THE AMERICAN, Till: vM!;H1CAN 1 t f., I'm ini.i t .n tt.i nut 11 . ' ' ft .H ., i s I'M" m . , . I V (I a, ,t M ... I, I - ) ! fu. k I I t t I it' Jnt 11t' i kim v, ft .lit . N.lW It 1 lull t il 4 thftl It.l- I'! ' gi4l if Tbe I" )-' " t' l-t 1 't y Ift (lift tvtu'luO lIMt Kftln of Ht t. uU An I. H'altf Th CMegn Tine llrh t.ih Pvaea "I tfemncrat who itver nt. In rtlltfl i f lili he I d tnul ltntan Cttholle " V. K, li It da ti-ivd au.tlher pa trlotlu ir In Sin FranoUoo. He hut named It Living Inue. Il I onlf I ht year. We wish him succor. The Catholic ('It ven rcisiru thai Prenldent MiKlnley ha signified hi Intention of furnishing a rooin In th new addition Vi Mercy Hospital, a It man Catholic Institution In Davenport Iowa. The lti'tnn CtUrn thli.ks the reason our clllrUI igrecd to permit tho Span Inh priests to carry away all portable church pntM'Hy after the ureal vie tory at Santiago, tan bn found In the fuel that tho piopirty Ih'Ii nged to the Cuban, ami on tho thvoiy that III al wayt csny to bo 111 eral lth other poo plo'ft good Commodore Schley' i-ooond cousin who wont to Madrid under JeeulU in ttruollon to plead with tho Quoin Re gent for peace I 40 years of age and hut been talco an inmitlo of a Unman Cathollo cjuvent. A dUpitteh from Washington tayt the U accused with bolrg guilty tif trea-oii Now what! Did the t arry dUpst'ilua Instead of ponce petitory Too American Trait toelety hai 4o0 publication In the Hpnnlxh lantruHK'' and lntondi to put a Hjanlh prlmtr and New Tenlarwnt In tho hnd of ecry Cuban family a toon a order ha keen roturod In the Inland. Thut will tho HpanUh languago probably P'ovo of more iiimj to the Cubaria than the bpanlardft have been. And It U well known that Roman pr!oU alway dread the advent cf the New Tenia merit, for It li a volume that placet the teal of condemnation ot thoie workt of darknrti which are coextcntlve with Romanlrm, Report! from VVaihlnjfton are to the effect that Hpaln will have to py the debUof Cuba and I'orlo Rloo, but a peace bat not been fully agreed upon the Jetultt, who own Hpaln't worthiest bond, may have enough power wlih tne government at Washington to not only tccure cbaniret In tho termt of piace negotiation that would cover their lone', but an o giving them tho privilege of holding vatt etlatea un taied. Wo thall believe that our gov ernment li not playing Into the bandi .of the pjwert of Kimunliin when that fact it demonotral d. TheTlempoof the City of MexUo hat found out why Santiago mrrcn dered. Itttyt: One(p!anatlon and only one it admlntlble, and that It that the Mirrender wat the retult of a Ma ton.o agreement. The Bagattacabinet from the Premier to the lowett official, are all Manout. They are all Mtont, and the goversment It completely un dermined by thl accurted tocloty, and the Intcrettt of the country, at It unl- vertally tho cate where Free Maionry predominate! are tccondary to I hone of thlttatanle organization." We tup pote the Tiempo bad rather tee Spain under the abtclute control of tome inch really latanlo organization at the So ciety of Joiut than even under the par tial control of the Free Mawnt. The Tlcmpo evidently bellevot that where high cfllciata cf a government are both Roman Catholic and Free Maiont, they will come to place their obligation! to Free Matonry above their obliga tion! to the church la which they were reared. We are glad if the inevitable tendency of Free Maeonry it to thoroughly wean Itt Roman Catholic adherent from the abominable tuper ttltiong they were taught at their mothers' knee. Romanism tatanizet; Masonry civilize!. t V I t '- . I r l ft' i I In I i f4K H i tt ftt tfc ! It i t t.nat H l a t .1 Id I r I .) i !. 1 l W J '.t hrh(n g uWi Wr t. ' ; t It' ( 't.4 pli(i, if a ll.t iii t la V.t,!.i. r i tr, ti.ur t m . ' I.U total minu In a Jn In 141 bo lliiniaa t'aih k'Ii ifth t'n W. Klr(dH luiiuturM ; innnmi, ttr ir ipbI nf tlm fthul t pulailin, la l 'l tLey bd tlnipptd U ft.Mta (HI, nr l f rnt Th nguret for the pntnl lime, glten by the "Am it iv," lu.w a fait her tli-i lln- It I of ciiiimi gratlfjrlfig tt l'rolelnU and llli'ra l b arn it at tl Human Call nl let of tli I'ulleJ K Irgilnin tie deert lng in numtM'rt, but It I at the ame time a j t cau for alarm that tho UmiitiiUli are Increarlug to rild ly In the UnlU-d Htatt One of our frlendt ba aocuM d l of being a Seventh Diy Advenilat. Il wa the knowli dge that thl aecuaiUn would lie lodged that canned ut to itale In the announcement thai pret riled the pubi:ctt!on of the trillion under the blading, "American Bible Study," thai we were nit a member of any church At the hour of going to prem we are not a church member, but a we have, from a careful ttudy of the Hllile, hit come convinced thai luimeri'lon U abno lutely necotrary to Itmjro n.lvtlun to thoio wboaro ahlu to rend ar.d reaNon, and a wu do not know of any minister who would perform the rltu of bHptinni Oi a pervon who (U hired to re rutin out tide the pale of all churchet, It may be that In the very neir future we may unite with tome ehun h, and If wo do tt will be tho one which conforint to the idea wo have publlnhed, If tho United SUtct decide to retain permanor.t p mnetmlon of the Philippine Ilandt tt would l e ahupi y Idea fur the American government to nlgnul the event by conflicatlng all the convent and nionkerlet and mont of the other property of "the church" In there form er dominion of the St anUh. With tho appearance of Protectant ml-nlon- arktand free chooU In the Inland. tho prlentt of Ivome might find their occupation gone. If the United Statet can civilize mont of the Inhabitant of the Philippine?, cer alnly no friend of human progrcm will regret that thoe M-o)lot have forever paed from ut der the barbarout rule of the tavage Span' lard, . Rev. Dr. John M. Tboburn, the Meth odlt KpUTpsl blthop wbone dlM'ene comprlnet the whole of HrltUh India ay the Philippine Ulanda, If owned and controlled by the Unlltid Htater, will conntltute an inviting field for the labor of Protettant mliuiiarln. He ayt million of Philippine would wel come the light and liberty of the go pel and would rt flict the power and glory of the great Republic, Our Ihankt are due Friend liuchnl of Illlnol Newhall of Maoacnur ctu (II), reward of Text (M)c), Hlev en of Indiana (II) and Armtrong of Nebranka (fiOc. ) for II to be applied to help wipe out the debt on TUB Amkk ICA H. " ) t aw Now Dewey bat notified theeomman- dor of tho (lrmBn warhlpt In the Archipelago that he munt ttop aiding the Spaniard In the Philippines or It will cauxe war between the United State! and Germany. The pope li to very III that hi pby- lclan hi ordered him to ttop giving auilenoct and to refrain from work. It it to be hoped that If hi ilcknei termi nate fatally he will die a Christian and not a pagan. It la ttated that little Denmark It ttrengthenlcg her coatt dofennet and buying large quantltiet of arm and other munition of war, at the believe war It brewing between England and Ruttla. Trouble hat sprung up between the Siamese and France. The former In tuited the French consul and there In prospects of a war. Japan tayt that if Aaerlca throwt Agulnaldo overboard the will espouse hit caute. Good for the heathen! If the patriots of America would win 1 t it . i tft ft r f (' ! A I I f 4 I a it- ) ' i i. tfett K l N tt ft lr r !.. r liaM ft4 lft4 1 1 .! hH (tit ill. 4 KliH tb A P, A I1 th r t.i4 4.vw iiii, dva a wttfciir w tKf i l Utt k t h It ttt,ta'r j )', Uti i i iitmalt'i.t is lir -, ft,i .intl f I iiUiiipi, iit If enKIa titnKllioct WiHtt Kn tllMd te In .,U lb iiv'Mi nf lb t((br ldta of Hi ilixt on antl pnlrii.tUni llliou bi irlnitit'S thl llpur.i III fait li ful II I IU nefiirnt mllin. 1ar Hie . Five nrmtar of Ht. Piter t Cum ntanitsn, Kn'ghtof Hi, who were latitat, d duln the lat )ear, wrr mb;iily kntgbu d In Hi IVu r't Cath olic bin h y t Tilay afttrnon by Im plying rcltgli'ii it rrnionle, Ml. Pe'er't t'oiim andory, KnlghUof St John, Itrlgkdler tienoial John Dunn and tlaff, and tiltlierft of the Plrt and Secind regiment, and the I. idle' auxiliary of Hi. Pt lcr't command ry met at St. IVter's Hall at 2 o'clm k and marched to the church adjoining. There they occupied tia'.t In front of the altar. The church wa filled with relative and friends of the member of the order. The tervlcet were conducted by Rev. N. Filet. The ritual umd In knight ing niombert of tho order la the origi nal one flmt tired by tho Kn'gbttof Ht. John about I IIS, when the order, which had hitherto been clerical, adopted tho m'lltiiry feature, St. Peter's Commumlcry I the only one which ha' lm candidate knighted publicly in the church Tho Ave can didate yesterday were F, J. Dobbtr iteln, A. P, Petsch, John lUckut, John Albltzand Pctve:rta. During the religious ccremonlet Rev. N. l lliil read the original Lutln ritual. He buckled on the sword belt of tuob candidate, and then blessed their tword. The orient then ttruck each candidate three timet with blttword on the right shoulder, which action was ymhol lo that from that time forth the blow were the last to go unanwcrcd. The ccicmoiilcn over the Kulghts of Si. John and the Lidlos' Auxiliary marchtd back to St. Peter' Hull. where the ladle tetjdcied tho knight a pltunaut banquet arid reception. Among the visiting knlghtt present were: Brigadier General John Dunn and Colonel K. J. Hug, Colonel J, J, Cuhlng, Major C. D. Murphy, Cap taint Peter Mcllugb, Ignatlut Long- ton and Thoraa MUIowao, of hi ttaff; and the following oftloer of the Flrtt and Second regiment; Colonel C. A Daina, Lieutenant Colonel T. I. Nor ton, Captain A. Dbtloger, Thomat Smith, G. . Mlltnor, Itomard Cencb' en and Wayand, Lieutenant II. II, Do Witt, P, P, Monroal, Richard liudd, D. A. Morlarlty, A. Hellencamp, Dan lei y.illty, W. Lump, John R. N letter, D. Carmody, Pond aod Hlern, Pay master John K. (ityman, President Dugan, Leo Commandcry and Presi dent Cupplnger, ut Father Mathew Commandery. Cleveland Newt and Herald. The Only Ituilruad to ( lilcago. With a Day L'ght Train: Ix-ave Omaha 0:10 a. M. every day arriving at Chicago the tame evening at H.l.'j where close connec tion are made with all line beyond. Thl train I AO year ahem) of the Time and I proving immensely Popular with Omaha peoplo Other flying train leave for Chicago at 45 and 6.55 v. m. dally. City Ticket Ofllce 1 101 Farnam St., "The North-Western Line. " Truth la alway a ready to go to war; error will ruo at the flrtt opportunity. r IO Iteward. I will give the above reward to any person, church or patriotic society that will, before the 30to day of Sep tember, 1HU8, tell the largett amount of my Antl-Catholto booki, Circulars and price 11a tent on receipt of a two cent ttamp, Money to accompany orden for book. Add rent IUv. J. G, White, Stanford, 111. HulTalo, N. Y. and Return Via the North-Western Line July 11th and 12th. Kxtraordlnary ratet through cars. The North-Western Is the "Official Line " Write C. E. Morgan International President B. Y. P. U., Omaha or City efflce 1401 Farnam St. 1 i t it wmMr MMtx. I ialt H slM aUti 4)t Hsl.inMw,..,v4..,l..r,.. U i I ft k A'k.) K a-l tl t i U IW ift t .1 .i I lfcll ria-t i I A-ft.M.1 f. lf brt rfnetr . ' itml li H eJUl ftjtla.t M in w,.r l. .t Ik f ! i hf t,s) aw t ih-ti t Bi h la A met h Katbrr K-1 eftti m!ia ai tt tt lb tnt-if i lornimutilit o against Mm Had thv teller .ul hy A ilitUt-ip FtH hftft, un a.e n et it bltatli gfd hrra llial t). Ilets, ra tleai:ff atioxat to nun ng htm a social pariah, IU said In regard tit the matter: " 1 ha i of t lilt) kei'mniiiali atioa if carried out, wou ilht.i render me a M 11 ouleant. The tons tltu lion of this country atyt that bo man shall be attacked beeauMtif hit rellglou opln lonn, and there It another law which prohibits tie boycott. "After all, 1 am a ni sued that tho mtj r cxeommunLatlon should ho re orUid to In thit age. I would publicly burn thl papal bull If It were tot that 1 might tie aecum d of Imitating Martin Luttnr also Indulging In cnlld'a play "When I hid established the church I advised that a church committee be font to the archbishop to tee if our troubles could not be settled. The committee was insulted and informed by Archbishop Fueban thut he wanted to have nothing to do wjth them or me. Tho committee wa practically dlven from the houio. We then de elded we had better try and get along by ourselvet, We have done to pretty successfully, My parishioner here number over 1U.O0O, and in all my churchet 120,000." To Pretest nt I'eoi lii, Peoria, III,, Aug. 7.-lrlsh-Amotl cant In centra Illlnol will ntor . vigorous piotest against the proponed Anglo-American alliance Sunday, Au- gm-tH. A monster meeting will be held In thi city, arrangement having been mado with all the railroade to tun excursion, M. V. Gannon, of Chicago, and Jame M. Graham, cf Springfield, will be the apcakcr Hloomlngton, III., Aug, 10. The fol lowing bill Is bi Ing thoroughly tcatter ea mrouguout thl "neck O' the woods;" "Don't mist the Grand Excur Ion to Poorla, Sunday, Aug. I I. Attend tho monster celebration cf the UN1TKD IRISH SOC1KT1ES at Poorla." The teleram thowt the object and purpoie, though It wat Intended at free advertisement, of the "Monitor Celebration." But I waut you to notlcj particularly one line on their bill, vh: UNITED IRISH SOCIETIES, NOT American. The Roman Cathollo Irish are neer American they are IRISH 1 1 1 and the Irish are United. Yet, take notice and timely warning all ye politician, mer chant, banker, saloonkeeper! and all other whom It may concern -they are UNITED'.', ! A toaloty (or collective socletlei) of UnlUd Irish moo and wo men living In America, not thcmnelvet American, but dlctatort, If you pltane, of the Americana at to what ulllancet they should or should not make. Know Ye, All men, by these pretents: That th It people, the HUSH, true to their national Instinct of hate, hellinh ne and heg-bog cusedn who are compelled to shave thefr forehead to tbow their intellect backed hv a ' bordeof treason-breeding priests doth enter a vlgcrout protent against the proposed Anglo American alliance, and would have It known, that any attempt to disregard their wlsbet In thit re- tpect will Incur their great dlspleature and will forever alienate their affec tlont and friendship from all those who unwarrantably advocate tuco a nefarl- out proposition! Erin go Bragh! NORTH WOOD, f. S.-"By the Way," How do you relish the one cent ttamp of the new ittue? We ought to make it a odiout at postlble. Our people bere are tend ing lettert of protest to the Third At- tittant Postmatter General who, we learn, was the author of the issue. I am enjoying your American Bible Study very much. NORTH WOOD. Do you look over the advertisement in thl paper? When a man aees the truth he be hold the deformltie of error. The tubscrlptlon price of The Amer ican li 12 00 per year. American Bible Study j M titnr t, Mst1; j ,M ftrtt tfcft iNill'itHMtUI t lt.(s t, i nt tt tibi. Artu e III HI t-ltfttr U Mlit. tt, ,J it,, t, . , tha K.a.t." la Ik. I ' ' ...... t I K,i, l K.,J u IK. H.hKalh w li 4ft ttt l-liiki Ihrir cburia rantgft't -ft Ir tt at at tb ona to tn i bely, nlbr, t ause ol bols rla t'ontaad latrrrtta, ttlil ethart, brrauae tt .HabbathiwtiWh God halliiwaj rt ftm Into dWffttor with lh Mop!e of the world, who rtvm the oplaloa and rood will of earthly fiirtdtaril ntlgh hurt of more mnmrnt than the judg m nt of (ioj, and yet otbert, heeaune they are honestly blind to the Import ance of Implicit obedience to even the leant of God't commandmentt. But there will be a few, a very few, who will henceforth give due regard to the commandmentt. I would not have jou think that I have grown tuddeoly egotistical and that I think I am right and you are wrorg la thit Sabbath qucHlon. I am jto-t ks apt to be wrong at you; but there I no such opportunity when we deal with God and with til Word They are Infallible. They make no mlstukon, and It 1 ills Word which 1 have asked you t j accept or reject. If tbore Is any doubt In your mind a to which Is the Seventh day of the week, get your calendar and tee how it Is arranged. Webnter't Unabridged Dictionary tayt Saturday It "the Sev enth day of the week; the day that fol low Friday and precede Sunday," Tbe tame authority sayi Sunday 1 "the first day of tho week; the Chris tian Sabbuth; a day consecrated to rest from secular employments, and to re llglout worship; the Lird'i Day." Thote are tbe definition of the two dty a given by Webster; now let ut compare them with the deSnttion furnished by God. God tayt tho Sab bath It "the teventh day," which you ahould remember "to keep it holy," "for in tlx dayt the Lord mudo heaven and earth, the tea and all that In tbcm it, and rested the Seventh day; whore for the Lord blcsncd the Sabbuth day and hullowcd It." God tayt nothing about having blessed any day other than the Seventh. To have done to would have robbed It of itt only dis tinctive character, and would have made it like any other day, or, t peaking more correctly, like tome other day, which would havecautcd confusion and nullified the very purpose of God. But Webster tayt that Sunday wai "conse crated," and he also tayt that to conse crate It "to make, or declare to be, sa cred." Now, God did not declare the Flrtt day of tbe week tacrcd, Ho did hallow tbe Seventh day, and Webttor tayi to hallow It "to make holy; to tet apart for holy or rcllglout use; to con tecratc; to treat at tacrcd; to rever ence." Then, if God hallowed Satur day, wboconaccratcd the First day of the week which l commonly called Sun day ? Turn to page 211) of "Two Repub lic!;" there you will learn who conse crated or set apart the pagan Sun-day and deilgnated It the Lord' Dhv, It wat Constantino, Emperor of Rome, and be made tho change "to please the blshopt of tbe Catholic church," Up until the day ttiat Constantino saw and realized that tho Christian re ligion wat growing in number, while the pagan worship was losing its devo tee, he wa a pagan, and worshipped Apollo; the sun god. At that time, however, he wa opposed In Kit scheme by Galerlus; and as Galerlut wat Ij fa vor with the pagan partol tb-j popula tion, Constantino, by force of political circumstance, wa forced to ally him telf with the Christian element. Drap er tay, "it wa the aim of Constants to make theology a branch of politic; it wa the hopo of every blthop In tbe empire to make politic! a branch of theology." Much more could be written to thow you the forco which cauted man to at-tempt-"to think"-to change God't law, but whatever else I would take from profane history would but prove that the world of today wa doing just what Paul cautioned It against It Is following, accepting, the tradition of men, Instead of tho sound, irrevocable law of God. It might, 'perhaps, beagocd thing to allow you to read the idea entertained by the Church of Rome about the ob servance of Sunday as the Lord' Sab- l.v! Wtt,i is t th. lit nt Ntii Awtrtt, ikaft tk ;'!, f hjti V4i: tU-sbim,. ( NrtMfc f 'f atts-ft ui, JUhtt.w, Mi .t,t,ivtr IVtrMt rrn -Allhr t. v.t tf kit tmiaaiMn-, Intrafusal, artwi ta Mtr tm Ihtit ttm ft- (-,, 1 1( tnuf ft'trrtl.-atral IVt.W.i.nt, , atrvlaglr; fa:-., t tbft !!,:, walrlk I at i 1st a (halt ly rnU of aetUm, but the tatttSia il th rhh h. ifp'y tl,tti to m!a tt ie hi tbe wnrd Hua.lty' la tbe It H a lf it It eel fat be fiiunj tbt r aa It , Mil Nt, then It i at the II hl which tb) Mlow la thit ptnleoUr latitat, but tradition, and In thit they flatly contradict thtmett. "Tba ratholle church .'hanged the dy r rttt frvm tbe lat to the fir it day of the week, beeauae the mn memorable of Chrlnt't workt wat ac complUhed on .Sunday. It It nredWt forme to enter Into any elaborate proof of the matter. Tbey cannot prove their pulnt from Scripture; therefore, if sincere, they must acknowledge that they draw ihelr obacrvance of the Sun day from tradition, and are therefore weekly contradicting themtelvet. Ytfln very alnceroly, M. A. Hearimin." Thit, I think, fully aod fairly dl (MMetofthe Sunday and tho Sabbath question, and addt another mark for tbo Identification of the great itntl Christian power which wa to arise and "wear out theialoMof I be Most High," which would roclevelt "power, and Its throne and great authority" from tbe Dovlltho Drueon: which wnuM "think to change timet and laws" and at whose hand God' people would be p en-ecuted for "a time, and time and the dividing of time." It was tho Intention to discuw tho third part of the prophecy of Daniel as found in tho 25th verse of the 7th chap ter, namely, "ho shall think to change time," but ut we want tpaco for a ter mon containing extraordinary ttate ment which, if Irue, should command tho attention of every man, woman and child In tho world and whloh. if untrue, should bo exposed and condemned, we have left that question for a fu'.ura ar- tlc'o. ltl'EIVEl THE FILL PENALTY, (Continued from Page 1.) Law" the Kev. H. Jl. Hmlth, D. D nays: Major excommunication I called 'anathema' when It Is Inflicted against heresy or with certain Impressive cer- emonli'H-numely; when the Ulahop pronotineeH It surrounded ,y twelvo priests In Haered vestment un.l hold In K In their hands lighted ton-he, which they then throw down and tread under foot, meanwhile uttering certain words of malediction. The situation wan tinted thus ye, teniay by prf,Ht of lU(t tlllm.h. "There are various. formH of excom munication for varlou cause 8d un der different condition. The ordi nary form Is called minor exeommunl catlon. This, the most mighty and nevere, I called major fxeorriiniinlca- Ion. It la to be published In every Catholic church to all Catholic p,,p, This In the flmt Instance In thl conn try where urh n edict has been thus announced and where the dlagraco of tbe offending minister la made pub It U the ,,t resort, nnd only after every other attempt t0 win back the mutinous prlcHt. ha been valnlv fried." "Yon say ,e cannot enter the church a a worshipper." "He miiNt first, become a nenltent if a thought of repentance come to him be must Hee the authorities. If,. ,- of course. kneel ilnu-n i i.i.. ' " "i "is own room. "Would you eject him from a c1,mi,,i, flioiil.l he enter during ilivlne ser vice?" " Hhould not continue to my mass," "Hut would you actually eject him?" The young p,.eMt hesitated. t would not," he said. The present pastor of Ht. Htanlslaii1 Church, Father IlarjiytiHkl, I absent on a vacation, but one of the other priest spoke Hum-of tho punishment meted out to Father Koclowskl: "It was right. The pope gave him four year to repent. e did not re pent," Father Koslowskl wa assistant priest of nt. Hedwlg't when, n w charged, hi ambition to become pas tor led to hi usurping authority and convincing many of th member that he was unjustly treHi,.,j ,y h8 mip,.r. lor. Jio was excommunicated by Archbishop Feehnn, but after he had established an Independent church ho made a Journey to Switzerland, where he claimed to have received j.; consecration. The matter was then referred to Home and the pojwi mad') the decision. Chicago Trubune, Aug. 9. Wanted, the reason why the iopo'i loyal warrior son, Majah Gonurul Cop plnger it not leading the American army to victory and fame?