THE AMERICAN. V uirinal arts a.l oa the east of the Tiber." j But two more thought will be treat ed at thl time, although the tubject i only touched. We have 1' arced what the women wu lur, -u iiuc uruu is iuu what the seven heals represented. t Mow let u On J out what the angel told ' John was the meaning of the tea horn. Reaj the twelfth verse of the teven- j teenm coapier 01 ueveiauona. - Ana tne ten born which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no king doms at jet; but receive power as kings one I our with the beast." If kingt are to arise then kingdoms must be era ated and at the ten hornt come up out of the head of the beast it it but fair to believe that the ten kingdoma must be made up out of the possessions ruled over by the dragon which gives the beast "hie power, an J his throne and great authority." We have already eeen that the pagan or un-chrlstlan em pire of Rome is represented by the red dragon, which had ten horns, the same number as the beast. Let us go to history and learn the ate of 1 3e Roman Empire. Machlavel aays it was divided into ten kingdoms the Hubs, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandais, Suevl, Burgundtans, Ilerulj, Anglo-Saxons and Lombards. f seems from Rjv. Barnum's history ot "Romanism As It Is," that the last of these powers were overthrown in 553, although D'Aubigne says Theociosius II and Valentinian III proclaimed the Roman Bishop "rector of the whole huroh," and that Justinian published a similar decree. Justinian's decree urn dated In R33 and TTri&h Smith's ''Thoughts on the Book of Daniel and Revelations," says the Justinian de cree or edict did not go into effect un til 53S from which time the claim to headship by the Roman Catholic church dates. The other thought is this: John says he saw the name of blasphemy on the beast's head, not on those ten horns that came up out of the dragon's head but on the head o( the bea it. A trav ler who visited not only Rome, but the Vatican and the pope (and by the war we are told he was a Baptist) is quoted in "Marvel of the Nations" as aylng that he read this inscription on the tiara which the pope wears: "Vi carius Filii Del." The author of "Mar vel of tie Nations," Mr. Smith, has added the numerals together and gets this result: V equals 5 I " 1 C " 100 A no value 0 R no value 0 1 equals 1 U same value as V (see Web. Die). 5 S no value 0 Fno value 0 I equals ' 1 L " 50 I " 1 I " 1 D " 500 E no value 0 I equals 1 666 John says, in the eighteenth verse ef the thirteenth chanter of Revelations: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six." The inscription on the pope's crown and that on the head of the beast which John saw come up out of the sea are both 666, plainly showing that the pope of Rome is the Man of Sin. Beautiful Easter Lillies or Fairy Lillies. Florida is the home of the famous Easter Lily. During the blooming season, in some places, the ground Is almost white with their beautiful, lily white flowers, and thousands of them are picked by the colored children and carried to market. Before coming north I had a fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them with me; they make lovely house plants and are sure to bloom. Any one who would like two or three of these lily bulbs can have them by sendidg a stamp to pay postage. You are indeed very wel come to send, as I can get more when I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. Warner, Saginaw, East Side, Michigan. Ask the newsdealers In you town for this paper. Have your friends also en quire. Help spread the truth. Prebable Results tf the War Bemtn- No one can tell positively what will be the result of the war with Spain, and yet there are ttroog lndicationi from variout tourcewhich enable one to j idge quite correctly as to its prob able reulia on Romanism. As the war progresses the providence of God seems to be pointing in the direction of disaster to Romanism as a political power in thw country; also in the Spanish colo 1 now engaged In war, and perhaps in Spain itself. It it poe tlble that the pal power, so clearly referred t j in ice Scriptures, is to come to an and through thit war, and it Is probable that the patience of God It al most exhausted as he bat beheld the bloody papal power exercised with ter rible cruelty In the different nations throughout the centuries, torturing to death In various ways EIGHTY-SIX MILLIONS OP CHRISTIANS In the name and in the interest of "the holy catholic church." And as God in the days of old scourged and punished na tions for their national sins by nations, so now In this war with Spain, though it was not designed nor was it any part of the program of our government in going to war, yet God is providentially overruling it to the onfuslon and dis may of the pope, the papal hierarchy of this country and of Romanism throughout the world. The present position of the papal leaders give evidence of already suffer ing fearful apprehensions of coming disaster to Romanism. The pope it now suffering intensely from forebod ings of ill if not utter ruin to "the holy church" and to his beloved Spain and wishes that he had died before the war commenced. The papal hierarchy of this country is lying down just now; has nothing to say to the public only to apparently counsel loyalty t the gov ernment, while at the same time it is well known that the entire Romish priesthood of this country is for Spain and it freely talks it when communicat ing with catholics, and it trembles most fearfully in view of the probable loss of Influence and powjr la the poll tics of the nation. In the winding up of this war all the Spanish colonies now engaged in war will probably be forever lost to Spain; both civil and religious freedom will be secured; the papal power of this country will lose its grip upon political parties, and it is believed that Wash ington, D. C., the Congress, our great cities and influential dallies will be emancipated very largely if not entirely from papal dictation in politics and our nation really become "the land of the free and the home of the brave." The American Protective Assocla tion and its kindred orders will take on new life and strength under the lead ership of H. F. Bowers of Clinton, la., the founder of the order; and it is be lieved that he will reorganize the order on the most efficient plan possible, ac companied with far less mistakes and treachery in its working features than formerly, and that all its members will be true to its principles, loyal to the order and active in their political work; that they will succeed in electing next fall a far greater number of officials who will see the designs of providence in putting it In their power to turn down political papists, and electing to office true patriotic Americans. The time is now very favorable in which to secure A. P. A. voters from the fact that Romanism and its designs in poli tics are now better known than ever; that true patriotism has come to the front, and those papists high in au thority who a short time ago so freely and earnestly offered their advice and dictation in matters of state have now apparently retired from public view. Therefore let all American patriots be ready to work and vote in harmony with the present indications that God in His providence intends through the influence of this war with Spain to break the political power of Rome in this country and possibly in all lands. But after all 1 am aware that it is quite possible that the foregoing views respecting the result of the war on Romanism may not become matter of history, either because the writer has not rightly interpreted the Indications of Divine providence in this war with Spain, or because the President and those associated with him in the gov ernment of the nation fall to seethe finger of God In His providence point ing in that direction; that they do not grasp the situation and consequently 1 a-e cot equal to their remarkable op portunity which, if this should prove true would be regarded, at I see it, as a great calamity to our land and the world. But I do have the utmost con fidence in God as manifested in His providence and trust that our govern ment in Its prescribed conditions of peace with Spain will act In accordance therewith. J. G. P. The God of Battle. Captain Philip of the Texas, after the Santiago engagement, called hi men to the quarterdeck and there thanked God for an almost bloodiest victory. The air had jutt ceased to vl brate to the thunder of gun, the pall of war bung over the scene, when thlt brave commander turn mooed hit crew, "I want to make public acknowledg ment," he said to them, "that I believe In God the Father Almighty. I want all of you, offioert and men, to lift your hats and from your heartt offer tllent thankt to the' Almighty." It would be a steely nature to which tuch a spectacle would not appeal, a ttrangely constituted human being whom it would not thrill to his depths. It is the history of war between peo ples a degree above savagery that the soldiers go forth confident that they are right, and that above them there is the shielding arm cf the God of Battles. If it were not so, they would not have the courage which impels them will ingly to rush to death. The Napoleonic dictum that God is on the side of the strongest battalions has been confirmed by nJhtary history, and was not idly spoken by the world's greatest general. Yet when success crowns an army by land or sea, gives it victory and does not exact the cost of valiant lives, the instinctive faith cry talizes into a fervent belief. Captain Philip did himself honor when he de clared his principles, and people of ev ery shade of opinion will respect the manly and outspoken declaration. San Francisco Call. CITY. Alex. Osborne, the patrol driver who was injured Sunday by being thrown from his seat during a run away, is re ported to be recovering. Officer Jas. Kirk's little four year old boy secured possession of his papa's re volver one day last week and shut him self through the left leg. His wound was healing nicely the last time we heard from him. Mrs. Lena Zimmerman and daughter are in Chicago visiting Mr. and Mrs. Webster, formerly of this city. Mr. Edward Resewaler, editor of the Omaha Bee, came out of the nallway leading to some flats above the The American office last Saturday, and appeared to be afraid some one would see him. We cannot account for this except on the theory that he was afraid people might think he had been visit ing some good looking girl who has no visible means of support. Were you Rosey? Elder Warren will preach Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at the Adventist church 2oth street near Indiana. Bible students are invited. York on Yellow Journalism. We take the following account of a harangue delivered in St. Mary's Ro man Catholic cathedral by the notori ous Priest Yorke from the San Francis co Call: "Spain," he said, "was not a catholic country, although it was a country where the catholic religion was almost exclusively professed." He instanced the difference and pointed out that for the past 1U0 years Spain had been run on principles entirely inimical to the catholic churcn. He blamed the intro duction of Freemasonry into the coun try as the cause for this change, as it was well known that that organization was hostile to the church. Protestant ministers had been preach ing that tne war with Spain was a su preme struggle between Protestantism and Catholicism, which was an infamous lie. One-third of the soldiers that nad offered tteir services .to .fight the bat tles of thsir country were Catholics, and therefore he repeated that it was an infamous lie to assert that this was a Protestant war. They might expect that treatment from Protestant preacher but they had a right to expect different treat ment front the newspsper. In last Sunday's yellow supplement of one of the morning paper, the San Francisco Examiner, the catholic church was symbolized a the devil with the utual hornt and hoof. Raiting hi voice the reverend father taid: "You are not bound at catholic men and women to take that piper into your hornet and have your children scandalized by such picture and tuch infamout lie propagated about your church." Continuing he taid: "An evening paper, the Bulletin, also contained an article written by Henry C. Lee, as serting that the catholic church was the cause of the decadence of Spain and no reasoa was given for the assertion except the ipse dixit of an ignoramut." He praised the work of the catholic women who had ministered to the mor al and material welfare of the soldiers at Camp Merritt. At first they were refuted permission to carry on their noble work and It required a strong remonstrance to the proper authorities before catholic soldiers were permitted to worship God according to the dic tates of their own conscience. In this connection he took occasion to protest aga'nst the appointment of Protestant minister to all the regiments. But he supposad it was the first chance they had getting a salary from Uncle Sim and they were eager to grasp it. The one great lesson to be drawn from the war was that it was not a Protestant war and if catholics would bury their personal jealousies and stand united na Protestant preacher and no newspaper would dare to claim that it was a Protestant war or that this was a Protestant country. Revised Terms of Torsi's Surrender. New York, July 16 A special dls pat:h from Santiago, published here this afternoon, gives the following as the terms of surrender of the Spanish forces under Gen. Toral: Spanish are to surrender their arms. The 20,000 refugees at Caney and Siboney are to be turned back into the city. An American infantry patrol is to be posted on the roads surrounding the ci'y. Our hospital corps is to give atten tion to any possible sick and wounded among the Spanish solaiers in San tiago. All the Spanish troops in the prov ince, except Gen. Luque's 10,000 at Holquln, are to come to the city and surrender. The guns and defenses of the city are to be turned over to the Americans in good condition. The Americans are to have full use of the Juragua railway, which belongs to the Spanish government. All Spaniards are to be conveyed home by American transport with the least possible delay, and they are per mitted to take portable church proper ty with them. This last concession is interesting, because at the first threat by the Americans to bombard the city the archbishop, priests and nuns came out and demanded a safe convoy. They were told to go back and point out to tne Spaniards the foolishness of furth er resistance. Until the supply is exhausted, we will send to each subscriber seeding us the names of five of his friends, accom panied by 25c. for five sample copies of The American, one volume of "The Stenographer," a book containing the story of the life, trials, tribulations, courtship, etc., of a stenographer. The book has 220 pages, is elegantly bound in cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grade of book-paper. We have 750 of them. Get your order in early. Regular price of such a book is, ordinarily, $1.25. You get It for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't send stamps of a larger denomination than 2 cents. Out of town Americans when visiting Omaha can save money and get a pleas ant room by applying at this office. Room can be secured in advance by de posit of $1. Passengers arriving at Chicago by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y can, by tbe new Union Elevated Loop, reach any part of the city, or for a five cent fare can be taken immediately to any of the large stores In the down town district. A train will stop at the Hock Island Station every minute. These facilities can only be offered by the "Great liock Island Route." Address JOHN' SEIiASTr A V C. I A ' Chicago'. FRIENDS, BROTHERS, PATRIOTS. Not since the establishment of The America have appealed publicly to the friend of the American move ment and particularly to the friend of thlt paper, for their financial tupport, but too ay we make an earnest appeal to all true, loyal and patriotic American for Immediate financial assistance with which to keep The American alive. We believe we are dolag God' work and in H.t name we come to you asking your assistance. It Is humiliating to have to publish broadcast that we are so beset by our creditor that we must have your assistance at once or be cvm polled to go into court to prevent the destruction of the most outspoken and fearless paper west of New York. We have thousands of dollars outstanding which we are unable to collect, yet our creditors are insisting on our paying them what we owe. There is, there fore, friend and brothers, no alterna tive; we must have your help or spend time in (aw courts which should be put into the work we are engaged in. Our appeal it to you. Can we have your help. If to please tend your mite by return mall. Our Indebtedness is only $2,600 but as we have been defrauded right and left, by alleged patriots, we come to you who are true blue and ask you to help make up the sumwhlcb is so necessary to make The American a complete success. Will you aid us at this time, or shall this contest against Romanism be prosecuted in a weak, half-heart si manner? One of our good friends has already offered to put in 110 toward liquidating the indebtedness of The American. What will you give? Can't you help us wipe out that debt? Now, all together. We have given seven years of our life to this work without hope or expectation of reward and are willing to give seven, aye fifty years more if you will for this ones go down into your pocket and help put The Amek ican out of the reach of tbe men who can cripple If they cannot kill it. The first subscriber to this fund is the man who suggested this appeal, In his an swer to a personal application we had made to him for assistance. If you can not send vs f 100 send us wbat you can, but please send us something. We need it now; we need it greatly. All donations will be acknowledged through the columrs of The Ameri can unless donors request otherwise. Address all letters to The American 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb, Set too Smooth. The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC are so smooth and tne cars furnished so complete that you can Imagine your self in your own luxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok ing Cars as they pass through Omaha every morning. Truth is always ready to go to war; error will run at the first opportunity. Every fact is an antidote for some foolish fancy. Missions Are Attacked. Shanghai, July 11. A dispatch from Cbung-Khlng, dated July 8, says the Protestant and catholic missions at Shuin-Ching-Fu have been attacked by rioters, and that Yuen-Chong and the adjacent cities are much disturbed. A French priest has been captured by brigands and a ransom of 10,000 taels is demanded for his release. Every dollar la Rome's possession Is stamped with fraud. Do you know that Sawyer's Soap is the very best in tne market? Ask your grocer for it. Insist oa Having It and no other. Holding on to pagan superstttlom gives Rome a mortgage on your faltn. Until the supply is exhausted, we will send to eacn subscriber sending us the names of five of his friends, accom panied by 25j. for five sample copies of The American, one volume of "Tbe Stenographer," a book containing the story of the life, trials, tribulations, courtship, etc., of a stenographer. The book has 220 pages, is elegantly bound In cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grade of book-paper. We have 750 of them. Get your order in early. Regular price of such a book s, ordinarily, $1.25. You get it for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't send stamps of a larger denomination than 2 cents. -lo-ltnc tor Mfty Outs. Guaranteed loliarco haMt cure, makes weak Ben strong, biood pure. 60c, II. All druggists. When a man sees the truth he be holds the deformities ot error. Use Sawyer's Soap. The best in the World. Stomach Trouble Severe Suffering Relieved by Hood's Sariaparilla Also Proves Effective) for Catarrh and Impure Blood. " I u (Tared with a very tver atomecb trouble, and medical treatment utterly failed to do ins any good. There was so much taid about Hood'a Beraeperille thai I concluded to try it. The flrtt bottle 414 not team to do me much good except what) I fait very bed I would take e dose end M would revive me. But I kept oa wttt) Hood's Saruperllla until I had takea fte bottles end then I was entirely well. I have taken It ttnee for catarrh, sad say oldest ton for Impure blood, and It km done at ell so much good that we aevetj Intend to be without It." Mas. D. I Williams, Backet Store, Marlon, rsnsss, Be tare to get Hood' sad only Hood's 8 parilla Tbe beat -In fact the Oo Tru Blood Purtaer. BoldbvaUdrmgl'ts. 1;H forts. . are the only pill to Safe nOOU S PHIS with Hood saaraaparlUt. . . USE . . 8AWER3 GELEBR TSO SOAP Ask your Grocer for it and if he does not have it, CUT OUT thl advertise ment and have him order it for you. We manufacture the following breads: Pure Family Soap. Floating Sop. Pure Castile Ssap. FRIEND " Sawyer's FOR SALE BY HARRY C. SAWYER, ISO Steuben St., west eno, PITTSBURGH. PA. Wextern Aijenttt Addrata, Sawyers Soap, 1610 HOWARD STREET, OMAHA, NEB. THE NESTOR OF MGIZWES THE North American Review has been In the an of American thought for more than three-quarters of a cen tury, ranking always with the best and most influential periodical of the world. It is tbe mouth-piece of the men who know most about the great topics on which Americans require to be In formed from month to month, its con tributors being the leaders of thought aDd action in every field. Those who would take counsel of the highest knowledge on the affairs of the time, and learn what is to be said re garding them by the recognized author ities on both sides, must therefore read The North American lievietc, the Nestor pf magazines. "Tnis magazine has for more than eighty years, within its well defined Une8,"sUM)d at the head of monthly pub lications." Vhicwjo liecord. "The He view may well be proud of its eighty-two years, for truly it may be said of it that 'age cannot wither nor time stale its infinite variety. Fortunate is one who can sit down and feast on tbe good things furnished by tbe best literary caterers in the world." Grand liaviiU Ifcmocrat. "If any one name in magazlae litera ture stauds for what isautborative that name is the North American Review which for more than eigatv year has remained at the head of tne monthly periodicals." Boston Post. ' The Review is filled each momh with articles which should be read oy every true citizen. " Vddtdloics lieview, St. raid. "The Review has done more for the better class of readers than any other publication of this kind in the coun try." Vhriitian Adcmite, Si. Louis. 50 Cents a Number; $5.00 a Year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, H. T. Mention The American when you write. No man is living up to his political duties who fails to oppose the enemies of national eaee, purity and prosper ity.