The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 2

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. it .it.i 4 , 1 )! r i ht -'! Sili-i .i.-n.i IL (" .r
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vu,.uxu u..i ;,i..i,iii,.i , u, ,,.,i, i..:,i ,i.,, n vM'iu!,,,. ,i-!...,-! ; " f ' ' ,"'"; 7 r ; M
IJ..INhh,',,!, U. ,l,na IU ,,l i.X ,fin,Ull M.-l ,f lU ..M ." M U ,, lr.KU U ll.o M , l,lt I....I. ..., If U .u( inr i; '
RUlllril l.rlM'lf I'f III'l I HIMIlt'i MH.'llU of
lift flirml I'liiUimm It hIouI Imi hi, mi l
tt.c ri'in"Hi, filiiiii' ill lit Inntl' r f llif ltl
tlnil, lu wh lill ftlful, l'i.Vf.t!tiii5 v.iy
guily ly ll. fift m li'. I't Im iij;uUr n l.nV.
fniitj Imt nnrr lire I ln Mraiigf mi iijirttt
infill !
1 oki no ii Iimmii, Wrd l.y No wlii'l"
without ruiUitii for tliry loVcl .hi rin'y
iimce, th l.nlurr lil no fi'ir of lu iug vr il-inkp'l.
One i'U of this niHrliipiil icrvcil h u wr.Irnln,
for tliem w susin'inlptl Uu-roiiipoit flushy
coitume of .Iclmnlcur, not fur from Hit liontinmi'
i)tiotini, jni i tl i no iv "Why .In jou 1'" your
!f ill"
"Wliitt ! i it jou, Ninny M-otlin"
"Yr, my l ilori 1'iij'it t,irn ijun kly. Time
I.. l.iin,"o yiiu'ii. I'' n rmj.l.'i.'l t" Mk j. in- ! I'liilrm-mt I Ii"l-I '
l..t"i . I.iif rtlnntli'. Hlnl lull ili t' ll'" '' "III "'
. ... . ..... I 111. I ... 1. til .. .... ..... .1.1
..f il i II ' II it i li ii t In I ti l' ! 'Mill 'ii n. ii iw n
- i . ..... ...ii..
.... ..I. I 'i,.,.v Mnuli... "Notliiiu; Im! I r.m luii'lly lirhrvn timi
Ik'"-'1 1 .'111 I ' " t VM III 't ' l -M . . , . :
.,1.1 t,.u l,L i I..VH rv.iil. Im, ,1 tl -iv it Ii"'- A.,1 llifii." ..Mr. .ht. will. IimiU.
liiimliMoitf Oh, I ,liu,.y'-tl.lioil.ll. Orr,...Utl,oMn.lfr1..,ti n.o.itl. for your !-''. "' "I-moI know if I ,.,.Kl,t "
' , ; . ,., ' Niiinv . Moulin Hfht t. tin- vtiii'Ioi, o i ni"l U,
iirrttv, Itit liffurt l nni ! ,'tti inonty 7 - ..
' o,-,,,,,.,,,. w(ii,1,Mii,,un,Mrluir,ur. "AU y. tl.o mi... i.o.,m. M .lo!" tl.l ! mI;I Im K.. ..,..., wl,., r..i np U,
vrnmr,? li w,.uMI-vrryPr,.liylll.our.lMtf H,e young Kirl. .lit l.tLI u,. the Lran -M to tl.t "- ' l-for, ll.o .or o tliHiou.,'
'.U II.. r...M nitl. whirl. I'u .1.1 mr '1ornl hit i(IM. .till ron.inuing to r.t hrr "Why .1. h.l - .rr llj rr, ! How comfortal.h, .
hoilyM Im ii.ihi of il?"
'Thiit tnrriiige i yotiri. It ii w.itmg for you.
"Wnitiiig for nit!" c(laiiii?'l Itoic.I'omtion;
"am I to deci'l.' it ihort u that V
Or not tit til."
"On thi limtant,"
IJut where will they take in?"
"How ihouM I know?"
"Vou i not know whert th.y will take ine?"
o,V(,t I ' Dumotiliii ijok the truth "the
cochni!in lia hit orhr."
"Do you know all thin U v ry funny, Ninny
"I helicvc you. If it wf;r? not funny, where
woul l he thf pleaiure ?"
"You are rijht."
"I hfii vou tcc.'pt the offer? That U will. I
am oVIijsht.'il hoth for you arel mynclf."
"For yourself?"
"Ytn; U-raune, in awci.ting, you rf ii'k-r me a
gr-fll K-rvk'i-,"
"You? Howo?"
"It matter little, o Jon at I M oWel io
HUnae, then; lt m tt-t out!''
"IJah ! afu r all, they cannot tat mc," laid
iunini 'ii ,. . ... i....i
i. i..: i t...t I tn. 1 1 . mi .. 1 1 ...... , i ii t i .i. ' . ... . , . lioe-i oiniion, n.noiuiij
iiihi iiiiiiii'ii. miiiii iiiNiiniiHi lii Liin nun. uiiii 7wiuirfiiiitiiirwiitfwiiivM mii ar iiit i nr hi nun vwiirai m i . i t. a j htm i a
... ... ill... ...... ... . all . . .. .LiinBK..rm..u..j ... ir. . . v . . v v
u. .1 ii Aay l.t Ilia am unrarv Ml r I null v wii lili 1 Ii l ! I .. I . l,...r l..i, .m I ui.a ..1,1 iirml tit on anil I ..... i . ' 11 . . I , . . ..I ,1 ;,l I - , . .
niiiivn. j-...-.; ..j - iiiiiui'i i'i iiivj. iiiviii, iim.. . ....... . ... lftMi0(J, OWT pOCKCl 19 IIKO .J, until! n'i
.1 . r I . I ..t I. ill. V"
quivrfj I ways me ianiB iaric mm mi uni'in"
"tlive me litno to put n my gown, great plagut Ninny Mouhn again plungoJ hi hnii'l into hit
that you are!" mii.l Ilon .roiupou, opening the LiM-ket. nnd this liino drew forth an elegant chain
jacket of rhilenion, Willi lit lurgfl liours oi ,,uor , j, ni.i,f) funleuing her tlrena. which ho hung roiunl Kone-rompoir neck.
course, g ey itutT, rovere.l with pileti (iiiiver my .,, you have at lunt returuetl to tlm itoveeoi, ,n, . , , i,..ll.1.!f.,i 4i.ui " rricd the young
timber.!), just if tltit Intrepid marinei you tray hird?" laid Ninny Moulin, folding hi irj . (i,e 00kcd hy turna at the "parkliug om-
bunked in the forecastle of a frigate, .luring a Urtn, ,,mi looking nt Uoio-rompon with comic L,,, t,e rt.lii,)U- writer. "If you chone
voyago round the globe. A gown of Ho.e.l oni- aeriouaneaN. "And where may you have been, (,(it jlVe ft very gmj laHte jut am I
pon'a hung gracemiiy over a pair 01 jiannioons, pmyr lor three day a llic naugniy nine niru "llB ,10i; a good-natured girl to he your dummy, jut
the legs or which neemeu u come irom upiieuui ncfl i(M ,..." lo ihow off your jewclt?"
the pu'ticoat. On the lowcat of several book. "True I only returned homo hint night. You t0e. pompon " reluriM'd Ninny Moulin, with
ahelves, very du4y and negk-cte.l, l.y tho Bide or mUBi iaV(. called during my almencc.' .till more iiiaiefttic nir. "then trillen are noth-
. , 1 1 . . it I I - III I .. . 1 A I ....... I ....
three old uoois (wnorcioro unco ooom () hum h "I came every day, nnu even iwicea iay,young 1 j0 what you may obtain, if you will hut fol
liumt.erol empiy ioiiiea,.aioou a nuu,a bcipiiiiiiv lady, for 1 hnvo very aerious mailers 10 commun- tjC, ft(ivjce 0f your old friend."
and friendly louvenir, lelt to 1 hilemon l.y one or U-ate." M to look at Dumoulin with aurpriat,
hi C'linrudes.ii medical student. Willi a ipecie '(,ry aPrioua mnttert? Then we ulnll have al ,uilj to ,i,( oH)Ul (m &) tl,im' iiu, Ninny
6f pleasantry, very much to the tailo of tin- Mu goli i,,,,, t them." Moulin? Kxidain yourself; what advice hve
dent-world, n day pipe with u very black bowl ..Not t nil they tiro really aeriou." aaid .,.,.., ,
wn plumed betweou tho mignilicently whito teeth K'jy Moulin, acatiug himself. "Hut, first of all, Hmooulin did not gnawer, but replunging hit
of tin ukul'j moreover, it nhiuing top wm hall I wlant did you do during the three daya that yn (UII jllto his inexhaustible potk' t, he fished up
hidden l.enoath mi old hut, act knowingly on one M(.ft jour conjugal and rhilemonic home.' 1 must ft .Him, w,icl, J)e carefully un folded, and in
aide, nnd adorned with faded Mower nnd ribbon, know nil about it, beforn I tell you more." which was a macnificent mantilla of black lace.
When Philemon was drunk, ho used to contem. Will you have mmie olive?" aaid Ilosc-Pom- jot..'ompou started up, full of new admiration,
plate thi bony emblem of mortality, nnd break pon, n aho nibbled one of them herself, and Dumoulin threw the rich mantilla over the
out into the moat poetical monologue, with re "I that your nnwer? I understand I Unfor- young girl'a shoulder.
gurd tolhi philosophical contrast between (Icalli tuunlel'hilcmoiil" "It i euperb ! I have never ncen anything
and tho mad pleasures or lire. 1 wo or three "There i no in iforlunatc Philemon in the case , , v(flt f.atlerna ! what work !" said Hose-
l . . . .. '. t .1 I .1 !.. . I . ... i i . . l , . . I I ' ' . . ,
piaster cusi, wun incir nodus nun tuiiu mum ur ftjiiiKicrcr. tiara nuu n oeui in ncr nouo, ami, i, a ahe examined all with simple and
i i . t I. .... . i i. ii . ii i i I . .i m . .. i . i .1 i ' .
rose-colored cap, and, going up to a broken look
hig.gbi, placed the cap very much cocked on
one side on her band of light hair. This left wi
mon had felt with regard to phrenological science, keep the poor girl company." y0(J gel yj t)CIM, j,rGUy things?'! Then, bursting
from the patient and serioui study of which he At this assertion, the religious pamphleteer h . o i iut lef . wlsicts brought tho blood to
t .i i .i . ii I i :-i -,.i...! i. . . ..i ... i i.. i. i I. i . " '. . . . . .. iom iu
nau urnwu mo iu..u.ojj iuK.v... v.muiu.h.u. numniMi n nine, wiin an incn-uuimi aim her checks, she exclaimed, "Oh, 1 have H : i l.eie f,k whU the silky roots of
TI...I IkvIihi Ia n ildrmlnir v t Ail I fl.n l.n in rt nfl I .. : . I .. ... . t 1..I.,... I I I t,w' " ' r "
-- b - ."K". are the wedding prescni lor iiaoain o m .. , , , . . , . t j er . fetty f ce ft ,ii.i I.- ....!. 4,. t.... a. r hv... h.!..i. i i i i in. i,si..'" .. . ... . ... l' "r "enni'J, ami gave uti .
" "f . .. T . , Y """"" HainlcO'olombe I congratulate you; uiey . , . 0t l nm,tiou cxpre
tho fatality of his organization, and accept the criod Itoso-Pompoii, cracking a nut with Ihc 'r,Vory choice." 5
inconvenienco of creditors as a vital necessity, dignntion of injured innocence. An( w),er, (jo ym gupposo I should find (,SU cWA" said she to Ninny Moulin, who
On the chimney-piece stood uninjured, in nil it "I do not say tricks; but one little rosccolored moncy lQ buy tMJ wotliri(r .aid Ninny Mou- tJ(l t(f u'feIieved from H('0nsiderable amount
iiisjosiy, maguiiK pui rowing c.uo , ..g- m - n , rep(!(lt t(f you M thj(j H yoUr it you will , , . u U4 ftCftej,ted his offer
irliivu a rln ii n I iii .mil U'llliimt n Htmitt. ntlil nil I "I (nil v,.n H.ul il una nc.l. fur intf filciiKlirc II. . .- . .. . .1,1 I '
Li,.. 1 r i.i..t .i 11- .1...- ,n. ,.r iL i...-., ,i,,iL .... "ul. .u' "w. ... "Ki! a cloak will not do," answered her com
iii-vuii.. ... iv...., .in, .....Mi.. ... i rill, um, wii uiv imiimij "0W 1 till 7 Sill'l j.OSO 1 OlflJ'OII, Willi HI? Ill' I , . .. ' Ii tt,tt arwt
which was covered by a coat of greenish and U.ico, poor Cephyse disappeared." most amaemcnt; "is what you tell me In down. ".g once mort i in W i
mossv mold. " From lime to time, tl.9 silence of ..v.. u..n.... a .,.t.t .... 11..1 ii.. iiu.l.u.. J . drawing o .1 a ni casiiiuvrv
w -., - - . . 1 rn. hum 111 1 jiii iiv ivi'i uiv ui: uiv 1 ri 17 ml pariM SL , I.. 1, ti t.i,. .1,1 ...
thi retreat was interrupted bv the eooins of Li n Hot ul. I ,.. .1 ii.. ....(-. thref over Uose-I ompon a ihoulder.
. IH-'( II'VH Tt Itn ...... j-.... .. . ..... ....... . ill HUB II lllll "I" "'"I ' . , , , ' 1 I . lilt
pigeons, which Hose-Pompon had established ulk of pi.ib-mon, you talk of Ceyphyse; wo don't o-fhi offer to make mo a great lady?" "A bmere , cried the young girl trcmwi ng
with cordial hospitality in tho little study. Chilly .,r0KrcM "Tho jewel might convim.e you of tho reality with pleasure and joyous surprise, fheu tho
as a quail, Itose-Pompon crept close to the lire, ..Mliy j ,,6 Mle ,y ti,(. j,iuf:k panther that they (,f my offer," 'lM witU m Hir f fot'n; " ' ' 1
uud at the suno time seemed to cniov tho warmth .i..L,t.. ,nu i-.ri. .!,!. (.ri!i. it I An ,u,t t,k... ti ii.i-1. L.r mu will run the gmntlct, And with a light step
0 0 UfV Bll"nll HI IIIV iWlilMl''lllHl II ., nr. illl'l TU IM 'M'"P" H" i"' ' ' ' "" , l f 1
of a hrinht rav of sunshine, which enveloped her ...ii ,.., m. A,l iniki..r t il.nt von... v... f1...i...v" be dnded the stairs, fo.lowcd by .iiuny
ill it iioldeii liiiht. This droll little creature was ...... ...a i,. i,.La i M.,.. .nli.ii.1a I . 1 o .,.s,i d.,. ,ii.,i,.ni u rii.r u,WI. I Moulin,
r r llfllini. VV U'Bill .uiiv uiv v r"v ......., I5 Ul llli" 1 1 artl'l l-ll imir 1. " f , , , ....... .
dressed in the oddest costume, which, however. M..r .........!-.i- i.i mi v.u.w , Th worthy greengrocer wa at her post, iioon
. . 'i in j i iw' ii i ii n j "I'liiiiii i j hi. " " i a ;oioll;iii Hir ui iii''iini, ". numi r.,,.- , 1.1"
displayed to advantage the freshnes of her pi- ,.nVA. u...n, ..,,.1, (i..rli.1f wild h.'" L,.n . , Uh.A i.uMI. to feel certain 'ornmg, mad'-mouclle; you are early today,
iiuaut and nreltv countenance, crowned with its ov.., ..ii . mm in,l v .1.. 1 .t ...1.1 1. i..,....i.t ,J S..!n.'. vim io said she to the young girl
I ' I HUB 1 VIIIIJ I V J in..'. , llllBl I "11'IIH'i I"' I )'' " Mj I il ' I "
fine, fair hair, always neatly combed and arranged ov',y 10?" commit an imprope r action, I respect myself " Yes, Mother A re,je; there 1 my key.
llio unit, thing in the morning. Jiy way 01 .ires- ..'ii,... 1 ,),,,, , ffUi, fl vour vouth. ko a vener. ,.,. ...l, tr ihui leavim out the cons deration '"' o'"-' "" "
ing gown, Uose Pompon had ingeniously drawn Hi,j0 jtriarch, through the danger of the 'Storm, that il would be unfair to Philemon, who confided
over her linen, ibe ample sennet iiannei Kiri mwn Tulip,' all well and good I ran 110 risk of to me the guardianship of your virtue,"
which belonged to I hilcmons ollicitl garb in tbt HJ(,Ung my pastors and master; but were I to (,Tftf Ni((ny Moulin," said Hose Pompon,
ami!.. I ..lill.i ll.A I .llil M.nil I. llllllA.I Irtltrill.a . iff . t.' .a ..I.. I ' .
roi.. c..,.., v ' wrw' " . j take you to a i,eni;npeciacio (since u.ero are omy mor- ftfJ( )lore fl(,tonihed, "on my word of hon
tiipiaye.i 1110 wnuenes 01 u.o young gin uuuer heasts to be seen), I might just run against my j c f()(lkfl othi,,g of it,"
i I. I . 1. . t .1. ..II... j.. I m a ana a .al t
garment, 11 aio 01 ner ncn aim snoumers, on ,uCristan-and how pretty I should look with i'Ytt, ti all very aim pie, and I
WIIOK' urm auu jioiibihmi Biirnicu tut bi:ii iui run 1 1 y()U .,jy arm;"
mmmnd In riit a rov ud. The Lrrissctte's fresh I nV,. ...,t
.,,. h.lf i.rlr..dl from .1,. lrCo. i. "ZZmZZ 'l'l Nlnnjr M.llu "HI. ...n. "' yM. lf n,,,,.,,,,,,, .,,,,,,1,1 arrve, l,.t will
.a .1
"Oh ! now I think of it," aid Jlone-Pompori,
suddenly, in a whimper, a she turned toward!
Ninny Moulin, and withdrew further from the
portress, "what i to become of Philemon ?"
"If h should arrive
"Oh ! the devil !" said Ninny Moulin, scratch-
crossed one over the other, nnd clothed In neat
white stockings nnd boot. A black silk cravat
formed the girdle which fastened the shirt round
the wasp-like waist of Pose-Pompon, just abovo
those hip, worthy of the enthusiasm of a mod
em Phidias, nnd which gave to thi style of drtss
a grace very original.
We have said, that tho breakfast of Pose-Pompon
was singular. You shall judge. On a little
table phi'-od before her, wa a wash-hand-basiu
into which she had recently plunged her fresh
face, bathing it in pure water. From the bottom
of this basin, now transformed into a salad-bowl,
Kose-Pompon took with tho tip of her fingers
large green leaves, dripping with vinegar, and
craunched them between her tiny white teeth,
whose enamel was too hard to allow them to be
set on edge. Her drink wa a glass of water and
syrup of gooseberries, which she stirred with a
wooden mustard-spoon. Finally, as an extra
dish, she had a dozen olives in one of those blue
"We must not think of false noses, but of what
I have to t ll you, sineo you assure me that you
iavc no intrigue in hand."
"I swear it!" said Itose-Pompon, solemnly, ex
tending her left hand horizontally, whilst with
her riglit she put a nut Into her mouth. Then
she added, with surprise, as she looked at the
outside coat of Ninny Moulin, "(loodncss gracious
what full pockets you have got f What is there
in them?"
"Something that concern you," said Dumoulin,
"Kose-Pompon?" said Ninny Moulin, suddenly
with a majestic air; "will you have ii carriage?
Will you inhabit a charming apartment, instead
of living in this dreadful hole? Will you be
dressed liko a duchess?"
"Now for some more nonsense! Come, will
you eat the olives? If not, I shall eat them nil
up. There is only one left."
of it. Could you not tell mo that directly ?"
"A marriage? oh, laws, yes!" said Dumoulin, "Three or four months, f suppose."
shrugging hi shoulder. . "Not more?"
"What! is it not a marriage 7" mid jiose-rom- ,,i should think not,"
pon, again much surprised. "Oh J very good !" said Kose-Pompon, Then
"No." turning toward the greengrocer, she said to her,
"And tho offer! you make me are honest orn;,Laljfcr H lnomerit' reflection: "Mother Arsene, it
my big apostle?" Philemon should come home, you will tell him i
"They could not he more so," Here Dumoulin have gone outon misine.
i . .....I i "i :i. if b'i:iiiiii,
ipoico me iruin. , , , . f , . f ,
.1 .ii ...i t ..... . i. ...,r., M.r.u i' . ......'" .... .......... , ,
i snau nomavuiu geons, which are in hi study."
"Y, Madernoieseue."
"Or faithful to any one else?" "Oood-bye, Mother Arscne,"
I'.MA.lV.iTinriti looked confounded. Then
... . . i ....I..... i...- ...... !.l nv Moulin,
rallied on: -uome, . o not nv u ... Vfe f)jft .f f wf(tt u lo com,
ing! I am not foolish enough to Imagine that I ()f tj. tM jucvlt Dumoulin to himself, as
am to live just like a duchess, jt-st for nothing, the carriage drove rapidly down the Kue Clovis.
What, therefore, must I give in return?" "I have repaired my error and now I laugh at
"Nothing at all," the rest."
"Nothintz?" ' To be Continued,
" MOOU-l'r, iIOlllVI lli'JMW,
"(Jood-bye, mademoiselle." And Itose-Pompon
the entered tho carriage in triumph, along with Nin-