The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 16, 1898, Image 3

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tNttOn t ON 13 ftilM Nv e
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iMiifii i !'' li.-ift.- ii t Wilkin Ui (
111 etir of t!i 1 i. ...ft f tr.1m
M alia tn.tiof. Mm! 4 In. tu nft r
anU M!t I in t II mm. Mli H
huh at hit ;cm iiirtri the rl i(
III tfi, Ju.lifr HilMipt'll J . nl.f (if Ih.i
irri nirn ,if otiin, fmlii-iii mhIhI'j.
t'tir'i.!iin:!jf mi, I iiiiu sty, iott.
nth stiil rlti idtlr, tiail a Iwmiiiful
daughter named nulla, alth whom Mr.
lonittT Ml In lov , 1 1 1 alTi'i'lliUI wit
rt lpriw nli .1, ami thry Im rmr rtif
Mil Jii llimipluf )' (mIiIp auulil not
permit liU (imiKhirr lo wH charity
atuuVni. Mint Htr-lla afwraaril mnrrl
ed (ir-n. Shflliy f lh tmy, biu! IIvpiI
lop many ypr In BU I'mil. Mr, Con
Rpr tnnrrln a laly at I'ort Huron. On
day when he at ih hflcht of hU
Tame ami Inflm-m p ami wa riroKnl.pil
the reimlilli-an leaikr In the liotme
of rfprpnoniallvca a iag broiiRht him
card from a lady In tho galU-ry, It
wm th namn of Mra. Shrlliy, and
Ulanrlng up Into ihp gallory he tocor-
died hla old tweethpart. H wat very I
oon at her aide e..rhanglng Infornm-
non about events of the quarter or a
century that had pawed since they had
seen each other. "I am a widower,"
said he, "and I am a widow," said she.
and when she asked him to call upon
ber at the National hotel he replied
" l.
! t.
Mr !!!. ,.f fc-il il-
' l' '41 ft II. I I ' l IS
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t ' J !) !.r ' i
H'Httir i'iMt ( hi : !i jih t
i ti'i'H .n mi I limn -'hi tn
M ii'im i r,t Kihi t l!jiii nd .'ii!
fill i .iirj : n' t i.i J ii -t a i-tt s the
aim (ta p.'Bir m ,1 I t'n tn tit(.
Itf mit, if i an,) rlatiim.
in n v ii an atitii'M
and flfl? nr Hi nniiiln fur lnh h
ti tm im' and Mt aluiiil ImritnltiliiK
nh mi ah tf 1 ! a shvlink. Sh
lu me wlih t-ara In hr er tn
Kfe ni(iti litr nine sylph-like fmm
and lniic'tf ir i' tn iiht a "iitl l
ilu c for I it I ti ll lir to row a bout
and take a tn mile lk at 5 oVIink
evi-ry ni. rnliu. I warn hr sitalnul
CNtnSps. ntol drlnka. itrfen pen. and
all tln oilier p!'fliiir nf life, and she
ftn away radlHiit. Hlie alsiaya lonna
five or ten pminds during the summer,
often more. Kircnuth nf sill seems
to develop with fpnh. The slim worn-
sn Is not nrst ly so persistent. A wap
wniKteii nitie wntnan rame in to ee
nie this morning. She greeted me with
a wave of her hnmi, ItHted about to
see the flowers In my window boxes,
went Into ecstasies over my new book
cane, stralahiened hpr hnt before the
mirror and called my attention to the
little lines around her eyes, saying,
'You see how thin I am, and how old
and ugly It makes me." 'Every tlma
you fly around the room In that ani
mated fashion you lose an ounce,' said
Then she sat down and spread her
skirts out, poking them here and pull
ing them there, drew off her gloves,
that isr "vould be glad to do so If ho
might come to old terms. They were Iooked or her an(,kerchle( mop
her brow and sighed, 'There goes an
married a few days later, and their
lives were very happy. She had wealth
nd le ability, and although both of
them were old-fashioned, unassuming
people, tbey held a prominent place In
the political circles of the capital. Blnco
He retired from public life Mr, Con
ger bad been living quietly with his
sons in Washington. While he had
taken little Interest In current affairs
he bad seldom been seen at the cap!
tol. Recently he had been so Infirm
test be was unable to est about. He
was SO years old at the time of his
frMbmea M1 Thlngi I.lvr far Theli
Ir Tsiuihrrs,
The freshman clasa of Johns Hod-
kins university took leave of one of
Its professors In a way of Its own, It
was the last day of the cIhhs before
final examinations and the largo body
or students assembled with broad
smiles and an air of general expeetan
ry, says the Ilaltlmore Sun. In a fw
moments the door opened and a mos
senger boy appeared with a large fu
neral pillow on which were embrold-
eted I he words; "(Jod Illess Our Tea h
er." He marched straight up to Ui
profesKor, presented his funrral gift
and demanded a receipt. Tho pro
feasor argued, but the boy didn't un
derstand his logic, until tho lrariii'd
doctor looked threateningly and llio
boy "gueased he would wait for one
Then signs of trouble began to appear
all over the classroom. One sign bori
the line "To Keep His Memory Green
and another "Remember the Mnlne
Other choice and popular expressions,
appropriate and Inappropriate to t.h
day, were strung up,
Klowly an odor began lo creep Inn
the room. It may have been the hy
drogen sulphlde.but It might have hetm
anything else which hadn't any bud
ties i here, It stole gently through
the keyhole, stifled thft student mar
the door and moved In waves of ever
ItM M-ftHlng circles about the room, car
rylng with It all tho odoriferous su
geMion of myriads of egg", of the mid
die hkcs, Suddenly In tho middle of
tin-1 Ins began to appear benm of the
bed and fowls of the air. One r.n
whs seen to dart from a crowd of nhi
ili'tits anil niHki) bl way a'Tnx i',a
room, where he sought cold comfort
In a Inst winter's radlntor. A pigeon
winged Its way aimlessly to the hw.k
df n chair and several student were
about to mnke Impromptu addi'dum
which Ihey had carefully prepared,
when President Oilman appeared tip'in
the scene. The student beenn lo look
Innocent and shocked. The pigeon
nawled back Into the bosom of il
crsi while tormentor; the rat struggled
up to the radiator; the signs disap
peared, and even the odor begun In
glorlously (o take to flight and lone lt
Mf In space, President Oilman snld a
few words,, but they cut the overbur
dened atmosphere like tho mirk of a
len-pounder. It was a "sad but glor
ious day for President Oilman," sa,d
one of the freshmen as he sought tlin
haven of refuge In the gymnasium.
omer ounce, earn i. -a rat woman
would have come Into this offlee.plumD-
ed herself down In the first chair at
hand and stayed there, skirt rumpled
up or not. That's why she' fat.' Then
1 preached a sermon, for that Is all I
can do for the thin woman. Bhe will
listen to advise and like to hear m
draw glowing pictures of how ah will
look when she weighs 160, but she wITf
not take ber medicine milk and oat
meal usually and sets acute mnian.
cholla If forced to go to bed early, It's
perplexing the way In which disposi
tions are dealt out, The fat woman
Invariably loves to loll and eat aweet
things can be serene and unworrled.
The thin woman adores exerelse.scorns
sweetmeats and has a positive mania
for work and worry, Rut between
them they make a sea voyage neces
sary for me every July."
alutatlou Which Will Ha lUaril 1n
Mure tin ths limit turiU
That salutation aomoUme heard on
the boulevards, "Bo1 you have at last
come out of Mazas, old boy!" will
have to be abandoned forever. The
famous prison near the Oare de Lyon,
which may ba compared to the Hollo
way citadel In London, has been Itself
condemned, after having long existed
as tho place of condemnation of law-
breakers, says a Pari correspondent
of the London Telegraph. Every day
exactly eight prlwoners out of the HDD
confined In It are carefully handcuffed,
placed In a black van and removed to
tho Hante, which Is to be demolished
hereafter, Ma,u was built In ll!5
and took the place of the La Force
prison. It was for patriotic reason It
wa called after Col. Muaas, who was
shot at Austerlltg, but his family pro
tested against so equivocal an honor.
Heme the Jail was officially known
as the House of Cellular Confinement.
rim pubrc, however, continued to re-
fir to It as and that appella
tion will stick to It In history. It
was originally given because. It was on
the Jloulevnrd d'Austerlltz, and the
memory of the brave colonel whs thus
sought to be perpetuated. Of lute
years the prison chiefly contained per
son condemned to one year or h-
and was fur more com fort able than In
the old duys when the system of soli
tary confinement In cell was rigorous
ly practiced. Mhzhs had a few habit
ual offenders, who purposely broke
tho law In order to be sent there for
the winter. One of these had contriv
ed to make himself no agreeable and
popular In the place that the gover
nor used to shake hands with the fel
low when he came to pass the rough
weather Inside the hospitable walls
of the House of Cellular Confinement,
In a year or so hence the Prisons of
(ho f'elne will be established t Frene,
a short distance from Piirin. where
brgw monumental constructions are
now In course of erect Inn.
I t'l'l.l . ti f .... '
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t lil ..l .1 i ; i r ft I l '
" SI i)lftl ( (',,f ffft lt,ft I
''! Ii'iki IM .! A?tiri J
' " 1 ! 1 ti ,11:.! .tl4ft ll III
lit t. iHia tn imii I a h mnt
i m rant t u ri!ii-,i v
ii ii nn.l ni it i.;.ii m
migbl t ! f.11 Rtriig liin H.ltMtn
el lint ' innaiit, Hh n't ti
e .a. is . 'ii it i.iiM M;i the
I lmi tiuii-n ihn lUiil
m ! sn.l Ohio. rn aytt aM !
Rule ti d tun Ibrmiah a l!.t imni
i SlHlil Bill IIMIMU) , na,!,, OillO
lid Indiana 1 tirt ibliMlv
ii pii are lmi ln u ttsble, an I
In y t, mi 1 .tr neal ly all kind. if lnUa
ii-mi wild animals and tilrds. In l')
immlUbt r l.jr ibr l, f the head
llsht Hie animals ran be -. n n am
lerl acroM the irsiks, ami ufien
f-ndlsh rabbit takes t.j the middle of
the trmk buween the ralla and race
the loi(imotl fur milm until he
I'lunges into a riihi rt or a bridge. "It
lia iHcnrred to me several times In
my railroad etperlitire," n.ild an old
iiglneer. "that tfw American skuna
mi make himself roriHplmons longer
Min lomier than any other living thing
I ri'itieiitly a . fly ang ty n,M
in nour tnrough tbe gloom of night.
Utile wobbling body dark and gray
crn ny the glare of the headlight run
ning diagonally acrona the track. The
inlmal mny possibly by quick action
mil a iklllful mnneuver escape the
wheel, and Instantly our no) rll are
minted with an overpowering acent
which almoat makes us faint. We are
200 yards when from the cause of the
smell In an Instant, but It clings to. us
ror mile, and the piiKaengers In tha
;ar who are awake wonder what kind
of oil I burning In the supponed hot
boxes. If we happen to kill the little
inlmal bis memory rllng to us still
for at least five miles."
One night a few week ago a tbe
flying fast mall on the Lake Shore
was making up lost time acros the In
diana swamps, a big red fox dashed
out ahead of the locomotive and took
the straight level track right ahead cf
the train. In another Instant a great
black and tan hound with his tongue
protruding, and hla long, lank body
stretched out at full speed, took the
roadbed Just fifty feet behind the fox.
More steam wa turned on. and with
their head out the engineer and fire
man watched the contest of speed. It
was a grand race between the two an
imal with tbe mighty engine coming
closo after them sixty-five mile an
hour, and the headlight showing the
fleet fox straining every limb and mm.
cle, and hla enemy slowly falling be
hind. The old hound aniieamii m
know that there was danger In his rear
and took to the westbound track, and
In another minute the rushing train
went past him, but the fox, taxing
advantage of the complication, disap
peared In the wood again. On ths
Pennsylvania railroad east of Altoona
a few weeks ago the train Inspector
found tho remains of a wildcat on the
track, and on the Philadelphia and
Kris away up beyond Lock Haven Inst
winter a largo black bear ran out In
front of a freight train and wa killed.
reer are often seen crosMlng the Phil
adelphia and Krle irnck In (he Penn
sylvanla mountain, and In the wild.
lonely place where the (rain stop for
wafer If the attentive passenger who Is
awake will put, his head out of the
window ad listen he will hear ihn
scream of be panther and the hoofing
or the owl.
1 ' ft I ft) IM,,. i (hf, tt,
. i . . I I u 1 1, ft f t ? i ,
' t t. ! t I. , , . -1 t .!
" f ,, t Hit !' .t f..bnr, i i
j ' . i-.i. i ii !ei tent
I '' tl I i hn. ! .! .
' H .Vft! ft l-V tf i ? I a.i I
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I tit -4 in lull i f i v t-t' !
!: i' r.ffi e It.-u't frail) f
I Si- nf In, I Jb.' rl, f i
mi l In iiw ir i-i'e II ini,!rr
' I1 le ' ft' il li m imI i- i i-i
Write Immt-Uisulj, Ihe i p't W
n u- il
i l uto't, li IV A , l .rllpcta
' iniatifti. Nun
U Use llul t Hmul o
tlnt i at lyrsrny,
I'niii. the u p y U r ha lted,
li send in ri Ii suhw HIwr eilli g us
llm names of 6e nf hl frieiuis, ntnui
Hued hy i"o. for fh-u niple t!iiti o!
Tint Amush AN, one volume of "Tli
Stenographer," a Ismk eontairilni lh
ttory of tbe life, trial, trl'nilllnn
Ciiiu l4hlp, M , of a sieniigraiitier Ti)
book ha "'JO psges, Is elegantly bourn1
In cloth, printed from tisul, cli an tyH
on thigh grain nf hisik-iaKir. W
havo .itl of them. (let your order In
early, H-'gu'ar prlco of such a hook
, ordinarily, II. Vou get It for
nothing If you buy Urn sample. Don
on J stamps of a larger denomination
than 2 cent.
Remember that bruising tha aer-
pent's head la safer than pinching hla
li- iii l -'ii
till l I
One that Yon Can Pay For.
i ji, w ) I (.! . )r , ihhuU i ni lUtl n;i i f
I .
MM H iHH Id il,
n v .n h i isi lint a
Tit' 1litli .UC MlU.thil mi
Hjnil, J f 1 1 V t is it tf hi ,t 1 1 1 t I luiu"
C-h l't II U Hi tlnWII .
! Ls.iHil iii in 'is, ji ut. if
limi vi!?i ;i! i'I nr .inn vM
Inll'Mi'tt !.t ami m n
tin l III In J'llli II hn! tut A
Give Itome use of our politician
and she will aoon control our goreni
Public Nullce.
The Northwcs'crn Line Daylight
Sncll new leave the U. I'. 1) pot at
C 40 a. M , arrive at Chicago HA' same
evening. No change In tbe other
train. Overland IJmlled 4 45 P. M
and the Omaha-Chicago Special at
(1 !." a M , arrives at Chicago 7:4.1 and
.'!() respectively, next morning, Tbe
most sdvsncid Vtstlbu'ed Blcepcr
D ner and Free Parlor Chair cars of
course-Whaieise would tbe "UIITH
VU;m:HN"heu? HOI Farnaro t
Knowledge kills many papal mytha,
no matter bow old tbey may be.
lilgotry la tha mirror of credulity.
True religion la out of place la
mas house.
AnrWtral worship, which is a prin
cipal part or a Chinaman' religion,
sometimes bears fruit In filial devotion
which It would he bard to find among
the nations who are at present preying
upon the Chinese empire. For exam
pin, hi i anion, a jew weea ago, a
youag man eighteen year of age wa
executed on the charge of murder, al
though It was known that he wa not
guilty A Hhanghttl paper, in com
menting upon the Incident, spoke of
the large amount of sympathy that was
felt for the condemned man, because
it was so well known that the actual
murderer was bis father, In order to
save his parent and satisfy the law of
"life for life," the son gave himself
up as soon as he knew that his father
had done the deed, and confessed the
murder, A the Chinese saying has
It, "He sealed his filial piety with bis
A Rtirewd Man.
Many and strange are the methods
the weHterners adopt. In money mak
ing. In the early days of Seattle a
man pre-empted a site on the water
fiont of tho town. The law required
that he have a house. Near by on the
beach was a weatherbeaten hull of a
vessel. He drew tho remnant of his
lot and started a second "Hudder
Orange." It was not long before sites
on the shore were In demand and the
shrewd "squatter" sold his lot for
fnlmn 'i!iirti-y.
The ever-present politeness of the
Cuban la a perpetual wonder. An
American lady entered a shop on Obis
po street some time ago, nd asked for
nn article which the merchant did not
have In stock, "If the nora will per
mit me, 1 will beg to bmsIsi her In
finding It," suld the obliging shopman.
He thereupon closed and locked his
store and accompanied the stranger to
shop after shop, until she had been
supplied. The Cuban then simply bow.
ed and bade her "Adlos!" to return
again to his place of business, content
In the thought that he had rendered
only the kindly duty which a true Cu
ban holds la always hi duo toward
other. Edward Pago Oaston.s
Manager What qualifications have
you for the position of nlghtwatch
man? Applicant Why, I wake at the
least noise. Tlt-I3lta.
Or Conr ll Had,
She And do you know the name of
all the bones of the skull, for Instance?
He (a medical student) Oh, yea; I
1 have them all In my bead. San Fran
cisco Examiner.
The great number of suicides lately,
especially among old people, uggeKt
the need of doing everything possible
to add to the IntereHt of life and make
It easier for everyone to Introduce
cheerfulness Into the "dally round and
common task," This can bust be done
with the young, Heboid chil
dren should be (aught plenty
of bright songs, of a kind that
will come back to them In after life and
dispel gloom. They ahould ba given
an Interest In art and music, Kspe
clally they should be educated to love
and cultivate flower. They should be
taken on summer excurslona and
shown tho wonders of botany. In ev
ery conceivable way the beauty of com
mon things, both In city and country,
should bo opened up to the young. If
this were done men and women would
have more to think about than selfish
or family troubles, They would fall
back upon thnlr mental treasures and
upon all-bounliful nature when gloomy
days rame upon them. They would
brood less and would not think of end
ing their existence. If everybody
would devote their lives more to the
pursuits of happlne than they do
there would be fewer suicide.
UNTIL the wuf ply Is exhausted, wr
will send to each sumcrlbrr ei,dlng us
he nrccs of five of his friends, accorn
panled by 2,'o. for five sample copies of
Fine Amkhican. one volume of "The
Stenographer," a book containing the
story of the life, trial, tribulations,
courtship, e'e, of a stenographer, The
book las 220 pages, Is elegantly bound
In cloth, printed from good, clean type
'inahiph grade of boik-papcr, We
have 7f0 of them, Out your order In
early, Hegular prion of such a bock
is, ord'ntrlly, ,Z., You gel H for
'ioll leg If tou buy five sample. Don't
nil tamps of a lai-gor denomination
than 2 tents,
Home finds slarider a belt' r weapon
than a b iwle kn fe,
We have plenty of tbe March 4tb la
sue, we ran fill your order. Your
friend ahould read the aworo testi
mony against the Roman Catholle
House of the Good RhepneriJ at BL
Paul. Ten for 80 cents; fifty for 1126;
100 for 12.00; 600 for 7,60; 1,000 for
(10. Have you sent any of that num
ber to your frlendif You ahou'dl
They ahould not aleeo longer.
Truth may be put in the grave, but
It won't atay there.
When the force of patriotism are
divided treaion comes out ahead.
If Rome doc charitable act It la
to gain favor with those b can after
ward rob,
Leyden'e "Secret Instruotlooe of tbe
Jesuits," for 80c, and bl "Secret Con-
fesslon to a Priest," for too, both
Pkper covered book, ere the eheapeet
hooka on tbe market today. Bend ni
60c and bare tbem aeot to your ad
dress, American Pub. Co., Omaha
Hlg gulda to Omaha and F-xpusltlon
at Omaha mailed for 10 cents. Agent
wanud ercry where. K. 1'. Walker,
710 N. 40 St .Omaha.
Try (Sawyer1 gimp
Tbe ubscrlptioo pi too of Thk Amkr
ICAM Is 12 00 per year.
Those who would kad men to oppose
Home must look up her record.
No greater, no more Interesting, no
more fearless exposure of Romanism
waa ever written than that penned by
Rev. Charlee Cblnlquy and popularly
Henry P. Borers, Clinton, la., is the j S' 1
head of the A. P. A. In this country, of Rome." Price I2.2S. Send ue flOO
VV rite him about yoar council and -k J and get tbe book. American Pub. Co.,
him for information. Kit Howard BL, Omaha, Neb,
.Uiil llio ' iliiici- in Monthly I'.miinils of $10. cull, mul intrtcat
4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. lm Ihc paynirnt of
the vu) tlu iMtuh iMt rrts WARRANTY DliliD; ami to
Mtiiic ihc lUftiii'il p.iynu-ntH yivti a fust limi iihiii the
pu-misis, Tluti' .ue kitg.iitH h.tvc newt Ihui iliiilic.itrd
in Oui.ih.i, and a kh, home i pl.util within I lie reach of every
one, ho matter how limited hii means, without having lo pay
almost usurious intetesj. For luithcr information wiitc to
M. 1.. ZOOK, lf.15 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.
N. II. Real Ivstatc owners having property to dispose, of on
terms explained alxne will find it to their advantage to send me
description of their property. No property covered hy heavy
mortgages wanted unless the rate of interest can be reduced to
4 per cent, per annum. M. I,. ZOOK.
- OR -
Songs of Warning For the American People
"Mrs. Eliza A. Pittiinger is a poet of ruro ability,
especially in the realm of true patroitism. Her volume
entitled "Bugle Fouls" contains tho spirit and sentiment
of the highest form of Americanism, and the "grand and
awful times." in which we live.
These poi rns constitute a clarion call for tho defense
of American citizenship an 1 American institutions,
against the world." J, Q. A. Hbnhy.
i'evtor L 8lle Ave. HaptUt Church, Chicago, III.
If you want to troatho patriotism and renew your love of the
Utile !( d School Houw ( If you wni t) commune with gifted spirit,
buy end read tMime po-m. I'rloe, 2) 0 mU. Ad lreii : Tho American
KMjiccIally prepared to moot the wants Of Farmer, Her
hantn, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who
11 re a cornidetA work at lite minimum cost.
Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps,
140 Now and Superb Illustrations.
A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorb
ng interest to every member of the household.
Population of each State and Territory, of all
Counties of the United States, and of American
Cities with over 6,000 Inhabitants.
IT CONTAINS niuch :cUl Information regarding any Nation, l'rolnce
. State, City, Town or Vlll&tfo deelred, The knowledge U rarely obtainable
f'rim a at: boot geography, which naceurtly hm only a few general facta and
ne location or imimrlant clue,
lUllrnnd mapi are nutorlounl; Incorrect and mUlt-mllne, honco the puztled
.ruth-m-ekcr, where large librarian am InHccumilbla, In without relief unlnm bf
t the happy owner of a Irnowlcdge-natMylng. plaiure-glvlng People a Atlaa
u v..iiuiiirn'ft mi vna 'we ui win rurwi ure inuwn. ,
I II Tern and La Ion are accurately located.
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tat utilrn. upon ri:ljl uf .......... UU WkDIvt
The Priest,
the Woman,
And the Confessional
By IIkv. Chas. Chiniqov,
emit by bauk draft, postal or express money order, or bv reela.
tered letter to the
Edith O'GormaiVs