The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 26, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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t I I I. ! M I
HiMIMMlN(0l!lli : . Ifcst a ' I t ll t u . It- I
..r:i American Bible Study
A I.. fc I t j t! - t ! t-f f I' t t f II . H I "
rl n nl wii'iin ' 1.' U A.'I-hi- ,". 1.., - .. i .-. m
! He !. 1 t( .1 l,r Ul I' l) lln- ". ,! I'. Mi (It I .'.( Hfi'sl ! "t
t, t,, ,,.t ,U I-at t rn hf ! 1 si I ' 1 i'h 1 t.r , t,. tn 1 I e . Ml i h t s I 1
H Mlttl tUt -ft. ah fit I Tl alt r I .1 t ll It" . lWH tia !-t4 ! 'p
f .... W ..
,'. K' II Ill-It M
- I I .
f l
I. t I
If . Ill Wi
tt iiin,
(Sls.Hs.MI., r-H-f t . "'"
ht1 fi-rl, lb JrulU HI ctmleel
XI, U lrl j' eon.M.1!.
Jee Ufland me ' "l' ' k'"
K) t.u Ui Ukuimm t athuiie o',
John .
V ready ia.lmil thai ' -1"
U U s.lril Ihlt iii.iiU, nl Ui U'
NownnOiT Ail 11 lil lVr t"'wi
mi mny r H.-nt IrnH. Hl Minthrr
KnjIUh. Anifln Mun MihhI "111
It I MtUI Hint l n r iunt if Hit'
Mil n' l llrvnl Unlirly n.l Hi
Un f nf Pi nn-jlvn U r
HiMimn ( ' tl htiHi',
J M WlUon U drllvirlnir
Hirlm f Inlorciilliiir Ipcllin ul tin'
CaoKillar tn i t rrrtiytrln hurrh
Hutiily ovcnlni;.
Anil now ni' ' of l) H hdn Un
namnl IVwuy. Ailmlrl Diwi-y Uhlm
lf no n" I.Vi" of Amnrli'n. Hut hn
Now iuWrllwrt who will fund ti
Two nolUri will ri i'i-Ue th pHr ml
roc(iiit In full to January lit MOO.
Now ni'iiil In ymi Mihucrlpllon Inimu
nU'ly. ' ohn Ireland thn rhiimh la not
factor In thi war, W.i nil iidt'ni d
that hut ni'vrr dnaiiiiid Jnhn would ad
mit It, Hut It Iinw arranged to boa
f!liir In flmp'riir Itm tnrma of praiiii.
Now U tlio timci whrn tho i(illllcUnn
thwi thi Itnnian vot pretty tiard. If
ono ild duci It oprnljr, the othor
(tfTurti fretly It with a fn-o w
cITcrlng of rah,
D.iwcy oimni-d th war by dimtroylng
the fliH-t In the Hay of Manllu, Dowoy
cloiiod the war hf rff.cllnf the lurren
dcr of Manila. lie I our alpha and
omoRa o far a Ittllft naval vloUirlea
are concurnnd.
One of the gtt& thlnjjt which the
war holwpon Spain and the United
S'atra haa acoompluhed la the brlnf
Ing cloawr tofother of tho North and
the Houtb. The n-hol ghot bai tan
Ibrdnepr to mapppar.
F.lder Luther Warren la continuing
hi Icctiiro pa' h evening in tho large
eli'drlo lljjtiU-d tent at Hvrntonth
and Wehtfir ilrwli to large crowd.
Ilia uhj:t thl wrck hut hwn "The
United Kiatri In Prophecy." He will
peak at leat one w ek rnnru,
Did you notice what a flgurj one
John J. Copplngi-r did NfT cut In the
Spanliih-American war? He ha done
nothing to merit the mnj'ir general
thlp which an accommodating I'renl
dent bentowed on hire. Omaha b.i
borne bl aVmence with r (iinlmlty,
To anyone who buy a copy of the
book " ItomanUrn and The Itepuhlle"
price II (K), we thall tend In aduT.lon
everal mall pamphlet worth fully
another dollar of any true patriot
money. Remember all pontage, paid by
. Send In your ort'er by return mall
Certainly It wa nceeary for Wll
llam Mck'lnley to appilnl a Democrat
on the l'eace Commlmion, and It wat
alto necemry to appjlnt a I toman
Democrat. Then he conld lay the
blame for tbe Rjleutloo on thejleader
of the oppotite political party. He
only named thelrcandidatc ! William
I wine beyond hi . generation.
Tbe Review ayt: "HomanlU hang
together and act together. At all
fiction they vote loaolld block In the
intcreU of tbe churcb at tbe command
of the Pope." There are several maa.
lnua In thit country called Ueview
We do not know from what Review the
above statement wa originally taken
but the Review from which we quote U
evidently not afraid to ttate tbe truth
about tbe uniform atttltude of Roman
Catholic voter. We have icldom seen
to much truth itated In bo few wordt
tn tbe press of the day.
1 ,.) hm tout . lh' i. I j !
(t.i .' rf'tfti! Tl ia U a
,t ! t l, n I (i.ii and i i I n
1 1 u tltipf nf iti ('. a t h- m
It.m.anUm will lulu la l-ir nUI iwii
l lih lh ra a. lhi Hmiwtt,
the tunh an.) Ui lirt- il thu d m
a I hi'M will rf k e Sum ami
epfj lMi(iii te hlimtlf, i rn I
an.) rrli'hlli' f' o' lrlh lllftf anj
eijiiaUiy, la miler thai Ihey mi n-
er Mralh Of nmrw lhire itT 'x' a
l.ulhur, a Hum, a WyrllfTe, at'olinj,
IHordanit llrunii, or a l.'m-oln rU up
iatona!ly and any "give mn llh.Tly,
or give me drain"' but around them
III tnd thiiu-nmli ulnglng the iml-f
f the cruel, relentlrnt tyrant who live
In Home and direct the ai'l o' hU
iibjii'U throughout the world We
nay It emiiliallcally, your llhnrtli't are
II but overthrown today. N.i hiimitn
avency can ave UuMii. Thin probably
would not be true., were the American
IK'oplo true to their conviction, were
they honcxt at heart, and were they
willing to openly meet the great enemy
of the human race and give him buttle.
Hut the great b.uly of the American
people are dlnhonel at heart In their
ecret profoHlon of opposition to the
pollual power wielded by tin: icclela
tic of the Hointtn Calholla church, but
they are dUloyal to the Internal of not
only their own children, but alio to child that
iHgriYvIng up in thl court y today;
more than thl, the average American
citi.on I a moral cowitrd. Hd U hfrald
hi will loe bilne If be dm' tlili'; or
he I a'ruld he will him a dollar If he
due omululng elm", or tout he to nf
fend Dennl O't'ialierty If liud.x!ycl
another thing. TliU coward lei bai
been the entering wedgu that will ulti
mately chum) the duttrucllon of thl
grand republic. Tho beginning of the
end li already up m u. It will follow
pcedlly ukim the policy of territorial
exannlon adupu d by the governrnent
at the liMtance of the JuHr, the
cret agcaU of the Church of Home.
Student of political auience expm:t to
wltneat tome wonderful change in the
next tun year. We ay now that they
will he appalled at the change, Tn
hand of the Jeiult I manipulating the
government wire at Washington. Our
ofTloer are mere figurehead, Tbe
Human Catholic cburcb I virtually
In poinentlon of the government to
day. Uhe can he in actual poMoimion
in I IKK), While we rcail.o the. lrcno-
Uncy of ever effort to curtail her pow
er and growing prcullgo, we thai), ncv
erlhole, continue to proved
The Peace Commission, which I to
meet In Pari a like committee from
Spain, I a monumental blunder. It i
omKised f men who dare not oppose
the church of Rome. Senator Davis
doc not dare act contrary to the wish
and will of John Ireland If ho desire to
bs returned to the United Slates Sen
ate; Whlletaw Held would not dare op-
pjse the hierarchy, hccuut) It would
result In tho destruction of hi great
newspaper, which would he boycotted
by every Roman Catholic in the coun
try; Justice White i a Roman Catholic
and tome have said, In addition there
to, a Jesuit, so ha wilt obey the church;
Senator Fry els a politician, and politi
cians never go counWr to the wish of
the churcb; Secretary Day ha the
necessary nerve to opjiose the church,
hut he I a poor man, and they are al
ready holding before his eyes a commla-
tion a associate justice of the supreme
court. With such a committee iace
should be arranged by the Jesuit with
nealnes and dispatch. Of course there
will bo wrangling for the edification of
the public, but It will he smooth at
glas underneath. White will, In all
probability, be the most blatant advo
cate of what la tupooscd Ui be the most
popular theory of adjustment with the
American people. It Is a great cum
inltUao. Watch It.
We would Ijovi cut a -orry figure in
the war with Spain bad our navy been
no more efficient than it was in llT'l,
the time of the Vlrgtnlua affair. We
may thank our atari that in the last
dozen year the Congress baa author
(zed tbe construction of o many for ml
dable battle-ships and cruisers. Ia tbe
J 1 r . 1 M Ire 1 t t t tl I U I. if
I!, ., .1 i IMf( Itn
, n 1 1. a aMim 1 rr ' .1 Mi m mv
H lw and U e I t ti, , s .
Ut i)t- lei il e f' 1 d Un ni' art
rveitt at lr Hh brh ae(p
Mi.- ibil'in lion f the Mai to male
tain the nail. mai dtg!) "' I""
form Motk a wilutelf nu
a J ! rfl-Mt tlif 1 11 !nn nf Ihe
Hpanlanlii from He .tern l.ettit-
, ,, ,, ,.,, . i ... 1 1
phero ami fli'lii ti e I'lilltpplim aivhb
. . .... , '
h legu, and Ui put a t ip tiitlif alrt I-,
tie which were the fomiunltaiit ol
Hhlb rule Uur 11 " navy ha doim
tplendld wul k -h ei formed deed
that will hlne with brlghtent lulr In
the aunaU of natal warfare. We have
had urgent need of 1 very 0110 of those
wiir veel which were completed tin
iler tin! admlnlali atlon of l'reidinl
IliirUiin and C'lvt eland. Tlioe final
lug forlrfKM' have made our It ig far
more repecled tbrouglioiil the world
than ItothcrwKi would have been.
The llo-ton I'iiot declaro that " we
have ofteu id, and cannot ray too
often, that no Catholic prlcut or lay
man nuikes a living by Insulting Prot
ectant. No Protestant mlnUter con
verted to Catholicity ever devote him
self to abusing his former corcliglon
lU He wo ild find it hard to get an
nudienci If he did." Tin) Pilot states
that which Is not t mc. What does
r'atber Phelan, editor of the Western
Wa'.chman, published at St. IjuU, do
but nmke u llvli g by Im-ultlng Pro'est
ants and iiria.hnmiit ng 1'rotei.tnnt-l-in','
Do not Uomnn ('ithullc prlekls
ai d layman read 11ml er j ly the West
ern WalchmiinV It l nnre than m at
and drink for the sai gulnary I'heUn
to pr'scrl ie a'l sorts of fnn tll 0 pun
I'liinents for imhi Catholics, H-j puts
In print that which every consist, tit
Roman Catholic, prist or layman, be
llev.! and practlc.
Probably wnne of you have heard of
Father John Williams. Well, John
never admired Thk Amkkican! It
was so ungentlemanly, you know. It
couldn't we that all the female virtue
In the world wa tied up In those black
dresses and bonnets worn by Roman
Catholic nun; an John took a fall out
of Thk Amkrican, and be basn't been
the tame man since. Recently we felt
called upon to expose a recent aborts
coming of the venerable Protestant
priest, who lament because he cannot
worship at the ome altar with the
Roman Catholic, and did It with our
usual regard for the truth. One of
John's friend saw the article and took
tho paper to the priest, who, wo under
stand, rend tho Item and' then re
marked: "I don't euro what that paper
says a'toiit me; no one reads it now "
Now, Johr, don't get rah,
Tb'i Chicago Kvenmg Post recently
had an c-diUirinl in which it moral ed
on the r-Minted fail ire of New York'
Tammany organization to elect a man
whom it could really control to tho
ofll m of President of'the United State.
The Kvi-nlng Post says that; " Host
Tweed hud hi hand In Congress, hit
creature In control at Albany, and
cherished the hope of landing a suit-
servient tool in the While House; but
the American people would have none
of Tammany. " There I one well-
grounded reason why, all along through
the year, "the American people would
have none of Tammany," and that I a
reason which the F.venlng Post ha not
mentioned, vl.; Tammany ha been
and i tbe obedient servant of the Ro
man Catholic hierarchy at tho F,st.
W. J. Orem, of Hiclley vllle, Kama,
and other of the Churc h of Cod, have
been holding a aerie of meeting dur
ing the past week in a large tent at
tbe corner of H'lrd street and A roc
Ave. In hi lecture Thursday evening
he gave the Mother of Harlots, the
Roman Catholic church, tome very
hard raps. He close hi lecture In
thl city Sunday morning. He would
be glad to meet all persons who are
InWresU'd In the word of Cod at that
time. All tcata arc free.
" Peace bath her victories no lea re
nowned than war." Perhaps John
! Milton never penned a trjer axiom.
t. m !) fl
II i i t. it. r t.n IN). W
It In nd a lr1 ll tf'l lh t.n.
R. H an IVI,.i!'i IVU ai ' 'V l
tnft'ng la Milaa.-k'n lh ftil, I"
iwhirhtip Mid. ue nf lhl lan.igi
I "We ae Mil t. live a Ami-i b a t'alli
itlli , but a t'alh'.lle t'a'hoid " la
nlhiT "i.fiU, In the Wonli'iif J'h !th,
I " . mth.itii frt end cilUee af-
nrard " I c, to pul II In plain Kn
" '
(i. h, "Ihi y will hr tbe iliiirch In
' '
nrpference Ui the taU ," To stt,. It
a the )i state It, "ehere law of
the tst iMindlct with the laws of the
church, the la of the church are to
he tinhcltatlngly obeyed.
Chief of Police Kipley of Chicago
has din bii'gcd one Patrick Ol' innor
from the force fur lit ixlcatinn. (ireat
heivens' ha it come to this, that a
Rnniaii Irishman can actually he re
moved from the police foicjuf one of
our great cities for any otTcnsc of which
ho limy have b. en found guilty? The
proverbial " li ll itwince " of the Paddy
policeman docs not up,iear to always
tile d him from tho punishment which
ascri ms breach of discipline deserves:.
A correspondent wrote to the Chica
go Kvenlng Post lo a'ertaln whether
Admiral Schley and Captain F.vans
were members of any church. The
published reply was that the families,
of the two gentlemen are Kplscopaliana,
but that It Is not known whether the
ivlmlral and the captain ure personally
church m rubers From which It
fctiiis fair to Inf. r that Hi Ither Schley
nor llviins is "a practical K muri (Vh
olio "
S 'vural hundred thousand resldi nt
of Cuba who are either Spanlada
01 who ife or s.ianisn cxtrac
traction may In the near future have a
chance to demonstrate their fitness for
citizenship In a depondencey of the
United States. If tolerably good citi
zen can be made out of teml-clvlllwd
Spaniard, the United State will have
fully demonstrated It ability to govern
people of alien race and alien religion.
On tho question of American "ex
pansion" the Mis ton Journal laconical
ly observe that: "Spain must give
up Cuba and the must give up Porto
Rico. She must do one thing more;
She must depart forever from the Phil
Ipplne," The majority of thinking
American will consider tbl position
sound, patriotic and humanitarian.
Spain' ( linnh Obligation,
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 21. -The Post
say Rev, John T. Murphy, president
of Holy C host college, thl city, rather
like Issue with Archbishop Ireland,
who in an Interview yesterday practi
cally said that the catholic church In
Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine
wa the only established church and
needed no aid outside of Itself. Father
Murphy exprcsse J I,)!! belief that the
United State will find It wise lo adopt
a liberal policy tcma'd the islanders
and assume all church obligation that
obtained between Spain and It colon
les. In other word. F.NDOW THK
done for the last 4(Ki year. The rev
erend gentleman say:
"F.ngland, tho greatest iiiC'cssful
coloni.lng power tince tho fall of the
Roman empire, found It the wisest pol
icy to accept the condition a it found
them and allow the people of the con
quered terriUiry all the rights they en
joyed before. It did It In Canada, In
dia and all of it other colonic. Other
power have failed because they tried to
force new cusUim upon the fieople
whose government they had over
thrown, . " -
Tbe Only Kail road to ( hleago,
With a Day Light Train: Ieavo
Omaha 0 40 A. M, every day
arriving at Chicago tho same
evening at 4:15 where close connec
tion are made with all line beyond.
Tbl train U fiO year ahead of the
Time and I proving Immensely
Popular with O.naba people.
Other flying train leave for
Chicago at 45 and 6:S5 p. M. daily.
City Ticket Office
1401 Farnam St.,
" The North-Western Line. "
1 in wis
l i-i H 1
A g 'n r, .,,! i! I , Ifc
II h lbs I t J t list K Hi.l h,
SI ) I ) .ttt fMi'li. & t'TItt
nil rf iii ), 11 ! lum lo II r fl
1 I t 1 p,l 11 as.l f.t M tlW-i-i r
i 1 1 it si i.n )n-i wit! na1, ' lie r. v
t 'an, ).( J.suM Krlst, h 1 li l.iul fat
liBH II Hi I.) Shi ) llMll Ills M Mailt
tl.lfif abb h m il shiirllv i- tns In p
hd lis sfnt i.l tftiinil II h) III
ai-f I until II it lensnt John who bar
rw-ird ol the Word of .1 and of he
I ilmofif id Jeu Christ, ami of all
the things h ." Now, It ! "the
rrv latlon of Jeu Chril" fromti -d to
(he servnts of Jiu which John say,)
same chapter an I the eleventh verse, i
hn wa commanded to "write In a hook"
the things which he saw. If wo are
n t ac.tepl John' testimony on
nil., lenul, then we mu-l accept his tes
timony upon all oint; In faet there
liaptnaliy attached, sie Ittve'atlnu
twenty-sec. mil chapter an 1 elghternth
and nineteenth verse, fjr adding 1 1 or
taking away from the revelation of
Jesus Chrli.1. While lll iKiok contains
a caution In the lail chapter, you will
find that It also contain a bloslng, see
It vu'ation, chapter I, verso II, on bim
'that rcadeth, and they that hear the
words of this prophecy, and keep thoe
things which are written therein; for
the time Is at hand." Tnen, with both
the blessing and the penalty in mind,
let 114 consider what John h ts writtea.
He says. Revelation, chanter I, verse
(: "1 wa In the Spirit on the Lord"
day." Then tbe L ird hm a day. (Jo
back to the first h.xik of t)e Hible, Hm
et i, tecond chapter mi l third verse:
"And ( id hi. sst d the seventh Uuy and
sanctlil d P; b'-cno-e that in it Hu hi d
releil from all His work hi.h O d
created and mail ." Now gi ovjr to
the twentieth chap'.er and tenth ere
of F.xodus: "Hut the seven' b dny Is
the Sabbath of the Lord thy (i -d "
In St. John' Oispjl, Crt chapver,
v -rses 1 to 15, you will find that Ji bih
is referred to as "The Word," and that
"The Word wa Cod." You will alio
find It ttated that "The Word was made
fl.ish, and dwelt among us," and that a
"many a received Him, to them gave
Ho power to becom 1 the ton of Cod,
(even) to them that hulleve (on) Hi
name." It I also stated tncre that
"All thing were ma'le by Him; and
without Him was not any thing made
that wa made" by Tbe Word ' In tne
beginning." After creating the heaven
and the earth ' God said let there be
Light: and there wa L'ght " (Oenetli
I .1 ) John ay, flrttchaptcr, that Tbe
Word which became fleth wa tho true
Light of the world, and that "H-j wa
In the world, and tho world was made
by Him." St John, I 10 ) "And God
made two great lights; the greater
light to rule the day, and the leer
light to rule the night; he made the
slurs alo And C id t them In the
firmament of the heaven Ut give light
upon tho earth, and t' rule over the
day and over the night, and to divide
tho light from the darkness; and Cod
aw that it was good. And tbe even
Ing and tho morning were the fourth
day." (Gun. PI'S It'.) Then If Jesus
who was Tho Word made all things,
and that "without Him was not any
thing made," then He made the
day-Ho made all tho dayHe made
the Seventh a well at tbe First, and
He "blessed the Seventh day and tunc
tilled It." In Number rour we ex
plained fully the meaning of the word
"sanctified" to It will not be necessary
to go over that ground again; we will
only say It I "to et aside for sacred
uses; to make holy." 80 Juus, "The
Word," who created all thing, and
without whom was not any thing made,
made and consocraUid the Seventh dsy
which God later gave to Israel a Its
S.ibbiith. commanding as well that
they keep It holy, a that they should
labor lx days. We have already
quoted G id law In full, o It will not
be necessary to return to It, but If you
will turn to Deuteronomy, chapter l'J.
verc 1 and 2, you will read: "At that
time the Lord said unto mc Moses
hew ye two table of stone like unto
the (irst, and come up unto me into the
mount, and make the an ark of wood.
And I will write on the tabic tbe
word that were on the first tables
which thou brcakest, and thou
put them In the ark." And In the
fourth verse of the fcamc chapter Moses
i A I Ms -.v Ut ' a
.srtOlsf A Mr t ( !! Ik
-was.! I I '-! "
M rt ) 4 U. W ,.! t 1 lJ l w '
. f I ts l .i . I M' '-
' I h I . I ( PrSl i.l. 1
l.s , ,1, Mat .s, 1 f V t. t
It Maidl ' Ti ink t llial I 1
r shs let Jer,.f Us ) ft h pM'p
ft I am a rums In tletln.y. bul tt
1 P is y I l iinWl f .111, U'l
btat.a anii rank pa, tRi 1 t or en
lltl' sha'l la an wis t frem Iba
, trial bi 1 1 ni ) Vhn ",
Iherrfore, shall brt-ak one ef thrs lal
enmani)mnts, and tl.all teach tn
11. h t sla I b 1 alt J ih least In the
k ngdi.m of keavva. but whosoever
hall do and teach them, tha
shall be railed great la the kingdom of
Lt ut now go to the thirteenth and
fiiurlre.ntb verse of the fif'y-eighth
chapter of Isaiah. There we read 'If
t iou turn away thy foot from th 1 sh
hath, from doing thy pleasure on MY
HOLY DAY; and call the Sabbith
a delight, the holy of tho Lird, honor
able; and shall honor him, not doing
.lilne own ways, ror finding thine own
p eaur, nor icaklng mine on
words; then thalt thou delight thyself
in the Lor J; and I will eau4e thee ti)
ride upon tin high placet of the earth,
and feed thee with the heritage of
Jacob thy father; for tho mouth of the
Lord hath spoken It."
Now If you will go back to the seven
teenth verse of tbe eleventh chapter of
Revelation the Revelation of Jesu
Christ you will see that "the dragon
was wroth with the woman the true
church and went to make war with tho
remnant (what is left J of her teed,
MI". NTS OF GOD, and have the tet!
mo'iv of J..-sus CbrUt."
M Jch more could be submitted to et
tablish the cla'rn that the bca-t had
th'iufbt to change the Lord's Sahba'.b
from tbe Seventh t') Sjndav th Firt
day of the week, bu', in tplte of man'a
Httemp. to change it, w; find the la-t
aiKHt'c who writes to tho servsntt or
1 hlldren of G d, apeak of tbe remnant
of God's people who keep the command-
men,s of God. And he wrote more
than V) year after the crucifixion and
resurrection of Jesus, ani no man who
ha read and studied thl subject care
fully will say that the disciples changed
the Sabbath to commemorate the res
urrection of the Savior, for Jesus Him
self a?s In the last chapter and the
fourteenth verse, "Hlesied are they
that DO III commandment." WeM
John speaking those words would refer
to the new commandment given to the
world by Jesiji.hut as Jesus Is speaking
the blessing I to those who keep Col'
If the above extract from God'
Word do not make the Sbbath que.
lion clear to you, It would hi usele to
attempt to make It plain, o we will not
hi'ue the question, bo, leave it as God
h is stated it.
I am not your judge. I have not a'id
will not say you cannot hi saved unles
vou aicept my Interpretation of the
Hlble, You and yoir God wl'l have to
settle the thing finally, and that,
too, at no very remote day,
The nsxt article will be devote ) to a
study of the prophecy of Daniel, twenty-fifth
vers) of the seventh chan'or,
"and he shall think to change time."
I'ope Appears In Public.
London, Aug, 21. The Daily News'
Rome dispatch says: Tho pope held a
reception today in celebration of the
feast of bl patron saint Glocchlno,
Nearest the pontiff stood the cardinal
who were first Ut express the warmest
felicitation on hi recovery. Then
followed tho patriarchs, archbishop
and lesser clergy, Knight of Malta
and the. diplomatic body, The central
figure Loked much more shrunken und
feeble than ever; the effoct, of course,
being heightened by his pure white
robes. His voice has failed percepti
bly, although It Is still clear and pene
trating. This, however, did not pre
vent the Issue of the official report
from the Vatlcad stating that the poiaj
Is In vigorous health. Several hun
dred telegrams were received by the
aged (Hintlff from abroad, the most Im
portant being those from the F.rnperor
of Austria and tbe young King of
Spain, who Is bis god-son. The latter
was In most affectionate terms, asking
once more for the apotitollc dcnedictlon
for his suffering country.