The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 09, 1898, Image 5

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IH4 r Wfk
fc( H Vara 1 4 than j
Wf It ! 4 I it te'
?! i n..-d m etk, i
tit tUtiiit m.- a. I el : .d l j
lriIJ Wi-e.litr.. tee Ha.,"
"Am tut f , , K m t
j-iult l.nkkii r fiat KtMg an Me
t el i Prr ('. uMeMflt
toenail an lo-tj MlM Itinq'tt A Sal
tie r-fwewl hi ntitutft U l'fthm
efkUil ti J, to tuaphm Kit m
id Hi UVmtrl, k4 them H at
d)ll 'a bra, A i1 H wetghea un
lo him kt make ae villi the lu."
rUipiaa the prophet, In v I of ;
Inf, "they shall Im flvee Into hi bind
until a lime, til tim' end the dividing-
of tlmi!,"or "hethill eonttmie Wy
tod twi months," uppo they hud
Mid, "he ha'l ml I "4 yer and thi n
hi Kier chall N broken," you would
tflaturelly toiclmln lht if tie began to
eercle authority In P..'! and was to
rulo Hilly I.Vrf) jun, that 1,1a iiwit
i . i 11 .
wuuiu mi a..n nun i.mj yfar
'UTward or In ITw I) ti the mii
eierclw ftuiborltjr uvvr king; and fi
lion nd klnlrel, inl xiplc and
tonKuvV llUUirj kll u thai .he did
It tetl u that Nijxiltioo weal to it ime
la to ovi-rihrmr lh! ptpl piur
but fiirxino rea(3 did nut do to, hut
that In 1 7S8 one of hi tfetiora' eotarod
Romo and look lha pupa prUon r an
the p ip3 died la cipvlvlt. ioa Am
Kaa, Hdt. sub-head "Napolem."
Tbut wa one of lha bead "wounded
tod'.-atb." Vei the wounl w a healed
Tbs prophecy ha bean fulfilled. Hut
we cannot pari 19 thin nubj jct farther
in tbl article; bu I we trust to be able
totnUrfo upon It in tba article we
hope to be able to prepare for future
ltuc of Thk Amkhicaj,
Ilfffluriliiif trlht In Ctili.
Tho U;l tbut e4tern Cub 1 under
Uoltel 8Uti control and the domlua-
tlon of Ani'irlota prinolpie 1 ernph
th-.i in thsdlnpUiiri fro 71 Santiago re-
coid njf the igraumai between tho
United State millur coiiifiiandant
and the tchool autborltle of the cltjr
for the reopealn of the ncbouli next
month. Arrinorn'int have ben made
for the recepvlon of 4,009 children, tie
achool commllonor have bien pro
vided for and tbi achool reorganized
on a ttrlijtly nun jcturUn bault, the
Amerloa pita of education having
been prop'el, Taat i beglnnlnif the
reconstruction of Cuba on the right
sort of foundation, Cleveland, O,,
riln Dialer,
0.1 mm,.
The buffet-smoklnK'llbrary car on
the Burlington' !IA'i P.M. train for
Denver and 12:0.0 a. M. train for Chicago
are vertiblo club houte on wheel.
Tbo irooklag room 1 a brilliantly
llgbtlcd apiirtment, beautifully car
peted, flnlabed In oak and furnbhfd
with eaay chair, ",lt:c, card table,
the current periodical, a library and
a writing du. Here you can lounge,
read, wrlto, goip, imoke or play
card while traveling at the rale of f0
rnlle an hour.
Hjrth, ticket and full Information
at Ticket office Depot
V()1 Frnu St, Huh and Ma on t
Are you Interested In this edliloo'
Dj you wanttom to dltrlbul among
your friend? If to tend In your order
by return mall. We have plenty,
In lot of 1000 to one addre 110.00
11 1.
11 ti
1 11
11 11
M)0 '
100 "
10 "
2 00
Single copies
. Add 2,') cent per hundred namo
when you wlh u to writs lngle wrap
Iters and mall direct to your friend.
Cub mum accompftny all order.
These price barely cover espenne of
printing, unle paper were printed In
larger lot than we anticipate printing,
How many will you want?
Order now
ttul too H mouth.
The track of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the cars furnished
so complete that you can Imagine your
elfin your own luxurious apartments
at borne.
Inpwctthe Huffet Library and Smok
ing Cars as they pans through Omaha
everr morning.
Do you look over the advertisement
la this paper?
,,,, j
liniirv iiiniiiiiii
itiM or isiMMt row Mtmi
Ahtl MAI PUN! j
I it l tfca h.4m
iim at kn aniDM ia
tati ii.h I, ' t.
I Hal - lamiata tMlal llpttia.!
tt i n i rm
tV ! I .! !, (Its tin
Vt a,- tit1-! a (
Yha W lllla an nil' '! l ikiw' -
lta ea,a I lnt,4 Id
A Ih.'il-and lKn,lit (if ail IMi.fa !
I Ike nrl fn IIHf
I traia nt lnni i l.ll ll . v (,,.
I'h threat.,,, ,t m mxf
I tratr ih. alatst1 r has U
llif.n:h mf ),iiih hour
W hrt th slimy r.-rii of th alii
M" .nm eve fount ml I
. Iheit anil I. I t airaam t hor,
In s in xir. in aiet.
Hae i n a tnr I nvi -
Mud alairr, M .(.'
I leate th fiili.r Kvri .rllil mnii
Miit nn hi mil, f ll
Vilh lh- laihrr'il malm. an. I llii- bf
ill llllir
ThV l')(inr atfl .l,.ft In Hfil
I Timu u. ,i, P. In nr ihill.
' ""a of Utf ao fit, it
r oVr all mi vo.nh il. ai..l..,
I lra, Hwf' li'l ItiM pi'i'
Mnitiff' I kma thfr' ott iliy turaal,
rimrlnit out yty an, aim,
1 liava fiimi'l IIimI holy lM't- rf rrat
HUH rliNtifllraa. - i I ft' iliat havf lull ,1 nu wuh ourairaln,
!')''. H'lil Iiiivh aiitrhit my ali-'i':
Will tilth kIp liivo Ilk yfiuia hk.iIii?
H'-l MKillur! mi-
Her Aaritl 1 'la,
The tn oh I illxh'-Hrlofilii- Ililng about
the Ancot tic for women I not
the trouble of li'MinlnK to tie the
thin, nor the endeavor to wrar them
nncotiselounly, not to ay Kranfully,
after they are tied, nor evpn the fait
that men deride iia for adopting- I hem,
sayliiK that a we wear them thry nre
liinppr "late, IneleKiint and IIIokIiuI.
No; the thing hardet to bear U that
there are many persons who don't yet
appreciate the difference hetaeen the
Aurot ready-made and the Ascot tied
anew each time. "I tbere any differ
ence?" Inquired a dear old maiden
aunt wl.en an up-to-date niece at
tempted lo enlarge upon the distinc
tion. "They all look alike to me;
awkward, imty thing that they are,
too." This maiden aunt, It may be
added, scorns anything so throat-confining
as a rllmti mock, her neck being
alway dressed In 'ifi"t surplice
fashion, but. there ninny others more
enlightened as to neck wear who are
nevertheless tint educated up to the
Ascot tie, "Heafiy, 1 should think
you'd prefer the made ones," said a
woman who, upon many subjects, I
to all appear we sane and sensible,
"You say that the tying Is difficult;
why not, therefore, relieve yourself by
wearing Ihose already tied?' With
all such there Is, of course, no use ar
guing, or even In at tempt lug to ex
plain. It Is hapless, but It I also hop
less, and If anything were needed to
make the situation more comple than
It Is, these unenlightened Individuals
achieve It, The trouble with the Oor-
dlan knot was that no on eould untie
It; with the woman's A'ol knot the
difficulty Is to lis It, not to speak of
getting other to appreciate it afi"r
you have It tied,
Waist Trimming'
It Is very evident that this year's
summer girl objects lo the stiff, un
trimmed effect of the average shirt
waist, She use every device In hr
power to rover tip Hs unlovellness,
Hornet Imea It I a bertha of eosrse
cream lace, Horneilme It a white
muslin and lace fie with which shs
softens the stsrrhy plainness.
A device whbh serves very nicely
for other waists, as well as shirt
waists, constat of n white pbpie plu
tron with double revers. The plastron
Is sewed to a plain ploue stock and
extends In a point down to the waist.
There are fwo revers on each side and
all four are edged with embroidery,
A hit of embroidery may also be plait
ed Into the upper edge of the stock
at Ihe hack of the heck,
A Nlngnlar Snelal Kiiiertmenl.
A Mr, Kdward Mauswald is Ihe
Instigator of a singular social experi
ment al. KranWorl-on-Maln, says Ihe
lloslon Journal, lie and his followers
have formed themselves into the Wider
Intercourse Hoelety, and they propose
fo operate In (he great towns of l"u
rope, They say, "A good half our
town population is made up of the
stranger and the pilgrim, Ihe squat
ter and the bird nf passage as opposed
lo the reeldent respectable by reason
of long tenure and family vault, The
problem Is how to bring these social
poles, Arctic and Antarctic, together.
U Is to be done bf Ihe new Intercourse
and the new social code. Members In
all 1;nds are to belong to the society
and subscribe to the code. They are
all to wear an elegant external badge
t ii it ihmi m
it I m a if f
l WMei lii,.ea litlM OOOIt fttOmtft rOSJ IHISI
'lr M'l't l"l la
tu wut e.'i ! pa II'
Ik f ml'i nf .. fa h.Ml4
Hi Ml.r tia4 t ! It.'ht-i
rirait , t tft al lr tia eel; I
lm ll' Lai. a s4 a'l rennWi a
I.te4 l ia.i tl ili i 1M It
Ida l( I, if ihSM h h iml'l
nw hot III nieallmUnn, sMiil
mei tiMli i
Ail M-al a la4.
lien hiimini) f Ihe Mce
lit Kt an h.lniiii llatmsa laUMtr
of hlh ilriiae Vlull lindnA nd
Jiit'V S tai i Hlaiii a i a liii kifiaMafif l!
Sra. ' I t lH!tHin," IheV p llIV
IhhiH ua UK rinimn folk l -'!
rl hniel This I'irient Ihe n
eielgn lil from hnvlcs ! mm h mm.
tany, and tnati thltig veif plraesnl
for Ih psUce aenaid The Iniie
pelldellra II gtlr a.utie of Ilia Ml
guest la imi wltnlSy apprei luted hv
Ihim, bill Ihe (jiteeii if t y In her
reign determined en Ibl einiiiiinli al
rout an, her aiittjeil rannol Jilally mm-
plain of her eiiratanre. It I a soy
etpenalia pleie of pleasure, being a
guest nf ro nil , and even ihe queen'
Own ihll'lreli iiiiipI ir)' ihelr out
of Ihelr alldHaiiees when not directly
under mummer' roof. - Huston Her
ald. I'naa lliiallng Mat.
The poke liouiiet I Ibe preltlest
frame for a pietly foe In a millinery
exhibit of the seaeon, the girl who
can went one, and tin the courage of
her convletliiiiR, Is making a sensation
among the folk who era spending
the summer on the rivers and lake,
for the puke I an Ideal boutlng hat.
No hat that Is made will stay on the
head without being lied down, and not
all hats admit of Ibis means of secur
ity without forming ungraceful angles
around the face, but Ihe poke Is made
for lies -nice, broad ones made of soft
moussellne In Ihe shade that is most
becoming to the wearer. They are
easily made, All one need Is a strtw
flat. This ran be bent Into shsne, se
cured with tie, filled in with flower
under the brim In front, and provided
with flowers or a big bow on the back
and the frame is ready for the picture,
-The l,alet,
Tha raaliiiixalil rttfara,
The girl athlete has revolutionized
the fashionable figure, Hhe ba been at
work on It for some time and her
clientele has steadily Increased. 8be
rides and rows and swim and Is big
and brown snd muscular. Her poise
Is perfect and she has a splendid appe
tite. When she went in for athletics
In earnest she snapped her finger In
Ihe face of Madame Orundy, who re
fused her recognition, and concluded
that It ws better to be comfortable
than in the fashion, Now Madame
Orundy is suing her favor and ha
made ber Ihe fashion, The hour glass
figure and the wasp walsted woman
must go, The end of the century
woman I a magnificent, creature.
If she be f, feet 7 Inches tall she rnu4
have a wslst measurement of 27 Indies,
Hhe should weigh IfiO pounds, tier bunt
should measure ,( Inches, her arm 1,1
Inches snd she should wear a No, II
collar, These measurement are re
live, for even athletics cannot Increase
8 woman' height,
Neslnaa In In,
There is an exquisite charm about a
neatly dressed woman, Hhe does not
wear ner hair twisted up carelessly,
a ir just, auout to fall over her sboul
A.. I f .. I .
ii.'ia, in-r giove are not ripped al tll
seams, nor any buttons missing from
t,er boots, llor Veil doe not ree
hole over her chin, nor doe th bind
Ing of h'-r skirt show ragged In nlaees
Not many women show tbeir tidiness
In all these little details, but it H
pleasure to meet tha girl or woman
who Is, to use a slang term, "well
groomed," The cloth gown of such a
woman fits her without a create, and
there is neither speck nor spot on It,
Her linen collar and cuffs are snowy
white and remain properly fixed in
their places, er gloves do not wrln-
ale, but button smoothly over br
Wrists, her shoe are kept clean inn!
polished, Her bonnet or bat Is pinned
on straight, and her (mlr la nentr
Itself, Hhe Is Ihe pl.dure of dell, hi
finish and wholesome order. Wo il l
that we could come across ber some,
what oftener,
l'li,iia ,ai beta,
The last summer fancy Is (be brluhi
colored pique Jar ki t worn wltb a uhlie
pique skirt over a silk waist, ihe
handsomer one are lined with white
taffeta or satlp and many of them are
piqued or are fastened with biimleonie
frogs. A very handsome Jacket w,u
made of red pique, It was very short
with rounded fronts that curved back
towards the Rips from the dainty vest
front of white linen. It was worn
with a skirt of white linen that wa
tucked from hem to waist, where ii
was put Into Uia belt without fullnem.
..... ........
. a - - a 'Millie
-! a t fa Hat Iwalkfal
!. Wkaia a a.. .tai,
l.ll. a t .al Maaa
Mtla la M llanM laa.
Ut Will ta MV
uaa ft i, lis.
- f.niii.a
A a. M t 'i
I imui, eii
An. M. all I,. ( il(. Il... ,al
W ha mm ..,. a ia tuna na,
lua. I'll t an b,mlili it a
1 aallla iln an t ttis
tnt iii. aia aia Wai
iw '' lit. at. a la ahat
A Maaalli titaa 1,1 tlmalf t.'IMi
liaiaii.a from n Ii lilmmlha euf
Ilia llllr ar.h)la falllrl I
Thw nun
In lha Ii mix al l alh;
That a no,, m a ..!, ,.r aiaih,
aim inn ai.iea at ll al
W hn aii I. am 1.1 .l,.mina'a,. ii,,.,, u,.,, al.ala.
And (amp, 1, 1 11,, f tiia
That n'li. 1 Hi,! ai !- .
Niilhlna'a train,, I .r riili.s,
Kt liiiutlna
And a, nm inat.
With fr'tln and allli Wnitylng
The lrliiii r a lifli'll l.ial ;
And In . n. 1, 11 f . atiiittl I'Maa
We rush sin ad and an. alae,
And llii.l ll.u iiiiannti-d esclrlae
A fialliil u, a liaa c.ial.
'Tls lieli.r far In juln ihe throng
Tlisl do ih,. 1, duly 1 ltIl, 1 nliins,
Helm lam Uirf to mine a fn.
IT lliHki- Hi, in, I v,-a II.H, nl,iin,
I'slm and aercne In I111111 and m-rve
Their aii.t,Ki, a alaata In n-aerva,
And iml.l) aland escli iai.
And evuy day and all almul,
Hy aceiiea Klihlii anil aceiiea wllhoiit,
V'e I'Hll dlai ern, Willi lie er dmilit.
That quiet Mays are Inat,
Whera Muney la l arlaaa.
When I ncle Ham take possession
of the Philippine Island he may find
It difficult to produce American cur
rency and coin or any oilier money
medium of exchange for the use of the
native in traneactlng their business.
Ihe tnuu In the riilllpplnes who use
coin Is looked upon as queer by the
native. They treat money with eon-
tempt, call It valueless stuff, and en
gage In barter solely In transuding
their local business, Hardly any of
tho native of ihe rural dlsirlcu know
what money Is, and It Is looked upon
with the gravest suspicion.
In Manila and the more civilized por
tions of the Island of Luzon Mexican
dollars, Hpanlsti peseta and copper
coin compose the currency of ex
change. In transactions of over $1 In
value, however, the "chit," or promise
to pay lu ten days, I usually used.
Only the chits of well-known persons
are acceptable, and these pass cur
rent everywhere, When a man ha
chits of one person which nrjounf o a
considerable utn of money he presents
them to the signer of the chits and
that man give him a bag of silver or a
keg of copper money In exchange for
the piper.
Traaaara lu In. I H..m..
Hlmply because a bottle Is empty l
no reason why It should be thrown on
a stone pile and dashed Into fragments.
Kven an old bottle I worth something
from a pecuniary point of view, Alley 1
and backyards, not to mention the top
shelve of corner cupboards, are fair
ly swarming with great pile of disused
bottle which any enterprising boy or
girl can turn to a good penny by dis
posing of them to a dealer in old hot-
til's, Just as there are dealer In second-
band everything else. Ibe price re
ceived for them, of course, will not be
fabulous, still, considering how little
trouble there Is In collecting them.
you will be paid for your work. The
rate of payment for old bottle varie
from half a cent to f cent each. Mot
tle containing cordials or liquors, audi
as sle, porter, pop, beer and the like,
are the most vsluable, because the
most In demand, Horseradish, mus
tard, malted milk snd all bottles of
lhat, class bring up a close second.
Regular medicine bottles iimci) for put
ting up prescriptions cannot be eold
at all, for even In Ihe cleaning process
to which they are afterward subjected.
there may be some germs clinging
which will tender them unfit for fur
ther use. This class, however, does
not Include the pectoral and tonic bot
tles, which, although (he contents art
a patent medicine, are nlwsy in de
mand. I'.veii broken bottle of the
pickle, Jam and other harmless varie
ties can be disposed of at a very small
profit, for they can be sold to a glass
manufacturer and remelted and re
molded Into new bottles, There are a
number of these dealers In second
hand bottle In ihe di, and if you live
In a bottle district it might he well to
make the hoi tie man a call.
What Spoils lha Sweet, Timlh,
A IMtle boy who Is quite well ac
quainted wiiii trie man wno keeps a
grocery on North HI ate sheet, hap
pened to be there the other day when
the grocer was weighing out sdgar.
Ibe while, glistening stuff appealed to
Ihe little fellow's sweet tooth and be
asked for a lump of sugar.
The grocer laughed. "The Idea," he
said "you iiiiimi'I eat It. It will rot
your teeth,"
"Why?" asked Ihe boy. He had been
told such things many time before,
and imi ny time before bad he asked
"why," but never had be received n
satiefHcloty answer,
"fib," replied the grocer vaguely.
"brcause It will. All sweet thing
break ihe ennnn'1 on your teeth and rot
Then the buy arose In the might of
hi Injured pride, "I don't see how
that can he. Sweet thing oughtn't
to hurt any more than sour things, or
bitter things, or not so much, In fact."
And the little chap was right. Hut
I ! t laa latalv
M .i a . t.w h Sal
tt II. mi , aiaaia r4
N . In law a ! !
k 'ii n,. ,! a, I
la ifca k.iu am anil Aa,i ii
i t ! . I-,, ana -.):. alaiHtl '
"" fiMaf4 I it. a la ga ml
la 'lla (a at :
ti. h f'O'l ' Writ" a'-l AlA :
m tH lent aai I !.... M
ta. it ka k4 1 A " li j
n..r,a. (f ml ,,-,
He ei ii, ia tt , lfcl ,
n.iaa tea mn tli rtitrael. 1. 11 1 ,H,d
lhl ha f,,BJ Jim. .11. I. aW.a aaa
., , . '
ih.i I all ' ahat in rank I the
lilar 1:1, ,nr )l(rthp,a ,,,! ,,
I ceilsiei) an,,,! , r.,r,, Hi,
HltH ia,l ptil im his Inmerr
Med part lwf,,i u .
''" Hiimi tlrlar?.
tine nf ih m.,,1 riaaiitifui and thrill
lug nsrratita f Jam,.t u,a, ,ha
wrlgiii.l of ,a fighting Carann Ms
grudtr." who flKtirr in Mr, l-Mward
ttStleatun "rirrttll Itl.ler." waa re
lated al a recent conference, a) Ihe
lolllh ( iiiiann, ,y t , roln
paiilun of Iti v Mr. Ilmcna
Miiiie ami a )ouiig man, It. ten
wa once eallng hi lireskfiist at the.
ahln of an old couple lu thinly set
Ikd region, when ihe doorway was
suddenly daikeiieil ,v a 1,1k ttn, nif
nanlv-bsikliig num. ho demanded
"He you llavetia, Ihe fighting preach-
"My iiHiue Is Haven, and I am a
preacher," said Ibe circuit rider,
Well, I reckon you'd better get
through your breakfast right smart,
for I m golii to give you a good thrash
W ell, returned Havena, "I don't re
member to have seen you before, and
If I've ever crossed your track, it was
lecause you were up to some mischief
that called for discipline
Hey? You pushed me over a high
bank, an' I got my face scratched up.
I've been tonkin for you some time,
an now I'm goln' to lam you.
ery well, come with me down In
the hollow," said Havens, "and If
you're determined to thrush me, I'll
give you a chance. Hut let us get we
away from this cabin, where these old
people won't have to see or witness Ihe
The preacher started out with Ihe
ruffian down toward the woods. They
went part of the way In alienee, the
rufllan now and then glancing at Ihe
preacher, and seeing no sign either of
fear or bravado In him, I'tesently the
man said
nee nere, navena, you a lietter go
back. I'm a hard fighter, and I'll hurt
you. bad."
()h, no," said the preacher; "If you
want to tight, you'd better not stop on
my ace unit
They went on, and reached the se-
elusion of the hollow. When they got
there, the ruffian said
"lt's turn round, elder, I tell you,
I'm a pretty mean man!"
"Well, lefa sit down here a minute."
Havens led the way to a log, and both
ai oown on ii. i nen, wan a nine
ulk- th" r -m from the fel
low a confession of (he wild life he
had led, and spoke comforting words
to blm. In a little while both men
were on their knees, with faces bowed
upon the log, and the woods resounded
with prayer such as few but this plo
neer exhorter could offer,
The old people back at the cabin
heard It, and knew what turn the
"fight" had taken, They came down
and Joined the "meeting," and before
long the fighter was one of Haven's
most promising converts
An Airy Meet.
This nautical windmill pumps water
from the Hronx liver Into a Williams
a . S aa
fls a ll t
bridge (S. Y.) farmhouse, The fotii
sloops are directly at the sport of the
winds, built and rigged, They till. Jib
end tack na they swing around the
circle, often making great speed.
I'reaervrd hy Water.
8lx mk tree trunk, believed to be
each 1,000 years old, were recently
dredged from tho bottom of the river
Maine, near Karlbiirg, They were
nliick, like ebony, and attracted great
liHcieai, among sclentlMis us illustrat
ing the long life of wood under water.
Wood of this sort Is very rare, and the
commercial value alone of the find Is
considerable, material of thl sort be
ing peculiarly valuable for loUylng
RhakCBpeiire was evidently an admir
er of the fair sex. HI heroine were
many and b'1 ' w.
null M" a I I MSSMi ft
" a V.a I - I if. 4 aa)
HI Ml I Mil .
I ,..! It on,)! I an -. t aal
- "t , , ,.i, .,4 -' at-
-- -I I H I . I MIM'
'in N. .. a.. I n as ea laA,
I 1 1 tm 1 ,-. a ..i hi im aV
1 (. hihiI a a. 1 aaia
1 I ! ...,l .1- . k. nai
i.t, Ii. in . 11 1 nf laata,
l'" l If , .... aut ai f.Mlala
' I. i,l..l I 4.l. I f .. ,al.
I"' ..t-t a.i.ii m a tnlr )
a.-.- a i.'i.m . a.i
I s, ,,,at tS) K t
Ih. fc-.,.iK ail.t e I , ai
a.aa a- ,? ..f.t.l,. rl..K tt.
j !-' 'el phi.h ir,-n a , ,,f ,.al
;--"" -I l--l i al
I """"''" .-. .. lha a.'Mla.
i '"' ! h ....n,..i ..,ih ih.,a
it... 111,. .t ihn,. a.Hih fv. tri i hiaa
a-.l t l than. H,.llh Iral I ha
i.l IpjI .i iht .li l ,.f lalniiu.(,
hi. h at i .n, . . iiiaiin .n.( a,,!
.Inl l.,1 na ItlaliiRirl, I . ..Ih' talava
.1.- 1 ll,l 1.. i. I ii.mH a 1,. I ali.a ttt
l.l... k Mtf II. an, hla ln Hrlrn laar.
ihiiio n 1 .-a-.t 111, and aittaaan m
I. i. fc an in in 1 11 ..M.m.-li laik, ahaa
mi 11. 1. ni.-,t na ..iir.r.i idaltnl and r.
, ..,,.,t i.. Hl a,iaiM in .uiaa )
t , N.lits ika
ei.t . -i 1,1 n a.d.1 la aailafy
I !.-..,,. Ml. hilt n. linn, I. Hal. , ik
ill a 1, 111 a.. id the r.laln i,f J..ha M
hiu . h. .1. . . i-.i iiiaiimn. lha aura it
tan ili'.iia.init. al 1,111,, h.-d and altlf
I I. ,,..,i. i,l, i,.,,i am, Hiiaiaat
ll,..i..,ii nl lite iaii uf n,l. ia, t eaal
.l I Hllliiilil I1..11, M I. VMI,
Tn a.nlfj Ihe Imiher auiti f lutty-ala
Slid 41 I'H llwlh d.ilhira 1... I a liHI.In,
Ixai lhcr a Hh an-ruina mala acnudlne
l.i a jii.Ih lut-nt rrndeinl In Ihe Inalrhl
1 'mo I i. a . i.l I a 1,1111,1,. al ll
M n t.'im. A I v. in a ret 1, in a. Una
Hun mid Ih.-r. i'iidina aheini iieitiaa
11 lliihi'ii n .!, lui-i t .1 1 1.1 a 1111 at 1 1 1 an
ln'iil, ..f the .ll.. nf J.ihn M Hhaoly,
diirnaiMl, a ,l.i hit T, and lidaaid T
l i u i.,,11 t h.. 1111. II Wild,.. Martin
liihii. Alfti'd I' WiHillev. Al.inaii .
Tnki. KliKiilieth I M Tnhev, I'rank M.
llii IlhiIiiiii, .Inn, I M in,, I'hatla
ii.iii. r. H.iiiiitiliui Wh-iiht I 111 II y An
wit, 1 . 1 1 a- ,1 1 ... 1 1. i.,l,,.,ia, IimiiI, 'rii.iiiipaMirt,
e.eiiil.,1 11 11. 1 J,i. n. ,,. iidniliilaira.
I..r. Willi II... will Nimi'l.'d f Jama
I it nai'd me 'trfi'ttdfiitta.
I n le.1 nl (Uiiiihii, NehriiBKii, AiikusI 11
A. 1 1, IVh,
J" N W M
Hhi-i llT nf I iniisliia I 'iiiini v, Ni'ln ael's.
I'MeMr? ',''",'',,,'lr'',K''' Altiirneya fur
! llrhi'l I . Adnir. V, I'eleisun el 11 1
Wl. No.
(IlillllNIO lUtCi 'K KN It 1 1 MIK.
Attorneys, New Vm'k Life Hull, ling.
I'lidi r Hlid hy vlliue i,f mi iiiiIit nf aula
oil ili'iT.'i' i.f liirei limiiiii nr lilinlgiia is
aueil mil nf I hi- lUalrnt I 'milt fur l)i,u
l" OH) , Ni'liMiakll, mid in me illlaclajTi,
win, un i ill- liny in a.ilimii,i'
ll. I ul I a-1 1 mink n. Ill id siihl ilav.
nl the I'.iiai front Hour nf the I'ouuiy
1 'unit llimw, in the I'lty nr Omaha,
liiiiislns I'liioily, Ni'iniiakii. sell lit nuliilo
nudum in the liiKlnat htililcr fur cash.
the (nopi'ily ileai lined In an Id nrdnr ul
siiln us fnlniws. In wll:
l,nla tWKiiiy, tweniv-niie ami twenlv.
iinir III Mui s IW11 Hi: imil Inia iiiin. aiui.i
mid I W.'hlj-Un.'e in him k four 111 In
1 Ii h 111 mi'i cy I'nik, 1111 iiihlliliin In lha Ciiy
id llmiihii, na siu veyeii 11 ml 1 Mid, all
slliiiili'd in ImiiikIiis I'uiilily, Nelnuska,
Hnld iiinieiiy in he snld In sailsfy
lleniK" II. Ulihelt, ndmiulalistur. Will.
the will iililiesiil, nf lint eslnln nf Jidin
11. rneeiy, ucccusetl, illllilin herein, th
sum nf 1 1 1 1 1 1- llmnmiiid, lour hiimlreil ami
twelve inid lli lmi (i.ilj,4(n d.iilniH, juda
mi ni wllh Itilerest llieieiin lit Hie rata u(
eiaht mi ir cent per i 11 11 11 nt 1 1 .un May
ifd, IsSs; '
To suilsfy the further sum of eighty
two nmi ba-ii) laaa.wi iiulliira cnata li.;..ln
iiiKetlnr with 111 11 ulna ensts uccuniiii.
lo a juilKiiient remleied hy lha Ulatinl
Court 01 said Ihmisiiim I imniy, at, ll
ftlii lei m, A, Ii, lasa, in a ceriuiii Medina
in. 'ii nun Hii'iR 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 h . whelein llauiae
II. Kllelielt, ililllHUlHlriiliir, Willi Ilia will
lilimn. il, hi , ealsln or Jnlili M, rtlinnly.
oei e iaeii ia iluint,it, n,,, ' m,i
V line, 111, ml ,1, wiener, tt-iiai,.,, Oavnt
It. An her, 1 Nimuina Aii Iht, Ami,., j-,
llikey, r.osiilielii 1, , 1 uaey, l.aulg
lllli, Slsiy iii.iii, t omits e, isewiun, A.
W, New 1 on ihrst iiiiiuk inikouwii, wiia nt
riilliiis i. Newiun,; ami others ui dm.
Imied at Omaha, Nehriiska, August 13.
A. U. Ism, '
Hherirr of imualns I'miniy, Neiuaaktv,
Orcein. A ilreckviirldgn, Allorneya lut
i'lit in 1 irr,
l ilciiett, Admr,, etc, vs. Wild l L
line, ui Nit, mi.
Allorneya, Sm ma l.iie liuiliiiug.
I mier 11 mi hy vii 1 ne ut un order of sal
Oil m t ri4i ut Intel iliaute lit UinllM'lS I
sueii out ul llin j ll nt'l I mill ui uuuga
ma miiiiiy, is em uasa, 11 11. 1 10 me Uiravlvii,
I will, mi 1 mi 41H1 liny o( riejitemnnr, A.
O, tmm, el ten u I'wn M, lu. ul aul.l uy,
ul 1 in- -,11 a. 1 liont iiuur of ilia County
mot loiiiac, 111 Hie I'ny i,( (;m alia.
I'.MKiua I ill, 11 1 y , Nelilllakil, sell Ml hliUIUI
inn 111,11 to ti liiKln at hiimi r lor caali,
I lie .inicil maiimi'il 111 amd Older Ul
sun. na iniiows. in wii :
l.ola eis nl, lime, I y t wii 11 nd twsll-ly-iniee
111 mm a one Ii;, loia Iwivs ami
Hull., 11 m 1, mm k Iwn in, oa IMS III, twuli
I'lu inid iwi lily-lnur 111 hiui H tlilna
i-.i, I'H a sis 11ml imi. i' in Mo. k four Hi;
. US live, seven, Mill. Ilillli'.'ll. loull.i.i.
mid tweiily in Idoia live, lola seven um
I ISIII III Inlll K Seven I,;; Hod ll.lM ,,,.,
I ''I'd euwii lu Mo. s eight IH) , la
Oiiimmeny I'nik. un 11, Mm, ,1. 1..
1 ny of iiiinihii, surveyed, pliiiii'd uml ru
c.ildi.l, nil allinil.'d m ll.iMKIiia I ouiilv.
riiilil liloliiily tn he sold lu amlaf
lieolse ll, rili In It, Mini
will n (in. mil, 1,1 mil ealnle nt John M,
hliecly, 1lecfi1s1.1l, f.lri IH I fT heielli. Ii. a
sum of etkoi tliiiiisiiiid, two liumln.d .11.1
slatvuve l,2l,.,,lll ilnlliila JllilHUlent With
lini'inai niineou 111 the fill" of clt(l .
ii-r cenl i.. 11 II 11 1 1 III 1 1 ..1,1 My ii, lallk;
'lu anilely the futlhir sum of lorly.
Ihiee I.IMl f."i-I'SI (I3 dollllts dial Imra.
Ill toaelher Wllh nccrulng 1 obis Mccor'i
Ins 111 a iiiiIkiui'Iii retidenii hy tin,
tin I I'miil nf Mil. I IioiikIhs i'miniy at
lis May li'im, A, O. in a ceiiuin'av.
Hon then end them omnium
Oeurae II, I' lli hell, iiilmliilsiiiilor wllh
Ihn will nuiiesnl, of It,,, ,.sliil of John
M. Hheely, deeeaaed. is ilnliilirf, mid Mar
till 'Mini, Alfred I', ttuullev. An. 1, a,. I
Tukey, KllsiuMh I M. 'Illke'v I'lunk M
I'.l. ll.lldanll. Jlllll't H III. Ion, la., 1. llo ..
Mid II. Clilkllia, ('ulklna, lllral Uul real
iiiimn unkfi.iwii, wife 1, r II i'nik
Inai. An I'lilliml, Kmlly l'hllmt, Huala
Jinoiis, lleri.erl II. I'nlkllis and M.r
I'ulkliis are di'ti'iidiiiila
I') s!i1 M'hraska, August 1
u .J.""S W 1.1 I 'OS A l.l 1
Hlieriff of liougliis I'miniy, Ni'limika.
Oleetie A firm kelirlilai. A 1 1 v. r...
I'li.iiiiirr. "
l lliliell, Adtiir, VS. f'nllll et ill loan
Ml. Nn. r.d.
7fi1r?30 Dy$ Free Trial
!" . ar; (aj, ia ,.,1 a aa li..a ami.,, t
OMt'Mf Of MoMltff III AliVAJtVI.
l-( ti4i-tir A Altwriisj4,
afli tell ttlarh IJ est at a .a ta.a.
fhttm as), lleiiai IW I. it ft n'ilT
1ft t tMbr saasfra im tkm WartsL.
mmf v HMf irmm 9 1 In M,
Hi lug Ma. kienae Mil wilaMiatti !(.... I, )( I Oft ( Mr-lU ldgaw
lf i r le4a suMi .! fl
lA III. .Ihll.U t I M. a ...(. at
v. pi, amp ui ieie)i, (
M ttttfa A tUs4 Mathiw wt ,bti. karfj mmsL
w HHilSltlmsi I'llf hml mi, 4 u.
9 ' ?- 40 pmtf wUlHT' "f fwcfixf Mtw ft In, 11
3 l fnei nftn ! , stir. 'tMWlpjaU;
fideff ttttUeal arle. tuimssa Wi
Victor man r o rn ivi.iaii,
Irl 196 in 207 Htlh S.inut. CMcsbo.
Admirers of James O. Dlalne caa ok-.
taln of ui a beautiful history of that
eminent statesman. Price, fl.dfl.
American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb.
m rnyu