The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 23, 1898, Image 7

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what mwm
In ihr Y 4f jm Ivom Will
k" Ihi t'ounlty ami
Krcp It- llukir,
M ! Usl hil'iwti. iwt iit
t MtH I tt Ik Via
iw t'l Ml Mitt .
Jail Is II t t fcunfc.
KIurftttit ssttls t Cri"!
Oisrrs u 4mttl for
n ix.
K4urtlo tnutl rstro)i4 It
OMkolle smWttlas, ! r
tlwth4 Catholic Worl4
I frssklf eont list Ct
ua4 Imfnrt lhs rouslr? si
ls t lbs public srhpols -rVf
I would it w silmtnlstsr
UfDt ts a 4"t to Catholic who
MB 4 tfealr rhiulrta to publle schools
rihtr Wslkar.
Th public Brbooli kss r4-4
Bothlnt but t t1a,s anrstta of
thlatss an4 titscaftisrds Fatbar
It will t a (torlotn 4t In tbla
founlrf whvn undfr tha laws tha
rbool iritfrn will lm shltsrsd to
plucas.Csthollo Telegraph.
Tha public schools ara nnrmrlea of
Irs; they are orltes an4 nnlss sup
prMl will prove ih dnmnntlon of
tbl country. Father Walker.
We must take part In the elcctlona.
move In a solid mss In every elate
sitalnst tha party plpdcei to sustain
tha InteRrlty of tha public ichoola.
The common schools of this country
ara sink nf mornl pollution and nnr
series of hell. Chlcnfo Tablet.
Tha time li not far awny when the
Roman Catholic Church of tha lie
public of the United States, at tha
order of tha Pope, will refuxe to ray
their erhool tax. and will aend bullet
to the breasts of the government
amenta rather than pay li. It will
come quickly at the click of a trigger,
and will be obeyed, of couraa, aa com
In from Almighty Ood. Mitr. Capet.
"We hate Protetant'm: we detest
It with onr whole heart and soul."
Catholic Visitor.
"No man haa a rl?ht to choose hli
religion." Archbtahop Hughes In
Freeman' Journal, Jan. 29, 1852.
"If Catholics ever gain sufficient nu
merical majority In thla country, re
llaioua freedom la t an end." Cath
olic Shepherd of the Vallev, Nov, 23,
"Protestantism, of every form, baa
not, and never can have any right
where Catholicity la triumphant." Dr,
0. A, Prowneon'a Catholic Review,
June, Mil,
"We hnve taken thla principle for
baala: That the Catholic religion with
all Ita rlghti, ought to be exclusively
dominant, In such Bert, that every
other worship ahall be banished and
Interdicted." Plus IX. In hi allocu
tion to Conalitory of Cardlnala,
September, 1861.
"Protestantism why, we should
draw and quarter It, and bang up tb
crow'i meat. We would tear It with
pincers and Are It with hot Ironat Fill
It with molten leaa and alnk It In hell
fir one hundred fatboma deep."
Father Phelan, Editor Western Watch
Dan. "Rellgloiii liberty la merely endur
ed until the opposite aide can be car
ried Into effect, without peril to tha
Catholic Church." Ulabop O'Con
nor. Tba Roman Catholic la to wield bit
rota for the purpoae of securing Cath
olic ascendency In this country."
Father Hecker, In tha Cat hollo World,
July, 1S70.
"Undoubtedly It It the Intention of
the Pope to possess tbla country. In
this Intention he Is aided by the Jes
uits and Catholic prelates and prleata."
Hiownson's Catholic Review, July,
When a Catholic candidate Is on a
ticket and his opponent Is a non
Catbollc, let the Catholic candidate
bare the vote, no matter what he rep-1
resents." Catholic Review, July, 1894.
"In rase of conflicting laws between
the two powers, the laws of tbs
church must prevail over the state,"
Plus.lX, Hyllabus 1804. I
"We hold the star to be only an
Inferior court, receiving Its authority
from the church and liable to bare Ita
decrees reversed upon appeal."
Ilrownson's Kssays, p. 282.
"We do not accept this government
or bold It to be any government at all,
or as capable of performing any of tba
proper functions of government. If
the American government la to be sus
tained and preserved at all, It mast
be by the rejection of the principle
of tba Reformation (that Is, the gov
ernment by the people), and the ac
ceptance of the Catholic nrlnnlol,
which I the government of the pop,"
Catholic World, Heptember, 1871.
"I acknowledge no clrll power."
Cardinal Manning, speaking In tba
name of tha Pope, B, It. B., 1878.
"The Pope, aa tba bead and mouth
piece of the Catholic Church, admin
ister Ita discipline and Issues orders
to which every Catholic nnder pain
of sin must yield obedle ," Cath
olic World, of August, 1868.
"In 1900 Rome will take this coun
try and keep It" Priest Hecker.
"Tba will of the Pope Is the supreme
law of all lands." Mrcbblshop Ira
land. Wc bare plenty of the Issue of Jan
uary 28, containing tb ezpoaurc of
Rome's plot to take this country by tbc
aword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for f 1.26;
100 for $2. 600 for 97.60; 1.000 for
10. Have you sent any of that num
ber to your friend? You should! They
should not sleep longer., Mljh., fjb., 21,
Dear Sir;
, I received yo ir Atlas of fio World
and 1 am woll pleased; far beyond my
No man's Influence la so smell b
what he could make It tell against
Mimia a a, taasic
H.a tfcmta aa ui ta
laMtlwt to tt.
At '- ritft tl tfv4
k (trail) M'l
' 1 is !(.. r-. I fit
M ' Nl t I t ft
t i t 1
Imn t uti V
l t i , ., t ,rini'n
l"S !. I t l 4 t -
it v h if hi ihi t ht m '
tr lht( t , inii Ih
!!. It o Ola trni t fHl
't i4 a U l m kf4
) a wt.Mtirat he Ik Rt an4
h rr(.l S, tmi i tint r
!- taf from twin tteM
We (!,) m thtt k
tfct tht kfltlr Mi ) a I"!'ll
lea It M. U.i' It io
a ey (ft rt atui U-!t ar
liiaSly InirnM H dreth thnmtb a
imlUr mtiM, t one of Ui K.nith
Kensington iMMiins M.wt nf
bare b-rd of eimllar im wrtri.w
hrn Hihtrd rt(rrti ir niJiirhrt ur
I'tirnlna ah fnm a !f hr !"
4riiil fMm the lup of ninlUf
or nthvliw In Uie put. II.1 tip-t, with
reeultliig injury l,i Imnnrtu nii'l
If nt lo the rwn f it tnuty mi
lurky enough d In the v. The
riMlfn of Otllllllltlftr H!l IIU'I til a Y'M
larse extent by IhtviKhtlr eople, wli.i
emoke. Iltilil muti'hm, ami Inn rvon
nitire illKgiistlng nu ennolna. If l'"
ilntiKiToiio lialilt) spiM-tnriite. wlthnt
regnrillng for a momoiit tlif fsu't ttiat
I hey are In a puMIr iiHuf, tni otlu-r
perm)!) nmy suffi-r for ilo-tr 'tn 1
ftimnuT, when lmllcn arc wimiIiih IUI
rlreeei'H, ntnl 'Biim litlly when, a now.
muellti mul utii-h Ititlniumiilib mati
rlale are In faolilou. tliU pi art Ire of
rwkli'HH emnkliiK In tln ntriNi devel
ops Into a public danger; ami when
the oninlliiM rompatii lake to en
coiiraKliiK the habit, by providing pen-ny-ln-tlie-nliit
machines for clgarettM,
It seems desirable to draw an much at
tention ax possible to this growing evil.
We have no deal re to ImKln h campaign
iagnlnt smoking In Itself. Hut It Is "
well to reoognUe that the prevalenre
of smoking Is such that some nort of
public conscience Is renulred, some ln:
tier rule of good manners, at all events,
which should reHlrlct the Indulgence
of this pleasure In such a way as not
to turn It Into a nuisance. And In cer
tain places such as railway station,
railway carriages, omnibuses, trams,
etc, the proprietors, whether Individ
uals or companies, ought to see that
the by-laws glvo protection ngaltiHl
what may be called the natural nnd
ordinary accidents and annoyances
which may be expected In the unual
course to follow from a reck lew one
of the facilities offered. The way In
which smoking In public tnui Increased
In the Inst ten years or so Is really
more slgnlncant than any statistics of
the Increase In the amount of the con
aumpllon of tobacco.
Tile rated llacause It I t'ormlilcreil a
Dhsne of rt or Skill.
The game of niancala may be said to
be the national game of Africa, Bay
Good Words. It Is most closely asno
rlated with that continent. It Is found
among all the tribes, and Is an evi
dence of tbe essential unity that un
derlies all the African racee. Among
the Abyssinian It Is played by all
elae. from the king to the peasant.
It Is tha favorite amusement of tha
negroes at llenln, on the west coast.
It la well known among the natives of
Horn bay, In Java, In Ceylon. In the
Maldlve Island and In the Malay pen
insula, In Syria and Palestine cup
marked atones used In this game are
not Infrequently found In old ruins.
It la played by the Druse with holes
mad In a plank of wood; end this Is
the common form of the amusement
In Jerusalem and throughout Byrla,
where It may be seen continually play
ed In the oaf's by the visitors, The
children In Egypt, Nubia and Byrla
play It In h!s excavated In the
ground; and when two travelers meot
on the way they frequently rest and
extemporise a board of holes dug In
the bard path and proceed to play with
the pebbles they gathur on the spot.
In Palestine and Egypt shells nro
used In the game that are brought from
the shore of the Hnd sea; while In
Damascus pebbles are employed which
pilgrims collect In a certain valley on
the wuy home from Mecca. (lames
of hazard are prohibited by the Mo
hammedan religion, Hut mancala Is
considered a game of fate or skill,
and Is therefore tolerated; and In all
likelihood It Is diffused by the pil
grimage from Mecca throughout the
Mohammedan world to the utmost lim
its of Arab culture. It has even reach
ed the new world. The negroes carried
It to America from their old African
abodes; and at this day It Is a com
mon amusement among the negroes of
Santo Domingo. There Is a little Sy
rian colony la Washington street, New
York, among whom this game may ha
frequently seen played on a board with
two rows of holes, wlUi a handful of
shells or pebbles, aa a link with their
distant bonies.
Keeping tli Ut ami Walk Kicltialva.
Canon Knox-Llttle told at a church
congress once of a lych-gate In front
of a beautiful church which had been
restored and made very nice. There
was painted over the door: "This Is
Gate of Heaven," and underneath was
the large notice: "Go Round the
Other Way." San Francisco Argonaut.
How ll Kieaped.
She And la It true that you pose aa
an amateur mind-reader? He I be
lieve some of my friends accuse me of
It. She I wish you would read my
mind. He Why, er you haven't an
amateur mind, have you? Chicago
really News.
1 VMttMHk.
i tktl 1t- M Bl
rrl K h . 4 ?
uun.Mi if t .w4 ta
' t' a a ' - " i
a ' ti si'i t t a
w p-'i'-n ti ru jMnHrtosi
I'iib hi. rt
I -'i
! t N, uttwirtal
f.. .f Tit ket
) ' la lla il,'.tl,l h' (. B
) a ini t- m ii.. 4 tfca
; kse t at 1 ih X ( !
, r mtitfst 'i tr tUg't. t IV
, -nu-anu. i u ltv ' .
r'f''lil! " rfte.
onr nr.'Vri ,.f i-bi. aa la
,1 .'.
Tb tMu,. i,-titi ih oeni
Utina at f n similar netwra
It i..r, ,,f, hr rut at tfce or-
ar f qiatr atone, or e' from a
im hut The Mtrrs I', U " N are
frrd ,r rnttirc irot at ntit an
rl'i to ih at. in Jin of the rlh heart,
ai d the Irttets II. p, T. t", 4 t'r strokes
t tiiht ati(p to Hi- lft Thus a
impu nrkr of Hi. rtatit is H and to
'lie l.ft (a o to Iho rlaht t I.
and the iinn if tiumtx-r to th left Is
l. Thre lo fine side Is K. Ihrw lo the
other Is T. Long atroke. tHtmb.rlng
from one to file, rutting ( tt siein 4lag
oniilly. etire-n d M, U, Ng. Hi It. and
elmii att'okes, numbering from one to
fte, ruitlng ai rosa the mem at right
nnclea. glVP ibe lottt-U, It Is easy to
see that the ully stick was lined for
numliers before the alphabet was
thought of by out tVI'le f..refathi rs,
HavliiK proved the tally Mick Valuable
for accounts, they applied It fur writ
ing mesHitgcH on rods and memorials
on tombs. The old Hiinlc staves for
calendars were somewhat similar.
Strange aymbnU were Introduced to
mark the several festivals, but the days
were Indicated by notches.
llrvHt II he ttiii.
The Increased use ol culilcways In
constructing engineering works requir
ing the transportation of large quanti
ties of roust met Ion material Is well Il
lustrated by the adoption of thla sys
tem for constructing die large oower
plant of the St. liwrence Power com
pany at Messina, N. Y., and the new
Cornwall (N. Y.) bridge across the St.
Lawrence river. At Messina the calile
way will have a span of nearly 1 .400
feet, and will bo supported by one fixed
and one traveling tower. The trav
eling tower, operated by power, will
move around the fixed tower ns a ren
ter, and the rablcway will have the
Miller aerial dump and new pattern
fall rope carriers.
At Cornwoll the cableways will he
t.250 feet long between the tower and
will span the Cornwall canal and the
foundation site of the bridge pier. All
construction material for the bridge
foundations will be shipped by the can
al and the cahleway will take It direct
from the boats to Its place In the foun
dations. Engineering News.
The I'rnlilam Solved.
The vexed question of the extermi
nation of the Australian rabbit, which
has hitherto constituted the chief
problem that has confronted every an
tipodean administration, ha at length
received a satisfactory solution. There
Is no longer any necessity for Invoking
tha services of great aclentlsts such,
a the late Dr. Pasteur and Professo
Koch to devise means for their exter
mlnatlon, for the Invention of the cold
storage room on board ship has led to
the bunnies being exported In a re
frigerated condition to the omnivor
ous market of the mother country.
Rabbit pin Is a favorite dish In the
United Kingdom, and the rabbit which
could not be successfully can.ied for
transport and preservation Is now leav
ing Australia for England at such a
rote that soon there will not be a single
one, of them left In the antipodes.
Portr Chicken!, 1'iirlr Hollar.
A very peculiar happening took place
on the farm of Lafayette 1 leach, six
miles from Portland, Ind. Mrs, Ilenoh
raised a great many One chickens ev
ery season, and takes great pride In
the brood. Early a recent morning,
when sho went, to feed tho (lock, she
discovered that forty of the best fowl
were missing. Mrs. Ileach, In burning
a possible clew to the thief, nut Iced a
pocket book lying on the ground near
the coop. This she picked up, and on
examining It found Inside the sum of
$10, or exactly f I for euch of the pur
loined fowls. The thief hr;d undoubt
edly dropped the purse while taking
tha thickens.
(Unit or it.
I'p at Stromsburg a farmer sold hi
wheat, paid his mortgage and noatlui;
Indebtedness, bought his wife a new
range and sewing machine, took ft on
to go to Uuffalo and poor wife an out
ing, and had tnoo left. When ho had
finished all the business he wiped his
brow with hi shirt sleeves and re
marked: "I voted for Hryan last fall,
but I'm glad he wasn't elected."
York (Pa.) Times.
lo Fit.
Policeman Hiding Is forbidden in
this street; get right down off that
Hlcycler My name Is Meyer, officer,
and I live at 277 Tulip street, Plcw
send a warrant there for my arrest. I
can't get off my machine and I can't
mount I can only ride. Kllegende
Mrs. Newpop Shakespeare said that
"Good luck lies In odd numbers." New
pop But bis wife never blessed him
with triplets.
Thirty towns In Utah hava no newspapers.
11 tvlttttv
nil w
f"rk! t ae tfr ttt'4
ts :!) t H W e tt.-sse a ta
M fr i itit i ! it
!et til )
! (-ie Wia-t si ta tbs
). wtete (He ( Bi.Bft mutt
A PH ! U Iks . fcurtral C
r-sput t f w jo.lf turn a
Nt . raa w!k with iviituto
nt stay la tbs ,( f fp-l rip
tlllon j
liitm wear a Mali's rloaa. tet1
a a vH barl j
A riMfaioBal boa I the Umb w
aelfrmp,,! j
Wearing a rt tf.te not rut rr..
Ilstred Is tiursAd by papal prejndba
Tb brighter hMorr ansae the dank-j
er Itome'a record.
It Is hard i romlne a pplt who
let the prleet do his thinking i
To know that popery la a cure
makes a man want to rid the earth of
Keeping knowledge In the hands of
the priest starves the mind of lbs
You can never tell what a papist will
do out of a church by his looks of de
votion within.
Home has trouble with the man who
does bis own thinking.
Popery throws the moat mud at the
whitest garmenta.
Use Siw; c k Soap. The In si In the
Every fact la an antidote for some
fool lull fancy.
I'as-engtTs arriving al Chicago h
IbuChlusgo, lts;k Island it Pacini: H
can, by too pew Union Klova-xd L i p
reach any part of the city, or for a live
cent faro cun bo taken Inim-ed'aie! y in
in y of tin) I it 'g ij store In Ibo down
town disli'icl. A train will (top at Un
Hoik Inland Slat, on ovivy inlnute
Tlli se f,i:ilMe i;an only ho offered Ol
tbo "(ircal Ituuk Island Koute."
JOHN SUH V"i n.VN, (i P. A ,
Holding on to pagan superstltloa
gives Rom a mortgage on your faltn.
Do you know that S4yor's H p I
the very best in tha markoi? Aik
your grocer for It Inlst on having- tl
and m other
When Rom gives money ah always
put a cbaln of power on It
Store Prices
Host describes the rates hi
Is doing nil kinds of Dertu
Hot Teeth
Host Hot Teeth 7 B0
Uold Killings 11.00 and up
Silver r'UlInc 1 ((
(Jold Crowns ft tM
Teeth Extracted Vft
I t i' tli out In tint morn '(;
A cm Onvm &nmv liny.
All work nt about IIai.k whm
oilier Dentists Charge.
Id Ykakh' Kxpkkiicnck Hi
Dr. UTI IIKKS, Dentin,
Fourth Floor Hrown Blk
Sixteenth anl Douglas Klreete
An Illustrated Quarterly MaKtixlne.
In Its Pield Current His
tory Has No Competitor.
1 i
I a Ufont..! Current. HiMo-
flgUIIlK VlfdlllrJU. ryiHSHpl-udid
O IMIt'.llllf tOf
SKnlH to imnitln, It spiieiiln to inttilliKenl
ihiiiI, Addris
ST. LOUIS ssaa1
TirUt Office. .1. K. Cvraer 131 i ind Firum Sti
ft Ann Inn fTrtrlinnl
ruuiiidi liicuiuai, harital
A SrosiMt Boot lor (mloK rtoplt-A t'stltl Boot lor Eurjen
t ! iMit it mtacittc cimil H ic rtmtrt, . t rctt
Jf" j I,ii jur, ysinii, .1d44, I'liil.; ts rw lpr,
ri fcita i MLMat a ihnih ri) tNl Maastai
ixiallv oun cntAT books in one uncc vocumc.
prstasti aan Tmdc cums, rwviktaa ano rti.
tBia pisiasii or an aoais, ho
rut a-nain mis Motif roim(.i stistssns,
rut tv.- srnoviiM of MAgmaai a r.un
tiaet far reMtoUtm
7f T w" rf IIm rMiw ef lln ami lh kulMa.'tion II fir I., tliovmbfu
lij 4 lLi rarnnS aiHl iriwlf iaya.iiitwmHf ran lw oiMlr alaiml bwra.
io rtVATri. 38 cnnomoi. boo xlluitiiationi.
rka nt Man mm nt nnnim hr nt I Ifri Mna (rnm Ihr lui Iiiwiin af tk
i ' - - ..'....i . nrrr . irwni
ii iiiiiiralln ' l
I alurlira t i i.lur
Aro You Well?
4iot UF A! TM I ft Mr
ft.i..n tM nfiH tnii) iu'iit i.
lUtn (i.rttiiint.H' -t1i.rl
ft-. Ill t'lrllt NM' ( lit
h- tv ku tf th ir l i
i t mV ," t"M' "r it"i
itti- tl Om I'M M t' tlMn tin
it kv ltnltt If I 1m y
H liM' ti.Hinll I" l li lh' t
tuniiiuiii li 1tl nil i n tin
lr ph'IImk "I'InIii llnnn
'I nth" t)i rsiiM'ii nt ill
r.vf.i'rrir l H t. i'imM
riri-!vn in l mtlim, It
mul c ir iliiiikiir. Hit ii"'
ImI aImim nf nU 'li..i tt, Hit
tmij IihIiMH Of I lilUllvn, 111''
hri'Vuti'iMft if rrriitft f
rn ifhttn tiftr1irmln vlif'r ut ninlit nihwpir
lift I r rnI IMl ltl'i"lt 'llMM ilK. lv 1 llt'li ( f H'M
rv run lrr if mliiM. tin- Inimn . Imhlf
tn mm, lltrlii Im luit In "iiifti, rii- , Hr , mcl Hi" ml
tiMWfrfiil i hps) nt ot WM lt iv wln rt-l'V inmir tt lln
mh nf ImiiIi M iift r ttiHUiiiMl lo "fit-tnl ftlnrvn
lliin. Thin IihiKT mIidwn why timuli( It ynmn
folki fr nalmv. IihW prMNitiitttnii h lifi nti.c imm
tU Hy H will "WH. lm (mm-ftil iIN.hhi
rf i-nnvrvp li Hit "liiiiorrHl" umt unlliiM hih!
luijM.riHiii ffti'lft 4 kntiw.
Th nwiltfl fif a iiiml rliftw for vrntih, t tvT
Wurk. itwr tinly, full nit' lit ImikIim, Hh twt Unit
.Willi U thn U4mif fltli iiolr Kirn wmt- mw Hi"
rmiwN mil rfTi'l it hnriittdi nirlNiirliol f -llu-w
rc all tuftUcrt It wuuld hu well for "'. lu think n r.
Arc You III?
TM I: V on inili'ril rrc inn
If Jim rn Hot hikIihi" In Imiil
llUW l. I-HHH? lllllMII, WllHl'l IhH
limllrr bii.I aliMl'ii lo lm iI'iimi.
NWiWlnT II li "UUlJf rulil."
rlirinili- rMtiirrh, ur iiitm-ililiiif
liinrii m-rli'ii llmt tm ''lllrl
nit Ilia hinm" In limni hliu ur
i'uiiiiiiiiiiiliin. thn nniiiii r you nml
mil Imiw iTlnim II I-, nml Nil lu
(In fur y.mrai II iln- Im-iiit. Ilymi
Hunt riru "iinw ii nvn whii mm
luim" ihi. cmMir mil nil lila
knowii'iitfii i iip iniiir'-r ynti win ii .
Ur, nmy lm juiir rtl nlnr nk
put la In I in' Hi' r, aluinai'li or
Imwi'la. Tlii'll yml rail timkH tin
niUlMkn hi Irarliliitf Urn heat.
Sintlinli of ri-SHtattn ilwaa vital Inm il'itia, If you
tra full if arlira, palm, nruraliila nr rhfinim.
!lam, II aliraii'i'lf V1 In f""K ui III"1 t "''"?'
hrui off. Hurrljr von ' an't want, in (ii-kU-i t th" lnl'l
mi aviiipfciiii of llrlahl'a aUarnar, nr ntliiT
Ifiictlvn iliai iwi-a of tlio "Ki iiltu urinary urtraria," ami
yuii Iiit iK-coiiiii poi-i mi am h llilnirt aa
I'.norrh.r-a. alrli l urn aii'l wnraa f.irnianf rnnlaalnua
laaaara "liy Hi" liook" I Man liy rtiH-rlniri.. I lm
ainii i.-il will n-wl wlili avl.lliy all aiH.nt I n-m y,
liarrxniinaa, itlaraai-a of wniin n, iiarvima Slaraara,
IMi-aala, paralyala, akin alaraara, at rnf la, cir. i-t,
SrnnHu, ona Imnk raiiiiot nf "all llm Ilia that
rail la nalr t," an tliorrfnra miurt fitltfurWin,
. rnr niuhorlvii th4 nnnniini'niirnt llint nnu imr
ra.uar nf "P. II. T" teha fnilt tn liwttn U whtnh
mmt ana enat nil Sim In prrmn nr by Inirr, vuhmit
nvirpa, an4 Uia Inquiry will Ik auawered to Um beat
of lila alilllty. ,
nraVrP TTTTMir ynn slrasilf hf"nmthln(r llks It" or "Jnat ro1. ITnnlrawls hM
UKJCi X X 11 1 11 JV iianarail that It Is 'inmiHar lo Unrif," nl far ahmit of sll oiliar worn,
nnVT trnif niOT"11 Hit worn isorrorail rorfom lnfr(ruiicfiiTtanil nllllljr, sol not
1Vyi.l X S:JlmJlJk (Hatniiulrrl In ehmporm In silrrllaa nrnirlaiary inaillrlnea.
n'tiTTlfriMI A T y tlismoatentliualMtls kltii frmn all oountrlm whare Kngllib Is ISO.
IjOI liVliO,n, woul.t, avfn lo avail typa, flu M pagranf thlaala.
1fnWl(1mSTirW A T f"" o' sll claaaaa, rlarati, Awtitrt. tiwwri, nMlnri. OrtUos, bSM
lJE ljaalJVtilJti.ea otitarliiftniloraaiiipat) remsrkalilj few critical.
POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, 8 1 ,QQ
American Publishing (p.
Fifty Years in the
Church of Rome
r a- r ,." ,r ' J
i ; V'
aa. . i . '
Si aiair
For the Dalance of 1898, for
Tl'e prlnn of !!- t'0"k alone t H'tall I 2.2 hut you ret. both thn book Hrd
tho iinr frr 2 W S. nU In your ord. ro ACCOMPANIED HV THK CASH to
Ibl5 Howard Streot, OMAHA, NEB.
Is Marriage a
SOCIAL & Onlrmnl
Or (Vrt't Yt Wr Ko
w'it FimtM'f Oram tm Itirrm,
Tut YiV 4or i.ii tM I) twt f marry i
Tit M BBtti Imw t. W Kspi sr in msmu!
Tnc r i l'Br-l.ow t-i h iiM
Tut N 'Tmib Ih'W lo liv tlutn witlMi ini
1nrtiiiMr how i. i fruitful i. mulifplfi
Tm t t t - how tfwy "t;TvwI-ii.I m l U(
Tut lUuritv lnw i rfjT lif sunt Bep U
Tut latauu- how .i prH will m-nin ai-filily i
Tub lunu it- lww . frmti watn nn-rgf.
All win! want ko.iw.lkt (bet ls f n.l wotlta
att rsati, ptnurMUd "rctvTt" roc ikith trial
irsihi!l attota asist.i m ait crHMTsitt
roc ii massiio in an who moci ivti to tt
("taint mr TOO staaoielw f t4 ok f a4 mk wrt
fmMi, la a.Wi 4 rMtkmi tt. ai4 l a"l ikl I e- MWilrsMC
IS Mi4t a.M rata far tM cs f
i i..r i lain wi 111 aa irriai orgaaai
iil Or trli. m It
I'li.iloaraiih t . la 1 1 I alora.
Aro You Engaged ?
1 ', (H Wl
it hiumho li to M
nv in r t In Mstl
IIMliiill in -t ouL
(lu.i It lit .Ti wuri
hltt l 'Ih ittira tun
re r liv rit Wf- rsi Vu4
p. al.... Ihtri im
rnaMltitf yUu ! rtc
llniiir iallt' Tuil
rait d-nrti inirtihlti
fnm imm r'ft iitliifek.
Hit lti(ry ut MfcT.
tiHirt of ail ktnrlt, Tn
mil ripf-rlmenta nm itatlnna lw inailr, an ln
ml iiii.'I. rn, Ihi Imrniii ami i 1 1 a In ktiuW
tint iH'i Mii hi ai itial liMMmralliy ifrnwlnv out
ttf iniMrtiUflffl iiatiirn atitl mar riw inlaflta, thr bitiorf
i-f iiroaiMiiilnii. Ma jiri'vali iM f, allurr'mrnu.Uaiiirar
r Mitlt i in rit'irift uf ri'liktlona nml HM t-iti lm toaiibn
thn' hi m) I'liMtrol Hit ilMiniliaiit'li' all Urt ttU'U
.ri. friilKMl lit Imlti alliitf ililnlla tn I4. l
Ihn nHitr It mul rliNlira n laitlii In Iiiarrtava
I-livad a), tii' tiial ami mairiiftH--on rmry tnarrlau
HirrinitrrlHi!', i ri'iii'tti , rtv t ?tc , all iticrvailt-r ta)
mttk" m cimI mah h, iw lt r ltMiplly fur Itomr anl of
nprhiaT, 1 m t "l,iii lffr MhI hr-ft, Kitd Iuwkmihi tl
mi dap Mint hitlr-ry hfu-U o( luatriatfu.
Aro You Married?
TflFIlR lira htn.
rr finally tiftrttil
In almwlna; yi4
'ho to hr hapau
lliniinh murrlrJ
AlHity ihftrrltd iit
!)) Wlrltll) f t 'nt
H'lflT If IIm-V !)
Mi In flMil Hum.
ih'Ivpm tn r h ouinr,
nml niil(l try to uq
ili ruifttiil on to
iiihi r'anffila. T! -
Ciiiffht In r'a1 Whal
"l lulrt llimiii lain'1
mm liuiit tlii I rut
iljllijM.j.lif nf lnir-
I rrlmlon t Ui
i Ki-a," I hi llifliM'D'
on lnalth arifl v ll
of pnrYf rl"tin, "Ihw urnrmwnoil tlmt rmlilili'rft t'trM
Itlt ," Hi- , cii'. Many find hhh Ii nattarar lion l
thr I'liapliT in Imrrf li nraa lid h htrfHthrmru.
ttt in ni Joy 1'imnhv n itlldti p ir, nlflliitf fh ni to
fll 'vi-r nml rcfiMMti ilir iitratai If Mhira Ilk M
ttnltjtin "ranaya fur mnrrl' d prutilr" trt'aMftff of 'UI
llv, ali'i-pliia! apart, i hi i-m, rtiiuli raJMr, J'ftl'i"f, It-ilitTi-rfm
, pri'Vfiittoii, i urtilm'nri TmmI fir pri
ttntit woimimi, lli i-iplMiiatlnti of rhll4-miklng, wlif
i tillilri'ti of mim-iiikI Inittltanil n-ai'fnltlllir ftmt, He
Itialmrt. pii-n and womrii h-iiaiH to talk wltb lhV
limim iifiyali laim tuwr ruing many aVIIral aarft
lliina (hat prrplM H i' in am! tlmi lin y rcallv dm1 Km
nint'Tmaii.1, ami whl li (I'lft '""'K wf II fiillsfhff'O tliatn
on-itut rmvthr thnt if tl fail Utiinm,thmutkn
Mttndn rrntly tn rtinkf tipiff thr uftiUHtm by rplitlt$
fret tf vhargi to qm'tal UtUrt nf inquiry,
. . v ,...
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Failure? $1.00