The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 23, 1898, Image 1

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AMI HH M AVI ! AN - fMlW( t A -m ! ' ' .! i..m
t'fclt I, I IV I. I SIH
A I I M V M V I'.t K.
Vi.M vi Vlil
HrliT.H 1 1 AVt Srcurril
AIout All the lavon
Ho Will (WmU'l hrm.
lhr lists I FRitTD!ir4 Him at I wtj
Turn ) ere I'lsaMi ltl
llim ile nr a Irmwrl.
The f I'" n Hri'- d '""i I'v'"
lug Times if l. dated ' t'1' ,"'",r
1? will b tntereMing to your
twenty iliniisnnil milicfi itir:
Solemn Ceremonies at 81, Matthew
Church Today.
Cardinal Gibbon Celebrate llcqulem
Mass (or the Krpoa of II10 Soul of
the Dead F.mpres of Austria-Many
Prominent Men Are Prcaont,
Solemn requiem moss for the repose
of the soul of Elizabeth, Empress of
Austria, who was assassinated at
Geneva, Switzerland, on last Saturday,
wan eelebrryl thi morning at St.
Matthew' Catholic Church, the cole
brant being Cardinal Gibbon.
The ceremony waa moat Impressive,
and waa attended by a congregation
which filled the vast auditorium of the
The sanctuary waa draped In mourn
ing and the pulpit waa veiled In black.
In front of the chancel atood the cata
falque. At the head and foot of thi
burned eandlea. At the foot of the
catafalque waa a large and beautiful
cross of white roaea.
The ceremony waa attended by
President McKlnley, Secretary Gage,
Secretary Wllaon, Postmaster General
Smith, and Alvey A. Adce, Second As
latant Secretary of State, who were
eated In pew reserved for them on
the right, and Immediately In front of
the altar. Gen. Mllea and hla ataff aat
on the right. There were many other
persons who are prominent In official
On the opposite able of the alula and
Jn front of the altar were many mun
bera of the diplomatic corps, There
were present rcpreaentatlvea of Aus
tria, Russia, Hclglum, Turkey, Korea,
France, Japan, China, Mexico, Ger
many, Italy, Switzerland, Venezuela
and Chile.
Cardinal Glbbona waa assisted In the
mas by Father Schmidt, of St,
Joseph' Church, aa deacon, and
Father Ilevlna, of the Church of the
Immaculate Conception, aa nb-deacon,
with Father Hart, of St, Matthew'a, aa
assistant prleat, and Father lce, the
rector of St. Matthew's Church, aa
mauler of ccremonlea,
Among the other Catholic ehtirchc
represented were St. Putrlck'a, by
Father Stafford, and St. Mary'a by
Father Glaab; llrothers Fabrlclal and
Gordinn, from St. John' College, were
During the aervlce Cardinal Glbbona,
- atanding at me ncau or me caiaiiiu.",
apoke briefly of the dead Queen, whom
he aald had by her goodncn come to
be beloved by her people. He apoke
feelingly of the tragedy In Geneva, lie
aald that the deed of the assassin In
1 atrlklng down an unoffending woman
had allocked the civilized world, What
aggravated the horror of the crime wa
the fact that ahe waa walking peace-
fully, having confidence In the people
and fearing no evil, and not seated on
a gorgeous throne which might have
excited the mind of some Jealoua
fun ink1.
The cardinal declared that the hand
that atrlkea at the ruler of a nation la
an enemy to an aocleiy, aa the ruler la
the embodiment 'f the nation Itaelf,
We thought ao when the Church of
Home assassinated Abraham Lincoln.
He spoke of the sympathy the whole
world had expressed for the afflicted
, . .. .. .1 .. ,1 .nl.t ho fl.1t
aure that none waa more heartfelt than
that of President McKlnley,
In the above you ae one of the many
waya by which the papal hierarchy
compela the outside world to take
notice of her to recognize her prea
, ence. and, In a manner, to endorse her
The church kenw exactly how to put
McKlnley and hla cabinet "between
the dog and the wolf." We have never
disparaged the papacy for want of aa-
tuteness. If McKlnley accepted the In
vital ion, he gave countenance to the
. church and her mass aa having power
to ease the paint of purgatory. If be
Nt MH I ,'1't.
.: -.-n im.&.tf. . .. .... vA) JyJ'c -
w filliilB ;
refused, the refusal could be used
ngiilnsl him at coming election, Per
haps hla refusal would have suited the
church belter; for an astute and en
thusiastic Jemult here has Just assured
us (confidentially) that McKlnley Is
not to be supported by paplata In 1900
that they have got out of him about
all they can expect, and that they must
have a democratic president In the
next administration! True, the Em
press was a Roman Catholic; but what
has the United Statea government to
do with her religion? Suppose ahe
had been a Methodist, would the Meth
odist churchea have held apcclal re
ligious service In memory of her
Aa an Empress, a civil ruler, It waa,
doubtless, entirely proper for other
civil rulers to express their sympathy
for her tragic end; but a president of
the United States, whose conatitutlon
enjoin an entire separation of stat
and church, ought not to lend hi offi
cial Influence to the encouragement of
any sect - especially an alien religion,
whose fundamental dogmas are ao dan
gerous to all civil government,
When McKlnley attends the Metho
dist church, he la there, not In hi offi
cial capacity, but. as a private citizen;
but. he attended mass In St, Matthew'
II. C. church to reprenent the people
of the United Slates, Ha McKlnley
been so busy with politics In late year
that be haa forgotten hla Bible? IM
hlrn turn to 1 Cor. fl:9: "Know y not
that the iinrlghteou shall not Inherit
the Kingdom of God? He not de
ceived; neither fornicators, nor Idolat
ers, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
abuser of themselves with mankind,
(10) nor thlevea, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, nor revller, nor extortion
er shall Inherit the Kingdom of Qod."
Was he not In bad company In that
mans housITof Idolaters? And fief,
221f: "For without are dogs, and
sorcerers, and whoremongers, and
murderers, and Idolaters, and whoso
ever loveih and msketli a lie," And
see I pete 4:3, and I Cor. 10; 1 :
"Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee
from Idolatry" and 1 Kings 21:25, 21;
"Hut there wa none like unto Ahab,
whbh did sell himself to work wick
edness In the sight of (he Ird, whom
Jezebel, his wife, atlrred up. And he
did very abominably In following Idol,
according to all things as did. the
Amorltea, whom the Ixrd cast out be
fore the children of Israel;" 27, "and
it came to pass, when Ahab heard these
words, that he rent his clothe, and
put sackcloth upon hla flesh, and
fasted, and lay In sackcloth, and went
eoftly," We don't know whether Mc
Klnley will put on sackcloth and ll la
It or not; but every Protest fit Chil
ian know that he ha been following
Idols, and w fear lie will go lnt sack
cloth after the fall lHlon, iinles
the "A, P. Azes" fitted their dutM,
ClfAMK ftfV, Attorney,
Washington, I, C Sept. 19,
Merh (rtind,
K-lltor The American, Omaha.
Hear Sir: When your article u
tilled "American Hill Study" began
to pper In the American, the que
tlon arose In my mind, why term them
"American" studies? And weekly
slne, as tb aui'ceasiv artlclt bv
both Interested nd grailfled m, tha
question i-cboed that "why?" At Ut
I think f have your reason, at least a
reanonable solution. lo th study
of such a unique book a nie Hlbl
differ here in America from the Uidy
of It In any other land? Certainty,
undoubtedly, unavoidably la ottur
land the people r T'v'Bed by
some monarch, emperor, dictator, etc.,
! thefr pre I not "free," their idea
ate tinted with the popular teaching
of "th divine righfa of king," and
similar claims, which the United
State of America I fast, exploding In
a most practical manner. Not very
long or deep consideration I requlr1
to e why the study of the Hlbie can
be pursued better, In the most unfet
tered and unreserved manner, her In
America, And from here, from Amer
tea' liberty-loving and liberty-giving
people, go forth the bent interpreta
tion of the Hible, of it preclou liv
ing truth sent to all mmklnd, and be
ing even now brought to their home
by America, a never before. Bo wa
hail again your title and It accom
panying teaching of Hiole Truth a
seen from the view point of an Ameri
can Christian,
Your for truth' ake,
Denver, Colo., 8"pt. 17, l9i.