THE AMERIOAN, ... t a 4 i . i -I IK. BUY A HOME ... - t, :;i I ,et ft t n ttfi? Dee l UI tl t"'i mi ) tl ! W w n ii . fv AtJt t iU ! th Mom Uifk. o4 Hit M lit tt M l II k, e4 tbi. t m'. iimm ! t.AWi until llw t t4 lh 4iU leg ) t'Wk It )t HI r4 ik ant fete f PUl fj m, 14 tti general ertfVlo ol the i Uilt uh ik tWrtptio iif tt Waat la II. iUIIdh, and le ao rmi U diwiht thai b bouI4 ibtak to roanf t..tT la would ha th p wr lh. Joaa aaa alula to great authority IhMmfh lha action of Ii drago. Uy of ju may ctibI sua to ortaert Buadar at lha Sabbath, bul frttn Ualay lha repoalbtllty ot ohooalng between tba tradition of men ami lha command menu of God rW wholly with each Indlfldual who rtadt thla article. I bar done my duly. If you continue to dlaobey tSd'a law, and permit yourarll to be deceived by tba tradition of men Into following after the beaat ycu will ha? a to lake tba conaequencei. We have tbown that the beaut of rUvelatlon la tba Roman Catholic church, referred to aa the mother of harioUand ad Babylon the (I -eat with whom the nation of the earth have drunk of the wine of the wrath of ber fornication. It l thl Babylon the Great which baa et up Sunday the flrt day of the we k a the Sabbath, and aa nearly all the other churchei tprang from her it ii but natural they ahould inherit aome of her error. John aald be heard a voice from heav t en saying, "Come out of her, my peo ple, that ye be not partaker of her elm, and that you receive not of ber plague." Will you llten to that ap peal from God and coma out of Baby lon? You are In ber if you follow her tradition and dlobey Go&U command tnenta, whethor you are enrolled aa a member of her communion or not. "Who la on the Lord' aide'"' Darlight Train to Chicago. Beginning Monday, February 7th, tbe Northwestern Line placed in er vice a DAYLIGHT TRAIN TO CHICAGO, leaving Omaha 7:00 a. ni., Council Blutf 7:26 a. m., and arriving in Chi cago 6:45 p. m., making oonnectlonl with evenlnir train for all point eat. Dining car aerve all meal. Tbe afternoon limited train at 4:46 and 6:30 arriving Chicago next morning at 7:45 and 9:30 a. m., respectively, ttlll remain la eervlce. City ticket office H01 Farnam St. Holding on to pagan uperatltlot give Rome a mortgage on roar ftltk. Hotlce of IndebtfdnrM Notice 1 hereby given that the In debtedneit '.f tbe Benton Block Com panyof the city of Omaha, Nebraika, t the clone of outinea April 6tb, W) wai I J, 200. E. A. Bemsom, Pre. F. W, CARMICHArX, E. A. BKHHOX, J. B. CARMICHAEL, Director. Ue Sawyer' Soap. World. The beat in tha e..t - A .I.lil. Omaha can ave money and gel a pica- laot room by applying at thl oflloe. f r - V . i i. - .1 - i. A poult of tl. i Every fact la an antidote for aome foolish fancy, l'aenger arriving at Chicago by the Chicago, Hock Itiand St Paclllo U'y can, by tbe new Unloo Elevated Loop, reach any part of tba city, or for a Ave cent fare can be taken immediately to any of the large (tore in the down town dUtrlct. A train will atop at tbe flock Inland Station every minute. Tbeae facllUiea can only be offered by the "Great Uock Uland floute." AddrcM JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. I'.A., Chicago. Every dollar In Home' poaneaalon la atamped with fraud. Wanted, poattlon by young man who apeak English aod German, Good ref erence. Wo, P. LIull , 1513 Leaven worth ftreet, Omaha. Do you know that Sawyer'a Soap 1 the very beat in the market? Aak your grocer for it. Inalat on having it and no other. Qenry F. Bower, Clinton, la., 1 the head of the A. P. A. In thla country. Write him about your council and aak him for information. Oaf ttl f fait Hilt Bfr HOT QUIU ClUR TO Sim tt M 9wtii lMwt44 at imWmh n ! it. u M tHli twt Mat It W tnt, kt a lha l4 flatr g.inw.i rinw w.Htng W hut ajin (rmt ralM, an4 Ihla lima II U (i-r-lrtl Ihf ar wt'l W Rnal Tha !.!.!. M lm firmly itrrllixxt Ih rrtnl appiMil "f tH I trfti-fc iImm diW lt hvxlifr Antrrd'e a lrmtuU, n-t la M(ht anil iotniail1y n Imptirlant rprrU. Thrr la in hmht thftt (In in-tM- nrffotlalloaa aa pra rrnmna in lha twllra MUf'IUa of lh I'rcnUlunt anl tha wamWri ut lb rahlnrt. The wmfirum orrtjr atroiB at lha MhUa Iioum, In whlrh the Prfxi.lriit. M. iiihn anal ifUry Pay parihlpat4, raa hvotl aluMat entirely to a iltarnMlon of itrlalla whlrh are reirardad by tha IVraldont an ununporlant, ana !irma t r quenlicif thn Kreni'h m!iiilr, for ttm nit nrt. will be aivolml to. ima of tin wmtltut th iunmlnilon to Im ap(Milnteil to acttla th tcriiii of iwnce nlmll nu-et uUll f th United StKtoN and iirrfxrahly in Frnni'e. Tho Madrid tfoTi'riinieiit, through M. Caiulion, priHtuiidiid a inunlxT of qiictioii aa t tha time when (ipiiln would be eapiH'teil to evao uat Cuba and the territory to n cidnl to the United Htate. and a to what provlaloti would be made by tba United Ntatea to protect the Interest of the Hpaulah aiihjuota. M. Cambon waa informed upon all of thete point preaiimahly to hi tatlafaction. ' NOT QUITE CLEAR TO HPAIN. There la one point, however, which the .SpanUh aut.horltlva, ndglii(r from their communication to their repreaen- tatlve here, fall to fully comprehend, and Hecretary Day' call upon the am baaaador laat nliflit wa for the pur- poae, principally, of iimklnjr (terfectly clear thl one point, which waa Unit the evacuation of Cuba, l'orto Rico and oiib of the Ladrona lalanda to he aelected by the t'nlteil Htatea and the permanent cefcttlon to thla (foTDriiini'iit of all theae ialatida except Cuba, waa madu a con dition precedent to all peai-e ticifotia tlona, and that not unt il tbeaa term had been fully complied with would thla government conaent to entertain any peace proposition whatever. It waa iiiiilnlifht before the conera aiona of the I'reaidcnt regarding tli meeting plac of tha peace eoruinia aloners were comiiiunloated to tha Madrid authoritiea, ao that allowing for tha difference In time It waa 1m poaaible for an anawer to b received thla morning. However, it 1 an nouneed that the delay will not he long, probably at moat not more than a day or two and that the anawer, when It cornea, will be found to be an unconditional acceptance of the terma aa they now atand. There doea not aeem to be oo oaaion for further prolonged nonaldnr atlon In Madrid before making thla reply, Inaamuch aa the propoaltiona that confront tha Hpanlah cabinet ara practically tha aame aa thoae with which thay dealt at tha prolonged meeting laat Hunday and Mouday. The French embaaaador waa not dla appointed at tbe reault of hla meeting with the Prealdent. II realized that tha Hpanlah plea for an abatement of the condltlona would be uaelea ao far a thay touched tha vital point of the demand. Hut the aiubaaaador felt that It waa hi duty, regardlea of hit per tonal eon vlnt loot, to lay tha plea of tha flpanlah government before tha Praaidant and that 1 what yaaterday' meeting amounted to. Homethlng ha been aald about an effort upon the part of tha Hpanlah government to aeuure aome guarantee from tba government that tha live and property 'of Hpanlah cltl,en In eonouered territory ahall ba cared for. lha idea of the ad mlniatrttion la that no audi pledge or guarantee la neeeaaary. Aaaumlng aoveralgnty over conquered terrl tory and exerelalng It either through elvlt adinlnlatratlon, a will ba tha eaae with l'orto Kleo In tha end, or throuah military governorahlp, a will be the rate In Cuba for an Indefinite time, the United Htatea aaautnea a atrlct obligation to protect the Uvea Interaat and property of all eltUen of all neutral nation, and It muat be ramambere4 that when a treaty of peace la algned tbe oltUen of Hpala, now enemlea, will fall In that category Womtaf DanuMtreM for Bipeaatoa. Ciapxa, Wyr,, Aug. 5, The Damo oratlo convention here y eater day adopted a platform Indoralng tha Chi cago platform and favoring tha ratan tlon of all landa on which the Amer lean flag float. Horace 0. Alger waa nominated for governor. An Aaitrallaa C'aMa Nail Lokdom, Aug. I. The London Dally New av: An Informal conference waa recently held In Ixiudoo between Lard fHrathnona and Count Royal, Dr. Mulock and aome Auatralian gentle mea who are going, w believe, to be oocoeriiad In the Pacific ca.ble.and it la reported that the -dominion parlia ment la now diapoaed to anpport the aaheme. 1 1 Florida Damonrmi pmim Ripanaloa. OriLAJtoo, Aiig. S. The atate I)mc cratlo couvantlon adoptid a platform eondemnlag territorial agjrreanlon. til K l I M vininv Taa Vlaviaif liMr tr fm IK ltdttlaiW t t Iraie Kv tear4t It H lMkiaf.ft3trec ae etiih! ra !' Tka wieiia fwom I WiUieatlf Hliti.4 ra''-V heaullfalty tar pei4, dalaea4 la nek e4 tarlae4 till eaf fhalra. et-e, rar4 lahtea. lhetarvt rld!rele, a library e4 a wriUag 4a. Hera )m eaa leg, read, writ, g!ft wMka ir lay card while lretU at lea rale ol N mlli aa hour. Itartha, I rkett anJ full taftrelloe at Ticket offli IVnol I.VC Faraaai 11 I'Hh and Meoa at When Rvraa give moeay th alwajr puU a thai ot porar e It. Kucni iniriSrciiioiiii. Aa Kay by I'haie lloy, throwing a blano of light on Ame-lran hlalory ahowa that the JeauiU were tbe cauae of all the colonial war, Indian and Frrm h maaaacraa of tloao timet aod, give many tUrtllng fact not generally known. In pamphlet form Price 10 Cent. Addreai: CHASE KoYS, Washington, D. C. al tM Smooth. Tbe track of the UNION PACIFIC are ao amooth aod the car furnlahod to complete that you can imagine your- aclf In your own luxurlou apartment at home. Inapect tbe Buffet Library and Stuok log Cart a they pan through Omaha every morning. I your subscription to Tub Amkiu- CAN paid for thl year? H not you thould nd in 1100 by the very next mall. Do not delay. No man 1 living up to hi political dutle who fall to oppoae the enemlea of national peace, purity aod pro per ivy. Your friend.1 may smile But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished And impure blood. This condition may Lead to serious illness. It should be promptly Overcome by taking I food's Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stomach, Creates an appetite, And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. Be sure to get Only Hood'n W. A, ajAUNI'KItS, Attorney, Maruliatit National Bank. Notice of Sheriff's Sals of Land, Blierlff Hiile.-lly virtue i.f an order of mile iHHiieit out ut the lijuirM Court of IiiiikIh ciiiinly, Nehranha, ull to rue illrerleil. I will mi Die tllti ilnv of Mefitem liir, A. I'. mi ten oclmH a, m, or ii III iluv. ut Hi" .'ii l from dour tit llin eoiinly eoiirt lioiie In he elly nt Onnihii ae ui iiuliUc MUi-llim 10 ine iilKne, inn il.-r fur iiihIi Hi" fiHowlim iiiii'i-i'ln of Im" m I III, I eil III nei-l oil five IH IIKlllll I riiiiKe I I, l-iil of Hie Hlli iirlliiiliHl liii'lIM Inn, nil In ImiiKlna eounly, Ni lifnuaii, to amlefy I lie (leiree nf 111" J H f r l -t t'ipiiK (if audi eiMiniy In favor of Hurry J. Twlnl Ina, tiliiliiilfr liereln, u folio wn. to wll I'uri e No. (.- umtrierielna hi a liouii Kl feel Went Mll1 W II Ml feet ("Ml III Of tha tinrllieaat conier of aei-tlun live, town ehln Ii, riinue 11,1, eH at of llin 01 h ti, ill Ihullle went IM feel, Ihi-nie aulllll 6Z feet, thence enat t'JO feel, thence north li.", feel to the iliic Of lieMllinlna (belli lot I lii IK i"i iiin Which inern la uue Hie aum of l.'H TII; I'urce No. Z omm'-nciiiK hi a tioint Sm; feet weal anil .'Loll-In auiilh of lh tiurllieiiHt corner (if avetion a, lownahlti l.'i, riiline ( I, eaet (if Hie lllll p. m., thetica Moot Ii UTi feel, thence wot Ui feet, Ihetict linrlll ISi feel, thence eimt m feet to the iiliice ui Ik-kIooIiik. upon which (here la due the mini of I't Wi; I 'a reel No. 'uiiitnencliiB at a liolnl ytl feet weHl ami MM t-l feet .oiilh of the the niirtheimi corner 01 aeetlon , town hill l.'i. mime III. enal of the Will p. Ill I hence xoillh lir, feel, tlietice west M feel thence north Yi'i fw-t, tlienca eiixt 5n feet to the iihicn of IhhIuiiIhk, neon which iliern la now due the mini Of l'4 !i I'm reel No. 4-I'onirii.'lirloa at n point IVi feet wet ami S.'.7-l feel amilll of the norllicHXI corner of aeetlon five, towtialilp II.. rauae I.I. enat or the nin 11 ni . tnem aoiilh 125 feel, t henna went M fel I heme norlh li'i feel, I hence eaat wi feet, to the nhica of l-lnnln upon which there la rinx I lie emu ol l.'I'.T; I'ercel No. . 4 'oniuieni'liiB at a tmlnt 3j0 feet wnl ami :i,ill lii feet wttilh ut the northeaiit corner of aeetlon ft, town xli 1 1) li. ranaa K, enMt of the 61 li l. m thence Mouth (US feet, thence weal il feet, thence north feet, theiica eiiat Ian feet, to the place of heaitmlna, upon which thera la dun lha aunt of Kl.W, I 'n reel No. .4'ummeticlna at a polnf 3WI feel weet mid 1-1" fe'-l Hoillli of lha horllicnet corner of aeetlon D, lown ahlp JS. rattan II. enul of Hie lilh p. m thence miiilli m'i feel, thence wct 120 feet, thenca north lu'i feet, thencs enat lan feet, to (he liluce of liealiiiilnir, upon which there la due the auin of l.' I'areel No. 7 4'ommeneti at a point ,r,fl feet W.-Hl and 0l!l8-hl feet aolllll Of the liotlhciiet corner of nectlon fi luwimliln I",. rune" I'l. ibhI of the flth p. in.. Ih.-nce weal I3i feel, Hiencc tiortli ('. V , fi t, thence ,HI 2n feet, thetiee poiilh 2? feit, to the pliice of li.-dlntiliia utMin which there Ix dun the eum ft $.'d.7."i: l'iiroi-1 No. 8. c'oinniinclhK at a potit ,M H t I 41 -1ft WM . . 11 I H. 4 I. - 4 , i i . n i m i tfc h I.'. e ai . t t , t.-n .... ot w . t ' ,itt .in e htv t i a u . rew (. t a . t.t . M i..., t wowii . i .r . ,i el h to, . , t,t- .! l-t !.. I, I- ... n t ..-m I ,e. .. e I . - ..,. . e.M i a i 1 .,., D I II .to M !" me ol no .... !' tr I1 mm, i4 I l .Ml I. ' t a ( t , , . ..t ),,,, h .1 n I.. I ! "I th n i .at ..n.-t to -.iiM i.ittii .ie l ..t tw 'tl I m B, . . 411, H, .. II..H t if I'-' lten' iiilH h Irrl mei-f t t, l IM. pi... l loe'ee. Mp"tt hi. N Hole t iloe the mm f ! I'srv. I ho H 4 iifii ie in at a rll tl lt I..I "lih n. ' lift rl id lh iHtHi-4l (i.i.t.l ol art tl.Hl a, l.. It-ion an.- H -l Hie Hit p Hi. Ii'to.e i,ili Int. Ilte. at'' It '! Hi. e. iM.lllt ItH-l, Hli lter nil !.' I lit Ht. .l.,.-v ill ta-tiotoltia Ml-... huh tliete t .Itif lilt- tlltl ol , lli, l itrti l No 11 tiituiti n. lit a lu.utt pt ihI eitn euil Ml i.i w.ei .i i or t.i.ilh.H.I tntmr ni aiiliuti , iitiiaiiii IjIik" I!. il ! the aih p ni lloto. .! It le t ,ltirlui eoutit .' i" i I In-nte rat I eel. Itteioe in'iin i et ,t.l I lie plii. e i.f lu KlltUltta "poll hli It Hi. ! In doe Hie mini ol .til. I'tincl No I. I iiinin. in ma i point UI I" Lit mtllh and ' lee' eel "I Ho iii.i ili. ii-i l oiii. r nl e.t linn t..nnip reime Ii, t.i-l ot Ihf lh P ni . tn.ine l l IJI lul tlli'llt e lliil til .' I. ei. Ihclicri I'll"! l- tecl the Ilol I h ;' I I. Ill the pint l ol l.fMllilll'IK ll'll Which Hu n I- due Ho- eim. id I.I t ' I No Hi 4 'iitiilii. il. Him ill ponn ,v h in fi l l uouih mid l .iii l. ' t wci oi ine ui.iilii'ii-l ioiiiii- of awl loii It, iuwiihiiui tilUKe II. l.ll ol the tit It i III . mem couth ij.'i Hi" me w.-et lecl, llu-nci IHillll l.'i. I eel, I hi lice Mint feel. Ill Hl .litre ol lirvhililou Upon Willi II I II' I e m llle lite milt, ol $J I I'lll'iel Nil I , I i.llillieiii IHll tl I H ponn TM M -lit fell milllh III"! t' fei-l Weel of the nortlictiKt i tuner ol act Hon ,i. lowueinp rwliue I.I i-iiel Of the mil p. Ill,, ill u lllll If. Ii.l. Iheliee went .1 eel. Hlel"'" ,ii,l I Ii IITi leel. Iheliee CMI fl feel ,lo I he 1. 1, lie ol InvllllllllK, upon Willi It Iheie IX due the eimi ot l.', I'lil eel No in.- I 'oiuiimticlii in n ponn IIT'IIIIO feel xi ,1 1 1 It 1. 11,1 lill fell Weal Ol I lie notihcMxt corner of hccIIoii ft, iowiimiiiii mime I I. enxl of Ihe lit II P in., inem e xoolh li'fi feet. Iheliee wext Ml feel, thence north j:.'i feet .IheliiM eitxl Ml feel, to the iluce id 1.1'KliuiliiK. niton which titer in in, Ih Hum of Ijt let; I'nri el No 111.- t'ouiineiii Ilia lit a polnl flTll It-HI feel xolllll lllld Ilol feel a eel of Hie norlheiint corner of eeellon S, townxhlp riiiiue II. enxi of lite inn p, in., niche ...ulli I a:, feel. Iheliee Went HI feel. Hielicn mil III l.-i leel. I heliee CMHl W feel, III 111 luce of hciillililiiK, upon which inera l due Ihe Hlllll of K'l.IWi , Puree No W - 4 inn IIH'IH'I IIU til a ioini IITIMI IU feel miiilh mid ll.'HI feci weal of III iiorlhciiHl coiner of aocilon r,. townxiin, I.V riinae l:i. eaal of the tiih p, in . I ee weal liH feel, thence eoulh n.:'t feci, III, III iixl Vl feet, thence liol lll .'' feet ,lo III pltlrn of heitliilillilt. upon w hich Ilo l" In due Ihe mini of li. VI, I'ltri ei No, 21 - i otiimciieina in h ponn 741! III feel eoulli nod lll feel wext Of Ihe tiorlheiixl corner id awl Ion n. lown aldn I.',, ruliue III, eitxl of Hie III h p. In , thence Wext UHI feel, Iheliee aolllll fi2'i feet, Iheliee Ciial 1:11 feet, thence norlh lU't feel, In the pluci- of tiem'inlnu, upon Ii It-It there la due Hie ainn nr l'i"x I'll reel No. 'U - t'onillielicliiK 111 a liollll Hill 6-ld feel aolllll iilid ,'Ui fii'l Wext of Ihe imrlheaal corner of aecllon f,, towii ahlp l.'i, rmige :i, eaal of Ihe Hlh It, in,, Ihenee wext I JO feet, Iheliee aolllll tUi thenc eiiat I2H feet, thence norm ill'- feet In the pluce of healuiilna, upon which Iher la due Hie amn of l.'!t". I'nfeel No. J- -t'omnienclim III It liollll '. I HI feel aoulh and '.UI feel weal of Ihe noriheiial rorm-r of aecllon n, townanui IS, nuia in, ettat of the hi tt rt, ni,, inenea weal 120 feet, thence ennui n-i'j r-ei, Iheuce eaal I2 feel, Ihenee norlh W feel, to III pluce Of lieKlllllllia, Upon Which there x due Ihe atitn uf i'UI; I'un el No. K t(, I'otiienc n at a I'OIIH fill -! feel aouth and IKHI feel Weal Ihe noriheiial corner of aecllon ft, lownaniii rnnae n, eaal (if Hie at it p, in., inenea norlh I2,'i feel , I hence weal U feel ,1 hence aoulh Vf.i feel, llnnce eaal ft(l feel, In Ihe nliue of lieulunlii upon which inera la due Ihe aunt (if ,:!.'.. 70; .,,iee No. '24 -t'ointneticitiK at a rioini fill a-Id feel aouth and t feel weal of Hi tiorlheiial corner of aecllon fi, lownahlti If., rmi-e 1,1, eiiat nf the Wh rt, m , iltene norlh feel, (hence Weal ,VI feel, thenc aolllll I XT, feet, Ihehce eiial Ml feet, to III pluce of lieKiniiiMK, upon which llu r la (liie Ihe amn (if lit 71 ; l'i, reel No. Zj -1 oniltieticiiit, m a poioi (HI (I l feet aoulh mid ami feet Weal of III" imrlheaal corner of aeetlon ft, towtianip I.'., rimae ,l. eiial of th ath p. in,, thence norlh it, feet, Ihenee weal Ui feet, thenc aoulh IZft feel, thenc eiial Ml feet, I" lh iihiie of heKlniilim, upon which Hier la due the xiiiii of K,..7n; I'litee No. 2l -1 omrn'-io in ut a point (HI lu feci aoulh and I Mi feel weal of Ihe noriheiial corner of aecllon ft, lownahlu l'i, mill" II enat of the It'll II in., Ihehce linrlll I Iff, feel. Ihenee weal Ml feci, thence aoulh Vi'i feel. Ihenee eiiat Ml feel, In (he pluce of heKlhliliiK. upon Which there i due :',', mt: , ', , I'lileel No, Z7. f nnihiHiem lit a Itottii aid -III feel aoulh Mild m feet weal Of Hie iiorlheiixi coiner of aeeiiou ft, townaniii l.'i, tiiliit" ii, eiial nf the f.l h Ii, III , thence weal :i fee . thence anum " i i, litem eiial M feet. Iheliee linrlll !'(, feel, In Hie ,l,o " of le'KlnnliiK, upon Which there fa due the aum of i'l, I'lii ' ii No, 2" -1 otnineiicitia m H poiui dtlR liI feel aolllll mol l feel weal of III nurih'iial comer of amtloti ft. lownxinn l.'i IiiiiU" I.I. eiixl of Hi" lllll p, III , Iheuce liollll fee , I hence wext iii teet Iheiu e aoulh 2'v feel, thence cuxt 1311 feel, IO the I1I1O " Of lieMllllllUM, llioll Hhleh Iheie la due the aillil of IJ4 72, 1'iiicel No. 211- I'olnmeni liia at H polnl IKIl H l feel aollth lllld S te weal of the noriheiial corner or aeciion ft, inwiixiiio I',. I'tliU II, dial of Him lllll p III , llieiic Weal li'll feel, Ihetlce aolllll B"t, feel Iheiu eaal 2l feel , Ihenee norlli feel, Iii the pluce of tielunlnn .upon which Iheie la due llu aum of K'l.iKi I'nrcel No, i - 4'oiiinieiicln it I a point oM l-lll feel aolllll Mild !W feet Weat of Ihe iiorHieiiat collier of acc'lon A, lownahlu l'i. rmiae CI, eaat Ot Ihe tiih p, m , Ihenee weal I.11 feel, I heme aoulh Xi'it f"cl thence eaxt lJ feel, thence tiotlll a2' feet Id Hi pluce of I" KlilMiiK, upon which there la due Hie aum of tMri, Kurrl No. ;il.-( 'oniitieiM iiiK nl a imlnl iH 11 pi feel aoulh 11ml 141 feel weat nt Ihe noriheiial currier of clloii 6, town- hlo I., riiiiue II enal of the lh H, m Ihenee aoulh iTi feet, thence wext frn feel, Ihenee north I2'i feet, Ihenee eaal Ml feel, to Hie liluce of Ilea Hilling Upon Which there la due the aum of l.'MXi; I'lircel No. ;i2 4'lintllcliellB Ht a polnl IKd r, III feet olllh. Mild 1 feet Weal of the norlheaat corner (if aecllon f., lown ahlu I',. rauae II, eiial of Ihe lllll p. m, theme aoulh 12. feel. I hence Weal W) feel, thenc norlh I'iU feet, thence enxt Mi fiel, to the pluce of lieuliiiiluii, upon whli h there la due Ihe aum of Ii. ' .i.reel No. 3:1 -t'omnieni Ilia nt a point IIUI ti pi feet aoulh lind Ml feel weal of Hi" iinilhriixl corner of aecllon 5. town h!n I,',, ruin" II, enat of ihe 111 h p m Iheliee aoulh VlX, feel, Iheliee Weat Ml fuel. Ihenee nol'Hl 121 feel, thenc eaal Ml feel lo Hie place of ttiKlnnlllH. Upon wlih h lliere a due Hi" aum of Ii. n't I'Micel f it. fit Comniem Inn nt a point lim l-lii feet aolllll and l feet weal of Ihe noriheiial corner of aeetlon f., towimhlfl 1',, rmae II, enxl nf. Hut lilh p. m., thence aoulh 12' feet, thine weat Ml f.-et, thence linrlll 121 feet, tlieuc enat Ml feet, to the phn e of l-eiiinniiia, upon which, there la m w duo I'.'i.Tn. i',ir,ei No. 1; I'oinmenelna a( a point liml 11 in feet aoulh Hiid 3MI feel weat of (he norlheaat corner of aecllon E, lown ahlfi l'i, rimge :l, eaat of tha Hit p. m , 1 In-nee weat !J feet, thence aoulh tZ', 1 One that TtVtr i M" il1ttrvl J m .U 4-rt tit, rt It, tlnHI ,tl titttl, t A IMUii trim HI lltti Tltr htiar Att llin'i 'l trjvatt nittVrtt tatlhitt i ti'ti a, . . a .a a . Ca-I V tiut.t ui.l tlio ' alitvf ni Mtiitlhl) r.-titinU uf S10. f Hli, ! HHrifal 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM. Up".. le .i)mit ol llc 3.t Uio jMmhiMi nclaa WARRANTY PUKD; fli. t aiMttp llic tlclrtlrtl ii.tyitHuli nivta a fit timt tj.i iiwhi tht jirmi-r. Tlifv aie lutniiiita tint tuvr tii'xcr la i n tlnplicatwl in Ottuh-i, iiit'l a r-hmI htiur ii pl.uTtl within the ir.uh l every - .. . . '. i ;- otH'. lit in HUT now UlUiim ilia ilitinxt KHUtioiH liiU'tcal. I'nr Itttthcr inlnt 111 .ttitatt wiilr In M. I.. Zoi'K, N. H Heal I'.st.iU ovt net tiT'iUH cil.iiicil alnnc will liml . .. (Irsctijitnui nl tlicir pmpftl. inortKaKc waiitcil utile-- the I ate j percent, per anutiiu. (.et, Ihenee eual I'i't fuel, Iheii"" tmrili feet lo Ihe pluce ol lealllllllia ('' will. It Hu t la now due Hi aum of I. ti 1 u , I'lileel No !i - ( 'onimeio liur at 11 point pint I lu I aoiilli and a.ei led weat of the iiuiiheial collier of action I. town xhln I 1, inn" l.l, eaal of Hie alii p. In. Ill, ore weal I2U feel, Iheliee aolllll n2' leel Iheliee mat HI feel, ITlelli liollll ti.", feel lo lite place Ot lieallltilli, upon whu It Hide Ix due Hi aum of 121 ',ei, Circcl Nil ;ii -t'oiniiieni In mi a polnl II, 11 a PI led aolllll lllld MI feel Wx( Of Hie niutheiixl emiier ol aecllon 5, lown xhlp I", niliae I I, enat of the Mill p. Ill , Iheme Weal I'M feel, thence aoulh ll.", led, I hem eual I2U feel, I hem norlh H2'j, feel lt Ihe pi. ice ot In KlmiliiK, upon which Iheie la due the aum of 12,1 IIH: 1'iiicel No. :t -1 oiiinieiiciim 111 a point I Jul 1 0 feet aolllll Mild ;MI feel W"at of III" loll ill li.-iiel corner of act 11011 w, lowoxiiiu ruIlK" III, eual Of Ihe UHl p PI . Ilieuce weal 12" feel, ineiice aouiii .., i'-, Ihenee eaal IHi feel. Iliehcit liollll wi r""i Hie pluce of lo ullililiiK. upon woe 11 thele la due III" aum or .' -". I'nrcel No. l'.c -I oiiitiieneina m poim 2t,;iH Il feel aolllll lllld itKI leel Weal 01 he iiorlheiixi corner or aecnou a. town- ahlu l.i, ruiiae II, enat nr Ihe 1,111 p. m., Ilieuce pot III V, feel Ihem e Weal Ml feel. Iheuce aoulh 12.1 feel, Ihelic eiial Ml feel Ihe liluce of lo ulutiltiu upon wnu 11 Iheie la due III aum of 1:1 in, 1'nrcel No. la, - oinmeiii ina in a 11101 IKIl In feel aoulh lllld ilMI fct'l Weal 01 Ihe tiorlhciixl cotner (if aecllon fi, lown ahlu I i, Imiikc Pi. eual of III vHt P in . Iheme linrlll I2.i f"e, inenc weai ix. I, tlietice aolllll li feel, llieniM :iai il feel In the place or iicgininna. upon 1, I, (her la duw Ihe aum of 2( aa. I'nrcel No. 41. 'otinnciiclntl al polnl IHillll l feel aoulh lllld il feel Weal 01 Ihe noriheiial corner or aecllon ft, lown ahlu ir,, run III, eaat of III lh p. m.. thenc norlh I2i reel, inenc weal ,ti iei, Ihemin aoulh lift feel. Hieiieo eual Ml fe to the iihie of liealnnln. Upon which Ihcr la now due Ihe aum of 124(1; 1'urcel No, 42 -I ollllliem lt,K ai-u ponn 2:l ! feel aoulh lllld I Ml feet weal of Hie norlheaat corner or aeciion 0, lown ahlu 1ft, raiie eaal of Hi lh p. m., litem' norlh I2"i reel, thenc weal 11 feci, Ihenee aoulll lift feel, lhlice anal Ml fet In Ihe phn of liea-lnnlna, iiwin which there la now du Hi aum of 127 4a. I'arc No, 44.-4 oiiiiiiem iiia m, 11 piniir. l;tti-iii feel aoulh and Wi feel wai or III tiiirlheiial corner of aeetlon ft, lown ahlu i, rang l.l, eual of Ih (till tl. m., thenc weal 120 feet, inenc aolllll a.". feel, Ihenc eaal l? feel, thenc norm ;", fel lo 111 plac of hi-a-liinlim. upon iilcit inera la now on 111 aum ut I'lircel mi, it,-1 oinineiicin at poiin tvm 4-1(1 feet aoulh and l feel weal or 111 noriheiial corner of aeetlon ft, lownahlp run U, eaat of th nt It p. m . thenc norlh 112 feel. Ihenc Weal I2l feet, Itience aoulh 4'i fl, Ihenc eaat 120 feet in the phie of lieKlllllllia, upon Which Iher I due the aum of 2 4. I'areel No. 4'.-( ommeiicliiu 1,1 it polnl J!7 4-IM feet aoulh and 2"n feet weat of th imrlheaal corner or aeciion ii, lownxnui fiiiiK II. eaal of Ihe Dili p in,, them tiotlll 12710 feel, Ihenc weat Ml feel, Ihenee aoulh I2V-I fel. Iheme eaal Mi feel lo Ihe place of lieninnlii, upon which there la now due th aum or l-'tW; I'unel No, 4n - ('otiinieliciiia 111 a point iM'l-lil feet aoulh lind :MI fel Wext of th noriheiial corner or aeciion 6, lownauui , ruh'- l.l eual of Hi" UHl p tn I hem ,. Weal I2U feel, Hielicn linrlll l2'v f"-l, Ihenee eaxt 120 feet, Ihenee aoulll 2S feel III lh (illicit of lii'MIUIilliK, Upon Which liter la due tin. aum of IM ', Willi Inlcreal iilioli eiidi or aani Miiioiiula al the rule of In per cctit per nullum from Keliroiiry lat, I v.i , . A xo lo x.ii xfy ihe furiner aum or i. ai coal herein loelhi-r Willi accriilnrf coxia liccordllia lo the decree of Hie lllalrlel ( ourl of Imunhi I'mtnlK, Ne,ma;t, l Ita i'elirunry term. A. Ii t'i7, In it 11 ae Hon then iiml Hn-re nemima w Herein Hurry J, TwIiiHii; I philnilff and John II ltarlanii nml Mra lloie-riaon, ma wife. Ural and leal mull liiihmiw n, mid mi lo rx me def.-ndnnla. 'imiiha, Nchtaxaa Auuxi ;,in, Mir. Jul IN W, M In N A l.l Hherlff of I o.iiu In Coiiniy, Nehruakit, TwIiiHii- v. Iloherlaoii el 11 1 line, ftl. Ml 2".ai W. A. Hauiiilera, AHornejc. i-S-. J. T. TATCII. Huom 13 Palterion Block. Attorne, ii! - ,'isi; In Ihe Iilatrlcl f'ourt of I toinrlt a I'oiinly, NehraxUa. In Ihe mailer of III eatal of riiurle it. Kvaria, dee d. To l.ydla I-;. Htiauldliig and linger '. I A una : V011 mid each of you, are herehy noil- fled II111I Ihe lllalrlel I'mirl of Ifuiighia Coiiniy. Nehraxait. hit a made Ihe follow lug order In the eliovc mil Ii I. -d actioti, i wo : "Now I hla canae f omln on f.if hearing on Hie report of Ihe Kiluiliilxlralor of the an hi of t he eaxt uilf l't of lot emnteeii ili, l' I'larc, an addition to the cliy of fimaliii, Nehriiaka. In puramtnc of a lli-eiixe ai'inled hy Ihla court to the Hilmlnlairnlor of aald alat, dated lilh day of NuveintM-r, Ii7, and II appearing hv aald renorl Ihnl a.ild half lot w.ia aold on Ihe J'.lh day of July, 1H, lu lillver I'hiiiuhera for Hi aum of live hundred nit, I aevenly dollar (I.mIVhi) caxli. It la therefore old. red that all perxuiix Inl.-r exieil In a.ild exlule .e nolllled In appear l,r.r,ir ni at court room No. 7. of Ihe liih.ii'l.1 I'oorl of llnutrl.ia t'ounlv, N l.ritka. In Ihe Ilea Itulldiiig on th" '.'h il.iy of H', Iv.ta. nt w o'clock, l,,reiioon, lo xhow cauae. If tiny, why an Id an I" xhotild not lie conlirmed and ( lUed exectiled to the purchaser, hy a.-rv lee of (hlx order, I'uhl Ic al loll of Hlllll? ii. I.e In The American on non-rexi. tenia J KANCKTT Judge of the niatrli'l Court iu(cd July j;. Kit. I &-I You Can Pay For. t nttntWt tl mH CHj;ri aiv! Im t in tti.n Jutl of mv ittitt wiltinuil m-Hatait lull im . .t att lit rat 0iy Mtt ta jtuulitl lnl t ititu' FIFTY DOLLARS ... .....1. .... 1....'.... ... . menu, wiinmu n.iviii"; in iaay 1015 How.inl Si., Om.ih.i, Ncl h i inn rojoity In ilisjai-rc of on it t tlu-ii mh jiiI.ikc to urttd mc . . r.o tiojtciiy covered ty ncavy of interest can he leiliiccil tQ M. I.. ZOOK. ' THE NESTOR OF MAQAZKES b bono In tl.o an of Amur lean tbuugbfc for mora tbn tbrtje-riuriier of ft oaio turjr. rt.k.oir alAfa itn tbe beat tad moat 1 nil jeovUI priodkal of tba world. It la in mouiu-plccn of th men who know moat woout tha fuM tonic on wDich American requlra to ba t foromd from month to month, lu dob tributor being1 tna luavdartof tbougtit tod action la avery fiald. Tnoaa woo would Uka oounaal of til big neat knowledge on tba affair of tb tlmn, and learn wbat 1 to b aid re garding thritn bjr the recognized author it.e on both tide, muat therefor r4 The. Noilli Amertrun llviku), tba Nettor- of maganlne. "Tui ijaga.lna baa for trior tbaa elgbty year, within it well oafloaxj liuna, aned attfie nml or monmiy pu ligation. ' Lliimifi lttttml. Tim KKVIKW may wed be pro'id Of lueigotytaro year, for truly 11 may be aiU of it thai' 'aire cannot witoar nor time auio IU Innnlte variety. Hurtitiato la one who can alt down and leaaton inn good thing furnlnd by tna i)oi utrtrary cetorera in tbe world. ' tiimid Hniu'lH JhvuxTUl, "il any oho name 10 inagazlne liter tare tua for wbt lautnornrlfjt nam.) lathe NoBTM AMUKKJAM HKVttW wfiicn lor more loan eigoty year na rcrnalneU at thu bnad ol toe montniy priou leal. " li'mUm I'oit. ' Tarn Kkvikw la flund each monla wltu anttiie witicn nould bo rea oy wry true cilitm."Vd'HfWrm in-vttw. "Tb Hkvikw ba done more for tb. bettor claa 01 r.ader man any otbar publication of tola Kind In tne coua try." (JlinnHmi A'h'iinile,, ,St. 1fiiti, BO Cent Number) tS.OO Yrv NOW 13 TIH3 TIMR TO SUBSCRIOG. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, K. T. Mention Th American whan ot wrM. !Mlre ef Inceraoratleii. N,.iic la hxrchr given that nn tha Hh 4ar of Juoo latet, urrfn (J. ITaka. Itavld Ku 0 oJ fcdauu MlcB oranla me wnpoaiiioa uauir- In tiuuipan ami duptd articl of Incur- uoratlon, aim niu hi aiu ;i;'iniii Li.Ktuiof Nahraaka, which aald arilcli among nttiar tlilnga provided ; Ural. Hi nam 01 in corporano u urn lh fctpoalilon catarlng Compaar . aw oiul 1'h principal piao of hmluaa to h" HuiRlia. Niiltraak. . Third. I ha natur of th bualnnaa to b that of condiicliog hutela and riurota, alatt th piircnulng and anlnag of fixxJ up ullea of hotel and re-taurant propertlaa. l ourtli. 'I ha capital of tn ld eor uoratloti ahall ha ten ihouaaad Dollara lu iav mil dliua lolo aharea of line lluo Ored liollnraitludlWirai'hi all of aald aloca Ui Ii paid up at Hie coiiiiuenceiuanl of tli hiialneaa ,, . , 1-ifHi That aald corplrH1)o ahall beglo oo the j'nd day of J una. I'"1, and cootliiu for a perl.xl of one )rer. , amn. Tha hlgiiMt amount of indetito noa Ut Which ihiarufporailoo thall al anf nn, aultject llaatl "hall not '' w'" two-lhlruaof llat-apllal aua'li. DA VlH KICll 7. a. aocretarf, Mif lo-ltac fur rtftjr lam. Ouaranteed looacco habit enre. maWx waali Boaatroug-, blood pur. 600,11. All drug-gui. mi mv 1 jrtiuit