THE AMERICAN. tmtt rnorit N.Mt. A tW - tk ltt a I !. B la-1 a m. t 4 it fe'ttt j V a ttitttw l'k t (a n I t in . MI fltl , t wel n iii )M Id tM . fca if .i f.m !' i IM WihII In " ' V k a I lip !.! I'l tut " twain in t. ef In I"-N'! ttflkln. tw in Ant w t k k. Kn t Mi.1- , ni an ta.wiflr or iM'HiiUrljr tiBniif"il,i' j Mm t! DM In ,iwl j - lit ifcuw taken frtw r.tiM In thl k j r'if ll Ifiirlll ttl 11! th wi ttt Iwii trant rirdini 1 1 i r kind, a a li1 Iron Ik tt-f-tii.a wilt 'It., Hi nil k, lltownlank, HltWa K..t.k ftliuulilii, inin. Wll. l rtwM. Kh llarrf.ajt, l-.udfrirl, Clink trfoot, llerl in. I Me." Ailn, In lit lli ii( ni.1li'i'! m Biul new mpimrt fr lh Ihenr) tkat uunamet wer nm rhMwn lull In lrtl noun their bwrrt. Khrwl bo atn.unt (r nam lla In Hk-Hnr, liimruilrr. Apothirarr. l'a Ileal, Hl.knian, I'alntnaa, Nurte, Vigil Uat. Hpllnl, llra Plln, Hwab Crutrh. Hirtllra, Vial, Stopper, Cork Labtl, I Hi, 1M, PruM, Cardial, !ll Mm, Ulttera, Arnica, llai-lahnrn, ! wtxid, llrlmatnn. Morphia, rill, I'tHtt Powder, I'laden. Half, Malady. Ac-ha f!hltr, Cblll, Coiiih, Grip, Croup Hurt, Hump, Lump, Ilrui, fVar Sprala, Warta. Bplluler, Fewler, Well Bngnr, BliiK-k, Uh, (lor, Matter Pain, Ilehlnic, Twltrhn. Unw Blind, Blender. Hllm, Uan. l-atik. H" turd, I'ala, lllrjit, Frail, Hallow Falnl. Slrkly, 111, Weak. Wery, Kail Int. Moan, (Iroan, Buffer, ltl, Oura Pal. Tall, HiralKbt. llfarty, Wall." Tb iitly o( di)mi-lfl naiiina la r tarkalily full and InWratlnf : "KHrh M, Cook, flfrvant, HruIllon.Cob, Bhor I, Rant, Klndllni, Paitiit, Coat flmoka, llllowi, Hpark, lllata, llotflra Burn, Cllnkr, Boot, KttU, Wabr Wrlnitrr, Tump, Blnh. Drain, IMpprr Jul, Crock, Tina, Knlf, Fork, Bpmin Coffoa, Croatn, flmr, Ta, Iluttar Drad, Ymjk, Mumn, noil. Johnny cak, Oyaiar, Clam, rirklw, 01W Piipcra( Cinnamon, Mac, and Mu terd." Ai bonk in whlla away tba tnlnutxt without )ln lh brain unduly tblt tolumn will li of tirlal valua to tbt itk i ml tb wfiry. A l.atkf 4ldint. Tb r1l'0 j7 of a oietbod of tint lag paper waa du to a curlou accident Tb lf of an Kngllnh paper mnkei Mined William Kt accidentally drop- pad tb "lil ii bag" ( a bag containing btu for laundry purpose) Into a al f pulp, wber It lay long enough to glv tba entlr tuna a blulah tint, b fora, to her cnnalematlon, aha recover- d It, Bo terrified waa ah thnt b dared not mention tb fact lo her but band, who dlamay at what h ronald rtd 4i dlfcotoratlnn and dcairui-llon l tb entlr-i tot of paper mail from tba maa waa bla worry for mnnth. Ila conaldored tba pnper pullrd but tu (far ail It to II tn an out-of ih-way tlaca aa unaalabl tock for four year, when, In order to get It nut of lb way to mak room for a belter aiorb h t It to bl agent tn Iindon, nuking blm to get rid of It at any prlr. To tbt paper maker' aurprUe, In a abort tlm be received from bla agent an or der for a great quantify of lh blulah paper, and found upon Inquiry that th paper, being a novelty, bad taken won drfulty with th publli. Hut Mr. Birnt aa In a dilemma, for h bad no Ide u to bow to glvt tba bin tint lo tb piper ordered by hi agent, ,ml wearily tried without reault for many day and alghfi. Mentioning hi trntibla to bla If or day, h admitted ber care tn, and told of tba way In which tbt pulp happened to becom poltd by th hag of blue. Tb paper maker waa overjoyed at th revelation, and found It an ar tank to glv th ting to th paper, and, until th tlm of hla death, which o many yeara after, h waa una hie to mipply th great demand for tb blue paper, u ac. eeptaMa and relieving lo th eyt of th writer, 1 Teaching V4erMII par lwrni. Of th lata William 11, Vmtrb;lt bla father, th commodore, had but oor opinion of bla bualneaa ability and told blm h could llvt on a farm that at owned on Btaten Inland and lhal that waa all he could do toward hi aupport. Bom tlmt after that the old gentleman Inquired of th ion bow hi farm waa doing Th latter replied that tb crop waa not good and the farm teemed to ne4 fertilizing "Welt," laid tba commodore, "tber la lot of bora refua at my ataMe. I will glv you a load -only one," and h wrote out an order for the on load. Tba next day th commodore went to bit pi'' and waa lurorlaed to th entlrt collection bad disappeared "Where baa that goo?" fc aaked of bla atabl hand, "Why, Wllllnm 11. took It," Hut ba only bad an order for at load." "Tbat'a all b took." "Why, what did bt bavt?" "A flat- boat," Aasmig Ik flrat riaraton. 'Onoa, March IS. 130, Went to tbt king' palact, Tb king and queen !V together, and on each aldt of tbt royal bed la an aortmnt of Ivory palma, cruel flic, box for holy water and other aplrltual guard for their tout. For tbt comfort of ttwlr bottle b baa bad a maebln mail Ilk a car, which la drawn up by a chafn from tbt bottom to tbt top of tbt tou; It hold about alt people, who can bt ai pleatunt derated to any lory, and at each landing plact ther la a contrivance to let them in and ut""Tbt OrerMe Memolra." 1M HA)!) WMIWiM M fct H ! 4 t wMclU A" It kifi it a mtn ti'H ft. a in f i, lh tniir'i t Ihiiirf (4 Mtti't'i ii am-lMilw i.n i it B hm .t mufti, niiw'ir ti l in ii"l ti ! m l i" t.rrt . k I thun II a iMiilt l i"l "' il :!.. tail, biih rmii.I klw f M, .-ii.l.r nffvndini f a ti rt Ifc! siiiqiiiM tililnlitin U aminnial I rr Imprtl! i(Hiliin l.ii1ihln lhl ahi-t! fllil mr llrr nd ilil tb)l rr tb lf"k cMit a U Annul. mhrralMi b l iniMMlutrd nmit di la d Hi"r. Tb blaik i alio 111 I th' ""' l.ina .ifd of l!rttian rotirt rlrrlr t mlirrlla ar bla H tr- l.m h nr mi-d n in lit mt . in ail. ki. lhr ar uaually lb rbrapMl b ran bnf. ! ar undur lb iwll rar et tn ipio- )fr, and ar kn-t l pl,,,' f,,p" In.ard. A rmatkalil (-atur of thla fi.llwll.m, ay tba fall Mall (UiH. U lh hunlln alltk bl H nl m ) ty baa rut with bla own hand uhlla out hunting or rrld prwnl during hi tiptdlilona, frum gentry and paaanlry altk. Tb kalaer'g wardroh orrupy a ! ' room In lha old taatl at Hrlln. Tby ara n, mnA nf nk In tb mlddl' M on of lb roomn la a Urga tabl f" prradlng out lb uniform. Thrr la a lxth room, In which amall rrpalra ar undertaken. iUra a lallor la per manently empIoyd. for Kir wn- k.lm M...a nnl IhfOW llf I'ltllbe Un til they ara well worn, lla keep about alghleen palra of wblia mimary iiiva in ii. The ara cleaned and repaired from lima to tlm. Th glov. . rar.ivM amall rearlr mm tor ma aervlrea. Each pair la auppoaed to hava a certain "llf." Bhould the leather ahow any defect It la returned tha unlink ainver. with a peremp tory demand for an planallon. When a ault la ordered, wot to tna lanor ahould It not fit Ilka gl. Ihh a "lr n" la never oermltted. Direct ly ault baa been taken off It la re turned lo tbo wardroba and tDr auu- wl.l In lh rliweat arrullny, Tilt or der and dworatlona ara kept In an Iron aafa and repreaenl in vaiiia anoui l,r,W,0(tO mark. THE LUCK Or BOARINO CAMP. Oral ra th Printer' Abuat Ita Immoralllf. Th i.ariliular Iik lilent connected with tba flrt year of tbt Overland that ba been oftrneat ami moat widely tohl la the flrat recentlon Of "T.ia I.UCK of Hoarlng Camp," and tha troublt It mad, aava Anton Ilornun In Hi over land. My own recollection of tb In cident differ llltlt In particular from Mr. Hart . Aa I renumter 11, Mr, Hart and I had both gona with our wive tn Hani Crux for Bunday, Wt often took auch trlpa in thoa daya. On thl Bunday I found in my mall, when tba ataa from Ban Joan cama In, duplicate galley proof of "Tht Luck of Roaring Camp.'' Hurt bad told in th alory before. On proof 1 gave to blm and took the other to n room, whert I naked my wlf to read It aloud to me, Aa far aa ah could go b did, but th itory o af. feried her that ah could not nnmn It aloud and went On reading It to henelf. Then It took II and flnlahed It too. Neither of u had a word of objection to mak, w wer aim tly de lighted with It, On tha following day w all went back to Ban franclaco. On reaching tbt city Hart went to th nrlnter'i and I to th atort, Mr chief clerk, Joph Hoffmann, greeted ma with tht statement that there waa a areat hullabaloo at tb nrlnter'i over th Immortality of th Luck. They wert laying that It would mil th mag aim. To thla I replied that If it kill ed th inagailnt it could do nothing more. Then Mr. llarit came in from tba printer with the . demand to know what I meant to do about t, "Nothing," I aald, "but go ahead," CURE FOR SOCIALISM. Mara Tll flaw lb Kaflltk lpl fti(ly th Itlaaaa. From tb Boat on Tranaerlpt: Join Horn, M, I,, la bumorouly conaclou of tb kindly atrengtb of th method ud agalnat aoclallim in England Talking recently with itveral friend, ba aald: "If you art aoclallat on tha continent you find peopl crying 'Hhoot blm down! In tbla country tbey ay 'You want to manag th world, do you? Well, bere'a a bit of It; try your band at that,' If bt tucceed thejr glvt him a bigger bit, and ao on, till bt la up to hla ara la work and baa no ttmt lo think about revolution. Oh, th HrltUh peopl ar an artful lot! Th difference between Kelr Mar die and me," Mr, Durni added, "la that n want to turn tb world Inild out at on pull, and b goe on itrlk If be'a not allowed to do It, whereat If I can get what I want a bit at a tlmt I go on working." Tb lMffrara. "Tber la a great d of difference. tbt aald, with aurcaara, "between tht way a man part with bli money be fort bt i married and afterward." "Tea," replied Mr, i'ennywlae- "before marriage, when bt give her a half crown bunch of floweri, aha tar Thank you, George Yob art ao good and kind and generoua!' Utit after warda, when bt glvea her tbree fourtha of bla lalary, the merely look hurt and ay, 'I that altr"Punb. tllraC rlagr-nwla. Among tbt many noveltlea In allver la a aet of all finger-bowl with plate of iHver, while the acompanylog bot tle I of cut glaa with allver decoration. .Nut Iv, t mill Miii i tin. a 1 ' I 4 . I i h.i4 j H k a i l it. it r t ml i a i I iiti : il i lt ,.., .. f fit'kiltiiii ' I " I r4 l rt ti ' fc l K l ! i t. I i . . I . r4 I ' .. f t .,. . llf.i ll I I H fl i I . l ' kn't a i n ? n .f i !. I l-l t ! I l i4 o4 lit i an' .!, iwi a m . i-t, lit a) i' l I . ..!,!.. . ,. , r., .at I t i ir la l.ii . .jm 4 a tf-i, it.l-HH it lMi!S lvi! m .. Mt .. I ifc k.l,.f aoMftrt i-4 llifftfti l '! .il . at. i' lit tit hlk Mat lit hutrmlM , ! al tsilmk A M W Hlll!, 1'Utl.ll lll I t .n In. a ki. An., a f SMH-r f Ikdibtrdnraa, lil'lH K .( A It rATTI.H HI I'AMY, i.MAIIA, M HIIAXKA. pirm- lr M, I'M In rnmiillani lih Ha t'nnulte, n Intra Hi Hlal of Ni-liraxkn fur ami w lallr In r.lianra Mh -! umi 11 nl l lmi'ii r I nliili-l .'iiii.iiI,.ii, a. lh iiff-l'li-nl an1 a ti.aliitllv if th lion f. I nf ilril"l. h.n-lir lv tmhllr ti.Hli I Iml all Hie ellln nlila il Tli l 1'itlllR ('iin.lianv ammiiil In lh urn n r nlni-lv-llirv Ihi.ii'ainl one hnn ilie.l ami I rut y and M i ilullara if1- I All Mil. r, II. uavih. rreaidont. w. r. Al t i:n M. V, fDTNKII, tMreilora. t-W 4 rUHOV tlll'll. Ati.irney, iso v, h, li,mk Tilda;. NfiTirK: Null, riiller A ., defend ant. V-iil will lafc not lea thai nfl lh 11 dav or Miilmlir. Wella Pro A IV nil lhl III nf nnrtlrnliira In J.itlia finirt of V. A K"lr a Jimtlr of 'h 'i.ra In ami fur liniiKlaa ron.ilv Nlirniika iiaini vn.i. lh anlil r1ftti1nnl lh nhlnrt ami nravrr of whlrh ar lo renvr liulameni artnl vim for th aum of f-irlv-fn'ir ami ao-lno ititnni ititlra. ioihr w't'i tilrat I hereon from Nm-mli lat I'i7 anil II. ii I nl lh Urn of flltnr of andt MM of nnrili'iilnra lh iilalnlifTn fllil an aftl dvii fur n oril of altachmM a nm. vlilfd hv liiw ami thai anld nnli-r of nt laihmenl waa l.i1 on lh aam iIhv and lvlod tii.oii (prlnln ahr of alm k lo lh llHiim Iron t'limnanv. lha jiropcrly oi yon, in aniii oi-ieiinnnia. Ton ar reiiiilreif In anawer anlil lilll nf narlliiilnr on or liefor the hour of tn a tn. of th lnlh (Iny of Nuvenilier, A. I. I ilia. WK Ml llltim A I'll tly Kilaon Illi-h, attorney, 9 X- i. KfiHuN ntcit. Attorney, It. Hunk IlMif. KmU'K: Noll, Fuller A (V, defend- anla. Yon wit Ink fiollra that on lh 1-t dny of Henlentlier, t'lvlnni Twlf lrl Co liieiironriileil. flliul tl hill of nHrllclilura In Jiinilc r.nrl of V, A. K-ler a Jn- Hm of Ihn l'mrr In and fur fmil Ciiuiilv, Nehrnnka. aaiilnat you. lh a;iM il-fffn1nitia, lh tilrf end nrnver if h i h ar lo r-ovr Inilirmi-nt avnlitt eon fur lh aum of fort v-hI and l-t'i iM!l diillnra. foifelhr w It Tt lntri-i I hereon from Novemln-r tt, lW, nl 7 wr eenl per annum, and Unit al lh time of mine of an Id lilll nf tiiirtli'iilnra lh plnliitiff filed an amdiivlt for an order of nllaelimeiil an provided liy liiw, and that aald order of alln' hrnerit wna leaned on tn mini day and levied niton certain xharea of alrxk In th Itnum Iron Com. miriv. ih properly of you, lha aald il femlnril. Von ar renii rd lo anawer anld hill of parlli-nliira on or hefor lha hour of en a m, nt lh Pith day of Novemher, A. I. tia. Cf.UVKI.ANIJ TWIHT MUM- f'n , I'lnlmin. Hy Kilaon ftlrh, attorney. 9 S) i. w, a. BAtrNnrcn. Marclmnt National Hank Ilulldlng. NOTICE TO NON-flEBIMCNT r EN OA NT. To I'eter llnrkey and Mr, Ilnrkey. hla wlf. flrat and reul niiin unknown, nun reiil-nt i Von ara lu-retiy noilfkd I tin I on lha Kih day of H'l'leinlier A. It, twit, J.inua I llrowne plnlntifT herein Hied hla illllon In lh IMalrlrt t'oiirt of lamala I'oinily, Neliruaka, aicalnat I'eter iuf ky and Mr, Ilmkey, hla wife, Ural and real nm unknown, lha olijeel of whl h la lo for r!oe ona certain lal i-ertiniat dnld Novemlier lot h, laA upon lh following ll. Hi rlln-d real ealale, lo Wit i 'l ha aouth olia-hitlf IH, l-ill or aim lot Ihrea III of till lot ihrea CI) In He. Moll M, lownahlp K, riina II en"l , In ioiiIii Couniy, Nehraaka, upon whhh hei la now on nia aorn in r." won ihi-h.i at lha rata of l per rent per antiunl from Hepiemher th, Nm, for which aum wth iitereat and eoata loaeiner wnn an ailnrnev'a fee amonnllnit In ten per cent of lh derrea, plnlntln" pray for a d. crefl that ha hue a nrt Men upon aaiu rl aalHla, that Ih defendant ahall pay lh an me, and In default thereof thit th aid property ha aold lo aaliarv m mount found rtua. and upon aula thereof th defendant Ii debarred of all rlahl, nil and Inter! In aald real ealale, and for eipillalila relM-r, Von ara alao harehy nolind lhal yoil nd each of you ara raipilrad lo anawar anld in-Ill Ion or befor Ih 7ltt day of Novemher, IK. lotted al Oiniiha, Ntirk, Heptemher '"' JAMKdU MtctWNK. . I'lnltillff. tty W A. Kaiindera, hi attorney, lioc. M, Nn, t: 9 XI I w, A, KAiiNDfcrtn. Merchant National liank Hld. NOTICE TO NON-HEHIDENT I'K- rKNIMNT, To Charlea tloldamllh nd Mra, Ooldamlih, hi wlf. Ural and real name unknown, rion-realdent defendant: Ton ar heret-y nollfled I hat on Ih 2tUi day of 5ptmlir, A. I. IW, Jam I Krown plitlnllff herein filed hla petition In th IMalrP t CouM of lionylaa County, Neliniaka, aealnat Chrla floldnmlih ao'J Mr. foldmllh. bla wlfa, flrat nd rl nama unknown, Ih olilt nd prayer of which I lo foreclna two eer- ln laa eer.incalea each dnd Novem on h f. unon Ih followlna da- acrllied ral !!, and nmounia du I hereon, tn wit: 1,1 on 0 In Mock on ft) of O'Neill a anti-dlvlnlon of fiw' aecmtd ddHlin. litem whl'h Iher I due lha aum of 1147 Jl, and alao on lot lhra W In liloek (I, in fi'Nelll'a iih-dlvlalin of ,w a awotid addition, upon which lh la due lh aum or izt tn an ri wn n i.... .o ,.ui.-l in ri'Nellt'a anh-dlvl- alon of lyiwa'a acond addition to lh clly of Omaha, tvmirla eonntr, Nl' ka. with Intereal on each of aald amount t lha rata of i per enl nr annum from Heptemher. I', for which aum, with In lereat and coala toethr with an attor ney' fe amonniln In ln per cent of th decree, plaintiff nraya for a deer that h haa a flrt nn iinon in r-i e tat. that lha defendanla ahall nay tna aim, and In dcfiiult iheof Unit th aald firowrtv ha aold to llfv Ih amount found due, and lhal upon t thereof lh defendant h dehnrd of all rlehl. tit la and lnirt In l! real ea !. and for other onitlil relief, v,.., ... k.Ku ti,.itfl,wi iht von and each of von ar ronlrd to an-wer anld net It ten or hefor 111 71 h day of Novem her I. rtote-t at Omaha, Nehraaka. ".eptember lln 11 itVKi T.. rnowNf nalnllff, !,. tv a a-.,. .Mo.-,, tila aitoriev r n v,. it a an. i Itiieven ktatcd that Frank Burman UaltoMwaUirroan. We want to know about thli , Frank. Ii it true ? l ( ! . I I - fc fll'f am ini a i I i ... i 1 1 a ... i ... , i i h. ii i a i . -i a- t i ,,i.. a I.I ' . 1 - I ( 1 1 , I 1 1 fc t v.- , .1 . - - 11 hi tI tl l ' I" 1 .: . ...( f I I. t l 'I l 1 ' ' ' 'H i . i , s -h .. i , . h. tt I, r l .1 I'fl In ' I l II if t l. Ii' I . I. I V i ti n t 11 In Ilk t iw jvi, ft'ii i, 1-1 H. r i f imitl l ".11.I l?,llt,t t,-l f' ',!,.! l I'l I , . -1 1 I . t , f fc a . i 1 1 ... .... - 1 1 i, r w i l I H.,i-t f i ' i i inj i-m.i, Ihf i"i' tn n f.M. lit ml i Ht l.i ii.oii -io n ,.n t,f i ia l it it'nt hi la "- t III i; 11- .l it t li H lii.h iofi.iiii'it a, ,t,liig .i it ,1., fe. Ir t,!ft rl 111 Ml. ol I. n M"l ! i r,ll .t r miliilHl fl,.m li'l'MI"! 1-1 l ii 1-i n,itl lh fcimi nl I la toy f.nir and TI l' ( I ,li iImII u i- .i I,, ti in lrili,-f anil nr.initiff rn.u, Miioiilinf iii a poUmeiil in,ile-l t th Hi.l't mitl of a ild Ifcuiylna i iniiiu al ll I kI.iiuii term. A M I'.' In a r.nln a M"H lh n and lht iemin, herein WMer I I hnli't la plaintiff and Alaandr M Jiiliiialon and oiiirta al di fi n.lnnla lumilm Nelika (rptrttiluT fnd la JtillN W M Hheilff nf Donatio, eminlv, Nlirak W A Haiindel. Bllofncy for I'lallll lit, Keel.-r fa Jnlilllo al. l, l.Mke 67, Sn, lt K, I Hm kel V, p Ki. tit. W, A BAt'NtKltB. Man-hnnla Nallonnl ttank tllila. BMKIIIFK'ft HAt.K. tly virtu nf an allaa order of aula la aned mil of th lilaiiici conn fr lion l i-niinty, Neliraakii, and In m direct ed, I will, on th tin day nf ( i, t,.l..r. A. I. lnai, al ten o'clock a ni. of anld di.v, al Ih el fronl iIihii of lh coimlv ennrl hona. In Ih elly of Hmnha lama! Ina I'n.inlv, Nehrnka. aell at pulille nnc lion In th hlirheal hhliler for riiah, the properly deai rlhed In anld order of aula aa follow, In- 1 1 ' four (I), hlock Ihrea hundred and almeen tnpil. In lha orlalnnl plnl nf Ihn city nf Omiiha. aa aurveved piiitled and reenrded and all helnr altni.ted In Iioiir In coitnly, alnla of Nehrnaka, rtiild iiroiiertv lo he aold In aatlafy Hurry J, Twlnlliia:, tiliilntlff lieretn, th anm of Flfly-ala and "n-Pin (l'"nt dnl lara liidatneiil, with Intereal Iherenn al the rut of ten (I'D ner rent per annum from Heptemher J7, l!i7. Ina-cthcr w'lh an attornev'a fee nf llv and 7-1ia (IM7) dot. In rn which anld amoiinta ar a Aral lien upon anld nhov deacrlhed tirotieitv. Tn aatiafv the further anm of flftv-flva and Wl-pm iVil.wn dollar eoat herein. t (tether with aeerultir cnata, aeenrdlti In a tudnmenl rendered hy Ih dlatrlct court nf anld liiiinrlna county, ami nf Nehrna. a. ni ita Hentemiier term A. II. imo, In eerlnln action then and Ihera nend. In, wherein llnrrv .1. Twlmlnar la niiiln. Ilff and th American Nnllonl I'nnl. of iimnha Ndiriiaka. a cornorat on or rmilxed under th Inwa of lh t'nlted Hlnlea. Hiiniuel H f'urtla and Kate lllrd C'uriia ar iiereniinnt Omnha, Nelinieka Hentend-er ?nd. HOT, JOHN W. M'lMlNAMi. HhH(T of lionrhia county, Nehraaka, . a Uniiniler. a'tornei- for rliilntlfr, Twlnlltiir v. Am Nnl. Untik t, al. lam. , No, k, Kn. I p. 212, 1-2-8 W. A, RAtrNDKItfl, Attorney, Merchant Nallonnl flank, BMKItlr"K'B BAt.l-'!, t'nder and hv virtu of an order of ani on decree of force loaure of tan lien la, ailed out of the illatrlcl court for Iotilna Comity, Hint of Nehraakn, and In rna di rected, t wi'l, on th 4th dny of Oclo her, A T l"H, at t o'clock A M. of aald nny, ni ih r.AHT front door of th conn, tv court hoiian. In the cltv of Iimnha tmiialiia county, Nehrankn, aell nf puhlle auction tn lh tili'tiei-l lilddee for eaali. Ih property deacrllH'd In aald order of l a follow, lo wit; l,ol ono tli hlock ona fit, In ttrennnn fine, an addition In lha cltv of Omnhit. aa anrveyeu, tun tiro ami recorded, all alt unted m liourlii eounly. Nedrnaka, Hnld t-roiierlv lo h add lo anllafv Jnmea f lronn. tiliilntlff herein, lha aum of fin Hundred and two flinzw) do. Inra pKiament won Intereal thereon from Mentemhcr 771 h. Ik'i7, at the rata of n (I'u per cent tier annum, toaether with an attornev'a fe of ten dollnra, which amoimla are a Ural, lien on ahova da. a-'HIied nroperty. To !!-fv Joaeph W, Thomn, Receiver or in Mlillnnd llni HnfiK defendnnl herein the aum of Klyhl Hundred and liln nnd llMit n d-i Inra tudvment with Intereal thereon nl lha rate of aeven f7l per cent per tirinum from Heptemher 27t h, 1i7, To antlafv th further aum of Thirty- nva and II I'm ir,7, t dollnra rnl hrln toKethee with accrnlne coat nccordlna" In a ludament rendered l-v Ih dlatilct eolirt of anld llolialna cnitnty, at Ita Hep lemher lrm. A, i 1Mi7. In a eerlnln ne, lion then and lhr nendlnr wherein ,1'irnea I,, llrowna t plnlni'ff and Adeline W, CuPoch and Urine Mcf 'iillnch, her hualmnd and Alfred If, Corn-lock, and ,titi W, Thomna, receiver of lha Mid land Mini Hunk, ar defendant. Imied el fimnha, Nehraaka, Aucuat jinn, a, ii, i,m, JOHN W. M'tiOWAI.n. Hherln" of I lone-Im eiunly, Nel,rnk W, A Mnnnder attorney f-ir riitlntlff. tlrowna va, MeCulloeh t, al, mn , No, 19, 12 8 W, A. nAXMTtEtin. Attorney, Merchant National Hank, giiKnrrrg mi,k, Tly vlrtnei of an order of l laaued out of lha dlatr Id court for Ioulaa couniy Nehraaka, and tn tn directed, f will, on lh lilt dny of neiotiar, a It, l at in n'l, k A M 1,1 anld dav Hi Ih Kaal front door of Ih Court ll'iuaa, In Ih Clly of Omnha Jimmlae County. N hrnaka. aell at niildle auction l-l tha hlah. al hldder for eaah, tha prorierlv de acrlhed In aald order of am, follow, In wit: Th weal Iwenly flv 2f- feet nf lay. lol iwenlv-lhre ism, aeetlon M, town ahln IS rnnya . Iioiiclna Cnuntv. N hrnaka. tielna; Iweplv flv C2f,l fool trlp fT lha wen aid of Ta lot it tn atd In lwi, eniendln from Oreen tor Vttilonl Klreet It lloulevard Htreet AIo a airln or alley Iwelv U2 feel wld from North lo Hotuh. and twenty- five laf.t runulna' from eaal n wat and ahiiltln upon th norm alda of Tn lot aimv-two mil formerly a part of T lo! Iwenlv-lhrea tTii In elon II. town- ahln IB. mora 11 fioueln Couniy. Ne hraaka, helnif lielween th church prop erly and thai owned hy tna carpenter Taper Company, Alao a airlp or alley venty-flve (7f-l feet In lanflh from eaat In weal, and ahuttlnr upon tl Ih oulh aid of la lot Iwelv (?l (formerly nart of la lot Iwenlv-lhre IZ, In aectton M lownahlp IIS run IS, Tioiurlaa couniy, Nehraaka, and lielna iuat aouth nf ih chunh property end north of lhal owned hy Ih Carpenter Taper company, In tha eltv of Omaha, aa aurveyed, plat ted and recorded, all In Houalaa county tint of Netjraaka. H-i id nroneriv in h (old to aatiafy Jamea I,. Drown, plain) Iff herein, lha aum or Knur Hundred and eleven ana s Km nil Mi dollars liidvment and Inter t threon at rata of ten tl'u per cent per annum from Kehrury 7th, iwj To aatlafy lha further aum of On Ifun- nrn enu roriy-ai an-i ii-nw nnniii dollara coat herein. lolhr with aecru- I liar coat, accordinir lo Judgment ren dered hy lha dlatrl-1 court ol anm I onus Ina county, al Ita Kehruary term, A. f, )ii!al, In a certain action then and lhara pendltif, wherein Jame (,. Hrowti la Plaliiilff, and Jeremiah !. Wlho, Terlln J. W'llco. Carpenter Taper Company. corporation ornanleed and ealalln under in law a or ma enaia oi raenraaaa, ami ot her a ara nurennanta. Omaha, Nehrnrkn, Heptemher 2nd. t!ra), JOlfN W. M'IKiNAI.O, flheriff nf Iioio-iaa county, Nehraaka, w. A. Haundera. Aiiorney, Itrnwne va Wlleo at a I. ll,., kel tl Ku. I'll. III Cvtrrtroty wayi . derful modeml d(avery of the K. t'1"" ant and refrelilng to tb laU, aw-l gently and rmaltlvcly on kUuey , liver nd bowel, cleanalnif the entire vt''m. dlanel cold, .u 1....1.. 1,1... ,ai,liiml conal I pat Ion tula ii'wim-iiu, , .. '--' - , , and biiiouanea. I'le buy nd try a bo Ol u. u v;. io-uy ; , , giiarautoeti to curt iy au uruwiiai. vi I I CUT-PRICE 30015S Here's a Book Bargain! Ttvt ol tht iVtl tf Wtght vrt tbie fnt t't fa rmffV fi nlbrf 4 Kiaut lliiiiua 1 W laait III lli.lll Inn.liii aell !., . .0 fnmi they hat lT" a tin Att 't. t ww mm a m I,' IN At " er fill! ka . V eg.aa 1H TJL7 Vik, I J alr anihtaa " r ,aff -- faailnailn aa i liamram. bnnndanf (viaalhllltV, tt ennUlnaavarIM aura, pruned from nw plalea, i aaini lasMTHi aum. th. k. ir. ini.vt.vo. a a r.i an.iaatnro kaa ihi inr lla ailieil anilHir a iiania and (ameorrrlwaitinlliiriila. There la Ru la. k nf thrlllln rirae malic lluiih.nil tha laaik, Th whiil alory haa IK and miaion, pallirtlc and ludli ni altiialloiia lollnw ew h iHhrr In rmirirf aiH-ceaaaai, with happr and aatlafwtwy but ttltluuktvl IwvUaV III. .a laavinaima warn . nn ram au mrar. TIOKIT NO. latAT. By KYKtYN ADAMH. blieniiiri-a "I a rcnina American In Heiloi. Iluw h mad l.'at.MU In three yeaca. and won tha hand uf the fair t arinellta, lif Pi aid of th kat 14647, I a atnuif aturjr uf hacUahly ami (uuU luck, Mul wakat llllerrall.l reanll.i. OR THI DgPINtl. ml n. I. TAMr.nn. Thl la nn of th beat and moat Inleraatln work nf Una fai.iniia author. It la a ili-tectlva and hia atnry, with a deep iyatry cleverly uuraralaHi bf klllful wiak. It la uf thrilling lutercat fnaa lKliiiiin lueiiit HM auaauf clear t pa. fer-NOTU THII l'RICC-On book. All rive bookt, 40 cenU, poitpal4. Thene) neeM urn f r "nnt oah" with poitatfo ttanipe, 1'. O. or Kxpreai money CUT PRICE 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. KliHON It It'll. Attorney, V. ft. ltiiiik Illdg. NOTICK: Null, Fuller Co., defend anla. Vou will Ink notice thnt on tha tat dny of Heptemher, M, J. Nnvlon filed hi lilll or pin In Juallce I'outt of w. A. I'nMer, a Jllallc or III Tello III find for lioualiia county. Nehriinkii, iiaiilunt you, the anld ilcfciiiliirit, tha olilect innl prnyer of which at to recover JudKmenl Rfc-uliiat mi for the anm of on hundred and forty iIHMmi dollnra, loaelher with lul.-real Iherenn from Novemher lli, tm. nl 7 per cent per milium, mid that ut the lime or nnmt or aniii i-iu or pnriiciiiur lh plnlnllff tiled nn nltlih.vlt for an or der of ntliii linu-iil na provided hv law, mid thill anld order of lillnchnient W" laaued on lha anm dny and levied upon eerlnln ahnrea of atoc In the lliium Iron Compiinv, the properly of you, the anld llefend'Htt. you die reoulred to nnawer anld lilll of liiir'leu'nra on or In-fore the h' nf leu n m. of the 1'itli dny of Novemlu-r, A. I. I mm. M J. NAYI-ON Tliitnllff. II y K-laon filch, A Homey, l-m-t, Tht prlent doe an evil day' work when bt g"ti a child to go to tbt paro chial achool. Omaha Express and Delivery Go., J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. M. MAYFOHD too Trtet. Huvln and Itirl.t anoreaa work at raaaon- aha pilcaa 1'iaiio movlnit a apee.lally iliiuaetu.ld naidaatorad, uav:kad and ahluuad. Carry-all for picnic. Office, 410 North 161 b Street. Telephone 1203. The New Union Elevated Loop in Chicago It runs on Van Huren St directly In front of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station Caaaemeri arrlvln In C'hlcaro can. b th aet Union Elevated Toop, reac.b ai y part of lha nltyi or, for a lira cant fare, can he take immediately in any of th larun tt-ore In tin down town d'ttr'cl. All Klvid Train Will atop tt th "lloc (aland" atat'nn. Tralea every mlniita, Tt ea f--ltlea ran only t offered hv th OltKAT IWK'K IMI.ANII JtOUTK." If yuu will nd a I rent ilamp for poataaa Will mall you atom new hlrd' y vie f I hlcayo, Iuat Iraued In A color, which Ji howa you )ut what you want to know alauil t-hlc.ago and Hi new leHipann Klevaied tein, lha map foil iiiould bava whelherou Chicago and lha new Loop and Klevaled ay- 1, in In 1 nut of t vhelhar r frlenda Addra II f nut of tha city tad iert to noma to It. nt whether "U llv In i.lilcayn and you bf four f rlenrtaconleiiiplata maalng a trip. . JOHN BEBABTIAM, O. P. A.. 217 f l li cuo C S 1311 Ml 'iW gk Sttwki Krtf Wrttttrt. t.ifl ier t'l't'i Ovver tail iilli I at ! than n ','.' ifpi aov, ) I Ihcy art vceurt at IA Ctnll fee rof y. J ' ' ctr' tir 21 tent. 1h wholt fh wtvwaa . lof 0 ctnti, fM'P"l- mUl It rJ liKm at ftvt lt a Inllaf. naa-a etaBiMi m, lie ia aa .her r-- . - .... . , - .. .. , . . . , aama ka anaHmeel lhal IHalr ffimhilralhrca amw Bi.. ami whrr etrltia will laaah i,ay an 1 1 v m-ef Kr aea I n. I Tmn. It la In clear, rewtahlatnas en yal paper, ir. anikana-a ant analaiilfail, an4 contain rly tu lata pa. MAM. tty irilMlW WtTff, Ihv nn4 A4t-enlwra aa tjta4 aa4 ava. ' la Wllhmil ttaila lha beat of thla aip wnrka. It I aa .illln, real I -lie and lha aowka f Julaa t a.i.aua II fc( ana rteaia wlta th wimilerful arfvaeiHea j ' ,"ima r.iiaii-nman wn a Tfttatfa Ml ma imHca, rinver aliM-e th data HuhlnaiHi Crui have aw k airwiia ml aLarilln aHmxiliima n MnmfcJ h. all liki ..a rtlaafeafol. Ttilal romanllr laleof the wmtdrfut 10 cental Thre kooka. 23 cental your order. I torn It by elWer, 2 cent order, or bank draft. Addroia, BOOK STORE Wh&fis BHcr Than Qold f Health AUK voi; ltrnkn In Health I Ifao fc tu lilt, V. GEE WO and rar hi wonderful KKMKHIfcH coiapuaed of Hoiifa, Itarlia, Hurta, llnrka, a'd r'lowrra. He ha over l.tim dlff, rent klnita to pra- rlli f rom and rum all manner of I IIHOMO lifaKtl:, inch aa Illiaiiiuallaui.Cnlairh Kidney l.lvar, Iliad iter, atotnach rronlil Aathma, Throat ml l.iioa Trouhlea, liiillallin. Uyaprpala, Mick Headache Kruial Weaaiiieaa, I. oat Mm hood, Nervotia llelollly, and all I'rlvat liiaeaaea. All eaaea guaranteed or tni ney refunded. fiONKII I.TATIO." HlKK. Halloo or wrlta endoalnf al amp for book and blank, Addreaa, on. C. GEE wo, olO-tlOl N. loth t OMAHA, KKIt. . . USE . . BAWERS OELEBPt TED SOAP Ak your Ornrtar foe It and If tie doet not havt It. CUT OUT thli advertlae mont and havt blm order It for you, Wt manufacture tha ft l lowing brandil Pure Family Soap, Floating Sop. Pure Castile Soap, FRIEND " Sawyer's FOR SALE BY HARRY C. SAWYER, ISO ttiuben It., wen ino, PITTSBURGH. PA. H'i'Mtern Jffcntu Addrvnn, Sawyers Soap. 1610 HOWARD STREET OMAHA, NEB. row fnOIAN TEKKI lORV THE CHEnOKEE STRIP OKLAHOMA, FT.SWTH LITTLE ROCK and H0T3PRINGS, ARK Ticket flllM. I, I. drier 13(1 iM Pirn It Qth Mpnln atiift rtltlr,, mill lMNll'rni.( CJ (arf M n 1 H' nl wildf 1 1 1 nair M ttvptt), Atf.Mt ( rrtaiainM fi'" f-vieaFfrtUF Wnitfariaa Wwti mmtf 1 M.wt (M.artl Urmt tiairaniMf , i4-' -fM,' iTOlAV,.::.r'M - - - - " " t'wrMryai ai. run Wl Will SjiIYoo HIGH bnAUt.DllflOLt IBM LIU MORI' THAI AW OTNI eoa.iii ii im YoB6etTliiProfm "JZ B ia airaet fro tea laetatar. 1198 Full ! Lttl' ' Cnl Modit from aia.ot) un. tooo aaooikt tail aver fraia but amo tt your Own prlc- from tlO.OO UP. tpl" uloa el tiaral aaiawlrlaurr. Waakiearbifcatradafcat aywkara without n enl Of montf In Id net, eraaay 'l fraurM abann and Ourntt Tlitm for Two Vrt. VICTOR alaliraeTDIIIII C0Alir. 94. 487. ttl a 297 Mtk ., Cfcletf . tit. ' .t-4a. f-"af 1