The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 02, 1898, Image 8

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1 1 1, V I VN lll)t IKIII'I
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4 J..kHr
A ht, I $' - a . t
!.. n ite .tth ttii hi m
ap te ) '
fut n h !. alti.k rM'i
tu'll ft M lff.Mit l tflt tt
tmif I. !( Will t liiii'i, Waltn
t at, Ml tiit.B an t I I I w i'
fr l.t
Mm.hI' ibia ttiii' alaa il
t'-.v !:s:'r) 'h t4 up t(
tew taa.n H'idrr what II Bin!
er4 Will, ae bulged bl
ain m aaa l.i) lemaill In arti.iiira
khd for l liia ivaaiiti, i I . 1. 1 jr . be waa
lui'k.d nn'n a a "l f ldrr among
lla .mtahlorii
Atur itimiet W ill eiiit dittly to
Ibe 1 uly In i in
In the rambling nM t arn inei aiai-
l.t tliwe to l lie liulti tler he f.mtnl
Ik ttht four; ii-iijniln, sitting on a
m fuM.I, Wa tlni'ltliHulijr the lug
a Mia.
Will. What l II, what li II T" q r-
M win. impatiently.
"I will tell ymi. Ton kiwiw what a
winriar l?"
"A. rtutrlar? Wby, rnortur la the
stuff they atirli In lis together with,"
"Hat ain't lit" iiM.rur I mean. I
to ran Hi'4 sawed, oft little cannon
Itiat Miltil up In Hi'1 air and arn used
to thoot biuuhell out of. My Men
la to make a niorlar u smna botrili
ebelht, , They would pieae a trim h
otse a a cannon, and when ttic bum I)
Went tiff In Hi air It could I seen ami
leerd for mlli a In all directions."
. The boys looked at eab otb.-r
"Why, w can't do that," said Kddle
"Those things hse to be mad In fae
lories. "
"Wt 0 make em all rlitbt," aaid
Heujamln. "There'a bin Iron drain
ilia about ('Hit In diameter down In
tbe field tbat will niake a aplendl
ortar. All wa need to do la to At It
to a log to atop up una end. 1 know
Where tbere fa Jual tbat kind of a log,
r at u nip, too, and It will prevent tba
Ula from bu rating when tba thing goes
"Hut wbat would you make your
tmbebell out off' asked Hal Uoaa-
"I baa thought tbat out, too," waa
Beajamln'a ready reply, "Wa tan taka
two baseball maaka, rip tba leather oft
ad 0t tbant together and plaster clay
r them until they ara thick enough
10 be pretty eolld, 1'avlnf tba Inalda
empty to be filled with powder. Wa
an gt kli tba powder wa want."
Tbat afternoon four of them got tbt
Ilia and carried It In Ilenjataln boat
to tba pot chosen by ilenjamln, rloa
to tba at ump which tbay Intended to
tit to au b naw uao.
Tba atump u curiously eiamlned
It waa tba remalne of ao oak tree par
bapa thr fan In dlamHar, In Ha
antr waa a dp opanlng wbfrb
tmm4 Jut about larga anough to we
toramodata tba tll. All togrtbar tba
wya tarried tba tlla to tba atump, and
lib murb puffing and blowing auc
cdd In getting ft Into tba rat hol
low plara In tba atump.
"Whan ahall wa lira bar offt" quer
ied Will, wbo tba mortar waa com-
"I (blnk about midnight before tba
Fourth would ba tbt bet time," and
(be (rtbera thought ao, too.
Tba pwder waa bought, a bomb
ball made and bidden away In tba
torn, together with tba remainder of
Ura powder.
About an hour before midnight on
tba Sd the fire boye crept nolieely
own to the rlrer ehore wre fienja
Blo'a aklft waa moored. They pulfed
own tba at ream and landed In utter
arbneta, for Ixojarnln aald It would
3 3
"V lJ
rV. it v V -j WW
l if'JV yT'IlA
I j i'"rfcJ'l M
T vS. 7-yf -Jfh
yf JflLi
be dangeroue to have lantern bear
the powder.
The charge for the mortar, about
two pounda, waa emptied from ita Back
Into the tile, paper wa placed on top
f It and rammed down eolld. Then
the "ahell'1 waa dropped Info the mor
tar. Nothing waa placed on top of
tbt. Tbe roortar waa now loaded and
yeedy for firing, for fienjamin bad
run a long fu through a bole in '.ha
atump and up into the pipe until It
touched the powder.
"Ain't It pretty near midnight?"
kd Kddle Wllmont, eagerly.
voiced tbe Impatience of the other.
"I,et her go!" aald Cbter,
Tienjamfn, on bla part, waa a ani
loua a bla companions to put their
experiment to the teat, Striking a
match, be touched the blsn to the
end of the fu.e projecting from tbe
pipe, lilting and sputtering, tbe fire
crept toward the charge.
"Now get to cover!" advleed Benja
min. eieted!y. "Bhe will reach the
powder In another minute, and th
air may be full of flying Iron and
Tbey burrlcd down the river bank
to the boat. Then came a roar Uiat
e'-it .deafened theip, and a great
! '',k' '- l4,,
f Um K.
I 4 t'l if 4 lp4 t
I Hn !' I tied
a in) tim i it 1hi
It In H- air gti wte-i l"
a It t'M'it.l In .ni H' -'i .n
! f.r.a wiiiuit ihm l"aa t
Vt' iir.l l.n
piiti aii hi bt la it .,
lian( rt .eh, II M.hr4 !k a !"
M'H.h, Ibe art wadding bed m k
til the thill and I. oiuhiI timtfd
( frsna tba rsidi-'.-B .uiiinud tu bum
Brnrlr A ifem uf aparka rnhe.
uaat,) lnm It Ibe air wae full id
, I "lining r Thi n, ae It waa alut
tn dnp linn the ih.r a quarter of a
mile eaar, It lnft A hfay tb
1 etaiii aok the e h'a and an.i'h.r
j Mel of llalil fl.i.l"-d for an luxlalit
i 1 hen iam ilHiai.a
II la all uiof," eeld trn)amln.
I lul tie N nil.iaVi'ii. 1 hie a k
fund rt'nl to follii, annii'lliliig alilili
be add hi niininiili)iia bad liot rouril
ed on.
It rliamed that eoma .u 1.1 l-fl ltl
turn 111 the rllliige hud deildid to gle
an ehlhltlim of flreork on the night
of the fourth elan. Having di'l'Tltilni'd
In kwp the mtitt.'r quIH until the
Fourth had arrlvrd. Ihn llrewoika bud
liri'ii iiin lin.i very alyly and carried
to a apot on the rlvr buyk Blunt a
quarter-mile l.ilow tlie plae where
lienjNiiilna hiMiiliatiell bad Ix'gun lla
flight, Hera a raft had heiii inadn,
and upon It the flrrworka were put,
Thla wa dune on the evening of the
Sd. Two men were hired to alcep on
the rgfl to m that It waa not dla
(urbed. Tba men poied the raft out Into the
middle of the river and lying down
on their blanketa went to Bleep iur
rounded by a wholeaalt gaaortmcnt of
eky-nxkete, roman randlea, giant
crukera, bom da, plnwbeela, and all
manner of tblnga, without thought
of danger. They bad been Bleeping
aoundly for stout two boura when
tba nolae of tba mortar awakened
Tbey aaw tba bombehell darting
down with marveloiia apeed, wbltb In
ereaaed every eond, and before tbey
could pull In tba rope to wblrh tba
anrbor waa btatened which beld tba
raft It waa right above tbem.
llorror-atrlrken, tbey plunged Into
tba river and burr led away aa faat aa
tbey could through the ahallow water.
Then the abeli exploded.
Tba men ducked their beada. There
waa a great aplaablng In tba water aa
pterea of the burated ahell were hurled
Into It, but neither of tba men waa
bit. Half dazed, tbey lifted thel
beada. Tba red glare of tba tiploded
ahell and lb accompanying roar bad
All waa darkneea for a brief moment
Then came a vlcloue hlaelng from tba
raft, and the air waa filled with flying
aparka. It waa one of the plnwheela
wblih had caught, and aa though In
aplred by a eplrlt of mlechlef it waa
whirling at a great rata, aendlng Ita
aparka everywhere.
Tba men ruabed back to tba raft to
aave tba cargo.
Then tba trouble commenced In ear
rirecrackera began to bang away In
unauepected a pot a, and no aooner waa
a pack anatched out and thrown Into
tba river than other paka took up tba
Tank 'em out, yaak 'em out!" cried
one of the men, making a daah for
tbem at tba rlik of burning bl flngera
Jut then a couple of plnwheela atari
ed at tba aamt time and began to buzx
and flueter aa though eah waa trying
to outdo the other and both bent on
putting out tba meo'a eyeg In a ahower
of aparka.
Now tbat they bad got agoing 'be
nreeorka wera evidently bound not to
be Interfered with, for while the rock-
era arid roman candlea were bombard
ing one mm a giant firecracker did Ha
beat to tear tba other's flngera off and
to help defeat hie aeeault a big bomb
eiploded almoet In bla face.
The tumult waa at Ita height, but
the men worked deeperately to aave
what they could (4 the (Ireworka, but
In the mldet of their forlorn tank th-y
heard boota, yella and loud laughter
from the a bore,
Looking aboreward they could dimly
" lr eow K'tp'e on the rlv-c
bank. The tillage bad been around
had come to wltneea the un
"peciacle, Moreover, from the Bound
from that way, they neemed to be n
Joying It Immensely,
"Well, that aetllea me," aald i f
he men on the raft, disgustedly.
Them people la laughing at n. ft'
get out of thl hornet'a net, Tbli
atuff fa bound to blow Iteeif all up any-
ay." and he coolly Jurrifed Tito the
river and wadd aehore. Ilia compan
ion followed him.
Once avhore tbey were aurrounded
y a crowd of p'opl curioiie to learn
ail alcmt the matter.
The men were very dlacre.-t, how-
evr, In regard to who owned the P. re
work, but told bow they biieiied
to t aH on fire. Where the trouble
oma fiery vlaltor bad come from h-
.enred to be a myatery. Many hd
eeei) It, bnt none knew whence t raii.
Derijnnili and bla frienda wr"'lti
be crowd. Aa goon aathey fearnedthat
he liomb had cued the lulmhlit ,i
omebody'B firework down the river
hey bad rowed that way, lie.'ore
hey reaihed there they mw that the
firework on the raft were too fr gone
a their ttrftf of lf dentru' tlon to
lie aaved, and they rowed their boar
whore and watched the ftieer exhl.jl.
Ion, amewbat frightened at the cal
amity the bomb bad cauaed.
The uproar from the raft grew e
after awhile, the flrecrackere leaned
to be beard and all became dark and
The secret cf who tfcot the ibeli 3id
riot come out until long after, for the
joya kept wry quiet.
r,.)f I f
J t i ' it liku ! ( aa
Jr. Mm. 4 urn f It ! te
I "t ' IIKl 'a 'l t V I '':
l ! t'fi I llMit a l Ike
'ho fit l.M.if We ah.nilt (Sink
. il l t-.M IM Mian '. k 4l
e Hn.iit h nfl) i .!; ai!f.
ll it In t the i Htiliin uf t
ihal II fm.lln nt !h )ihg euHi.t)
lul Itiallf i li....i d 1 1. 1 ai. j
'Uh In t-e their gtrtda at nut
!! ;!,$ SKSi'li !if ta.lil lit lira I
llieie are only thrte nrhut id the
r of 1112, but Six hi m,i, f ,.,
olillt l of that War draw peimluli
Twi pol iciiien In liiMttnn ate herd
t wink tilng in prevent tbe aiul.nt
of a niedlial . IhmiI Bhd Ihuee of
)oiitig ludl.' aemlnary from liM.klng at
mill other. The ai'tuml ate i u to-
i'llnr and the atudiiit tm let nut at
Ibe miiip time eveiy iUy, If the plu
wnik.d (lie yuuiig permit, a wimbl be
lea or more than human. It won't.
1 here la only one aure Wey of alupplug
tbe mlm hief, and that 1 to abullfb the
m IhmiI.
Trouble ha arlaen between (lermany
and the little republic of llaytl, owing
to the arnat by the Hiiyiliiu police
of a linn claiming in be i ilermnu Ml
Iren, The (lermaii mliilHtiT denunded
hi releaae and a payment of fifty
Ihonaaiid dollura Indemnity. The nmn
waa net free, but llnytl la unwilling to
pay Indemnity, fiirmany threatened
to aend a rrulaer to prrs ber claim;
at the rcmonMriince of our govern meut
ahe abandoned ber purpoee.
The gluttony of the people who
fbxk to public reception In Wanning
Ion with less decorum than la usually
preserved In front of the barkeeper'a
walnut baa provoked retaliation. Tbe
Udiea of the cabinet announce that re
freabmenta will no longer be served.
Tba houat'bolda of tba cabinet metn
bera will no longer be embraced In a
free lunch route. Tbua will end acenea
which bave On a disgrace to the cap
ital of tbe country for a great many
year and an Intolerable nulanoce will
be abolished.
The holiday publication ara re
aponalble for a great evil. They usher
In the most poular of tbe salnta two
monthe before be la ready for the re
ception and while bla attire 'a unfitted
to tbe occasion. Tbey put tbe family
man to large and unnecessary expense
and apprehension. Tbey f(,rce the
Cbrlstmaa thought and the Chrlefmss
puree ao prematura tbat the world
tire of them before tbey should bava
begun. Hhall tbey be Issued net i year
on tba fourth of July or some time In
September? Time baa no forelock
now. It baa been yanked out.
Tbe dlsU.llral aaaaaslnatlon of Wll
Ham Terrlas, the distinguished Urltlsh
actor, by a worthies crank with a
homicidal mania, tiring up before n
again and In a most urgent form tbe
question of dealing wltb tbla class of
peal. Tber I no law for punishing
or even lot king up a crank, no matter
bow dangerou be may notoriously be,
Juetlc wait until be commit mur
der, and then offer to society tba rg
gardly reparation of tbe gallowa. Th
peril fa one which the Individual must
meet for himself, Oovernment avenge
blm only after be baa been slain and
bl family desolated.
The postal authorities are properly
paying attention to a clasa of adver
tisement tbat baa appeared too fre
quently In aome periodical of late, Tbe
advertiser promise to give valuable
prices to persona sending blm accurate
solutions of a collection of "puxxlea," of
hleh tbe subjoined I a fair sample.'
"Muppfy tba missing letter in th fol
lowing name of an Important New Eng
land clty-B st-n." It la aald that th
people bave been swindled out of a sum
of money large In tbe aggregate
through tbla transparent fraud. I'erl-
odieale will henceforth publish such gd-
vertieementa t the risk of being eg-
eluded from tbe mall.
A abort cut to notoriety ha been ef
fected by a woman of Perl who con
tributed and collected ten thousand
franca toward th Guy de Maupassant
monument, recently unveiled In th
Frc Moncean, on tbe condition that
ber own portrait be Introduced, The
ludicrous result, tbe figure of a fh
fonably dressed woman reclining in a
long cbalr at th foot of a bust of th
poet, I characterised by a writer In a
London newspaper aa "an advertise
ment In marble for aome leading dress
maker." Human ranity take mMnr
forms and some persons tbooee to bask
In the world' gaze, even at the eg
penae of aelf-reapect or of life Itself,
Two farmer were one diacueslng
their local paper. One thought It had
too many advertisement in It, The
other replied; "In my opinion th ad
vertlaementa are far from being the
least valunble part of It, 1 look them
over carefully and save at least five
tlmee the cost of tbe paper each week
through the business advantages I get
from them," aald the other; "I beii-ve
you are right I know that tbey pay
me well and rather think It i not good
Uste to find fault with tbe advertise
ments after all. It pay any men with
family to take a good local paper for
the sake of tbe adverVment If noth
ing more. And If bualncee men full to
give farmera a chance to read adver
tisement In th local paper, they are
blind to their own Interest, to say the
leaat of It. "You never trade wltb
me." aald a biuineas man to a pros
perous farmer. "You have never In
vited me to your place of business and
I never go where I am not Invited; I
BtUbt not be welcome," waa hi reply. '
el Ula i S,m
A'tee Ike Mrt!eee iip'nft, evert
Mieae!t t' 'be rt'y k t e
Jttit ' Te fl -e. se t s'k. (i- .
Wm tbeee i. a M. n by aed t
Kll with He"
ll'il Wbat ulrt t liee tttfrh
" 1Mb nee ft'W Ike S V. Hhw t Me.
"Treet.B, N i . Ai g J Wmiar'
Ke 'y a gueree tie Unit k've.
reached re, fa a htmtg h la.t Mtt,l
TbU inortleg he a'tee.VJ Ine f.
re.b.eas rbtiMh wllh K itee
iVslrte' In racer attention, fie wa r
eltltcn'a re, hut old a qualetann. e
rect-pnlri d rum, and i ne of II e deacim
went to Ibe pulpit and whlred to
Ihe H. e J C Kll'lan t at tbero we.
one. f tbe counlrj' hero... In lb
church. The Itee. Mr Kllllan m
ncunccd tbat a It would be unrceml
and out of i lare to give three cheers,
the Chautauqua se'u'e h given l
t.unner KeVf. The pator drewH
bandkeepfcU.f from )U teirkel, and It.
etsntly tlmre wa a wsvlnjrof handker
chln'a frtrrn every part of the church.
Thon bf epec'al ri iieat the nhole sen?
'noma Again.' After the service Mr
Kcll? rt ctlvfj an ovat'on,"
And tbla from tbe IWton Tranac-rlpi
of Monday:
"J K. Murphy, a sailor on tba bat-
tleablp Iowa, and one of this brave me
who volunteered for th work of sink
Ink tha Merrlmac, of which Lieutenant
Ui.benn had charge, attended tba Col
legate Ueformed church of Ilarlaro
il. Dr. DurrlirlyMtcrdBy morning.
Rer. John Lwla Clark of Chicago,
who preached, recognized tha naa
ba-o In tha congregation, and be made
known bla pretence to tbe worshippers
Every man, women and child shook
btnde with Mr, Murphy at tbe recep
tion following the lervlce. Borne of
the women could not restrain tbelr
tears, and wept while tendering- thel
We think that ao one will contend
that these men, If Roman Catbolfci,
would attend Protestant cburcbe as
soon ae they larded.
f.r $10 Reward.
I will give tbe above reward to any
pereon, church or patriotic oclety
tbat will, before tbe 30tb day of Sep
tern ber. m, ell tbe largest amount of
trf Antl-Catbollo book. Circular and
price llt tent on receipt of two cent
(tamp. Money to accompany order
for bocks, Addrea
III V, J. O, Whjtk,
Stanford. Ill
Out of towa American when visiting
Omaha can aave money and get a pleas
ant room by tpplylng at thl off) -a.
I loom can be ecured la advance by de
posit of II
Troth fa alway ready to go to war;
error will ran at tbe flrit opportunity,
J, t, PATCH,
Attorney, Room O Patterson RJock.
In the lMrfct Court f Dougia
(V.llntV. Ni.l.ra.ka
In in Walter or the tMl of
(Iirle I), Kviiri. le'l.
T'. I-vlla K. iiilllng and Roger C, ;
Y'ki, and each nt vmi ara ttoral.v
fi-4 that Iba I lair If I t'mirl nt Ifi.nvlH
tv.unty, Ner,r.k( has rnate the f.lloer.
Hi i.r'ier in ii.e atuve eritnn4 action,
tn wits
"Sow this emiae eomlnar on tor hearlne
on Me rort of the HWrifrior of tha
enm or irm eaat hulf Vt,) nt lot elahteen
Ml, I'elham I'lae. an l1lllnn tn ihm
cly nt lunnhn, Nbraake in pursuit rice
tit a llcefiaa trrantet by rhfs enurl to the
'1fntniraii.r of aald eatata. 6hA I'llh
rtay nt Novemtwr, VI. mitA It ai.pearlna
rr ki rerw.rt trier an id neir lot wma wm
on Mm if.lh it itt July, tm, tn (invar
t'tnioitM-r for th sum nt nve hunitred
an1 eeventr dollars (V Vft cash, ft la
Mixrefxr t,rfli.ri that all neraorie Inter
eafed In aal1 eatat t nrrtWit to appear
t.cfura m at court room No, 1, of the
IHiri!t f'oiirt nt fmiielaa Count v, Na.
tirnakx. in the lie Kulldlng on th Mh
1y of aiiiernher, llfjS, i JO o'clock,
fueenoon, to show eauae, If any, why
aald aele ehouM not la pnttrmA end a
deed ceui4w to the t(irehee, ty eerv.
tit thl onler, I'uhllcatlon of same
to be In The American nn non-reMfii,
. . . l"1 o' the Matrtfit Court.
Dated July 77, im.
.... -,
in son of Admiral Dewey enterci
bualnesa in New York not long agfj,
and ai. bla father' request began at the
bottom, receiving the princely salary
of $20 a month, It la aald that lat
month an unv-rupirlou editor invited
blm to Join bl staff, "You nod
write no articles," be said, "nor do uny
reporting work, Just algn your nsme
to an article every day, and I will nay
you two hundred dollars a monrh,"
The young man wasted but few words
on the editor, Ilia negative reply was
aa much to th point a bis father'
attack at Manila. It I a great thing,
and a heroic, when a young man con
alders a high salary aa mere dirt be
neath bla feet, compared to bla own
honor and Integrity.
For fifty eenta we will aend yon a
copy of tbe Atlaa of the World. eon
Mining tba latest and moat accurate
map of Cuba and the Klondike coon,
try, beside a great deal of useful and
valuable Information. American Pub.
Here's a Book Bargain I
l ive pi trvg iku
t ' x , k"1"! ""!;.
I' f. m '"'" ' "'I' TV. 1.1 feprr lMiB
7 rV- ' xhv1 hy '"' 1'rwt at Us then 1
' i Kj.'. ,.- at-fv.
vt li l lhy J feu re at 10 cent a per ropy. J
If fcjX. x y . Sm 1-irKani at live ,.r a .I dler.
'-1 hrWii . "fctf Tom s cAaiNi . i
-IsSJ if i I
LI !;
I fl
s-iyv w
x ' : . Vv
W4.rrfr-rtMt..r. lle-Melwewia' '""
A BRIOI ritOM THI KUeH. K. '. WHIXryit. AWnfAurtTHtbttltf,
TtOKgTNO. leaar. wKi';M-.v;Mr in1UiMw rtiiaiaamnuuittcttef ih.wmwi
IIZZXZ!" t'M""i " l-atnuHiryl l5 a ritik2
akllllul It la .rt n.iras braii..uiui,n,L i-V-Wi'li '
a..N0CJ,,U.,,R,CC-fln, book 10 nt Thret book, 25 M$t
All l lva book, 40 cent, postpaid. ' ' 1
Theeo price act f r ".not 04-b' with your order. Remit by silver, 2 cent
postage stam,.', P. O. or Kxpre.s money order, or bank draft. Addrena,
1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB.
Toan In the Rocky Mountain.
Tbe "Scenic L'neof tbe World," tbe
Denver k Illo Gran 'e Railroad, effer
to tourtat la Colorado, Utah and New
Meilco Ih-t choicest resort, and to tbe
trani-roolloen'a1 traveler trie grandest
scenery. Two teparate and distinct
route through the Rocky Mountains,
all through ticket available via either.
Th direct line to Cripple Creek, tbe
greatest gold camp on earth, Double
dally train service with through Pull
man sleeper and tourists' car bet w ten
Denver and Baa Francisco.
Tbe best line tt Utah, Idaho, Mon
tana, Oregon and Washing ton rla tbe
"Ogdeo Gateway."
Write 8. K Hooper. G P. k T, A.,
Denver, Colorado, for 111 unrated des
criptive pamphlet.
The priest doe an erll day'a work
wben be get a child to go to th pare-
ehlal rhoot
cumi aw.uooi,
finiiiha Fiftfon antt nallvar Pn
vma. anfiivnf Him wwillvlj WV
J. L. TURNEY, Mgr.
M. M. MAYPOKD Mo Tree.
Moeln and llsht eaoreae work at raaann.
able ptlce Flaso ruorln a pclaltv
HouaelK ld roodaauintd, pa:kd aad slilpped
Carry- all for picnic.
Office, 410 North 161b Street.
Telephone) 1203.
The Nw
It runs on Van Uuren St
directly In front of the
Rock Island &
Faenr.r. srrlvln
w I filuo Klevaled
In Chli!knean. ha ll,.
saw I filuo Klevaled fyoop, ra:tt ai r Hurt of
Hi eliyi or. for a tlraeeut fa,re,cn lj ukao
imriiedlaUily to an jr of the large store In Die
di.we u,wn dlairli't,
All r.letd Trains will tUip at tbe "Hoes
aland" station, Tmlnaeaara ,.!,
Tneae f-lilie eati orilf t.a offered hfth
it vmi will aesd a 2 rent stamp for p.Mttas
will wall y ou stonrc a near nird'- view
if ( lilcaso. iuat laaued In Maa arl.l.-h
fioiM fi,a Juat what you want to know almul
' lilcag'i aod tbe naw Iyio and Klevated f ra
te i, J hia map ynu diouid bava, whether yoti
live OUt of th f'Uv and rt tit A..... t,i It
ur wheiher fou ll In t.hlaao and you or
our irienaaet.ate.iiii.ittt loaning trip.
joim 8EBA8TIAK, o. p. a..
t-IJ-f Cbcaao
km ?ti lu vii
1" il
dtoetfi urtt Writltn.
tlne fn l rVe VH tinri I. t,i rt
lb l k tu ibHh Lmdittf kii f..
f""" I-.I.-I Tu. 1- f. I .I.IM" llhi
' .Mn,i that ih-ir iMl'ailir ai BV I
'! iwIm-i i. II la t.4, mi Tl
r. . 'Vf vr;aM t n. r-mu It i.- i
r; r"1 I'"' .!' in-. e-i-'. i
V1'".- '"" "'" m i-i.iwu-iL ii .ti... I
iM aiMilHWlKni, caU eutiUiu
n wrT4r
fW"'.y '"" '"' lh-l..t 11,1.
F jr ,ilH.w' ..t ll a . MMlli,, rmluilr ini
" ll il..ia..t H..Mn.n I'm-. hva.. h
Wh&-f i's Ret-ter
Than Qold ?
Hroken i n
Health r lfu
go to UK. V.
6EE 170
and trv bl
UR t Kill EH
CM posed of
Hoot, Herbs,
Buds, Barkis
sod Flowers.
H be over
t m dirTirent
kind to ore-
ann iron
ana carttf
manner of hko.vio oiMKiaica. audi
.la.aanimn i tia ra HKiiief l.laar. Ill
due. Miiauri lujlil. A..h. .'
"' i.a I ra.iuira, tu.ll(alln, ltrau.K
I aieh Headache rml Wesltneaa. L
, "h,,' rr '''''."' ''ri.t
e1"". ah raa uarntea or in. one
refunded tJONHU LTAT1 VUKK. t all urn
or wriu eacloalo iiauipfur boo aved blank.
AJ (Ire a, ,
AI0.A91 tt, I (Mb at., OMAHA.
. . USE . .
Q P. A O
w - 1 I V
Aak your Grocer
for it and If hevdoeal M
UT thl adverW C
tn order it for Jrou? )','
not bave It, CUT OUT
mem and bava him 01
We manufacture tbe following brands
Pure Family Soap.j
Moating so p.
Pure Castile Soap
ISO Steuben St.,
Weniern AfcntH Adve,
Sawyers SoapC
"fTT32F 1 itti r Dnotr ?
"" and HOTSPRINGS, At,
L.I. . A tittt . at - .... ' 1
BS 11 at u.i ....j. aw;
. 7i. ii , ".. .iaaaiar,tiuta, llur .i
VlT.i. " '!"" "'Hi Kr.iKn Natiim
. ' L!',"!',wr","" inealliaMaiiia l.i.'
. It "eniB'-aiitaolora llluatratlona. B
alilai liltaral ir . i ... a . .
t""? J" ' a.i4. Il.,,4m. onlfll fr J
K.l". -!"" a ihii,i, 10 liar it.,.. I
Zri! "'""'L ' "" I'wwa at, ramie
rna in. i'
run aKa t-, v
tmib aav erO
Yob 6ef Ttit Profits
ln dlract from tha ai
fartaem. 1898 Full 8lr Ladlea' or p
eaoaaia irom BI8.00 up. 2000 M
left ar from laat eww at ni,p own t
from aiO.OO up. Onmpleta aatalocu o
aasaaanaaFraw, Waahiponrhlirhmrr
anrwbara without on cent of monaf Id
eaooe, ppT all frautbt cbaran and CuarSr,
Them For Two Veer. Aiktraa
wr. za a rsr rma a., caieage, nn,'