THE AMERICAN. WHAT ROME TEACHES Tn the Year iooo Rome Will ake This Country and Keep It Hecker. SattlWtsTtut KHIeluu l.lirtj lOu!j EndurH I'ntil thOti.H Shi- ran It rl Into EfTW-t Without In. JurT l thr Koman ( hwri li. Education outtlda of to Catholic Church la a damnable heresy. Pop Flua IX. Education mutt be controlled br Catholic autborltlci. vcn to war and Woodibi-d. Catholic World. I frankly con feat that the Catholic tand before th country at tb n mlea of the public achoolt. Father Fhelan. I would at toon administer aacra aaent to a do aa to Cnthollca who wnd thoir children to public achoolt. Father Walker. The public achoolt hare produced toothtnc but a gnrtlest tnraMon tt thletet and blackguards Father Bchaner. It will be a-lorlout da In thta wintry when under the lawt the ehool tTttem will be hlvered to fclecet. Catholic Telearaph. Tht public achoolt are nnrterlet of vice: ther are rodlei and unlctt tup trtted will prove th dnmnatlon of thin country. Father Walker. We must take part In the electloni Hove In a tolld mast In every ttate atalnet the pnrtv pledged to sustain the Intearlty of the public achoolt, McCloskey. Tht common tchools of thlt country r tlnkt of morel pollution and nur terlet of hell. Chlcnro Tablet. The time It not far away when the Roman Catholic Church of the H public of the United 8tatet. at the wrier of the Pope, will refuse to rar their echool tax. and will tend bullets to the breattt of the Kovernment itentt rather than par it. It will eeme onlckly at the click of a trliteer. BO will be obeved. of courte. at com tot from Almlehty God. Mrt. Canel, "W bate Proteetantlsm: we detett U with our whole heart and oul." Catholic Visitor. "No man has a rlrtt to choose hit yllrlon." Archbishop Hwr in Freeman's Journal. Jan. 29. 1852. "If Catholics ever jraln eufflclent an tterlcal malorlty In this country, re. ilelona freedom end." Cath "c Shepherd of the Valley, Nov. 23, ISM. "Proteatanttsm, of every form, hat not. and never can have any rlht where Catholicity Is triumphant.. Dr, o. A. Brownson'a Catholic Review, June. 1851. WW ... .... we neve tagen tnis principle tor a tasls: That the Catholic rellelon with 11 Its rkhts, oneht to be exclusively dominant. In such tort, that every other worship shall he banished end lterdlcted." Plus IX. In his allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardinal!. 8ertemher. 1SBI. "Protestantism whv. we thonld traw and nuarter it. and bane up the crows meat We would tear It with Blncers and fire It with hot Irons! Fill It with molten lena and sink It In hell rtre one hnndivd fathoms rWp." -atner pneian, Editor Western Watch nan. "Rella-lnng imertv Is merely endur ed until the opposite side can be car ried Into effect, without peril to the Catholic Church." Bishop O'Con nor.. The Roman Catholic la to wield his Tote for the purpose of securing Cath olic ascendency In -this country." Father Hecker, In the Catholic World. Jul v. 1870. "Undoubtedly It ts the Intention of th Pope to possets this country. In this Intention he It aided bv the Jes uits and Catholic prelates and priests. Brownson'g Catholic Review, July. ISM. ' When a Catholic candidate ft on a ticket and his opponent la a non Cfctholle, let the Catholic candidate lve the vote, no matter what he rep resents. "Catholic Review, July. 1894. "In case of conBletlnj laws between the two powers, the laws of the church must prevail over the state." Plus IX, Syllabus 1864. "We hold the stare to he only an Inferior court, reeelvlne Its authority from the church and liable to have Its decrees reversed upon appeal.' Brownson's Essays, p. 282. "We do not accept this government or hold It to be any rovernment at all, or ts capable of performing any of the proper functions of government. If the American government is to be eus talned and preserved at all. It must be by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation (that Is. the ftv rumen t by the people), and the ac ceptance of the Catholic nrinniBit, which Is the rovernment of the pope." Catholic World. September. 1871. "I acknowledge no clyll power." Cardinal Manning:, speaklnjr in the hame of the Pope. S. R. S.. 1871 "The Pope, as the head and mouth piece of the Catholic Church, admin isters Its discipline and Issues orders to which every Catholic nnder pain t tin must yield obedle ' Cath olic World, of August. 1868. "In 1900 Rome will take this conn try and keep If Priest Hecker. "The will of the Pope Is the supreme law of all lands." archbishop ire-land. We have plenty of the issue of Jan uary 28. containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the word. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2. 600 for $7.60; 1.000 for 10. Have you sent aitf of that num ber to your friends? Tou should! They should not sleep longer. Lake Linden, Mich., Feb., 21, 1898 Dear Sir: I received your Atlas of the World and I am well, pleased; far beyond my expectations. S JOHN COLLING. No man's Influence is so small bnt what he could make it tell against Rome. .J i ts minims. BY II. W. IlnWMAJf. Papal pilla are sugar coat d. Credulity is the basis of Rome's re ligion. Gtt a papist to thinking and the prlrht will curse you. The priest's blindest eye Is on the tide where the most money comes from. A Dible Is the most hurtful book papist can read It we Judge from Rome's pant acts. No man can walk with civilization and stay in the woods of papal super flitiun. Rome wears a religious cloak, yet hat a cold heart A confessional box Is the tomb or self-respect Wearing a cross does not cure cross ness. Hatred is nursed by papal prejudice. The brighter history shines the dark er Rome's record. It Is hard to convince a papist who lets the priest do bis thinking. io Know mat popery Is a curse makes a man want to rid the earth of it. $ Keeping knowledge in the hands of the priest starves the minds of the people. You can never tell what a papist will do out of a church by his looks of de votion within. Rome has trouble with the man who docs his own thinking. Popery throws the most mud at the whitest garments. MopD A Map of the United States END me 15 cents in stamps and I will mail you a map of the United States, threw feet four inches wide by four feet long. Printed in six colors. Mounted on rollers. Shows every state, county Important town and railroad In the United States. J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Department Store Prices Best describes the rates at which DR. WITHERS Is doine all kinds of Dental Work. Set Teeth 5 00 Best Set Teeth 7 60 Gold Filling 11.00 and up Silver Fillings 1 00 Gold Crowns 6 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out in the morning- xw unes same uay. All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge. 16 Years' Experience 16 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk.. Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. TELEPHONE 1776 THE GREAT HISTORICAL REVIEW. Current History, An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine. DEVOTED TO RECORDING IMPORTANT EVENTS, PRO GRESS AND GROWTH IN ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. n Its Field Current His- tory Has No Competitor. Agents Wanted.cru ' magazine for agents to handle. It appeals to intelligent people. Address NEW ENGLAND PCBL1SH G CO., 3 SOMERSET STREET, BOSTON. MASS. FOR KANSAS CITY, i'SSI ST. LOUIS toints SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST litlft tffltf, 1 E. Cirotr till ut Fan Stl Jirvxrr (MET HORRORS AND SECRETS tur JUL1 nnvmnnninvr i t ifMUML BY R. L. KOSTELO. Thi book it one of lateat additions to the Aotl Roman literature, hut is Among the bent tbat bat vet been written. It dealt with the coofes odjI sod other practices of the Roman Catholic Church, t well as the political lntriguei of the Jesuits, io a clear, concise manner. Hi, lock it now on sale, in paper cover at 50 CENTS, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, . . OMAHA. NEB. AmencamiDsirsii or Iniomainism, WhSch? -H V- JOHN T, CHRISTIAN, D,D Cloth. 280 Pages. price $1.00" AGENTS WANTED "Picturesque and able." 27t CowjrcgotUmaiui, It ought to be put In our pubi! schools aa a text-book." North Carolina 2rmu4. "The book ia ol great value." Wesleyan 2teihodisL We will sent'thls book DO&tuaid on receiDt of nrice: or. for 2 (in wa will send "THE AMERICAN" ONE YEAR together with the book. AMERICAN PUBLISHING (, 6I5Howar3 St.. I Omaua. DsK ... L DO YOU WANT . . . Bishop Coxe's -issSatolli Letters ENTITLED The Jesuit Party in American Politic4 Exposed and Expounded, bein a series of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLEVE LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate. This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of excellent patriotic literature. Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Must Accompay all f Orders. AttSRJCAN PUBLISHING CO. HIS WORST BLOW W FOR ROME I BISHOF J. V. McNftMftRft, The Converted PrieBt, has brought through Press His New Book, entitled "Rev. Mother Rose. A Bishop and Two Priests." Price in Paper Cover 25 cts. Sent by Mail. Fifty Years in the p -'Wo '3 V w V 1 BV. RKV. CHARLES CHINIQUY, c $2.00 TOGETHER WITH THE AMERICAN For the Balance of 1898, for The price of the book alone at retail is $2 25. but you pet both the book Nd the paper for $2.00. Send in your orders ACCOMPANIED BY THE CAS H to AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. Is Marriage a Failure? $1.00; Da AlAHIA ripucti' mcuiiiai, marital mmw k Sensible Boot for Cnrions People--A UseM Boot lor Everyone BT NEW IOBS'8 HOST CELEBRATED MEOIfAl AfTIIOR A5D SPECIALIST, DR, B. B. F06IB. 1 Of CorasE Yotr Want to Know What Everybody Ottght to Know. The Yorna how to choose the best one to marry; The Married how to be happy in marriage: The Fond Parent how to have prize babies; THE ('HIIJ)I.ESS henv tn Y,a f.-i,,f,,l ...iiji . "iwm tin vi multiply The Ci Rious-how they "growed" and came to be The IIpaitiiv liAm t :r i 1 ,,i rr ; ., . . . i r1Jux UI1U k.p weu inuiu nuw io gee weu again speedily ; Ihe Impri dent how to regain wasted enerev. All who want knowledge that is of most worth. Jmd it in Dr. Foote'a "Plain Home Talk," 1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 36 col. plates; 200 recipes. PLEASES ALL CLASSES! A BOOK FOR THE AIAfcKRHl REALLY FOUR GREAT BOOKS IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. 'ART l.-DISEASES AND THEIR CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CURE. ?ART II.-CHR0NIC DISEASES OF ALL SORTS, AND ALL PARTS, INCLUDING "PRIVATE" FOR BOTH SEXES PART III.-PLAIN TALK ABOUT CONJUGAL RELATIONS, ERRORS, REFORMS, MARRIAGE IN ALL COUNTRS PART IV.-IMPROVEMENT OF MARRIAGE, A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED AND ALL WHO HOPE EVER TO BE. T "DDT'KT'nT V Cn,aln' OVOr 200 PrescriP,""' for relief and cure of acute and chronic disorder! At 1 Lll U 1 A Hmmn t0,,dult ni childre"l Pte Uble of antidotes to poison., Illustrated direc,,on fa resuscitating the drownedi hygienic rules for the care ! Infants. NO FAT3 2LJSS,ht"MS ?f thi8.b.'k n the satisfaction It give to thoughtu). UU A lUfl earnest and wisely tnqumtive people can be properly elated here; 10 PLATES. 3ff CHROmOS. 200 IIXTJSTHATIONB 1 RJ. &Xn. .""1. yW'j K'JW.!.' Man from ,he E, Dbiraan of .h.1 f'K Will,'."'"."' ?'!" M'fdal Oraan.1 I Shm Ansfnmv of Mitn mnA nt Vnmn feklni eo-rpBl Kruniionii; Three K wtrr xv ii r..-..i. ". .v"r. i n t-oiuruypea by i olor I'hulography . In Kle Colura.'e Are You Well ? OOD HEALTH 1b a rare bM)n too (tmierallv 8llnliud. TbuSti forumatWy tliu en dowed from blrMi are apt to be reckU'HS of tliilr licrttHire. It la 8o cay to lose or ll(s. ate It tliat lucky fellows are urky indeed if they have Benw enough to Irani how to maintain it. This ail can do I v reading "Plain Home Talk" on the cause of (Jlu faw. errors in dk't.paraslten, excessive meat eat lute, tea and coffee drinktiiR, the utte and abuse of alcoholics, the bad habits of children, the prevalenre of errors of J'Onth that nndermlne vigor of manhood a chapter hat can't he read and heeded too eagerly. Thenthere are the numerous vires of adults, the tobacco hahit ht men, tight-lacing in woineu, etc., etc., and the all powerful customs of society whereby many of the Lett of both sexes are doomed to "nodal atarva lion," This chapter shows why thoutihtleaa young folks go astray, ho w prostitution has become preva lent, why It will not down, how lis baneful diseases are conveyed to the "Innocent" most startling and Important facta to know. The results of a mad chase for wealth, of over work, over-study, failures in business, the fact that health is the basis of wealth not vice vtrtia and the causes and effects of horrible melancholy theso are ail matters It would be well for you to think over. Are You III? THEN von are Indeed a rare man If you are not anxious to learn how It came about, what's the nvatter and what's to be done. "W hether It be "only a cold," a chronic catarrh, or something more serious tbat has "settled on the lungs" In bronchitis or consumption, the sooner yon find out how serious It la, and what to do for yourself the better. If you must learn "how to live with one lung" the earlier you get this knowledge the longer you will live. te your panic spot is In the liver, stomach or bowels. Then you can make no mistake in learning the beat methodi of regulating these vital functions. If you are full of aches, pains, neuralgia or rheuma tism, it will surely pay to look up the way to shake them off. Surely you can't want to neglect the Insid ious symptoms of Bright dlaeaae, or other de structive diseases of the "genito-urinary organs," and you better become posted on such thintrs as gonorrhcea. stricture and worse forms of contagion diseases "by the book" than by experience. The afflicted will read with avidity all about Im potency, barrenness, diseases of women, nervous diseases, paresis, paralyBts, akin diseases, scrofula, etc. Vet, frankly, one book cannot cover "all the ills that flesh Is heir to," and therefore to ensure fmtiftfaction. In-. Foote authorize the announcement that any pur Mater of "P. H. T.n tcho failB to findin it what he teeks may consult him in pernon, or by letter, without vbarqe, and the inquiry will be answered to the best of his ability. , Are You Engaged? j.Lii nnpinff 10 IW II yet. tKTlmiu. Wen, doD't linrry; and make no mistake, it la to -ni-t to get in and so that II. Is well vo4t wniie to "lie ture art riLrhf go ahead." There i no book o helpful v t:ijBiiiug you l Sdei wlnely as "P,. mine i am. y can learn somethl irom oi iht'h mlata me uieiory of rlHPA l.f .11 Irfn. , . . , an countries, the ea 1 ""."iiiirni. winie nations nave made. ancient. iha?lm.frft "Vp"" nd civilized, help u. to know ? .?S.5 itojd0-. 1 Ue "exual Immorality growing- ont . f u"l"ro an marriage nilaflts, the hlatorj of pro.iituiion. Iu prevalence, allurement! daneerZ lei are frThff.i '7.? nfVant Fwlon-all these atn. I, .J ruitful In Indicating p ifalla to avnlil (in iinysicai, niental and magnetic on earlv niarr.RVM n-keaa6''""'? awln u, ?avnS?-'t;h ir'T.' ,laPP"X ,or hua off- i i M f ' Are You Married? THERE an. rh.n. tere equally useful In ihowlng you 'how to br happy though married.'' Many married neo pie would Ret along Setter If they knew now t0 ,(1,,, them aelvea to each other, and would try to un derstand one an other's needs. They puirht to read what "Main Home Talk" aya aoout me true imiiosopny of fm course.tne"ni; al relation of ih. eeies."the Influence dlfferenee " n?5?-mtion ""'deration, jealousy. In. In short m and SSl'T' the ti?at etc ,e c'. no nhwrHa'nS.'LV" hetr tinn. that nnl., f .'."?. ' T ckarge m rZZl "y """""V POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mali! I American Publishing (p.