THE AMERICAN, n STA US. ) 4 i IK 41 In the V.u urn Konif Will , krThit t'tnintty aivI Kct It llitkrr. Ht 1 tut lit lift,.. IHrHl Out) edetrw I Mil tt llifw'l'r Me ll I'nt lata Mitt t In Jtt te th I' MUM t tnt. rVtcuo ctiiuia of me raMt Cliurrli tt t 4maelle fctt lpe lint IX. Kdurallon muat fee rontre!!4 fey Oatholle euttmrltlee, eea to war 4 bloodihed.Oattiolie World. I frankly ronfee that ttie Cathollee etand before the counter a In eae- mte of the tmblla eehoola Fa'her I'tielan. I would toon artmlnleiar cr tnrnt to a dog M to Catholloe who "nil their children to public echoola father Walker. Tho nubile erhoole have rtrortui'ed nothing (nit a todle generation of thlevee and blackguard. Father Brhaner. It will ha glorlotta day In tbli country when undnr tho Uw tho echool ayetem will be ahltered to plwee. -Catholic Telegraph. Tho public erhoola are nurairle ot Tire; they are godl! and tin Inn gup preed will prove ihe damnation of thin country. Father Walker. Wo muat take part In the olrctlnna, move In a aolld man In every atate aalnat the party pledged to anataln the Integrity of the public arhool. MrCloHkey. 1 The common ar-hoot of this country re elnka of mornl pollution and nur erle of hH). Chicago Tablet. Tho time la not far away when the Romnn Catholic Church of the Re public of the United Btatra, at the order of the Pope, will refue to pay their echool tax, and will aend bullet to the breaata of the goyernmont agent rather than pay li. It will come ou'ckly at the click of a trigger, ad will be obeyed, of courae, aa com- i jig from Almighty Ood. Mgr. Cape! "We hate Proteatantlam; we d"tt tt with our whole heart and aoul." Catholic Vlaltor. "No man ha a right to chooae hi religion." Arenhtatioi) llttgtie In . Freeman' Journal, Jnn. Ztf, 1)152. "If Cnthollna ever gain urnclent nil- merlral majority In thla cotintry, re. Ilglotta freedom l at an end." Cath' olln Shepherd of the Valley, Nov, 23, IB1. "Proteatantlam, of every form, ha not, and never can hnve any rlitht whero Catholicity la triumphant." Dr. O. A. Tirownaon' Catholic Review, June, G1. "We hava taken thla principle for heal: That the Catholic religion with all It right, ought to be cxclnnlvely dominant, In urh aort, that every other worahlp ahull be banlahed and fnterdlcted."-riu IX. In hi alloen tlon to a Conlt.ory of Cardinal, September, MSI. "Proteatantlam why, , we honld draw and anarter It, and hang up the crow meat. We would tear It with plncera and fir It with hot lronf Fill It with molten leao and alnk It In hell fire on hundred fathom derp." rattier rneian, Editor Western Watch man. "Itelfgloti liberty I merely endur ed until the oppolte aide can be car ried Into effect, without peril to the Catholic Church," Illahop O'Con nor, The Roman Catholic la to wield hi vote for the ptirpoaa of aectirlng Cath olic aacendency In thla country." rather Marker, In the Catholic World, iuiy, ii70. "Undoubtedly It la tho Intention of the rope to poaaei tbli country, la thi Intention he I aided by the Jea- 1 alt and Catholic prelatea and prlaata," Iiiownaon'i Catholic Review, July, When a Catholic candidate la on a tlrkot and hi opponent I a non Catholic, let the Catholic candidate have the vote, no matter what be rep reaenta," Catholic Review, July, 194, "Jn raaa of conflicting law between the two power, the law of th church muat prevail over the date," -Tina IX, flyllahua 1801. "W bold the tare to be only an Inferior court, receiving It authority from the church and liable to have It decree revereed upon appeal," Hrownann'a )Chayi, p, 22, "We do not accept tbl government or hold It to be any government at. all, or a capable of performing any of the proper function of government,. If the American government la to oeaua fa !nd and proervad at all, It mnat be by the rejection of the principle of the Reformation (that la, the gov ernment by the people), and the ac ceptance of the Catholic nrtnelnle, which I the government of th pope," Catholic World, Hept-mber, 1171, "I acknowledge no elvll power." Cardinal Manning, apeaklng la the name of the Pope. 8. II. H 1171. "The Pope, a the head and month piece of the Catholic Church, admin later it discipline and livuea order to which every Catholic under pain of iln muat yield obedle ."Cath olic World, of Augiiet, lUB. "In 1000 Rom will take thl roua try and keep It." Prleat flecker. "The will of the Pope la the anpreme law of all land," rchblahop Ire land. We have plenty of the laue of Jan uary z, containing tho etpoeur of Ro e'e plot to take tbl country by tb w rd, Ton for 30 cetita; fifty for 11.25; m tor 2. 600 for 17.80; 1,000 for 10. Have you ent any of that num ber to your friend? You ahouldl They (bould not aleep longer. L ike Mndun, Ml ib., Knh., 21, HUH DoarHIr: I reoolvi'd soar Allan of the World and 1 em well plumed : far beyond my enpoctuloD. JOHN COLLI NO. No man' Influence la eo email bl what he could make It tell agalnet Rome. Mt the nfVi!na fft rt i M lti tin e id nt-1 "A a t "r" t ih mm. 1 "i H H e,i-.t inrtiMi i.(ti ,r. . H t brt ) 't rr,,l 1 ,1 m,m n MM 4ri . 1 n ,t h, if j to n..., M , , Mf j iirit lh M J he hie,ti,,l n 1'1,-fn of ,t.intri. kri ' iltt. Il,.n, i! ktlh Iln tittitltft t f.tniit thnr tu. la th tn- tn nettlrM ,at m1r ff.pit d tiatiiU iMin the iimir, h thtlHion "'me fi!t a his, r,r l.,i-. f..t 't! n.h ,U) u, the hne .f The bet. rmn mi.t nilfnt tn hU Mitv halr. whiiitIv tM tbereto bv a H-iim mir f n,, fn,pt brace ittini mi ,. f,M,r uriDind him ere Iota m,, pi-(iire tttHik. n bl ap lay Mre of hread and Jni, a 'read red trail of the Utter In.ti.atina dlrwt pith over bth add liltt toatd hie innuili Me lniticd e lira.- and Ml- rn eje II 11,111 the Kill IiiiiikIIiiH lilletle. "llalty m quirt tuilny,' ml.l Mr. tiiuii'Miin mire, Klnm-lnx nint.ill)' to ward bl in Ve; he U thlnkllis pf entiictlilna lint even eiltltig hi lnrfid ami Jiltn," lld tun ll 11 nd link,! ftnk ?- Thla tn the child, with a M'dui-tlve wititKlf nf fliiKi-r. Hut liiiliy eiit ninilinilnH.. kiikIiik nwllke wllh hU eye. ,t did not I'VM ii y iIihi-koii! At Hint tnonixtit the maid I'lime In iinin i lift artillery. Iienrlng V.IIU lmr n Nlnmiiy hIIIiiihiIii'. iiihI II n llliwlinli Koine oiinr or noun, in her urttiK wiia poildcrnilN bliHkrt of diilill linen fi'exh from wrliiKltiK; t ti In nhe d'ioHllrd with n thud upon the floor. "I've done ttile lot, iiia'atn," elm enld. an' I am alumni ready to atari In on Hie roloipila, I'll put thin here a min ute while I go and net toy line out, Hope It'll be a fine iliiy for drying," Mr. JmneHon atood at rent for a mo ment and aurveyed the bulky liHkt before her. HIip hIkIk'iI, It v.a the dream of her life Hint at aome happy fur-off day her xood man aliould earn IiihI that little niore-tliiin-eti'iimli which would warrant her In putting out her waalilnx. Hut now he wuh nilddle-aaed, and Hie ilream b4 not yet come; when It. canm - year Inter -It had lout. It value, for her good imiti waa gone, "No, don't put the banket there," nhn mild, "It'a In Hie way. Put It where liaby la, and move him Into the cor ner." "Iild urn have to be put In a corner like a bud boy?" auld the mnld, aa xhe followed out. her mlitlre' Inatrur tlon. The buby renniliied aa Imjwaelve aa ever. Muddenly a miracle occurred. The lamp oil man having arrived and de llvered hlmnelf of bla odorlfenm bur den, It became aaaln neceaaary for Mra, nmrn to paiiae from her labor to pay him, For thla purpoae he went to the cupboard wherein ahe kept the ti n -dry little boxe that aerved her for bookkeeping, and, drawing one forth, he preaently poured Into her hand a tiny ahower of chance, Thla comprl- d everal coin of the entailer aort, but one of (hem atood out royally from the rent - a bright, coppery beauty flaah- Ini with the eunahlne. It wa a new halfpenny. The child' eyea gllalened delrouly, "(II -l!" he ald, which, being In- lerpreted, I "(Jive," Hut thla remark remained unheard amid the huatle; and It wa not until the lamp oil man bad received hi due, and tb coin-bright, halfpenny a well -had been reatored to their little box and cupboard that Mr, Jameaon "HICK HAHV! aware of the child' beceme aware of the child' rent leu he. Halloo, little mannfc! What '00 want now?' "Hl-glf" Thl with an Imperlou wave of band. "(il -I7 (h, be wanta bla picture- book, (live It him, Caroline," And Mr. .lameNon, turning away, be- kiiii to x' onr e aitcepn. Hut baby hud no Joy of hi picture- hook, On lop of hi bread and Jam It lay unheeded, Ita crude, gaudy lllim 1 rat Ion eemlng ae nauKht bealde that golden glorloiiK aomelhlng he had mo mentarily aeen (liixb ai m hi roninoa. "HI -gl!" be cried plaintively, "I'erhap It'a bl gee-gee be waiil," ald Mra. Jatueaon, picking up a di lapidated horae from the debrl of toy on the floor. "Nana," dlaented the child, wav ing It aalde, "Look at the pretty tall wagging." Hut. no, the horae wa but wooden, It could not glitter like a little dlak of eunahlne. The bucolic looking doll, the tin en Klne. even the railway truck more dearly loved for Ha lack of wheela could not compenaate for the vanlahed halfpenny. They were but the com I t'n; of ravth, the well-known com- - llpft f ' j e fjt at i't. 1.4 ittii iat " t W 'M hr o lii r) ' M Vik Jmr-.n tir.kt A like ki .wk i t K,,t th :l 'l tut tint lm lttlf t ""fc tue idt Ht h.t..i y 1,. 1 m !!,' ,1,(d rttth M llH mi 4irl l ttlli MkiKIHII h ei.t Ih ei1.! ' in t.,.t tn plm ' I III " tttrj Ihe K !1 I t Ik nltil Mr JimctoD eelrr-r-d, ' e. inti,tt iinnird ietd dm j hrr !hl ,.f the utml .h ! I itittt(tiiiltle 'it,( rf jiimehi mii bltid in a el ( of in fi 1 he hiietrv nun glnr. j!mptlentl et uind allgtil hle nf annul ne ,r mum hl frtnir The male tnitid 1 nnl r'tiiy grap the nwar.ltifi i.f .h ,t, and Mr Jtntexiti n tt,, niepllnti 'Why anniit ihee ihina tie atirird nm hn !" he Ihonght, "Never mind, one of lh,e ft '" The dream hilabtrtied hie fa'e ntire aealii lie tn-m ftrtlontiy and kl ed hla wife, Kluler t'aidline, pimr, ualv. helpful old elMi-l, liHiked nil and alittlrd ('ll'tly, Che. ion, hail had her drnm. After illtiM.i Hi., Iminv -li tl I'liiitlniled, but by now It Ini, k n well broken, and kIuiik of It event, II11I HUlinlilenre were III the air. The' While linen an ell Mil 1111 Hie II11A, 'Ir.vltig hn fiixt n a etcadv lmi"i, mid fair Willi rould lli;lllHKe; th "i iiloie.l.i" Hint dlHtl"Hfiil Mfter -dribble of waxll day' tide wete well oil to romple Hon; the tl'fldcKlliru ern leu fciiieii. and. iire:,t nn of all, there wet? hint of potato cuke for ten. Kven wiiili rt iy can And cottipenHiiHoti In iiotulo cake. "And the little lliillllile kIih!I have a wee brown cake all to hlmeelf!" ctootied Mra, Jiiriieon, ItiipartlnK to baby' dumpy body an affectionate wrtggbt- "ecrcl only known of mot ti er! "(11 gl!" The gllNletilnK eye hIIII held the dn..le of that eometliue glory they had caught, "I'm aure be I alcketilng for aome thing," eiild Mra. ,laiiieon; "1 don't like ihl fluKh on bl poor IHHa cheek," The child moved reiley. Illahend arbeil and there wa a hot aenae of dlaeottifort about bl eye, All day be liM1 felt III, bill not being able 10 cor rectly ott out bl little eciiHiii Ii.iih be had rcliipHcil Into Hint. paHieiie 11 li alracllotl which aeeui to be III" I'lfiiK'i of babyhood under auch clrciiiiiMtani'e, I hen had come the glittering coin an Incarnate thing of dealrc, Hiving point and form to hi dlatreaa; and now, amid the feverb h retleHtie that w,ia growing upon hint, It Mill abulia out Indeterminately upon hi Imagination a the tiling boped for, the dream goat, the resolution of bl aufferlng. Child epitome of grown mankind, lie little gueed hi kltmhfp with every woman that, bore babe, every poet that ever a 11 g from breaking h'-art, every weary worker, man and woman, that ever lived, and dealred and atruggled and aeemed to loe; nay, be did not know that at the portal of hi liny bert were beating the Mrong wing of th Hon of Hod lllmelf. Preaently the woeful wah aubalded; all the clothe were gathered In from the drying, ready for the mangle; th kitchen, frehly cleaned end aanded, became cheerful once again, and the long looked for tea time arrived -po Into cakeg and all, Hut baby by now waa III Indeed, and the doctor had been ent for, It wa not a very anion ailment, only one of the tinier tragedle of babyhood, which mean a few daye' beetle cheek, a coiig n, a iiren niomere aieepie night little thing, yet the little thing prea Norely upon the heart. "(il gl!" Htlll the plaintive cry. It wa a abort time after thla that Mr, Jameaon, having occalon to go once more to the arnall box of change In the clipboard, brought out the very halfpenny of the child delre, In the lamplight it ahone like a etar, Haby bad 1 f ued every other offering In tended to divert him; with motherly craft Mr. ,!meon made one other vent ore, "tfee, baby," ahe tld, holding up the gleaming freeure, "aee, a pretiy half penny!" Th" child turned alow, large eye upon Hie bilghtrie; lifting up hi hand he took It, feebly; for a moment be aeemed to Wver between devlre and wearlnc, then, wlih a petulant ge. lure, be put I away from him, "Na na!" he aald, 'Hie evening drew on. Tb hurry iiuity of waah-day wa over, and the household had uuk to teet, but HiroiiKb the long hiiHh of night an an. lou mother al. watching over a r lca child, The firelight flicker half Illumined the room, allowing around the cot wherein loaned Hie tiny ilf ferer, a few argtlered toy and pb lure, book, wbllet In their mldet, untouch ed, unvalued, no longer dealred, lay a pathetic little coin.-C. Harm-Kennedy In fmdon Weekly fun. Two Mrner Itelle. Mr. J, J, Faran and Mr. Hubert Hoaea of Cincinnati both own rellc of Mayflower day of which they re Juat ly proud. Mra, Faran' i a bo of ho wood, almoat black with age, and about the rover are leave and (lower Inlaid In other wood vividly colored. Thl bo I In excellent preervatlon, end but for a deep crack aero the top in I (Hit have been kept In a el"H cane all Ibene yeara. It In a tradition In the Faran family that thl little gllmpne of Puritan preclelon wa Irought o.'r by a Mayflower ancestor In whbh to keep her cup from the ravage of the ault aea air during the voyage. Mr. Hoaea'n Mayflower relic I a piece of a gown worn during the voyage aero. It I of homenpun, faintly atamped in tiny clueter of deli cately tinted roaebud. The edge have born carefully fringed and the "Hum pie" I wonderfully preaerve.l tn w ivm I i at t'!' tfr te,4 Cie.l(.U la the Hc nt lt,.n ifl.. Hit a FtpUl lit Iklekiat ae4 Ik tet lit HUM ,H 1li rni. lllnd.l ei rat (he aid bn tb WKwt meey mwH fnm. A lull I th miM kurtfal book a piM 1 an rd-tf we Ju.Ue fm Home e pt act. No mn wa wlk with rlvilliailiwi en. lr In ih o,l iif p(Ml t'l Pr 1 atltlun Home weara a religlou rlk, yt ha eolj heart A cmifei.ei.inal Utt la the tomb ot lf rvpei t. Wearltiff a cnea do not cure croe n. Haired l nurd by papal prejudice. The brighter hUtory ahlnea the dark rr Homo record. Il la hard to convince a paplHt who Ida th prleat do bla' thinking. To know that popery I a cure makea a man want to rid the earth of It j Keeping knowledge m the hand of' the prlent atarvea the nilnda of the people. You can never tell what a paplat will do out of a church by bla look of de votion within. Home line trouble with the man who doe hi own thinking. Popery throwe the moat mud at the whlteat garment. Uae W r S t) 01 Kop, t i in lne Kvery fact la an antidote for aome foolltili fancy, I'ltnu'cgfr arriving at Chicago by tboUhlu-.go, lta:k Inland & 1'mcIHo U'y can, by lun now Uulon KluveUd Loop macli any purl of tho city, or for a flvi emit. Uru ciiu bu Ukcn Immedlatoly to iy of Him largo cUire In the down 'own dlntrlct. A train will fto(i at the Hick Inland 8'utoii vo,y iulnul Tin mi f,t!ill'K cit 1 n,,y nn Teriid 0 U,o "Ur 'l Hock Inlanii HnuUf." Ad'li',-- JOHN KH sn,N, (j I. ., I 'tlli;iuu. I. I. . Holding on to pagan auperitltloa give Roma a mortgage on your faith. Do you kno thai Hyer'a H iap I tho very bunt In tho markm? Ank your gnxii-r for it lu.lnt on having it and no oilier, Whan Roma give money aha alwayi put a chain of power on It Department Store Price Itakt wli it'll (leHcritxts the rote hi DR. WITHERS la doing all kinds of Denta) Work. Ket Teeth .', (a! Hot Het Tuetb 7 fiO (fold Killing 11.00 and up Mllver Killing ,,, J OP (iold Crown, , , , , , 6 00 Teeth retracted,,, 2ft I t I'tli out In tltv initrtihm Svw Onom Sumo liny. All work at about Half whai oilier DetiUnU Charge, 1 S YmH' I'XJ'KltlK.VCK - If Ur, WITIIKKM, lltMillat, Fourth Floor Hrown HI k Sixteenth aiwl Douirhu Ktrecia TkXEPTIONK 1776 TUB lill!,T If ISIOKfCAL. REVIEW Guwent History, An HIiiHttaUd Ouarterl) Mity.iinc, I1KV0TK11 to uk;(;oitriN( IMI'OHTANT KVKNTH, PHO (HtKHM AND (iltOWTH IN At, I. COUNTKIKH OF THK WOULD In It Held Current His tory Una No Competitor. Agents Wanted.' .'urrnt Hinii rv i Hpleniiid K"lll til llHIldlrt lieoile, AddreNH It iihI Ijj lltmelll NEW ENGLAND ITBLISH'G CO.. a KOMKtiMKT HTHKKT. BOHTON, MAe KnNSflS CITY, . LOUIS POINTS SOUTH and SOUTHEAST l. frrrr Hth a4 lunam SU Tiflrt (tlfl-t ..Popular Uedical, k Sensible Book lor f diIods Pcoplf-A I'st (dI Book lor Kwrjt: It kit tNii ttiiiam in it ne 4 inuuiM, a. t. Ntl Iv' ?-kr1 TV-A w REALLY FOUR ORtAT BOOKS IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. Mar t- ommfi and thiir causis. rttviaiam and mat. rat a raatiNic Dtstasii of aii mis, and aii rtus, mciimina "ratvtr ton with ino mi in. rtAin 1 at k mm ctwtitiGAL atutHms, tamws, anuaasi iii.i ia u counimt rwil rv.- mraoviaiat of wahriauii a utuot roa ihi mhriiq and aii who aort ivtl fo if. f TTT"t.TTTr CvHm ?O0 pwilpliom t, rlit M cur tl trat 4 ctnmc mim A f f N Ml X txm It (nil tti,KlfM fnmplrt UM f anlntolot I pwni ltbtrt4 eifwlmi lor muMitatmd Hw m,m4 w ivU it Ih it tt WmIv TniT I rt,,m iif ILhmii Mrumt aiul wiaWy 10 rLATEf. 38 cnnomoi, 900 zx.x.usTnATXONi. tk .., f Mmf an f Uninnni Thr llrliln of l in-i aiaq frnm ll,r Kaai IH' mi h OklHi Irnrrral I-mi rP !. .( I l..r Vlalp V Hal an , rll OraM Utrt ail i,f I .rial llr,rl,irn)i li 1 riiK-tu-t.lla I uUrllivra l, i ,,lr 'hl(itailiv , In Htr I nlora. Aro You Woll ? Mil) HKM TK in mri (mmiII tmt (fi li'l aillj lltil.-l. 1 ItiaM utllltlHl ly lllll I'll (In i tl from I'M Hi ur" ii 11 ... r' tit- Hi' ir In -riiewf . It ttt m "K t' or I - I - I mil- It llml lm K l fi'lltm n lie ii k f MmIcmI If Mm tii aw itM Mi'iiitd. I It ni il Imw In lite) Hit Hill II. 1 H I H rt'l I. y nat'llitH Tln!ll llititm Tn!l" "i I' ' if ihe) mM,irri'r In ) (.imnmlt. , Teh't HU - llltf , (IH im lufTt't" ilrinklntf, iln iim tt't linwt V1 Uli oh. -Mr, 1 1 id Ul Imiiiu of i liii'lt.'ti, Urn iir'vli'fii p of rrrir if fA ivttthfc tindnrmlriA uitt vt iimrtliMl n -tinnier (lm f eii.'t p reivl fti lnMtaf''f lv 1 Imii llM-r rt .i .crmia) f 4mM, tin" lilxu i littllt tn niffi, Hum lat' ltiK In ttumni, 'i , rin., nl Iln1 all- tiowrrfiil rum Mil of tMn ity )ir'l'V iimny of thi mi of IkMIi mf r ihiiiimI to "nor In I nlnrn- lnn," Tli( f lmitfer nhnwai why ihouwni Mitii ulkM f't amlrny. Iiuw rri II iif hti h Iw otur hrrt u eftit, wUf H will not flown, Ituw Ha hum -ful lfw re rohvvH l) tht "llHIOt't Ml"-l""-t Ulllllitf Hii'l liiiiMiriHiii faw-u to know. Ttt r.-aiiiHaj of ft Mifl rlmw f"f WfBlth, of over Work. otrlMflv( fHlliirtti In ImaliifaM, ih fn t Mint ht-nlifi I ihf IimnU of wnlHi tioi rt rrrmtt uif llm rHt' mitt MTci iaj of horrltilM im'UticlioU -itn-w) trftil UtailUTn It would tm well (or ou lu think ou r. Aro You III? TIIKN irlnn'lirri nmn 'f fini arti tint HimluiiN limn ii,,w II. ('Klin, altoul, vh.i'i Ilia fimii'T atifj wliat'n tu I" l"iix. WlH'iii.,r II. ti, "uulr ciM," a rlr,,nli, CMinrrh, nr aoiii'-ilihitf lltorn MTtotia Hint tlM "artllral mi Ilia l,in" In hr,,n lilila i,r ,NINMIIIlli,M, ll!I.MIM'r J,ll dllfl (Hit M IC'llnllH II. ID, (Hilt WllHl. Ill , fir ,,nr, iril,M H,r. 11 jrou mm i rn "li,,w lu lla ami mm una" II," irll,r ,,ll a,t llila ' WIXkiu iniWtlil'iM'ri"'iialllllva. ts-y W lr, may Iki vuiir jiailH ular fa iHiW.'la. TlH'li ,,il ( Nil maka Ml iiilaiaka In Itarnliia tlto heat iahr1aif rciriilatlii llnaa vllal fun, i.,ii. If n ara full or arhra, pallia, nrnralala " rhriinia. 11am, Il lllaii'nir Van u I"" "P I" al.ako I, ni, 1,(1 Kurntr rii can't, want in m glm t tli lni,. i,iii aylililllia lit llflalll'a laraar, or lillMf Mnictlvcillaraai-aiir Ilia "K' lillo urlnarr orflia," ,nl nil Ib-iim1 Iw.mia piian-fl tin u li lliinin aa J,ririfrlMa,airU'tiir(ini1 amraa f,,ri,iai,f ranfaMliKia laaaara ''lf Ilia Ihh," llian tr H'rlMi-a. 'Iim amincl will rxa.1 Willi avMHf all aiioui liniioln, ),, iMrrrtuiraa, fllaraaca ul woiik-ii. nartifila aiaraara, Mrnilai. iMaralvnln. aaaln all. V fffntn. lite i. ..a ftftnkly, om xmk t'Mfiti'rf, "all tlif III '"I lit. on iMMik I'Mftrioi, rovnr "n in ni iitMi la lir-tr in," n4 ihrf'r In nur nttfm unt ifr, fix niilhnrtmrf th ttHttntitifunnn wit unit pur nA'i.vr of "I. II. " f'i"$ to Mndin it u Imtfi v ftviy mngiilt ftitn In ttrnn nr by Miff, vuhont r,irs, mn4 tt Uttiiilrf will tm amweretl Ui tta twat f bla aJrliil, I hJM, 11 f. y HAWT TTTf MI(T rlrdf tu orathln Ilk It" or "Jiiat Mfood," fTnn1ra1a kte X I 1 1 IV ,ie,iare, lliat It la 'prmiHnr In itnrtr," cii'l fur nlmtH lit III nihar worla. nriNr Tl'Hffa1'l,",, m"ft laff,'al ('"' lfnnieiHrrlliie uilllir, oJ aoa yii x x diairttaiiad lnri;,ormuialvartlaa iiroprlaiarjf maillrlna. Tlt'lTIHf HICI A T 4' tlianiiiatcnlliiialMtla kind from all nmnlrint wliar (ngllab leae A TjO A 1 lUil 1 1 OT k.B( ajroairt. araa lo aaaell tn, All AO pafea of tlilaaira. IRIt,'.T)'MAT.,n",0' nrwmm, mum, utifiwrt, mitor$, erittoe, I iyjf I ooivyil ill j,,.,,, flatiarlintiiilHraament) ramarkatil faw crltli l. e POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, SI .6 American Publishing (p. Fifty Yeas in the Church of Rome aw c Y ?.a a : 1 VV v N ' i at.' ft rzms&ZZ IlV.. KKV. CUAKI.KS CIUNIQUV, THE AMERICAN For the Balance of 1898, for Tho rln of th buck alono at retail I I2.2.'i hut you irut, huth tt'e htmk atd th iaier fur 12 CO. Semi In your ord. r ACCOMPANIED HY THK CASH to AMERICAN rUULlSIIINCJ COMPANY, 1615 Howard Street. OMAHA, NEB. Is Marriage a Failure? $1.00 Rftiflnm Or rvnt Yot Wat kiw Tnt Vtl -flow I n Ii.ump the Uwt iwm . majTTt Th M tatuvtw. I...w t.i . Imppr In tiierneTi Ilia Kin rMr-liw t lut'i rii Ut.Kt 1 lit Mature iw to Unt tin 111 wiiliait in; 1 MS t 'iiii i i - iiow to to tniltftli Hllt lttlit If4 V- Tint n mm a - l..w thejr "Krowr'nnd iwi u hi Tiia llMt.riiv-Imw u mj.iT M ami weU Tint avi.u-iw tnpH ll irnin eirilily Tint Urm I't-Ii.iw l.trtrnln waatdHl rwrrr. All wli.i want know loil tUl (of nnwl wiaib l-'in.l tt in lr Kiadee ' I1,im 1 1, .1110 Tallt.' 1.11 jhixi, lhainita, 3d ,,it(! If) miK. ri.ROra l.l. I l.tMI A KimiH Mm Till HtMlll IhM l,h ml Dm miMm-U, h Im to IhouchfuL ih,hi.Oii ),,W ran it io,rljr iuimI !iw. Aro You Engaged? i i nnpmff to r ft )-!. iM-rl.aM W-ll, ((tt't Inn ry, and iak li t llilalakn i l . mv to t In abU lllllli lilt )l M OUW llmt M la wHl World w Mir In '!) aoraj at rikt'ii Wforte (u po alMNil H 1hrr4 It, lm lM'k an hflpful 1 rnal'lliitf ftu In aelac4 WlMly an "Plata lloMit l emlftn .T inn (inrii amtthlu fr-'in oitu r'a niiaiakna. 1ht Hintorv of alnr. riK" of all Hilda, all t oiinirlM, tlm rwrl- nnariprrlmrnf aoftif tiatlmia l.nt inawlr, am ami n.(i4 rn. imrbarona ami inir n, unit in to Know what, ii-ii lo tlo, 'I In-nrunl hiiMii'i nlliy rwfn ou of ntiHlleflft naliirn ami ninrrln- tnlaflU, llm hlnior of fironi Million, lia jirtMan io lirtMalrii' tt. allur)'iii'rilnldaiiMrfL ifliituof rclliflniia and aiil atn toaub I Ml Ik iln hihI roniritl Hi itomfiiMitl I' r'-uiii, iti Ion- all tlin attxW Imant In liifllmllnii vltleilla In nnl4. Oft Ihf oIImt It k nd fiHiiira ou adHilon In piartlafffaaaaa, nltV"l nl, tm ninl and ltiairn'f li - n rnrly tnnrrlngeav tilriiirirrlHUt flnfifniPMn, )r , rtv , aid lh ral-r t n m lii ooi ma It-h, ( 1 1 ltnitllv fur liotn' aurl off . ni i Mm, lo n old "Km Ifcr A1ni In, and lo aacapa iU mi imp and lii lr klndaot iiiarrtaKO Aro You Married? TURKIC ara rti.n t.ra r,iiall uarful In alKiwina "hii In hr harui, lliiiuali marrlriT hi,v inarilifl hnm ,l, wmilil ni l al,,i,a Hllrr If II1.7 an. 5 miw tu ailail adva li, ei li oiiiar, anil ttniiM try Utun l, raiarct ,,na aa. (illirr'anrifla TlMa (mailt lit r', liat "I'liiln U'.mn ft'V' aaya al,ul Hi lrn tlll)ia,,lif 1,1 Inlnft. Iiii,-,ili,'"iiaiar. I rrlalliina i,l lh a K-a," Ihi' liiiH,n. a mi licalili and avll nf prrvrafma, "tha wimnworid thai rii,i,iiu ra aiw lal. Iif,'," , nc. Mnnr will fliiil nn' h anilnai il,m la tli,i'liaiii,r ml liarrrn ncaa ll( ti l'MiM'f,Mli"MM'anai if ureal. ir t" man a i hll'Mi ac pall , al'llng Iln m u l1l,'Mf,r ami reunite the nl-ala' l (Mhera Ilka Ba, iml,iie "ev for ntarrlct ,e,,i le" Ircaliiiir of a.iuaU t v, al""rlaT apart, rarraa, li,"il' iall,li, Icalmiair, lay lllrf'-rern'e, preyeltllnn, eorilllf'IM'e, f.i'rfl fr pr . nam wmien, Ida eiiianall,n nf rlilU-niahln. wtif rlilMri'll "f aeei.nil huahafnl reM ltitile III'1 fir"! . eli' ,ala Inalnirl. men ami wmnen lieaiiale Hi talk wllh (hair tioiiia i,liy,-aiia rorieeriitiia inanr rllraia ajwaa fldlia thai perplef llielliafi'T Dial lliey really llae, aa) iiii.i, r.iaii,!. ami wh! h llila Im,h will anllahtea Iheia) tm- lint rrmrmlitr ih'ti il il Jullttuhi . l,e lA,av lint rrmrtuhrr thill ij It Jnfl Until mi. ilttntitliH tn tmiIv iii with up Jiir tb imttniiin by fptm0 iff rhttta In 'WI"( trllrra trf tnutilry. Jr nf t hm y lo qin ltil Itllrri iif inquiry. X i ' -'V . WITH $2.00 2