The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 16, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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! turib at
r I r " (-- v j-
(, . I .,);, -!., - "".
outu,wn, fr !"
No; the Af I t
John IrrUi ! U th HU-I Mi
lium o f lb Hnin f hurvh.
It U a frill; good Un to do unto
other people jut m you would like to
hat thrro do untoymi.
Spain' recent attm I at ld
depriving her of nearly all her Islands,
cost her nearly M OoO.OOO.
How ran thl country conslstci tly
support the Independence of Cuba And
ml that of tho rtilllpplno?
Copplrger will son bo retired under
the age limit Hut ha will live. At the
expense of the American people just
the ftitir .
Tho Kinprestof AutrlA wa stabbed
lo di ath by n anarchist the last diiy
of IakI week. She wat a devout Roman
Vrlcnds Hathswty and Hlrd of Nob
raka, and Millhlseruf lows, hAvoour
thsnks for t,.'0 given to help wlpo out
thedubton Tiis Amkhihan.
Thore are a number of people of our
acquaintance wh.i think thoro la no
danger In Romanism, They mny
cbAnga tholr opinion shortly.
"Evetv tub must aland on Its own
bottom." Llkowl o must every man,
woman and child think for themselves
If they would be free, InstcAd of a stave
to the Idea of other men.
No man should bo nominated for the
legislature by the Republican pArty
unless bo fevers John L Webster for
United Sint,?j icnator. Loyalty and
fidelity to the party deserve a reward.
The re are feople In this world who
think Romanl-m U not at bliick at It it
often painted. In thla they are wrong,
Nothing It to hideout at Romanltra.
It It the mister-piece of Sstan't handi
work, but lit oourte It almost run.
The Flepublloan party of tblt county
can elect every man on Itt logtilatlve
ticket If It doet not allow the corrupt
machine that It trying to get Into thi
addle, to diet Ate Itt nominee. Good,
clean, oapaM men will have a walk
Rome' recommendation to the In.
tolllgent people of thl country comet
from the Ignorant, vicious, pauper
clatiet from Spain, Ireland, Italy,
Auttrla Hungary, and Poland, where
neatly 75 per cent of the Inbabltanlt
cah neither reAd nor write,
Every Kopvb'.lean politician who per
jured himself to become an A. I'. A. it
now excusing McKlnley't attempted
betrayal of the intercuts of tho Amer
lean people by appointing a Roman
Catholic at a member of the peace com
mittee which It to arrange the termt
of peace between the Roman Catholic
church and thlt country.
The dally pspert tay the Roman
Catbollo prlettt are Atlrrlng up ttrlfe
In the Philippine Islands to at to cause
a clash between the Insurgentt under
Augulnaldo and tho Amerlcani. The
American forcei thould be withdrawn
long enough to let the Insurgent! let-
tie a few eld score with those same
priests. It should be understood that
the Roman priesthood It loyal to no
government that conflicts in a tingle
Instance with the Interest of the
Church of Romo. The church It the
beginning and the end of their alleg.
A recent dlspit:h to the Omaha
World-Herald stated that Justice
White would return to Washington
the latter part of the week, and bat
at that time the judge would decide
whether he would Hand by hi Brit In
ten Hon to serve on the peace commit
slon. Thlt li a new thing. We have
heard of men refusing to serve, and af
terward deciding' that he would serve
but never before have we heard of a
man accepting a position, then, when
. t erf
U U4 frs'rwto
Oe .n,l4 IklsA to e4 !a)l!
trtAHK N.'. u. r a n t tV,t
vHtf ti'l haoaI uld
,..UrT Ad'' l 'kaeA.i
d Aa .trath llalhlr H"
A.) At ar bU . rtu wire
otwa tbta gl"'y. akI bmor It
It ltd to Iblek Iber buiI .
Irj. but ! naa wh asrrt bU
cH.alry a'l, It . b a he 1 krnt
or underlet hardibli unknown U j
prltala llf", ct'inplalnt and flndi fault,
lavktlbeiralathareHerLtleof !
dler-ib erv to (T r la ttleoee. If
jiiu don't want to tuff.r every kind
of bardiblp keep out i.f the tervbe of
yourrountiy. Tha glory of war It pur
cbaoed with Rufferleg.
Wouldn't the JetulU Ihj tickled to
death If they could get Mllet and Alger
Into fight? They are both proles
tente-Mlle U a lUptlut and Alger t
a direct dttcendanl of the grent de
fender of protentanlUm, William,
I'rlnco of Dranao. Home alwayt wcart
onu proU htant out w.lh another prot
etant never with a Koman Catholic,
bocauto tho publlj would loon eateh
onto tho trick. Secretary Alger and
General Mile mould umloriland that
no loyal protectant Amurlcan would
detlre to too them at out and particu
larly at a time when the life of the na
lion It In to much dangt r. JciultUm,
which nerved the hand that dealt the
death-blow toL'ncoln, and putttrength
Into the arm that ttruck down the
Hewardt, would hall with J' y any evi
dence of a contett bttwocn the two
it I wart protectant American.
Contribution! toward tho fund ttartod
i pay (jff tho debt utandlng agulnit
Tub Amkiiicam continue to come In at
Interval!, Wo had hoped enough men
and women who would read thAt appeal
could upare from one to one hundred
dollart would fool enough Intercut In
tho caute to lift the burden we had
carried to many yearn, but for tome
rcaton but a fow, a very few, have re-
pond. Ilcgardleti of that fact we are
pleaded to bo able n ttale that by tho
mot rigid economy and with tho at
tlttanoo of tbote few frlendt we have
reduced our Indcbtodnoit tevcral bun
dred dollart tinea the flnt day of July
To thoe frlendt whose patrlotltm and
love of the truth prompted them to
oome to our attlttance we now exprott
our thankt. To thoe who had the will
but not the meant to help, we are alto
Indebted for kind word, and to those
who regard the publication of Tiic
American ai a kutlnesi proportion
we acknowledge our obligation to them
frr their patronage.
Tho Jesuit know the war 1 not yet
ended, and are back of all tblt yelping
about neglect and mismanagement In
tho war department. Men must be
scared so that they will not enlist when
tbo next call comet for tropa,?ora
call It bound to come sooner or later,
and It would not serve Jesuit end to
have a loyal, enthusiastic and patriotic
answer from the common people. If
real Amerlcani are not very careful
they will be misled by thlt artful move
of the real enemies of their country,
and that, too, when it It absolutely un
A remembrance of what war li will
dissipate all the ground for complaint.
War It one ghastly panorama of horrorr,
From the firing of tho first gun until
the furling of the last flag privation
dttease and death It the companion of
the sold lor. It always baa been to;
alwavi will be to. Kch Individual
soldier know thlt to be a fact. He re
membercd the blood-stained foot-mnrkt
In the mowi through which tho revo-
lutlonAry heroet marched that we might
have liberty; they remembered the
drinking water of Llbbyand Anderson
vlllc, iwarmlng- with maggott and filled
with disease which the soldiers of the
rebellion drank that the negro might
be free: they remembered the fearful
carnage of the Dattlei of Hull Run, of
the Wilderness, of AoteUm.of Shiloh.of
Vlcksburg; of Valley Forge, of Hunker
Hill, of MUslon Ridge: they remem
bered all this they remembered more
they remembered the countless thoui
andi who sleep In unmarked gravel, the
hearts that were broken, tbe homes
that were made desolate, the maimed
the: amerioan,
Itrt !4 tt Oat a. I ' all ia tUt
tle4i' At eytr"
Ttf t a ml W 1 htnf
M 4r U ttrtr W WA alii
k l e ''
Ti but fcAUbr ra
ba sftVtrg a4 aaiH Thtl aa'
Ti t Is a 4aM bt afcat It ttiAn'sm
ha ail It n'd lAm,r. to
Inspriir, Atd to la'wf with Iba
fti. Wat wtuk tf tba
lrtras of tHa army, bit H Is xmr
policy for ItiarulMrlttoattimpt to cover
ih olntii'-f f itdir with a meailaot
eowadli or rabyWm tabid their owe
infamy, or to wk eaotlal for th If nt
lltlcsl party. Th volua-rrt wer
oldlerst It must not b underUd by this
that an lnvistlgatton Is unr.eeessary
An InvestlgaMon-n t a wMin washing
I niH-estary. It should hs ttiorougn,
far reichleg ar.d deep- 'l thould cot
only loea'e the reHtnslblIlty for the
alleged nrgb'ct, b it It thould expoim
tbe man who lued tho order which
practically disbanded the army before
the war wa ended, whloh order had to
bo roclnded two daj 11 or. Who but
tho Romans would disband a prote-
tont army that was fighting a Roman
Catholic arn? Hy all meant, ictus
have an Invtstlgatloi ; lotus a-cortaln
to what length the Jesuit went to
make this war a Spanish RomAn Cath
olic victory.
reparation of ( hiirch and Stale.
The salaries of the- reRular t"
priests In Potto Itlco nml Cu m have
been paid by th Hpnnlnh K-ivei nm. nl
ut of the custonm revetiut-a, "iu of
the. prb-Htii at Ponce iiiiiilt- upplli atom
lecirilly ti (lineiul Wilson fur tb' lr
aalnrlca. Me declined to comply with
their re(Uet, nml (leiieral Miles Hits
iiilnett him, ThlM ileclHlim meet with
thn coiillal approval of Archbishop he
luml, vho iiiiilerstiuulfi and vvli.'
Hove of the iIihnkc I" 'he stlitus of
the church In Porto Itlco, now thnt
that Island Is aubjeet to the JiiiIh.Hc
tlon of a country oim of vIi.m cardinal
piltulples U that I her must be no
union of church and slate, The arch-
lahop says:
"There will le no union of chur.ih
and state, kik h as Is estai.iHtimi ny
uHtoin or concordat In certain Catholic
countries of Kurope, There win oe
complete protection of all properties
mid of all perwii with such prlml-
olfN, Cathollca In tho Unit! Htutes
are satisfied, and Catholic In our nw
possession will be aatlnfled. It mny
not b easy for them at first to a1'ip
themselves In all caeca to thla ltua
tlon, but the eniharrawment felt 'vlll
be terntMary, The people will n
reallne that It I their duty to suppoit
rellalon by voluntary and crsonal eon
trlbutlon. In the arrater mimnT of
iHirlshe, moreover, church proper! e
yield empl revenue to meet all ev
A H.rtlon of the onerous and exces
sive taxes levied In different way upon
th Cubans and Port" Itleans has been
t aside for the payment of the sain
,i... ..f Mm elcruv. When tlie Heavy duties have been re.tueed and
many oppressive taxes are abolished,
(h pie who have been payma in.
will l aide to contribute voluntarily
t,.r h iiuroos"' none iiiau mtj
. . .......
eontrlbutn now Involuntarily, That they
will be wlllltiB to contribute liberally
the exiwilenee of the l ainono mue n
hi this country proved. It lm fared
better by deH-nlln on thfl free will
offsrlns of H l"lle than If it It had
I he state a It collector.
The cetodott of Cuba and Porto Itlco .....i,.. mill another chimae in
church mnlter. Hy tb oia arranae
ment between the Hpanlnh government
and the ti the former ha nominated
the colonial bishop and he pope ha
appointed them. Thl account lor inf
ract that those religion dignitaries In
Cuba have given so little evidence of
sympathy for the suffering of the Cu-
ban, even during- the Wtyler period
flelng Hpaniards, selected by the b""V
ernment, they did not, a a rule feel
called on to protest against the fright
ful misrule of their Spanish brethren
The Jurisdiction of Hpaln oer Cuba
slid Porto Itlco having: endud, that
power will no longer nominate blsh
op. They will be chosen, doubtles,
In accordance with the system which
prevails In the Catholic church tu this
country. Chicago Tribune!
ol too Smooth.
The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the cars furnished
so complete that you can Imagine your
self In your own luxurioui apartment
at home.
Inspect tbe Buffet Library and Smok
ing Cars as they pass through Omaha
" -
A. jf
II. U. IKIiY, Caniudatk
American Bible Study.
The last artlolo under tblt headlrg
brought the history of the RcmAn
nowar dawn to 1?!)8 when ''one of the
.... ... ., . ..
ncu mmm vuuuucu uuvu uciii li.
yoiia.etatl.fled that that part of the'
- , i
i ' V - . . . . V
prophecy of Daniel and of Revelation r'ur"'"" ,v or" .mmnui.-eiy to vor
hat been fulfilled, we will leave iUmta tbo, meo "b w,re 'urging
papacy for a short time and take up nd klll,Df tho ",nt ' th
another line of prophecy found In the
Hook of Revelation.
In tbe ninth chapter of that book
you And It stated that "tho fifth angel
sounded, and I saw itar UU from
heaven unto the earth; and to blra
was given tho key of the bottomlcts
pit, And he opetcd tbe bottomless pit;
and there arose a smoke out of the pit,
a the smoke of a great furnace; and
the tun ar.d the ale were darkened by
re on of tho smoke of tho pit. And
there cstno out of the smoke locust
upon tho earth; and unto them was
given power, at tho scorpions of the
earth have power, And It wa com
msndtd them that they should not
hurt the grass of the earth, neither
any green thing, neither any tree; but
TIIK SEAL OF GOD IN Titr.iit fouie-
UK. Aim. And to them it wa given
that they should not kill them, but
that they should be tormented live
months; and tholr torment wa a the
torment of a toorplon, whon he strlkcth
a man." This prophecy does rot des
cribe the papacy. It differs In two
essential points from both the other
prophuclos which we have seen point
out and refer to the papacy. The first
difference we notice U, the beasts that
represent the papacy have been terri
ble, dcitructivr, and wUe, while this
power referred to In t'.ie ninth chapter
of Revelation Is plctored weak, able
only to torment, or bother, or barrass.
Tbe other difference I, the papacy
wa to make war against the taints of
the Most High, while this new power
wa to torment only those men who
had not the seal of God In their foro-
heads. Another and just at Important
difference ll the time each power wai
to act independently of all other pow
en and government. And, again, tbe
papacy wat to overcome, to kill the
taint! of the Most High, while this
now power wai not given power to
kill but to torment.
Refo-e getting Into thli subject you
may be undecided as to what power
t(vot renreent. but if you will
C.siti.Tn i-on If. S. Sknatok.
,'y i .
i-'or tiik Ii(;isi,A'ri'KK.
fi l ow a little farther tbe wholo thing
will be made perfectly clear.
At a tlmo when the papal power was
welding tbo fettort of mental tlavery
and tuperstltlon on the world, the groat
fabric of government of Asia tottored
and foil. New schemes of government
were tried, but none were satisfactory,
Suddenly a weak band broke away and
- "sisn......n.ww
History tell u that the power that
os mo eut of Asia and settled In Kurope
at that time Is what I now called Tur
key. If I am not mistaken tbe Amer
ican I .nd Kncyclor iclla Hrltannlca says
their advent Into Euroupe occurred
"about the second decade of the 13th
ontury." Other historians are also
uncertain ss to the exact date of their
settling In Kurope, but Gibbon, who U
not regarded with much favor by tbe
papacy, marvel at the curious
fate that would, preirve, not only
tho year but the day and the month,
when they be ok mo a nation. He places
the date of the founding of the Turkish
empire a July 27, 1209, A it is tbe
only positive date v.e have seen in his
tory, a to when Turkey wa founded,
wo will take It as the starting point,
Then, if tho prophecy refers to "The
8lok Man of the fCast," to the unspeak-
ab'o Turk, be wis to have power to
torment "only those men which have
not the teal of God In their forehead,"'
If any men wore sealed In their fore
heads in the past they must have been
those whom the papacy killed, and it
would seem simply Justice for God lo
allow a power to arUe and torment
tho very power that wa wearing out
III taint. At any rate that Is what
happened. Tbe Turks constantly rav
aged the frontier but were never able
lo kill or ouertbrow the papacy. At
tint the Turks were a mere band of
marauders, and It was not until about
the middle of tho fifteenth century that
they had a klnguand became a power
among the nations of the world.
The tlmo, or duration of the perioJ,
that the Turk were to be ablo to only
torment those men who had not been
sealed In their foreheads by God, was
five months, Asa Hlble month con
tained :K)dsy, Ave months would con
tain l.'-O days. It was shown In the
last article that In prophetic time a
day was to be counted a year. Then,
the Turkish marauders were to torment
the non-chrlstlans 150 years before
a king was set over them. Lotus see
tetk't i4 ttet tvi K
as a t'A'e' tt J y IT I." A44
la tKst.'a )'' it Msg ft
eY to tM I.I4 f tka fi'wwAia
ere lur Uf. to h s tc, uittl Jlf
:?tfc. Htt Tre ! ka4 a king
thr. llh 'v4 U oMaa
Rrst , of lectioa. f V pnphn fl
but thi re w. ie m we f M!o W
foil.w The aet c U belle' J
rf- f toU a Turkish aere!h causa
of the simltsrily i f tin ai 4 da'es.
'A4 the f-ir anget wrre lo
hU h were pe. pared f -r an hour, at d
a 0r, an! a month, end a jeer, for to
li the third prt of men "-H. li.
You will get the lda charer If tha
verse I rendtred thu: Thefuraa
gel wr loosed (l Ich were prtpand
to slay tbe third part of men) for an
hour, and a day, and a month, and a
year." New If jou will hcAr In mind
thAt a dsy In prcphecy mean a yar
It all) be eAsy tounderstAnd that verse.
Suppose we set it out In tblt manner:
A )cr contains 17-
A month contains.. 30 oays.
Add tothc.e 1
And you have a total of Wl day.
K nplre founded I2'.
Tormented un tijOly men.. 1)0 ditys.
Ilrlnglng you diwn to 154'.
Hut we have tho hour of tbo proph
ecy yet to account for. An hour I one
twenty fourth part of a daj: as a day
In prophecy Is a year, then the hour In
prophecy would mean tho ore twenty
fourth part of a year. One twenty
fourth part of .KIO Is 15; or one-half of a
month. And as the start of the em
pire aa July 27, It 1 nccosiary to add
to that date thlt one-half month or 15
dayi, Ju'y, having 31 day, we will,
to Oil It out, take four of thoso fifteen
dsyt, which will leave u 1 1 day to go
Into August with; and Aug. II, 1810, li
tbe very day when Turkey ceased to b
an Independent power, It was on that
day that the acceptance by Turkey of
the peace arranged by Kng'and and
otber European powen with Egypt wa
placed In the hand ol tho representa
tive of the government of Egypt, and
from which time the 8ullan bai been
known a "The Sick Mai of the East."
The history of Turkey and thli
prophecy, both ai to conduct and date,
are so undeniable alike that It seems
Impossible to make a mistake In de
ciding that Turkey Is the power which
wa described locust In the ninth
chapter of Revelation, and a the an
gels wnlish were loosed to slay the third
part of men.
We have not time to go Into this tub
ect farther this week, but shall try to
resume It In tbe next litue.
Low Kate to Omaha Eiposlllon for Mod
ern Woodmen lsy.
On Sept. 214 and for trains arriving
In Omaha morning of Hopt. 224, tha
Great Rock Mand Route will sell round
trip tickets to Omaha, good returning
until and Including Sept.' 23, from
points where one-way rate to Omaha 1
I') 09 or loss, at rate of i ss than one
fare for the round trl Minimum
round trip rato to be II . This It a
splendid opportunity to visit the Oma
ha Exposition at low rate, and you
thould not fall to makethe trip via tho
Great Itcck Island Route. For rates
and full Information apply to ticket
agent, or address
John Behahtian, G, V. A.,
01 nilKIXM.
Tbe buffct-smoklng-llbrary cars on
tbo Burlington's 11:55 P.M. train for
Denver and 11:05 A, M. train for Chicago
are vertlblo club house on wheol.
Tbe smoking room Is a brilliantly
llghtkd apartment, beautifully car
peted, finished In oak and furnished
with easy chairs, settoes, card tables,
the current periodicals, a library and
a writing detur. Here you can lounge,
read, write, gossip, smoke or play
card while traveling at tbe rato of 60
miles an hour.
Harths, t:cketi and full information
at Tlckot ofllce DotHJt,
1502 Farnatn St. I0lh. and Mn on st
Wanted, pcsltlon by young man wh
speak English and German, Good ref
erence. Wm. P. Hell, 1513 Leaven
worth street, Omaha.
Do you look over the advertisements
In this paper?