The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 07, 1898, Image 1
m THE AMERICAN. W ! M A 1 1 N A V t Ml V " W t. M ' Awn ttk..Mi .r i ..r-. 1. lr t Mr ft i tt it tis 1'k I'Mi i; i w i; i iai N MUM U. A t IM.V M HM I (t i Vol Vlll. OMAHA, M IIUVHKA, IlillVW, O li-lUK 7, v.y I V. f ) ROMAN PRIESTS WILL BE KILLED OR BANISHED. Murat HaUtctul Writr An Interesting Letter About the UWa IVItiff ffklrk rrrtttli la the rhlllpplM Islaada lrill IVteaU of Heine. Following are tome extract from ft letter written from Manilla by Murat Balitead to the Chicago Record. Practically alt person la the mora c!vll!ed-and that li to say the easily accessible portions of the Philippine Inlands, with perhaps the exception of those leading Insurgent who would like to enjoy the opiortunltlet the Spaniard have had for the gratifica tion of greed and indulgence of a policy of revenge, would be glad to see the Americans remain In Manila, and also In ai large a territory a they could readily command. The Spaniard of intelligence are aware that they have little that is de lnble t3 anticipate in case the country 1 restored to them along with their Mauters and other firearm, great and small. It is obvloui that the Insur gents have become to the Spaniards a source of anxloly attended with ter ror. The fact that they allowed themselves to be bi slgcd in Manila by an equal number of Filipinos 1 conclu a.TJ that their rtlgn is over, and they are not passionately in favor of tuelr own restoration. Their eia of cruel and corrupt government I at an end, even if we shall be to weak or mad as to per mit them to make the experiment. The exasperticn of the Filipino to ward the church I a phenomenon, and they usua ly state it with uncandld qualification of the lnadcqate definition of the opinion and policy made by General Agulnaldo. Representation Of any representative character as a American journalist, that gave mi an I do not claim or assume to have, caused the appearance at my room of Insurgents of high (tandlng and comprehensive Information, and I may add of large fortunes In some cases. I wai deeply Impressed of their violent radicalism regarding the priestr. At first they made no distinction, but said flatly the priest were the mlschlefmaker, the true tyrant, snd next to the half-breed Filipino crested with Chinese, the moneymaker, those who profited wrongfully by the taming of others. And so the priests must go, and have do choice except that of deportation or execution. In few words, if they did not go awy tbey would be killed. When clone and urgent Inquiry wa mulotbo native priest were not U eluded In the application of tbl rule Toe Spanish priests were particularly singled out for vtngenee and with them such other as had been false to the people and treacherous in their rela tion to political affairs. The number to be exiled or executed wa stated at 3,060, The priests are panicky about his feeling of the natives, a I In evidence in their solicitude to get away. They at least have no hope tf security if the Spaniard soould re gain the mastery of the islands. Two hundred and fifty of them In vain sough to get lastage to Hongkong in one boat. ' It was impressed that the evic tion or examination of the Spanish priests was one of the Inevitable results of Philippine Udependenoe the first thing to be done. It was with three objects in view tbet I had an Interview with General Auglnaldo: (1) To ascertain as exactly a possible his feeling and policy toward the United Stutoi and Its assertion of military authority; (2) t) inquire about hi position touching the priest?, (3) and to urge him to be at pain to be represented not only at Washington but at Paris. As regards the latter rytyaMwrj U jrtl point It was clear to my mind that the people of the Philippine', whatever they might be, ought tote represented before the Paris conf rence No mutter what their case it should be pen tonally presented, even If the rcpre tenta'ivos were witnesses against lath er than for themselves. In the Uteres! of fair piny and the general truth the Philippine population should put In appoaranoejat the seat of the govern moot of the United States for the In formation of the president, aid at the icfne of the conference to testify, and I wa sure It would appear to all case that tbey wero at least capable af gov e-alng themselves than the Sjan lards wero to govern them. For there omld be no form of government on earth quit a bad a ttat of the fatal oolonlal syitem of Spain as illustrated oa the Philippine! aod la the Ame lias. General Agulnaldo wa neither re mote nor Inaccessible. Ill heaelquart en were in an indain village, Just o.oi the bty, named Daracoa, and In Mess than an hour a swift steam launah carried Mijrr Bull of the bureau of information, gallant and mist industrlou and enegetio officer, and mytelf to water so shallow that wo bad to call canoe to land in front fo church that before the day of Dewey wa riddled by the fire of SpanWh war i blps because occupied by Insurgents. The walls and roof showed many per forations. The houses of the village were made of bamboo and there were mny stands along the hot ar.d dusty '.reeton which fruit wa displayed for tale. Ha had nothing to say in response to Msjor Iltll's explicit remark about tbe in man and one country military power, but tbe action of the insurgent In removing their head quarter or th'Jir capital, a they call it to a point forty mllos from Manila, proves that they had come to an understanding tt at the soldier of the United State are not in the Philippines for their health entirely, or purely In the lcter ebt of universal benevolence. The Filipinos must know; too, thst they could never themselves eave captured Manila if it nod not been for tbe Amer can fleet and army. It 1 not inapt to m i m itx m . i w vt v l a - r say here that tho real center of the J rebellion against 8, a n in, ai it hs b ea fcr ynars, at U)ngkons I hd reserved what seemed to mn the most Interoitlng question of tho interview with the Philippic i lender to the last. It was whether a condition of pao'fleat'on was the expulsion of the Catholic prlosts as a class. Thl wi prented with reference to the threats that had been made in my tearing that the priests must go or die, for they were the breeder of all trouble, must all of thorn bo removed in nmo way or another; if not, where would the line be drawn? Tue Hps of the general were parted and his voice was low and gentle, tbe tongue to a remarkable de gree doing tbe talking, as ho replied, plainly picking word cautiously and measuring them. Tho able and oeute interpreter dolt thoro out raoldly, and his rendering gave tokon that the Filipino have already had leoni in diplomacy jven I n the Spalsh style of polite prevarication or if that may be at shade too strong, Ictus say elusive reservation the ue of language that I more obscure than silence, tho fram J rig of phrase that may be interpreted so as not to close but to continue dl cm Ion and leave wide field for con troversy. The general did not r f sr to his counselors, or the cjngresi that is the background and advert Ised a If It were a new force. I give tbe word of the Interpreter; "The general says tbe priesti to whom erection I made, and with whom we have a mortal quarrel, are not our priest', but the Spaniard and those of the ordor; We respect tho Catholic church. We rospoct our own priests, and. if they are friend of our country, we will protect them. Our war Is not upon the Catholic ehurch, but upon the fralrs, who have been the most crbol enemies. We cannot have them here. They must go agar. Let them go to Spain. We are willing that they may go to their own country. We do not want thorn. There Is no peace until toey go." I sail that my information was that the objectionable order expressly proscribed by the Insurgent were tbe Dominicans, Augustlnea, Franciscans and Recollect, but that the Jesuit were not include I. ThU was fully re elud to tho g n rI, a' d wlih hi eye closing and hi mmiti whlsporlng close to the interpreter's ehook he gave hi answer, qulokly rendered; "The Jesu t, too' must go Tbey also are our enemlun, Wo do no', want thiiin. Thy betray. They can got) Spain. Tiny may bo wanted there, not here; but not here, not here." Tr.e q loitlon' whether the friars m int make choluo botw ten departure and death was not met directly, but with repetitions that they might he at home In Sp tin, tut could not bet part of tbe indipjndont Philippines: and, significantly, tSey would be will ing to go when wanted. Carlisle's Intl-Kxpiinolnrt Menu, I"x Sucrolary John U. Carlisle ha contributed to the Ojiob. r number of Uarpor' Magazine an article on "Our Future Policy," In wr.loh I e marshal all tho theories and sophlstrln that can bo found tooppo o territorial expansion y the iinnexat ou o' our cjiquerod Spanish territory. The first point in Mr. Carlisle's argument Is that wo have no rigbt to hold Cuhaorany other cor. quertd Spanish Man J, but hi chief contention Is that by this enlargnrnent of our boundarloi wo (hall bo bringing upon us "the greatest calamity that could befall us as a nail )n," It can be shown that both these Ideas are utterly at varlanco with fact and with prece dent, after which it will ho seen that Mr, Carlisle's ingenious mugwump sophistries resolve thomrelve Into tho sheerest nonsense, Tbo notion that tbl nation is barred from holding any SpanUb Island be cause of certain hdgt concerning Cuba I absured. That disavowal of any disposition io hold or control Cut a wa made before the wt r was actually precipitated. It was part of plan ty which a peaceable stt lement ol tho Cuban quostlon might have b':en reached if Spain had done Its part by getting out of Cuba forthwith. Hut Spal a rejected tbls plan. It drove our mlntitors from It court before war ws declared. It rejected everything and proposed nothing that could be accept- ed by u. In effoct Spain maJo war upon ut, It offered no reparation or even apology for treacherously dustroy IngtheMitno and 2'ifl Aiwrloan sua- mon, II choosing war Hpain liniir destroyed thaterlglnal proposal of ours, an J the condition and purpose s there In set forth In regard tei Cutis, then dropped to the ground. Cu'ia Use I', with lt prep mderanoe of ne-grooiand lt mlnerlty of whites, I not )et ready for self government. It needs J ist such a training a F.gypt I getting from (J re at Britain, to that dependency's enormous hurieflt and evorlt,'ng good, Our ptramount duty, In any case, would be to keep ord'ir and aemurlty In the Island, an 1 this pledge we are bound to redeem before all other. The only way we can redeem It Is to hold Cuba, at least for (hurt time, a Kngland holds Kgypt. Hmiueib for Mr, Carlisle' minor point of "national honer pledged." Spain sbatt rred that pledge by It own act It appealed to tho arbitrament of war. thereby Incurring tho cost and penal tie of war, One of tho laws of civilized warfare Is that tho vanquished must puy tho c W to fie victor, either In cash or in territory, Tho people of the United States expoet to bo reoompemsud for the heavy expenditures brought upon them by Spain' act, and they must recoup themselves by the aiquUI tlon df tho Spanish Islands, Spain has nothing else with which to pay us Many presidents ex 1st to (how that tbo victor may and should rceoup himself in mousy and territory, one of tho mewl powerful being tho Franco Prussian war. On Mr. Carlisle's own eJmlmlon wo did right In relenting the sore pro) vocation by Spain. Ills reason for our going to war aro anip'y sufficient. It I strange ho does not see thl, and It Is also strange that ho does not see that we are hound In j ist'eie to ourselve to take tho only payment whloh Spain can offer. Mr Carlisle' hostility t terrltorla expansion comes tiKi late. The Preal dent has declared for it. Cjngress has already favored It. A war has been fought Invol vlng It, Tr e iwoplo of the United States are enthusiastically 'on vlncod both of It Justice and of Its bene fljlal effects on tho future of tbo nation It It too late to advocate policy of eMl rt ie.t - t'M U' e the Ai a leaal t fwrsl bt ra up ftltl. Mr, t'anltl' ritiia tsat th nI.H 4 the nation's af ((a) U rir Ustlttitlott I SMithtet t weardly rot, mIUmI iiaHy nl ft tieaa 'f til lnMUitiat attalemraU, Thftly way ti t lhaff" t territorial etan!en la our day Is let lH'k at lh esamplr of nailems that ftilepVed It. The we st striking vsamplsj in eiltne) Is tur nuilhrr wnietry tifrst Itrltsle. It has git lain the rolonl'atleie and foreign derilrnef buslnHw on an enormous n-ale In the last 12A year la ha taken control of great empire In India. It hae ceilem tsrd the hide Island or rontlnentftl of Australia. It has aeU'd and oontrolleHl the southrrn and eastern peirt!en of Afrlo, Including Fgypl, and It expan- Inn In that quarter ewrtlnue. It ha become the master of vast onntlnenUl and Island domains all up and down the chart of the world. Has expansion proved In Oreet Britain' case f be 'the greatest calamity that oou'd be fall It"? Ha It destroyed tbollbertle of the English? Ha It wrecked their free Institutions? Surely any child can seie tho folly and nonsonue of Mr. Car lisle' dismal auguries. Tie ex-Secretary knows, a every snhoeilboy knows, that expansion ha net injured but ha rather Increased and broadened Kngllsh liberty and En" gllsh liberal Institutions. Then why should a similar ejolor.lal policy Injure American Institutions? Are wo not of the nme blen d and are we not now the greaur branch of thl great Kngllsb peaking race? Are our law and In stitutions not a much like F.ngland'o as wn are like our Rrgllsh cousins? Mr, Carlisle deliberately misstate the " cause when be talc of "yellow bordo of conscript citizens te debauch the suffrage ane sap the foundation of our frro Institutions." It fa not propound to make State of tho Philippine, Neilth' erlsMr, Carlisle within the bouoda of truth when ho say we cannot other wise hold those Island "without violat ing the organlo law of tho land." Tbero Is n) organe law forbidding our holding as colonies Cuba, Porto Woo, the Phil ippines, and all tbo rest of the West anil Kast Indies. Neither would tbero ba tho slightest danger to our homo liberties In so doing. Wo might under take to rule the whole of China ssft dependency, provided It came justly In to our hand, and still not be doing ft quarter of what little Kngland I doing outside It boundaries. The talk of danger and of "organlo law" la all nonsense. Wo bavo alretdy In opera tion forms of territorial government In the district of Columbia, New Mxico, Alaska, and Hawaii, which need but little modification to apply exactly to the need of the ex Spanish colemlea, There I no more "organic law" against our ruling these island without pop ular suffrage than tbero I against' ruling tbe p-oplo of Washington City that way, Kdltorlal In the Chicago Trlbuno, i Pope I llerply Concern. The Vatican 1 troubled about tho ssfety of church prope-rty In tho Phil ippine. It I well known that tho great monastlo order like tho Dominicans, Franciscans, August! nlan, and Jesuit have little title to show for tho vast tract of territory In their possession, Tbo Vatican ftulheiritie have been stirred up by the surest Ion that these properties might bo confiscated under any other sovereignly except Spain', but the Pope ha received aisuranoe under American rule would bo Impos sible. I was informed today that tbo Vatican would gladly Indorso any friendly arrangement by which the American government coulel bo extend ed throughout tho Philippine. From ft Part cable to Chicago Trlb uno. Ono would think, to hear people talk, that the war wa over. And tho strange part of tho thing is, the gov ernment I Just fti easily duped a are the people.