The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 05, 1898, Image 8

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cut-price: Booths
m SKirriHs to nm.
W. H e4Mt
m m low i
i 1
is ncMiio urcN t hi ttuiL
ft)! Wtl I ft
HiMm ttti-r a..ti It
Sprwt fnttltuw.
Willi M il v Attt' ! l.rit.tnl
tl.y M, .f. tii m i '(
knllliuil.S ii.tkt the I' ll t
AietiKi. iiintir ii.nth iii, x.itii
tsmtpsny ft I Hi-Ni . onil ,..... 11 irg
ImrUl, mniinli red mIU'Ii at
l'tii, In rt- MimU Ini r- nf fawn
ish rvgiiln mill v?mio t bad ten
lonrii.iin i iniiittiu mntini
to rffcifct .
The rttiiinrl refused In surrender
u4 (iinersl None teli liiiit tl lai k l
Adjunta that lie would push mi, (tided
by a fore" ( native armed v llh
Biaehete. I left ri the mesHeligrr left
Adjutitns. where twvhe nun lml been
left, a hMtiilsh font- mm repotted lu
b between tleiiernl Stone unit Adjun
tM, picketed Uoti 111 trail tat wren
Adjuncts tun I'tuado, in the heart of
At the trooiis have to mote In ttiBrl
ft), ten Npahlarde could stop a regi
fbent of the advancing Americana.
Ueucral Stone messenger rode all
Id hl advam'e lure t'encrsl Mone
tnt with an enthusiastic welcome
from tlt natives in the villages and
low u through which he passed. Wo
Con ami children strewed the atreet
With fli.WIT Slid ft ll passed house
lid town hull Hew homo made Amer
ican flag. The enemy, then number
ing StKiut 4IKI, preeeded hi in, and wa
In full retreat for hotira.
Ban Martin, th Npttuish commander
at I'onne, who evacuated the city with
Oat orders, In jirlaoiipr at hnn Juan
a I'orto lllco. Il will l tried for
owardlc aud prohalily will l tie
eottd. With Mii kk' Army, Aug. S, via King
ton. Th HpMiilanU are report ud to
t dni'lii((, though It la lint geiur
lily Irt'lirvr-d. In addition to the rrir
tilar fortllhatlniia at AllKinlto, ukii
tha road to Han Jinin, It la reported
that tha enemy mined the cliff pre
paratory to Moi'Ulinf the roud If obliged
to retire.
Tha plan of cniiipnltfii la not fully
daUrmlnud upou, hut the natural
trength of the poult lou at
Albonito and the etmrni'ter of the a
(MM work erected there in anltate
a flank movement. The turning more-
anent waa limuirnrated today (Tiie'
day), when Oeneral HriMike lmided
1,000 men at Arroyo, Uty mile eat
of here, r'roiu there lie ckii atrlk
tha military rond lrndlnir to Nan Jiinn
atCayey, tievoud AllKinlto. Thla will
ftompel tha eominniider, (irn
tral Oteva, who hna a a-reat reputation,
to abaudoii hlnatrongholdor he eaniftit
between Iwo Urea,
It la pokklbte that a aecond coin in h
nay move on Ida left flank alw, In
which rak the prrNent advance on hi
front will he hhown to I only a felut.
U '. t I k.nlr.f
: t-f , H l R niit' t
( (' ) K thai l'-it
, n i. k a I w.ftnnUd tt . .
tls MtH tf wl ti
(.,;'. n i a iitl
it i i '
tttriiHM- t.t I rt ft-knt "i. Uie
j f i n l " if enli ! l'i I' e
i iI.hiIIUmi . , tih
: i. I li ni the 4- ii . f if tt
j ki.l ! . . ami j-k l;lil w.t liin a few
jtUtt t''' tiitsl'ie iti.liHilik -t
! f. Bt l. i i I1. hd ln t id r
mid k Hi a h i. h H f, i. the
in.l i jf i tt ammtini
ti..n kiluUiv ! iii.-iIh Hi ln et v
and tni I It" ihuilt
mm h (iinifloii'i in and tlVi in
were (hi ii I v n-' 'l idt were Mti
aillal-.e 1 he liifhltr thitt Went
i!h .( ni lol Mmltvl llti l -r' h"t
u the ', 'I wo t.w f i(htei
were anlriiiK litU' w lit. which Were
r)mi nt. al.'l it ) iii.hiHihle to 'i t j
MippHck anht'ie encpl Willi me imirir ,
from the khip and thow aupplleil ly
the navy Later on a lighter fur
iiikhcd v the iny, idch wa the
only one there for many daya.
"n acctmnt of the frrat nuinler of
nick and wounded, which wa In ex
eea of what had txen anticipated,
there wa no douht much anfTerlnir,
expcfUlly aiinunf the kick at Santiago.
The captaine of the Seneca ami
tinicho did not report to tieneral
Shatter nor to Quartermakter Hum
phrey that they needed water. Had
they done ao, of eourmt It would have
lievn provided. Then al0 a lar(f
ttimherof clvllUiik riikhed atxjard to
get away, and they occupied many
atateriHinia that khould have heeu
glveu over to the aoldlurt.
"No recurrence of uch condition
will lie poMiltde hereafter, and no one
regreta more than the aecretary of
war that any thing of the kind khould
have happened. The general com
manding that army, the aurgeon gen
eral aud the rtiartermaatera and coin-
Milaiarr department have done tha
beat they could, tut uuforiecn clrcum
ktauce, named above, prevented the
couvruleneea lieinir provided tlait
other w Ik would havelieeli furnished,
rf't Mm SottS,
NO! lOriBCtNfflTfOHiiUtV
Il..r4 IV I4. t la ImlHlm
Mkm !.. Witt hilt "
I lk tloll0 '
Mnn tiifin Am, Knj 4 -
Sum ii. ! by M '. f .-iM-ra '.',
aitMitct( wtni.l h.Telhl m. it hi v
ill tt. n.i.j'iiit It mi 1 tft the pww n.-r I'f
I i l nntH-uilni)f and no'.IVnl t'1.- r
t till' llfUl lll! tiltp. t-llMlkl
Mtaficr re. f'm-d a t l te it.. Mi.i' trim
N-rlai) Al,?rr .iit.flng liitii t 'he
t. -HI. tiuii. I H !! id SiitgMI .i m'l l
MrrnU-rg l Hii'Ve the ai tnv li''" the
interior, to Suit l.ut, where it l
li.kllliier A a rvull nf the iitnf. r-
en.-e, tetirrai iiniicr win iiiii .in
the withdrawal of the army north
w ithin two week.
A an rkplaiiHtion of the aitinitiou.
the following letter from tol.mcl
Theodore liookevclt, iMiiiiiunnding the
rirat volunteer cavalry, to ticneral
Shafter waa given out for publication
Major C.yneral Shafter; Sir - In n
I mi 'l
. lit.. I
Troeble la a MakaarhnMlta Keftmanl
C'aa ail (Iffleera Hlnktloa.
IiotToN, Aug. 5. A cablegram from
Fonoe, I'orto Kiwi, aaya; There la
enaatlon In the Klth Makkaehiikett
reflarnt, which I In Oeneral tiarret
on' brigade. The friction I t ween
tit line ofllcer and the officer of the
brigade, which haa been growing ever
aide the command left Cuba, reached
lU elltua Monday when Colonel Wood-
Ward, Lieutenant Colonel Chaffln,
Major Taylor, Chaplain DouneauIt and
Captain Uoodell of Company K re
signed their commlkklona. The exact
reakon which prompted them to take
tbla action la not at prrkent known.
The rrklguatlon leave Major Charlea
K. Darling In ooiuiuand of the regi
ment. The matter ha been fully re
ported to lleueral Mllea, and rigid
Investigation haa been ordered, lly
eailltary law to realm In the face of
tn enemy meana a court-martial.
tlabv Ma Ma alt auit a Hall Inehea
luig In II Itontaeli and Uvea,
CiiicaHo, Aug. 5. Little Francea
Nelaon, Mi yeura old, daughter of .
Nelkon, it merchant of Hchleinger
vllle. Wik., while playing with I
hat pin ait and a half Inche long,
a few (lav ego, In aome manner
in a ii Hired to awallow it. The child
waa brouifht to thla city, where prom
lncnt phyklclau gave It a their
opinion that It wa an Impokklbllity
for auch a atuHll child to awallow
hatpin and live. Hut lu order to
kHtlhfy the parent they auirgcMted
that the X ray be otillxed, The child
wtta taken to a Itoentgen laliora
tory, where a photograph of It
ktomaih waa taken, There, plaluly
enough, waa to be keen the tulkking
article. The glaa head waa down
ward aud the action of the atomach In
It work or digrktlng had kept It up
to the top of that organ. The Hiint
extended up about four inchea in the
enophagu. The little one wa con
veyed to a hokpltal, where the obstruc
tion wa removed by tlmple opera
Dtaeepolnteil 4 Reebera Are C'oitiln
flut to U Michael.
Vktohu, M. C., Aug. The ateam-
r Manuen haa arrived from St.
Michael, A lank, with 300 paaaenger
and between and ;'iK),(ioo In
gold duat. Of the likt of paanenger
only thirty-four were miner who had
pent one winter in the mine, the re
mainder being thoae who had gone
there thla aprlng and concluded not to
remain. The paienger all agree
that bnudred of men are arriving In
Kt. Michael dally from Dawaon and
vicinity aeeklng paanHge to the ttatea
and that there are upward of 1,000
men In that part of the country who
have lately come from coakt porta and
are trying to get up the river. Many
axe turning back after learning the
condition at Dawaon and up-river
Ma for Id apaalard.
Anhapomr, MA, Aug. 5. A special
ma waa celebrated yekterday morn-
Inr for the Snauttb aoldier and sailora
who lokt their live in the pretcnt war.
Tbe ma waa ald in Spanish and the
priaonera attended church in a body.
Aa Official atadr of Theodore Uurrmot.
6ak Frascwco, Aug. 6. It baa been
learned that the United State bureau
of education 1 making an exhaustive
inquiry into the life of Tbeodore Dur-
rant, under the direction of ipecialUt
in erinii oology.
rood Kent to BantUf a la tb Mraab water
Hleadorlaglr Hroaght Haeb.
Nnw York, Aug, r-.Wben the tran-
fKirt Hreakwater returned to thla city
from Santiago, the army officer of the
department of the Kt were nrpried
to find that thouanu of pound or
food which had been aent South bad
never been unloaded from the veaael
and waa till In the bold.
A board of inrvey waa appointed by
Colonel Ulltekple, commanding the IN-
parlmeut of the Kakt, to determine for
whom the etore were Intended and
whv thev were not unloaded. Thl
board ha reported that tbe atnre
were uot unloaded becauiie there waa
Immediate need of the veaael to trans
port the ick aud wounded. The board
declarea that It ia unable to fix the re
sponsibility for the failure to unload
the auppllea,
I'oloaulila to far lb Claim.
ItKHMJi, Aug. 6, The oongres of the
republic of Colombia, It I announced
In dispatch from Dogota, the capital,
baa unanimously resolved to deposit a
urn e)ul to H),0O0 (1300,000) a se
curity for the amount due the heir of
tiignor Cerrutl. I
KkMoad CeavlrU t'asbl
WH'HITA, Kao., Aug. 6. Ham Smith
nd Tom Wynn, escaped from the
penitentiary at Leavenworth, were
captured at Nowata, Ok., and Identi
fied a Frlco train robber. Jne
same fellow robbed the Crystal
Spring and Dauvlll postofficea.
Carlisle Have aa I prlklo.
Ixiudon, Aug. 8. A special dlapateh
from Itarceloua y a formidable rl
ing of Carllkt has taken plaoe near
Lorlda, Catalonia.
Sir - In
meeting of the general and medical of
ficers, called by you at thl place this
morning, we were all, as you know,
unanimous In view of what should be
done with the army. To keep us here,
tu the opinion of every officer com
manding a division or a brigade, will
simply involve the destruction of
thousands. , There is no possible rea
son for not shipping practically the
entire command north at once.
"Yellow fever ease are very few In
the cavalry division, where 1 command
one of the two brigade, and not one
true case of yellow fever has occurred
In this division, except among the men
aent to the hospital at Niboney, where
they have, 1 U'lieve, contracted It.
lu thl division there have been 1,500
case of malarial fever. Not a man
has died from It, but the whole com
mand I ao weakened aud ahattered a
to be ripe for dying like rotten sheep
when a real yellow fever epidemic, lu
steud of ft fake epidemic like the pres
ent, strikes us, as It I bound to if we
stay here at the height of the sicklies
season, August and the beginning of
September. Quarantine against ma
larial fever I much like quarantining
atrniiist the toothache.
"All of us are certain, as soon as the
authorities at Washington fully ap
preciate the condition of the army, to
be sent home. If we are kept here it
will, In all human possibility, mean an
appalling disaster, for the surgeon
here estimate that over half the army,
If kept here during the sickly season,
will die. This Is not only terrible
from the standpoint of the individual
lives lost, but It means ruin from the
standpoint of the military efficiency of
the (lower of the American army, lor
the great bulk of the regular are here
with you.
"The sick list, large though It la,
exceeding 4,000, afford but a faint in
drx of the debilitation of the army
Not 10 tier cent are tit for active work.
Six weeks nMn the North Maine
const, for Instance, or elsewhere,
where the yellow fever cannot possl
bly propagate, would make u all as
fit as righting cock able, aa we are
eager, to take ft leading part In the
great campaign against Havana In the
fall, even if we are not allowed to try
I'orto lllco.
"We can le moved north, If moved
at once, with absolute safety to the.
country, although, of course, It would
have Wen Infinitely better If we had
been moved north or to I'orto Rico two
week atfo, If there wa any object In
keeping u here we would face yellow
fever with a much Indifference aa w
face bullete. but there Is no object In
It. The four Immune regiment or
dered here are sufficient to garrison
the city and surrounding towns, and
there Is absolutely fiothlnir for us to
do here, and there has not been since
the city surrendered,
"I write only because I cannot see
our men. wno nave ioiiiiu so uraveiy
and have endured extreme hardships
and danger o uncomplainingly, go to
destruction without striving, so far as
lie In me. to avert a doom a feftrful
aa It is unnecessary and undeserved.
Yours respectfully,
"Tiikooonk KooSKVKl.T,
"Colonel Commanding First llrlgade."
After Colonel Roosevelt had taken
the Initiative, all the American general
nfhVer nnlted In a similar addrea to
Oeneral Shafter.
Makir M, W. Wood, the chief ur
ireon of the First division, saldi "The
army must lie moved North," adding
with emiihasl. "or It will be unable
to move Itself."
Oeneral Ame lias sent the following
PHble meskMire to Washington: "The
Hon. Charlea II. Allen, assistant aecre
tary of the navy: Thl army I Inca
pable, lwcause of sickness, of inarch
ing anywhere evcept to the transport.
If it la ever to return to the I'nlled
State It must do so at once, A full
list of the sick would mean ft copy of
the roster of every company here."
, IM t 1 tMd
tM ! fctol t
fMi ,. 4 t l'.t
!- eMVi4 lit ..t '. l-w IKr
vlal t-l ' l.i I m H t
w.i i .-t ti twin t fu t, t
It i .! Jul i
In at. f ' ' V" ft 'I
flllf, l).t rpt Ski
1 he en, r Hie ke-('tf !..
in tntnt. ft"" in tn-m H Oirtr
w-it iii'v ft fett el Hi
iVt.e Iti.ii i! IM.k.!" oi.r f,nV.
I til hum (. ct,l, t li'.t,; p-wtcd
In tn i and t'"n ht-i.t I
Blln'. I ill ! t I l'l..n I. '.
IrtlAt I I I !. 'I v of itt. I l
hi. I mint-.ti! It i I 'ti'" ad in''
in.- ll l alio! oi r. if""
twin !m.c...I fx. mi ttie b!ii. s
shot I d lan.'c k l.-s.l'iig On' I. M
ofaf-'i'l h ) il'-wn the sin-SMI I
l.k'tntt'l to the f..iit liisde bv this'
rok.l and aft.-r Hie s v. nl f!rl
rt'gtmenl of lUwUilit brigade csioe up.
I tunic! Ihein lnt. the by path Imli
eated by Lieutenant I oloin I IVl by,
leading to the lower foul, sending
Word luticliersl llawkilistif tlii. uiuvi
men I, .
Thin would have peedlly delivered
them lu their proM-r place on the left
of their brigade, but, under the gall
ing tire of the enemy, the leading bat
talion of this regiment was thrown
Into confuklou and recoiled in disorder
on the V"opi) In rear.
ai mis riuicsi iiiomriii, on oiii,wi
of my staff practically formed a cordon
Ishind the panic stricken men ami
urged them to again go forward. 1
Anally ordered them to lie dow n in the
thicket and toclcarthe way for other
of their own regiment, who were coin-
Inir un behind. This many of them
did. and the Second and Third battal
Ion came forward In battle order and
moved along the road toward the ford.
One of my staff officers ran back,
wftvinir his hat to hurry forward the
Third brigade, who, upon approaching
the fork, found the way blockaded by
men of the Seventy-first New York
There were other men of thl regiment
crouchiiiff in the bushes, many of
whom were encouraged by the advance
of the anoroachinir column to arise
and s-o forward.
I airaln scuta staff ofllcer at a gallop
tourire forward the trixiii in the rear.
The head of Wikoff brigade reached
the fork at l!:20n. m., and hurried
on the left, stepping over the prostrate
forms of meu of the Seveiity-nrt,
Here's a Book Bargain I
Vit p ht Pot Slvwwt rvtf WrltUrw
t In iV j n bueiiff hi fMirf
mrtf . li'i'i;. I ! e !- in ! i.tii.neg ri I'vf
'v Kit !'-e r
t V" tb' e
I Of t It'
v I t v e r r itvi
' i CI' !T.- 1 ' ' ! v.
f 1 Ibev ai vmr HI
ra .1 ' 1 tri J' "
r.V m I r
t ItiS tVU ivl at ttmtt
10 tenia fee tor
Iht fle rk
tpU. '1 toy v.m;.l In
I L l Ai USCll TO' CAlJl tottw S
g-- I A , .-.... H ,.!.... ..h.y.4 ..,. ,!...., ...4
B f 1- A".fi f "A- "" t.x . "' - .
f Jt ' , V n '! " - l- I v" fl.S
1 j ' ', ,. k n i". ."t is.i i.t .i.lutiwn si-4
I S V A r . ..-lnl. . ,..,.... l II ! k Ih.t
1 ' 1
t. iw f, t 4'M I -tw tftt tt -f. rm-
' v Jl Uirv Irtaf,
quc t n mai. i imrnv rraK
n MmW I SHS.Mil .niM IhrloH id II I .
ill. H Wink It t KtMttllKtf. r. !tttf-nl k ll.r mull f Jul .'ti'k w H, Hlle
lliiV4..l, m.hI ..i ttitM tli wimhI.-iI nl .l,iiur4
... . l.H.l.M lhtfllJ,H.. (d. K .. tl,M I...1.1.-
4 .v,-r ln l. tt.t i.f l..llit.n I f ! h.i.S t.ny
V miiA 4i-4lliitf a.l.i.l.itvB law-H Im td.l.l ,.-4 Ail MlllilM O.m
bmtniltnf pn.l.ltltv. tl enMslstnt mms liwn putr.
A NIDI r0M THI HUtM. I K. II. IMftVI'Va 4 Ti ' Aml4n ti'r. Ttilrr
tl wi'ti lot It Hitl'.l MnllHH it i.hi..- Mini fntnrY,-r(tl.'intlt,'tllv. Tliei- In un I. k ut llirllllliif (Irav
IhmIIi "tuiMtt.Mi iltti.i.irli.Mtt Ihf lM,k, 1 1, w i.,.r Mirty hna lit. nnH i...rflmi, Hitliii.- ttn.1 lu.lti nwik
Mnuttl'Mia fnllw .wh o.t In ri"l if.i.i, Willi s lui .a Mtilwlurf but iuiluvhd lurcutt
II lit ! IBitl IliU l"k IfitO etifr tl er.
TICKtT NO. ItBdT. " Ki't'l VS ADA V rilHrfml.rf. ThU U mmkiilk- Ut oT th wonilrfiil
kil.iioii- "I f.'iinil Amt-rl. mm In M..l. ... Ilnw Ii HMtiH. I nil.w In ihi-p yinrn, mill w.rti lb hitnrt f
1 1,.' tulr I itrnirliik. I'r tii alii u( U' k"t !.?, U s alnui Mtf wl nllil si.4 luck, sod autkae
nin.iliiK rt-mllitir.
fOH THK DCPENtE. nV " f TAn.ltuS. This Ikon of the bmtsnd m4 lnlrM)lne Vrark
of tln fKiiin.nMili..i. Ii I- iM tlv atul linn lorjr. llli k tlfp iuvt. rr i lrrrrlr uursvelrtl Ity
kklllliil ti.ili. It I or tlitllllnii l!it.'r.-H l-liitiliig li iL. H(uf ;lfr
rir-NOTR THR I'RICH-One book, 10 tcntij Threo trookf, 23 centij
All f ive books, 40 ccnU, postpaid.
These price rn f,r"irot ch" with your order. Itemlt by sliver, 2 cent
pottage stamp-, I. O. or Kxpre money oruer, or nana oraiv. Auur,
1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB.
The liana of ( oniraeree at fteilslla, Mis
Toarhkd fur I nknown Amnucil.
Sr.tiAi.u, Mo., Aug. . Kxpert bank
thieves made a rich haul at the Hank
of Commerce here between 11:110 ft. in.
and i:H!i d. m. Monday, bnt the fuct
was not made public until yesterday
How much was stolen the bank officials
refuse to divulge, but the general be
lief I that several thousand dollar
were taken.
Just how the robliery occurred I
not known, but the supposition Is that
while ( ashler Htel or President Yeater
was engaged at the window, thief
entered the building by tbe door, mad
his way through t he directors room to
the railed portion used for banking
purposes, entered the vault and ab
stracted from small cash safe the
money In packages, which he placed in
a sack aud carried away.
It is liclieved that ft confederal en
gaged the official on duty at the cash
ier window, engrossing ina attention,
while the other man robbed the safe.
The fact of the robliery wa not dis
covered until the thieve had had am
ple time to escape.
Manager Hurst, or trie J met Detec
tive agency, Kansa City, waa um
muoned and at hi Instigation Chief of
I'ollce I'rentlc arrested John A.
Malnes, an alleged advertising solic
itor, from Terr Haute, 1ml.
Tonrt In the Uj Mountains.
Tbe "Scenic L'ce of tbe World," tbe
Denver & Illo Granfle Kallroad, titers
to tourists In Colorado, Utah and New
Mexico tb choicest resort, and to the
traot-rontloentftl traveler the granuei-t
scenery. Two teparate and distinct
route through Ibe Rocky Mountains,
all through ticket available via either.
The direct line to Cripple Creek, the
g res ten fold camp on eartb. Double
dally train service with through i till
man sleeper sod tourists' car between
Denver and Sao Francltuo.
Tbebet line ti Utah, Id tho, Mon
tana, Oregon and Waihtigtoi via the
"Ogdcn Oateway."
Write H K Hooper. O P. A T. A.,
Denver, Colorado, for Illustrated des
criptive pamphlets. .
Tb priest dos an evil day's work
when he get a child to go to tbs paro
chial school.
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.,
, J. L. TURNEY, Mgr.
H. H. HAYFORD eo Trs.
Movlrm snd llyht pr wor at ra;ia
shin puces I'lsoo wDvlim a spec' alt
M"U"f li Id (iKKlkStorra, iiscksu sou siopifu.
Csrry-sll fur plonk'.
Office, 410 Xortb 16th Street.
Telephone 1203.
Than Qold ?
Any. mr
It r k e n I
Hesllh r lf
to II K. V.
Kansas Astl-fntlun lieniverat Ul Ji.ln
the Hepalillras.
Toi'KHA. Kan.. Aug. ft. Thirty of
the antl-f usion Hcmoorstaof the state,
Inuludlnir Colonel Thomas Moonlight
and Ktl Carroll, of feavn worth: Jam e
Klk of Colby; Thomaft 11. Ilowiiiig, of
Kank.( lty, Kii.i Kugea llagen and
Colonel VV. Y. Tomllnson, of lopeka,
and fifteen liemoerallc editors held a
meetlnir here yestenlay to dlsciin the
future policy of the party In the Kan
a political field. After ft thorough
discussion and Interchange of Ideas, It
waa deemed Inadvisable to put up ft
straight Democratic ticket thl year
but a resolution wa adopted declar
ing that it wa the duty of all Demo
crat to do everything in their power
to defeat fusion and Populism.
It runs on Van Buren St
directly In front of the
Rock Island &
and try bis
nois posed of
Knots, Herbs,
Hudk, Hsrs.
and Flower,
lie bss over
6IMKI dlfltrriit
kinds to urs-
w rl tie front
sod cures all
nisnner of CHKONIO tunt-Antn, such s
hSkiiuikllain.CMlsrrh Kl'lnrf. I.lver, lllad
iler. Troulil Asthma, Tlirtmi
anil 1 .11 n Tronlilek. Inillfekllon, lljrpnl.
Msnliuiid. Mervoiik llilllly, an all I'rlvate
lillirM... nil riiM?w iim, it rru .... ....
or writs enclosing sisiupror ihhis sou uiui.
UK. U. Utb WU,
Bill. Ml N. Ilh Mt., OMAHA, MKH
. . USE . .
Ak your Grocer for It and if he does
not have It. CUT OUT thl advertise
ment and have him order It for you.
Ws manufacture the following brands:
Pure Family Soap.7
Floating Soap.
Pure Castile Soap.
Pass riser arriving In Cblcaro caa, by ths
M liiltin glvsledXoP, rw:b art part of
tbsr.Hri or, for s fl vs (tent fsrs.esa b taken
iiiiinedlsuly ut sny nf lb large stores In tbs
down town district.
All K.fsvsied Trsln will stop at th"ltoc
tslsnd" Ststlon.. Trslnssvsrv inlnutn.
'riiessfsfllltlsrsn nnly h odered tiv tb
If yuii will send a 1 rent stamp for posts
we will BJSli you stours a nw blrd's-sy via
of lilcago. Jiikt Isktittd I colors, wincn
rt.cU of a Kiplostoa.
Oalera, Kan., Aug. 6. Another
disastrou explosion occurred last
night in the Oeorge McCullough mine,
from which James Nichols lost hi
life and Tom Norville. around bos of
the mine, wa seriously If not fatally
Maya as a IJfe Saver.
Ntw York, Aug. 6. Mayor Van
Wyck, who haa been aunimering at
Freeport, L. 1., yesterday distinguished
himself as a life save of no mean
ability by rescuing three young wo
men from drowning.
The Mlnnespulls Creamery Burnsd.
MiNKEsi', Kan., Aug. 5. The
creamery at this place, owned by the
Minneapolis llutter and Cheese com
pany, wa wholly destroyed by Are
yesterday; loss about S.'i.onO; insured
for 11,600.
Abandoning (snip Stsrettt.
Sak Fiaxusco, Aug. 5. Th order
to move to th Presidio cam yester
day and to-day tb Twentieth Kanaas
will leave Camp Merritt. Overcoat
tnit mattmaa bftff were Issued to th
Knas regiment yesterday.
Jessie SrhlkV (let ut 'ak.
Mii.WAi-aRR. Wl Aug. II. Mia
Jessie Mchlev of this city, who left
Paris atiotit two weeks ago for Madrid
on a peace mission, yesterday cabled
her father, Charles Hchley, from Lis
bon Portugal, for fund to enabl her
to retnm to 1'arl.
Kansas Noldlsr Wtrleksn Mllnd.
Cami Thomas, 0a., Aug. . Private
Zelt. Company C, Twenty-first Kan
sas, was severely shocked by ft light
ening stroke during ft storm yester
day afternoon, ami since that time ba
lost the sight of hi eye.
Spanish Prisoner Well Treated.
Wasiiioto.v, Aug. o. Tim stat de
partment lias been advised by United
Htates Consul Wild man, at Hong Kong,
that all prisoners taken by Aguinaldo,
the insurgent chief, Including monks,
are "treated with perfect humanity,"
and that all report to th contrary
ar absolutely false.
Italy' Havy to Be Inetwassd.
Bone, Aug. 5. It Is reported that
tb Italian government intends to pro
no th construction of six armored
hows you j tiMt whsl you want to know about
your frlmids contsmplsi maKIng a trip
J.7-f Chicago
Chicago sad th nw ump snd Klsvsted My'
h city snd
(roil II v In
i coBtemuIsi'
tmn. I hik msp you klinuia nave, wnsiner you
lie out of th city snd Liet to corns lo It.
or whether you live In Uhlosgo and you or
ISO Steuben St.,
mmt s A a 4.1.1.......
weHtern awm 4imrvt.
Sawyers Soap,
Ticket flits, 1. 8. Csrarr IStl ni Fsrssa IU
fun- 1
C) aiiieif uniTiiA sit it uiis Inim
HsisriiB'i ssrl
r'Uiir ikrMiilf i in W atr "A ii MlHiiit arm ism sisiviawk
mmMk elafavniiswa M ! I tlr fi.ih i Utm Wa.s
)wiib Hpsilfi ii4 rl at Ion with f oriii Matlonfl.
i NsiririuuatM.wriiUa i nottb Mairja lfinasv
Hmr. MKnin'ititnlnrv1 lllnairaltani. AtiiUi
4 lllnairalteni
irloa low, rraiuht paid. Ilar1sm outfit fr
niaifn tlMoS.irlar
' m iMHiral Urnii iiiarantsasxl, lirJiri
2 tin '
ri fiw r f i Am
, Hrid V twneanl .tttmiis tn bar MWift.
I niK iTiinii, imii, ii iwuwa raii .ti'i.
Ya Will SKI! TOO K b
ma a.ta must
v.. pi n, Drsflft Pf"1" r?
ii uni i nu w a w ana ninuinneB w v uuivubw
asVBaBaIBaVaBl Df mnrt Iran tbs Run.
Mitmt. ise fuii i-'?!
Model from ftlS-oo up. 20O0 MODEL
Mt tnr fro" '' l Own prlc
from tlO.OO UP. Oompltrts aataloeu ol Blejole
d lundrlM Free. W. ship oar hlrhett ends bl
n,Hr. HVIinaui anm uwni wi mvnvi ... r
,inu., " ' ' "
Them For two vwerw, "
wpi, 487. tl tS7 Fifth v., CMcifO. HIS. t