The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 22, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE A ME
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By mail, it Annum, - - -
2 00
LBrt ..r.nMwIlllllllll
Omaha. N oh.
W. C. KELLEY, - Unaar
Do right; it injure no one.
Do you look over the advertisement
la thU paper?
The subscription price of Tbe AmkR
1CAN Is 2 00 per year.
The Qjeen Regent ol Spain u 40
years old Thursday, July Zl.
Henry P. Bower, Clinton, la., I the
head of the A. P. A. In thl country.
Write him about yoar oounoll and ask
him for Information.
Thk American should he on every
newsdealers countor. Will you and
your friends see to it In your city? Keep
asking for this pspor,
Ourfrlond Chas. E. Winter, presl
dent of the State Ropubllcan League
was honored by being placed at the
head of the list of national organizers
by the National League convention.
U. S. Grant Republican Club of Om
aha will give a banquet Friday even
ing. J"1 2!'th, at the Commercial Club
Room to the Republican editors of
Nebraska. Reception 6 to 7:30. Ban
quel 7:30 sharp.
Our sincere thanks are due that
grand old patriot, Judge John B. Stone
of Kansas City, for $5 which he sends
to helo wipe out the debt on THE
American. There are hundreds of oth
ers who could do likewise If their hearts
were right.
The Chicago Trlbuno alludes to Sen
ator White of California as a "narrow,
bigoted Bourbon Democrat." But what
really alls White Is that he Is a narrow,
bigoted Roman Cathollo. As such, he
has no business In the Senate of the
United States. Ills term expires next
March. Our loyal friends on tho Pa
cific coast should see that a true Amer
ican Is chosen as his successor.
A Roman Cathollo fired tho first shot,
a Roman Cathollo was the first to land
and a Roman Cathollo captured the
first flag In this war with Spain are the
claims being put forward by the papists,
and while they are unfounded, we will
add, and the first spy, and the first de
serter and all the traitors to this gov
ernment In this war with Roman Cath
olic Spain have been and are true and
loyal Roman Catholics.
The National Rtbubltcan League
which closed its biennial convention in
this city last week Is fortunate in the
selection of Mr. D. II. Stine, of New
port, Ky., for Its secretary. He is em
inently fitted for the duties devolving
ipon him, being a man of considerable
experience In political matters and a
thorough organizer. During his stay
In this city he made many friends, and
much of the credit Is due him for the
success of the convention. He is an
American from the ground up, as are
the other officers of the National league,
and the cause of genuine American
oltizenshlp will not suffer in their
Captain John W. Philip, of the bat
tle-ship Texas, on being asked by a
aewspaper man about the part played
y his warship in the great American
victory at Santiago, significantly re
marked: "The Spaniards fired the
first shot. As far back as history goes,
In the days of Joshua, at Manila, here,
everywhere, the man who fires the
first shot of a battle on the Sabbath is
sure of defeat. These Spaniards are i
Godless race, and their cause is un
righteous; that accounts for our vic
tories-' Captain Philip evidently does
aot believe catholicity ia really a chris
tian system or that Roman Catholics
worship God Almighty in spirit and
In truth. A priebt-ridded race Is a
ways a Godless race. The Spaniards
after they have suffered the loss of all
colonial possessions, will have plenty
of tiro in which to reflect on the mis
trable state to whloh pagan-Romanism
las reduced their coco rich and power
James Bryce, a member of the Brit
ish Parliament, and the brilliant au
thor of 'The American Commonwealth,'
contributes a notable article to the
Atlantic Mcnthly on 'The Essential
Unity of Britain and America.' The
cloning word of Professor Bryce's able
article are: 'Nature and history have
made each profoundly concerned in the
well-being of the other. No true
Amerlcaa could see without tho deep
est grief the humiliation and suffering
of the aocettral home of his race. No
true Eogllshman but would mourn any
grave disaster that could befall the
people which it 1 one of the chief
glories of England to have reared and
planted. Seventeen years ago, in ad
dressing an American audience, I ven
tured to express the belief that II ever
England was bard pressed by a combi
nation of hostile European powers
America would not sUnd by Idle and
unconcerned, and the reception given
to those words confirmed my belief.
The sympathy of race does not often
affect the relations of state, but when
It does It Is a force of tremendous po
tency; for it affects not so much gov
ernments as the people themselves,
who, both In America and In England,
are the ultimate depositaries of power,
tbe ultimate controllers of policy.
War between two nations Is a deplor
able event, whatever the causes and the
circumstances. But as evil sometimes
comes out of good, so events which In
themselves are unfortunate may be
come the parents of good. Thus the
outbreak of hostilities between the
United States and Spain gave occasion
for the display of a feeling In England,
not against Spain, but of Interest In
the United States, which was not only
general, but conspicuously spontaneous.
It was the sudden and indisputable evi
dence of a sentiment we believed to ex
ist, but which had never before been
made so manifest. It was promptly
and heartily reciprocated In the United
States. And now many voices have
been asking what durable expression
can be given to this feeling shared by
the two peoples, and to what account,
permanently helpful to both, it can be
turned. As Mr. Olney has pointed out,
in the thoughttul and weighty article
which he contributed to the May num
ber of the Atlantic Monthly (an article
whose friendly tone has been cordially
appreciated in E' gland), there are
some obvious difficulties In the way of
a formal alliance. Those difficulties
are not insurmountable, and if such an
alliance were ultimately to be formed,
Instead of threatening other states It
would be a guarantee of peace to the
world; for eech nation would feel itself
bound to justify its policy to the publlo
opinion of the other. Meantime, there
are things which may be done at once
to cement and perpatuate the good re
latlons which happily prevail. One is
the conclusion ot a general arbitration
treaty, providing for the amicable set
tlement of all differences which may
hereafter arise between the nations
Another Is the agreement to render
services to each other: euch, for in
stance, as giving to a citizen of either
nation a right to invoke the good
offices of the diplomatic or consular
representatives of the other in a place
where his own government has no rep
resentative; or such as the recognition
of a common citizenship, securing to
the citizens of each, in the country of
the other, certain rights not enjoyed
by other foreigners. But the greatest
thing of all is that the two peoples
should realize, as we may hope they
are now coming to do, that whether or
no they have a league of heart; that the
sympathy of each Is a tower of strength
to the other; that the best and sures
foundation of the future policy of each
Is to be found in relation of frank and
cordial friendship with the other.'
Col. Stone, the new president of the
National Republican League, wa
among the visitors at this office last
week. It is worthy of note that the
successful candidates In tbe late Na
tlonal Republican League convention
were those whose Americanism is un
questioned. This is not saying that
ALL the other candidates were truck
lers, but the convention aimed to select
the best timber possible.
Tbe expulsion of the Spaniards from
Cuba will leave the United States free
to cause to be established in the Ulan
such a government as will lniure to all
he people thereof tbe greatest degree
of prosperity and happiness. Cuba
possesses resources and advantages
blch will Invite thither the capital
and enterprise of the northland. It Is
high time for Cuba to become an actual
participator In the blessings or civil
and religious liberty and a sharer In
that material prosperity which the
Amerlcaa nation has so long enjoyed.
Henceforth tbe Qjeen of the Antilles
ust be Inhabited and dominated by a
race or races whose every yearning Is
for a more perfect freedom, better la-
uUrlal system, and a wider knowledge
of the arU and sciences of civilized
life. With a stable and liberal govern
ment Cuba is destined to take high
rank among the prosperous aid en
lightened states of the earth.
The surrender of Santiago is the
greatest military event Id the New
World since that memorable scene
hlch was enacted at Appomattox.
The capitulation of the ancient capital
of Cuba Is preliminary to the actual be
ginning of the reign of liberty, law
and civilization in the Queen of the
Antilles. The overthrow ot Spanish
rule in Cuba will mark the overthrow
of corruption, cruelty tyranny and op
pression in every colony over which
the yellow flag of tbe Dons ha's hUherto
held sway. The curtailment of the
power of Spain will Involve a material
curtailment of the power of the Roman
papacy an accomplishment which
111 rejoice the hearts of the true pa
triots of every land and cation. The
cause ot liberty and justice is march
ing on.
The answers to our appeal have
commenced to come in in earnest. We
hope each one will see their way clear
to send us something, If it is not more
than a dollar. If you would all do
that today, next week we could tay to
you, The American is out of debt.
There will probably be some who can
not give anything, but there are many
others who can give la, $10, viz, 9M
and $100 and we believe that as we are
doing God's work, He will put It in the
hearts of true Christians to hold up
our hands at this time.
In answer to the implied wish from
Spain that this country pay the Church
of Rome's claim against Cuba, the gov
ernment at Washington has awarded
the contract for carrying the Spanish
prisoners from Santiago to Spain to
the Trans-Atlantique company, which
Is solely the property of the jesults,
for $35,000. A few pulls like that at
your uncle's purse strings ought to re
store the pope's health.
Since we made our last report on
powder mills destroyed, one In New
Jersey has been blown up, another has
been burned near Hannibal, Mo., and
the works of the Western Fuse and
Explosive Company in Oakland, Cal.,
were blown up. The latter by a Chin
aman, probably a convert to Jesuitism
and the two former by parties to the
authorities unknown.
The jesults are always in a position
to put their hands in the pocket that
holds the money. They have rabbed
the people and the government of Spain
of their last dollar, and have now
renewed their assault upon your Uncle
Samuel's pocket book.
We take pleasure in acknowledging
the receipt of 84 which is to be applied
to wiping out the debt on THE Amer
ican. It came from Friends Klttinger
of Cal., Anderson of Kansas, Gllmore
of Nebraska, and Edwards of Texas.
The Society of Jesus is a living lie.
Every member has sworn himself to
poverty, yet they possess more millions
of the earth's wealth, probably, than
all the other inhabitants of the earth
An interesting news Item to the pub
lishing world is the reorganization and
incorporation, on July 1st, of the Frank
Leslie Publishing House, founded in
1855 by Frank Leslie, and since 1880
the exclusive property of Mrs. FranK
Leslie. The president of the new
company is Mrs. Frank Leslie, while
Mr. Frederic L. Colver, who has
managed the property for the past
three years, Is secretary and treasurer,
Extensive improvements will be made
in the printing plant and in all depart
ments of Frank Leslie's Popular
Monthly this Fail.
When Rome gives money ah always
puts a chain of power on It.
American Bible Study.
I There was an error Inourfi'st Bible
le son which must be corrected before
we go any further, and to correct it
properly the whole article will be re
published. It follows:
The idea that I would be able to find
In the Bible new passages or unheard
of sayings was not what prompted me
to give up a portion of the space of this
paper, and a part of my time, so a to
be able to lay before you certain words
from the Old and the New Testaments.
I bolieve with the writer of the Book
of Eccleslaatea, that there "la no new
thing under the sun." (Chap. 1, v. 9.)
It was the belief that professed chris
tians were being drawn after the "man
of sin," the "beast," and away from
Christ that Induced me to become, for
the time, a student and a teacher of the
truths of tbe Bible. II I turn one soul
back into tbe right path I shall feel
that I have been well paid for the work
I have done. If I do not cause one
man to tee the Word as I believe God
has shown it to me, but cause many to
dispute so that the truth may be easily
learned, then shall I also know that I
have been rewarded. But, whatever
the result, I will be content, for, as
Paul said, "I have delivered unto you
first of all that which I also received,"
and claim only as he claimed that "I
am what I am." (First Cor., Chap. 15,
v. 10)
My first effort, friends, will be to con
nect the "beast," which is described In
the thirteenth chapter of Revelations,
with the papal church and the pope of
John says: "And I stood upon the
sands of the sea, and saw a beast rise
up out of the sea having seven heads
and ten horns, and upon his horns ten
crowns and upon HIS HEAD the name
of blasphemy."
I do not know how many times I have
read, not only that passage but the
whole Book of Revelations, without un
derstanding a word of what was there
written. I know that when I was in
the habit of going to church and to
Sunday school, that I have heard Rev
elations spoken of as a sealed book, yet
there Is no book In all the Bible so open
as Is tbe Book of Revelations. The tl
tie of the Book itself tells us that it is
not sealed or shut, but open and re'
vealed. The only difficulty -to under
standing It is in being able ro get hold
of the key, the combination, the Inter
pretatlon. It Is my Intention and pur
pose to make Revelations and such
other parts of the Bible as I shall us
In this series of articles as plain to you
as the same have been made to me
through ellef in Jesus Chi 1st.
John also more fully describes that
beast in the second verse of the thir
teenth chapter. He says: "And the
beast which I saw was like unto a leop
ard, and his feet were as the feet of a
bear, and his mouth as the mouth of
lion; and the dragon gave him his pow
er, and his throne, and great author
The last clause in that sentence tells
us plainly that there Is some power set
up and at work belore the "beast" is
brought upon the scence, and that it
gives the beast "HIS power, and his
throne, and great authority." Let us
see what it was. The twelfth chapter
of Revelations show 3 what it was
That chapter reads as follows:
"And there appeared a great wonder
In heaven: a woman clothed with the
sun, and the moon under her feet, and
upon her head a crown of twelve stars
And she beitg with child cried, tra
vailing In birth, and pained to be de
And there appeared another wonder
in heaven; and behold a great
dragon having seven beads and
horns, and seven crowns upon
And his tail drew the third part of
the stars of heaven, and did cast them
to the earth; and the dragon stood be
fore the woman which was ready to be
delivered, for to devour her child as
soon as it was born.
And she brought forth a man child
who was to rule all nations with a rod of
iron; and her child was caught up unto
God, and to his throne.
And the woman fled into the wilder
ness, where she hath a place prepared
of God, that they should feed her there
a thousand two hundred and threescore
And there was war in heaven: Ml
chael and his angels fought against tbe
dragon: and the dragon fought and his
And prevailed not; neither was thel
place found any more In heaven.
Ani th n.t drifOa Wat Cast OJt
that old serpent, called the Devil and
Satan, which decelveth the wcoie
or Id: he was cast out Into the earth,
and his angels were cast out with him.
And I heard a loud voice saying in
heaven, 'Now Is come salvation, ana
strength, and the kingdom of our God
and the power of his Christ; for the ac
cuser of our brethren is cast down,
hlch accused them before our God
day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony; and they loved not their
lives unto the death.
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye
that dwell in them. Woe to the In
hablters of the earth and or the sea!
for the devil Is come down unto you,
having great wrath, because he know-
eth that he hath but a short time.
And when the dragon saw that he
was cast unto the earth, he persecuted
the woman which brought .ortn me
man child.
And to the woman were given two
ings of a great eagle, that she might
fly Into the wilderness, into her place,
here she la nourished lor a time ana
times, and half a time, from the face ot
the serpent.
And the serpent cast out of his mouth
aratr aa a flood after the woman; and
the earth opened her mouth, and swal
lowed up the flood which the dragon
cast out of his mouth.
And the dragon was wroth with the
woman, and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep
the commandments of God, and have
the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Such is tho twelfth chapter of Rev
elations. It would be impossible to ex
plain this entire chapter in one article
but we can go into it deep enough to
lay the foundation for future articles.
From that chapter we learn the kind
of power that would be ruling the earth
at the time the beast of the seven
heads and ten horns, which John saw
come up out of the sea, was set up
un-chrlstian and corrupt power,
for the "old serpent, called the Devil
nd Satan" would not be connected with
anything tbat was not corrupt, nor
would he assist any other kind of
power to obtain great authority or a
throne, or power
Before we look for further proof of
this feature of the prophecy, let us learn
what and who the woman was that was
delivered of the child which the dragon
wanted to devour. As John's vision
pictures the seven churches as candle
sticks, and their angels as stars (see
Revelations, 1st chap, aad 20th verse
it is fair to suppose that the woman
'clothed with the sun, and the moon
under her feet, and upon her head a
crown of twe've stars" refers to the
church which was established by Jesus
and his twelve apostles; for, if a candle
stick, the most feeble light-giving de
vice, signifies or symbolizes a church
how much more so should the woman
who was "clothed with the brightness
of the sun, and" who had "the moon
under her feet, and upon her head
crown of twelve stars." This is the
only fair interpretation that we can
arrive at when we remember that the
stars are interpreted by the angle, in
Rev. 1, 20, as "angels," commonly ao
cepted as the ministers or teachers of
the churches. The twelve stars in the
womans crown, under the same rule of
Interpretation, would be twelve angels,
or twelve ministers, or teachers, or dls
ciples the exact number that Jesus
personally called to his ministry. It
does not seem to us that there is any
room for dispute on this question so it
111 be set down as settled that this
woman signifies the church of Jesus
"And when the dragon saw that he
was cast unto the earth, he persecuted
the worn am which brought forth the
man child."-Rev., c. 12, v. 13.
"And the dragon was wroth with the
woman and went to make war with th
remnant of her seed, which keep the
commandments of God, and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ." Rev., c
12, y. 17
Was not Christ and his disciples per
secuted. Were they not either crucified,
stoned, beheaded, boiled or subjected
to some kind of Indignity? And have
not their followers, even down to the
present day, been persecuted either by
the dragon or the beast to which the
dragon gave his power, his throne and
great authority? History tells us that
millions upon millions have perished
because of the power and great author!
ty of the Church of Rome
Now, let us turn to the fifth verse of
the twelfth chapter. "And she brought
forth a man child, who was to rule
all nations with a rod of Iron; and her
child was caught up unto God, and to
Ills throne." You will see by lha
versa that her child was caught up
unto God. In the twenty-fourth chap
ter of St. Luke, and the 51 verse, it l
stated that Christ was parted from his
isclples, and carried up into heaven.
We have seen that tbe woman who
is "clothed with the sun"-light,
brightness, which signifies purity and
Intelligence was merely the symbol
of a church; let us see who and what
the woman the church, for If a wom
an represents or symbolizes a church
in one part of a prophecy, then a woman
in another part of the same prophecy
lso standi for a church of the Seven
teenth chapter of Revelations is:
1. And there came one of the seven
angels which bad the seven vials, and
talced with me, saying unto me, Come
up hither; I will shew unto thee the
udgment of the great whore that sit-
tita upon many waters;
2. With whom the kings of the
earth have committed fornication, and
the Inhabitants of the earth have been
made drunk with the wine of her forni
cation. 3. So he carried me away in the
spirit into the wilderness; and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast,
full of names of blasphemy, having
seven heads and ten horns.
4. And the woman was arrayed in
purple and scarlet color, and decked
with gold and precious stones and
pearls, having a golden cup in her
hand full of abominations and filthlness
of her fornication:
5. And upon her forehead was a
name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
6. And I saw the woman drunken
with the blood of the saints, and with
the blood of the martyrs of Jesus; and
when I saw her, I wondered with great
This, remember, is not the descrip
tion of a real woman, but of one which
is symbolical of a church. . It would
not be a very difficult task to locate
a church having the marks and vesture
which John saw even if the angel had
not given him additional points by
which she should be known. The
Church of Rome Is that woman who ia
drunken with the blood of the saints,
and with the biojd of the martyrs of
Jesus." The Church of Rome is the
only church that claims to be the moth
er and mistress of all the other church
es. It Is the only one full of blas
phemies, having claimed that "the pope
Is God," declaring the pope Infallible,
whose priests claim to be greater than
Jesus Christ, whose communicants re
fer to the pope as "holy father," when
Christ has said taere is Out one Ro.y,
the Father, meaning God.
But let us see what the Bible says
of this scarlet woman. Let John give
tbe answer which he received from the
angel and which he sets out in the
eighteenth verse of the seventeenth
chapter, it was: "And the woman
which thou sawest is that great city,
which reigneth over the kings of the
earth." What city do you think was
reigning over the kings of the earth?
The angel tells John plainly in the
ninth verse of the seventeenth chap
ter. "The seven heads are seven moun
tains, on which the woman sitteth."
Now, let us put the two verses together.
"The seven heads are seven mountains,
on which the woman sitteth; and the
woman which thou sawest is the great
city, which reigneth over the kings of
the earth." Have you ever heard of
more than one city that ruled the
kings of the earth that was built upon
seven mountains or hills, or that was
not the home of the pope, the city of
Christ was, during his life, what we
would today call a Roman citizen, be
cause he would, had he been a common
mortal like you and me, have been sub
ject to all the civil laws of the Roman
empire, for the town in which he was
born and all Judea was subject to Rome
for more than 100 years before John re- '
corded his vision. Therefore, Christ
was also a son of the city that sit j on
seven mountains, exactly as I am today
a son of America, though born in the
Territory of Nebraska; but he was not
a son of the woman or church which
fastend itself upon the beast having
seven heads and ten horns, because it
did not receive its power, or throne, or
great authority until 600 years after
the ascension of Jesus to the throne of
God in the heavens.
Rev. Samuel W. Bur num In his book,
' Romanism As It Is," at page 51 says:
"The seven hills (some of which are
called mounts) of ancient Rome, the
Aventlne, Palatine, Cellan, Esqulllno,
Capitol or Capltolloe, Vimlnal and
tut nation.