The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 12, 1898, Image 3

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tliroupli this torril-lfi trial, nn-1 n.iicral frnu tlio love frlio felt for Mm. "w
Jiow formiilalile to thi unfortunate Leinp were
those Mens of rMh-ule ami ulinme, whii li -he he.
lieve.l v.dul.1 nttach to the .linn.very of her mini
passion. After linving remaine1 for some time
ahnorbe.l in thoiiKht, Mother Hunch rone, ami
advanced slowly towards the desk.
"My only recompense," said she, as she pre
pared the materials for writing, "will he to en
trust the muto witness of my pains with this new
prief. I shall at least have kept the promise that
I made to myself. Believing, from the bottom of
my soul, that this girl is able to make Agrieola
happy, I told him so with the utmost sincer'ty.
One day, a long time hence, when I ahull read
over these pages, I shall perhaps find in that a
compensation for all that I now suffer."
80 saying, she drew the box from the pigeon
hole. Not finding her manucript, she uttered a
cry of surprise; but what was her alarm, when
she perceived a letter to her address in the plaee
of the journal! She became deadly pule; her
knees trembled; she almost fainted away. Hut
her increasing terror gave her n fictitious energy,
and she had the strength to break the seal. A
bank-note for five hundred francs fell from the
letter on the table, and Mother Hunch read as
" Madkmoisrm.k, '1 here is something so orig
inal and amusing in reading in your memoirs
the story of your love for Ajrricola, thnt it ii im
possible to resist the pleasure of acquainting him
with the extent of it, of which he is doubtless
ignorant, but to which be cannot fail to dhow
himself sensible. Advantage will be taken to
forward it to a multitude of other persons who
might, perhaps, otherwise- ba unfortunately de
prived of the amusing contents of your diary.
Rhould copies and extracts not be sufficient, we
will have it printed, as one cannot too much
diffuse such things. Home will weep others will
laugh what appears superb to one set of people,
will seem ridiculous to another; such is life but
your journal will surely make n great sensation.
"As you are capable of wishing to avoid your
triumph, and as you were only covered with rags
when you were received out of charity into this
house, where you wish to figure as the great lady,
which does not suit your shape for more reasons
than one, we enclose in the present five hundred
fracs to pay for your day-book, arid prevent your
being without resources, in case you should be
modest enough to shrink from the congratula
tions which await you, certain to overwhelm you
by tomorrow, for, at this hour, your journal is
already in circulation.
"One of your bretheni,
"A Ural Moth eh Hunch,"
The vulgar, mocking and insolent tone of this
letter, which was purposely written in the char
acter of a jealous lackey, dissatisfied with the
admission of the unfortunate creature into the
house, had been calculated with infernal skill,
and was sure to produce the effect intended.
"Oh, good heaven !" were the only words the
unfortunate girl could pronounce, in her stupor
and alarm.
Now, if we remember in what passionate terms
she had expressed her love for her adopted
brother, if wo recall many passages of this manu
script, in which she revealed the painful wounds
often inflicted on her by Agrieola without know
ing it, and if we consider how great was her ter
ror of ridicule, we shall understand her mad des
pair on reading this infamous letter. Mother
Bunch did not think for a moment of all the
noble words and touching narratives contained
in her journal. The one horrible idea which
weighed down the troubled spirit of the unfor
tunate creature, was, that on the morrow Agri
cola, Mdllc. do Cardoville, and an insolent and
mocking crowd, would bo informed of this ridi
culous love, which would, she imagined, crush
her with shame and confusion. This new blow
was so stunning, that the recipient staggered a
moment beneath the unexpected shock. For
tli imit 1 nl IWi it ti U-HiIk, iimi.
imtili-it I'jr tor llie niil fiil. ot
TliK Ami AN. . fiilum! of "TIip J
KUHHitft-ni hrr," lHlt iiiiiiiiilHf lln1
lor of tlio life, IrUl", Ii ! lUtlun,
wiuriihli, rie., el ft Hi.tinKrfti.lior. Tli
NmiIi lit "'0 Mi;', U t'li'Kftnlly bound
In cloth, printed from knhI, i lmn Ijf w
un liltfli fr In nt lxMik-mH-r. We
hftvu I'M ol tlitm. (let ymir oritur In
rrly. It.'tfu'ar prlou of ui:h ft ixsilc
ordinarily, tl 'i'i. You gel It lor
nothing If )ou huy flvo itiuli'. Don't
nd Lftinm of ft larger denomination
than 'I ci nt.
Ilciiicmber that bruising th ww-
petit' hoad is afcr than pinching hit
(live Homo use of our politician!
and Rite will toon control our f (mm
I'linllf Notice.
The Northwestern Lino Daylight
SfN clal now leaven the U. I'. Depot at
6:40 A. M , arrive at Chicago 8:45 tame
evening. No chance In the other
train. Overland Limited 4 4.1 p. M.,
and the Omaba-Chleaco Special at
(1.).' a M., vrrlvei at Chicago 7:4."i and
1:.T) renpuctlvely, next morning. The
motit advanced Vrotlbnled Hlejiiem,
Dlnem and Free Parlor Chair can of
coiirne -What also would the "NOItTII'
WKSTKKN " havi? MO I Karnara t
Knowledge kills many ppal myth,
no matter how old they may be.
iilgotry la the mirror of credulity,
True rollglon la out of place la a
muni houae.
UNTIL the aufply I ex haunted, we
will tend to each tubucrlber tending u
the names of Ore of hl friend, aceom
panlud by 2.'c, for five namplo cople of
Tub Ambuican, one volume of "The
Stenographer," a hook containing the
tory of the life, trial, tribulation,
courtship, etc., of a atenographer. The
book has 22'l page, I elegantly bound
In cloth, printed from good, clean type
on a high grade of book-paper. We
have 7.7) of them. Oet your order In
early, lingular price of uch a book
In, ordinarily, 11.25. You get It for
nothing If you buy five rople. Don't
send tamp of a larger denomination
than 2 cent.
Home find ulander a belter weapon
than a bowlu knife.
Sonus ( Warning Tor the American People.
lunik m ml t
1 1 1 ,rA a. i iir,rsiMu;u.
Mt la A rilliiii i ('.it f )it n'liiU,
1 'j. 1 ally in Iln! I. tin I II I' JmIi 1 ilint. !! r ilium'
fill llli ! " ll'l.'.'e I'l ii'- " 'lit 1111 (lie ('ll it (1 11 'I M is! I HiiM.t
if I be Ii.,;1m l f 1 m t iki 1. ,u t - hi, n 11 I Hie ' t Mi 1 o nl
nw fill It iiu'v" Mi lit. li we li e
'I In .t M 1 .iiil ilu I e a 1 I .il I'M. im!I fr I hi b 'feu- o
of AlI.elH ilii i III, 1 libli un I Aim in ill inliluli li
nHin-l the I " J. . A IUMt.
Pa-ior l, sU. An' ll.ii-l t'lnii.'li, t lili if', III.
If )nu t.t I l.'lli. .l'inHm ii 11. 1 t now I.ivki n( llm
I.IHIp II. .1 H, lim.l lliiiiw , If ni miUliwnim.inii llll filled spirit,
bit) and rrml llif' mi'iim. I rlrn, 2' fii.i. Ad lr,'s : Tim Ami'rlean
vantu, jealous of the tillertionnti' ih fiMciir.' shown
hrr by Mdllc do ('rhivilli itnd Ihi thought
l.ll. d i.or with despair. Those punst so puiu
fully confidential, which die would not have ven
tured to impart to the mol tender and indulgent
mother, beeiiiiHe, written an it were with her
heart's blood, they painted with too cruel a lidel
ity the thousand secret wounds of her soul those
pajres wi re to serve, perhaps served even now, for
the jest and laughing-stock of the lackeys of the
The money which accompanied this letter, and
the inulting way in which it was offered, rather
tended to confirm her suspicions. It was intend
ed that the fear of misery should not be the oh
stacle of her leaving the house. The workgirl's
resolution was soon taken, with that calm and
firm resignation which was familiar to her. She
rose, with lomewhat bright and haggard eyes,
but without a tear in them. Since the day before,
(die had wept too much. With a trembling, icy
hand, she wrote on a paper, which she left by
the side of the bank note: "May Mdlle. de Car
doville he blessed for all that she has dono for
me, and forgive me for having left her house,
where I can remain no longer."
Having written this, Mother Hunch threw into
the ire the infamous letter, which seemed to
burn her hands. Then, taking a last look at her
chamber, furnished so comfortably, she shudder
ed involuntary as she thought of the misery that
awaited her a misery more frightful than that
of which she had already been the victim,
for Agricola's mother had departed with fa
briel, and the unfortunate! girl could no longer,
as formerly, be consoled in her distress by the
almost maternal affection of Dagobert's wife. Io
live alone quite ulonc with the thought that
her fatal passion for Agrieola was laughed at by
everybody, perhaps even by himself such were
the future prospect! of the hunchback. Ihis
future terrified her a dark desire crossed her
mind she shuddered, and an expression of bit
ter joy contracted her features. Hesolvcd to go,
she made some steps towards the door, when, in
passing before the fireplace, she saw her own
image in the glass, pale us death, arid clothed in
black; then it strnek her, that she wore a dress
which did not belong to her, and he remembered
a passage in the letter, which alluded to the rags
she had on before she entered that house.
"True!" said she, with a heart-breaking smile, im
she looked at her black garments; "they would
call me a thief,"
And, taking her candle, she entered the little
brcssing-room, and put on again the poor, old
cloths, which she had preserved as u sort of pious
remembrance of her misfortunes. Only at this
instant did her tears flow abundantly. She wept
not in sorrow at resuming the garb of misery,
but in gratitude; for all the comforts around her,
to which she was about to hid an eternal adieu,
recalled to her mind at every step the delicacy
and goodness of Mdlle. do Cardoville; therefore,
yielding to an almost involuntary impulse, after
she had put on her poor cloths, sho fell on her
knees in the middle of the room, and, addressing
herself in thought to Mdlle. de Cardoville', she
exclaimed, in a voice broken by convulsive sobs:
"Adieu t oh, for ever, adieu! You that deigoed
to call me friend and sister!"
Suddenly, she rose in alarm; she heard steps
in the corridor, which led from the garden to
one of tho doors of her apartment, the other d or
opening into the parlor. It was Florine, who
Cuius! too lute) was bringing back the manuscript.
Alarmed at this noise of footsteps, and believing
herself already the laughing-stock of the house,
Mother Jiuueh rushed front the room, hastefied
across tl.o parlor, gained the courtyard, and
knocked at the wit.dow of the norter's lodi'c.
.... . , , 1 . , , known a Fifty Year In the Church
Fhe housc-door opened, and immediately closed 0f Rome." Price $2.25. Bend oa ft 00
.. , . and get the book. American Pub. Co.,
(Continued on page 5.) I mis Howard SL, Omaha, Neb.
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naldruyiinri:ilpKjf w """
Fighting truth 1a an old trick of
pfjif-ry; and It baa become an adept
at It.
We bare plenty of the March 4th li
me. We ran fill your order. Tour
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ler to your frltndaT You hou'dl
Tbey should not alee? longer.
Truth nay be put In the grave, but
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When the force of patriotism, are
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If Rome dor a charitable act It U
to gala favor with thote be can after
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Try KyT' 8mp.
ThoM! who would lead men to op)M)c
Hume mimt look up her record.
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Cloth, $1.00. Paper, 50c.
If your bookseller does not havo it in stock have him
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The Priest,
the Woman,
And the Confessional
By Kiev. Citas. Chiniquy,
Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by regla.
tered letter to the
Edith O'Gorman's
H 1