V ') IK U 1 II v I i I J N I 'MM! THE AMERICAN. ' , i v lhlV M V'M I b v. i vni BLOODY ROMAN CATHOLIC SPAIN. History H.n Simply K'ir.t nl llsilf In Cul, to the Disr.uc f Spain. athr (nififiil, It.'iitHl ami Hung I p 1 hat 1 lielr Te Itan I j 1 nm linl I he l.rniisil, 1 1n ii (ill Hum Into I'loret. Wl'h Their wttd. In tin' Angust Forum there is a very lii.tr. ic Ivp article tnt.to d "The Kepo titlrn if History In Our Vr with ripa:r.'' written hy S. I.. Thuriow, Fol oi- lng are a few cxt- act therefrom: Scaln baa been the i ruel oppri ssor of mar y peoples History lit full of her crime. It record how Philip II. con demned three million Netherlands to dcatn; wishing they hud but one neck, that he might exterminate them all at a slrgle blow. It tell of the expulsion- the exterml union, almost of the Morlscos, early lo the seventeenth century. Through the active instrumentality of the Holy Inquisition tbete people had. of course, all been '.'convert d." Still there re nalied harassing doubts as to their slccerlty. Among the many minor persecutions to which they were sub jected, tby were forbidden ti indulge In tbelr national amutvmi nti or to wear the national amusements or to wear the national dren. Tbey were a cleanly race, and bad numerous public hatha. At bathing was heathenish cuitom, these hatha were all destroyed, at were t.in the hatha In the private toiler Finally, in mi it was resolved, by the advice of the bishop, to expel what wan left of the Moorish people. A the Archbishop of Valencia put It, In a me norlal to Philip HI: "All the disasters that had befallen tte n.oriarchy hud been iaued by the prertnee of thtso unbelievers, whom It wan now neco'tary to root out, evt n as David had don- .o the Philistine and Saul to the AmaU kites." There wan no toe difference of opinion a to methods. The Archbishop of Va lencia, for Instance, thought that children under siven yean of age need not share In tie general banUr merit, but might, without danger to the faith, he M parattd fr m thir parents, and kept In Spain. Hut the Archbishop of Tolulu a opposed to this; being un willing, he aid, "to run the risk of having the puie K ar.lsh blood polluted by Infidels." And h-j declared that "sooner than leave one of the unbelk-v em to eorrup the land, he would have, the whole of them men, women, and ehi dreri at or,ec put to the word." lif this if let of I'hlllp. It Is climat ed that a million of the rr.o"t industri ous Inhabitants of hiain were hunted like w ild beasts from their home, slm- p'y 'ireause the sincerity of thi'lr "ion Version" was doubted. Tol.lng painfully to the coast, thou and of Moilco with murdered on tin way, or diid from expo-uro uni) starve tloi; f. r 'O tin I d by a cruel und Itr ane ft na' Iclmi wen: the hi ru id ttn jieop e of that i landfill ag'i ai d coun try, ilii t. ti.iy could ri fum; to glvu to th-f ii.liiii U litt'e hi a cup of cold ituti.r I If tl on' who n m:ln d tin: Colit aii'i ' in in ki d to til- to Africa, mm y t t.: tu.t;l,eru) by it.i: hpariUh cn;, who rvihcii t!,".' woii.eii, and threw the i U lii r n into ihe - ; h riinniiiit only '.: oliig u ii I! tfi.n y .o i-l. Tl.i. n- the tork I;'!, un in the. re.,'1. i-l I'eidii utiii uni I -H' el ii, i.'oin- .!i t'jl, 'i t e liit ii' tie? loi,'' A it h dr. vi ii fn.iii il.c lieruiii pi nin-uiii A i c .i ii'iil t (.'li'in h mi I 'ut', it null, er .ei, h ni i-i n niiu n towi.rd th! nili. of H ..in in I'liture I'.c-i: Mnin'iH wi r ut thif. t'n;e fr '..pMinr Id their di:- 1.-1101111 'K I li'i: 1 n i-i nl da . anil were UiMht th'! m.i.V rK.lied uiti-ili- In 8, ii. Ai farnit rf, anii :. i cUl.y 1 1 uui.u'a-.turera of U x ! c and other fan j i., they were un q jailed In Kuropo, id" V.' ' ... , . . iS: ' Tbey had established numerous factor- leu containing thouiand of looms at Seville, Toledo, and other place. All theae Induatrlea were wiped out at a blow, and whole dUtrlcU laid waste, which to thin day have never been re peoplid, except by bileanda. That 8 pain persecuted the Jew mercllomly, goea without taylng. There are othur alleged Christian nation, however, who have friquently vleJ with her In that "ploun" work, even down to the prenent time. A for the SpanUh dona temHolven, but two vocation In life wc.ru powlble the army or the church. All other occupation were regarded with supreme contempt. In the old cathedral of Granada iitand the tomb of Ferdinand and fhubella. The traveller of today may read there on an Inscription, of which the follow ing la a truncation: "To the Most Catholic Don Fernando and Dona Isabel, King and (Jueen of Spain, of Naplea, of Sicily and Jerusa lem, who cor q tiered th! Kingdom and brought It back to our faith; who con quered the Canary I1am!s and the fn die, whocrushd heresy, (Xii)ll"d the Moor and Jew from these realm, and reformed religion," In thin epitaph wo find the key lo Kp;tnlsh history, to the cause which led to tbn downfall of a great empire. A the ago pass, the mitrvol will grow t.tmt nu b hliloiiu crime hoti'd havo b en co niiiltti'd In the namn of religion. Hut the mo.t awful part of Spain's record I that made up by her own bi torlan, La Casit, a Spanish prlent, who h ! ft a full account o' the oceu patlon tl thft West Ir lib s, and i spe o a'lyof Cuba. Thl work ha bum but n'ci'iitly translated. The nitlves of t he-e 1-lnrds, unlike the Hi ree North American Indians, wetn u gi-n'lu and pi.".o:i ful rae ; leading llfo if A read Inn simplicity, hdI u-'iiining tncm selviM, alirio-! w'tboit. htiior, by the spun iiri'-ons liri.i! hi t nf that gard n- pot of t! p em- h. T' '! hi'lp'i'- r,ii: 'K coiiinlc'i-ly i: xti-i'inimit.'H In !" s tiia.) thirty years, und lu rro i-ltviry ni'i-titi.teil. Thu wits Introd d in tbi fr.'O wtrtcrn hvili!i ri a fal-o h'nl wli-Ki'd ss!.iin, fin- ti.e p, ' pe'.i a inn of WbU li o.ir own givut. Ui-puMIc has bi-i-n i.vlle.l to a 'earful a-.'' ii in' : (xp'u.i i.' tloi -in In the bl'iml ' her un u-i.l at a c.n-t, of i'iitol'1 millions. S .me of I'm a'.ativii-'nW of I.'V- ("Hi- i haroly teiir nciul. and would m;i mi increci ible, were it Kot fo. the aJdco ll(;it, thro n en tt.c Spanish t hai acier by recent tveuts in Ciia. i'ho unfo -tuna'e t atlves were divided among the V v 1 Still Clamoring Span! ardi by a "repartlmlento" (an al lotment) of ilavci o many slave to ao much Und. There being an abun dant supply of labor, and Indian lives being considered of no value, It was considered cheaper In the cultivation of certain of the crops to work ao In dian to death undor the lavh and re placo him with another, than to give him any care. When they rebelled, as they naUral'y did occasionally, they were murdered by tho hundred, burled alivu, Impaled, or torn to pieces by bloodhounds, On one occasion, In re taliation for thu killing of one of their oppressor, the hands of fifty Indians were chopped off by tho Spaniards. Little children were drowned like pup pic, a useloiis Incumbrance. L'i Cam writes thus of "the ming ling of religion Idea with theshetrcHl deviltry," Ho says that once, in honor and reverence of Christ and Ills twelve Apostles, they hanged thirteen Indians In a row, at mcli a height that their toi s just touched thu groun 1, and then picked them to death with their sword point-: taking caro not to kill them too quickly, and llrst gagging them, In or der that their cries and groans should not too much disturb the Spaniards. A lnvorltu Hiiiusomcrit wa a test of tholr Toledo Made by deciding who could in oi I i eatly cleave an Indian In twain ut a single blow. "KcparUml into" then, "rec.om entrado" now, the insult Is thu same-i-xli rinlniUlon. In that "I'eat l of thu Antilles" w h'ch Spain ha worn so proudly; which rhti ha M'l sadly misruled, she la at last to Hie) her Netnei-ls. For the murder of her on people, for the blood of thor, slaughtered millions of long a-n, the turrlbli! cry of wl o-1 stilTVr.ng will not b stilled, bot tomes ruining down Ihroilcb the centuries, ll Just re'rli'u tlon Is ut hand. Great a I. a been the ptiiih li nit ut, of Spain, the end Is nut jet. For"allh what mcuMiri! yo mete, it ihali bo mea-io'ei) to you aaln," Ki.tniivi d from lis home envi, o-. 'ii- nl to far ill-Uiiil i.iii Is, luul liiHiiglil und' r thulnlluei.cn of a better civ ii ;.' Ion, the spunish i:harc:r is mo. I if) u; i.i -com'iig n.'ir" cni-rgeilc, ln mb-r n.ii d t-d , nun e toll rant . ,i.t',irlv many .tnei !--tn travu'h ri who have v.s te.i M.'x'.o hav; -k 11 in i-i lhii-,ii in tc.i-nis of llio r ! ii-.-n-of tio' p'lV"1 tlicy ,u ij ina'dn.". and '.bey tell i .- nf tlu' i. r.i't wo"k ac ieii ;rlii(l hy ti eir in ' I re-iii..T I of tln.lr grard. t'u'ir magnificent country. Indeed, w ' sc.Mn ' be g-ttinjr q't.tc pri . ! of cv.r s'.ster icpi. Jic. V ,t the Mexicans u-cof the tame Spanish stock a. t VV'. Ur. a. t for the Children. that has shown Itself capablo of such crimes against civilization and hu manity as those of which I have writ ten. Hut they are now free men, have been for several generations, and are 'earning to make good use of their freedom. We also hear tho shallow assertion that the downtrodden Cubans are an Igiioraitllul.uiifH lo govern themsclver. Perhaps they are; but they are what centuries of oppre.slon have made them. Forty years ago Th imas Ilucklo, In hi remarkable ' History of Civiliza tion, " wrote: "A Spain Is this country where what I conceive to be the fundamental con ditions of national Improvement have been most flagrantly violated, so also shall wo find thai It Is the country where the penalty paid for the viola tion has been most heavy, and where,, therefore, It Is most Instructive lo as certain how the prevalence of certain opinions causes the decay of the po if lo among whom thi y r dominate," Thu fiery ordeal of battle Is again throwing a search-light on the Spanish character; and we can sea what th In tollecUiHl suppression of generations of men does for them. In Spain Irqulry and freedom of thought have always been systematically discouraged. Tho Spaniard have had little parlor tnl- r est In the mai'nHli ent achlcvi mnnt of modern science, A o ile 'i supprea.i d ami ii u i iri sed, so stunted menu'!, can ol produce the bet ml i or, sold iern, mere linn t or iiiecririlc. A Snuiple NcH-pnpir l)iliiliui nf Anil lllOlllllllsls. The prtillminitri. s for pe'ico had on'y b'gun whet sevcrul nuUanees that t il l he, ii Invisl'ih) in war !i"Hed Inlo tho iMiiU'c and bt.'caiiic lnvlncibli In iicaep, Tiiat. oranl.ullon of amlabbt Idiots known a the In'crnni'oiial Feaco As sociations Is claiming recognition and making o' it-elf a -plendld n..is ancn by Ul' ihi :ng ilk" a l it o' gr tnilaiiics In icat'ers that n i lire thi atl'iitloi of v Igor. ill in 'li. Wo !) .inl I i ' t ' of i Ics j p o,.!e while lio.iiliti, .,-.i j,'Oing or. ' i M'njit .ing that some o' tlie i tn ) , l i- sent i era k l'i'.t'n"il yiun; woma'i to i Madrid lo so the qu-en n-gi nt aid ar ! range I f peai-. Wo will hoar of them J now, never fear. Another i.u's nice is ' the b..nd n' patrb-ts known as A. I1. A.'s who are handed t.'Vi llc r o-icesihly to orote t the courtry and tli fond the lit tic red -chool ho iso-. Thi s ; wort iics did nut go to t!. war When the caii was i laac tor wnm''i" li. v did nut ' respond. They had lost no Spaniards v VI C . , -a1- :' and did not promise to look for any. They hid out. But they are coming back. With the destruction of the Spanish navy and Indications of an early peace, they ventured forth again, Tha first of these asses to bray was a brainless bigot nccr Annapolis, Dur ing one of his pulpiteering exercises he took occasion to assail the govern ment, In thu severest, term beeansi) It had treated Admiral Cervera and his fellow prisoners with that considera tion so becoming to chivalrous victors, Tho reason given by thl pu!ant non combatant was tha', the Spaniards were catholics ard lhal th y should be treated like bi at of the fle d. Much sentiments at pressed In a pulpit are a dlsgracu to religion and a disgrace te human nature I'eop'e can eao his church and refuse to listen to such vul gar ranting, but they can not escape belonging to the same species with this ccclesla Ileal quid nunc, The last can didal" for long-eartul fame Is a patriot who feels outraged because a certain stamp lsued hy the government has the likeness of the Illustrious pero Mar quette on It. Some time since a few of these rancous-volced goose-gabblcr rose up In wrath nccauso on.) of the states had sent. In lo the pantheon ut. Washington, as It contrlh"tlon to the ail treasures of the place, a statue of this Intrepid exiilon-r and missionary Man(i i-'te's sta'u' In Washington, It was urn in d would t iril ev. ry little red si hool house In the country topsy-turvy I an 1 place the pop of Home In the White, tluus'. It was thru hoped that this delightful cult had exhausted Ms supply of alnlnlty, but In this the country was sadly disappointed. The cry now is against the appi-armi ; of the courterfoll presentment of the von (rabbi padre's face on a stamp for tho reason that he was a foreigner. if coursi! the real reason I ber.ui-e Mar quelle belonged to a o trticular church, but the fclinw hal decency enough to bo a banted of hi- -i-Mlnimi anil llo curious i-ouni,'!' to l.e abo.it It and 'it It on the gi-oond that. hU ohj-ctioiis were hand upon the id, a lint! the much vciiera'ed p'ni.eei' a a foreign i r If wc are to hou.ir only the a it.n h thorn s we will have a g"i d many mon um nls to tour down aid a goo I many to erect In the memory o' the now ncg. looted Ind'ao chiefs, Atec',s aid MoU'ui hulldcs When p- ro Mar quetie was pi-ni'tratlng the trackio-s forests and cspioi'lng the Misiippl r,-i r carrying the light of the (ioscl and the seeds of civilization to the Ury savages almost every white man In thai ps I ! I! ii"'ii for ilgtrr Th. lo n Amril aiiS ilof, tiof for iil' ki '.. ,1, tat sle tbl tV-'f sien- I nfclib o-d (nlt. Ills rf . t 'll anltl , !! lli-stbifl anl rrllglon arc r al a thoe of any insn In Mtoiy lh nnintry, and hla U it no sleep la .. onp of Ihemsgnitbi ! Isk.-s ahich lie l"ic I nl e I Wobsl l,...dbt the slliikiPg cooaidice di-pUjfil by the-o vein no ii. v trie's il n-lng the tr isi.uhl shaiio Hem Into sllt'iic eter a'li r, I ut It s, ems that we am ti hme ihein as KHin as mhoi peace I reslnied. It Is s i ki lling to s in -ll made In tho Imai'o of their cicator so iiioi a ly del o in" I aid m in.dly hide- mi t slltian wa a rrineo t nnriiiing In comparison --Motuph'. Commercial Appeal. nillthe Tl tests ( laliii II Was Patriotic (on ne it: A considerable numbi r of distin guished Catholic dlgnl'arli a are n tho city. Their presence hero has aroused curiosity, not to say alarm, In certain circles which froth at tho mouth every tla e there la a cathollo council any where In the United Stale, and partic ularly In Washington. Those digni taries are very busy, and SKKM TO II A V K A (JURAT DUAL OF HU3I NKSS WITH HIGH OFFICIALS ara WITn OTOEIt I'FOl'LF. OF I.. FLUKNCE. Their Industry glvea rise to the claim that they are trying to "MAKE THEMSELVES FELT" IN Til E CUEATION OF A I'EACE COMMIHSION," so that It may DEAL GENTLY WITH CATHOLIC IN TEHEST8 IN CUHA, I'OUTO UICO and tha PHILIPPINES. It would not be criminal If this were true, for the Scripture tells us to look after our own first. The Review of Hevlowa, which , Is rated a a publication of the most careful and conservative sort, stated In a recent Issue that M,000 000 of the funds of the catholic- church was In vested In Spanish bonds, for the pay ment of which Cuban revenues were pledged. This would account for the worldly roricern which the high ofllclala of the church are showing In the com position of the peace commission. The church Interests are heavier In tho Philippines, however, than ai ywhero else; Agulnaldo claims that his and previous Insurrections were directed not so much again, t the Spanish gov ernment a to OVF.UTllUOW THE "MONASTIC TYIIANN V'whlch ha long been In control of tho Islands, and whose exactions upon the natives o ulatlon havo b en most oneroua Washington special to Chicago Even ing Post. The Ni hriisl.it Kepiihlli an llnhi mlan-Jrw Ho Ihi latcil That I -( cut Stamp. A number of letters have been re ceived a' the post' 111 !' departinnnteorii plaining of one of th Omaha exMisl tlon stamp-, It I one bearing the llg urn of Fattier Ma-q't-tl" In his canoni cal robes The A. P. A. U 0'ol a! Ijf at rung In its denunciation of this selec tion to adorn one of t t o stamps, and tho third assistant pu-tma tar general, who ha Immedlatil.v charge of the stamps, I accused of being res onsible "for this outrage main Americanism. " The selection of deigns for the stamps wa made by tho third assistant post masn r general after due con-deration, Ho though Father Marquette repre sented a erlod in the history of tho west Hud without ihlt k i g of hi creed rt commended the dc-lgn. Postmaster ( ii tioi-nl iary at the time looked over the tli n gus, and ho, lot'. 1 1' ought tho Maiquoito stamp well lei-tod. Neith er of thi so g' i tii un ii Is a Catholic and It 1 siid tl at 'he ill -U'ii ( riglnate.d with llili'i.r Koea'cr, t f tho Omaha I if, slin l sl-si s I'rioi s'anl. Wash- ' ingten, I). C , Timey. I - i Out of U w n Alio deans when visiting Omaha can save mo'ov ami got a pic s act room by applying at thi olll-ti. Kiiom can bo secure 1 in advance by de- Xlsit of $ I Truth la alwaya ready to go to war; error will run at the first opportunity.