THE AMERICAN. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. f '! 'I, t:( lib I S l- A'li.(it tw .n I i l.!nK i tf n,i (i in ! Kiit III lliun'.s, at ).). h r"Mn l'iH.. HuM.n.f I'M- 111. lit I l f .lll,ii.l - Ah of We .(f chl i n I t t wt il r ! r'r I l. I i.i,miI l I r an eiil Hi i.uifi'i rlrf In th-' I unl ' ll tit lino was full of liti r'nnt tali inrlil that We tit ! III" follow- In tttols if what In asM- H.mi miim It'll III llml they 'i I t'hrlat lii ixiiim asaln, that n Way nunn today or llml lie tusy iml totue for a tliiiatid tar. Ii'tl tin you Itiink I would In looking ,rr an oiflv fur 8 flliiiil'ii mining ( .t. II' (! Ii mlxht iiifiin today or llml he might nut (inn fur thououid yoars? Wouldn't I Jiml nay In myself If my frli tnl ruining Is no iimi'Malti as that that I would Wllpve Ii was m.imIhk whn I w hi in, and not be fore? That la the raan of the pwipla t;day who believe ('lirlnl may rotne to day or that II many nut cum fur a llioimiml year It'll there are peopU who believe lliu I f'hrlat la rowing soon. Dial II U already at Hi door. I cannot t you Hi day or th hour, or Hi year that He will mmo; tin man knowe Hint, You will find that stated In Matthew, 2'th chapter, 13th r: "Vat h therefore; for y know tiHlicr in day nor th hour wherein th Hon of Man ronn'th." Hut you will rHtifnlii-r that t'brlst had often tolrl Ilia dlaelplea that H woul'l come attain and -t tip Ilia kingdom. Ills dleclplea ram to him on th Mount of fillvee and asked lftmeonertiingtlioe thlnK Ibey asked Him a three-fold Omtiifon and Jmi anewered them, shins a three-fold anawer. Vou will find the report of th conversation In tbe 2tih tbamr of Matthew, th 13th chapter of Mark and th 2lat chapter of Luke, If you will read each of those chapter you will get Ilia an swer In full and know why th eeond comlnc la mar at band Ju had often referred to the de- tru tlon of th tunpl, of Ilia coming and of th -nd of th world, and Ilia dlwlpl' wnt unto llfm prlyaU-ly aay f nar. "T)l a, wh-n ahall thw thlnija t? and what ahall m tb alien of Tbr cilrn and of the nd of the world?" And Jrua anawrd, "Take hd that no man dclre you, for many ahall come In My nam aaylnx, 'I am C'brlat:' and ahall d:lv many, And ye ahall bar of war and rumor of wara; ae that ye he not troubled; for all tb thlnra muat rim to paaa, but the id la not rot: for nation will rkt aaalnat nation, and klnxdom acainat kingdom: and there ahall be famine and peaflle-me, and earth quake in diver vw. All theae thlnr re the fnnnt of aorrow." All tlil ba bn nrored true, Im medlafeU Mttttr the time of C'brlat there were many who roa up and claimed to be f.'hrlat, and many were d-lvd. Then Chrlat went on to air tbm yet another atlarn of HI nomine, of HI near approach. He aald that following the arlaing of thrmn falae 'hrlal tbla would happen "T b'-n ahall they deliver you tip to be affllfled, and ahall kill you; and ye ball be hated of all nation for My neme'a aake and then ahall many be offended, and ahall betray one another and ahall bat one another." Thl etid aign did not w)v to the day tf the apoatlea, but to the day that were lo follow. Then rhrlat rave them a third ltn by which they might know the end wa near at band and that He would noon, very aoon, come and t no Hi kingdom. It wa thla: "And tbla gmwi of the kingdom ahall be prehed In all lb world for a witnea unto all nation; and then ball the end come," The cowl I befnc preabed In all nation today, That I the at lgn wblh he gave I .l. ! ! ! ion ft Ike I Ml r M.i(-.t ilttli ,l i t '1 ' II'PIH ' ll"f ilflit It l'll 'lth k JrlimllW it frier lloil iti tu'llt II "I limp H I hi h II nhs'l timr an ,i;,,,... (, (),, nty ,, hv ) it, Witt min 1 1 i lli ittt if I i if n. t hii'l ii ' KnA riifjil tl"i li ln ( ii' I ttirlr .tiont'l tot f'l ' m'l, I'Ml tul I'm li'. ailif Hi.-- ilai lill l-n it ntii hi-.i " iii jti rni.MHr. l"'i till ! tltf ll Ullllll. Ihl ftl'M '"! l, f.r 1 .?ft inn, f Kiit i.iiiiiil llml Imia pi'tl'Nl itf pf. mi niton ln n!ii'l, ititl Mi nt of Hiri!iu lni ihrir r fur tin Ir fuliti I hri ver-a P in rnoi iimia .nfn 171 and l'"i. Iml I tin I .r(ii lh ilnM of 'f " iiilim bud ln'i ii ihitl'liiil li ailn Hip Intln. in of Hi It. foimatloii ea Ixit'g tilt and litn-Hv i.f uti'M li'ti' a Inking root In th wnrlil 't'li'ii liuM ntwike l Ihom of On1 lnl ilna It nil anln llml fl" I'lirltila ptul fal iniitM'l wmild ailw Im would ohuw gri alana and won il'i ItiHoiiHiih thai. If II "t-e iiikI litn. Iliev would iIihi'H the 'tf rli'i I Tlii'li II raid' It.tmltl I hae lol l you be fur: Wbrri'for If Mh-v alial! r,iv until vou. Heboid II la In lb ilea- erl, go nut forth; behold, II la In Ihr awrel f'liamtii'ra; Im IIi ve II put. for, na tli llyhlnltig iiini'.th out of th iict and ulilni'lli evrn unto Hi ei, ao pluill lb coining of th Hon of Man lie," Yoti ! member Hi" Henwr Clilrl -aoniH,ne la lo cotti n f'lirlal In Hi iret American denerl and I I'll ymi that Hii-r will be n man up pear In hf York, or lit Chicago, or pom fitbrr lnree i lly, probably In Om aha who will p'-rform nil th miracle tlirt Clirlwt performed, or aiie,ir to, nd Hint Hm rallrond will run excttr nlotia and numv pwipl will go to h'm, but mt y not foitli, II will even cfitii' fir" lo com down from heaven. Hut I bav not limn to go Into tbia ful'" 'onli'lit: we will have to hurry on. From 1773 to 17!N Ih per- eecutlon eeaaed, ami Chrlat aald, Matthew 24. 29, "Immedlatelv after thdne dnya," (Mark glvea It, 13th f-hfipter, 2Mb vera. "Hut In I bore A? WIIMIN AM) THIN f !. .( Hi It t l M tti'li ih , i,f ..t wiaifcft j lot, n l ,i I),, ..,, ,i, i, I knliil wru m in iri ih , m i iml- I ltaef lke Tie r wh l) hm M..e Mt " U-iU U Ibrr fir i lrf,f Id f. I t f.l l.n , U ff i H J l iiVom ; I l. J n lu Vrt ; l,,i rj la'n, in.iiMt, l"Clal t in. i , f ,.. i, t .t i ,i i, ' . tal!ivJ tn be tl,.r, ar.l txnui r ilelri' and l'fil .it. l l I ' I ii i;l In Hi. tnralkn,! 1 1 I' 1j I e. n t il" fl ( i . 1(1 Ion f f a l m lil win a ii. , i n,n I oii lid niir .'. liii, i ii nm ,f a mi, in ti,i ) . i,r I n , nlKblnilf hen aankt nUirt !!. Nr lint r b irt!ild or Ihi.'him 1 1I1M tb nWl, I'nn b-il In Iota id R tl t. i nt lb ll 'li hflfi lt.,,i. Hr!r ?o nil. .'iii, I'll I'D tli.. tri'l'il.l i, i, i in., i,i ui, in foiH- ,nmi in iani ! rt.'n n iniiirr pMttV . r all lb wlnlrr and ' red 111 r Jdi ?-J In liil ) iw null tina witikinr iii'l .iiiii Hh b daya,") "ahall Ibeaunbe darkened, and lb moon hall not give tier iigM, ami th alar aball fall from heaven, and lb nowir of th heaven aball be h:iken. and then anati appear in atgu of tb Won of Man In heaven; and the ahall all the trlba of the earth mourn and they ahall ee the Hon of Man coming In the cloud of heaven with power and great glory," Then we may eipeet the aun to be darkened between 1773 and 17!. Ila the ami been darkened? Yea; May 19, 17K0, It wa darkened from 10 o'clock You will find an account of thl dark day In Webater'a dl: tlonary under "The Itark Day, (page Iwtt, in that dennltion you will aee It ffd that "the true caua of thl remarkable phenomenon I not known." People thought the world wa coming to an end, iiut It did not there were other algtt to be en !; for It waa to b dairoyed, The moon waa to le a blood and not give It titfttt, lb alar were to fall and the Word of fod wa to be preached In all tb. world. Ila the moon refuwd to glvea la light Yea lb night of the day which wa darkened, May 19, 1780 It bad no luatre although It wan at H full, when It did appear It wa a a great ball of blood, and you could not diailngulxh the differ ence between a piece of while paper and a black cloth held flf teen Incbe from the eye, After the algn of the moon wa to ap pear the algn of tb falllfigof thealara I Id I hat, occur? Yea; November 13 1X33, the atar fell, lint bow? Did Ihey all fall one way. In one direction No: Hut tby feu thl way, and that way, and tb other; Juat tbetreealn the orchard et fheirgreenfrul! during a wind, n were the afar east from heaven, Tho who aaw th alar fall aay they fe n all direction, but that they all aptieared to afart from one poltit, I wonder how many preaent lonlgbt aaw the alar fall November 13, SV,. Who I preaent tonight who aw that algn? Here I one; and her la another; two. In an audience of Write ImmptlUtnly, thr mi ! r l J. J IV A,. Il.r!lr,ftr ItiHite, Omaha, N"h It luk.n jiatrliil am 'al lyrartiy. " , Ut it and mil uii ami ,io-M i i,ui Nml iirutaiheia and tirima and fSrr imi'l and aoul fnl ci.niplatm but ni a mn a the aim dava come nml I begin 10 prom l-e mm if a U'tv r at and rlaiHiin, In xi' Mia A with an aiiiloua faa and fifi er liv pnunda for whi h ih haa nu ti and en admit bargaining with in aa If I wet a Hhlak. ttha beg in with Irara In hr ia to gne nain her otic aylph. like foim and to adtla a 'nurgl 'al dlef for brr i ,. i, . ..,ii.. . .il a nvi. k ever morning I wara her H.l.t f ht.r,' b.M,lt contain!,, tb catnlpa, roid drlnka. green peaa, and ,ufJ of the uik, IrUU, til ) ilatlonn, all lb other plea.urca of life, and aha omiruhlp, , to 0f a iion.iifrapbur. The ! itiv taJlunl Mhat alftaVa Ktan.a fle or ten pound during th aummer. b(M,k U ?'w lot u s't"tly bound often more. Htrctigth of will wmi I In cloth, irli,uil from ihmI, clean ty to to develop with necii. i lie aiim worn I'hTil. the tiUjr In rhuud, wr III aend In cai'h auhrrrlhir (K Cillrg u the namn of 11 ro ul hi friend, aoctnn panlcd by for Bve aampla oopli of I tall her lu row a bout Tim Amkkicam. ono volume of "The BUY A HOME on a hltfh aralo nf biaik-ai'r. W havd IM of them Out your order Is early. It. gu'ar prlco of auchabia k orJInurlly, ll.l'.'i. You pet It for nothing If you Uiy flvo Nampliin. Don't ond atampa of a larger donoiiilnation than 2 emu. Remember that brulalnc tbe ter pen t' head It aafcr than pinching hit tall. Hi teviple w they might know of the Ihia kl-e there are veneraliv from uit ti nearnea m in corning, nm, ri wa not aatlafled that He bad mad It eg. lully clear to HI dlacfp!, mt He went over It grain In a different, way, H (.farted right In again, aa If He bad not already anawered their nueatlon, and, gpeafclnc firni to Ih apoallea, then to thoae that followed them, and finally to thoax of our day, H aald to the ap'Hiile "When ye therefore aball ee the abomination of deada Hon, apoken of by Daniel th prophet tand In the holy place, fwhoao read' eib, let him understand!, then Jet them which be In Judea fie into the moun tain, let him which I on th houae top not come down or take anything out of hi bouae; neither let him which I In the field return back to take bt clothe; and woe unto lbm that ar with child and to them that give ucg In thoae dav! Hut nrav ye that your fllrht be not In the winter, neither on the Ha I, bath day; for then ahall l e-reat tribulation, aiieh a wa iwt alnce the lieglnnlng of the world to tbi time, no, nor ever hl! Ie," amount of thl convention. a dozen who aw that algn, but they are growing fewer In number each year, 'Ihey are paaalnc away one by one, but Chrlaf, aald "thl general on ahall not, pit until all theae thing he dotin" Ym will find that, language ued ni tbla me converxaflon with Hie Apoallea, and reported In Mark M, 30, and alao In Matthew, c, 24, v, 33 and 31. A that, algn of the afar occurred in 133 It will be year th 13th day of next, November ainco Hod hung out hi last algn or hi (ant advertiacmcnt lu the heaven, of hlcomlrigatid lhos who at l;lng who aaw It muat bo over ti'i year of age, and thowi who aw It and remember It muat have been & or VI year of age at the lime It occurred, which would make them ' or Vt year of age today. Vet Hod baa ald, thla generation aball not paa until all theae, thing come Ut Paaa. The deal ruction of Jernaalem waa wit- neaaed by Cbrlatlan ',' yeara after the prophecy of Jeaua I hr M: the nere:u lion for HI nam' aake im umt le. I ween tbe year ft,'! and I7!H: and the un ha been darkened, and the moon reruaei ut give her lbt: the atar 2Ut chanter and 20th vera. Inatead erf have fallen and the Hcriiiir ar b. aaylng, a Matthew did, that, "When Ing preabed Ut all nation, and there ye therefore ahall e th aoominaiion are tma living who aaw Hi iaat aign ttf de)latlon, eiioken tA by Daniel th who will a the Mavlor coming "In prophet, aland In the bolr tlace," Mike elouda, with ret power and glory," ey, "And when ye ahall ee Jeruea- although they are 70 and 0 yer of Jem compad with armfea, then know age, that the doleilon thereyrt I nigh; Oh! my beloved, are yon ready? then let them which are In Judea fle r you waning ror bia coming wlt to the mountain; and let them which I"? -"d ihankaglvingT He lovea you; are In the roldet of It depart nut and wH,er J"" J"v "m or not-Ile Jet not them that are in tbe countrle '"ve you; and He will forgive you all enter fherunu," Did tbone thing J"""" " " P H'm, and apen? Yea; 2 yeantafterCbrlatTItu wllJ " I'ortlon In HI klng- roarcbed bl great army galnt ieru- on Him and aalem and aurrounded It, Hut you ma '"mmandment, Are you ak If he aurrounded It bow could tbe CbrUtlan flee to the mountain? They were to truat In Ood and flee, for fifty cent wa will (and you tbone on the bouaetope were not to I topy of tba Atlaa of tna World, con- rome down-Hhey were in run arrow th boue toward the mountain, (you know people In thoae day lived In flat-tiilel liou, and upon their roof) and thoe In tbe field were not to return, but all were to fie Im mediately to me mountain. And when the great Horn an army wa en en contpalnc Jernaalem the Cbrlatlan, remembering Chrlafc advke, ran to- tpeukn Kngllah and German. Good ref- wfrjfj naj uiuiiiiiniun, r ji mniirf ut- i w rutable reaeon. Tltua. after ar- crence, Wa, I', Hell, 1013 leaven- talnlng tb lattat and moat accurate mtpi of Cuba and tea Klondike coon- try, tiealdet a great deal of ttnaful and raluable Information, American Pub. Co,, Omaba. Wanled, jf lt It n by jturg man wh rounding the city with hi army, with drew, and, after the Chrlatlana bad raped, came up a necond time and be gan the alege that I memorable In wjrlh itreet, Omaba, Do you look over tbe advertlaementa biatory liecauae of the Buffering tbat i io thl paper? an In not nearly ao peralNtent. A waip. wnlaled little woman came In to e me thla morning. She greeted mo with a wave of her band, flitted about lo are lb flower In my window box went Into ecalaale over my new hnnk can, atralghtrned her hat before the mirror and called my attention to fIA littl llnea around her eyea, auylng, 'You ee bow thin I am, and how oi l and ugly It makea me.' 'Kvery time you fly around ibe room In Ihut ani mated faahlon you loae an ounce,' aald I. Then he at down and apread her klrta out, poking them her and pull ing them there, drew off her glove. looked fur ber handkerchief, mopped ner hrow and alghed. "There goc an other ounce,' aald I. 'A fat woman would have come Into thl offlcenlnmn ed beraelf down In tb flrat chair at band and atayed there, aklrt rumpled up or not. That why he fat,' Then 1 preached a aermon, for tbat la all i ran do for f ha thin woman, fihe will I ev, nlnk"- change In the other llaleo to advl and like to hear ma train. Overland Limited 4:4,r t. M draw glowing plcturea of bow aba will and too Oraaba-Cbicago 8)cclal at Que that Yon Can Pay For, Huh ti tn tt'Uit.t Lu ml. a huiu'hi ul mihII liit.i a ( 1 1 nut iiil In m II inoiii1 ,n li, ,tnt liwMtnt in ilimi Jvtlf t tn.i1i, at a jiir .in. I lnm tint nv hum willi mhUI HHai;t,ut liuil. Thr! !n, in, ,ttr mIii.Ui.I mi ln)l tin.) 1U ,itil in j;nml uptit. If I tint wilhm t hml tunc ihi 1,111 U- piihiMil fol a CdOi !'. Hit ut itown l FIFTY DOLLARS !iul tlio 1 al.iniT in Montlily r.iyincnt of $10. rarli, nml inlcicst 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. l" iho ptymcnt of the 50.00 the jhihIi.imi a WAKKANTY IH-IKI; nml to scenic t ho Ufct inl p.tyintnti jjivc a 1'it -t nun t.ic njmn ttie pinnist'!. Tlifso aie hatainH that havo m-vt r Ihiii lttl icnted in Omaha, ami a nuil hmno is plarnl within t ho roach of every ono, no matter how limitoil his moans, without having to pay almost usurious interest. 1 or fuilhcr infonualioii write to M. I.. ZOOK, K115 llowanl St., Omaha, Neb. N. H. Kcal Instate ownots having propciiy to ilispose of on terms explained ahovo will find it to their advantage to send me description of their propciiy. No property covered by heavy mortgages wanted unless the rale of interest can bo reduced to , percent, per annum. M. I ZOOK. (Jive Rome uae of our politician and aha will aoon control our gorim merit. 1'iiblic .Notice. The Nortbwe'ern Line Daylight Special now kave the U. P. Depot at 6:40 A, M , arrive at Chicago 8:45 tame look when aha weigh 150, but b wITT not take ber mdlcn-mllk and oat meal iiuany-and get acute melao' cnona if forced to go to bed erly. It's perpiexing-tne way In which dlpol tlon ar dealt out. Tb fat woman Invariably love to loll and eat aweet thing can be rene and tin worried. Tb thin woman adorea eercle,corn aweefmeat and ha a poaltlva mania for work and worry, Iiut between tbn (bey make a ea voyage tici ary for me every July," A M., arrive at ChicHgo 7:4.1 and 11.30 reafiectlvely, next morning, Tbe moat advanced Veatlbulcd Bleopon, Diner and Free I'arlor Chair oar of courie-What eUe would the "NORTH WE8TKKN " have? 1401-Farnara it Knowledge kill many papal mytha, no matter bow old they may be. Hlgotry I tb mirror of credulity. True religion I out of place in man bouse. LAST OF A PARIS PRISON. aiaiaiiua vtnicn win 11 (ar( n9 Mure tb liulnl. Until tbe uply I exhausted, wv wilt send to each subicrlber ici.dlng ui That aalutatlon eometlmeg beard on the names of five ofblafrl Xtn, "tf you have ut Uut i a n, com out of Ma. old boy!'' ' JJ f"W by 25o. for (lf aimplo coploi of bav to be abandoned forever. The T,nt AMKfllCA!, one volume of "Tb famoti prison near tbe (Jar de Lyon, Stenographer," a book containing tbe """H f" aer toMiti: m iHff 1IUJ1U I . g ., il A , . ..... way citadel In London, baa be., iiif ,torJr of the llfe- r tribulation condemned, sftr having long exlated courlahlp, etc, of a stenogrspher, The a the place of condemnation of law- O"" has f'Sges, I elegantly bound breaker, aay a I'arl correpondent In cloth, prlnkd from trood. clean tvne . ........ ... . . " ' . immwu teiegrapn, every day on high grade of bonk-papcr, W wumvuj ri.n ynmmrr 0111 01 in 'U have of ll,m c:. I. confined In It are carefully b.ndcuffed, '"'.'..fZ u ' ILl placed In black van and removed to , ' .. 1. V . . ibe Haute, which I to be demollabed '. Vou got It for hereafter, Mza wa built In 143 BOt,,lnK u buy five sample. Don't and took the place of tbe La Force 'n& tp of a largur dnomlnatlon prlaon. It wa for patriotic reaaon It "'an 2 cents. wa called after Col, Mazaa, who wa bot at Auterllt, but bl family pro- teefeij ggaltuit so equivocal an honor. Heme tbe jail wa officially known a the House of Cellular Confinement Ibe publ'e, however, continued to re- fer lo it a Maze and that appella tion win (tick to It in biatory, it wa originally given because It wa on tbe lloulevard d'Auiilerlltss, and ibe memory of the brave colonel wa thus ought to be perpetuated. Of year the prison chiefly contained per son condemned to on year or e and wa far more comfortable than In tbe old day when tbe system of soli (ry confinement In ce was rlgoroua- ly pisitlced, Msas bsd a few habit ual offenders, who purposely broke Iho law In order to be sent there for fb winter, One of theae bad contrlv- Home And dander a belter weapon than a b wln knife, We have plenty of tbe March 4th l ue. We ran fill your order. Tour frlenda should read tb iworn tea mony against tbe rtoman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd at BL Paul. Ten for 80 centa: fifty for II 25 '' 100 for 12.00; 600 for $7.50; 1,000 for 10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your frlendaT You shou'dl Tbey should Dot alee? longer. Truth may be put In the grave, but It won't atay there, When the force of patrlotlam are ed to make himself ao agreeable and divided treason cornea out ahead. popular In the plsee that the gover nor used to shake bands with the fel low when be came to peas the rough weedier Inside tbe hospitable wall of the House of Cellular Confinement. In a year or so hence the prlaons of the Peine will be eelabllebed st Fretne, If Rome doee a charitable act It la to gala favor with tbose she can after ward rob. Leyden'e "Becret Instruction, of tbe Jeulta,' for 10c. and hit "Secret Con anon flitnce rrom i'arl, where reion to Priest," for 10a. both large monumental ronatruetlon ar paper covered book, are the eheaiwat book on tbe market today. Bend u 60c and have them sect to yonr ad """ t-wieay. area. American Pub. Co.. Omaba The ever-present polltenea of the Neb, Cuban Is a perpetual wonder. An American lady entered a shop on Obis- now in course of erection. Dig guide to Omaba and Kxnoaltlon po street some time ago, and aakd for .ifWha mtua . 10 . an article which the merchant did not ' . . mlled ,or ,0cenU" A"01 torn. "If th .enora will ner- . "er'w 6ere- p' W"!ker. uuw.WHt,, omaba. are 111 ato. it. "jf tbe enora will ner mlt me, will beg to aeslat her In finding It," aald the obliging shopman. He thereupon doeed and linked bis store and accompanied the stringer to shop after shop, until he had bn supplied. The Cuban then simply bow ed and bade ber "Adlos!" to return again to bis place of btislnnsi, content In the thought that be had rendered only the kindly duty which a true Cu ban bold I alway hi due toward others, Edward Page Gaaton, Try Sawyer' Soap. The ubscrlptlon price of Tug AmkR' ican I 12.00 per year. Tbose who would lead men to oppoeo Home must look up ber record. Of Coan II IU1. She And do you know tbe names of all tbe bonea of the skull, for Instance? He (a medical student) Ob, yes; I have tbem all In my head. San Fran- Id Howard 8L, Omaha. Neb. No greater, no more Intereatlna. na more fearless exposure of Romanism waa ever written than that penned by nv. vnaries inimquy ana popularly known aa "Fifty Tear In the Church of Rome." Price S2.2&. Bend na II M nd get the book. American Pub. Co.. BUGLE PEALS! OR- Songs of Warning For the American People. A HOOK OP POP.MS BY HLxIVxA A. PITTSINGlilH. "Mrs. Kli.u A. rittainger in a poet of rare ubility, eopccially in the roulm of true putroitism. Her volume entitlod "I'.nglo reals" contains the spirit ami sentiment of Iho liigheHt form of AmericaniMtn, uml the "grand and awful tiincs." in which we live, These potms constitute a clarion cull for the defense of American citizenship and American institutions agiiinol tho world." J. Q. A. Hkniiy. I'aator L Sslle Ave, Uptlt Church, Chicago, 111. If ynu want to Iroathe patriotism and renew your love of the Little It. d School House; If you wan to commune with gifted spirit, buy and read thea ponmt. Prion, 21 oonts. AdJroi ! Tbe American AN Ur-TO-DATE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED ttsoffHori KHpcclall (irciiarotl to meet the want Of Farmers, Her hantn, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who leslre a complete work at the minimum cost. Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps. 140 Now and Superb Illustrations. A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorb ing interest to every member of the household. Population of each State and Territory, of all Counties of the United States, and of American Cities with over 6,000 Inhabitants. T CONTAINS much special Information regarding any Nation, Province Btato, City, Town or Village dosired. The knowledge I rarely obtainable f om a school geography, which necessarily has only a few general fact and be location of liiijrtaul cllk. 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