The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 12, 1898, Image 6

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Ihm l it-.-l . nl l"lt a Ho.
HM IMiluMi..
ttelr4 IHurHJ
lUl.)w, IS a tn firs.
Ft'r t'l-n. m .v I'" '' ''"
Mir pfi.fl l t , 1m unit m
Hlttilr In v 't.M '.
MotMtf l """
'f '.( '! If (IIOlll.C ttf
MeesaliiaUiii ,.f I'm. ..!.( I lli'oln,
kl. h ate put I' f"Mlul in tlie bin
tawtes if I p i'Piio"l st.1 . ! fur
Ikat latii' ilal1e l (, 1 v
-1 mi I i. lull fana-Han IT tlHh,"
al4 be Ui tin n iit r, ' mi l lHi
la Kaiiivsil.ii. I'miinU, In Ui. Hlh
eg ttj parrlit i ll' Catlinlli . Slid I
u, of course, luoiiRlit up In thsl
taJUi. From a very esrljr age I was
eettnet fur the rlnttnK).t, nd my
elareiion was cutiilurtetl lth that nut
ejwaya In view. Having beer, ordaln
4, I arose rry raililly In th rsll
teattnn of tny religious superiors aa
vail a In popular favor, ami was soon
looked upon an one of t h moat prom
ising members of the Canadian priest
hood. Mr work In the reuse of tern
Mrenre bronchi mo Into special prom
bieare, ami I bream widely known
ail over Canada, ami, Indeed, In the
Catholic dumb everywhere.
"In 1R51 Catholic bishops and clergy
rora all over North America met In
asjcret conclave at lliirTalo, N. Y and
fear the question waa discussed, and
It u decided to eeUe the cltlca of
North America for the Catholic
hurch. Tha plan adopted waa to
Ming Catholic emlgrante from Kurope
! sufficient number to gain control
f the city governmenta by popular
Tata. Tha attempt waa carried out to
ana eitent, and waa aucceaaful at
Mat In New York. It waa partlcu
Urly tha denim of tha church to get
tvseaeaalon of tha arhool fund In tha
arloua fltlea In ordpr to use It for
tha benefit of Catholicism. Tha writ
remembered struggle for tha expulsion
t tha Hlble from tbo public schools
fa Cincinnati In 1S70 waa tha out
growth of the action of tha conclave
to 1861.
"At this same conclave 1 waa assign
ed to go to Illinois with s band of
French Canadian Catholics and to
found s colony or coionlea. Colonists
also came from France, and early In
1G3 I founded my colony at fit. Anne,
Kankakee county, III. A chapel or
thurch was built, and wa had a con
gregation of about fiiiO aoula.
"In 18&8, after aevrral yrars of
Study and ninny trlnla, I determined
t leave tha Church of Rome, whone
octrlnea I no longer believed. It waa
on Battinlny evening t tint I reached
any final determination, and the next
morning I went Into the pulpit and
told my congregation of the atep I
waa about to titke. and my renmina
After talking to them for Iwo boura
I put the mutter to a vote, and all but
fifteen of my 300 pnrlehlonera ex
preened their Intention of following
m. Tnla action, when It became
known, created no little excitement all
over the country. About a year later
wa Joined the Chicago I'reabvtery. and
afterward the Canadlnn Pnabytery
to which wa atlll belong.
"Previous to this Abraham Lincoln
had defended me when I waa proee
uted by the church, and when, sums
time sfter our withdrawal from the
r hurch our colony waa theatened with
destruction from famine, be came for
ward and for our benefit delivered a
lecture, In which he denounced the or
der of the Ji'Hulla with tha greateat
boldness. This made our former
friendship sll the stronger,
"In 1802 g Canadian Jsxtilt priest
was converted through my teaching,
nd from Mm I first learned of g plot
vf thst order to SKsnNlnste Mr. Lin
coln. He told me thst the plot wss
rst laid In MAI. I went st once to
Wsshlngton, snd In s conference with
Mr. Lincoln warned him of wlmt I had
learned. He told me thnt ha was al
ready Infoimed of the matter by Mr,
ftsmuel I II, Morse, the telegraph In
ventor, who had hesrd It by chsncs
while In Rome. Mr. Morse wss not g
"About year afterward ! convert
d another Jesuit priest, who had ab
solutely no knowledge of any other
convert, and by him I was told the
same story, I again went to Wash
ington and warned the president.
After the assnsslnntlon, while I was In
Ban Francisco, another Jesuit prlent
gave me, for a third time, Identically
the lams account of the plot In the
order against the president. While I
waa leeklng Information In regard to
the crime I met the Rev, F, A. Con
well, of Chicago, who related tbt fol
lowing: "Ninety mllea northwest of fit, Pajil,
Minn., la the little village of Ht.
Joseph, settled by Romsn Cathollea,
nd with g college for ths education
of priests. On the 14th of April, 1885,
at 6 o'clock In tha afternoon, two men
drove op to the village hotel; one was
the Rev, F. A. Conwcll. cbsplsln of
the first Minnesota regiment and the
other was Horace P. Dennett, of 8t
Cloud about ten miles eastward,
While Mr. Dennett was attending lo
the horse In the barn the landlord, J.
H. Llnnemnn .who haa charge of ths
friary, and was purveyor for the
prieata, told Chaplain Conwcll that
President Lincoln and Secretary Sew
rd were assassinated. And when
Mr. Dennett returned from the barn to
the tavern the landlord reiterated the
statement to both his guests.
"This was not later than 6:30 p. m.,
ud tha assassination of Lincoln did
Mt occur till about 10 p. m. Allow
ing; for the difference In time between
tc Joseph and Washington the news
reached 8t Joseph at least two hours
wfore It occarred.
"The two men make affidavit of the
fMd, sworn to September 6, and Oc to
wer 18, 1883. Landlord Llnnsman,
orreyor for the priests, refuses to
', . !
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(.'nliUr l Slid rticntrd t J lit p I'S'S
lie Hull .l.tfi , rt Iniiti Hid l lil cun
nul ihi-ir nllkinii Nnh t Ih il"
nine nf ib ',iihiln- flninh tt
I.lKHuit m
' ll i ffteii niiire ti the gluiy of
liiwl Slid the gm1 I'f our Iti-lshlMir to
tmintil mil ii llHluiis full Ii a beii
we lite among luietim we csn more
esully do them gimil III lhat sy, or
if by ib'ilarlng our rrllufnli. e rsuse
wniie iiiHtiirbsiice or dentin, or evrn
mrstn of the tyrsnt.' Llguorl
1 beoloKlA. II 3 I
"lr. Mudil, at whom place llooth
stopped In his fltsht, Mi l Cut hollo
slid so wss (Inrrett, In whoe barn
I loot h was killed.
"After Hie murder Fsther Clilnlrjiiy
went lo WnxhliiKlnn In 1IikuIh. lie
found that the Ititliience of Kotue st
the rspltnl was almimt supreme. The
only statesman who diired to face the
netnrlous Influence of Home wss (ten,
linker. Hut several other statesmen
confesHed thai without doubt the Jes
uits were at the bottom of Hie plot;
and sometime this would appear so
clearly In evidence before the mili
tary tribunal that It waa feared It
could not be kept from the public. Mra
Hurratt waa a Cthollc, and her house
was the common rendexvous of the
"Hooth, the assassin himself, wss
confirmed In this very city of Ilaltl
more. He waa but the tool of the
Jesuits. He wss taught by them that
the pope had called Jeff Davie his
dear aon, and had taken the aouthern
confederacy under bis protection. He
was taught thnt Lincoln wss an apos
tate, that be bad been baptised In the
Catholic religion, hnd rebelled against
it and broken bis oath of allegiance to
the pope. He waa taught that It was
bis religious duty to slay this Infa
mous enemy of his church. .
"Compare other murders known to
have been plotted and executed by
Jesulta with this one and you will
And that they resemble each other as
one drop of woter resemblea another.
Compnre the last hours of the Jesuit,
Itiivallliic, the assassin of Henry IV.,
who absolirtely refused to repent,
though suffering the most horrible
tortures on the rack, with Hooth, who,
with an nnset broken leg, the bone al
most puncturing the flesh, writes in
his daily memorandum: 'I can never
repent, though we bated to kill. Our
country owed all Its troubles to htm
(Lincoln), and (lod simply made me
the Instrument of his punishment.'
"I found thnt the Influence of Rome
wss almost supreme In Washington,
Heveral of the government men with
whom I conversed (old me that they
had not the least doubt thnt the Jesu
its were at the bottom of the crime
They were afraid to let the crime
come out lest the priests should be
implicated, and In the event of their
execution they knew that riots, blood,
fire and devastations must follow, and
these the country, In Its then divided
stale could not sustain."
Evading kcal Issues.
The weakness of the case of thoaa
who are vigorously opposing the Im
migration restriction bill i shown
by their persistent refusal to meet
fairly and squarely the real and es
sential Issue Involved In the proposal
of an educational test for new arrivals
The protest of the German societies
of Chicago and of ths league recently
organized In New York, ss well as
the arguments advanced In congress
by am h men as Senator Caffrey, deal
with but one aspect of the problem,
They harp upon the obvloua and ad
mitted fact thst Illiteracy Is not al
ways and necessarily a sign of vl
clousness and Incapacity, and Indulge
In Irrelevant emotional appeals to
principles which no friend of the edu
cational test dreams of surrendering,
Thnt Immigration has done much
for the development of the country Is
not questioned by any sane , man,
Thnt It can and will do still more Is
equally beyond dispute, Thst an edu
cational test If applied htvidrrd or
even fifty years ago, would have
barred out thoueanda of worthy, use
ful and desirable citizens, to the great
detriment of the country, la also
readily and cheerfully conceded. Why,
then, urge considerations that have
absolutely no besrlng upon the ques
tion we are railed upon to aettle here
and now?
What la this easentlal queatlon?
Rlmply this, whether or not the coun
try needs a rest from the work of ab
sorption and assimilation Imposed by
a practically unrestricted Immigra
tion. Today we only exclude paupers,
criminals, diseased persons and con
tract laborers. If we need no further
restriction In the Interest of the
American standard of wages and liv
ing, the educational teat Is Indeed un
neceasary and Improper; but those
who admit that present restrictive
measures are Inadequate are bound to
supply better and fairer test than
that of ability to read and write, a
test so perfect ss to exclude wll un
worthy applicants and admit all
worthy ones. The champlona of the
Immigration bill recognize that here
and there Injustice would result, but
they most emphatically deny that any
great number of desirable Immigrants
would be shut out or that the law
would stop Immigration. Are not the
labor organisations better authorities
on the need of further restriction than
the societies now fighting the Lodge
bill T Chicago Evening Post
, ii. ' i i i in
Tea, wo hare plenty of this Issue.
We can fill your order. Ten for 10
crate; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $1.00; 100
tat 17.60; 1.000 tor $10.00.
a r a imv. ti i a
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uli Vttii-tt'lt i. i l,'mli nl )M..f iiiii
ililtll ttt.v fit nt.!l!lt Ii, itirt Ihn ..ti,
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Miit anil ltim
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nil. hi t'l Atuilli mi i lilliltvn. lit he.i
Unlit null. m I'liiH-t-t HKiiliml tliti iiti
ilni Ititiltt .f niilniit't nf utiy tin-AiiiitI.
ihii i-i i Ii iiinin ill 'iii r mn oMUm vr
lutti h.K ttf itur tiiiliiit- m htMil.
Wit ctinilftiin ili nii'iiitt mil nf (
putiHo ltfoiit)r liy ittim I Riiiuiililiill
hi liy rulilrml nl at, itmimi .ilmul.
it'riirMiHtni f nf othir limiittiitiiii tint (iiii
oil mul fitiitriiOetl liv intlillti mil Imril y.
' Ili'llttMli Hint t rniilliitt Iriitn lni
Hull In inl nli'iil In h uriint nf 1 1 1 1 10
fiimu. ili iiiiiiiil thnt no rel or person
nl 'lii't-tty It rm ini'l (rum Imatmii. ihn
ml in ttliii Ii n iml H'lf l In tli ii itiiinnl
nr Hint Kiiveriinit'iit. ur In any of their
uli tin lulnim.
" n itit-Kt n a ti I no t Hi mlimnietit In
thtt t'tillnl HI ti I h in v . navy, ur tli
in I II 1 1 u nf any mala, nf anv ttcrann not an
ailiitil 1 11 lat'it ii f tha I in I til Htutva.
"Wa itrniHiiit fur the itrnteetlun of eur
rltlscn Intiuittr lha r I I L 1 1 1 1 i vf tha tin
iiirtiitliiii of iKiiiir Ulmr, and the re
atrlctliin of all hnnilgriitliin to pprntms
who en nnnt almw their alilllty ami hmit'ttt
inlrlitltiii tn lim oilltt aelf suppurlllig Aniar
Icitn clilst-na.
"Wa tlmiiand tha chanira of tha natural
thnrlslns tha niitiirallsutlon of minora,
wllhuiil a lirevluiia tlaclaratlon of liilt-n-tlun,
anil by .rovldlnK that no alien shall
ha nit turn 1 1 ant ur tirrnnttail to vuta In
any alal In tha union whit en nun! aink
tha laiiKiiasa of tha land, ami who can
not prove aaven yrura' ounaacutlva rail-ilmicr-
In this country from tlia data of
hla ftaclurallon of liitantlon.
"We prolaat asnlnat tha groas nM
(iiia uml lailty with which tha Juilhl
ary of our luml silinltilalar tha pranant
natiirallsallon lawa, ami asulnst the
practlca of naturahsliiR allena at the as
jmima of coimnlt tra or canillilutca as
lha moat prolllln anuria of Ilia tiraattiit
proatltutloii nf Amarlcsn cltlsenalilp to
lha Itaaeat uaea.
"Wa dttmaiul that himjiltala, aayluma,
reform (orlra, or nlhiT Inaiitutloni In
which inile sra under reniriilnt, ha at
all tlmaa aiilijet t to pulilln Itiaitecllon,
wliKilinr they are iiinliiliilne.l by (be tui
He or by private corporations or Individ
uitln. "Wa damned that all national or stnt
ieelalutlnn atTecilns linniiciiil, rotnmar
rial or Induatrliil iiiteranta da aenxrul In
clnirm'tur and In no InitlMiii In favor of
any on section of Ihn country, or any
on cluas of tha pfoplu."
I, The eonatltuilnn of princes are not
niiinrlor, Iml miliunliiiut to ecclnaiaKtl
cnl cotiallttilloii.
t. 'i h iuwa of tha miaror cannot 1U
olv lha ecclenlitHilral or cunuon laws.
S. It la not lawful for an emperor to
antict any tiling nupod to tha upoatollo
4, It la not lawful for kins ti usurp
tha llilnm Hint liclotig to prli-itla.
b. No cimioin of anyoiia can thwart the
Statute of Ilia pope.
. Let no realatMiice ha ofTereil o ths
aiiimtollc (cannoii) nai.ii, but let them
ha anlullferloiialy f u 1 11 H r. I .
7, 'l ha yok Imitoaril hy tha h'dv ara
lo ha horn, thotiuli It sppsur Intolgrnble
and liiii'iortiililn,
s. Th I'otmrt can neither h looned nor
hound hy Hi acculiir powar.
. That tha I'oiilirf wua enllad Clod by
tha pious I'rlnca t'onntMntliie, ami thut
a (Iml h cannot ha Juilunl aa tnitn.
II. Thnt a (lod ha la far aliova the
ranch of all human law and judgment.
11. Thnt all law contrary to lha can
ons and decree of ths Human prelates
ara of no force,
12. That all of tha ordlnnnea nf (hs
Tope sra unhrallntlnitly to ha olisyed,
i;l, Wa ought not even In ank to on
Whom th I'opa ha ex-coiuinuiilttttiail,
14. I'rlexta ar falher sod niastars,
even of prlucei).
1ft. Th civil Inw Is derived from man,
hut th" aecltialiialieal or canon Inw la da
rlvad directly from (lod, hy which the
I'll n I Iff can, In connection with hla pra
Inlae, mak cnnHiltutlona for tha whole
' It rial I h n worhl. In niators aplrlluitl, con.
cxriilns th anivatlon of aoula, and tha
right government f n, church; and if
nuifMiiry Judga snd tlmtioaa of sll th
ttntoral Kooda nf all Chrlellaria.
in, A heretic, holding or tem hlng falaa
doctrine coiicxrnliig tha aHcramaiita, la
urn iitiiinuiili'iitail mid iti-grmlml, and liaiid
d over to tha aeculhir court.
17, Macular prince unwilling to gwr
to defrnd th church ngaltmt hertllc
are emoinmunlcitad, and tlmy sr laid
under an Interdict.
I. The gnodN nf herllca era tn he con
flacated and nidilled to the church.
l!t. Advncnina or notaries, favoring
huretlca, or their defender, oe plfgillng
for them In law sulta, or wrlllng ilui u
luanta for them, are Infamous and sue
panded from office.
2o, Tim aecuhir owara, whether perms
imiit or fmiornry, are bound to awear
that they will eilarmliiate, accnrdliig to
their power, all heretic condemned hy
the church, and a temporal lor I not purg
ing hi land of hsretica, I excoiiiiiiunl
rated. il. Thnaa signed with the croaa for tha
entermlonllnn of heretic, mlolre In Ih
ftrlvllt'g granted In th crusader for th
ixlp r th holy land.
ft They sr absolved from sll obliga
tions who sr In anywise bound to here
tic. n Whoever dies In battle sgslnat the
unbelieving, merits ths kingdom of hav-
it. W do not eaterm those homMd
lo whom It may have happened In their
seal for their mother church agulnat the
communicated, to kill some of them.
2ft. The Cut holln prince are bound,
both by civil and common law, not to
receive nr tolerate heretit-e, and much
More ar not to permit their rite, or
other enarelae of their religion, or rnther,
their falaa ert, but are moat solemnly
bound everywhere, to repel and expel
them. . . .
M. Ths following temporal punish
ment are to be enforced on heretic: 1st
Infamy, snd th connenuent rtlenualltl
cations for sll civil seis. ind Instabili
ty, as well active aa paaalv (thst la,
they csn neither mak nor will Inherit
what la left to them by olheral. 3rd Ms
of psratilnt power over children. 4th nf dowry, and other privileges
granted to women, 6th ConfUcatlnn of
all good. Sth Thnt vaattl and alnv.e
and other ar from all, even swore
obligation du to their lord, or snother.
7th Capital corporal punlahment, es
pecially death, and prptual Imprison
"27?t The canon law forbids all tolera-
"t!' Thst metropolitans snd blahons are
to es-eoinmunlcata him who grant lib
erty of eonadence.
2. No oath la to he kept toward here
tic prlncej, lords or others.
20 Heretics sr (o he deprived of all
1vll snd paternal right.
il. Tb l'ops can absolve from all
ii,h,'ir;very bluhop la ordinary Judge tn a
esu of bereay. The reason is bcau
th bishop ean sx-ofllclo, snd ought to
exttrpst herettca. and Inflict upon them
th due punlahmenta, and to thl ere
bound en pain of deposition. Bealde ere
Ue Inqulahors especially geputeg by Ue
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In . Ilia iiie, Ik ll,i-l v t 4- lilt,
anil la Hie tine and only hfitd nf tint
t'Hlhullr ur lililirt.,,1 t liiiii li llim'.r' out
Ihn puiili, i4ii, ii, Ht l.y Mi In.' nl the aei
nl I'linllng and'11 altill tn In lin.l
" l'l my Mivinnr, Jtu 4 'Itrlaf h
h i Hi nm, r tn il. i.i-e li,-ti ll.,il km--,
iilin c, aintca, i4i in i .ti h a Mttd gnv
irmneiiia. all li.'lim iiIhvhI withutil I l
'"it'll, ami they may lie
an f fly dealrttyrd Therefore, to the lit
iiinxl or my imwer. I will defend thl
ilm trine tnl lo hnllnea' right end t u
lorn aaitliiai all uuiiera of Hi heretical
or PtiitoiMiii atiihnrlty w tinl-nimr.
pei lally the l.iilli. tun rliurch of tier
niiinv, 1 1 nl 1 14 tul . Itfitniark, Harden and
Nnrwav, and the now inetendi-d auilmrl
Ilea and chiin lica of h:tiK Inlut and Hcot
Intnl. and lini in licit nf the enme now ea
titlillnlii'd In Irclund. and on lha contl
nent of Amcrli it, and elnpwher. ami rill
ailhcrcnta In n-gurd Hint they he uaiirped
mid hiTfiliul, oipoalng the auciad church
of Home.
"1 do now denounce end dleown anv si
IcKlnnce a due to imv heretical king,
piinc or elate named I'rnteMunt or Ub
erala or nbeillence to any of their laws,
maglnlralea or nmVera.
"I do further tincture thnt th doctrine
of th rhurche of Kuglnnd and Bcotland,
of Hi (Ttlvlulnta. HiiKiieiiota and other
of the nam of I'roteelunt or Liberal to
Ii damnable, and they themselves to be
damned who will not foraak the same.
"I do further dm lure that I will help,
saalat snd advla all or any of his boll
(!' agenl. In any place wherver I
ahnll be, In flwllserland, (iermnny, Mnl
hind, Itenmark, Hwedcn, Norway, Kng
land, Iceland or America, or In any other
kingdom or leiritory, 1 ehall come 10, and
do my ulmoat to eitlrpate the heietlcal
I'rotentant or Liberal dnctrlnea, and to
dt-alroy all their stsndd powars, legal
or otherwlae.
"I do further promt snd dee'are that,
nntwlthatandlng I am dlapenaed with to
aaaiime liny religion heretical for th
propngatlon of the mother church's ln
tereat. to keep aecret and private all
her agents' council from time to time,
a they entruat me, and not to divulge,
directly or Indirectly, by word, writing
or circumstance whatever, but to ee
cut all that shall he proponed, given In
rhHrge, or (Uncovered unto me, by you
or my ghontly father, or any of his sac
red convent.
"I do further promlng snd declare that
I will have no opinion or will of my own
or any men In I reservation whntaoever,
even as a rorpn or cadaver (perlnde an
citilnverl, hut will iinhnallttlliigly obey
ench and every command that Irnay re
ceive from my auperlora In the militia of
the pope ami of jenun Christ.
"Thnt I will go to any part of the
world whlthemot ver I rnny he aent. to
Ihe frnxen regions of the north, the burn
ing anmla of the dce-rt of Africa, or the
plnglea of Indlii, to the camera of civili
sation of Hump, or to the wild haunts
of the hnilutroiia anvngea of America,
without murmuring or repining and will
be auhiulnnlvn In nil things whatsoever,
cominunlciiieil to me,
"I do furthermore promine and declar
thnt I will, when opportunity prenent,
make and wage relent leaa wnr, aeeretely
or openly, itKnlnnt all heretic, protect
ant and l.lherala aa I am direct ail to do,
In eKtlrpnle them from the face (if th
whole enrth, nnd Hint I will niinre nelth.
er nge, e or condition, and thnt I will
hang, burn, wiinte, boll, flu y. rtiangle and
burn alive these Infamous hereilin; rip
up the alomnch and woinl,. of Hielr wo
men and crush their Infant' heads
against Ihe walls In order to annihilate
their execrable race, That when Hie
enme ennttot be done openly, I will ee.
cretly use Ihe poisonous cup, the strung
lilnlltig cord, Ihe st' jl of the polnnrd, or
the Irnden bullet, rrgnrdlee of the tank,
dignity or authority of the person or per
sons, whatever mny be their condlt on In
life, either nubile or private, ss 1 at sny
time mny lie directed so lo do by sny
agent of th pope or uperlor of th
brotherhood of Ih holy father, of th
society of Jesu.
In confirmation of which I hereby dedl
ci my life, my soul and all corporal
powers, and with thl dagger which I
now receive, I will subsrli.e my name,
written In my blood, In teallmnny there,
of; and should I prove fnls or weaken In
my determination, mny my brethern and
fellow enlillere of the militia of Hie pop
cut off my hand and my feet, and my
thront from enr to ear, my belly opened
and sulphur burned therein, wlih all th
punishment thnt ran be inflicted upon
me on enrlh and my soul be tortured by
demon In an eternal hell forever,
All nf which I 'lo swear
by the tileased trinity, and biassed aacra
ment which I am now to receive, to per
form, and on my part to ket inviolably;
and do rail sll the heavenly and glorious
host of heaven to witness these, my real
Intentions, to keep this my oath.
In teallmnny hereof I take thla most
holy and blessed sacrament of Hie eu
chnrlst, snd witness the anm further,
with my name written with the point of
thla dagger, dipped In mv own blood, and
aenl In the fae of this holy convent,
lie receive the wafer from th super
ior and write his nam with Ihe point of
his dagger, diluted In hi own blood, tak
en from ovr the heart.)
esrdlnal of the Holy Tto-
. I. . . I. X .....M.I.A " 1 11...
fllMIl 1-IHIIIII, IH. , M,, I. , I I.IBl,
from thl tlm to th end of my life I
will tie faithful snd obedient unto Mt,
I'rter, th holy sposlnlle Unman church,
and our moat holy lord, th pop nf
Itnrns, and his ucceaora, csnonlcally
and lawfully elected; that I will glv no
advice, consent or asslslanc against th
pontifical maleaty and person; that I will
never knowingly and advisedly, to their
Injury or disgrac, mak public, th coun
cil entrusted to me by themselves, or by
messenger or letters: also that f will
glv them snr ssslstsne In rststnlng,
defending and recovering th Roman
papsoy snd ths regnlla of Peter, with sll
my might snd endeavor, so far ss the
right and privilege of my order will
allow It, aad will defend them against sll
their honor end state, and I will direct
and defend, with due form and honor, tb
legate and nunclou of th apoatollo
a, In th territories churche, monas
teries and other benefice committed to
my keeping; snd I will cordially co-op.
rt with them snd treat thm wiln
honor In their coming, abiding end re
turning, and thnt I will reslnt unto blood
all persons whatsoever who shall stternpt
snythlng sgalnst them. That I will by
every way and bv every menns strive to
preaervs, sugment snd advance th
rights, honor, privileges, th authority
of th Holy Roman blnhop, our lord th
pop and his before mentioned sticee.
or, snd thnt, at whatever tlm anything
shall be decided to their preludh e, which
I out of my power to hinder, a onn
I (hall know that any steps or mensures
hsv been tsken In the matter, I will
mak It known to th same, our lord
or his succesnore, or some other pron
by who means It may be brought to
their knowledge. That I will keep end
carry out and causa others to keep and
carry eut the roles of th holy father,
the decree, ordinance, dispensation,
reservations, provisions, apnstolle man
dates and constitutions of th Holy
Father Sextus, of hnppy memory, as to
visiting the thresholde of the apostlee at
'' f " 4 ti4 t
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! ' elmsi.i ! ue . nt ,um.
Hs. I Will l.i.lii.l ,tl,t 1. tt n'l.l I f l t
Ii l i. i s, 11 ll tin ii, I, n h -nil I ptlvt
I'fes einl aiiliii i iv nl ll,s i,.( It "tnnn
iti h i.f in it ,, Hie pope, an t hi
.i Hi, in I t'i. .i..'.i. I lit riiilsniir I
i n - lie. ili I, i,, I4-4S44 .va,i. ,
I will tint ,a in anv tntiii.i l, a, tinti nr
ii.ii, in i i. 'i n,,l I im.iif'l na iinst
our l li'i.l Hil l Hun,,, i tMHth, any
thing li the hint nr pteiinliie uf their
piisniis. n, l, i. hininr maie or power,
ami, if I shall kiinw any imh thing le
be treated ,,t ammleil by any whatso
eyer, I will hlinl. t It lo my unnnst, and
as sunn I can, I will signify It to our
li't'l. 'the nr. Ilium, e and Itiutidnles of th
pope, 1 will i, I. serve villi ail my might
ml ciiu-e to he uliserteil by other.
' llerelli , schlsmatii and tel.els tn our
alii lord nr his sin lessors. I will te ley
Utmost peisecniw anil oppose,
"llerelli . Si h'ttmntlcoa et tehelle eld.
cm I !. initio nostril auci eaurtbua pie
Ulclls pro ioss 'erseiiiHr rt npcuynauo."
win i tun in a council when 1 am
culled, 1 will visit th Ihreshuld of Hie
"I swear bv alinluhlv 11, ,d hv alt In
heaven and earth, by th holy prayer
book of my holy church, by th blesaed
Virgin Mary inoiher of Uml, by hr sor
row and grief at th cross, by her tear
and walllngs, t,y the holy apostle Ht.
I'eter and l'nul, hy th gloriou aptwtl
Of Ireland Ht. I'h trick hv Ihe I.Usaait
snd holy church of sll agea, by th holy
national martyra, to flu hi upon the Irish
soil, to fight for th Independence ef Ite-
anu to iigru until i die, wailing in the
red gore of th Hasaetiach (Protestant)
for tb gloriou cause of nationality; t
flKhl until not a single vestige, track er
footstep, Is left to tell that th holy soil
of Ireland was ever trodden by the Bsss-
ensch tyrants and murderers; snd, more
over, When tn i'rotestant robber sod
brute In Irelund shall b murdered end
driven Into th sea Ilk tb swine our
lord Jesu Christ reused to b drowned,
then w shall embark for, and take Kng
land, and root out every vestlg of the
accursed blood of the heretic adulterer,
Henry VIII., and posaeas ourselves of th
beast who have so long kept our Island
of saints Old Ireland In Hi chains of
bonduge, driven us from her shores, i
lles Into foreign land. I will w'l In Hi
blood of Orangemen and heretic I Pro
testant) who do not join us aad become
Hcotland too, having given aid and suc
cor to th beast, w s hull Hv In her gore.
w shall not give up until w have re
stored our holy faith all over the iir.t u
To all of this f sincerely and consclan
tously awear with my oven blinded, not
knowing who to in niiministers this oath.
apostle every three years snd give an
account of our lord of all my pastoral
office and of the thing belonging to my
diocese, to the dls'lpiln of my cleigy
and people. I will In like manner hnmi.iy
recely and diligently execute the apost
olic command. If I am detained by a
lawful Impediment, I will perform th
aforesaid by a member of my itinpier or
a priest of my diocese, fully instrm tad In
nil things ahov mentioned. The po
slons l.eionmng to mv taiile, I will neither
sell nor otherwlae ullcnate without con
sumo ihe union n poniiir ho ncip me
Uod and these holy gospels of (lod,"
Rent to the Romish M,tnngr.
-, now In the presence of
Almighty Hod, the blessed Viigin Mary,
Ihe blessed Michael Ihe Archangel, the
blessed Mt. John IS liapllsi, lb- !'oy
Apostle Mt. I'tter and Mt, J'uul and the
MalulB and Ihe Hinreil Hosts or lleaven,
nnd lo you, my lord, I do declare froin
my henrl, without mental reservation
that the pope In Christ Vicar general
and la th true nnd only bend of Ihe tint
venal church throughout the earth, and
that, by virtue of the key of binding
ami loosing given to his ho. loess by Jesus
Christ he ha power lo depose heretical
kings, primes, slates, common tyi a His and
governments, all being Illegal wlihout hi
bmi red confirmation, and that they may
safely be destroyed. Therefore, to th
utmost of my power, I will defend this
doctrine and hla holiness' right an I cus
toms against ail usurpers of Ih Protest
ant authority whatsoever, especially
against Ihe now pretended authority and
church In Kngland and all adherenta, In
regard that they be usurpnl and herein nls,
opposing ihe sacred mother of ih church
uf Koine,
"I do denounce snd disown any gllegi-
Bill 14 una IV any f rinnnimit nina,
prince or slut or obedience to any of
their inferior nmcers. I no runner o
clare the doctrine of th church of Kng
luml, of the Calvahlsta, llugaienola and
other Protestants, lo be damnable and
thus In be damned who will not for
sake Ih sum.
"I do further declare that I will help,
assist and advls all or any ef bis bell-
ness' agents In any place wherever I
shall be. nnd to do my utmost to astir-
t,u tn the Protestant doctrine and to de-
jroy all their pretended power, regal or
otherwise, I Oo runner promise aim ne-
clar that, notwithstanding I may be per
mitted by disnensnilon to assume any
heretical religion (Protestant denomina
tions! for th propagation of th mother
church's interest, to seep secret ami pri
vate all her agents' counsel ss they en
trust me, and not to divulge, directly or
Indirectly, by owrd, writing or circum
stances whatsoever, but to en-scute all
which ahall b proposed, given In charge
or discovered unto m by you, my most
reverend lord and bishop,
"All of which I, . do swear by
tha blessed Trinity and blessed Mscra
ment which I am about to receive, te
n.rform on mv onrt to Veen Inviolably.
and do call on all the IP-eveniy and Uiorl-
oua Host of lieavsn to witness my reel
Intention to Seep thl my oatn,
"in testimony whereof I take this most
holy and blessed Macre.ment of the Ku h
arlst, and witness the sums further with
my consecrated hand, In th presence of
my holy bishop and all th priest who
assist him In my ordination lo th prlt
The folllnwlng Is the oath taken by the
members of that famous lloinlsh Catho
lic aoclety;
"I (narna In full) do aolemnly awear In
the nresenc of Almighty (lod. that I Will
labor while life I left In m to establish
snd defend a republican form of govern
ment In Ireland: thnt I Will keen secret
the name and everything connected with
the Irish brotherhood rrom an noi en
titled to know such aecreta; that I will
obey and comply with the constitution
and laws of the snrne, that I will pre
serve ih fund nf thla order for th
cause of Irish revolution alone, a nc.
fled In the constitution; that I will deem
It my special duty and mission to pro
mote and foster sentiment of tha union,
brotherly love, nationality, among all
Irish. I tak thla obligation without sny
mental reservation, holding ths same for
ever binding upon me, and thnt any vio
lation thereof, or desertion of my duty to
the brotherhood Is Infamous, and merits
the severest punishment, so help me
This osth the candidate Is abjured te
keep at the hatnrd nf his life. It waa
printed In th Chicago Inter Ocean end
was swern to b correct et th Oonin
trial. It waa reported by said pnasr No
vember 17, ISM. Priests and blskope sot
ee ebaplee for this holy (T) order.
till t wlttl
I'AKII, Jse. tl - lHM
I lie left-
le Ik l,4f ,f Vint lee tt
tre eHft4 if tb Heist msel e
p.thr nt.tup M itt.i eeMasl
IM dstiflt ff tletb m "
It lutniirf, V M- in, testa-)
ri was titi t ti in .t f.-r enr k fee re.
t 4 it!' g be denied (.-Mrassewl
st ,ih,p,i.. , , f ,tel, ,: t t tl r.
s en.ur fi.t i fii ii ,iieii. a. eldta)
t' t Ihe t ul VI rletl, s.rf j
n put futeat.l In duet) et'Mtas
t.rt.M ll.e laliti 4H.I S . ..11. AMS
, - .. i ,, r- p,,', I ! ' 11 1 ! -W 4BV f
' 1 l
t'l Mlft'iter li lblt t Ihrn Htot; (t
'is!i4.n if the thtirth end etaks
Bill. Mu ifi sir. I i aii tn t m tMa
Key4ts: pni'.itu it nmili' d th lateS
'ctrh.i.f t'hti f It i hi I 7al.t4rkagat t
is I'snilisty sDnir. wbeerriipna tfe
M. '.d T-l'tic thnt If the chief rekM
bad mis t Itiipn rlr be runll be 4e
pllve.l ef b's Si'iiry,
M d Mshv rsllid attentloa f t4)
prni'sssnd nf Kiirllsh end tier as ea) In vsriitus pntts nf Krsnee. Ie
nmneitig ihetn amid applause a)
"spies" and as being a rentable perU
to tne efisienc rr in ratnerisna.
Tbs estimstes were then adopted.
M. Ihitrlei mnved the denunelatlesl
of the rouenrdat (nr tinderstandlni fee
tween the French gtivernment aad tfc
Vatican), The motion waa defeated
by a rote of lit lo 171.
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wire la Sag
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Anma Ij.w AlslrlfL.
A ll rievated Tralei elll st, el Hie 1
I.I..4H,.a T..ln. m m m m b.I.i.i.
These fanllltle ea iinlf ti dltsrsij h
If jrnii will nil s I reat stamp for !
a will nail sou atonr a e llrd rUi
nf I hliraao, Juat Issued la le rulors, wklai
hues roii
net what jna want tn ka aWsna
( lilcss'i sad the new Iwsii
id and KlersteJ a..
tem, J bi map f u 111 mill hare wethf nj
lie nut nf thscli jr snd efi t to ivna M C
iag ;
s vrfg.
four friends contemplate inaslnf
JOHN BKnAflTlAN. f). 9, A
i7 r
siiijiwisw was a
TI'H 0tnre. 1. 1, firsrr 111 itl fun M
Tkiit WIIm, 1. 1. Csritr lltl lis hmm Ca