The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 29, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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American Bible Study
111 11 AMliHlCAN;:
..t kSnltf aat tiJ tftl It If
I a 99m4 aet I Mftt4 will the
M-t'o tt .ta'. t '-
f :.e rJ th a.l la tt feral
l lV"s CaiWIr
i mm 10 BLAME
.. I t
r .t .'
tlth tH
, 11 M -l4 ev-V
.. Wl t 111
v r Mint,
tMllM tX
t wtwa, ) I
Wert I Vrptt
tVmmodi 4 H hey tea spre !
Itanrvt wiun feel lethw kem
tut fce fce hv rut dt Madrid
WeU h tor the 4ll hand la the er
rarrmeitl or eisgoiieUnti lr be
tweea Kpeta and thUeminlry.
Vtedf H Hi t Unresting raster
tine the Jesuit were given that IM-V
0Ocilr I for taking Toral'e army
hfti ir iti Httaln? Your Uorle Samuel It
a ray mirk!
Spain has rommenend negotiation
for pence. She It treating through
the French ambassador. Bbe will
agree to anything tf the United Htate
will only help her let go.
It It now reported Hint Spanish pris
oner cheor American hlp that pas
their quarter which aro loaded with
United State soldier hound for Span
ish Hrta, Gue they hare learned
that tho 1 Y-..kee hogs," are of a very
One breed ,
At Pinole, Cel., Wednesday night an
explosion courred in the llerculet
Powdereompany' nitro-glyccrin house
which UiVd a Ore and caused a wo
und cxploslt n by which fire men were
killed and about twice that number
were Injured, Caue unknown.
Now that Downy and the American
.soldier have caused the urreiider of
Manila, will thlt country have to pay
another tribute to Rome? Will the
JctulU get another contract over other
lower and rciKjnnNo bidden, for car
ry Ins tho captured told Ion back to
There la considerable itlr among the
property owncri along 24th itrcnt In
South Omaha. Attorney W, A. Saun-
dora, at the representative of a number
of property ownert hat commenced a
ault alleging that the tax for paring
24th ttrcot It Illegal and cannot be col
lected. The outcome of thlt ault will
ho looked forward to with no tmall
amount of Intercut.
Tho Ladles Auxlihary of the Thurs
ton Rifles are sending out a chain letter
for the purpose of raising an emergency
hospital fund. Thlt It a corn men liable
more and wilt appeal to our cltlzent
now that the report from the front in
dicate so much sickness I within the
Armerlcan lines in Cuba, for they do
not know what day a similar report
may come from our boys in the Phil
ippine. Kach citizen can do some
thing, and every little bit will help.
In the book of Dunlel It. It recorded
that In these latter dy the hearts of
the king of the north and of the south
thall he "to do mischief, and they shall
speak lies at ore table; but It shall not
prosper: for yet the end thall be at the
tlmo appointed." No man know when
the end li to be, but thero are many
who have studied I tin signs of the
times and compared them with the
prophecies in the Bible who believe It
I not n any year hence that it it al
most at our doort.
American should In all buslnet
transactions give loyal Protestant the
preference. Patriot who patronize
paptstt are playing Into the hand of
their enemies. We have heard of
profcsMd patriot who have been
guilty of the manifest impropriety of
patronizing Rom an Catholio saloon
keeper. A taloon i a a rule a good
place to tay away from, but those of
our frlendt who will take a drink ought
not under any circumstances to spend
one cent of their money in any drink
Ing place kept by a Roman Catholic,
Should you reside in a city in which
all the saloon are run by Romanist
you can obviate the necessity of patron
Izlng a papist by not drinking at all,
This country doe not want to retafn
the Philippine island, but It want the
fullest and most complete brand of re
ligious liberty set up under a republl
Hi .t,
can form of government. Thl need
!.t ( yM Tat
U- Id trt tr! ! .a'r
Aa yilnUUe m. Pt friw
VahlittiHi tt ti th Hi
VdiMM (vl li'MtM.'t, a'drd hf
tiara!t Hka'lr, lMk, I e ad
t.rakani. with a wihl f.n rf IW
tktn mn, a- V ik the fl14 a iit
llavaaa In tho fall tt Mijur tirral
t '! plnrr to Ha li ft out of the cmM
aatlon of hlg gfnrralt thai tt to
the rapture of Cuba ttapltal Perhap
ti e war ttianttfri Je i,t a'Ur a I eon
alder Copplager'a aortic! ablutly
Udltpentable to the t arrying out of any
grrat military pro'l.
Aorordlng to a tNtlal to the C'hlea
go Chronicle from Jecktonvllle, Fla ,
I'rUaio Chartce tHrlne, Company A,
Fourth IlllnoU, hat been court-mar
tlaltnl and dishonorably discharged
from the military eerrloe of the United
States and sentenced to nine months'
ImprlMona ent at Fort Leavenworth,
for stealing tO from a soldier In his
comany. tie haa been safely landed
a Fort Leavenworth. Dm I tie Is a Uo
man Irish name, and we'll wafer a dol
lar to a doughnut that this Charles De
vine It an Irish Iloinun Calhollo.
Stealing from comrades I a Itoman
Irish trait.
Tom tllackburn hat our sympathy.
Just at he got comfortable settled at
llttlo Hldie Hopewaler'a pie counter
and had boon helped to a nice II.V) job
at past Inspector, to mo great, bf,rude,
rough boyi came along and pushed him
away and gave the pie to another boy,
who accepted It at 175 per month. All
that it It necessary to do to commit po
litical sulfide In Omaha, It to wear a
Hose water collar. K very body teems to
take a fiendish delight In putting one
of Iloscy't frlondi In a position where
they will nut have to depend on public
odloe for a living. Too bad, Tom; but
you can regain public confidence by
taking off that collar which Iloacy rlv
I ted on you fifteen yean ago. Of course
people will look upon you with auspl
olon at first, but you are young and can
live the past down. Get on the right
side bcro't our hand.
Klder Luther Warren, of Chicago,
one or tbe moat able ana eloquent
peakert we have ever listened to, he
gan a aerie of lecture to the large,
eloctrlo-llghted tent at Seventeenth
and Webster street Wednesday even
Ing and will continue to addrest the
people of Omaha on tho signs of the
time a foretold In the Mole, nit
Tburtday evening lecture wa very In
terestlng and instructive a It proved
beyond the possibility of a doabt that
the Turkish empire I tbe plague de
crlbud lo Revelation, chapter 9, a lo
cust, t) whom It wat given power to
hurt tbe earth for Ave month. It will
not be possible for u to give a full re
port of the Klder' lecture or those
that will follow, but we can my this,
no citizen of Omaha, whether rloa or
poor, Proteatant or Roman Catholic,
Jew or unbeliever, bluck or white, who
1 (ticking truth, can afford to nv
thee lectures. Tho Friday evening
lecture will be "The Fifth Uni
versal Kingdom." Those that aro tn
follow during the next live night will
all be grounded upon the word and
prophecle of the Riblo. All lectures
are free and denominational !m Is not
discussed. The Elder begin the ser
vices at eight o'clock. We should like
to meet every readei-of This Amkkican
at tbe tent during the next week a we
are as greatly Interested In your spirit
ual welfare at we are In your political,
and we believe you need the lnforma
tlon he Is able to Impart. A we said
once beiore we aro noi a mcmner oi
any church, but wo believe the algns of
tbe time Indicate the nearness of the
coming of theLo-d Jesut Christ. It
would be well to obey the-Injunctlon to
"work, for tho night Is coming when
roan' work 1 done."
The American should be on every
newsdealer coujiter. Will you and
your friend see to It in your city? Keep
asking for this paper.
Llenry F. I)ocn, Clinton, la., 1 tbe
head of the A. P. A. la this country
Write blm about your council and auk
him for Information.
MaliU Hi4iv Mm Im mi t
I mm h4 )( nf Hk
t aw4 tt I
WUtutt ..! )t r it In Mitf f '!
t.t.n n l Ihrf nt.rr tbw ship t rn
mMli!f (mil a!) )Sii la lb ml
te of th It tu'ir v ti dr 1 h
retort wsni.l by I apt tin XV II
Hmilli ..f (h ItiitUh li.iisl Nr i
rre, with wbtH iwnUII In
Hi lnn-1ijHnn apuin t:,tti rtct-t
KitigIt, H N I'. , n l t aptaln
Anterin, nuii,'l at.M' t aptaln
Nmilh ilwrlU iih tli In.'l'l.ri's of I In!
cttUlmlitn ad-rHHMt by th matter anJ
rrw uf lln sailing rv I, u, hays:
"Attbe time the twoslilps eamo Into
eotllxliin ths etniMi4liin was mt violent
anil the blnw lurtu ti-.l wihvy that the
sailing vewl wa itrlvvn aj'parpiitly
eonslilrratily fprni th tiuirw aha was
heailing although I lis numlirr of
piillils the a can, I to deviate I not
exactly atatil, but the fflWt of the
blow rauxeit her headway to be
ttoppod and made hr utiiiinnnirenhU,
The Jib tnHtn and tHprlt of tl: (,
niartyiihlre paswd over the hide of the
at en out and wm IouUi-ii and torn
away from the sturlmurd side of the
Railing ahlp with all of I lie gear at
tached aud eafit over the ieeaidu, The
forcmdKt win alo bruUen and cnnie
down from aloft and fell over the
same aide of the ahlp. The collision
bulkhead remained lntii'-t, whlrh
saved the ahlp from foundering. The
damage thl veaael unstained wnn not
known to those ou bonnl the snilitig
ship nd could not b, n tho evldeni'c
shows ohe prntsed quirkly out of sight
bci'osh tlm tow to al .arlsinnl.
Captain Smith's report art forth the
nieaaurea taken ly the Cromartyshire
to discover If there was nny loss of life
upon theatramshlp, and estpeclnl atten
tion I drawn to the International regu
lations for preventing collisions lit sea,
which, the report says, "should have
been observed by these resaela,"
"There can be no doubt," it is
added, "that the steamer was supplied
with an cfllciciit steam whistle and
that it was aounileii lit regular Inter
vals, The officers of the. sailing1 ship
and most of the crew heard it several
minutes before the collision. Abund
ant proof la also produced that, the
sailing vessel hud an efticlcrit horn
and was using It according to regula
tions. From statement mad by wit
nesses In this ease there la an indica
tion that the sailing ship's horn was
heard on board the steamer ami was
answered by her. With regard to the
peed of tho atnamer at the time of the
collision tbe report say that nothing
can be absolutely anil certnlniy known
a to Its rate except from tho infer
ence drawn from tho various state
ments made in the evidence. Perhaps
her apeed will never bo accurately
known. From the sudden manner the
steamer first came In alglit upon the
port bow of tho sailing ship aud her
equally o,ulck disappearance in the fog
immediately after the casualty, as
ahown by the evidence, the court la
forced to tbe conclusion that the
steamer was proceeding at a very high
rate of speed.
"Article JO state that when a steam
ressel and a sailing vessel are proceed
ing In such directions as to involve
rink of collision the steam vessel shall
beep out of the way of the sailing
vessel. For reason unknown to tbe
court the latter did not keep clear of
the sailing vessel.
"Article II says: 'Whereby of these
rule one of the vessel I to keep out
of the way, the other shall keep her
eourse and speed.'
"The evidence llmn this point I of
a clear and satisfactory character and
conclusively proves that the sailing
ahlp, under the circumstance, did keep
tier course and speed according to the
provisions of the act. '.he court Is of
the opinion that her toaster would not
have been JustlhVd in departing from
tbe statutory regulation unless he
could have sheltered himself under the
conditions Kilnted out in Article SI.
All the necessary duties were per
formed liiKin the sailing ship with
proper enntion and doe diligence was
exercised In her navagntlon by her
captain when the character of the fog
was taken Into consideration. Cap
tain Henderson of the Cromartyshire
and the odlecr of his ship are there
for exonerated from Maine from the
Collision and lis coiiseiuenees."
Captain hinlth In his report says: "It
appear to toe that I .A lioiirgogfie,
a a mall stenmshlpstarting from New
York, we not In the position at the
time of the collision ns Indicated by
the steamer lanes upon the pilot chart
of the North Atlant ic. It also ap
pear to met hat it Is highly desirable
the rule of following the steamer
lanes should lie made more binding on
all steamer navigating the Atlantic,
when plying but wen New York and
European ports,"
Typhoid fever Sirellnf .
Camp A lakh. Fall Church, Va,, July
20. Typhoid fever continue to siiread
among the regiment at Camp Alger,
notwithstanding the strenuous and un
ceasing effort uf the medical officer
on ftnlir hern. Ten new case Were dis
covered yesterday, making A total of
thirty-six since Sunday.
7-lno and 14 Outpnt.
Toi'EKA, Kan., July 29. The rlno
and lead mine of Kansa produced In
IIB7 mineral worth f2.03.68. an in-
treaa over the previous year of 9163
P 60.87.
M 1 It
) r4nt
t t ,. It 1 v tmt. p
Kt l IK .. lit 1 tine If t
I I s i at IM
it ,-,, up , i iifi Ui wiia
! Ii 1 I Ihe . '
.) .,. ( in heir (. h ill H' 1 fce '
r. Kf m, le tl l I '
. , li I'D V tt tit h t I Wis fcsl
tnvl h an nmio'tfl -t
kit .,n , t,i Uf off ll Nw
IiimI sh.rt I i l.-se . h lr II sill
tt trsli l'i an,! h .(ralii4
ita of hrV iM(inri il 'ie, 111 ship
I leitl !lirl, Vi..o an I th, .
of the ,i.sei ; iM tie flsHtr ia bold
V I the s'etmslOp H olf I rnli k t
Uisnd, on tliei-l of Mat i land
1 h mil !( Itement f.iloe. Ih
nut lrk of llii" fire n I weial of th
elevrtt stoersfe passenger alt Jsni
leans, en, lo els lite lifrlsisls
1 h third wt", IVrt r sniler, w
f, ,riH-, ttidraiv Itis revolver to prevent
Ihn men from the sleeraife leaving lit
Imrnlng steamer In Ihe I bree llfelsts,
which eniilil raslly have aistmiitoUtel
Ihe other fori) rive passenger and
ntemlier of lh crew
The passengers were, however,
f,iried out of the lot by t'splsln
U alker and hi men, and when dis
cipline wa restored preparation were
first made for the saving of the women
and children on the vessel The life
tsiats were lowered Ihe sea was
quite1 calm and Ihe ship's ofllcer stood
by the row ladder Thus a panle
was averted and the safuty of th
(Ifty-slx permsoii Isiard the Ardand
hu assured
't he heat wa so Intense and the
smoke was o heavy that it wa for a
tltue unsafe for the passenger to re
main on the upper deck. They were
nil ordered forward, and the women
and children were first put Into the
lifeboat, each of which bad a full
supply of food and water on Ismrd aud
were supplied with compase and
signal rocket. It wa nearly mid
night when Captain Walker considered
that he had the lire In control, and
decided to continue on hi way to
New York. The women and children
were taken back to the steamer and
the lifeboats were hoisted to the
ilavlt. bt:t wt ro not taken on Imard,
The ofllcer from that time on kept
watch ovr tho lifeboat to prevent the
eleven J:tm.i!e,wt, who appeared to be
terror stricken, from deserting the
burning steamship In them. Most of
the steerage passengers, however,
stowed themselves In tlm small boat
astern, and remained there un,tll the
Ardandliu reached the narrows.
Annetsllim News flraelieil Honolulu Jul
I aHerelveif With iitloi.l in.
Ilosol l I f, July 'Ml. The steamship
Coptic arrived from Kan Prancluro on
the evening of the J 3th Instant, with
the lmHrtant new that the United
Kt ate senate bad ratified the New
land resolution, making Hawaii a part
of the United State. Img lefore the
vesel reached the harlwtr, It wa
known that the steamer brought an
nexation news, the information being
signaled to the Mohlenn.
The Are whistle and tbe whistle of
foundries, mill and steamers were
turned looso and pandemonium
reigned. Firework were set off. In
the midst of the noise, 100 guns wer
fired on the ground of the executive
At the same time tiie Hawaiian
bands started out and marched through
the street to the wharf, playing
American patriotic air. An Immenss
procession wa formed and a march
wa made to the executive building.
President !ole wa at hi beach horn
when the steamer wa sighted. IU
hurried Into town end reached th
wharf a the steamer tied up,
Captain Heal by of the Coptic: wa pre
sented with a ilver cup by the citizen
of Honolulu for bringing the new,-
The people here have decided not to
have any formal annexation celebra
tion until tbe Philadelphia ami Adm)
ral Miller arrive with the flag.
The leading men of Honolulu met
and recommended Harold M, Hewell,
('tilled Mate minister to Hawaii, for
governor of the Islands, It had been
generally thought that President lole
would tat their choice.
Sugsil ftet-Ures lit Aoked tnf l'n
ltrr t'urlo Hlei. W Oerapled.
Loxoox, July m The Madrid cor
rcsMiiident of the Dally Mall say:
fsoain will orobalilv ttrotest against an
attack upon Porto Hleo after th
Washington cabinet had officially re
ceived hoatilsh overture for peace.
Kenor Hagasta said to-day: "We re
kolved on rienee manv dav ago and
tnadn known our resolution to th
United Mates government, I regard
as null and void and as destitute of
good faith everything that the Amnr
lean have done since, and I am ready
to protest against it formally.
twver! fortune.
Hkatti.k, Wash,, July 2fi.-Hteami
Hiimlioldt arrived from Ht. Michael'
yesterday afternoon with 113 passen
gers from Dawson City with about In gold dost and a much
more in draft. Three men brought
f2.i0,ooo each.
Master In Hawaii l,.aird.
rUx Fiu.wisco, July !!9. I'rom most
aut hentic source come the Informa
tion that Ihe arrival of the American
troop in Honolulu will m followed by
the mustering into the t'nlted Htute
rolntiteer service of the Hawaiian
national guard, a force of fioo men.
terver the fittest of Honor,
Ajisafoms, Md., July i9, Admiral
and Mr. McNalr entertained Admiral
Cervera and hi trT, who are prison
ers at the academy, at a dinner last
tilght. The table wa decorated with
American beauty aud La Franc roeee,
M ' C In
I i."i II
tlwiete IMt Is I h f
I to n. rl th" r"tIS'
Hyef a nM. la AM . he !
th r.t st-kraet i U lltie
la Hvlle; fvl fr I t' 11 ''
mf r t h tie ae am fl' !
I w It. wltli lied te. ttiiiowlli
tltta ttlll f-.Mher
There am hut t e ilJ to sr tjue
line a rtttt tide sd rt Ule
With thl tjuettloa nt ltmliw there
are Hut twti tide; ye i are either for the
Churrhof Home-lh jrlt womaa,
the whore that alt bothle isy wa
Wri or you are earaestly and loyally
opposed to her and la favor of oht ylng
the Ctmmandmnt of Ood, Thl I
where the lest come If you have the
number of the beast, or hi merit, la
y mr right haad or la yjur forehead
j ou wilt la no manner Inherit the King
don of Heaven, which John talJ wa at
hand, and which may beset up at a day
In thrjm ar future.
On the other hand, If you hare been
ealed lo your forehead a a icrvant of
God and your name wa written In the
Lamb' hook of Life from the founda
lion of the world your admission to the
New Jerusalem which come down out
of heaven from God I already a tottled
2. And I taw another angeiascmdlng
from the east, having tbe teal of the
living God; and be cried with a loud
voice to the four angels, to whom It
wa given to hurt the earth and the
8. Saying, hurt not the earth, neither
the sea, nor the tree, till we have
sealed the survaoit of our Cod In their
forehead. ICer., chap. 7.
S And all that dwell upon tbe earth
thall worship him, the beast whose
namct are not written In tbe book of
life of the Lamb slain from the founda
tion of the world. Iter., chap, J.t,
10, And be carried me away In the
spirit to a great and high mountain,
and thowed me that great city, tho
holy Jerusalem, descending out of
heaven from God.. Iter., chap 21,
I will tay at tbl time that the men
at I '"io head of tbe Church of Hmie
have done vxactly what Christ proph
esied In the twenty-fourth chapter of
Matthew they have done thing that
would, were It possible, have deceived
tbe very elect.
After carefully reading and studying
the New Testament I can toe where
the men at the head of the Church of
ftome found tbe shadow of many of
tho doctrine of their organization
At the tamet'mo I find throughout the
Hible that tbe evil will put on the llv
ery oi heaven to serve toe devil a
foretold by Ju Christ tn th chapter
referred to In tbe preceding paragraph.
If you will get your Hible we will
obtv Paul' Injunction and tcarch the
8crl(.tjre. In chapter 7 of First Cor-
Inthlenr, from the 2.'th rerun we find
where they get tbe (hadow for tbe Idea
of celebacy for their prioit and nun,
and yet if you will turn over a few
p ige until you come to Paul' First
Epistle to Timothy, chapter 3, vcre 2,
you will see that It U distinctly stated
that a bishop should bo the
husrai,d of one wife; and lu the
(Kb verse of the fith chapter of Timothy
only widow over sixty year of age are
worthy to be taken into the numbjr or
der). I wonder how long it would take,
the hierarchy to disband the female
order of the Church of Home If they
were made up exclusively of women
who were a novo sixty year of age?
The Itoman! t doctrine of cclebacy I
one of tbe mark of the beast a I also
her order against eating meal on cer
tain day. Head First Timothy, char
tor 4:
I, Now the Spirit speaketb expressly,
that in the latter time omo hc,!l ic
part from tbe faith, giving heed to se
ducing splrll, and doctrine of devil;
2 (Speaking He in hypocrisy; hav
ing their conscience soared with a hot
3, Forbidding to marry, and com
manding to abstain from meat, which
God hath created to be received with
thanksgiving of them wlub believe and
gnow tho truth."
Ho i her denial of the Word of Oixt,
tbe Hlble, to tho mcmbur of the
church throughout tbe world, a fur
ther mark of the beast, for, bow
can one KNOW THE TKUTII except
by reading with one own eye and un
derstanding with onci own mind? To
accept and bollcve tho interpretation
of tome other man or many other men
doe not constitute knowledge. You
can believe what men tell you, but you
TM w ean i;t th tfvrtur
Ihe lNe-f.f Ihe rt Md lU.l
It the fan h wf IUe Wl Ml-
t nsplrf II Vt II d tfcapWr
I al terte l, Utt Jtntilta'lo of the
- . . L - , . ..,l
v'M mat in t nerr n mi in rover nt
hUdieg tail lniMlaf, let la th ttt
!' td th ".h t ha-ttef ttf l et letlaile
It I ! that "Thr I e na that
hih piesf ever the spirit la reUla
thetptrit, e!ihr bti he power la
the ij (f vath N Thlt I flat eoa-
tradii tlon of the claim of Ihe Church
of Item that the tea Mad and lome.
Hut thl It aol th o! dealal eaterej
teber claim Tha Brtt ehapterot Iter
elation doe not leir the Church of
Home an Inch of ground on which to
land. 'Due like unto the Hon of man,"
tpeaki to John I th P.h verte of the
firtt chapter of tUvelatlon taylng: "I
am he that llvelh, and wa dad; and
beholJ, t am alhe turevermorc, Amen;
and have th key of hall and of death."
The men who have woven the fabrio
of llomanUra knew, what Harnum bt,
lieved at a later day, that the pwiple
liked to be humbugged, so tbey Insti
tuted a custom ora rite which I known
a extreme unction. I thl authorized
by the Hible? We will go to I. John,
chapter 2, vcrte
20. lljt ye have an unction from tbe
Holy, and ya know all thing.
Tbl unction wa Truth, which ClirM
said he would pray the Father, even
God, that 1I give to HI dlsclpl t af
ter He bad left them. Tbe Spirit of
Truth, the Holy Ghot, 3t. John, from
the 17th to tbe 27th vnrseof chapter II)
wa to be a Comforter, but tbe world
wa to reject it a It would reject him.
Hut thl 1 not the extreme unction of
the Itoman Catholic church, Tbe or
ganlz in of tbe papal tystem go to tbe
5th chapter of Jame for authority for
the practlca of annotating the tick
with oil. My understanding of tbe ap
plication of the doctrine et extreme
unction of the Roman church I that It
I retrlctcd to cae of slcknot where
bopj of saving life 1 extinct, ana that
It 1 administered with the understand
ing that If the tick recover no Pencil t
from tho unction I to attach, which
prove that their practice 1 contrary
te the very passage oa which they
pretend to base the practice of admin
istering extreme unction,
1 f I any lick am'jng you? let him
call for the elder of the church; and
let them pray over blm, annotating
blm with oil lo the name of the L-ird;
ir. And tbe prayer of faith shall
are the tick; and the LwJ thall rale
blm up; and if bo have committed tins,
they shall be forgiven blm.
It I plainly atated that if oil U ap
plied In the name of the Lord, and If
prayer are said, bdievlng, having
faith that hi sin wilt bo forgiven, the
Lord will raise blm up. If th tick die
after the oil ha been put on and after
the prayer have been said, do ty not
die in iQelrln,bocauof lack of faith?
I know that Christ uwd sin and tick
nes a synonyms. Turn It the (P.h
chapter of Matt lew, from the 2 id to
the fitb verse. Toero It I recorded
that one sick of tti-t ptlsy wa hrought
to Christ Who, seeing the faith, said,
"Hon, b.j of good cheer; thy ln bo for
giv,tn then." Hecause of tliosi word
the scribe said within themielve "tbl
man blaphernetb,"and Jesus, knowing
their thoughts, atksd, "wherefore
think ye evil In your he.artt? For,
whether I easter, to iy, 'thy in bo
forgiven tbeo'; or to y, 'arise, and
walk?' Hit that ye may kno- that
the H m of man hath power on earth to .
forgive sln, (ihen sallh He to the man
sick of the patsy) "Arise uke up thy
bed, and go unto thine house,'" Kx
trcmn unction Is hut another mark of
the beast, if It I applied la the way (
understand It I applied.
The Church of H'jrmj say hcretlci
(ball b twice admonished and then, If
they repen not, th!,y thall be turned
over to tho loculnr arm te bo punished.
It get a part of this dot-trims from the
.'frd chapter and the Pith verse of Paul'
Kplstle te Titus, It read:
"A man that l a heretic, afi,tr tho
first and second admonition, rej'wt."
Hut the church has not and n;ver
did have the right to p tnUh or to J idge
an unbullevcr for it 1 written "ven-
geance I mine, sal in tbe Lird," and
Christ said "If any man hear my word,
and believe them not, I Judge him not;
for I came not to judge the world, but
to avo the world." I not thl doctrine