Btar. ' lleirrte, "If It's Mrs. Itobinson I have a bad headache and can't see any one. If H'a Mra. Dabney let her In. If " "I beg pardon, madam, but It's the master." "Oh, bother the master! Tell him I'm dead."- Boston Uncon. Jnat th Troiil.le. Dombey When your wife gets an gry won't he speak to you? Capt, CuU tie She won't do anything else. Tlt-Blta. I . ff ) 1 1 1 It It ., ,t 4!!rt n li. , jletmis j. mi it ll.i.i, , gt4 '( ... ! ...'I ,t. l , ,, 1 ' M tH Ml ft t llf tiH Is I" ' 'I O il ' I. - 1.1.1. n. ki:i tn . 1 1' s 'Ii. u 4 f tin I wr t).t tl-it , n f HI ; 'si'ii l t ii .tli Ii S 1?t s I "i'N til"!- H.Ttl S lltlnt ll .n 'mi I ft uti In ) In put i .f tVf tin tl i f ! . n wtt'tint t.i e rtH .t iMiii.t jlllit I',. ,t,t nr'i'l inMif I't I I .MB ki l i At t . h , I. timpsiil-iri. t ut, tt unfit )., ah' it?, whin hl SHetitlon i i'ii llrli. ! hi. fmt, a wt! t,.'. iltfw mst sin! .li'iintilt ! : ., fii't. l,ti!f.l the rtftii l.tiftt. i sin! uttiir slu;il.l ftntii hl puif' ' Ih MunitlS fc(i. That is the tinrce nf the ,irt' itii llshed In isnnit. Il Is sliiml an lntr ss the ordinary lheirli al prustsmnie and sells fur 124 n a rr, ir li cin a ropy. The Nugget l right tip t th times. It has a "rosst" for tuuit'ii and th ft next kind if an ann!iit f n reception given by th best piojile I th t lly. It trlln all about tin- sale of rlslnis and w ho Is making money. Tin concert halls and theaters runt In for good and bad notices. Just like big ritv pspera. Th feature of th last lru dated Aug. 13, tells all about typhol'l fever In th region. There ar ntaay rases and a few deaths. In all the Klondike Nugget Is a very pretty tyi;o grsphlcal effort for a city like Daw son. Th World' Telegraph Mjntm. The total leng'lj of the world'a tele graph system Is 4,908,1121 miles, not counting the 180,440 miles of submarine cables. Were this all In one continuous line, It would wrap around the equator about 1DH times. The moon and earth could be ronnected by twenty lines, with enough to spare to connect every coun try on the earth. These lines are dis tributed aa follows: Kurope, 1,764,790 miles; Asia, 310,M5 miles; Africa, 91 419 miles; Australia, 217,479 miles; America, 2,610,548 miles. Kurope In 1800 had only 78,000 miles of tele grapha. ruft Townit TOO Mile. Ten thousand plies chained together In one Immense raft were recently towed Into the bay of San Francisco, having been brought from Stella, Wash., 700 miles away. The dimen sions of the raft were: Length, 600 feet; breath, f0 feet; depth, 45 feet. Over 6,000,000 lineal feet of lumber was contained In the rnft, which drew thirty feet of water. Twenty steamer of average size would have been nc esnary to convey it In the ordinary way. The Journey wae made without accident, nnuemilly favorable weather having been enjoyed all the way. A llijiir Tlioniflit. Treanurer Below Bar Ilallroad I,et me help you to some more of the money. First Director No, thank you, I have all 1 can spend without attracting attention. Treasurer- Per mit me Becond Director N, no! Thanks, no. I couldn't carry another cent, pockets all bursting now, Hame way with all the others, Trensitrer (In despair) What shall I do with all this pile? It's ten times too much for the sinking fund. First Director (af ter deep meditation) - By Jove! I have It, Let's declare a dividend. Th f light of f ile. A common house-fly Is not very rapid In Ms flight, but Its wing make 800 beats a second, and send It through the air twenty-five feet Under ordinary circumstances, In that space of time. When the Insect Is alarmed It lias been found I hat It Increases Its rate of speed to over I. Kl feet per second, If It (onld continue such rapid flight for a mile In a straight line, It would cover that distance In exactly thlrty-tbree seconds. Imoi It P.nriy. "Johnnie," nil Id his father, "I'm ur pilned to hear that you have dared to depute with your mother," "Hut she was wrong, pa," replied Johnnie. "That has nothing to do with It," said the old man, "You might Just a well profit by my experience and learn, once for all, that when a woman says a thing I so, It Is so, whether It Is so or not." Warm Work. A Belgian naper say the glass- workers sometimes work In a tempera ture of SfiO to 400 degrees. At limes the gas-heating recuperating cham ber need renalr ng. I he workmen rush In, covered In wet clothing, and remain 15 or 20 seconds. In which time the wet clothing Is dry, and It 1 frequently aflame as they come out. Matrimonial AinenlllM. Mrs. Peck You haven't the spirit of a mouse. Why, you would never have even proposed to me If I hadn't made you do It. N. Perk-1 guess that's so. That la the only thing about the whole affair that I have any reaaon to be proud of. A Heaaon Whr II llon'l, '1 know I'm not a energetic a I ti.lghl be. If I ever did distinguish my self I should be Inclined to rest on my laurels." "Well, the man with a strong natural disposition to rest on his lau rels seldom gets any." Krlilenr lacking. Once more did I'lyssca relate the story of hi wanderings, but still Pene lope, his faithful wife, shook her bead. "Where," she persisted, "are the labels on your trunks?" Detroit Journal. I ttattt Hi4tlr, It. h j '! ret iii-. V tl It. ! ! r g 1 li. i W U It- I. rt l.itii 1 I. ,ti lt K t.r lii , U Hi d tu . t It Hm-mU'iiI i t . it n e ivm t f ii i li t k w ted ! Is M- l"U, atd fi.ttr t -tr di!ii ,d t ' 'I .1;.irel I r In iihIuKI i r hilia m l. IWl-Sl, lun I s-il l lot if MM! tli "PS! eil tl, llurllet Iji-nle iflT ( ri'M aniii-, h" tw Ihe fi'"1!' P n si In lttHi r i'ti th mull r sifMil will te plr(d In srtul fou r-te Vrli leniiritlaiily, asthe l lln J, Frtter's, II V, A, I Unit. , I titiii, N' Il lake s l riot m Ctlnnt ''sl Ijretnty. to sland out I'NTil. the supply I exhaustl w wilt send to each tilM'rlUr si'tidlug u th name til 8v of hi friends, nvom pttnled by i'io. for Rve Mtmple copies ot TliK AMKitH'AM. one volume of "Tbr Stenographer," a bonk ctmtwlolnf the ikiry of Ilia llfo, trlsln, tribulations, oourtsblp, el., of slenographer. The book has ?'i0 g, I elegantly bound In cloth, printed from good, clean type on high graile ot btsik-iaor. We have ?.'0 of them. Ot your order In early. Regular price of such a book t, ordinarily, 11.2.1. You get It for nothing: If you buy flvo samplos. Don't ond stamp of ft larger denomination than 2 cents. Remember that bruising the pent'a head la safer than pinching hla tall. Hive Borne use ot our politicians and ahe will toon control our govern ment. Public Sol Ice. Tbo Northwestern Line Daylight Special now leaves the U. P. Depot at 0:40 A. M , arrives at Chicago 8:45 same evening. No change In the other tralna. Overland Limited 4:45 I'. M., and the Omaha Chicago Special at 0:45 a m,, arrives at Chicago 7:45 and 9:30 respectively, next morning. The most advanctd Vtstlbulcd Hleoior, Diners and Free Parlor Chair oars of course -Whatcisc would toe ",uiu n- WKSTF.HN " havt? 1401 Farnam it. Knowlcdgo kill many papal myths, no matter how old they may be. Bigotry Is the mirror of credulity. True religion la out of place In ft mass house. U.NTif. the suiply ' exhausted, we will send to each subscriber soi.dlng us this name of five of hi friends, accom panied by 25n. for five samplo copies of TliK AmrkicaN, one volume of "The Stenographer," a book containing the story of the llfo, trials, tribulation, courtship, otc, of ft stenographer. The book has 220 pages, Is elegantly bound In cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grado of raiuk-papor. We have 7.00 of thorn. Oct your order in early, (tegular prion of such a hook Is, ordinarily, 11.25. You got It for nothing If you buy five samplo. Don't send rtamp of a larger denomination than 2 ccnti, Home finds slander ft better weapon than a b iwle knife. Wa have plenty of the March 4th is sue. We can fill your order. Tour frKwla should rad the sworn teat!' mony against the Tloman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd at St Paul. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for 1,25; 100 for IZ.OO; 600 for $7.60; 1,000 for 110. Hare you sent any of that Bum bor to your friends? You shou'dl Tbey should Dot sice? longer. Truth may be put In the grave, but It won't stay there. When the forces of patriotism are divided treason cornea out ahead. If Rome dons a charitable act It Is to gain favor with those she can after ward rob. Lcyden's "Secret Inatructlonft of tbs Jesults," for 20c, and bl "Secret Con foaalon to t Priest," for I0e, both paper covered books, are the cheapest books on the market today. Send as tOo and have them sent to yoor ad dress. American Pnb. Co.. Omaha. Neb. II!g guide to Omaha and Exposition at Omaha mailed for 10 cent. Agent wanted everywhere. K. I. Walker, 710 N. 40 St., Omaha. Try Kawyer's goap. The subscription price of The Amkr ICAN Is 2 00 ja r year. Thost! who would It ad men to 0'nt' IComo must look up her record. No greater, no more Interesting, no more fearless exposure of Romanism was ever written than that ponned by Rer. Charles Chlnlqny and popularly known aa "Fifty Years In the Church of Rome.' Price $2.25. Bend ua $1 00 and get the book. American Pub. Co., 1615 Howard SC. Omaha, Neb. BUY A HOMl: One that Yon Can Pay For. 'Mulcts iit ulUtt.l n tli 4 ttnuil i nl Mti.ttl 0'M.h; il limit l.iitl tt .rvtti tmin i . ), tml I. w, tit. I Ml vitit J,tl uf tlnt ilt.i, ,vt a pint itttil In m l!ul mm with nt.iH nu tt i.m nittl, Tin m' ItnttM i iin Mhntttl tn lull .t .ul in itut, Il Itlrti wtllttii ,i i.liitt litttt' iy t.iti U J'ihiImm'I lot A Citi iu ul tt' tt ft PI Fl'V DOLLARS .ni.l ihf 1 nl.uit c in Month!) li iiiciiIh ol $10. rurlt, ami intcirat 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. t'p tl ti..n.t of the fv ptmhtscr j;cli a WAHKANTY lI'HI; ami to mtiuo t lie tlcfctictl payment, 'wrs a fust nin tKK Hln tlic pieinisc!. These me Kit iih h,vc never 1k ii diipliratcJ in Oni.ih.1, and it jtioil lnnm ii pluetl within the reach f every one, no nuttrr how timitett his means, witliont having to pay almost iisurioii iiitetesl. l'Vr ftulher infoimalion write to M. I,. ZOOK, 1615 llowat.I St., Omaha, Neb. N. H. Ucal Instate owners having projmty to disjMise of on terms explained nhovc will find it to their advantage to send me description of their property. No property covered ly heavy mortgages wanted unless the rate of interest can he reduced to 4 percent, per annum. M. L. ZOOK. BUGLE PEALS! on- Songs of Warning For the American People. A HOOK OP IH)I2M5 BY MLIZA A. PITTBINQBH. "Mrs. Kliza A. I'iUuinger in a poet of rare ability, especially in tho realm of true putroitism. Her volume entitled "Buglo reals" contains the spirit mid HOtitimotit of tho highest form of Americanism, and the "grand and awful times." in which we live. Thcso pot ins constitute a clarion call for tho defense of American citizenship and American institutions against the world." J. Q. A. Hkniiy. Pastor L S4II0 Ave. lUptl-t Church, Chicago, 111. If voii want to breathe patriotism and renew your love of the I.'ulo Hi d Hohtxil Housi ; If you ant to commune with glflod spirit, buy and rtisd ttione ponrns. I'rloo, 2' Cunt. Ad Iros : Tho American AN UP-TO-DATE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED nt vino riY vno t .." iu h iti "if isTiiri mnf irmisni 1 n Kspeclally prcpariMl to miM't the want Of Farmer, Mer chants, Mechanic, Clerks, Htmlents, Women, and all who leslre a comjilete work at the minimum cost. Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps. 140 Now and Superb Illustrations. A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorb ing interest to every member of the household. Population of each State and Territory, of all Counties of tho United States, and of American Cities with over 6,000 Inhabitants. (T CONTAINS much s-clal Information regarding any Nation, Province Slat, City, Town or Village di-slrnd. Theicnowlodjre I rarely obtainable f rom a school yoprephy, which necessarily basonly a few general fact and vhe location of Important cltlo. .... . , . Itallroad mai are notoriously Incorrect and misleading, hence the puxaled .ruth'M'Okcr, where large libraries are Inaccessible, I without relief unlcs he the happy own-r of a knowledge-satisfying, pleasure-giving People Atlas All Countries on the (aou of Uc earth are shown, Iti vers and Lake are accurately located. All the large Cltlea of tho World, the Important Towns and moat of ths Villages of the United State. are given on the Maps. ltglvesaclssslflid List of allNatlons, with Forms of Government, Geo graphical Ixcttlon, BfM and Population, This hrsutlful AtliMl toiinrt In bssvy pspr SOS smuti-m upon rn riyi ii AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO The Priest, the Woman, And the Confessional By Kiev. Chas. Chiniquy, $1.00. Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by regis tered U tter to tie AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY Edith O'Gorman's CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED $1.25 A, and sill It Snt to 50 CENTS.