The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 7

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llV Vr.r Kimmi- Will
.i I' In 'minify n l
Knt It llnkr
I IV It,
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SOCIAL & Onlftnn
eM 1 t X ' f li !
I I 11 I ! Hi i - I i, I
I IS t 1 '.
rUUllllU ltlCUlliUI, UAIUTAL
' ' -v f 1 11
!(, i It ike l M.-.w I' , ,.
A Sf nvlMe W lor f iloa roplc-. I'srlnl M k Kutjca
I 111 lean titisatttn itn tl mt i itiuuul, t
( i i M to t ! i ae ik
1 ,-.
f-f i ill mm i
I t .
t i . ... a
I nnttrr I mil iwr 1 Tr1 ' p "W
a I, a-.a. . . . . k - . . . .
i ll I at Isle MI.M u.
Jtt lw tS !.') I SaMw,
i n. if. r. la
Ivis ix.
pmUI.U rf If IVl H
tJsmfiaMa fcty
FMmallon niHil t ffnimltl V
Oathtille atitWttire, m to r tn4
tilmvtah iihtiii World.
I rrnhktr rnnfess that th Caikollfe
stand lfiir Ih rountrt as lb
mtrs of tlit pnbUt thooU ft'fef
r I miM nn admtriUier Mrt.
mom (o t 4 la Chntli-
VmbiI Mr rhimrea lo pttblle schools
ther Wslker.
-TV. he public arhnnls ! rtv1'-l
!s Wblnt but godless i-sneratlon ef
thlevee tad bUpr'rl '''
J Srhaner.
It will b glorious (ttf In tats
t fountry when under the laws tbe
erhool system will be sttlTered to
pWM. -Cat hollo Telegraph.
The public schools art orerrlet of
1ft; thejr rt godless and nnlea sup
, pressed will provfl ihe demnatloii of
(bit country. Father Walker.
( Wt mutt take part In tbt election..
I moTt In a solid mass ta trtry state
( against tbt ptrtr pllr1 to sustain
y tht Integrity of tht public schools.
t MoClonkty.
I Tbt common schools of thlt country
V " tlnkt of mortl pollution end Bor
is lr1es of hell. Chicago Tahlet.
.1 IMbe tlmt It not far away when the
'oman Cttbollc Chtireh of the Re-
.runnc 01 inn umua di", v
order of tht Pope, will refuse to pay
their school ta. and will tend tmlMs
to tht breasts of tht goTernmnt
agents rather than pay lu It will
come quickly at the click of a trigger,
snf will be obeyed, of courae. at com.
Irnf from Almighty Ood. Mgr. Capel.
"We hate rrotestsntisrn; we detest
It with our whole heart and soul."
Catholic Visitor.
, Yo man ha a right to choose hit
I rfrlon." Archbttihop Hughes In
rreeman a journal, Jan. za, moz.
"If Catholic ever (tain tufflfilent nu
merical majority In thlt country, re
llrl'ua freedom tn end." Cath
oil Shepherd of the Valler, Not, II,
"Protealantlem, of every form, hat
not, and never can have any right
where Catholicity It triumphant." Dr.
0. A. Prownaon'a Catholic Review,
June, 1S1.
"We have taken thlt principle for a
batlt: That the Catholic rellf Ion with
all Itt rljchta, onjbt to be etclodlvely
dominant, In atich aort, that eTery
other worthlp tball he banltbed and
Interdicted." Pint IX. In hit allocu
tion to a Conalatory of Cardlaata,
September, 1B1.
"ProtetUntltm why, wt should
draw and Quarter It, and hang up the
erow'e meat. We would tear It with
Iplocera and Are It with hot Irontl rill
L. JTrlh molten lead and sink It In hell
one nnnorefl ratnomt oe-p. '
"ther Phelan, Editor Western Watch
man, "Religion llherty la merely endur
ed until the opposite side can be car
ried Into effect, without peril to the
Catholic Church," Iilthop O'Con
nor, The Roman Catholic Is to wield hit
Tote for the pnrpote of securing Cath
olic ascendency In this country."
Father flecker, In the Catholic World,
July, 1170.
"Undoubtedly It la the Intention of
the 4'ope to potNe this country. In
thlt Intention he Is aided by the Jet
alts and Catholic prelates and prlettt,"
Hrownnon's Catholic Itevlsw, July,
When a Catholic candidate Is on a
ticket and hit opponent 1 a non
fatal Ic, n the Catholic candidate
hare the rote, no matter what be rep
resents." Catholle Review, July, 1194.
"In case of conflicting laws between
the two powers, the lawa of the
church must prevail over the state,"
-Pitt IX, Syllabus 64.
tye hold the stare to he only an
Infftflor court, receiving Its authority
from the church and liable to bars 1U
Amjivamm 9mvrmA unnn annual "
4' irownson's Kasays, p, 282,
L "We do not accept this goTarnment
v hold It in be any government at ail,
ry 'P0r 'tinctions or government, it
I'Xlned and fireserved at all. It must
ili by
J t the
ths rejection of the principle
the Reformation (that Is, the gov
V.rnment br the people), and the ae-
il:eptsnce of the Catholic nrtncinle,
which Is the goTernment of the poie,"
-Catholic World, Beptmber, 171.
"I acknowledge no clrll power."
i j'ardlaal Manning, speaking In the
I Iiame of the Pope. B. R. U7I.
. "The Pope, as the bead and mooth-
ptece of the Catholic Church, admin
isters Its discipline and Issues orders
'o which everr Catholic tinder pais
)t sin must yield obedle ," Catk
.llo World, of August, IMS,
"In 1900 Rom will take this eoua
ry and keep It." Priest Hecker.
"The will of the Pope Is the supreme
nw oi an lannt. rcnumoop irv
We have plenty of the Istu of Jan
uary 28, containing the espoaur of
'Rome' plot to take this country by tb
sword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1,28;
100 for $2, BOO for 17.60; 1.000 for
f 10, Hare you sent any of that num
ber to your friends? You should? Tbey
uld pot sleep longer.
1 Lkeroho,MI.Jb.,rb.,2l, l
ur Slr;-
'i rcclvcd voir Atlat of tSe World
land 1 am well plcaoud ; far beyond my
expect uions,
Vo man's Influence is so small b
at be could make It tell against
I !
r y I r I .'!
- (. 'I 1. -I
I r-l I ' "
. t. r""
t It'fiM 1
tn In ! ik.
f .1 lh.i l
!. ) . .
Mt l)l .
Inn I .! I
Vvi I In mitmtiia It'1.'!'"""'
1 l i ! n....! , i.n. t l '
r. t. t ntpio n. if a) '" lb
Ml trroitlu . i. r m... I I '
ll hrMlnrfi ft. itil ' b
"i r! tn i-'imr lh animitt hoi''l
I mipir titi.i-. a htji'l
until the !. u eter or lb t)i
epMr In ri. ati.iilu fmn lw
tttbte, m, r .itre. droiltf I'f
reiiiiii, nl ehitttr wiih't'tt tmltiK
at It tomttlmet the cute, ItVe Ihe anl
ml In a hiiei'litl at nine and ue eny
eifrtlon in ihnrnushty ilrtn and illt
lnfl the i!t -aherf Ihe arbleil
o riirrd, 1 he alHtrlrd r thttubl be
rarefully nurtrd and Ihe niul ttn
recty dretifd with anllefpHc miln
Hunt. The animal thoald not let urn
lo Ihe hord niiMI fully rurd, rban,
and free from all vaginal dlw'hargra.
He on guard for a eTtnd fate follow
Ing the drat In a few daye or within
three weeks; If a month eltiet. re
currence la nut In be eperlnl. Vet
erinarians rerognlie two dlntlnd kind
of abortion, vli , Ihe sporadic, which l
flrat mentioned above aa reuniting
from aicldi-nt, physical Injury or
fright, from dlwaee of the uterus, or
from "yni)aih'tl" Influeneea, and Ihf
eplaootlc contaalout, whlrh la un
doubtedly a germ dleeate, conimiinl
caled from animal lo antanal by the
germ and canard only by contaalon.
There la still mmh uncertainty about
this dread illnciiw and Its prevention.
Milk fever, "dropping," or parturient
poplcy la another scourge of the
dairy, twin to abortion. It fa an af
fection which comes without warning,
attacka the deepest and richest milk
era, Is sudden In attack, rapid In
proKrens, and generally fatal. The
symptom sre s chill, twitching of the
heed murclea, failure to eat, c hew I be
cud or pun manure, dlalended udder
without milk, Intenalblllty of the hind
qusrters when pinched or pricked;
Inter the cow becomes unsteady on bei
bind leu, and preaently drop, Oood
cows ahould be carefully watched for
forty-eight hour after calving, and If
such warning appear, a veterinarian
can not be called too soon. Preven
tive measure form the best sursne
of tb owner sgalnat losses from thl
csuse. The cow should have abundant
nerclse up to the week before calv-,
ng, and then quirt and good care, with
dally grooming and active rubbing.
Keep the bowels active with proper
feed, or purgatives If necesnary. In
sure comfort, guard sgalnst cold, snd
endesvnr to maintain active circula
tion on the surface of the body, A
strong dose of physic snd brink groom
ing may be used Immediately after
calving, In case of cowa believed to be
predisposed to milk fever.
Hlrhy II Hilar.
Among the vsrlous causes of streak)
butter that of temperature -too cold
a temperature somewhere In the pro
re of making -I not sufficiently con
sidered, xsys a writer In
Oar.etie, Tasmania, Homellmes, snd es
peelally st this season of the year, the
water with which the butter is wsth-rl
Is of a temperature very many decree
lower than thnt of the butter. Now
the one of very cold wafer chills and
hardens the surface of Ihe butter gran
ules, while the Interior remains com
paratively soft: when salted the silt
will not mis evenly, snd the color of
(be different parts of the granule will
vary, If worked In this condition the
'hilled granules will not, combine read'
lly, and the result will be sfreakv,
moil led butler, Kven If the butler I
left In the water a length of tlm
sufficient for the granules to be of th"
siime temjerMlurf throughout the bin
Or of the grsriule will, If the Inner
are very firm and hard, cohere more
than It will adhere, That Is, the a run
ules do not stick to each other with
the seme force that the bolter particle
of the granules stick together. The
wor king flattens out. the granules, but
doe not make of them one homoge
nous mass, snd ss the outnldes of
I hes granules sre sailer than the In
side, and therefore deeper In color, the
butter will, when cut through, loo
marbled, mottled, or streaky, accord
ing to the degree of working.
Home farmers sre asking why It 1
lhat In the cheee factories that still
buy milk by weight It lakea 11 or 12
pounds of milk to make a pound of
cheese, where twenly-flve years ago t
took only ten pounds, The snswer I
lhat the cows hsve been bred for
quantify of milk only, llesides, In
many cases the milk seller take orr
Just a little of the cream for hourehold
use, under the Impression that hi milk
Is so much richer than bis neighbor's
milk that It will be honest to do It.
The Hancock lest Is the only cure for
the evil,
Iowa Export Hutt",r, Hewitt Good
rich, the Iowa butler maker, so prom
inent at the World's Fslr rtsiry con
tests, made the butler recently sent
to Ungland by the United Htates de
partment of agriculture, The cream
was very lightly ripened, and the but
ter a light straw color. It contain
fully 11 per cent of butter fat, about
10 per cent of water, and 2 per
cent of salt, which means one
half ounce to the pound. It was packed
In cubical boxes, made ef spruce, esch
holding on cubic foot of butter, and
lined on all side with two thlcknesiei
of parchment paper.
I l t r IM ml nnij rte
f.m , '
A i.i w u M a m') Kt.k a
trl aw rs-l - if we J id rrs
."M f't I.t. I
No man tea wt'h wi'li tin Wt'l.-a
and ' In lb ! of ppl t'lpet
(, nn Wrsrt rel'sl'XM rloak, yt
h etdd heart
A cnhfetelnhal bo It the liMwh ot
tlf rwpeit.
Weeilng a rroea bwa hot cure rroei
Si, Haded Is ure4 by papal prejudice.
The brighter hUlory shine the dark
er Home' record,
It I hard tn convince a papist wfca
let th prlett do hi thinking.
To know that popery I a cur
makes a man want to rid the earth ot
Keeping knowledge In the hands ot
the priest stsrres th mind of tb
You can never tell what a paplat will
do out of a church by his looks of de-j
votlon within.
Rome ha trouble with the man who
does hi own thinking.
Popery throw the most mud at th
whitest garments.
Use Sawyer's Soap. The best In the
Every fact la an antldot for som
foolish fancy.
I'aitcngers arriving at Chicago by
the Chicago, ltock ManU Si IV: I do K'y
can, by the new Union Kleva'xu Loop,
reach any part of the city, ur for a five
cunt fare can be taken Immodiatoly to
any of tho large store In the down
town district. A train will stop at the
Il-ick Island Station every minute.
These facilities can only ho oHmx-d ny
the "Great ltock Island Kouto."
JOHN 3EUSriAN, O. I. A.,
Holding on to pagan superstition
give Rom a mortgag on your faith.
Do you know that Sawyer' Koap U
the Tery best tn tbe market? Ask
your grocer for It, Insist on having it
and no other.
Wbn Rom gives money & always
put a chain of power oa It
Store Price
Bent describes the rates hi
Is doing all kinds of Dcnta)
HotTcith o0
Host Set Teeth 7 &0
Gold Killings 11.00 and up
Silver Fillings 1 00
Gold Crowns 6 00
Teeth F.xtracted,...,.,,, 2ft
Tvvtli nut In tho rnorihw
Now Ouem Hitnio liny,
All work at about Half wbal
other DentiBts Charge.
16 YlCAng' KxPKKIKNf.'K 16
Dr. WITIIKUH, IX ntldt,
Fourth Floor Urown Ulk..
Sixteenth and Douglas Btreets
TKI.F.f HONK 1776
Aa Illustrated Quarterly Magaine,
In Its Held Current his
tory Ifns No Competitor.
Agents WantedrS.a
O maKlim for
Kri' to hnndln. It aiipiml to tiitnlliKtnl
pnupln, AdiiroMi
esoesTON, mass.
ST. LOUIS Joints'
Tlrkrt Oilier. I.K. fornrr 1311 lis CiriM 8U
'" ', "
t tii,.i i-
i ! II tt .... .
,.-,, ,( i ,,. ., , ...
, ,. i... ... . . . . .,,.,,...
1 1- 1 1 . .' t , i.i..,,, ... i ,!,, ...
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,1.1 I t: l l l I. ... I
t .-mi. .m I nin it , t An,!. ,1,
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Ml t ....... I.. '..
NiiTlt'H !' UtlH Il tl.l
1l! 1it
Tnfc ttoli.M.4l tli. nh I-m .f
Iw l. ml. i.f In. in 411. hi 'f ' U
I 'nf Irl.-M " n .'I 'l ll. liil at. nrtlF' I
4 III.. I In tt . i.fll. .. i.f th (Milt Ink
nf NII.4 iii.i.H llIRllli 11.11 HII' I
l l. tit linlit. i.f til' l I III' till
nf iimnlm N.liln, th .m4l bIii
lit till- Mum ! 1.1 t. A gitl.fl N'tltllt
In. I. ill miiIii 4in ihiiiIMii (v! ffimui
Id. Illllllg aitil i.iIk I l.liailltn lit Hkr l
I I.f rniKiin.l nf MI mo k U I in ill-1.
Ill.i-.t III dlialra nf Ihnol rm ll. Ill ! ..ll l
f.r Al I In1 Ilnifi nt laminii. r mill In Up tuiti
),. aanLlr hokIi ny ln In pmnn-ni i.f
mnii-riiil r iHlmr
Tlil i'nrmrllm I'lininiiiMr.l IiiiIii-ii nil
Juno 'lh IK, mi l In rmilitmr for
rlii'l ir nfijf i"tm IhwaMrr.
Tin' hlsl"l unmuiil nf lnil-liiiliM' I'l'
lliil. MM v In hd li ihr in iMirailmi niv h'i.
ih I liwlf I n anmiiiil iiiml In Iwii-tlilnW
uf Dim I'kI'I iii rn.lll mm It.
Tim olllrrfa liV whlrh Ihi lmliir4 nf lliln
rnriH.rnlliin la In ! nnim-tai ar prral.
iliil, ir', Irraauii-i, wrrlai
ami smi'Ml milium, i, ainl a iMiaiil nf t tir r
II. CAM 1. 11 IN
I ll f tin a,
W. A. MAI'Ml;llH,
Atlnriiry. MrrrlianU National Hunk lllil?.
A NTS -Tnl lirUMna I.' Il iiiuncinrii Mill
Mr. I, Hi tiiiiinilli it, lipr liunliaint Aral and
nul naina unliniiwo, nun-ri-alJt'iit di'fi-ntl-nl'
Vnu ar hi-rrhy n it I )11 HihI nn the 2ih
Hf tit Juur. In', lami'a I,. Ilriwur. Hip
plaliitllT In-ri-ln, IHi-d lilt iirlllliin In Ilia Ha-Irn-t
( inirl fur UiiiirlHn cuiinjr, Nxlininka,
muliml ( n rl III li I,' ami Mr,
l.'lliiiiiiiii!Mi. In r nilmnd 11'"' ainl ral
NHIIII linknil II Hllll (ll III' m rfi'llilMl. Hill
i Jnrt anil pravt-r nf wlilrli U In fiifuclnafi
niin rrriiilo la n'fi :flrti damil nviiiil'r
.'fiili, iHti!. ilium ilia fnllnwliis ili'i rl(J( (I r al
r lain, In- It :
Ton w-t nn' Half W. '.inf lot acvi-n Cl
In lilnrk four i4i In hhlnn'a Klrnl a lillilun 'n
I In. c. ty uf Umaha IioukIk cuunly. N "t -r
'I hi.ri-In IliiW iluo upnn aiilil (-(irtlllral thn
nn nf in mi Willi lnu'ii't at llic ruin nf li n
iloi p'.f i-fiil h' nun iii from u lulur ; r I,
l!U, f ir whli'b aiim. with lnl ral aid i;oaia
liilifill.rr with nn it'inrn 1 '' Hiiinnntlnr tn
u n it ri'-ntnf Hit" ili'i-ri-x, pliilutilf nnr fur
a iliiiTH that li liui a llrt lli'ii upnn aald
rial ratal, that tlm nYfi'iiilitiita aFiall pup
thaaan m. and In dufaul thfrnnf that Ilia aiild
pMipfrty lie anld to aalnfy Ilia anmiini found
dim, aim that upnn aaln tha dnfnnd
anta I if di-liarri-d of all rgt. tlili' and Inrr
rat In aalil rual nitMtD, an4 for olhi-r riiit.
ahla rttllaf.
Vou ara ulan hfraiv notlllnd that yo I and
rarli of you art' minimi to anawrr raid p
1 1 1 ion oa ur huforn tlir, ITlli day uf Oi:tolMr.
I aim.
Hand at Omaha. Nrhraaka HaplnmUir lull,
lly W. A, Sanodnra. hit A ItorrifV
-M htm. .V Nn. ha,
Attorney, Mrrchsnla National Hank Kids.
To Mwlna l liadwlck, non-rnaldcnt On
frndaot; Vou ara hrratiy rotlSnd that nn the Zii
day of Hrpternlirr, IHW. Jnmra l Hrnwnn, thr
plaintiff hnrrln, lllrd hlapdllilna In tne Ola
trlct rnurt of lloniilaa i-nuniy, Nrhrnaka,
asalnat Mwlna 'd n1 ! lr , lh nlijwt and
pray ar 1 1 whlrh are ta fnrm-Mm tin i-eria'n
lax crrtlfli-at dated Novmntmr Imh, x'';i
upon Ilia following dracrlbrd real l at, to
I.nt nlneidi In hlork twoi.'!i. In R. V. Smith'
aldllion to I he city uf Oniahit, Oouslaaennn
ty, Nehraaka.
Thnre la now due nn aald r!ertlnat Iheaum
of :;H 111 with Intrrrat at the ralonf l'-n per
pfiit uvr annum from Hnpij-mlMir !ft, l" for
wnii-ii aiim, won irnri'ai inn rniia iiicnirii-r
with an etmrm-va fi-n ainimiil Inn ti ten m-r
(i-nl tit the di'C.rre, plaintiff pray for a ill
;r that he liaa a flrat lien uinri taid rnt'
ralii'a that the (Infi-ndanla aliull pny the
aame, and In nfniilt thi.rrof thill. Ihn aald
prounrty lie anld Ui aal.'afy the aniniinl fit mil
dun, and that up m aula lhrri-of the d' fnrid-
anla In. ni lurn i of all right, t tin and In
loreat In aa d n-al ratal, and for uilinrruiilt-
alle rnllnf.
Vou are ri-niilri-d 1 1 anawrr aitwl D"Hllnn
Ith tit Imf irr ini- illal day of tlrimift, IN'.m
Omaha, Net,,, Ki.ptrmlii.r iil, lH.
JAMk.a I, HU'iWNK Pinlniirf.
By W A. NauiKH'ra hla ai tori.ry. M
loc. m lin tt.
W. A. HAI'KllKIlN,
Attorm y. Mi-rchanta .Natlonul llar.k
It Ids
To Alexander M VvrrS snd KminaJ. 1'i-rrla
hnn-railrnt di fi-ndanlai
Vou are hrrchy noiinnd lhat. nn the V. I
day of Si piKiiilirr.A ll Jann'i I, llrnwoi.
plalbtllT hrri-in nii-n ma prtllloa In Hie dla
trli'.t I'ourt nf I'nuKlna county, .Nrijmakit.
KHlnal Aleiii'idnr M. Kerne and Km inn J
I i rrla, drn-naante, the ohlat t and piuycror
which la to forrchiae nnei:rtln laxitrrl'll
Cale dated Novrinla-r l ull. !.. upon Ilia fni-
lowing di'a'rllKid real raiati, uielt;
I he north nne-thlrd i.n, ' ,i of twit eight (Hi
In hlock eighty nine m'.i,, In inecily of Omaha,
all altuatwd In OnugUa county, Ni-hraaku.
There la now due iiunn aald rrrtlSrat Ihe
inn of tlMiin with inM-reat at the rate of t n
ijer rent pi f annum from Hrp.etnMr tin
e,ia, for which aum, with Inlin.l and data
together with an lumrnry fee amounllng to
urn pr cent nt ine nccrre. piaintitr praya fur
decree that hahaaa flr-t lien iiimn aald
real eaiate, lhat Ihe drfendanla aliull pay
the aame, and In default. I hereof that the
aald property lie sold to aallaf y the en. mm!
found due, and ti at upon aele thereof Ihe
defendant lie deharrf d of all right, title and
Internal tn aald real eataui, and for other
fiiultahle rellrf,
You ara alaohsrnhy notified that you aril
ea'-h of you ara rniulred to anawer aald
uetiiuia on tit ne inr ta 411 day or uctoiwr,
Hated at Orualis, N"hraka. Srpleriihtr 1,
JAMKH l RKOWNK, I'iaiotllT,
By W A Saundi-r. hi attorney.
1 ic. M, No. 4. ii-Ji 4
The Only II ail mad lo ( IiIcsko,
With Day LltfM Train: Uave
Omaha 0:10 A. M. every day
arriving at Chicago tho same
evening- at 8:15 where close connec
tions are made with all lines beyond.
This (rain Is 60 years ahead of the
Times and Is proving Immcnucly
Popular with Omaha puoplo.
Other flying trains leave lor
Chicago at i :.15 and 0:55 I', M. daily.
City Ticket Ollice
1101 Farnam St.,
"The North-Western Line. "
Rdaeais Voor llnwel With f aarareta.
Candy ralltartle, cure eonvtlnaUnn forever.
Vo, SSe. If C. O 0, iW r-jrfiui refund money.
M s'
Hi? t ftiMiMi ano Thus cAtmil, rmvtmtNMi aan rtmt.
PSSI U rHSIMtC WSI AM Of All XWte, A HO All fAStl, WCt UtMUrt rVATt" in. IK1PI ttlal
T TTrTTrTT Cwitaiet ever TOO fnlelaH fat rM trt f 4 tStwt
A I I r.fiL1 tmmm M', " 'laj tarnpM laM af talealH 1 fvwm WatwsaaA
eailWiii Sirathaal far maMitataif Ik 4V ! S;iat rN lay a If et WksAaV
IT X TP THe? X rfc-tn- of
iiW 4 aAik iee,a
earweat ami viaely
10 ruTm. m onnoMoi. mo zlxtjitkatioivo.
l"k Aaalewtf ttt Ma
aa aaS af Uewiawt The Orlala ef l lfrt Mai trm Ike Sen 11
rrejilUaai 1 kree f.lriaei I elar I'lalra iial e eerela
a) lllHairatlima el re-let Iteirlninnewii If 1ree-lw-l.Ua
('lerlie k 4 ular rkelegreewt . la ! i alar.
klai traereal
Are You Well ?
IHIU 11 P. A T 1 m h rnn
h-H.ntiM. . nrmiif i in-in l
IIhm TtriMUft I i ii MM rn
..) ft. .in I'lt i h (4 nht tfi
tt rn krfaa n ittflr hrliire.
ll 1 041 ISr I" ItNSf lr 4llel'
iair ll !' Itii-lir frilttiii rsi
e iia fee nmlrrmtne vignr in iiianiuiiin
a i haiili r
f ha can't t r rail ami hi'i-il'-n liMicaai rly.
can't 1 1 rail and hi'i il-H I.Micaa. nr. , iih'I"
r i. ..emu lire ef aSiilla, ine hum. nnanii
tm iikii, llglil la. In In ..iii,-li, lie , He., ami It"- alh
Ciwerftll rilaliiflw of aiM-lcIt wlierehy Inaiit nf tll'l
al nf IhiIIi am an itiiimieil iii "enclal aleria.
lnn.M Ttila cliaiilcr elmwa whr llnnniliileaa innng
maa gn aairar, Imw riniailtiHMi haa Imemiie hreia-e-m,
hr II will nut ilnen, lm Ha ham lnl illwe--
ree.,iivHve l,i tlm ' 'lnnucr el limai alai I Hug ami
Ifiitmf lanl fai'la In know.
The reauiia nf mail rliaaa fur wcahh. f liter
W.ira, iivit, fallurea In luialnraa, lint fa. l thai
keallll la Iha haala of maltli lint f'" rrt ami I lie
raiwa an.1 rSni'la nf linrrllilii ftirlani'lMil iImmi
ara all uiaitrra tt would Ihi well fur yuu In think utur,
Aro You III?
THKW fnnnrn nfsi rir m
If u ern tint mmdiuii ('i It-urn
fW t lHIH m-'Ui, Mhsll'l 1tl
t.t f -r ml wliHi'o l'i It (loud,
Whcilifr It t "ynlf A nlil, tt
rttri'MiV irtUrrh, ur sVMi-ililn
fiM.rn svfltMis) (hut liM "eflflrtj
ttm ihi hnig" In lirumliltlo ur
roiiftiniii'MMi, th n'Hitwr fun flii'l
lint Imw wrlr.iisi ll In, mill ftlmt l
tin fur vitiirw-lf ihr it Ui f. If Vfiii
fiusit I urn "h"W t lit" with imt
f knnwleilae tlm lunger time
llr, mar l '"ir liarllculal
imt la III lim liver, alum
howela. Then V"n can ma
iimif" in rtwr f'm w '"
Villi W III 11 I,
i itlfir Wfiilc
rMIr or
i fun fan iritiko) li'i
tnlalsiklf In U nrnlit thfl r-fat
mrthoAatif rfi1Hfii tlm-M HI iiim IImuh If yH
ar full tit arhe, wain, neuralgia r fheiima.
, t ti will a,i.l hit III lima nu
lip I
want, tn a
Ilit f tn elisikA
ihein'iitt. Surely ynu can't winl. I neglect the InaM-
I..... .... ijl lltfltfhl'a Jlavaaa. nr nllllT e.
airuetfu. dlaeaan tit ihe "genltu-iiriiiarr nrgana," ami
ynu heller te-.imie fialeit na iiwti lliliiga a
S.rtiorrhir, Uriel nr mt wnri fiirnianfrnnlaglnn
laeaae Ahy the fmeik" lliln !r rtierleme. Ihe
ftlli led will rd Willi tlilliy all aimut hnreileni r.
karrennraa, Slaeaae nf women, wrrtniia Slaeaar,
Mreaia, nrlfaia, aklw Slaeaara, (crofala, eic. Vi.
tmnklu, tmm lemk caniint cuter "all Ihe III that
Beah la hetr in," ml therefor tn nimrt miilifitiium,
lr. fimtf authortft Urn re fl w fir.
IWVW af "'. , t." wlio f"UI f"t tn U u lntht
ia in .
mil eeeaiil In if rum
Hmrti: tn tit Inquiry will ta I
u wared tu th but
i an anility.
I I I Uf - I II a. i.-."".all I'.l-1
1 llL,"iif X I I Itialixaln ll. Una
V V . V Talk'"" O" "
y A vl raa...rrnir laillri
XV 'l-rh ri.eaaliM ne-al r
aw(C?J 'l ("See deliikh
1 lit.! al.uar i'I ali i.
U.I haiilia uf rhl
I 1 ,1 l?r arai In. at lli.i'l
nrtXT'T TTTTMT' yonslresdf hy "something; tike If or "Jnrt gafnnd," nnndrad kae
lVIM 1 X J 1 1 11 IV declared lhat It I 'jirmMiir tn tiwir," snd tnr owiid nf ll oilier work.
TOMt'T ,TII"I,,,,", XM mm is offered tuttt mux iwfrfiuttemetffgnd nilMiy, snd sot
ItyJPt X XvvIkVIJ.'l inairltmied In rlmiptmn tn 'lvrtle nrnirliry mrdlclrir.
TlVtlTTIlf r VI A T fci"' the muat tnihnalaetla klndrotn e'l ttmntrlm where JCngllh ltp.
X TiO 1 I Itl t i 1 1 ken, would, yyra Inaoiatl ttpe, B I ftO wgeof this six.
I'TJrWIi'tiyTAM A T tnm nt H rlae, rert""". dnvfrr. Iinnrr; nlllnri, erltlns, aa
IWJP J iDDlKJ 11 il I J giyrn fllurlinndnraeineiitj remarkahly fw critical, 0 (
POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, S I .BQ
American Publishing (p.
Fifty Years in the
Church of Rome
For the Dalance of 1898, for
Tbe price of the lunik alone at retail Is 12.2'., hut you th the book at 4
the parx-r for 12 00. Hund io your orders ACCOMPANIED UY TIIK CASH U
ie5J5 Howard Stroot. OMAHA, NEB.
Is Marriage a
Vint l innn-t tHi.rtT t Kimm,
Tut X I t t Hi tl tit ! itiarry
TIV VUl'Ultl- li"W t.l le V III liliitt
Tii I ! I"t - ! l.iiKnm lil.e(
Tiie Vl -noa !,. .t iin it,. t. uluail m
In lliui'iiM how . li Intitftil ni.d mullifilfi
Titt 1 1 Mt - li"W tltry Mi;n iil" mid m In t
Th llitntn liow li rt).r lit nh.I kp wr.Q
In l i ui - li.. ti pvi nntn sillily
Tint lwtit iiT ln .t rvyam waeliil Mu ritr.
All li wrtit Vimwll. o t lint Is lit .t smith
KhkI ll In lr .adi- a -Hum .4im Talk,"
!." Jxm1, fsl i nt, So .,iii ?k rr'iw
ri l t.M.MRl A HMiitnn iHIMisetat
Una l ami Ike aatufartk- H gla In lkHV4
iwyaiMfiiw wil raa be eniawly i4e4 her.
'ei llaew Mr
Aro You Engaged?
nil wnfimaj H at Wj
tel. Mrrhaial ISea.
fl..e'i inirrt, ad aieaa
n Oilaiaa- l H
aat in get le aa4 M
(tintiiiii iu m wc
thai li la wall weni
while tu "let nr ya
a.e riahl Iwfi.r
5.1 aheait " 1 her la
ii li.M.k an het.ful 1
eitalilliig yotf In tatar.4,
Wiaa.-lr "rial)
llnnie Talk. Vie
ran k'arn enmelhtae
Ir.tlll lilher'aUilatalaNa,
Ihe lllainrt nf Mar
riage nf all klixle, la
ailciiiililrlea.llia ewrt
nua rieerlmrnla sum hat;, maite.anrhtak
ami iinalarii, ami clvlllai il, li-l na to kanar
tihal nut In (to. 1 heaeiual llliliinralll gri.wln out.
of unaal II1... nalnre amt marriage inlaDIa, Ihe tilalorf
nr eriiailiHllon. Ha ttrevalefH'r, alliiremeitia,ilaiigara
ri auha, Ihe i rf.,rla nf rellgh'lia mt aacrlh lam ljnb
tlm. ami eitlilriil Hie itiimriiaiil .aaah.n- all Iheargtiel
Icaani rrullful In Imlhallng illlalla In atnlS. Ng,
Ihn nlher hamt chailera nil ailailln III marilag.
i.hiai. ai, mental ami magnetic- in early marriamaa,
luler marriage, eliip.'tnrula, etc , etc , ahl I tie trailer l
make una match, a. I. .1 l.a. i pllt fur hmur inn i.S
I'llim. lo at nl.l ' I. m Iter Man In a," ami tom;i that
ral ni ami lutiery klmla tit uiarrlage,
Aro You Married?
TIIFIIR r rkao.
lera riiiallr uarlia
In almelng fum
''how le he hapav
Ihuiieh ntartlrS
Many niarrled a..
tile a mill) gel
.ellcr If Ihet lint 4
low to ailail Ih-ai'
eiitea lo eat h nihairt
ml would try to aa
dcraianil en an
iiilier'aneeda The
lllight In reaat WtiaV
"I'lala Home lalk"
aleiiit the triek
tihlloaoiihy nf Inier.
muae, ih "watwra.
I relallon of ll
M'lca." the tnSuea
nn health and ara ti
nf eerreralnni, "the wnrmwnnd thai rmhliiera e lai
lira," etc , em. Merit will Sml lineli aallatai ll. la
lliecliatiierna herrenneaa whh h ieahcenllirira
of great Jr . mailt i hlliiiea ialr, aMIng Iheai iw
itlaeoter and reninte the nlailai le Olliera llaa
iml.ine "i-aa.n marrlctl iieniile" treating nfeiua
lit. aicefiiiiat anarl. eiceaa. triMlerailnn, haWuay, l
rtlltrreiiee, ftretelltlne, runlllicnce food for Btef-
nanl omen, the riplanaih.n nf rhlM niakle. why.
i hllitrenot acennd liiialnndrearnililr lledral,elc, ,ia
In ahorl. men ami women liealiaie tn taig wiin near
home iitiralelaue romernlng many Srllreie awewa
lion 'hat . jieridet Ihem mT thai Ihef really a eat u
li mli raiaud, ami which IhM look will rnllghfea Ihara
on mil rtmmhrr M.l 1 tr fnllUi lUimi.tht inw
m'U raorfg la mat' nf If" tmitnm fty rfntttf
ft thiirgt In UUfrt i tuiun y.
i " .t
I t
Failure? $1.00