The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 09, 1898, Image 8

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a ..Millions i.itmm.
t t I
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laf Itit "! t ' ' '
( .' tl . ..! tltl- '. K I
tt km In Kit ..!( i'w!"
111 a In I 11 a-t l-'l lli'tt I I
"(Itlt I Bp-l wlt )! V"
U l Rt.lf t.,.t il.'-k ntlhtlia;
tola m' iuti (tii'itiv, rinik
1Wtti.v leu '' 'i" U and hI
ft et ate L'ii.! anl want .ilr'v
h one i mi etiic li'e wl'lnui nunt-an
toWkh j In ti..! tun t''l ill''"
' I r ,.il ali'KS Kit thi-"C r.l with
tint mo n. I I M.'n t mi flnlah Hi
ma '
l. ,uil-e )inl It a l It f'"'l lt
then -r I nn iiKhHh iv
h( 11M luiiltiiue one "
"line" ml. I fUtk. ' H i ! I t l n
lfe Iwility Ji't into I almul.l h
brn hMttlir today. Hut who wmiM
mr, i nlil fellow like in now?"
"Many lihe lrl would Jump at tb
thlliic "
"I (tout wmiiI mi old nutlil." until Oil
fBi t ii ulnr nll bat belor. "Home picltv,
tuHlit Rlrl iiiikIiI tempt me, Hiil. Hi'",
tli In (oiiilhm Imaluc I know tint hiHK
bout. )oii ce, Hint tnklUK It on I'"'
bole I might 1'iiy ton il mly In ml
Vapce." ""Well." aald Ooulil, I npuilrnily, "on
tha whole. If tin" truth a known, I
think you in a trlR too buy M
"Why, I'm all rcmly for a bargain,
Show nie auni of llu-nr tile gltla yuu
aeni to think nr o ilinty,"
"If yuu ileite to vlalt my family
you will have an opportunity of mcet
tnc muny ladles. I will Introduce you
to my ltir, for one; aim will Intro
yr you to othera, ami "
"Good! I'll apeml tomorrow vpnln
-with you."
"Wa ll b glad to you."
Tby parted, and Clnrk'i thl k head
M full of new Ideaa. At o'rlock
tht next nlgtit he atood before hla nilr
tt trying necktla after necktie, and
carefully parting what remained of hla
kklr. At luat h waa fully eriulpp'nt
U4 atarted.
On hla arrival he found none but the
family preaent, and being Introduced
to the tndlea, paaaed a pleaaant even
!n. He watched every movement o'
tha younger lady, and before leaving
bad Concluded to aeek no further for a
"lfa. providing lha rharmlng Miaa
Oould could be pertuaded to become
Un. Clark, fine waa attractive, pleaa
tng In conversation, and graceful In
8he la the woman for me," thought
Harrla aa he aald gond-nlght, promln
lb to call aoon again.
Ha went home from hla aecond vUlt
lappler than from the flrat, for, In ad
dition to hla Incrennlng admiration for
ina lady, he felt anaured, by her evtuent
tiertlona to entertain hlm, that bio
feellnga were reciprocated.
One unfortunate clrcumatance mutit
be explained before proceeding. w
Ing partly to Mr. (Jould'a carelenea
la pregentlng the ladlea aa hla wife and
later merely, and partly Clurk'a con
tualon In confronting two women at
ace, be had mlataken one for the
other, and fallen In love with Mm,
Oould (decidedly (he prettier of the
two), and who, perfectly Innocent of
till error, drove to make mnttera plena
ant In behalf of her alater-ln-law, Hhe
noticed once or twice that he addremed
ber aa Mlaa Oould, but knowing him
to be a aomewliat illiterate man, let
it pan for a allp of the tongue,
Time puiMed, and Harrla determined
to apeak, One evening he found Mr.
Oould alone, and waa Informed that
"Artnur and aimer" had gone to make
a call, but would aoon return. Iliirru
xpreed a little aorrow at their ab
ani:e; now waa hla time, he thought;
o, itimmoiilng all hla courage, he com
menced; "My dear lady, forgive me for apeak
tng my mind frankly when I aaiure
you that the happleit houn of my life
have been pawed In your aoclety."
"Why, (hanki for the compliment,"
laid Mra. Oould. "It glvea me great
pleaaure (o welcome you here, and you
will enjoy life better than In the Mili
tary exlatence you have hitherto led,
Arthur baa a deep (ntereat In you,
and I aliall alwayi be pleaaed to en
tertain you to the beat of my abllltlea."
"Thank you," aald Clurk. "I feel
that a alngle life la an unhnppy one,
nd If not too late I propoHe to amend."
"Indeed! Then y'.t think of marry
ing. I congratulate you. May 1
aik who la to be the honored lady?"
"That dependa upon you. I have
never mpt with one who Inspired n e
with auch ewteem, auch love, aa your-at-lf.
All I have 1 lay at your feet.
Will yen be my wife?"
lie i n'wd and wiped the peraplra
tin hi fnrebead Mra iVm14
pz war- -i
i It -
t "'I
1 it ,
'n i i-i i
nrll'tg I
-1 1
I. lr t
t in ti i
'l(M t
'ml m
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.im I'.
hlf ( OH it- '
.il utir i
I l i?.l In In
' . ii si... I t let k M
it i tur in t h i fit 'i i "
JS Hit ( !! i'
1 h-ml hr it--, rhe-l i ii
M If 1 Ml ! It
('i I i uinf if In ite
1 tun ( '
lllff llit ll 'W
efileilna lti I''IH
Timf Itettli p 1lnk iliimh II
r, nl,., bU hl. niade a low I ,
and niiitii!n!r,l (. e bHrn the
i;,mt, and l i "tii brlni'e b'l "
ln'ie In a -lui'l iliiti' br I
lct. ue n flic t inli i.f fni in'.ktl s,
em lot bane, lUtil !, and oirr
eupei fin. "i until'1 of all old dm h -
lor'a toilet
An In lml be ihoimlit. eald. or did
after I tin l time tlicie l nn itnotiiit.
but Mm Oould bl flr' bve mil
without iluulil i-lu Win ti Ii l.-t I'.inlly
Keailnn In I'o-tnti l'ut.
Well nt Wttkiim luili I lilm
Not llenl In Twit llumlreil er.
A curloim de-fee by tin- empeior til,
China bn. eaya the l,oml.m Tlmen, Jut
reached (hla country, It deula with tho
necivalllra of C'tiltirt al the iremut
juncture, and la of great length. U
opena by aiiylim that elnea the waf
with Japan, a greiit number of mem
orial, from ofin bila of all gradea, fee
ommcndlng what aliould be done to
atrcngthen the empire and nmlntaln
Ita Integrity, have been received. Hut
when any queatlon of vital Importance
with foreign country arlae.the men
wno are ao enger to aiivin are imji
found wanting. Thla la (heir condi
tion now (purtuca the emperor), jual
when (he country la eurrounded on alt
handa by powerful and crafty neigh
bor!, who aeek advantagea and combine
to overflow China, becaiwe (hey aea
that the defenaea of the country are
neglected and decayed, and that tho
fleet In am ii II and lnlgnlflcanl. The
lli-l-l lit Plllltll HUM llin.pi.i.iii nil...
main que.tlon. therefore, la reform and
reorganlxatlon of the national defenae.
The trouble la (hn( the preaent re
aourcea of (he country are Inaufflclenl
for the purpoae, and the deficiency In
the exchequer aeemi to be very grent.
Lately, aaya (he emperor, be aeit out
a decree ordering (he provincial ati
thorltlea to ptevent peculation In the
collection of llkln, and to dlaband nae
lea territorial reglmenta which only
auck the life-blood of the provincial
excheuuere. Tim replle to thla decree,
did no( attempt to deal with either ot
thct two vital polnti; nothing wan
done toward discovering the exact
number of dummy name on the roll,
and thlnga now are Jtmt aa bad a be
fore, Win n the prtwnt dynnaty began
to reign (we are atlll aninmiirUlrig the
decree, and a far a poaalble ualng the
inieror'a exact weird throimliouO the
armlea were enllnt"d from the whole
I cipiiliitlon, Sn one then hud ever
henn of llkln or mlncellimeou dude,
hut there wim no want of money and
the troop were never wanting In then
duty. At precn( there nre mnny (fix
ed, mim H a llkln end the opium dull",
yielding Inrge autni, yet the ordinary
expenec are tnt paid. Thla I due in
extravagance, lleference la nnde to
the revenue In is.'1 and 1 H r. rt . nnd thi
cxpendliure In thone year, and a re
cent memorial I quoted fr m one ol
the preld"nt of the board at 1'eHng,
In which It I proponed that a ciiref il
utatemcnt alinuld now be prepared, ec,
that mperflucin expenan may be dedll
with ayalematlcally, In partlculnr It
I nld that the practice of .u"lti",
lummy neme on the regimental ru'i"
the ccirriiption In the llkln and enlt d-'.
partmenta, and the alneniie for favor.
ed oltlclu! phonic nil be dcill with nn I
the expenditure kept wlUtln the aiii'iii il
decreed In all depart menu, The c"V
peror approve of tbeo reccimiiu ri'lii
tlon. and ralla on the high authorlil"
In Peking and the province "to nid
fine another to rve u loyally In on
time of dlKtre, and not to attempt tc,
nhift off upon one mini tier Impnii'ini
dulle Jual. be aue It happen that d f
ferent provincial boundary line e nr
ate one from the other." Further
theae peronnge are adjured to r m m
her (he favor hitherto beaiowid on
them, and loyally and diligently to at
tain the end (he emperor I now tr;v
lug for. Again, brare and capable of
fleer are to be aought ou( eUewhere
and their name brought to the euip r
or notice, that they niny receive Mill
able conimnnd. "Thu may we bop
to obtain offlcera who, with their men
may be a human bulwark to the conn
try ngHlnat aggrelve foe," It inn)
be doubted whether any emperor fo
the n( 200 year ha ever allowed moh
nn admlaalon of weaknea. or meh a
wall of helpleaane, to be published
to hi lllbjecta,
ralth In the Intlallil World.
To (jet the beat enjoyment from
earthly thlnit. we need faith in the In
vlnlbli! world, That tinaeen realm tn
elude the soul of God and the spirit
of men. Chrlet I the true sclent im
for b ahow that the physical and
ailrlttial world are the twin hernia
phere of a perfect iinlverae. The pill'
peme of Ills life Is to Increaae out
knowledjio of Clod, and to reveal to tin
the ceaaeleaa marvela of our own na
tures. The moat accurate definition o
tself-knowledge Is God-knowkdise.
A man's sock aro Hometlmes acci
dentally exposed and sometimes tbey
an silk.
Ike thiU aitMi4 t V't.
W . a li I i ' t T' I
On In u inn . ii
a - mi - ii p 'ii ii t
I l g ttl K t l. i I -
i ,ei i,- I k j (-.t l ..
1 !.. k It l .1 l ' t .
1 I'tn an.) It l'"i i i r jf In i lit. I
I l , it. 1 1 . a i- !
i it I If 'H hi ' ti if
( bit '.t i . an I "if M i a t
1 1 ru itinn
I I I I arm t
Tl.e Ni' th tt in I.iets "
. ..
t ii Krwai4.
I II! gitf II n aNue n waul ui im
l ro., i bun h ir atilntli? h t ijr
that will. In fore the eU day nf . i
irnilM'T l'" a. II the igr ai amuiinl ol
w) Aatl (,atbolU tuNik. t'lrciilatp ami
(irlce II' t u i i t.n icwl jit ot a two riil
atamp Moin-y to accon!.any orili rt
for but k. Aiiilrt
Id v, J WniTr,
S'ai fi.rd. Ill
Put lull I Train l I lilciite.
Itrk'Innf nu N'onilav, Kibruary "ill
the N rtbwcii.Tn I.lnn iilaoei) In r
vice a tiAVi.i'iiir train in Chicalo
leaving Omaha 7(11 a m, Ouncll
niultaliM a. m., and arriving In ChL
catfo t 4.'i p. m maklnir crnncctloi,
wllh t venlnir train for all mlula cut,
IHnlnif car nerve all m al.
The afternoon llmlwd tralm at If.
and fi 30 arriving Chicago next morning
at 7:45 and 0:.'I0 a. m , renpecllvely, ntlll
remain Id aervlco.
City tkkot (.(Ilea 1 (01 Farnam St.
An Kay by Cba e Hoy, (browing a
blaze of light on Ame Icnn hlitory
howi that the Jeiulti were tie can e
of all the oolonlal war, Indian a"d
Fremiti maaaacrea of fioeo tlmu, and
help you to roperlj api ruclate the
Image of a Jeiult prleat on our oe
, .
mp, Famphle im
SKCTAUUM A I'l'llocitiATlONS, C. n-
grci.lonal, aiaUj and Munlulpa', lame
In pamphlet form Frlco 10 Cei l'.
Waahlngton, I). C.
No-To-tia fur rifly CeaU.
iirritie(1 Uiiiatieo liaiilt enra, nialcrn weak
Siao alrung, blMxi pur tug. II All druvami
For fifty eenti wa will tend you
copy of tna Atlai of tho World, con
taining tho latcit and moat accurate
map of Cuba and the Klondike coun
try, bealdet t great deal of oieful and
raluable Information. American Pub
Co., Omaha.
Wanted, pcittlon by young man who
apcoika Kngllnh and (lerman, (1 km) rof
erenne, W,n. t'. Hull, l 'i l-evcn
w irth ttrett, Omaha.
Fighting truth la an old trick of
popery; ana it nas become an aaat
at It,
W. A. H U M'KHH,
Atto'ner, Merchitnti National Hank Hlilg.
NOTII R TO NciN-WlV. liffKT lif YV.M D
ANT Tn lirl.tlna I,'liiiuiuni1leu ami
Mr l.'llmiiiiieitlrii. lief liuatimul II r I
rent nana unknown, non-realUeiit defend
aetai ... ...
Vein r here'iv notini-a ttnil nn ma ztn
(lay of June, law. 'atnea l llrnwne. Ilia
ilalntltT liurf in. men in peilima in in tua
ni'i I niirt fur liiinalaa inuiity. Nitrk,
aaatnat I hrlallea l.'llnniiiinilleii anil tir.
l.'lliiiriitieilleii. her Im-lninit flrl ami r"nl
narna iinknrnan and nlliura ll' fi'intiliila, Ilia
t ljeel, ard praver nf which la to furec-loan
(inn rtrtaln l 'ert-ltlcl i1td Nnveinlier
2Mh, W, upon Hie fullowlna ileacrldeil r al
. to- It !
Tha e em'-liair iw i,iof lor aayen ni
In tilock four '4i tn Nhlne'a Klrat in
the e Ijr of f'ti aha (lunula county. Nett
f al(,
'I Intra la nn ilna uiion aalil ee fit tt'-at" lh
an in of llin ("t with tntereat al Die rat of ten
llm nr eenl fr aanuin from m lunar aru,
'.I7, fnr which ainii, with tnUreal, aii'l enal with an attnrnt ya 'ee n icrmntl nar lo
ln ii- r enl of ine acrea uiinniirr uraya mr
A decree tha he hat a ftrl Hen uimn aal'l
rt-al ealale, thai thn defemliinla ahall iaf
Ih aau anil In defaul llierenf that the aiild
iniitirl y lie anld to a' Uf f I Im atiiuiin' found
1 urt. an" that uiiiin aal thefnl the dltind
anfa he di.l'rted nf all r . title and In'ur.
el In anht real aitala an I for other eijiil'-
Vim are lo hereiv nntlfled thai yn'i and
ei-h nf mi ttre ft quired to anawer ld lie
tin. n en or tiefnre clay of October,
lialed atditiah Nebraalcn Heptatiiher tnh.
MCMl HHHWNK PlalnllfT,
H W. A, Hanndera hl A Horn y
tf-0-4 lte..V Nn, il.
J, T, TATflf.
Attorney, Room 22 Tatterion Week,
In the I'Utrlet Pourt nf Doiiala
I'niinty, .N'i'l,rukii,
ftl the mutter (if the rwtiita of
Clmrlna It, Kvana, ilun'd,
Tn I.yilln K. HoaiiidltiK and Iloer C.
Vnu, and each of you, are hereby nntl-fti-d
thnl tha lUalrlet Court of I'millu
c'liiinty, Ni'hraaka, hn mnde thn follow.
Ins nriler In the iibov untitled action,
to wit: m
"Now thi cnuae eomlnir nn for nenrln
nn um report of tha aitniiiilatrntor of thn
aiiln (if the anal half () ot lot elhtean
(IM, felhnm Clneo, an addition to the
city nf (unuhn, Nehrnakn. In piirauanee
of a llcenati (franted by thi court to Ih"
niltnlitlairnlnr of anld eatate, dated ISth
ilny of November, Ii7, atirt It ntiirlna;
hy anld retmrt Hint anld half IH waa anld
nn Mm day of July, l', to Oliver
Chiirnher for tha mm of flva hundred
nnd eeventy dollar ct'iTflWi) ctieh. it I
tlmrefnri) ordered that all nraoti Inter
eal.'d In nli eatitte he notltled to appear
liifnrn me at court room No. T, of 'h
I Hat rlct Court of Dnuirla County, N";
hrnaltii, In the Ilea Mulldlns on the 6th
dny of Hentemtier, IHIi. at 10 o'clock,
forenoon, to enow cnuae. If any, why
anld eale ahould not be confirmed and a
deed eecuted to the pim?haar, by aerv
lea of thla order. Publication of anma
to b In The Arawrlcan on 'yQJ'
Judge of tha'plitrict Court
Dated July 1838. . . .
a S S-
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XV. A CUM'I tlrt
M nil. N, ill,. i. nt 1'ni.k I'Mk
XIII III! I M hii.i;
l .if 'ill illlji .ilil.'l .if n,il, u
Hi. I .HI 1. 1 I III. I'lk'Hil ...III! .. I 1.111)1
1,1 - . .mm , N,.,i-Ii I ii It 1 1 In i. , 1 1 , I
.I. I i n't Hi. Oil il.ii ui I ii..l, i A
! i-, ,,t t,.i ,, , i,., k ii iii i.r f.t 1. 1 .in,1
,ii hi.' i'nf rcni iI-m.i ..r iin- ...uiiiv
i .i'il I Ii.iiih', In I'ti' rll i.f IIIimIhi I .nine
li.t i "unit, N.'i'i ."-Ii ii H. ll ui imiili.' iihi'.
nun in tin- liinlii"! I'l.l'l. r (..i i nh. ih
"l'.-ll) d. filll'.'l III mil. I l.lil.'l lit a. it'
ll.. f.,l,,H , l. ll .
n' il), lilm k llii. e Iiiiii.ll. 'l mi l
milull I llm. Ill I llf iliil nf Hie
ll i.C iiiiii.Ini, hi hiu veil-. I, li'Hll.'.l nll'l
I' , i, 1. 1. 'I .Hill nil Ill lliK il III 1 K-
liti ii.iinu, pinli' nf Ntlir;itk'i,
Hit I.I .i.ij..ilv In In milil In aullKfy
Hint J 'In Oil Itiic, giliilulllT tii'ielu, I In
fiiln nf I'llli ru iiihI 7 Im) ;m ilnl
l,iM4 JimIviiii'IiI, With Inli-revt tlieri'iill lit
thi- r it I f i.r on i I'ii tier it-iii tier mmum
f i tn Mi'iiiiiiiliiT Ti, Iv.i;, tnifi'ilur with mi
nit. .t in t it f.'.' i.f ll.' unit i,T ii if , i;7) ilnl
l,il Mlilrh milil nniiiillllii UK' II llll It'll
tii.iti tmlil tttii.vf. ili'Mcrllieil ir..ierl v,
'In mill.ify thi. hiiIiit eiim of fl ft v -II v
hihI mi Imi ll'..", mu iIiiIIhi rnnl herein. In
lii tlu r Willi Hi rruliiK i i'"i. ii i r.l ii k in
ii luilKUietil li'iiili rt il hy tlif illKtrlrt eniirl
nf en. I Imtitcliot iiiuiily, hIiiIi. nf Nebrim
kii, hi Ha Heii'inliiT lenn A. ll. ln7,
In n ifl I ' In ii . 1 1 1 ii then Hint IIiiti" iiiiiil
Iiik, wli' i.ln lliirrv J. TwIiiiIiik la pliiln
tiff Hint tin- Aimrlriiri Niitlntil Hunk nf
iiiiiiiIiii NeliriiKku, ii i-iirtiiiriitliiii nr
miiilKi'il iiiiiI.t ih Ihw hi llm I' nil fil
Hlni.'. Hiiiiim.'I M I'lirtl mill Knti. Illfil
1'iirll hi-i tlofi'iiiliiiii a.
iiiiiiiIiii, Neliriieltn, Hepteniber Jnd, IW'1.
J'lIlN V. M liC'NAI.Ii.
HIierllT of IiiiiikIiin coiirily, Ni'lirn-kn.
V, A Hiiunileia, iiliiiriiey fur I'luliitllT,
'I wlntlliK y Am Nut iliitik et, ul,
line. HI, Nn. m. Kx. I p. 212. J-5
Altoriny, AUTiliaui .Nauoiml Hank.
Ul i Kill r K'H HAI.K.
t ii'l'-r miki by mi t u ot un outer of anl.i
mi uiiii-m til ulni inmilH nl liia Iii.ii im
aueil ma uf I Mil uiellKl mini nn I'ni.XHiit
muiii, Bin I.i ut iNxniuaait, unu In litu 111
leili'il, 1 Will, till I im mi un y uf urn
i.i i, A. i. i'J", ui lu ii elm a A. fri. ol ul
iiu, ui I im i.tnl iimil ul llie coun
ty cuuit iiinmi', lu I mi city uf umuiia,
1nliHiiiM t i.uli I , Ni'lilunkii, aeli ul pilliuu
iiuilmil lu inn liiaiieal uiililer lur lanli,
llm I'liiperi ilemiiui'ii in aunt unler uf
aunt u luliuwa, lu wit;
I.11I unu ui, i.iui H ijiiii (Ii, In Hieuiiiiii
I ' 1 1 1 1 1' , un it. mi I ii i ii in ma vny nf miiihiim,
ii a iti.i H' in, piiitti'ii Mini i I'.in u.'il, hii ail-
luiieil in J'liiiaiua euuniy, iemaHMii.
eulil t.liiiieiiy to lie annl in aullnly
Jniui-a I., i.l'i win', piulliioi linlniu, III')
mi ill of l mi' miiinii'il it ml imii Itl'ii in; On
liua jiiiIkiiii'IiI, Willi llin ieal Hi. linn llulll
miili'iniiir i.ili. ih'i, ul llm miti ul l-n
ii'ii per ri'iu i. r uiiiiuin, liiKi tiier wuh uu
Mttniiiey l.u il I in uuiiiilM, Willi II
uuiuuma re it lual neii un uiinva at.
m l Hu ll ittnili'liy.
In h.i t ml y jtmi'iih W, Tliuiihia, Itmelvi-r
i.i llm .tiiilniinl Miitu liuua, ili' I in in ii l
In rein tun n ii fit ul l.lmil 1 1 u ml i uii'l
lilm. unu ,tH'l'"i i.t.i .im ilnllma jil'lKiin iit
Willi luii'Mal llii'ii'iiti ul Iiiii rule nl aeveii
in per i i'iu per iiiiiiiIiii 1 1 imi nepii'iiiin r
lu a.iiiHfy llin fuillnr mij in of 'I'll I rt y
IH I. mni i,l ru ia.S7i,t,ii iiniiiiia eiMta li.tfii,
tnKi'llier Willi uiriiiliitf euala ui euiilliia
tn it jnilmii. lit iml' i."l hy llm ill I f i I
unlit lit mini UnuKitia I milliy, ill 11 ni'll
li'inlii'l Iitiii, A. Ii. K'i, III it eeriitlll in
Unu Unu himI ilii'i" I'.'iniiiiK wiierein
,""': " V '""'T '"""V.
htialiuiiil, ii ml Alfleil II. I utnnlni k, um
Ji,.ili IV, I In mni n, ri'ielver of llm Mul
liiml (Unlit Hunk, urn ilufniKliiiila,
Hiili-il ut iiiiiiiIiii, N.-iir .ik,i, Aiixunl
21.11), A, 11. im,
JtillN W. Ml" IN A 1,1',
HIiettfT nf ItuiiKliia i nutily, Nuiiinaau
W. A, Hiiuiuleia. Hiioruey fuf I'lulnlirf,
IIii.wiiii va. Me' Illlni'll et, Ul,
line Ut, No. If,
il 2 5
Attortiey, Merctiaiil Natlutml Hank,
Ily vlttiie (if an nnlef nf uli laaunt nut
nf i Im iliairh I ei.iiit fur li'iiiglna eniiuly,
N'l liiiiHkii, uml lu inn illri-i li-il, I will, on
III" llll ilny nf fetulier, A 1 1, Ik'.iH, ut ten
n ' Imk A. M of mii Ii) tin y . nl III" l.nat
fimit ilnnr nf III" I'mirl llniiaf, In llm
I lly nf C'tniiliii liniia-liia I'nunly, Nt"
lil.iakn, a 'II lit pllliUe iiiii I Inn In llm tlllll-i-ni
lii.lil.-r fur eiiah, Him niuiii'i'l y iln.
a. i ll..-. I lu aulil unlc-r nf aul", u fulluw
in v. II:
'I'lm weat iweiily-ftve I2M feet uf line
Inl I .'III v -t In ... ll'li, a.illnn ;H, tnWII
allln ,i iiiiihh II, linllKlna I'nlinlV, N"
liiin-kii, 1'i'inM M ini'iii y-livit iti) fiiut ail rip
nil llm weal Ml i lit nr Ink Hit ..I tua e
Ifti-il III k!, I'Dli'inllliM fl'illl lur
Vlnlnni Mlli'i't In lluilleviinl Hireel
Alan ll atrip nr nllev twelve IIZl feet
wliln Ciiiiii Niiiih lu Miiiitli. nnd I wmii y
ll v.. riinuluK frniii -it a ' to weal uml
ii tni 1 1 1 na ui.'iu Hi" nntili alile nf 'In Inl
aimy-ltMi n-.'l fiutuerly u Imti nf In
Inl Im-iiii-iliii'i' i .Mi In ai.cllnii M, town
ahlp Ifi, iiiiikii i;!, I'miKlna 1'niiiily, N
hl'iinSii, lielnK lietwei.i Iln. ihllli'h (imp-i-ny
unit thiil nwii.'.l by the ( 'iiipetiter
I'niit-r c 'iiinpiiny, Alan ii atrip nr alley
aeviiity-llve iii.) fei.i in letiaiu rrnin l
lu weal, nnd HhlltllUK III. "ll It III. i aniltll
anli- uf tua Inl Iwelva U2l tfiiimnrly
mul nf III Inl I v -I liri'.f i l.U. lu
ai'iiliui ;il Inwunhlp l,'i, ni'ilcn II, I'liiialiia
euiitiiy, -Nciiriiakii, unu iieiua inai anion
nf Dm church properly uml nnrth nf linn
nwneii liy trm t iirpeiiiiT -uper cninpuiiy
III llm i ll y nf Ditiutnt, na aurvey eil, pint
lid anil ri-enrileil, ull In (iniiKlna eiuiniy
Ml.ilf uf Ni-liinakii.
Muni nrni.i-rty to Im anld In anllafv
Jiirnea I,, llmwiii'. .liiliillrT hen-in, the
aiiui nf I'uiir Hundred uml eleven nnd :w
Inn till Mm ilnllura liiilmnent nnd Int.-r'
eat thereun nl ruin of It'll cfi per cent
per milium rrnin reliriuiry 7th, 1 a'.'H ;
To auilafy the further anin nf One linn
1 r."l mid Kiirlv-al uml II I"! ilie, III
Iiliilliir coal herein, Inicet tmr with iieertl
Ilia; inkta, lief iii'lliiK in a JiidKtuelil l'-tl
ihred hy the dlalrlet eniirt (if anld I'miK
i Ink enmity, at Ita Kehtuiirv term. A. I
lain, lu u. eei tnln net Inn Ihen uml Ihete
p. iiilinir, wherein Jtiitu a I, Itruwun la
iilnlntlrf, and Jentntiili ' , IvHen, Ivrllu
I J. Wllenl, Carpenlt-r rnper I iiiniiiiiiy,
enrpiinitlutt uiKuiilto'i ami elilhx uml
llm Inwa of thn Hinta nr Ni-nriiakii, am
i.i lift a nre dufeiuliiuta
(llllllhll, Nehriiakn. Meptemtier Jnd, IHW,
Hheriff of I iniiKlna eiiiinty, Neiiinakii
, A, Hiiumleta. Aitornny,
Itrnwiie va, "iS'llen t a I.
lio.-ki'i 111. Nu. Ul.
t 2 i
KyervlHtiy "
Cnacaret-i Candy Cathartic, the moat won.
derful nn-tJIcal tlicoervof tha ukc, piea
ant and nsin aliinif to Iho taaie, a. I cetiiiy
ami luialllvelv mi kulnca. liver and bowela,
fleanalim tha eittlrii aiatem, dlapel coin,
cure beaibiobe, fuver, hnhltuul conatlpatloo
and hlilouane.. l'ieao twy ami cry a iwi
of U. C. C. to-day i 10, liV M cent, hold and
tT laraiiteed to cure by an uru-'gi.
Here's a Book Bargain!
l ive ol lh IVI Sumwi l'tt Wtillfn.
r V".l On
k-f'l I' k-
..I tiiiiiiiiia
it ' VTyjJ'rV,"" t'n'V b i it vi t Utti i.'li at t (bun t
f4 'Ml hrV "' 'rt tenia er uf J
fa,.! ' f ( I'H- 3 irejli. 1 ho whole llvo ruwika
-jit I. 40 (, ftlfal4. 1 ! y M I
t iV V" " S, lMtim at Imp l"t A tl'itUt.
C"w4 irrrhVrai.WwCWt tO CAUiaji life .
y -' A IT! t lwfi !" no'iiiM i.i.iH nimi t miMf
r I I , . -V Jj "4 , i " nt .i n ..i,i...,i a pfiumi, a4
I lr - i',fl rJv " ! "" i ii m ini. mii in jxit t.itiii tttn'i
j ' f A i V ""' "t ! t.. r-.l'.. " I i.' I. t I " anil
J, i.ri Ll 1 ..." k- a n. . ., t... ..i iini tii. i . .".I'.ii.r.t . i
V It, ". I l a...i.,..ji,. . ...... -. ...I i.w ii i. a o.i wul
f .) f f (....t a" "t'l. itOt.r a"-". "l UaH
I -wypL' 1 f "" 1 ft "! ' i'l I t i 1..t,t. Ii la
vVeV I r " IVW", . -t, .,..., m m, ..ti r I i t. mt.
, JT '.1 I 1: A X.'--j"w v I-'-'-. ..... I"t..-I an. I ttnalHl.lani, an e.a.lait.a
W , ' ll iSaA i..iiiiil,i.Mta
iW WJlawaa . S. QWtei " WM-MW rflff-
r ' VxW ' t ' r ' ' " '"" -H. 1-14 4 e.
I v. .la" u' 1 g Hf.1 M tti " it auli.K.i l.-iM . la ll..t ..
f I f " H V f M "III U'lHi.H , tl"ll. ll II iH.lllli. I. ill-Ill i"
I j . TlZ .-M' 'If' N outturn n i.f Jul. .tin.iir II. It .I.r
. 7 ' i w ltinrtt.1, aii'l .i'-il atlti lint H'ttri.tutt
i .ll f r '' '..ii' e inii.-l.niflii .u a t.miat. i.i Hi.. in.,i,-,
t i ' S' i-r tiii't Hi il. t .f t r..-.-- It-tie t.t. i -uii,a
- at
tKt.i,',-i,.f tDMtlt.lllti.. It roitiaihtiit-t-r )-Mlt. . ttiii.-.l Ir.MII in w .ui--4.
A NIDI FROM THI BUtM. Il I- ' ll'illSI Ml. A T .lutt.ll(a t I'e. n.Uil..rr
ft.. t,., it iii, ,1 ft'i. I..-I rt UHi'i. ..I..I I .in.' ..i.i I n ii ...n ii..-nl, i ti.-ri' I- ti.. lit. h ..f Ittlllllna ilia
tllrtllr l.rtO'rtt-l Iltfm!- III.' IvM'h I ll.' M lull.' !! Ii,l-t lilt, uu. I I. I"l l"li, (mil. .-Hi- aii.t Imln iHia
hiiiihM'." r.'U.'it .-tii.'r In t'li.i.l t. , ,-i,rii, a nil m lirtinn aiul ttOtfiti uij liultiiiliaili4l fuf aiul
li.a it t it rM iiiaOna li-..a tnnn't in. mn,
TICKtTNO. iaS4T. ft f.'l'f.'f V-V A ft I W,- lMrfr(,- TLUIa a nmianlli-lalitnT the wmiitn fid
a.. .-nl hi -m i.f m iniiua ni.-iii hii Iii M-M .i. Il"tt Iii' -mill Ui ItiMt-V.-MI.. anil m..ii Hit. tutnil nf
tin- l.ilr I ni'iiH-tit-t. I.jr tin' aul ot (I. ki-t, la a Mranae unu y uf IiaoUIiIu anil tfnuil iu ll,aJiu liwaiui
inor.--iina n-rt'lln.
fOet THI Dirt Nat. " n rtH.n:iV. Thi. I.. ifil,. l-.l and n..-t liiirrli, worta
iif tin fun. mi, it'ii inn-, Ii i" a il I.-. Ot. hihI Invf tinii, a uli a ili-'i rt . n i te y iN'ti-iiy iiiii-avaltl lif
afcilltnl muti. It u iif tlirlthiia litlf-ff-ii fniiii iH'glniiinii Itit-u.L viNtaauf rli-ar lyiu.
ret-NOTI'. Till! lKICI:-One IxMik, 10 cental Threo fcooka, 2S cents
All I'lvo books, 40 cen(, postpaid.
r if i I i' Willi
io'a') rtatnii-, I. t. or Fixprofi money
1615 Howard Stroot, OMAHA, NED.
l our In Hie Him ky .Moimtalii.
The "Scenic L ne of the World, " the
()mer A H o Cct n KaUroad, i ITttrt
to toiiriaU In Colorado, U'eh ard New
vlrilco thj tbolceat reaorlf, and to the
tram-contlnen a travHler tne grandeat
contry. Two ic pirate and dlitlnct
route through tho (Uicky Mountain!,
all through ticket available via either.
The direct line to Cripple Creek, the
greateat fold camp on earth. Double
dally train ervlc with through i'ull
n an sleeper and Uturlati'cais between
D. nvcr and San Kranolaco.
The beat lino t Utah, Idtbo, Mon
tana, Oregon and Waabiugtoa via the
'Oifdon (Gateway. "
Write 8 K Hooper, G P. A T, A
Denver, Colorado, for Illuttrated del-
otlptlva pamphlKt.
Tha priest does an erll day's work
When h (UtS A Child tO go tO th pare-
Ch& IK'hOOl.
Omaha Eipress and Delivery Co.,
J. L. TURNEY. Mgr.
H. H. HAYPOHO aeo Tresa,
Mne ns and llvht eiprea work at raaann
aiiia p cea fiatin muvlns a apivlty
lluuaehi Id K'liida lured packed aod ahlpued
Carry all fur picnic.
Office, 410 North i6ih Street.
Telephone 1203.
It un ojri Van Hurcn St
directly In front of the -
Rock Island &
I'aaaenitera arriving In I'Mcaru can, by the
new I'tilnn f leva ad bui p reach v pan nf
ihocllyi of , fn a IWa ceui faff, can he taken
lintimdialely to any (if Ilia lare alnfea In III
Jnwn loan d'a 'let,
All Ht ed Triln ill lnp at Hi "line
la'and" litlii'i T'aleti very mlniiie
Ti eao f ii'llllle" can nliiy e olterefl l.y 'ha
I f v nu will tend a t en' 1 1 nu for uoatay
a will mall yen at nn e a n w 'ilrd'a eye view
f I hlckyn. Jual I'auid In five I'nlnra. which
thnwa yuu luat what ynii want to knnw ahnul
lihlcayu and lhemr (, painl Klevated kva
lain, I h a ickii ynii hniild have win the' ymi
II out of the ell y i rid t ui act lo e,i ma in It
uf Whether yuu live In I lilcayii and yuu nf
yi u r rni'inia cniituiplaw n.aklns a trip
riiiittiniilKtii i
JOHN fty;HATIAN, fl, P. A .
Hi cairn
t Ii
I. i
I'nlr Vl hn'H-'V I'Oief
k ii tmh ec'l ("f
.ti. -I. i in.- u-.i yi-i all willilu ll.a
i.iii- iiiilec, lltuiil i iv a.ivoi', .tent.
order, or bunk draft. AdUr,
Than Gjold ?
It r ii It n In
llealili r If
a ii Hi I'll, Vi
and tav b'
KKM Kl'f K M
e.(il puaed of
KihiI, Iterlia,
Huda, llnrka,
"d yinwer.
He fcaa oyee
5 'ni'i dirr. rent
klnda U pre-a-
rllM tram
nd cure all
rtiann-r of i-Mllllii lilaK ar.a, iii- h a.
Ithasiittialllaiisi tt aalat rh I41liiv i.iwmf. Illst.
j (It-r, MfoiiiMfh IffttiMf Anthnm, Thnmt
I anil l.nna" Triiutile, Imllfeallon, I'yaiifnaia)
I au-a ft rmiMrit rFtvnti vvriiHriiaa, f.ttav-
Yianiiiiuti, narviiua iiaiiiiny, ana an rrivwiw
ltlaaea, All eaaea liiarantead or m nef
reftindad. CO.Nkt, t.TA I lo, yUK.K, 111 no
or writ eminalnl at amp for bunk and lilaak.
Add reaa,
on. C. CEE wo,
SlllaA-ll N. I 'llh SI , (IMA If A, MKII.
. . USE a .
Ak ymir Ornner foe It an 1 If Im does
not havo H, CUT OUT this advr'lt
fnent and ha,v blm nnler It fur you,
W manufacturo tho fc llowlnir brand:
Pure Family Soap,
floating So.p,
Pure Castile Soap,
ISO Itf urten St.,
iVrntevn Ayi'iif A(hlrntnt
Sawyers Soap,
fon (, jlAN TEHKIlORt
v" .,' ii r (. nrjttjro At'j
niu ' nt niiuj, rini
fiflift Olllfr, I , i "ib atif fnrssnj
ifJr muiilfStfi w!i Io?ji
l..r C..i(liir Ul Vial ,rri al,ulai,laa,atli
taal aa'an.'M, Muna llliatlar, C mba, (..if Wa
llh Ml.aln a.. taluttnna auk r....,u. t,-.,..-
I. L 'e"'". ""'.ii iiLMtha Maii.a In..
L. !"" 'it f-tlintd lllnairalliiiia. Iixitl
'ii.mii llm,, ,1.,
M.Mtt llttaral tafwia at.u.nil 'tl. ...' . , .. V
'L 1 i ' "" eaia, iiaHaanata muni rraa.
'aii.lail'. cay aHara
- r ... . , , ii,,v, iTtt iitatiMta at run jiiti.
VLl Will Sell Yon HIGH
nnaut diuiulu
00811 l INI
Yoa 68tTHPfofl?i
of palr, Afnta, 'ibbr(
and aili.ltn Iif pnrha
In rtlrH frnm tha Mann
tiu-tntm. ISOS Pull tlr Ladlan' or Cnt)
Modal front SIU-OO UP. tO0 MODILt
aH nvtir fe.m l-t w-aaa al your own pricn
from sto.oa un. fvmipit iki.i, ot Biuret"
and aualiiaa Fra Waalilpirliirtwtrnulti'aa
anyvfeara wlthoul on cant of money In ad
nc, iwtiayailfft.iirti atutraa and Ouarant
t Bam For Two Vaara. AiMraat
437. ItT Fifth CkktfO, His.