The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 07, 1898, Image 3

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rotilc rhtt, ttux wa.
aa 4 ) . W.
( tatat.t
rt tfc W at "4
- t-. niktit t. .
rt alrt " M . f a ,!-
.Va it. t a-t if Hfl
!' . ! I . . i. i M a i
), Vviut ttM - in P.lin hi In
tfc i.iilvr it t. , I a fttkh
l i I I!-. . .1 ,, t. l,i lata
I m i f tn iiii nn ih
rtl ! 1 1 ltln..ii I (rtrj. 4 una. iUi
l tlt!fi! tat MM I-tr.ft f jr
AuM tan MuUtiin, h,i u aa ' a
lit'ii-., tr ih- i .iri .f tn t i
art A ptrpatlna flu mnnnutn
liar I a rratina aftrt ri In lh
fc.1r. aviioV li a aii.l and a 1 h t n it 1"
Aunt Bhmb, i lh 'il)'l iww
f Inltrtmt, town, th war Anj uf
yor f"la at lh frm, Aiti.l
I lhqulil 'Nun u my n k'nf!fc
U, but Baray Jm-aaon' boy la, and
ftrr li tiioul a llrr In ma.' 'I
uppoee you ncrf won lad a ix,d ilral
about hlitt during tht fUhtina. I afore
fUntlaao, wartn't ynuT I know hnw I
felt about a brttthrr I hud with th
rough r liter. It li a tarrltl atraln
on paopl at horn to havt to alt ailll
and wait, vrry tnlnuta atprtllni to
hear that lhay are allied or badly
hurt.' 'Y.' h replied, rather hes
itatingly, "thata mighty bad and un
comfortable, but 'twan't that what
worrlae me to much about Haray'a boy
aa hla romln' homa after the war's
over.' 'How do you mean?' I aaked,
puttied past understanding, for tha
boma-fomlng aemed to ba tha moat
Joyoiia part of It. 'Wall, you ,
Jeems Is far all the world Ilka his
pappy wm one ur thesa hare good
natered men that everybody llkea and
la ao all-fired popular that they ain't
got no time to 'tend to their own boat
neee. Jeemes' pappy went Into tha
laat war and fit like wild cat, and
when ba come home tha people run
him fer the leglslater and alerted him,
and be never wui wuth ahtirke frum
that day till they burled him. Jeemes
baa fit just Ilka hi pappy dona, and a
constable told me t'other day that they
wua goln' to run Jimmy fer the leg
lslater shore shootln and he'd
weep the county Ilka a whirlwind,
and that's what skeers me fer Jeemes,
Politics la a heap sight wuas on a man
than war.'"
With a Mttla lnali (later Fitter
taliiment Maf Ita Arranged.
If you have a veranda, a quarter
acre of lawn, and a social debt, these
hot days give a porch party. It Is An
llghtfully entertaining and distinctly
new, says the I'hlliidelpbla l're. Make
It a musical evening, and In mo a cou
ple of friend who can play a bit on
the banjo or mandolin and sing. Card
and progressive conversation aro oth
er clever Ideas, On a tablo In om
corner of the porch have gTicrou
pitchers of Iced drink- 1emonad,rap
berry vinegar, etc.-and keep them
well filled throughout the evening.
With the beverages offer tliln and
wlches of graham bread, with rheww,
chopped nuis, olive, or a mayonnalsed
lettuce leaf, Mltle home, muilit apongi
cake are nice by way of an additional
dainty, or thu menu may conalst of gin
ger al, cracker, cheese and salted
almond. The bonbon dlh never oe
wrong at a porch party, Date, stuffed
with marshmallowa, are new sugges
tion for filling K, These dainties are
easily dona at horn. The stone of the
fruit I dug out wltlr a knife point,
and Just enough of the marabmallow
put In to take Ita pliic. A porch par
ty for a dozen friend need not cot
more than a couple of dollars-I'l at
most. It I an economical a well a
a delightful way of bringing one'a
friend together.
There I an AldimUnt Crop Once In
The season when olive are plen
tlful I called by the contadlnt
"I'anno grusw," or the ffct year;
Uie other, when they are scarce, be
ing "I'anno mngro," or len year,
aay Chambers' Journal, In the month
of Hep) ember tha fruit begins to turn
a bluish Itliick, but It I not fully col
ored till October, It l often attacked
by "in 1 1 maggots, such a are found
In cherries, and often It fall from
the tree, but, though the ollv are
partially spoiled, thy ar picked off
tb ground and an Infelor kind of oil
I made of them, Tha longer they re
main on the tree the better I the
quality of oil they produce, In other
parts of Italy they are seldom gathered
before the month of December, but on
the coast of Borrento It I generally
necessary to harvest them earlier. In
Jfi97 the crop wa abundant and prom
ised well, but, owing to the want of
rain In August, the fruit became dry
and ahrlveled, and when the heavy
rain came In September much of It
rotted and fell, and most of It had
to be gathered before It was entirely
spoiled. In such a case the end of Oa
tober will ee the trees entirely de
spoiled and the fin" rop will bring In
a poor harvest and produce an Inferior
quality of oil.
LiMtomutlve I'affa,
Tbe cough, or puff, of a railway en
gine I ffua to the abrupt emission of
wuxle team up the chimney, When
moving alowly the cough can, of
course, be heard following cah other
quite distinctly, hut when sp"d is put
on the puff come out one afier the
other much more rapidly, end when
eighteen cough a second ar produced
they cannot be, separately distinguish
ed by the ear. A locomotive running
at the rate of nearly seventy mile an
hour give out twenty puff of ateam
every second that la, ten for each of
Ita two cylinders.
IH low t'Hut ft J
Mat I- !
Hfca . Vt-Hit t lh
lM la I imm t will
i'n-tf ft (.t.t f tfc' '-
I ni t t i i nil ., ,ii utiie .
! '( 11 I h ll'l U "l t '! '
ifttiiia-f niilkr ln,ii. ,h
,.,! in.i.1,., (. tH h-n lii
.mmIIdio!- li',.!, I f!i la th
a' A Itillrt tik l Mi In the Ihlth
a'( i(i h Nit a th Mt-e, lin
tain in it ami bl.l the it. ntem
tt atalii liim'.il lli- 'l
illlirt,. an, , itmitli l til H-
I I I In- tei In (If In i -I if the
tnMni ailinilal I'tlil tulm M"l
tha A f 1 1,1 itaait-,1 up and audi nlv
I'taln) lH4 the trnl. .i,llna llillleen
ahula Ibrmtsh the iatiaa N. Ibal
MUtbt ha Inn a erv ilmtinhlna
i iri uiimtani e and al't to litlerfeta I' h
tha ritnl tlli at Ion uf tha aareptle
ftm of tutftr. And whal hacpelted f
Nothing 1 h iieriiun weal on and
was aa aiirceiiafiilly inmptrled aa II
thir waa no Afrldl ulthln MO mllea
Aa usual, have many etamplea of
gnat iieraonal brevet y and devotion ta
duty In the rnlilal i f danger, riitrgeon
('apt. Ileyu arreatnl imnrrliae under
a hot Or and fir William ltckhart,
speaking of the Incident, said that no
on ever better merited the reward of
the Victoria cross than h. II got
emtilng; but that la another dory.
Another medical officer greatly dis
tinguished himself. Burgeon Mailt.
Lieut, Ford waa dangerously wound
ed In the shoulder. The bullet rut the
artery and he was bleeding to death
when Burgeon Lieut. V. Hugo came to
hla aid. The fire waa too hot to per
mit or light being used. There wa
no cover of any eort. It was at the
bottom of the cup. Nevertheless, the
surgeon struck a match at the peri; of
hi life and examined the wound, The
match went out amid a splutter of
bullets which kicked up dust all around
but by Ita uncertain light he saw the
nature of the Injury. The officer had
already fainted from loss of blood. Tn
doctor seized the artery and, as no
other ligature was forthcoming, be re
mained under fire for three hours hold
ing a man's life between hla finger and
thumb. When at length It seemed that
the enemy had broken Into. the camp
he picked up the still unconscious offi
cer In hi arm and, without relating
hi hold, bore him to a place of safety.
HI arm wa for many hour paralyzed
from Tamp w'th the effects of the ex
ertion of compressing the artery.
That Olit Horf A limit Oh 1,1 a Attributed
t Her.
Poultoey lllgelow, who remark that
aome of tbe o!dler who sailed for
Bantlugo In the tranMporl axked hlrn
what the war wa about, Is the gentle
man who went to school with tb em
peror of fjcrniiitiy and wrote a book
about the potentate, miys the Louis
ville Times. His mother was noted
for her frankness of speech snd ec
centricity, and at on time when her
husband occupied a dlplomntlc post In
Franca the Kmperor Napoleon III,
pluced the Imperial box at his rilxpoxal
one evening. For some reason or oth
er the itlgclows could not attend lh!
opera, so Mrs, lllgelow sent her ser
vants to occupy It and caused thereby
no little upheavc In diplomatic cir
cles. It wa this lady who called on
"Oulda" at her villa In Florence, When
the servant took In her card Mr,
lllgelow overheard the aut borer say
ing: "No, will not sea her. Tell her
I have no use for Americana," Where
upon the caller wa wroth, and, walk
ing Into tbe room where "Oulda" was,
she exclaimed; "Won't see Americans?
Why, rnlws, we arrt the only people
who buy and read your naxiy books,"
Instead of getting angry, "Oulda" wa
delighted with the freshne and au
dacity of her caller and begged her to
coma to the villa a br guest, for sh
would Ilk to make a study of her,
Mr, rtlgelow declined.
6,212 TONSi 3.877 FEET.
iMfgt a4 nescient Train and Strurif
aat l,eomlle,
Kuropa has been profoundly Impress
d by an event which paused almoit
unnoticed In America, Thl wa lb
successful run of a railway tram
three-quarter of a mile long, by far
the longest and heaviest, on record.
The train ws run from Alloona to
Columbia, over (he Pennsylvania, rail
road. Its total length was exactly
3,77 feet, Its weight behind the len
der was f,2l2 ton, or, Including tender
and engine, M''" ton, There were
1,10 Open coal car. They weighed
1,(19 ton, the coal weighing 3,0 ton.
A delivered to householders In Nw
York and llrooklyn It would be wortn
117,641. The engine Itself weighed on
ly 1J ton, llesldes It tender, It
pulled more than forty two lime It
own weight, One englneei and on-!
fireman were thu enabled to do a aiu
pendou task, Hut few trainmen were
necessary, owing to the us of air
brakes, Bitch a heavy train would not
he profitable for short hauls or for
runs Involving many stops, as the cot
In time and coal of starting and stop
ping would be ao grest, In Kugland,
however, and on the continent even
freight trains are always short, one
engineer and one fireman doing per
hap a quarter of the actual work per
formed by the battery of engine No,
872. Olant H 6 c1.
leioal atntnaa l.l Pari,
Pari I capricious even In the matter
Of her public statues, which are being
constantly dethroned and others act up
In their places. The deposed ones ar
stowed away and there are yard at
Auteull full of them. A for tht street
i their names, of course, change wlib
' every change of wind.
A wOM AN ) I OV f,
I., lira tim a I i.ate"'l
te .Mm tih
t r ,)! . ti at i a tile,
n i - .it.M an tiniiUi-iii m la iM
! , u la Ih I h fci,t
- i ) n M hi a I lit
i.i, I t'f q n, it-id a .1 1 1 tM tie
I l t I !., r 4' tH I I t IH I ! I
i "i i ir me lir tiii lux ii I.
1 ! t. al tinn !('' Ihi-tst
Mm Hh th Ib .ia ii i .' pi-rhap
I f n i mill t in u . i li u h, tmi hi I ,
l4l III ih lt.Hh lit hl lliill la llll,'d
"M h ni in Im a thai mat I,- j ili S' in l.
t t hS line tti an au'eiii. inat iin
.( iIIih and a'at'ii ''" aat
I I i iifiM lirlar ' ili'H , ll U'lia.
(lulling lit lrl l, mil. i t lie l
hi'J ate 1i Itie bin llirr dii'llMa
te timer ae) dentinl lhe nulla mi
ti in Ilia inn ni ti, iii.iii U thai ao
ii,i i all Imeia ihe la iMituijipy and
he ilma hut hnnw ah. th I da-
iHindetii, lull rannul difliie In her-elf
ue fur hiiirlnnc Bh la wnund
ed, but la utirotiai inn of what hull
her. H lie feela that her aoiil ha gut,
mil In her hive; thai she mual hava
It back, hut that If II la glien hack
he moat die. Bbe Is ao happy and aba
la an sad, Hhe feela lhal aim Slid her
lover are all In all to ea. li other, ex
cept that she may mt he all In all to
blm. Hti la devoted to him, but la he
devoted lo herT And the man, having
no umlrtandfng of her conscience
neaa, almply heralea hlmaelf for having
at aniiie time, tomewhera, In aome man
ner, done something to wound the sen
sitive nature of thla dear girl. Or, not
being able to find any solution of the
trouble, he early comes lo resolving
every shade of difference through the
broad general principle that all women
have their mood; that such mood do
not really betoken dlmlnlshrnent of af
fection; and that annoyance of thl
sort are part of the penalty that man
ba to pay for the happlnen of love,
In the matter of love men and women
teem to be essentially different, Man
alway show an abounding Joy In be
ing loved. It la never perfect hspplnes
to woman tinlea she ran mingle at
time with tht assurance aweet, gen
tle melancholy, springing from doubt
which, If called to answer, she would
Indignantly scorn and deny, Bo It
seem evir lo have been, and probably
It will ever be, so long a thl sweet
Ir.fluence, love, Impels men and sofien
women. Perhxp thl enhance the
pleasure of love, John Keal, with
everything of beauty (hat wa to have
been to him a Joy forever fast fading
from hi vision and hi fleeting breath
almost ready to leave hi dying body,
left, nearly a hi last word, that
hi dearest hope of love wa of a
"wrel nnrest."
Temperatnre of the Polar
Borne Interesting leotlflc fact have
been gleaned during the Nansen expe
dition, During the earlier part of the
cruise the llor had some rthr live
ly experience with bear and other
animal. North of degree, however,
they found no sign of animal life,
Tbe theory Is held that If one penetrat
ed sufficiently far he would come lr
dry land and an open sea, Thl theory
was based on the theory that bird have
often been seen flying directly north,
If Is supposed that these bird may
have hem thrown out of their course,
and became confused by the heavy
wind of that locality, Another Inter
esting discovery Is that, Instead of land,
the depth of the water Is greatly In
creased and the variation In (he e
temperature were remarkable, 'fh
lead reached the depth of over 3,000
(fats) MnMiee,
Owing to the Increased demand for
India-rubber, caused by the use of
pneurnatln t're for bicycles and other
vehicle, there la said to he aerlou
danger of a "rubber famine," The
method of gathering India rubber Id
tropical eoiintrle ha been etceedingly
wstefu because the easiest way, that
of cutting down the trees, ha Um fre
quently been adopted, The search for
substitute; ha resulted In making
known the virtue of a Booth American
tree called the balata, Thl abound In
Hrltish Miliaria, and the rubber pro
duced from If, while not possslng
the eleefrle. and aome other properties
of caoutchouc, I said to answer very
well for mt of the ordinary purpose
of India rubber.
Hurtling Hun Wotea,
The novel s .ectaele of steamer
being stoked with bank note was i.
cently witnessed at a Mediterranean
port, Forty five mcM of the ; p new
ly valuable paper wer lor d into
the furnace of the vesd boiler tin
der the longing eyes of the stokers who
stood restively by with an erldfit y
burning desire to poe themself of
at least a handful of that which they
somewhat Inelegantly efyled "rum
fuel," The note were cancelled doeit
meni of the Hank of Algiers whose
manager superintended the operation
of their absolute combustion,
Her (niilatnl,
Druggist -Yea, madam, I remember
very well your buying a stamp,
Lady-Well, I put It on a very Im
portant letter and posted It, ll ha
not been received, I want you to tin
derNtand that I shall buy my tmp
elaewber If tht occur again, Tit
llli. Iriinliln Ahef,
Johnny-Ma, do you b liv In
ghoets? Ma-No, Johnny -I does,
U -What makes you think so? John
ny A man at pa lo meet him down
toan t'Milghl and pa said be would if
bi could gt away from tu old spook.
-Cleveland lender.
About 3n0 orn grlndera errlva In
Indon every June from Italy, and
leave ariln about October,
Ik tea if that Mffl latr,
I i n ri al Mii i ,,( 1 1 li a lt.,
llrgl m III i.U. ti Ihrre t el I lei hi
1.1 tit i hi f.ei i,wtt tit'tlit il lt i
' I l t .i 'kI i Hi in' t'-'i il ea,
anitdlae ci'ii'M, li4n lent It a a
act ad la ll a l elne, aid fitw
VI ft dull!' and tall a'jinl I
ail hi nriiS I if i!fie itlalit'.h
Mica I.
',ii4 In .Ha luia id ft ll,e Hiat-
iim thn It Mlrfl n Himia tirailt f
,i a i i n lh f4,i ld ni I
iin'ala lina or 141'n lln lied' r
alfied elll teiiiitt"l li i d hii n e
Writ im'iirillaivir, the p' l
J. Freed, tl I' A , llirilhl..i
Hi.1,1 ., tiiiiaba, Neh
a -
II laam lilnt am til tland mil
agatnat p al I) raeay.
I'Nlil. tha t'li i'iy la ethtd,
will aeml In each tut rhr Mllef i
the tiamea nl fl vn uf hla ft lend, aix om
patiUd by 'i'ti, fur flv tampla cnplc of
TliK Ami kh an, una volume of "The
Hlnoffraplier," hiMik i-on'alnlnj tie
lory of tha llfi, trials, IrlHulallona,
cuurtahlp, f to , uf iteniigraplier, The
tuN.k hai ?i l-agea, I elegantly lamed
lo cloth, printed from (iknI, clean tyi
on high grale of bKik-ier, Wa
have HiO of thim. (let your order In
early, lUgu'ar prlca of such a Umk
9, ordinarily, 111'. You ft li fur
nothing If you buy flv mp!a, Don'l
tend ataitjjia of larger denomtoatlon
than 2 cents,
Remember that bruising tha ar
pent' head la aafer than plneblog Ills
Olv Home um of our poiltldanj
and ah will aoon control our goT'-m-inent.
I'lihllf etlce,
Th Northwestern Llna Dayllgtt
Kpiclal now leave tha U. I'. D ot at
fl 40 A. M , arrive al Chicago Ml am
evening, Ut charge In tha other
train. Overland I.tmlted 4 AH V, M,,
and the Omaha-Chicago Hpedal at
A M,, arrive at Chicago VAX n1
U 'Vi respectively, next ewnletf, The
mot advanced Vrstlbuted Hleer-era,
Diner ar;d Fre Parlor Chair crof
courte -Whatele would th) "NOHTf
WKTFHN'hn? I40I Faroam H
Kntywledge kill many papal mythJ,
ho matter bw old they may ba,
Plgouy I th mirror of eredullty.
True religion I out of place la
mas houae,
t'tTff th uJ'ly I exhaua'ed, we
will sd t ':h anh:rllcr adding kt
ch nan.e of five of hi frler.ds, accom
panied by 2-Vt, for flvj aampta cople of
Tilts AwrttUAat, orta volumaof'Th
Hu-Mtgrtfihttt," l.ok rjontaffilnjf the
tUirf il it Ufa, tr!ai, trihulatlor;,
urlblp, of a 'i,ogrpher, Th
rxM la I'M fn, I elegantly bouod
In cloth, print d from good, clean tyi
on high grad) of tok-pie!r, W
hava ",V; of them, 0t your order Id
early, egular frl"t of iM,hhog
l, ord'oarlly, L2', Vou get It for
nothing if yoii buy fiva aampie. fo't
tf nd rtaosp of larger Jeoorolnt( B
than 1 ret.U,
I tow find aiader a tiur wean
than bwie kn f,
W bava plenty of th March ttj
ana, W ran fill your order, Yonr
friend ahculd rad tha gworn teatt-
mony against tha JVo,ao Catholic
House of tha (iM rbphrd at Bt
Paul, T for V) ent; fifty for f 1 'A;
m tut 200; m tut 7,W; M t
I. Hv yoti nt cny of that num
ber to your Mndaf Yon boit'dl
Tby ahould not al7 VrlW,
a i - i i
Truth may h put In tha grave, but
It won't auy thr.
When tha force of patrlotlam art
divided tr twin tn,in out ht4.
If Horn dre ft eharl'ahla act ft I
to gain favor with tho h can after-
ward rob,
fey4eA'f "fWret InatruJtkn trf tl$
JmtUn," for Joe, and hla "(Wat Con
fession t4 frleat," for Ie, both
paper eovarad book, ara tha cbaapact
le-k on tha market today, Hood a
oa and bar tharn aeot U font ad
dr, American Pub, Co , Omaha,
li'g guide to Omaha and l' p ition
at Oo.ah mailed for 10 cents, Af ent
wanted everywhere, y , Waiker,
7lo N, V) Ht,, Owaha,
Try Hy r' Hoap.
The ohar;rlpti,n price of Tc AMrH
tr'Aj la 42 m iir year.
Tlowt who wouid lJ nn'O to oj .e
IPrra rnuat laecit up her record.
No -reur, no mora Intereatlog, d
more farle etposur of itomanUrn
waa aver written than tbat pen newt by
ftar, Cbarle Chlnlijny and popularly
known an "Fifty Yr In the Cbnrcb
of lUrtna," VrV f.2l, 0nd ea 11 00
nd ft the book. American Pub. Co.,
1111 Inward ft, Omaha, Keb.
One that Yon Can Pay For.
'lltiltM liW llili.t l"t salt .t IHUhIh i. ainill I'i'ILum uf
lii'iii ("in l mviii ttfiiH t.Mli.ainI Im.ilnl in Viii'n p.ilUitf
( tin ill. i, til i Jtiiu iiii-i It tun I It a I .my iii.ui Willi atmlt nimmtnii
liml, Tin M." Iiiiiim a t t r ailti.ttnl nil (illllrnl lla anil III Rinet
lllil. If t iVlll willllll i ll"tl 1 4 tltt- tilt ) I.IK l JHItl lllM'l lil it
l'.ill r.lfllU Hi il'iwil -f
,nnl tlu 'iil.uue In Mninlily I'.i) limit of $10. rub, nml liitcct
4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. U.mhi iIi i.ayn.ctil of
tlic tywt tlf I'titili.iatr jrlt WAKHANTV HKKDj n! to
Mtnir llit? ilifrtittl juyiiitnl
jnciiii'-c. TIichc ate tr.1r14.1i ttt
in OiiiuIm. uii'l tr'Mul lioine h
our. no nutter how liiuittil hi,
almost ttMtil iotiai Intercut, l'or further iiifoiiiiatioii write to
M. L. OOK,
N. It, Keal Hatate owncrsi
icrniH exulaiited above will find
(lcucriplioii of their projwrty.
mortgage wanted tinlcwt the
4 per cent. ier annum.
Songs of Warning For the American People
"Mn, KIjxu A. riitaingor in it poet of rare ability,
especially in the realm of trim putroitimii. Her volumo
entitled "Hiig'e I'eal" contdri the ipirit and ueiititncnt
of tho llgb;xt form of Airiericanim, and lhe"grund and
awful tiiiitn." in which we live.
Tbene pot mi coimtitute a clarion call for the defense
of Ameriran citizftimliip nl American inntitutloii
ngait.fct the world." J. Q. A. IflcxitY.
I'mUir fv Hallo Ave, IJaptbt Cburoh, Cbloaifo, III.
If you W4r,, t rth patrlotUm and renew your lova of th
flttte It- d Hr;hwl ; if you want H communn with glft4 plrlt,
huf and read lh p'-m . 'tm, Z't eonU, AdJre:Tb American
ni 'u- mr w m u vn u ti
ihviv 1 111 mir mid
uuw ut amy uu m
Kapeclally prepared to meet the want Of Farmer, Xtr
MnU, Meeliinleti, Clerk, Kturtent, Women, and all wbo
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