The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 16, 1898, Image 7

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In ita VfMr too Kninr Will
VcThi. Country An. I
Kvri 1 1 - H kt r t
' ... i
i k tMttt twi, im.w '
I -1,1 lk. lkuil klj. .
I U lul tat. I (T.-.I HIm) In.
jM U III l:t"n thank.
Ctiarrfc U a tfatnaaM ,. rot
nt ix.
KHaratloB Biust ba HilMl'
Catlmlts autfcorltt. l ar
tloofHh4 Cathode World.
I fTanalf iHiofwt Oial IM Catbollea
land b.for IB rounlrt as tb -mtr-a
of ib publle arhools r'br
L I would as boob a1mtMtar bbm
Jmanl lo a 4ff to Oathnlli-a who
MBd tholr f hl!tnB lo public aotaoola
rmbr Walkst,
Th public tcbftoli BA? prodO'-td
Botblnf tut B godlB tsnarattnn et
thiftei and l)lcruil. Fatbar
It will b B tlorlotia flay In thla
eountrjr whm undT tha laws tb
school jritfin will b shtvsrcd to
plira Catholic TelParsph.
The public schools are nursortfa of
Tire; they ar todsi and unlfse sup
pressed will prove ih damnation of
thin country. Father Walker.
We must take part In the election!,
move In a aolld mam In every state
aitalnst the party pledged to sustain
the Intefrrlty of the public schools.
The common schools of this country
are link of mornl pollution and nur
series of hell. Chlcnfo Tablet.
The time Is not far away when the
Roman Catholic Church of the Re
public of the United Slates, at the
order of the Pope, will refuse to pay
their school tat, and will send bullets
to the breasts of the Kovernraent
, agents rather than pay H. It will
come quickly at the click of a trlRKer,
and will be obeyed, of course, as com-
tn from AlmlRhty God. Mgr. Capel.
F) "We hate Protestantism; we detest
f It with our whole heart and soul."
Catholic Visitor.
"No man has a rli?ht to choose Ma
religion." Archntsnop Hughes In
Freeman's Journal, Jan. 21). 1852.
"If Catholics ever gain sufficient no-
. merlcal majority In this country, re
ligious freedom Is t. an end." Cath
olic Shepherd of the Vallev, Nov. 23,
"Protestantlfim, of every form, has
not, and never can have any right
where Catholicity Is triumphant." Dr.
O. A. Hrownson'i Catholic Review,
June, 1851.
"We have taken this principle for a
basis: That the Catholic religion with
all Its rights, ought to be exclusively
dominant, In such sort, that every
other worship shall he banished and
Interdicted." Plus IX. In his allocu
tion to a Consistory of Cardinals,
September, 1861.
"Protestantism why, we ihould
j draw and Quarter It, and bang up the
" crow's meat. We would tear It with
I Jt - - I, lit. h-A ).! VIII
Iiiijitimb mid lira u wiiu umi iiuuni r m
It with molten loaa and sink It In bell
fire one hundred fathoms deep."
Father Pbelan, Editor Western Watch
man. "Religious liberty Is merely endur
ed until the opposite side can be car
ried Into effect, without peril to the
Catholic Church." Dlshop O'Con
nor. Tbe Roman Catholic la to wield bis
vote for the purpose of securing Cath
olic ascendency In this country."
Father Hecker, In tbe Catholic World,
July, 1870. '
"Undoubtedly It Is the Intention of
the Tope to possess this country. In
this Intention he Is aided by tbe Jes-
tilts and Catholic prelates and priests."
Hrownson'i Catholic Review, July,
When a Catholic candidate It on a
ticket and his opponent Is a non
Catholic, let the Catholic candidate
have the vote, no matter what he rep
resents." Catholic Review, July, 1894.
"In case of conflicting laws between
y the two powers, the lawa of tbe
' church must prevail over the state."
-Plus IX, Syllabus 1864.
,' "Wa hold the irate to be only an
Inferior court, receiving Its authority
from the church and liable to have its
decrees reversed upon appeal."
Hrownson'i Essays, p. 282.
"We do not accept this government
( or hold It to be any government at all,
or as capable of performing any of the
proper functions of government. It
tbe American government Is to be sus
tained and preserved at all, It most
be by the rejection of the principles
of the Reformation (that Is, the gov
em merit by the people), and the ac
ceptance of the Catholic nrineiole,
which Is the government of the pope."
Cathollo World, September, 1871.
"I acknowledge no civil power."
Cardinal Manning, speaking In tbe
name of the Pope. S. R. 8., 1873.
"The Pope, as the head and mouth
piece of the Catholic Church, admin
isters its discipline and Issues orders
to which every Catholic under pain
of sin must yield obedle ." Cath
, olio World, of August, 1808.
"In 1900 Rome will take this coun
try and keep It." Priest Hecker.
"The will of the Pope Is the supreme
law of all lands." Mrchblnhop Ire
land. We bave plenty of tbe Issue of Jan
uary 28, containing the exposure of
Rome's plot to take this country by tbe
iword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25;
100 for 82. 600 for $7.60; 1,000 for
$10. Have you sent any of that num
ber to your friends? You should! They
should not alcep longer.
Luke Tendon, Mljh., Fob., 21, 1S1W
- Dear Sir:
I I received your Atlas of the World
and I am well pleased; far beyond my
' No man's Inflnnnra fa an amall ha
what he could make It tell against
Tin: last ii.wn;
to. r""t 1 '
tiv t n a fr v ' I !
m " '
(i ,'rllli . I nl )
tnst 1t H ir ' If " K tit
Ktrfttf Nff (' f ! I 't
tt t" ttl n v
II. k ht t n bit I i?,;
i ' inn n 1 1 ci , n4 I citt
ttimtil lh knl ie r mn j
riimniM Hh ri lnl the fiiM
lm fc ti ot n.ti't h
h(l IwiiM I him h AX t? .
(be i imt r, and i a- d b' I
U, lhniih nh a tii f bi I j
tl hnte bad Inns !' .rMr.,
"Ihnt.k .',i, Mr. Hnktn. that Is all
I isn ak "
Hun he Uei lnl frmtt
b:f lihr. In Ihe lttnt-
room. ttli Hln hlh tiothlna kuM
rrlli ve titKKlna ncifl' at hrr hrsrl
The manager lonfced llnt'ilitf!ly after
htr. a he nil tbe end off a iljir and
turned up bis roal rollnr assin.
"I'oor girl, oald he, half aloud,
"nbe'n linn lifi n no lulUhe, And
lo think lhat three )eer apn she
Hie rream of Hie Jot. I.nt lliern t'.ie
way; some of 'em ban (tiMilu and naie
tal'iit. The oni Willi Ihe gi'iiliu learn
new trlrk, when llm puldle b at
enough of Hie old. (lie onm with only
talent rnn't do It, and ho I hey it'i down
And Hint's all she's got Intent. I'm
sorry for lier, but 1 iiln't Ihe Creator,
lo give her what wasn't Imrn In her.
With which sage reflection Hie man
ager lit his cigar ami walked back
to liia oflhe.
The girl with talent only smiled a
wnn Millie an she got Into her plain
street dress In the stuffy little d reusing
room under the stage, and the rrncU'l,
dusty mirror gave back to her uninter
ested gaze Hie reflection of that smllu.
In her heart of hearts fur a long time
there had been the conviction that per
haps her gift was not us strong as she
had firHt Imagined. With a pride born
of neeesHlty n!ie had fought the t bought
down day after day; but It would not
die, and now. In almost so many words,
the manager had told her that her "day
was past." Yet she was young.
Only three short years ago Mile. Re
Vllle, the petite dancer, bnd been hail
ed by critic and audience alike ns tho
daintiest and most brilliant of terpsl
rhoreanH seen for many years; and to
day she wns unknown -begging for
work! Kort line's back hnd been early
turned upon the unhappy little woman,
and the troubles which bad aesalled her
bad made their Impress upon her uhu
ally pretty face. Ihe eyes were tlred
looking now, and the cheeks pule and
almost thin. The stage she had just
left brought back vividly her past in
this city, for bad she not achieved her
greatest triumph In this theater? Here
the whole house had risen As one grrit
being and showered bouquets, fans, and
even Jewels shout hergolden head. Ah,
yes, that was a night long to be remem
beredespecially by a hungry little
dancer who had so soon dropped to the
level of commonplace In her profes
sion. As she picked her way toward the
stage door, along the dark passages an 1
In and around ghost-like pieces of
scenery set or ready to be, she remem
bered, too, the honest, klnd-heartml
stage hand who bad worshiped ibi
boards she danced upon, and at whose
affection she had smiled, despite Its ap
parent earnestness. Poor Joe, the shif
ter of acenes big. quiet, even hand
some at times. Win wondered, dimly
what had become of him; she hoped
honestly enough that life had treated
him better than It had her. And ev'Mi
as she said these words to herself he
stood before her.
"Muml"!" ho cried Involuntarily, and
then remembering himself, he added In
confusion, "I beg your punlon, Miss
Cordon, I --I didn't mean to." With
his well-worn cup In hand he bowed
his curly lu nd and stepped aside' to let
her pass, lint on tbe Impulse of the
moment nlie did nut do so, In fact,
m ..I., .'"n
mam .
it '
il ...Hi : 111.
a strange, hot little wave of something
Indefinable swept over her heart and
was reflected In her face, film put out
her thin hand and he closed his big
brawny one over It,
"Joe!" she said, "pear old Joe! I
did not know you were here. I nm go
Ing to dance tonight on trial, and af
ter 1 have done my turn we will talk
over old times. I do not think they
will want me, do you?"
He s:iw the truth In her eyeg as she
spoke, and a sudden rage at the world
that dared not want her, and always
want her as he did seized upon 'him.
"If they do turn you down," said be
between his teeth, "they are crazy
fools. I will "
MIkb Cordon smiled a little sad'y
and shook her head. "If they do, Joe,
yon will do nothing about It. (lood-hy
until tonight. I am lonely nowadays,
and I want you to see me dance to
night and applaud me, even If the oth
ers do not. Will you?"
"Will I?" he exclaimed, coming clos
er and looking down Into her eyes with
a tenderness that bis fellow-workers
would have been dumbstruck to see. O.
mv darl "
1 H'
43 r"
i4 N ef
HA rt . . t . . i .
' t. c ,xi t f . , I l W-t '
I ii . m w )
y i. t t
'H.-" 4 I up ! tl
i'S i .n k ..ei tut
4 k s j
W l h tl k l I
i-lit fir!'" CiMel I. !
l I t" I
" ht I Hr r ' 'r l
ok !..- i, 'rii Wein a
Itstf l'lr i. VI ."' 11 ikk bl
bwinv Iwh.hi. t. a
M M kle I i irlr-ld I"
one m ktir l en opikniiie ltt.
n4 ll's . rt. Hie rm
Mr ji'xp irottles r
Hid ik kte DitfifiH ip.I!v m
fac in f with Mm
' Hn.i"' nh Mr JeMip, liimmi
pi lue Ihe moont f t" IMH '
tab led ries ' hsl's all this I h-t
atn mv ilr .un Mend Ac
itI my intiitiiUH..h MHtniom l
bleiuil iimdlllnn. and
"Oh, e; don't doubt It." I hur
riedly lntornit'd. "bul a - Ihne
nine mlKtnke rImhiI It -"
"Mine. lmt did )"U sav?" said old
Mr. Je-mnp. brnmuiglv. "t'sll round
this pvetilna oli'l tell us nil hIhiiiI Ii;
there's a giwhl fellow. I haven't Hni"
to IIMetl Jllsl !"
1 nmld have torn uiy hslr with rage,
Mr. Je,iii was Pauline Itrooks' urn I"
and guardian, and 1 Knew lliit my
chances In that direction would be (11
off If mice the story of the wed
ding ring got tn Pauline's ear
I rrosM'd Ihe park mid hurried up
Regent stni't, mentally gnashing my
teeth, mill In my Impetuous baste hud
nearly stumbled over Pauline herself.
Jiiht coming out of a florist's with a
tiny boutoiinit re of violet In her hniid.
"I-illne!" cried I, rapturously.
Hut .'aullne drew back the least lit
tle distance In the world, thereby put
ting an Invisible barrier between us
that froze me like an Icicle.
"Divir me, Mr. Helton. Is It you?"
said Pauline. "I congratulate you, 1
am Hiire."
"I'pon what?" I demanded, grow
ing desperate,
"Upon your approaching marriage,
to bo sure." said Pauline, with a smile
like auroral lights hovering over a
"Hut I am not going to bo married,"
protested I,
"Oh, excuse me, pray, (lent lemon
do not usually buy wedding rings with
out. a purpose, " Interposed Paulino.
"Only I should think you might hnvo
paid such old friends ns we are the
compliment of tiomo slight Intimation
of your Impending marriage,"
"Pu,iillne," said I Miss llrooks hear
mo. There Is only one woman In the
world I would care to murry, and she
stands before me now."
Pauline's lips quivered tbe tears
sparkled In her eyes.
. "Mr. Helton," said she, "you may
regard this all as a very flno Joke, but
surely It Is not necessary to add any
more Insult to It "
"Do you mean that you don't believe
"How can I believe you?" retorted
Driven to a sort of frenzy, I dragged
Percy Creamer's letter from my pocket,
"Pauline," said I, "read that and you
will have a solution of the mystery
of the wedding ring."
Her face cleared up as she glanced
over the contents of poor Creamer's
ecstatic missive,
"Poor fellow!" said she, "lie's very
much In love, Isn't he?"
"Not half as much ns I am," enld I.
And then In the smiles-bordered
shadow of the florist's shop I pres-ied
my suit.
"Dear Pauline, let me order another
wedding ring."
"l-'or whom?" demanded my hid
"Tor you. I have loved you for a
long time; but I never bad the
cou rii (.'e to avow my love before, dear
"Hush!" snld Pauline, "we nnmn'i
stand talking here,"
"I won't stir a step until you answer
"What shall I say?" hcnltatcd Paul
Inn. "Hay yes."
I ordered the duplicate wedding ring
that very night. Pauline snld It wax
too soon; bul I quoted the ancient
proverb, "Delays are dangerous." And
we are to be married In a month. Air!
If It hadn't been for the providential
commission of f'resmer's wedding tinr
I might still have been shivering on
tbe brink of an unspoken proposal.
"lllcsed be wedding rings," say I.
Spare Moments,
A Nw ITmliirl.
The rubber trade Is now keenly in
terested In a new product which Is ;uu
upon the market under the name
"perchold." U Is a combination of 'nl
and litharge, which has been bea,i-i
to an extremely high temperature. i :i ;i
cooled with very protracted and th'.i
ongh agitation. Shreds of fiber ni"
placed In the compound and expot-cd
to (be air. They thus become wh illy
oxidized and are then put Hirou-.'!i
heavy rollers. The preparation 't i
somewhat the color and appearaiueo:
umber. It Is susceptible of very II ii '
subdivision, and tan he rolled lo an al
most transparent sheet. It Is water
proof and very durable; the cost of Ii
Is the merest trifle ns compared with
that of rubber, One of Its futures Is
thought to be In the making of pneu
matic fres, Its great durability, st ren' h
and elasticity being favorable for such
a purpose. Another use la said to be
In electrical appliances. It Is per
fect as an Insulator, and as It never
breaks and cracks and always adhere?
closely to the wire, Its great value tar
such employment la apparent.
M t
I s i t f-iHt f r r.t4
wnMi I ! k if ?
u.i a tif .t u mxt ftt 4 tk
MHr tbAM l
tU kne Iks wi. inrrt wH
from I
A Hit t Is Iks ifui IwB a
l-Ht ra rt4-if )w-1(e trm
Horn a t t. ,
N mis sik with iiHtl.
and s'er la Iks siixwW f f Buprr
mum. '
Rume esr a rl tt" nlosk, tt
k B rrdd beri '
A ntifelinal ll Is Ihe tomb M
elf rvwpn I
Wearing a nwi iHwa mt fnr rrt-
beta. j
1 1st red It nurd by papal pre J idUa
The brighter hltory ahtnet ths daik-,
rr Rome's record. j
It Is ban) to ton I nee piput who
Ids the prlriht do bis thinking. j
To know that popery Is a curss
makea a man want to rid the earth of
It J
Keeping knowledge In the hands of
the priest stnrves the minds of the
people, j
ran never till what a pnplst will
do out of a church by bis looks of de
votion within. :
Homo hns trouble with the man who
does his own thinking. I
Popery throws the moat mud at the
whitest garments.
Use SiWjt" ' S04i. Tl.c Ut in tin
Every fact Is an antidote for some
foolish fancy.
I'asrengcrs urrlvlng at Chicago li
the Chicago, Kock Island .V Pacific U ,
can, by thu new Union Kleva'td L' p
reach any part of tho city, or for a livi
cent fare can bo taken Immediately lo
ar.y of thu largo tstoreii in tho dowi,
town district. A train will top tit tin
Hock Island S'at on eveiy minute,
l'lust! f.oill'ieeai only nt olTeroJ r
tbe ' Uivul Hick Uliinti ItnuU',"
Holding on to pagan auperstltloa
gives Rome a mortgage on your faith.
Do you kno that Hiycr's Siap I
the very bust In tbe market? Ak
yjur grocer for it Iniist on having It
and mi other
Wbea Rom glvei money she always
put a chain of power on It.
Store Prices
I5ent (lescribi'B the rates a(
Is doing al! kitida of Dental
Kct Teeth f.'i HO
Hot Het Teeth 7 B0
Gold Killingn , . , . 00 and up
Silver KIIIIiiks I Of
fioid Crown fi 0l
Teeth Kxtracted 'if
I'i ftti out iii tho martttim-'
A'imi' Onvm Sititio Dity,
' All work at fiiiotit Hai.k what
otlif-r Df iitiHlB Chn rgc.
Hi Ykahh' K.xi'Kkikn( k 1;
Dr. W I I II Kits, llciilNt,
Fourth Floor Urown lUk
SSixtecntli find Douglas Htiet-U
' TKI.WHONK 1776
the ;k i; a r historical kkview
An Illustrated Qttartcily M;it.iinc.
Injts Pield Current His
tory Hts No Competitor.
Agents Wanted .m'', ",iTa
HtfntitH to hnndlH. It apiwiiIh ti iitUiM;"t
l)t!))lrl. AtllirwhH
Zi&tsfUi iuuiu POINTS
Tirkrt (Iffitf. V t l iirm r IHI It and Faman Stt
ruuumr muuiuui, iuiutal
A SrnviMe M for f minus Pfi -
II II IWI IMI lllllllt.l II
fiiT i- msi .Mi sun tmih cwrsis, rviatHH ho nm,
it a raaiwtic wstssii hi nwts, aw ni rwij, wfumtift mvti" roti mr mBI
rst m rum tut sbout roNsu.M. mintsmH, issoss, riiosmk, tstssisi m an couatniv
rat rv. ittfuovtMiNT of tsssiiii4 a tiimt foa lat bmsho mo ah mh hihi ivia lo K
m IT I TiT ? " HtiiHi (
10 rxATE. 39 ennoroofl. aoo iLLUiTnATioNs.
tk nmtnmv tif lnn n4 f U omani 1 ht
1 uurlltr ! I it mi r I
Aro You Well ?
It In., ai ('Hi lull fflitti l.
liMiit f .-rl mil I) I'm t If
An '1 II"1" I'IMll ) ll
m tt t la l "I lh' ir hi I Ii aiff,
( mi i -) ! nr illl.
i.uli- II Mini im K I' iimmb bkh
tiri'Vnli tii'i nf rrrur il
tit ih tin imiti-rmlno vlimr "I inmili'""! " Impl' r
fhi mil l ' p riml mill ll''"W "I l'iiM-i;i th . Ilinil
tri , .. fiiiin l. i- (if mllllla, t ImIhu-i ii ImlHt
In nu n nnhi lai itm in hhiii.-ii, . ir , !., "! Hi'-
i.ii.rfill nialnllia of MH-lriy wlnTi'lijr Im'liV "I Hl
!! of IkiIIi m ii-a nr linniii"l to 'ni'lal alrn
linn." Till" i liai'KT almwa li IIhiiikI.Hi
fulka irri aalrav. Imw ir'ialllllll"ll liaa I.. hhiK' lm 1
rm, hr II will nut itimii. Imw n Iihih (nl illn -i to Ihi- 'iiMm,,Ht"-l"l lnllK
llilli'irlalil larla lo know. ...
Thii rraulia of mwl rliaac for winlih. or our
wnrk, over miiily, fallun a In hiialm . lim l-i llmt
ln allfi la t lit) of i allli-linl h r itm- mwl Hi"
riniu'i ami MTii ia of Imrrllil" mrlniH'Imli -ilna
re all iiiatli-ra It would bo well lor uu lu IhliiK in it.
Are You III?
TURN foil aro lixloprt ram man
If yull am not amlniia lo liaril
iinw It in inn alioiil, Hhnl'a Ilia
titnlHT anil Wliat'a III In il'ilin.
WIh'IIht II lw "oulr a rolil,"
iliroiili! laiarrh, or aoni'ililoa
tnoro aiTliiiia Unit tiiia "ai'Mlril
mi llir liiiik-a" In lif'ini lilil or
rolimiinil Inn, III" aooli'T J"'il HimI
out how i'IIoiik II. Ii. ami Wlml In
do fur yonrai Ifihi' Ih-iht. If you
liiuat Irani "Imw Hi llo Willi mm
Iuiik" llm inrllir jniil r.f. Ilila
it liowll'lllll' I III' llllltff'l- V'lllH 111 III .
dr. ma Im 'r iiarllriilar wi aK
llm Hi
liniu'la. Ti'ii'ii you can limkn no
liil.lnkn III IrarnlMH III" l"'"t
tHhnSanf rurnlattiiii Hh'mi vlial f.ouiioin If ymi
ara full of rlifa, palna, rii'iiraUIn or rhriiinii.
Ilim It wlllaii-'lr pay In l""k up llm way In aliakn
iliarn'oll HiirVlr an't want lS n-uU-n Hi- Inal.l.
lima lyinptimia of Hrlglit'a dlarnar, or oIIht il;
Irurllni illx-aaoa r,f tliu "wnltu-urliiarr orirana," ana
you Im-iIit Ih-immihi final wl on am It liilinra aa
f.innrrtm'a.alrlrMiro anil wnraa fnrma of roiilaalnoa
ilaraara ''liy llm Imuk" llian t kitI.iii llm
aminnl will n-ai Willi avlilliy all al.oiil lii'imirn. r.
barr.'iiii'iM, rtlaiwa of wonn n, iiprxma Slaraai-a,
iiarmla, naralyala, akin iHacaai-a, ai n.lnia, cir. ) (.
trnnHll. una iHiok rami'il l onT "all tint Ilia lliat
h.-ali la lmtrKi," wl Ihnrrfnm In rnmirt tnlltfui-iu,,,,
-. hmt tvtlhiirwn llm nnnminrnnrnt unit V"t-
milium or ". . " ' ' " " .
vrkH twin miiiull htm In timim nr hn I'U'r, v ulumi
Mir,rintlwUMiulrjr will k siuwereU U) tUn Ui
SI HI ainillf.
III Ll I I KliwilH.nuli
lliL""'A 1 iimiinmii M. Il'i.m
IA I i i.'inm ruin
l 'I nlh" ' I'"' 1 1'""
Vj J (aM ,, rrr In ill. i.l
'L -M I'll .mil l"' l '
Bj mi, I (,,itiii ililiililim
ami hi.him. nl nil nil'
nrk'SJ'T rPTTTVtT yon alrcsilr ftsrs "sntnathlnit llks lt"or"ti Salmon." Unnflrada hat
lUll X X 111 ii IV dmilarod that It Is ''jn-cUltir In1 iurl," tint fur alitud lit sit oiliar work.
lArwrif 17rlrili,rri,ll lhl" worl1 isomired for V n own lnfrft fnrt If anil niinijr, sa'l UH
1vyiX X UVyliVJJjl diairlbulcil In rlimp orm lo ailvertian irtiirllar millrlna,
ni'UTTHf niSJI AT C' ninateniliiialaalle kind frnm all munlrlr wliara t(IUh (ftp.
1 1 IVlVyil lixljD kn arould, vrn III amkll lyw, (111 Ml pagoa nf tln aia.
I)nrli,Ii,iiTri'Nr A T ma of all rlaaa, tlmgviurn, (Inrtiiri, lawyer, nllimt, erllM, BB
L JwWT JjO01i.iillJgiven()Biiriiigeii'lnrariiiriii) fi'Uiiirliaiily few critical. ,ti a
POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, a 1 .04
American Publishing (p.
Fifty Years in the
Church of Rome
t v '-
A ,
For the Balance of 1898, for
Tlif jir'ci- nf 1 1 v ulfnif a ! r-tnll if $t2." vmi f rs-th ttm NMk ai d
tin; i i'i' f. r t'J (HI S'ii.1 in iir ord. r Al COM I'ANI Kl) II Y Til K V ASM to
1615 Howard Stroot. OMAHA, NED.
Is Marriage a Failure? $1.00
rlt - A IVIil M lor Kttrjc.J
llll HI HHHUII. M. Hl
Of CV'it Yf wtf kw
Twt A ii-Ih' t.ilwilii itM marry i
T W ii r- lw M lw lis t in ttarnfri
Tut 'sar fiow . Imn j ftti IiaI.m
Tut M 'mm - lt.w t ia ll m w in (
Ins i lui ii r- liow In I limiful n inuHitf
1m O tii'i a liosr Umjt "irniWiiPniiil i fthm ti lj
litKlUiuin - Imw t njit lil mul p w4ii
Tiik l un Imw trtpH wl fnin stfiily
Tn Iwcki lT - Itow .i Mnm atoi HH-MtT.
All li want kiow.U' that tl( Km-I mtt
Hn.1 it In lr K.odf a "Hum lnt Talk,"
lVrc. ?"M id., M j I tl.; f Hi iir
ri klsra al l. Mt iiihik lim 1MB NIHlit
r mot 700 pfMtitHlwif t m4 t4 ill surf 4 (Wanic
tnrnmtm l i.lnlU S"l rMiliwl nflrl MM af nti4li It fftrnm HVMHMaB
4 't'or Ij in h tfiewiwdi Sy('M( tih I Hk U't W Wkt
Ihw l.--h mt h Miwrftrtt It UihmhN
lrlaln f I lfr tmm frnm fr ill f th
litltf aiht , In Hie I olitri,
Aro You Cngagotl?
i i nnrm in n n
il"ii't l.'iin , ana hiaaa
."'. I" "'!
tin iiiUiakn
HI" ll h M
' ii' l la a.
ill Mi. nil In ai I out,
llini II la w.Tl wnrta
w Mli' In "I'M aura ioa
am fivti! Iipfora iii
ti.i ai a.l " Ih'rj la
In, l.iH k an lif-lilul lai
rnal'lliia you In a)?.'!
imi . "I'lalm
llonic 'lalk.'' Yu
(an leant aotiiatlilii
fri'ifi nitii-r'a tulaiakpa
'II" lllalofy of Mw.
riKi' of all klmla, la
aiir'iiuiiri.'a.tiia eyr
nuartprrlnipnla auma natlona dan- loailr, i,. In
aii'l rn,' liailiarmii ami iilll'-'l. Iirlp lo kno
uliiil ii'.l in tin. Iln. a. ual loiiooialliy urowhia out
or iinaaiM.'il naliirn ami lnrna.' lolallia, llm lil.lorf
of iirii.iliiilloii, lnjiri iali im', alluri iin iiia,ilaiira
n 'anna, Hi., i it'.i la of ri -1 lu I'.i.a ami ai ill' lam to aulK
ilim ami milriil lln' ili'Hiliialil alii- all lliiaaMUk
l.aam frill' I .it hi Imlli al Ink illlalla If) awl4.
Hi" otln r liaml i hai'li ra on B'll'U"li In ll.arrlaa)
nlivali -al, Ii" Mini ami inairnrl Ii - on rarly lnarrla.a
Inn TinarrlaKo, i'li..' iiii'iii, fir , i l'-, alii ili r.a'l.r (
iiiiidi' a mind man h, ai l. i I liaiipllt f"t lionm ami oS
I'llini, in nv i. hi "l.iii Hit Maii fn a," and tv tiatapa tu
rat inii ami Inlli iy klmla t if Inarrlaka,
Aro You Married?
TIIPttF art rhaft
)'iiially uk nil
aliowliia i,u
' lion lo lir ha pa a
llionati niarrlra.
lany man I'd ti-
I'll' wmii'l ai'l afi.iitf
.i iiir If ilVi y kiiw
tow In alail IIh-iii.
at-lvf-a lo ai li tlhi-r,
ami wonlil It t lu n a
fli nl and orm an
nllirt'ari''f''la ll.' t
imalil In read a ti
"I lain lloinn talk"
aaa aluot Ilia liu
iilillin'lir il Iniar
"iiiki , llm "nair
I r lailona of ilia
a.'!)," Ilif lfifliirn'
iin rii'aini aii'l avii
nf IMTTfratona, "li llial inii'liiira f.iitl
llfi'," Mr , i-K', Hunt will flint In"' Ii BBIInfai Hon to
Ihe i Iibiiit on hnrrrn lit aa i,li d liailm n llirni' a
of Kn ni j"V lomniiy a hliilu m pair, alillni tin hi t'l
illarnu r ami ri imm1 llm ilai Ii' fiili' ta Ilk S
uiiiii" "faiar" for marrli il in i r.n-" Ir' aiina of auual
llv, ali'''illik apart, I'li-i aa, iiiiiili'ralloli, Ji alouay. lo.
rllff'-roiii pri'vi'titlnii, riiiitliii'iii' fmid fnr rai
in, ni woiiii n, llm fiplanailon of rlilld inafclna , wlif
i-lill'lri'ii of ai'cond liimliaii'l riwrn'l- In'- fli al. tr .afi
In ahort, Ii" ii and aoiofn hialiafi- lo talk wllh lhalt
liniim pfiyalrlana roni-'Tiiliik loany drllral ajuaa
llona llial iiirplfi llirm ami dial lin y t ally ft"'l Ua
ninli ralauil, ami will' h Ilila iKM.k will rfillillil"n llio
on lint rmrmhrr Hull tj II J" ' ''" ." !'
tittmiln rmilv lo tnnif f'l' or Inr iiiiilnMiin hy rpUtl0
rM i(f ihm i)t tii tinlul Uunf ill niiiulit,
.t 4