THE AMERICAN. 'MM i'M'' tap a. s , I l I hiMi, I, t"'t "M ttt. ! , l !. ! WHI a,e-r vaM -v-v w-eaaa. ,- j DO YOU WANT . . . Sjahttiat'a.t Skat It ml ai I.... I tha l.lh li'lKk V t tax I .a ' i I ' .; ii lit la ,.it; i I,. U'i I--MH l! t ) . lot ! til I" " M 1 ll , t.lMtl Hi- tl i ; .'. ft I ! il li t .. , , (.(I. a it. I f I-It It I Mt 1 t 'lt ' N (t. H l,.t,M t I"'' ' ' 1 tlltlt i , It. l ll ! i I f t ' ' tlti tit r.l telaM ii " ' vvflimt lit- i1ii.i lii !- '" i a.l.l SHI Ullil a fitiM It of ffitiltillir tilH f.ifhi. n,, .t tnUr II " '"' thlli la I'M fur H n it'ii'i i r i tantrit l 1iil ttrlUnic, t"it If "' lamln ll )uti llt tiit.l ll iir- hit M Was ).iiri on ilirrk ami I '. took ni..i fcitully l iJirta 1 ei I Mm of a eat urea fur Air l!lt1 ili1ta, AnmiU ami Hie iMf ,,' galhrrrtl Kitinil llirm Niilmil) talks of lov al ail epicurean hami'M Hh mora ArmrtHiri!!i frrllng than the Ii "Mr. Hpeakt-r " No thai I think f II, hi I In s.uue reaperls a h HmlitaM f Mittirt. but rt vrtl a littler film a lion and haa a huffier head, 1 ln1 ha tan burn to wrallh It might h Brown up a dttnily; but ha wee burn lo aim tif a rncrli of the coup I UriiMvl (IN76I, and was reared In fconorable poverty. Aa II I. Ma tlres la merely elegant, and a gcwiil deal of the alt'kanra la thrown Into It by the drearer, There la uu better drawing town actor. Ila la a very rlever ora tor, though lila epeerhee ara over Studied. Ilut ha la a first rate lec turer, aa hla father waa before him, 8urb a man miiHt have arts'or-ratic laanlngs. If would hava been In Athana with Ale.ander and Arlatotla a agalnat tha dlsHples of I-moa-taenes. nut I do not think ha reallte What aat dlalanra lay bHwaan Athrna and Corinth, thoujh thry war wut 10 mllfa or ao apart A Corinthian rapublle prrhapa would ault blm lift Ur than an Albanian. M. Emlla t ehaoal, tha apaahar'a fathar, waa alao aa Albanian In admatlon and f-tlnf, but bad no particular taala for Ha Iftaea, cirapt in lltrratura. Ha want U. M profeaaor of claaalc lltaratur. fo lhalyala of tha fernlnlna haaK. I kava aomawhara two MUla kaapaakaa onra upon a tlrna cava ma on "La Blaa qu'oo dlt da Prmmaa" and "1 Mai qu'on dlt daa FfTima." Ha waa worablpar of Raclna, and dlarovarad ftdlaaa kayi to hla traiadlaa. Thay Inraad In tha ruaty old locka and war Woadcra of Ingenuity. Throughout tha aplr Prof. Daarbanal bad a Mark ark agalnat blm. Ha naarly rauaad tba Intardlrtlon of rartaln rouraaa of tocturaa In tba Rua da la Fall by bla I pot I (loo a of flbakanpt-ara. Poor aUdlnguat bad juat baan holding out taa ollva branrh to tha Dlahop of Or twaoa and paironltlng Darboy, Arrh fclahop of Parla, tha futura martyr of tba eommuna, Jarhant1 prra found It thla a parallal with Rlrhard III. ba twaaa tha two blahopa. It waa aaUad ky tha audlnra. I narar haard any thing mora aplrliad and mora amua Id( than tha lalura. Tha pnaaaaaa ra ta ting tha Richard and tha blahopt vara admirably read. Ha alao gava a lactur on Jullfl'i lova alfslra, which brought ptKfcat handkarrhlffa to ayaa. Romao ha thought a poor rraatur. Rut leva la blind, and all tha Intaraat of tba play waa raniarad In Juliet. Prof. Dahanl haa now a rbalr at tha flor boana and a aat In tba aanata Lon don Truth. APPLIED CEOORAPMV. ttaka W. UIImo Teat-lie lha Brlrataa la a llecliteilly Naval War. John W, lilbaon, pritnl,.al of the public ethoo) at Kalrbank, Tllgbman'a lalaod, one of tha veteran teachere of Talbot county, teachea gaography on big obJct-lBon atale. Ila haa laid off on about a quarter of an acre of the ecbool yard a map of the world on Mere4tor'a projection, ihowlng lha con Uaenta and Ittlauda, the oreana, geaa, lakaa, and riven, tha mouutalna, and tha vallaya, Tha water for the water way la mechanically roveyed from the overflow of a inl-artHin wall near by, The natural lay of the land give Uv plane aurface, tbe mountain ara built up with oyater ahalU, gravel, and earth, and aand from the river ahore bu bean apread to thow the deaert. Tbe work la done to a acaia, Mr. Olb aon being a mrveyor and civil engineer tf no mean rapacity, Hla pupil help ad blm enthusiastically In tbe work. Tbe varlou mineral and vegetable product of tbe different countrle ara aaalgoed to tbelr rcapecttva place. Mr. OlbaoD doe not rlalm that tbe Idea if a achoolyard map I original with blm, but the work probably baa never been done on o large a tcale before, Bor with ucb evident attention to ac curacy of detail. There I large enough acop to how the pi-ogre of the naval Ida of the gpnlh war; constructing Wartblp of tin and the bark of the pine tree I not difficult; every coun try boy living on the alt water ran Whittle out a ship with hlark-knlfea Mtlly aa a factory ran make a match, aad when tbe dally newipaper come, what a delight they take In changing tba position of tbe tquadr6na, ac cording a tbe newa warranta It! Tbla la both constructive and applied geog raphy, and make tbe map and let-ter-preee of tbe textbook much more Interesting and more easy of compre bension. Principal Gibson' novel cboot yard attracta many visitor Baltimore Bun. Komaa Maxltcal Inatratnamt. In tbe Roman hospital recently ex eavated at Uaden In Switzerland many teed leal instrument and utensils have been found, among them probe, tube, gdnceri, cauterising Instruments, aafe ty pins, medicine spoons of bone, silver toeastirlng vessel, jars and pot for wtedlelne. some containing traces of --aia.aa- !--. .- da la . I ...! t at aaaaiata. Hi t. t i-' a " I l I ' t- f i - I li " I' 1 !' l.i l . a- till, .1 a : I !,. . 1. 1 at ll i I ti I a t. . r u-h -. Mm I l.i i an a: 1- -. -. I, .! 1 ;a e . I ll, ' I r i ' I " I . s a ' , Ii ' i-i t a !!! l"t t It i( i;ip ii till M. I' '"I M'l vaix'tt i 1 1 Mia. t f tin jI Ptt'ai'i i i. i i . i ... Vimliilt a'i i nil !h' " i r i t ! i .!.! iiki i In i a i f1 " k1 u i! 'It tattnl IMMt and titltltt l'i gttat . I 'Hf1tl Stf i'ik. II iliiiii.i tiiil li'ttti,, i ii Ii iti ia nun at tlif fit uttslmi V h la'iii !it hi t 'to . niif Mi .hi . iltilt a lid lha fit'! ir- ' li .u ! It i l.i i-a i f . in ili il mi l mi l ni"' of nl ii'iiiB but ' lilt Ml nil if III" t:ilKllih III mm fi in r UK fill Ml II nl llll.!lllli IllAtllla III IIM '' iinjif. In iiiiuliita W alUutill a roliitr. ml tin ii !v I i i au. of ll licilil" tlttr. ft Im n ii inl in i v i uu nt I fmir lluif UK' I'tiif.tll uf Hit- MiwIhhII'I'I, but iHrau-i t .link t uu in I. In puliil of iliit 111.1 llt ( Ma f. ItlillvfUlatlily Hlf Ur 1.1 III Hit- iturll Thla arlf-a. to iMtlil, fnnii tha ihnrarUT 'f lha nKni iiitili'. Mi'Mniri'il !'' tin KBltifa nf tinr(ii ami tin ptirtai. Hif ir'l" l.ivi rpuol and Hint of London i ll' niii iii u'iio.ihiohiw a ytar, but Judgfd by bulk, tin? iti'i'l)iind!e tlfitll Uh on th otiim of Liverpool In vitHily tr;ri- rr In ahi ihnn Dial dt-all with ul lllorkwull and London ilm kt, for roi ttm and jtinlii, tltnlifr and lobaico, tcx lllra and iniirhliifry art, bulk for bulk, of much Im value ihnn ti'B, ullka dinl rrrtith wliita, or avi-n artlidc 'madt In (.t-rniflny." To gain an Idi-a "f tha great curranta of trade with North and Pouili Amrrlra. tba Went Indies, tha Mfdliarranran, Wi-nt Afrlra, Imlln, China and tha cant, whWh are ronrn traiat at the Liverpool dorka. a vlalt than to la abaolute uriBry, and la an aprlnca at onca Intarmtlng ana piofltabla. Tha ronatructlon of th Llvarnool overhead railway haa ran- dt-rad u b a vlalt plt aannt, a gpcdltloua and aaay. I'ntll the railway waa bum In im, the only mi-ana of locomotion along tha lint of dwki waa by.broad wbeeled omnlbuaaa, which wera apf rlally built to run on tba low-level dork railway, and were alow and rum beraome. That the overhead railway mat with a great want la proved by tba fact that whlla tba old bu aarvlra auf flcad for about 2.WI0.O0O paaaaiifrri p'r annum, tha traffic on the overhead la now nearly 9,000,000, and la ateadlly In rraaalng. UNIQUB CHURCH IN HONOLULU Owaa Alleglaae ta Ho Meet er iJoitom leal Ion. The Central Union church of Honolu lu, to which the Rev. William M. Kin- j raid of Andrew Presbyterian thiircn haa accepted a call, la an unique! rellg loua Widy, poaatbly tbe only one of It kind In the world, aay the Mlnneapo lia Times, It Is founded upon tlie nKMt liberal baals, Ova simple fart form ing Ita creed. It owe allt-glance to na denomination or aect, but la an organ isation by Itself. Among It mtmlx-r are Included families from the Meth odist, IlptUt and Preabyterlan church, a. It I the oldeat and largest church In the Hawaiian Islnnds and. In fact, has founded ninrly all the otli-r rhurchea there. In It membership are Included 600 families, practically all tbe English-speaking people In Hono lulu and all the government officers, The church I a remarkably strong and argrewive body. Mr. Klncald svs that It organization I the beat he ha ever known. A new church building, with a tlng rapacity of 2,1X 0 hs recently been completed at a cost of I.10,WiO, all of which has l.e.-n paid. The church I free from debt. An Idea of It strength and liberal policy msy be gained from tbe fad that In the taat year 3,(KiO was raled for the expense of the parish and I'l l. 000 for charitable and mission work. The Central I'nlon church own a steamer, whlth goes out every year to the Caroline and Philippine Islands and among tfcs other Island of fh Hawaiian group, carrying missionaries and aupplle for the work In those Is land. A large number of missionary worker are entirely suttported by this church. The lose of Mr. Klncald w.l' bo keenly felt by hi Minneapolis con gregntlon aa he had become ptrsona'lv ersdeared to them by hi long and faithful service and also because It will be difficult to find another man to carry on the work of the church on the same liberal policy and with equal ftrengih. A meeting will be he'd shortly, at which an effort will be mnd" to decide upon Mr. Klncald'a aucre. aor. No one haa yet been auggesiitl for the tjjHce. Mr, Klncald was large ly Iniiflciiced In accepting the call to the church at Honolulu by the poor health of hla aon, the doctor having shortly Wore the call waa received ordered him to try a warmer climate. The new opening consequently came at a moat opportune time. Ho ItoaM Traa Wheeler "I wonder what baa be come of Walker; I haven't seen him for a week." Ryder "I saw hi wife yesterday. She said be waa learning to ride a wheel." Wheeler "How's he getting along?" Ryder "On crutcbea, I believe." Tsallag raving nrlrka. Brick for paving are now tested by tumbling tbem about In a vessel or drum about one-seventh full of tbe brick. Periodically they are weighed, In order to determine bow rapidly they wear out TKe raforg olten Dead, laacber "Well, Johnny, who wa tba bast man that ever lived?" John- .... " .". . ..." ." . a ,a-v ' w Ila klaaafc I aa.pMia vaaitel , 1 be I. in. I iiu.i ami u .t- i. shop Slid tllli ul a fW jesrs iln itin nl I i. inn In ,e awinlllial of a tililinl t ftnll In tt Sl.ts llli t. t III b Id and Ilm da no lite Rim tv Mo'ilt. tain llimbaiKlinan bi n It waa tut 1 til make ritili Hurl In I lime puiaiiila ownrra aoiight In make their ti" k profltslil by luinlliig Iba beat In oidi-r that they might g' t t"P pllrea. top pilcea having alwaya been remunrii tle. When wihiI waa loweal It was sought to tonka up for the oes In ile by t he Im rease In pounds, and lha same haa been the rase lit the produc tion of beef and mutton. Inirlng the past ten years there hits been a tiiarkf I lliiprnteini nt abuig this line, and as the yt'Bta advance herd and flock will ateadlly tlerreaae In sire and linprnte In quality. We are aware that the Idea Is prevalent aiming many people tint If one attempta to do anything with rattle he must have two or three hun dred head, but thla I a mistake. A nice profit ran be made from forty head of cattle, or even less. The farmer, for Instance, with a milk rows, who can fatten five or six beef tier every winter, will find that It will pay, and the time la coming when, Instead of a man standing aloof from sheep because he cannot own two or three or a dor,cn flocks and land In princely pos session, but owners of single flocks of not mora than 2.000 head will multiply rapidly. There are hundred of place where tbla number of aheep may be summered on the high mountalna, and doxena of email ranchmen produce enough feed on 360 acre of land to winter uch a flock. It la true lo tha day of imall herd and flock, wbbh muat coma aooncr or later, It will be different from the email owners of ten year ago. Then all aought to keep tbelr Increase and become large own ers, tba man with a few milk cow husbanded hla herd until It became large, and tbe tmall owner of sheep to manipulated thing as to keep b'a Increaae and aoon own a number uf flock Instead of one, but in the new era men will follow the Industry of railing cattle and ibeep and will die po of their Increase every year, Tbey will, Id fact, be o situated that they will not have tbe facilities for caring for Increased number, and will there for be content with Juat what tbey ean care for. Rut even then the pur ult will pay and their bank accounts will grow even more rapidly In propor tion than when all their profit went In to their Increase. Just now, of couro, there I a atrong tendency toward large flocks and herd, but this will be of short duration, and In the new order of thing, of small flock and herd, we may look for better breeding and far better resulta, since atotk handled In a small way have better attention than ran be given when one haa vast posses lion to tee after and mors profit will accrue to tbe country. A Merlnu-l'eraUn C'roe. At the agricultural department of the University of California an attempt I being made to establish a new breed of shee p by crossing Merino ram on Persian ewes, ays sn exchange. The object Is to produce a breed with good mutton qualltlea and having a heavy fleece of flne wool. Tbe experiment has been carried on only three yaars, and those wbo are 'engaged in It ar not yet prepared to announce results, though they are hopeful of complete success. It ho been claimed for some breed that they are equal to tbe flout h Downs a mutton sheep and to the Merino In quantity and quality of wool production, but probably few dealer ara prepared to admit such claim. If the California experiment should re sult In establishing a distinct breed possesMlng and capable of uniformly transmitting the two valuable charac teristics aought It will bring an Im provement extremely valuable to the sheep industry, but the probability I that a long course of selection snd breeding must be followed before the essential faculty of prepotency I es tablished. reed I imU Karly. , The farmer who raises a lamb crop for the mutton market wilt And It a good Investment to begin feeding the little fellows ss soon as they will eat, say Texas Stock and Farm Journal, They will generally eat a little meal when they art only two or three week old, Tbe ewe should be on feed enough to tuckle the lamb well and all should bavs good pattturage. Half a pint a day of a mlxtur of corn meal, bran and cotton seed neal will be enough to glvs tbe lambs, If tbey have also good pasturage, a very vigorous growth. They should be fed tbl so that tbe ewe cannot get at the feed. This can be arranged by having a small pen under which only tbe lamb will be able to creep while the ewe cn be fed outld. Lamb raised In this way can be made ready for mar ket earlier than those raised without aurb a stimulant to their development, and will be ao superior in finish snd quality a to secure tbe best price In the market. There will be an advan tage alao In the weight and quality of fleece that will return part of the expense in perfecting tbe lamb. A fortnight ago several pair of half bred French Coach gelding were sold In the East Buffalo market fpr from tOO to $500 each. ' r av iie rt a teailaman la altwit IvAa aCfl!i,3n Our Boolj Catalogue. ANTI-UOMAN BOOKS. "FIFTY YEARS IN HIE CIICRCH OF ROME," by Rev. Cbas Chlnl quy; cloth, $2.00. "THE PRIEST. THE WOMAN AND THE CONFESSIONAL," by Rst. Chaa. Chlnlquy; cloth, 1.00. "CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED," by Edith O'Oorman; cloth, 11.00 "AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM, WHICH T" by J. T. Christian; cloth, 1100. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," by Re?. J. O. White; cloth, $1.25. ROMANISM AND TUB REFORMA TION, by Rer. Guineas; cloth, $1.00. ROMANISM AND THE REPUBLIC, by L J. Lansing, $1.0,1 REV. MOTHER ROSE, by Bishop J. V. McNamara; paper, 2K. HORRORS OF THE CONFESSIONAL, by Rev. R. L. Kostello; paper, lOe. SECRETS OF THE JESUITS, by Rev T, E. Ley dan; paper, 10c SECRET CONFESBION TO A PRIEST by Rev. T. E. Ley den; paper, 10c MISCELLANEOUS DO0K8. PEOPLES' ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Contains Meet Information and maps of Cuba and tha Klondike Gold Region; paper, 80c IF CHRIST CAME TO CONGRESS, by Hon. M. W. Howard; paper, C0& AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN, S vols.; cloth $100. PLAIN HOME TALK. OR MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, by Dr. Foots; cloth. Popular Edition, $1.(0. PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD'S FAIR; Illustrated; cloth, $1.60. THE STENOGRAPHER; cloth, 1U. LIFE OF JAMES O, BLAINE; Buck ram Cloth, $1.60. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE T Pop ular Edition; paper, 60c. Tba abort art soma of tbe beat and most popular publications, aad tbt cloth bound books will bt an ornament In any library. Sent on receipt of price. Address, Got Price Book Store, "ffl!!L!i;3Cil!2!!3" mm mm' THC POe'ULArt tINC TO LEADVILLE, GLENWOOD SPRINGS ASPEN, GRAND JUNCTION CRIPPLE CREEK all tee prleolpal towna and mm Inge amps In Colorado, Utah and Mew Menoo. SAtCt THNOUQH SALT LAKE CITY issouii to and rn pacific com. THE TOURISTS FAVORITE LINE TO ALL. MOUNTAIN RESORTS. AU through trains equipped wit It rtillmao falaei etad Ttirit meeping t ar. For elegantly Illustrated deaerlptlve bookfre of cost, address t.T.IEFFERT, A. I. HUGHES, IK. HOOPER, rrataaUGaalllT TraAigtur. taa'ir.Sttft DENVER. COLORADO. Tt Cara Conatlpalloti forever. Take CaK-arcU t'andv Cathartic lc or tKe, If C. J. J. lail U cure. druKumU refund mooef Doa't TWrtail aaa natoee isar Ufa Aaaj. To quit tobacco eaallr snd forever, be mag netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-T Bac, tbe wonderworker, tbat inaku weak mea atrong. All d rue; lata, Kc or II. Cure guaran teed. BiittKn and earn pie free. Address Bishop Coxes FAMOUS its ? The Jesuit Party in Exposed and Expounded, t in h ar-ries of t ight lHtm wriHeti y HISIIOI' A. Cl.l.V IS LAND COXE, of l.uirul.i, Nw York, to the I'ttpnl AMogate. This little juiii'hl?t coiituiiu 72 pnges of excfllfiit patriotic litcrHturo. Price, 20 Cents )2r $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Must Accompay all 'Orders. AMSRICAN FUBLJSHWG CO. HIS WORST BLOW BISHOP J. V. McNftMftRft, Tbe Converted Priest, ha, brought through Free Dls New Book, entitled "Rev, Mother Rose. A Bishop and Two Priests' Price in Paper Cover 25 cts. Sent by Mail CONVENT AND 9 SECRETS BY R. L. KOSTELO. TrtU book U one of latest addition to tbe AntMtoman literature, but I among- the but tbat has yet been written. It deals witb tbe confessional and other practices of the Itoman Catholic Church, as well a tbe political Intrigues of the Jeiults, In a clear, concise manner. Tbl tick I now on tale, In paper cover at OO OENTB, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1015 Howard Street, OMAHA. NEB. Americanism olt Romanism, Which? . y v . - "i - - Worth Carolina Jiapm. n.o book it of treat valuo." WuUyan Ibllutd'U. We will sentjthts book poitpald on receipt of price; or, for-,12.00 wo will send "THE AMERICAN" ONE YEAR together with the boolc. MERICAN PUBLISH ; Qmaha.-nali Satolli Letters iru.n American Politics Sirrc Copy, pOitpiul YET FOR MB CONFESSIONAL. -1 1"V- JOHN T.CHRISTIAN, P.P. Cloth. 280 Pages. PRICE $l.QO AGENTS WANTEIi Ticturesquo and ablo." 2 mj Con'jrrgationaUm. "It ought to bo put In our pubu achoola aa a. tctxtrlttxik." HORRORS