The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 07, 1898, Image 5

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li mind ins Hn"H Hint
u in tint i a s
. I-. . a v fc t r'd
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v. . I
. a
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i, . i a i in".
That is the Slogan in tho
Stato.Countyand Mu
mc pal Campaign.
Men Ate lhcl t, vr, Who
Ate Knn t I'rar lhtlU
tator Will t iVfcatcJ.
They Want No Sympathizer
With Men Who Aro Dishon
est In Public Office.
Wo have received tho verbal rtpt'ea
of n viral of the gentlemen meitloted
in our serlc. of questions of Ut week
but we are satUfled that the people
will demand something more than a
mere private atement, and therefore
republish this wetk In order to give
thtae gentlemen every opportunity to
set themselves right before the public
Next week we will have tome polnkd
questions to other candidates:
Gentlemen: Now is the time for
each and every one of you to place
yourself on record before the people oJ
Douglas county as being opposed to
the Rosewater-Moores ring the most
corrupt combination which ever at
tempted to foist themselves on the re
publican or any oilier political party.
To J. II. Van Dusen:
Usually you have been credited with
having a mind of your rwn, but It Is
a known fact that at one period In the
contest you were the choice of Rose
water for the ofllce of county attor
ney, and this fact has laid you open
to suspicion. You will have a chance
to define your position, and If you wish
to avail yourself of the space of the
Atnerlenn WO cheerfully offer It to
you. We also tender space In our
columns to your associates on the tick
etMessrs, Crow and Noycs.
To Miles D. Houck:
You were nominated for the legUla
ture by the Welmter forces, but you
have been a strong supporter of the
Moores-Hosewater machine, so much
so that you are classed as a Ilosewater
man. The voters will require that you
define your position. They will not
be satisfied for you to simply support
Mr. Webster for the United States sen
ate, and serve Roscwater In other mat
ters. Aro you for ltosewatcr dictation
or ngulnst it? The people would like
a squnre-tood answer.
t t s
H, H. Olmsted: You secured your
nomination for the legislature because
of the fight you made against the fire
nnd police commission and also tho
manly fight you made In the Interest
of the farmers In tho Agricultural as
soclatlon cases, and na a result of that
police commission fight the city of
Omnha has had foisted upon It a non
resident for chief of police, In viola
tlon of the letter of the law. You did
not vote for this chief of police, it Is
true, The American does not hold
you responsible for his election, but
what the people want to know Is
whether you have a Itosewaler tag
concealed about your person, which
meana that your vote In the legislature
will be controlled by that Individual
on any proposition whatever. Our col
umns are open to you.
To J. A. Beverly.
Sheriff McDonald Is authority for
the statement that over a hundred pris
oners were voted at the Fourth ward
republican primary for tho ticket bear
ing the name of Frank E. Moores
What did you have to do with thli
transaction? Does this account for
the "flattering vindication" which the
Bee claims that Moores received at
that primary? One other question
Did you go to the Bohomlan Catholic
priest and request him to furnlBb. men
to do street work? Is It not a fact that
you have made it a practice to consult
this priest in the matter of the em
t.t i
.1 t
- '
e !'
-r '.t.i
M t '
1 .. 1 1 .: 1 v it t. .
I t r ).(.! i !. I r
!,: i.nmunl:t t'l
;. in
15, . i r nn i 'tir
fcrard In ri.te niwir - t-. i
Mm a an enemy of M atid -.t
t,.v. ti.n . nt Vofl l"e r
kern lntrlle.1 to expose his tupesrWy;
you he exhausted lb xo- stutlary l
epithet to expn- V"tr dlgot at ht
Impertinent aeauniptlon of power In
republican coitnills. Ymr friend be
lieved that yo were proof against his
blandishments. We are loth to I
lleve otherwise. Hut there are some
tigly stories afloat. If they are true
you will know It. The voters will el
peet an explanation. Our columns aro
open to you. Have you agreed with
Roscwater that In esse of your election
you will not Institute any proceedings,
of any character whatsoever, agaltmt
the convict w ho Is now acting as may
or of Omaha?
To V. I. Klerstcad, Candidate for
County Commissioner:
You hold your office today us a dent-
. v.... I o. r,.. ..f Hi,, eon.
IH'IHI. 1 uu Biomi n" ...... ....
splcuous examples of rtoscwater dls-
loyalty to the republican party. You
- r , x-.... i,,,,.- i,.n
are a iitisrwni.T nin. " m.c .,... i
the messenger boy who has , arr.ed In-
formation, colored to suit Ilosewaler's
purpose, from the court house to the
... ,. , , ...
lice eillioriai rii)in. mm- vine uhi.
always been a Ilosewater vote, J oil I
were schooled In duplicity when yon
were a peanut boy on tho railroad
trains. If you ever knew the difference
, ... ... . ,1 ..... 1
net ween at... wronK. , u...
water training bus destroyed your ca-
paclty to make the distinction, When I
this paragraph meets your eye, you
will smile to know that your charac
. . .. , .... v.... are , wtr,B. .
. t. ... .1.. l.l.n . V, .ul .. In
IHUKI1 UV IHO wen. VI "Wlni; IK I'"""
tic oince; yuu any me piui-ic u 1 1
want It,
Your record as county corn-
mlHslotter bears out this statement.
You were elected county commissioner
when you had a claim against the
county for $3,500 which the commis
sioners had to act upon, That claim
was outlawed, The special attorney
of the board so advised you in
Ing. Your claim stood where over
$100,000 of other claims stood, It was
your duty as county commissioner to
plead every legal defense. But you
did not do It. You schemed to defeat
tho law, and you succeeded, Yotl
were the claimant as well as the Judge
nnd jury. You displayed no modes
ty In the matter. Your flKbt waq
shameful, nnd It has cost the people of
Douglas county over n hundred thou
sand dollars, Then you were a Moores
man, Your vote gave to Moores $1,000
of money out of tho county treasury
hen Moores held In his possession
thousands of dollars of witness fees
and other funds which belonged to his
successor In ofllce. And you knew It,
Not only that, hut you became tyran-
nlcnl and used your power as county
commissioner to discharge the men
. I,... ..I.,. ,.,!
irom mo coiiiiia .oi.p.w,
been Instrumental Inbrlngltig Moores'
crime, to light. One question we wish
to ask: If you are elected county com-
nilssloner, will you continue to be a
low the people to be robbed right ana
left? We want an answer over your
own signature.
To Dnvld II, Mercer,
Candidate for
You have been a Ilosewater tool ever
since you have been In congress, You
became his tool because you thought
he could give you prestige as the rep
resentative of this district. Tho sit-
nation In this camoalan Is changed.
, . . . .
There la the Rosewator parly and tne
antl-Rosowalcr party. Republicans
will make no other distinction In this
campaign. The samo motive which
prompted you to go to Rosewator after
he abused you should prompt you to
come back to your friends. You must
choose now whom yon will serve. Will
, . ...
you assert your mannoou anu yvm
God-given right aa a freeman, or will
you continue to be the ulave of the
V. r- I - t 1 . I.
..... S i .! t a '"'
r.,--. eM tb.u J a
i iw wo s ' '"
.,,-' n-...t nta : l-t
. in'i.mi t t - m
. . . . . i. i ...
h !!! 'l t in !' " j
....tu with H.rslrf , tMtiMns at
ht bfip " '" """" 'K""
uti.t i"t atf .pst'' f lrli r"',r
h'rr tnftmioe tn h"t n
nctint acalnsl M.n Nw I the
.,,-t.tH time, Mr rraiik rr-t d
will te 5ur rampalitn it.wumrnt
tu n yiu i'ne tip assfn You shouM
rltcMwe whom to mtf wlth'Xit fintber
T. conclude, gentlemen, allow it lo!s.tured ituitng Ihflr attempt to ln
' f ' ' . tad- Ktviit under th Kwr NJ"
In. stslrd that The American is nm
sntaiomUIng lo-dny escept In one In- ,,,it,t an, thlmneros shlna i'
stance, the cand.dscy of any of yott. 8hrmeM There they are used lo fsce
. , ... .the wheels usml In polishing steel rut
on any other ground than thai of N ,nrr ni.Prial Is iuslly sat-
H.wewater dictation. The pliitform Is Hfactory ami It would be most dimmlt
Uosewster dictation or no Itosewaler
dictation! 1 he platfoi m Is simpt. . u
Is easily understood. On It you must
i .,i i... ni,.int or mn down In de-
You must understand that the
ticotile are not yet ready to give over
L,H, R(,mnrMpnt of this great common-
wealth to so dangerous a demagogue,
0 vile a slanderer, and so disloyal
lu,.., na ttnui.unlre NOW Is tllO
,n. iini. ., ,. j
time for you to decide whom you w III
nerve the people, or Hosewaler.
Tour, In the Rarity M la
Tho "Soonlo L'no of tho World, the
Denver & "lo Oran !e Ha'lroad Jr.
to tourists In Colorado, Utah and New
trana-cuntlnnni al traveler the grandest
Looncry. Two separate und distinct
routes through the Kooky Mountains,
-U through tickets ava. an e v.n o r.
'i'k ,1 !.,.! Una in Prl mils Creek. tllO I
.11. Ml, WW '
re(llollt old CRmp on earth. Double
jny train sorvlce with through l'ull
n an sleeHsn and tourlsls' cars between
Denver and San Franolsoo.
enverana an rraoo
J"' wa.hlniwtn via the
wDl,1M,n "'n
-uguon umwny. .
Write 8. K Hooper, o. r. r. A.,
- - . ..,..,1 ,1..
Donver, Colorado, lor llluitratod des-
cnpllve pamphlets.
11,111 II GUN EM
Tha buffet-smoklnji-llbrary ears on
UM P. M, train for
n,.n.ea.ndl2!0riA.M.tran for Chicago
... ... ti.
are veruuiu umn uuunu. v..
The smoking rixun Is a brilliantly
Ilghtkd apartment, boautlfully car-
. ... . i i. .. ,i i.,..f.i.,i
putod, finished In oak and furnished
with easy ohulrs, sott'es, card tables,
the currant periodicals, a library and
a writing d tsg. More you oan loungo,
read, write, gossip, smoke or play
card, while traveling at the r.f of Ml
norths, t ckeli and full Information
at Ticket oflloe
mi Faroam HI.
10 ill, and M i mn st
Low Hale tu Omaha Exposition for .Mud
cm Woodmen Bay.
On Sept. 2Utand for trains arriving
In Omaha morning of Hjpt. 22d, the
,;.., iiM:k i,tttnd llouto will sell round
L,, t0 0nmhll( gml roturn,g
.. .. .... .
until ana mciuuing noim. .., '"
,0nt. where one-way rate to Omaha U
w 0 0P , Mto of ess than ono
Toouor o, "
Un fnp ttie r0Und trl Minimum
roun(j trp rB(,a bo II, This I a
, j-,, position, at low rate, and you
inouu not fall to make the trip via tho
Great I lock Island Kouto
1.1 . ......
.Or ravua
gnd full Information apply to ticket
agent, or ad dress
John Kkiiamhan, 0. 1. A.,
, . ,
How Is This,
We offer One Hundred Dollars for any
chso of cutiirrli Unit cannot h cured by
Hull's Catarrh Cure,
I ... , -kky . o .. Vrum . Tuied. o
I vvi. lli iiiiileralKiieil, hiiV known K J
Ci,,,,,, tt ti,., i,.Hi nrten ynra, and b
i. lit 111 nerrnci y nonorauia in an uu.
Iie 1 1 nii.ui ItollH nnd nilMliciully Htiln to
airy out any olilisutloti ml by their
Item. . , ...
Weaf A Trims, Wholesale DruKglsts, 1o-
leilo, Ohio.
Wiilillnir, Kliuinn St Marvin, Wholesale
liriiHKlKt, Toledo, O.
Holl'a Cnturih Cure Is tnken Internnlly,
acting directly upon the blood snd mu
cous surfnees of the system. Tries, 760.
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tea-
. unionists iree.
Sn.Tibii.i for rin r.nta.
Ousmntflwi tobacco hsbit t nrs, msSes weak
(w,,, wow, woou purs. oc. 11. au druggist
t .
i t
. hit I, i'ik , "
t f , i t (
I -
t ...
... t
I h , . . I- 4 '
lie Ht. .-I (i" " at'rl
u ii ! )n itnW'i'H In ' ''
N .'.-. 'ff S !. -''
' t n -1, .1 ti nipt'" j'"
H , l m ..;, m ti !'(
i , 1 i i 1 1. t-t f!im th I'
lo.t t
..,( 111. ar,l. ti I M t t bWntmk
sii.t tt. .,,, 1tn titar Attiin
nh. . if In tnimr" lal t"
am nl for h.iI.mi.Iv .t(IT"l'iv pilf
1 tir ai!!. , .. .lie "
Vliti-.l that ih. tr eKIn ni w mi'
Into fsn.lald for litHe atJ aJsmnaK
wtil for t..nlt In the HiitB
the ate atou Klttfil lor the aaVe of
tli. Ir hi.tris, w hl.h are nm-te tn'o Msn of the dervish shields
; tWM. The el
to find a substitute. The rhinoceros
rMnmtrM Now that thla e-
r)w , ,X,,rt the black rhinoceros of
rent rat Africa Is Med for the purpose
........ ... i. .Mrk skin.
u " . ,.e . the
. . r , 1V(1 Africa. It Is In
Yiiiirii in uifi iniiti-'ii
great demand for making the round
ahle .1. u- ne - "
Pllllillin. f iiM' "
yields eluht large squares, each 01
which Will lURke 8
rounn siiieni i"
fflch Of these
""'"m'", Is worth
.2 lllH Mn wm.n acraped and poi
lulled i anmliranstiarent, Use
- v.i u 11 h nl
-m Tnl vI,S a. ma
-htei.i.. on It Is eiiuiilly hard
I,,,, ,)glipr rhnK whlln lh- Bonlh
.,.,,,, , .r,iffes are killed off to supply
ar hunted to provide
Arab with shields,
fart nf the (oiinteiianea Which I'iMliits
Ilia Mont.
Mn t,r nf tho human countenance
engage, our attention so frequently as
...... . - Mllllh.
ly. When face to face In conversation
' . . fc . tiua-althotigh,
" . very oulck-
- -".""-.Itoti at
ty itiaen oy iiiij u,... -
the eyes of the person wttn wnum
wm nr. sneak n. Bo mucn is uns uio
.... thai li. nf manv ueaj neo-
" ' . . a .
pie of watching tha mouth always
strikes us as peculiar. In fact, one
"" ...... ..." -
naiiHllv feels that there Is a sense of
Incompleteness In tne association 01
- . . ....... i
mind with mind by means or conver-
antioti If there Is not a continual In-
terchange of glances making a kind of
running commentary on tne woros
The same mny be said or
ordinary grecuns ...... ' '.
shake hands; unless there is at tne
same moment a meeting of friendly
hioks the ceremony loses much of
1 -I Vfui u.l.a lal iitflff tl I ft PflM.
mean ng. n.- '",'""
I liniini nie.iom u. .v. " i -
k()()(( ()f ()m(11 ,lltPri.()rHP? .flrt-
y, o doubt, It Is attributable to cer-
(, ., (H a m()rn lrll(,fii exponent of
the inward Ihotighla than the toniiue,
"""'""J""; " ' , " ih
IfiM-lliy ' " -
but to conceal them, wn look to the
eye for confirmation or the revirse tor
what our ears are taking In.
Howard OffeVart for Hie Hii'lln t, It I MS tha Hull.
Illchitrd Htell of Kant Itahwny, a
few ditys ago was made the victim of
g bunco game" In Itahwny, described
by the New York Tress,
Hit saw a
n. thru, , glopH t at
,, .eart hing on bis hands and knees
In the grass. The man explained he
had been throwing at the birds
nt( )n rt()n a0 R vslitable dlHtiond
rnB had slipped from his flngeM hey
searched without avail until the stiatt-
n,e that If the ring were found ho
wwhl V0 fr U return, nd left
1 " '- - -1
. i.un anil minimi n hlit.l In tr.httiv
I .f,,... ... .,,,,if l,vn III. minAv Utell
wus searching twenty minutes later,
" "w """
when a shabbily dressed man came
along and asked what was lost. The
stranger started to search, and In
few minutes exhibited a ring snd said
lie hud found It. It answered the de-
scripuon and Mr. men onereu 10 turn
$10. 1 his was refitseii and the offer
was incressed to tiu, which tie-
rented, and the man went awsy. Mr.
fitell took the ring to the hotel, where
he found the man whose card be bail
was unknown, and that the rlna was
worth about 75 cents,
Ati.ent Mliideil
(Isrrelt ' Eaves Is a very absent
minded man." Bellar ' Why so?"
Uarrett "There was s burglar In his
room the other nlnlit and he was
awakened by the noise. "Is there any
one In the room? he queried. 'No, sir,'
replied the burglar, -texcuse me,
Imagined tnere was, ne sam, ana
' turned over and went to sleep." Tit
- ' I t . mi 1
I-imi'MH v 11. lftl 11V, I
i . .,t a,,i ta l"t
." I
,. . (,.. w.-t
,.. ... ,,...(, i.s ! m
...111.- . . I W H
, , .. ..' ! I '
., ,i ...
I ,.' . , t, I K. I te i i
i- ,v . t Ik ' k '
i f ih' lH
... s ... A.t.f . ta kis .' '
.).. f. lxw.. -Is II t. t l ' ''"
, -. ,.,..! ihing etl. ! '
. nf t. t l .M " ' . . !
..... i le h nf ih " ' ,,v '
ii. i , f ) i i in. t ' 1
, . in t. ii in t.- I-i t' 'ee on
, . ., ,)! ... cmse.t . h a
. . ( hhi 1 lie tiii mi l pie
.1,1 i inn )e aere ' ' ,m
i i. nn. ihnt tt tti itii
d i
.11... .hr.l llo irh'iMa
(i i '..i n.1,1 to make II" ii
i. ot a-
lr l II e
,.f Wi.V.nt-
I ..I. .!
.i. h old fji.hlvini' I i"'k
l I.
ni l will tie .oili tt 'i"""'
i ...,i,!.d r astute thm l, " I""", a hotel lolii.v. and he related an antna.
iiioti frtiiml in mii es sll oer thann , lU,, n, (MT,re. In
i Kintt). Heal dlsm mdi that Is, th.i r,,,, Wlf.n , .i,,! nitn hrougai
t,,ig In their B4tiual tte. are merely. j, for MJf n,.nw,, lb rharg
i;ie .-r df of this pure carbon.! .,,1 ,n, , n. ,t)itement "Tta
f a t
mad tiv a i.i.i .. ah ch Is mip'e'i ,
lue oniipie.l insiiy millions or years.
Ihe ltiiiiir carbon irf commerce win
tint make diamonds of any sl and
s!ne, thst fact IM keen abundantly
pnmn Hut lr. Johnstune. adopting
ns'itie's methml, proposes to turn out
stores which will vie In putlty and
testily with th .se of the fields of fou'n
Allies and w.tlch all! compare In sl
with Hie famous gems which glow In
the crowns of emperors. Fur this pur
pose he Intends at an early date to
Ho tu Mngsrs Kails and furnish titers
a laboratory In which he can utilise.
the Immense electric current given by
the water power. He will require at
leal nl thousand volts of electricity
to crystallise the carbon, and that Is a
poa(er no easily go ; " I
cept st Niagara, fhe pure rai
I n , t,Z ' n Si,... of a task when the night Is rotpresslv,
lltle. and can U purchase,! cheaply. ; "X warm, but If perslnted In Is fairly
With this csrbo,, and this Intmnnaa ' to relieve tha l hyp;'-" J
power f eleclrbl.y st bis hand Dr. brjtln which "vcryday oik cal waka
Johnstone stale, that he can so crys- fulnees. The trick, of the sleepiest to
t,,MI.e the first that he can turn out Induce sleep are many, but '"
wiihln a few days a stone that nature found to be more Immediately tfflr.
could nut fashion In millions of years, clous than this plan of f'-ng tha
The dlain.mils which will come from lungs to lake the burden off ti brala
this laboratory will he of great slss,
for the doctor expects to make them
fnnii the sire of a pea to the bigness
of the great Kohlnoor, the most famous
gem In llis world, As the value In-
cresses with the Increase In slse, tha
fortune which lies In tha grasp of the
maker of such gems I more easily Inv
.,,.,( nnn rounteil, Ten such dla
monds as the Kohlnoor would make an
Immense foriune for any man, and to
,m ,,!,. ,0 irn them nut at piaaaura
u a ,hlng almost beyond the belief of
ih. hnnun mind. The doctor does not
,n .em. bv tha whole -
, .
snis. i nat pun woum oin.uirn ...
miirse! ami tiiina ' ""
I.. i . tf. it.h.lj l NtaLa
i tie sem insisntt r. in minim m '
i . .,
nne, large stones snu utspnae m uie.
I one st a time, so thst tha market and
price will continue as now
;,1,iir..i.ieric. Now a rad.
vi.., .iiii.ii i lie iluva of our crest-
rMn,Jn,(hi.r has so much handwork
(he gown of
u ,,. ,,tllf .,.. ii,s
(OHilltiess of tha newest rrocsa
H)) pm,iro(,.r olm f the fa
,Pin.mlns this year, and the
j ralmrntfl designs are all worked by
I .
llodices Bra one ot tne inmiiona
,)(()r ,, V4,ry vnmrntn Uny .a.
,n ()1 ..j t0 ,n0 fouriilat Ion by
- fl(lrt ,f th9
. , worthy Its price the jeweling Is
K,, ,mM(, W()rk
. r':..! ! . i
l en Willi apilliai'-a lin.c inni i, mmw ...
,,..., w.)lk in faahlon. for each swingle
jlM)) wrA by hand
There are more tucks used this year
thnn for tminy Benson. pst. They srs
fine, ilalnly tucks snd are the work of
delicate flutters, Many of the little
French bodices are entirely of lucks.
Tucked sleeves are also much worn,
Not only are the sheer fnhrlra tucked,
but many of the heavier materials.
Hemstitching by hand Is also much
the vogue-New York World.
The lleallhle.1 land,
The most healthy region In the world.
,0,.r,ng ut a (Jertnan statistician. Is
, niHkau fenln-ul-ir. There were re-
t,,,niy D7.1 p-rsotts over 100 years old
)n Hrvtti j.nsi In Koumanla, snd 3,s3
Knrbt, tiuiklng 5,f.42 centenstliins
wlth ihiriy-elsht millions of piipula-
tlon( ,,m(s w(.r, 0niy 770 over loo years
1 nr nae in rininn, wiiii na niiii 11111
.. ,.. ... I... 11
I., n.n. .. .. i .. ... ......... ., .......
lions, Olliy nun m " iimn, wnu
nfly illluns, only 7S. Nor In the ll!
hHn i.,,nauH does It seem necessary
t0 Pon.der a eenlenarliin as on the ex-
a .-,,.. VI..B of f,, fur of the Hftvlan
Ltnnrlsns, 2!0 were between lu a t I
,,, v,.Bra old. 113 were between 115 sinl
)2r n i,etWeen 125 and 135, snd three
.,,,. , .n(1 t,0 years old
sintnint i mi
I Cltlzeti-tir'-at place, tnis town o
ours, ain't It? Traveler all seem to
like It. Visitor (enthiisliistlctillv )
should say so! Why. you've k"I cIkIii
een lines of railroad that a man c;n
get awsy from It on!- Boston TrmU
lr lil.illv I lie (llliir Wmv
"Hulmv sids he made a filctnily r.,1
"Bobsy sii)s he made a friendly
on yov, )HHt evening, major.
"Nothing friendly about It. lie cnilc
imy fuj jian(i with his four nines 1.
neiwpnt wav with all the money In
aouse."-Detroit Free Press,
ti,ilii Ma
, n H Ih ,1 l. .4 . 1 .. t n a
' i . t if - .t..H M '
. IS ! i . 4 i (i t rt .l ! t"1'
. . i l. i 11. lkm i ." ''"'a
.) .... ii . . . t h N-t a"t
. . t, tli t, (i ltd saok1
1 'Ml . . 1. 1. t p he . aa
it , i.t t.it4 tt t- a l 'nrt,'a
i, . . I... i, , l t.t th t.-ma
' i. k. t !ri k t. sp 1 hra
' f ,.P In. M,r lit
I thf l.,,te it t, J'l.t mukrd h,' 1 he tn
'kn..h.r hour It wrul from plae
' 1 1 nil at lit the tkres t aed pn'
' i M . i a. ie I ri.M fm i l' e Ota
i . .. . . . . i ..i.l .IM
.us ii nf nm i u ii nonie pn. ---
h'a fe ' 111 I ttlrd to sprttd rtnliar
t ..... . . .
' krpi rne there f'r i"
M..s Well ttlta l
A oa judge aa falling amnea of ! alnai John Jones," wan
read In a loud voice, the colored ma
eyes bulged nearly out of their eockata,
and he aeemed perfectly overcome wltfk
terror and astonishment. When
waa asked If ha had anything to lay.
or pleaded guilty or not guilty, M
gasped out;
"Well, yo' honsh, ef de whole itata
o' Iowa Is agin tills one port nlggar,
l's swine to give up right now." Chi
cago Journal,
Nlnipla f'ara fnt In.omitl.
A physician quoted by the llostea
Tramtcrlpt says that acute Insomnia
may be promptly cured by the practloa
of deep breathing. Draw Into th
i i ... -. .. ,ll.l. nA Al
, ,,., t , Bn(, lh
B,(w, ,t , mittwmM
and nerves,
A Happy Thiitifht.
Treasurer llelow Par Itallroad Lai
mo heln you to some more of the
money, First Director- No, thank you.
1 have all I can spend without attraet
Ing attention. Treasurer-I'ermlt ma
, Hticoud Director No, No!
Thanks, no. I couldn't carry another
( r,nt- pocket all bursting now. Rama
wh , , ()lh(,r.. Treasurer (la
what shall I do with all this
" T V... ....... ,, h for tha
' ? " 'T
sinsina iiiimi, rn ..........
meditation)-lly Jovel I nave m
11'. declare a d v dettd.
A Watch on If nrrlrenas.
Much Interest Is expressed In tha
project of the weather bureau to estab
llsh a set of ten or more ststlona la
the Caribbean Rea. The central station
will be In either Jamaica or Cuba, and
the series will extend as far as tha
coast of Booth America. The flerca
hurricanes thst sweep up the AtlantlO
coast along tits gulf stream original
In the neighborhood of the west Indlse,
and It Is expected thst these new ta
Hons will prove most effective sentinel
posts to forewarn mariners. ('Hiiimn In the World,
The largest cannon In the world was
taken by the British when India waa
onquered, The cntiiion whs cast about
the y sr 1500, and was the work of a
hlcf tunned Chuleby Koomy Khan, or
AhntedniiRg'T. " be Inside of tha gun
Is fitted up with seals, and Is a favorite
place for Btltkdi officers to go for
quiet noon-day smoke,
Tha Nlains nf Madrid.
Mudrld abounds la slums, which are
even greater eyesores than those of
Whltechtipel. There are labyrinths or
narrow old streets, bordered by the
most uninviting hovels, snd from the
somilor of these abodes spring the
components of ferocious tnons wnicn
srs the bane of the city.
I'arla Sewn. a farm.
The sewage of the city of I'arla) is
now being used to Irrigate an Immense
farm of nearly four square miles' area.
It hss proved such a benefit to the laud
thst farmers In the vicinity, who op
posed It, are now anxious to arrange to
receive sewage on their own farms.
Tha Two Mldaa of a faen.
Tho Herman biologist says that the
two sides ef a fare are never alike; In
two caeca out of five the eyes are out ot
line; one eye Is stronger than the othsr
In seven persona out or ten, ana the
rlnht ear Is generally higher than the
A Venerable I'leea of rornltur
What Is probably the most venerable
piece of furniture In existence Is now
In the British mueetim. It Is tha
throne of Queen lliitsu. who reigned
In the Nile valley some 1,600 years be
fore Christ.
.it' . nt e- ,!.
Niitrlilea lneraln Yearly.
The number of suicides throughout
the world ts 180,000 yearly, and Is oa
the Increase. The greatest number
happen lu June, the fewest In Scptem-
Thmiaandth Tart of a Second.
The celebrated watchmaker, Lobaer,
of Berlin, has perfected a mechanism
capable of measuring and recording tha
thousandth part of a second.