The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 15, 1898, Image 6
i nc A rVI RIC'AN. iTHE WAR REVENUE BILL t Where Uncle Sam's Fighting j Money Is Raised. EISGS SUBJECT TO STAMP TAX. MM t Itm l-tl ob lirr, Tobw , Flour, TalrphoM Mhmin, Tl. 1 gram. Kail read TirkrU, Mrcllrlart. Oil tad Butr Th lload and Kliniorj ' Ftarh Ad Act to Provide Way and Mean to Meet War Expenditures and For Other ' Purpose. Be It enacted by the senate and house tf representative of tho I nltml Hate of America in emigres assembled. Thai there ah all be paid, In Itttu of tliu tin of l now Imposed by law, a tux of f'J on all ler, lager beer, ale, porter and other similar fermented ltqunr, brewed or muitufac- tured and sold or stored In warehouse, or removed for consumption or sale within th United States, by whatever name such liquors may lie railed, for every barrel Containing not more than 31 gallons, and at a like rate for any other quantity or for the fractional xirti of a barrel author Ued and defined by low. And section 8339 of the revised statutes Is hereby amended accordingly, provided, that a discount of TX per centum shall be allowed UHn all ale by collectors to brewer of the stumps provided for the payment of said tax. (Special Tua $o. 9. That from and after July 1, 1898, special taie shall be and hereby are Imposed annually m follow that U to ays L Hanker using or employing a capital Cat exceeding the mm of $25,000 shall pay 50. When using or employing a capi tal exceeding $25,000, for every additional 11,000 In exees of $25,000, $2, and in esti mating capital surplus klmll lie lneluded. The amount of nu ll annual tax kIiiUI In mil cane bo computed on the basis of the Capital and surplus for the preceding fiscal year. Any saving bank having no capi tal ttock and whose business is confined to receiving deposits and loaning or in verting the same for the benefit of its de positors, and which does no other business Of banking, shall not be subject to this tat. 8. Brokers shall pay 50. Every person, firm or company whoso business it Is to negotiate purchases or sales of stocks, bonds, exchange, bullion, coined money, bank notes, promissory notes or other se curities for themselves or others shull be regarded as a broker, provided that any person having paid the special tax as a banker shall not be required to pay the Special tax as a broker. 8. Pawnbrokers shall pay f 30. 4. Commercial brokers shall pay 820. t. Custom house brokers shall pay f 10. C Proprietors of theaters, museums and Concert halls in cities having more than 8ft, 000 population as shown by the lnt (receding United States census shall pay 100. t. The proprietor or proprietors of cir cuses shall pay f 100. I. Proprietors or agents of all other publlo exhibitions or shows for money hall pay f 10, and but one special tax shall , be required for exhibit ions wit hin any one State, territory or the District of Columbia. 8. Proprietors of bowling alleys and billiard rooms shall pay IS for each allay hi tabid. . Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Snnff. Sec 8. That there shall, In lien ot the tax now imposed by law, be levied and Collected a tax of 13 cents per pound upon fell tobacco and snuff, however prepared, manufactured and sold or removed for consumption or sale, and upon cigars and Cigarettes which shall be manufactured and sold or removed for consumption or alt there shall bo levied and collected the following taxes, to be paid by the manu facturer thereof namely, a tax of 3.60 per thousand on cigars of all descriptions tuade of tobacco or any substitute there for and weighing more than three pounds per thousand, and of 1 1 per thousand on Oigart made of tobacco or any substitute therefor and weighing not more than three pounds per thousand, and a tax of 3.60 per thousand on cigarettes mado of tobacco or any substitute therefor and Weighing more than three pounds per thousand, and 11.60 cents per thousand on Cigarettes made of tobacco or any substi tute therefor and weighing not more than three pounds per Jhousojid, Tbejaw. also provides for smaller packages and tobacco removed from tho factory or custom house before the passage of this act bearing tax tamp must pay a tax equal to one-half the difference between the tax already paid and t he tax levied in this act upon uch articles. Sec 4. That from and after July 1, 1898, special taxes on tobacco dealers and manufacturers shall be and hereby are im posed annually as follows, the amount of uch annual taxes to be computed in all Cases on the basis of the annual sales for the preceding fiscal year: Dealers in leaf tobacco whose annual sales do not exceed 80,000 pounds shall each pay 86. Dealers . la leaf to bunco whose annual soles exceed 60,000 and do not exceed 100,000 pounds hall pay 819 and if their annual sales ex ceed 100,000 pounds shall pay 824. Deal ers in tobacco whoso annual sales exceed 60,000 pounds shall each pay 8 13. Manu facturers of tobacco whose annual sales do bot exceed 60,000 pounds shall each pay 86. Manufacturers of tobacco whose an nual sales exoeed 60,000 and do not exceed 100.000 pounds shall each pay 813. Man ufacturers of tobacco whose annual sales exceed 100,000 pounds shall each pay 824. Manufacturers of cigars whose annual kales do not exceed 100,000 cigars shall each pay 8& Manufacturers of cigars Whose annual sales exceed 100,000 and do tot exoeed 200,000 cigars shall each pay f 18. Manufacturers of cigars whose an nual sales exoeed 800,000 cigars Bhall each PJ 84. And every person who carries on any business or occupation for which special taxes are imposed by this act, without bating paid the special rax herein provid ed, shall, besides being liable to the pay ment ot such special tax, be deemed guilty Df misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine ot not more than $600 or be Imprisoned not more than six months, or both, at the discretion of the Court. Sec 6. Until appropriate stamps are prepared and f urnished the stamps hereto fore used to denote the payment of the in , ternal revenue tax on fermented liquors, tobacco, snuff, cigars and cigarettes may be stamped or imprinted with a suitable device to denote the new rate of tax. And any person having possession of unaffixed tamps heretofore issued for the payment Of the tax upon fermented liquors, tobacco, nuff, cigars or cigarettes shall present the Came to the collector of the district, who hall receive them at the price paid for uch stamp by the purchasers and Issue In lieu thereof new or Imprinted stands at lbs rate provided by this act. AdhMlve VtaBips. Foe. fl. That on and after the flit day f July, IM'S, there shall he levied, collect ed and paid, fur and in rvvt of the sev eral bonds, debentures or certificates of stuck and of lndcbtednes and other docu ments, instruments, mutters and things mentioned and dcM-rihed In schedule A of this act. or fur or In respect of the vellum, mri hnieiit or i r ujsui w hich such In struments, matters or thlTigs, or any ot tlirtii, shall be written or printed by any , peroil or iroin, or party who shall make, sign or Issue the mime, or for w hoso uw or ln'iieflt the same (.hall he made, signed or issued, t he sevisll taxes or sums of money set down in figures against the same n"rtlvely or otherwise Kictfied or set forth in the said schedule. And there shall also lie levied, collect! and paid, f"r and in nsnvt to the medi cines, preparations, matters and things mentioned and described In schedule )i of this act, maniifuct ured, sold or removed for Bute, the severid taxes or sums of money set down In words or figures against the same ressetlvely or otherwise fecilled or set forth lit schedule It of this act Hoc 7. That If any person or persons shall make, sign or issue, or cause to lie made, signed or issued, any instrument, document or iaper of any kind or descrip tion whatsoever, without the same being duly stumped for denoting the tax hereby lmKwd thereon or without having there upon an adhesive stamp to denote said tax, such ersou or persons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic tion thereof shall pay a line of not more than 100, at the discretion of the court, and such Instrument, document or paper, as aforesaid, shall not tie coniitcnt evi dence in any court. Section 8 provides iena1tics for forgery and counterfeiting and tho use of washed stamps, etc Upon conviction the culprit shall pay a fine of not less than t''0 nor more than 500or lie Imprisoned nut more than six mouths, or both, at the discretion of the court, provided that any proprietor or proprietors of proprietary articles, or articles subject to stamp duty under sched ule B of this act, shall have the privilege of furnishing, without expense to the United States, his or their own dies or de-' signs for stamps to be used thereon, to lie retained In the possession ot the commis sioner ot Internal revenue, for his or their separate use, which shall not be duplicated to any other person. Hec. 10. That if any person or persons shall make, sign or issue, or cause to be made, signed or Issued, or shall accept or pay, or cause to lie accepted or paid, with design to evade the payment of any stamp tax, any bill of exchange draft or order or promissory note for the payment of money, liable to any ot the taxes luiKised by this act, without the same belniftluly stamped, or having thereuion un adhesive stamp for denoting the tax hereby charged there on, he, she or they shall be dtomcd guilty ot a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall lie punished by a fine not ex ceeding 8200, at the discretion of the court. Bills of Eschang-e. Sec. 11. Thut the acceptor or acceptors of any bill of exchange or order for the payment of any sum of money drawn, or purjiorting to lie drawn, In any foreign country, but payable In the United States, shall, before paying or accepting the same, place thereupon a stamp, Indicating the tax upon the same, as the law requires for Inland bills of exchange or promissory notes, and no bill of exchange shull be paid or negotiated without such stamp. (Penalty a fine hoi exceeding 8 100. ) Section 13 provides that in some country districts, postujastere shall assist collectors In supplying tho stamps to users. Sec. 13. That any person or persons who shall register, issue, soil or transfer, or who shall cause to be issued, registered, sold or transferred any instrument, docu ment or paiier of any kind or description whatsoever mentioned lu schedule A of this act without the same being duly stamped or having thereupon an adhesive stamp for denoting the tax charges there on and canceled in the manner required bylaw, with intent to evade the provisions of this act, shall lie deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof ! shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 850, or by imprisonment not exceeding rIx ! months, or both, in the discretion of tho court, and such instrument, document or j paper not being stamped according to law, : shall be deemed invalid and ot no effect. J (The reinoinder of the section provides for , the remission of the penalty iu cases of aecjdenj andmlstake, etc.) ereaher Iio instrument, , paper or document required by law to be stamped, which has been signed or issued without being duly stamped, or with a de ficient stamp, nor any copy thereof, shall be recorded or admitted or used as evi dence In any court until a legal stamp or stamps, denoting the amount of tax, shall have been affixed thereto, as prescribed by law, provided that any bond, debenture, certificate of stock or certificate of indebt edness issued in any foreign country shall pay the same tax as is required by law on similar Instruments when issued, sold or transferred in the United States, and the party to whom the same Is issued or by whom it Is sold or transferred shall, before selling or transferring the same, affix thereon the stamp or stamps indicating the tax required. Sec. 16. That it shall not be lawful to record or register any instrument, paper or document required by law to be stamped unless a stamp or stamps of the proper amount shall have been affixed and can celed in the manner prescribed by law, and the record, registry or transfer of any such Instruments upon which the proper stamp or stamps aforesaid shall not have been affixed and canceled, as aforesaid, shall not be used in evidence. Sec 16. That no Instrument, paper or document required by law to be stamped shall be deemed or held invalid and of no effect for the want of a particular kind or description of stamp designated for and denoting the tax charged ou any such in strument, paper or document, provided a legal documentary stamp or stamps denot ing a tax of equal amount shall have been duly affixed and used thereon. Sec. 17. That all bonds, debentures or certificates of Indebtedness issued by the officers of the United States government, or by the officers of any state, county, town, municipal corporation or other cor poration exercising the taxing power, shall be and hereby are exempt from the stamp taxes required by this act, provided that it is the Intent hereby to exempt from the stamp taxes imposed by this act such state, county, town or other municipal corporations in the exercise only of func tions strictly belonging to them in the or dinary governmental, taxing or municipal capacity; provided further that stock and bonds Issued by co-operative building and loan associations whose capital stock does not exceed 810,000 and building and loan asuciations or companies that make loans only to their shareholders shall be exempt from the tax herein provided. I ! Si. IS. That on and after the first day f July, I, no telegraph company or iu agent or riunlnyee shall transmit to any person any disiutteh or iMMiiire without an adhesive stamp, demiting the tax lin ! posed by this act, being nlln.U to a ropy : thereof or h.ivlug the same lnni-l there upon, and in detuult thereof shall incur a l-eiiolty of 10, provided that only one stamp shall 1 required In each dispatch or uiewnge, whether sent through one or more ooniiuuli; provided that the mes sages or dispiiuims of the officer and em ployee of any telegraph or telephone com ny concerning the affairs and service of I the coiiiuiny and like nicssug i,t dis I luitche of the officials knd employ of I railroad rompauiiai sent over the wires on I their rewiMw-f iv ri.ilnm.ia fc',1.11 Iu. ,.. ' from this requirement; xpovldcd further thut messages of officer and employees of the govern nun t on official business shall be exempt from tho tan herein imposi-d upon tt'lcgraphiu and telephonic Message. Sec. 111. That all the provisions of this ac t relating to dies, stamps, adhesive stumps and stamp taxes shall extend to and include (except where manifestly in- applicable) all the articles or objects enu- mcrouMi in scneutuo u suliiect to stamp taxes, and apply to the provisions in rela tion thereto, Proprietary Medicine. , Sec 20. That on and after the 1st day of July, lM'.m, any person, firm, company or corporal ion t hat shall make, prepare and sell or remove for consumption or sale drugs, medicines, preparations, composi tions, articles or things, Including per fumery and cosmetics, upon which a tux is iuiKiscd by this act, as provided for in schedule 11, without affixing thereto an adhesive stamp or lubel denoting the tax before mentioned shall be deemed guilty of a inisdenieiiuor and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not more than 8500 or bo imprisoned not more than six months, or both, at the di'retion of the court, provided thut no stamp tax shall lie imiHised upon any uncompounded me dicinal drug or chemical nor ujion any medicine sold to or for tho use of any per son which may be mixed or compounded for said person according to the written reclisj or prescription of any practicing physician or surgeon or which muy be put up or compounded for said person by a druggist or pharmacist selling at retail only. Sec 21. That any manufacturer or muk er of any of the articles for sale mentioned In schedule B, after the same shall have been so made and tho particulars herein- before required as to stumps have boon complied with, or any other person who . shall take off, remove or detach or cause or penult or suffer to be taken off or re moved or detached, any stamp, or who , shall use any stump or any wrapper or 1 cover to which any stamp Is affixed, to cover j any other article or commodity than that ; originally contained In such wrapper or cover, with such stump when first used. with the intent to evade the stamp duties, shall for every such article respectively, In respect of which any such offense shull tie oommitted, lie deetued guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not more than fi()0 or be Imprisoned not more than six months, or both, and every such article or com modity as aforesaid shull also be forfeited. Sec 23. Thut any maker or manufac turer ot any of tho articles or commodities mentioned in schedule B as aforesaid or any other person who shall sell, send out, remove or deliver any article or commod ity manufactured as aforesaid before the tax thereon shall have been fully puld by affixing thereon the proper stump, as in this act provided, or who shall hide or oonoeal or cause to lie hidden or concealed, or who shall remove or convey away or deposit, or cause to be removed or convey ed away from or deposited in any place any such article or commodity to evade the tax chargeable thereon or any part thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and upon conviction thereof shull pay a tine of not more than 8500 or be im prisoned not more than six months, or both, at the discretion of the court, togeth er with the forfeiture of any such article or commodity, provided that articles upon which stamp tuxes are required by this act may, when Intended for exportation, be manufactured and sold or removed with out having stamps affixed thereto, and without being churged with tax as afore said, and every manufacturer or maker of any article as aforesaid intended for ex portation shall give Buch bonds and be subject to such rules and regulations to protect the revenue against fraud. Section S3 provides that manufacturers must furnish monthly schedules concern ing thc output and file them with the cdltoctor. --- Sec 24. That the stamp taxes prescribed in this act on the articles provided for in schedule B shall attach to all such articles and things sold or removed for sale on and after the said 1st day of July, 1808. Every person, exoept as otherwise provided In this act, who offers or exposes for 6ule any arti cle or thing provided for in said schedule B, whether the article so offered or exposed is of foreign manufacture and imported or of domestic manufacture, shall be deemed the manufacturer thereof and shall be sub ject to all the taxes, liabilities ami penal ties imposed by law for the sale of articles without the use of the proper stamp denot ing the tax paid thereon, and all such ar ticles of foreign manufacture shall, In ad dition to the import duty imposed on the same, be subject to the stamp tax pre scribed in this act; provided further that internal revenue stamps required by exist ing law on Imported imCxihandise shall be affixed thereto and cancelled at the expense ot the owner or Importer before the with drawal of such merchandise for consump tion. Section 26 provides for the preparation ot the stamps, etc Schedule A Stamp Taze. Bonds, debentures or certificates of In debtedness Issued after the 1st day of July, 1898, by any association, company or cor poration, on each 8400 of face value or fraction thereof, S cents, and on each orig inal issue, whether on organization or re organization, of certificates of stock by any such association, company or corporation, on each 8100 of face value or fraction thereof, 6 cents, and on all sales or agree ment to sell or memoranda of sales or de liveries or transfers of shares or certificates of stock In .any association, company or corporation, whether made upon or shown by the books of the association, company or corporation, or by any assignment in blank, or by any delivery, or by any paper or agreement or memorandum or other evidence of transfer or sale, whether en titling the holder in any manner to the hem-tit of such stock, or to secure the fu ture payment of money, or for the future transfer of auy stock, on each 8100 of face value or fraction thereof, 2 cents, provided that in cose of sale where the evidence of transfer is shown only by the books of the company the stamp shall be placed upon such books, and where the change ot own ership is by transfer certificate the stamp shall be placed upon the certificate, and in cases of an agreement to sell or where the transfer is b, delivery of the oerti Scale as signed In blank there shall be made and delivered by the sailer to the buyer a bill or uiemoraisliim of such sale, to which the stump shall be affixed, and every bill or memorandum of sale or agreement to sell before mentioned sliall show the dute thereof, the name of the seller, the amount of tho side and the mutn-r or thing to which it refer, (l'eiuilly, a fine of n-t less than 8""0 nor more than 1 1,000 or imprisonment not more than six months, or both.) j Upon each side, agreement of tide or agreement to sell any products or mer chandise ut any exchange or board of trade or other similar place, either for present or future delivery, for each f lot) of value of said sale or agreement, of sale or agreement to sell, 1 cent, and for each additional 8100 or fractional part thereof in excess of 81Hi, 1 cent, provided that on every cole or agreement of side or agreement to sell, as aforesaid, there shall be mode and deliv ered by the seller to the buyer a bill, mem- i orandum, agreement or other evidence of j such sale, agreement of sale or agreement to sell, to which there shall be affixed a I lawful stump or stamps in value equal to the amount of tho tux on suchsulu. And evcryVuch bill, memorandum or other evidence of side or agreement to sell shull show the date thereof, the name of the seller, the amount of the sale and the mat ter or thing to which it refers, and auy person or persons liable to pay the tax us herein provided, or any one who acts in the matter as agent or broker for snob person or persons, who shall make any such sulo or agreement of sulo, or agree ment to sell, or who shall, in pursuance of any such sale, agreement or sale or agreement to sell, deliver auy such prod ucts or merchandise without a bill, mem orandum or other evidence thereof us here in required, or who shall deliver such bill, memorandum or other evidence of sale, or agreement to sell, without having tho proper stumps uftixed thereto, ?Tth intent to evade the foregoing provisions, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and uixin conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not less than 8500 nor more than 81,000, or lie imprisoned not more than six months, or both, at the discretion of the court. Stamp or Check, Drafts, Etc. Bank check, draft or certificate of de posit not drawing Intercrir order for the payment of auy sum of iisaJiey drawn upon or issued by any bank, trust company or any person or persons, companies or cor- j porations at sight or on demand, 3 cents. mu or exenange (lniunu), urart, cer tificate of deposit drawing Interest or or der for the payment of any sum of money, otherwise than at sight or on demand, or any promissory note except bank notes Is sued for circulation, and for each renewal . of the same, for a sum not exceeding 8100, ' 2 cents, and for each additional 8100 or fractional part thereof in excess of 8100, 2 cents, and from and after the 1st day of July, 18U8, the provisions ot this paragraph shull apply as well to original domestic money orders Issued by the government. Bill of exchange (foreign) or letter of credit (including orders by telegraph or otherwise fur t he payment of money issued by express or other companies or any per- J son or (lersons), drawn in but payable out of the United States, Bhall pay for a sum not exceeding 8100, 4 cents, and for each 8100 or fractional part thereof in excess of 8100, 4 cents. If drawn in sets of two or . more, for every bill of each set, where the sum made payublo shall not exceed 8100, 2 cente, and for each 8100 or fractional part thereof iu excess of 8100, 2 cents. Bills of lading or receipts (other than charter party) for any goods, merchandise or ef- . fects to be exported from a port or place in ' the Unjtcd gtates to any foreign port or i place, 10 cents. I Express and freight On each bill of lading a stamp of the value of 1 cent, pro vided that but one bill ot lading shall be required on bundles or packages of news- papers when inclosed In one general bun- ! die at the time of shipment (Penalty, 850 for each offense.) t j Telephone MeMage. Telephone messages It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation own ing or operating any telephone line or I lines to make within the first IS days of each month a sworn statement to the col lector of internal revenue in each of their respective districts, stating the number of messages or conversations transmitted over their respective lines during the preceding month for which a charge of 15 cents or more was imposed, and for each of such messages or conversations the said person, , firm or corporation shull pay a tax of 1 cent, provided that only one payment of said tax shull be required, notwithstand ing the lines of one or more persons, firms or corporations shull be used for the trnns missiqp of each of said messages or con versations. Bond For Indemnifying any person or persons, firm or corporation who shall have become bound or engaged as surety for the payment of any sum of money or for the due execution or performance of the duties of any office or position, and all other bonds of any description, except such as may be required in legal proceed ings, not otherwise provided for in this Schedule, 60 cents. Certificate of profits or any certificate or memorandum showing an interest in the property or accumulations of any associa- j tion, company or corporation and on all transfers thereof, on each $ 100 of face value or fraction thereof, 2 cents. Any certifi cate of damage or otherwise and all other certificates or documents issued by any port warden, marine surveyor or other per son acting as such, 25 cents. Certificate of any description required by law not otherwise specified In this act, 10 cents. Charter party Contract or agreement for the charter of any ship or vessel or steamer or any renewal or transfer thereof, ! H tne registerett tonnage or sucn snip uoes not exceed 800 tons, $3; exceeding 300 tons and not exceeding 600 tons, $5; ex ceeding 600 tons, $10. Contract Broker's note or memoran dum of sole not otherwise provided for in this act, 10 cents. Conveyance Deed, instrument or writ ing whereby any lands, tenements or other realty sold shall be granted, assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed to or vested in the purchaser or purchasers when the consideration or value exceeds $100 and does not exceed $500, 50 cents, and for each additional $500 or froctioual part thereof in excess of $500, 50 cents. Dispatch, telegraphic Any dispatch or message, 1 cent. Entry of any goods, wares or merchan dise at any custom house either for con sumption or warehousing, not exceeding $100 in value, 25 cents; exceeding $100 and not exceeding 8500 In value, 60 cents; exceeding 8500 in value, 81; entry for the withdrawal of any goods or merchan dise from customs bonded warehouse, 60 cents. Insurance (life) Policy of insurance or other Instrument, by whatever name the same shall be called, whereby any insur ance shall hereafter be made upon any life or lives, for each 8100 or fractional part thereof, 8 rent on th amount Insured, provided that on all polkir for life insur ance only issued on lbt industrial of week ly j jiym. nt plan of insurance the tax shall lie 40 per centum of the amount of the first weekly prcmiuiu; provided further that the provisions of this su tion shall not ap ply to any fraternal beneficiary society or order condueU'd solely liy the member thereof for the exclusive benefit of it members and not for profit. Iasarauea I'ollei, Insurance (marine, inland, fire) Each policy of insurance or other instrument by w hich insurance shall I made or renew I'd upon property of any description, whether against peril by sea or on inland waters, or by fire or lightning or other peril, upon the amount or premium chargi-d, one-half of 1 cent on each 81 or fractional part thereof, provided that purely co-operative or mutual fire insurance companies carried on by the members thereof solely fir the protection of their own property and cot for profit shall be exempted. Insurance (casualty, fidelity and guar antee) Kuch policy of insurance or bond or obligation of the nature of Indemnity for loss, dumuite or liability Issued or ex- ' ecuteJ or renewed by any person, associa- tion, company or corporation transacting the business of accident, fidelity, employ er's liability, plate glass, steam boiler. burglary, elevator, automatic sprinkler or other branch of insurance (except life, marine, inland and fire Insurance) and each bond, undertaking or recognizance, conditioned for the performance of the du ties of any office or position or for the do ing or not doing of anything therein sieci flcd or other obligation of the nature of in demnity, and each contract or obligation guaranteeing the validity or legality of bonds or other obligations Issued by any state, county, municipal or other public body or organization or guaranteeing titles to real estate or mercantile credits executed or guaranteed by any fidelity, guarantee or surety company upon the amount of premium charged, one-half of 1 cent on each 81 or fractional part thereof. Lease, Agreement, Etc. . Lease, agreement, memorandum or con tract for the hire, use or rent of any land, tenement or portion thereof If for a pe riod of time not exceeding one year, 25 cents; if fora period of time exceeding one year and not exceeding three years, 50 cents; if for a period exceeding three years, 81. Manifest, for custom house entry or clearance of the cargo of any ship, vessel or steumer for a foreign port If the regis tered tonnage of such ship, vessel or steam er does not exceed 300 tons, 81; exceeding 300 tons and not exceeding 600 tons, 83; exceeding 600 tons, 85. Mortgage or pledge of lands, estate or property, real or personal, heritable or movable whatsoever; also any conveyance of any lands, estate or property whatso ever, In trust to be sold or otherwise con verted Into money, which shall be intend ed only us security on any of the forego ing exceeding 1 1.000 and not exceeding 81,600, 25 cents, and on each 8500 or frac tional part thereof in excess of $1,500, 25 cents. Passage ticket by any vessel from a port In the United States to a foreign port, if costing not exceeding 830, 81; (Misting more than $30 and not exceeding $00, $3; costing more than $00, $5. Power of attorney or proxy for voting at any election for officers of any Incor porated company or association, except re ligious, charitable or literary societies or public cemeteries, 10 cents. Power of at torney to sell and convey real estate, or to rent or lease the same, to receive or col lect rent, to sell or transfer any stock, bonds, scrip or for the collection of any dividends or interest thereon, or to per form any and all other acts not hereinbe fore specified, 26 cents, provided that no stamp shall be required upon any papers necessary to be used for the collection of claims from the United States for pen sions, back pay, bounty or for property lost in the military or naval servioe. Protest Upon the protest of every note, bill of exchange, acceptance, chock or draft or any marine protest, 25 cents. Warehouse receipt for any goods, mer chandise or property of any kind held on storage In any public or private warehouse or yard, except receipts for agricultural products deposited by the actual grower thereof In the regular course of trade for sale, 25 cents, provided that the stamp duties imposed by the foregoing schedule on manifests, bills of lading and passage tickets shall not apply to steamboats or other vessels plying between ports of the United States and ports in British North America. Schedule B. Medicinal proprietary articles and prepa rations For and upon every packet, box, bottle, pot or vial or other inclosure containing any pills, powders, tinctures, troches or lozenges, sirups, cordiuls, bit ters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, except natural spring waters (and carbon ated, natural spring waters), essences, spirits, oils and all medicinal preparations or compositions whatsoever, mode and sold, or removed for sale, by any person or per sons whatever, wherein the person mak ing or preparing the same has or claims to have any private formula, secret or oc- cult art for the making or preparing the same, or bus or claims to have any ex clusive right or title to the making or yre 1 paring the same, as follows: I Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, j vial or other inclosure, with its contents, I shull not exceed at the retail price or ; value the sum of 6 cents, one-eighth of 1 , cent; 10 cents, two-eighths of 1 cent; 15 I cents, throe-eighths of 1 cent; 25 cents, ' five-eighths of 1 cent; and for each addi tional 25 cents of retail price or value or fractional part thereof in excess of 25 cents, five-eighths of 1 cent. For and upon every packet, box, bottle, pot, vial, ot other inclosure containing any essence, xtract, toilet water, cosmet ic, vaseline, petroleum, hair oil, pomade, hairdressing, hair restorative, hair dye, tooth wash, dentifrice, tooth paste, aro matic cuchous or any similar substance or article, where such packet, box, bottle, pot, vial or other inclosure, with Its con tents, shall not exceed at the retail price or value the sum of 6 cents, one-eighth of 1 cent; 10 cents, two-eighths of 1 cent; 15 cents, three-eighths of 1 cent; 25 cents, five-eighths of 1 cent; and for each addi tional 25 cents of retail price or value or fractional part thereof in excess of 25 cents, five-eighths of 1 cent. Chewing gum or substitutes therefor For and upon each box, carton, jar or other package containing chewing gum of not more than $1 of actual retail value, 4 cents; if exceeding $1 of retail value, for each additional dollar or fractional part thereof, 4 cents. Sparkling or other wines containing one pint or less, 1 cent; more than one pint, 2 cents. (The remainder of the section provides for the stamping of goods ou hand on July 1 and for a rebate on arti cles thnt have already paid a revenue tax. ) Sec 27. That every person, firm, cor- poration or company carrying on or doing; the busille of rvllllitlli l-iroicum, or re filling sugar, or owning or controlling any pipe line for transporting oil or other products, w hose gross annual receipts ex ewd $50,000, shall be subject to pay an nually a s-ial excise tax equivalent to one quarter of I per centum on the gros . amount ot all receipt of such persons firms, corporations and companies in tlu r ! rcsp.-tie business in excess of said sum of $250,000. j And a true and accurate return of the amount of gross receipts as aforesaid shall be made and rendered monthly by each ot such associations, corporations, comiutnies or persons to the collector of the district. (Penalty, not less than 81.000 and not ex ceeding $ 10,000 for each failure or refusal to make return.) Sec. 28. Thut from and after the 1st day of July, 1SUS, a stamp tax of 1 cent shall be levied and collected on every seat 1 sold lu a i a luce or parlor car and on every berth sold in sleeping car, the stamp to be affixed to the ticket and paid by tho com pany issuing the sama ' (Sections 29, 30 and 81 provide for an Inheritance tax ranging from 75 cents tax per 8100 of bequest to lineal descendant to $5 per hundred where the bequest goea ' to strangers in blood or corporations.) ' Loan. r Sec. S3. That the secretary of the treasury k Is authorized to borrow from time to time at a rate of interest not exceeding 8 per , centum per annum such sum or sums as, in his judgment, may be neoessary to meet public cxjienditures, and to Issue therefor certificates of indebtedness in such form as he may prescribe and in denominations of; $50 or some multiple ot thut sum, and each certificate so issued shall be payable,' with the interest accrued thereon at such' time not exceeding one year from the date of its issue, as the secretary of the treasury may prescribe, provided that the amount of such certificates outstanding shall at no time exceed $100,000,000. Sec. 83. That the secretary of the treas-, ury is hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of the United States from time to time as the proceeds may lie required to defray expenditures authorized on account of the existing war the sum of $400,000, 000, or 60 much thereof as may be nooe- sary, and to prepare and issue therefor coupon or registered bonds of the United States In such form as he may prescribe, and in denominations of $20 or some mul tiple of thut sum, redeemable in coin at the pleasure of tho United States after ten years from the date of their issue and pay able 20 years from such date and bearing Interest payuble quurterly in coin at the rate of 8 per centum per annum, provided that the bonds authorized by this section shall be first offered at par as a popular loan under such regulations prescribed by the secretary of the treasury as will give opportunity to the citizens of the United States to participate in the subscriptions to such loan, and in allotting said bonds the several subscriptions of individuals shall be first accepted, and the subscrip tions for the lowest amounts shall be first allotted; provided further thut any por tion of any issue of sold bonds not sub scribed for us above provided may be dis posed of by the secretary of the treasury ut not less thun par, under such regulations as he may prescribe, but no commissions shall be allowed or paid thereon, and a sum not exceeding one-tenth of 1 per centum of the amount of the bonds and certificates herein authorized is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not oth erwise appropriated to pay the expense of preparing, advertising and issuing the same- Coinage of Silver Bullion. Sec. 84. That the secretary of the treas ury Is hereby authorized and directed to coin into standard silver dollars as rapidly as tho public interests may require, to an amount, however, of not less than $1,500, 000 in each mouth, all of the silver bullion now in the treasury purchased in accord ance with the provisions of the act ap proved July 14, 1890, entitled, "An act directing the purchase of silver bullion and the issue of treasury notes thereon, and for other purposes," and said dollars, when so coined, shall be used and applied in the manner and for the purposes named in said act Mixed Flour. Sec. 35. That for the purposes of this act the words "mixed flour" shull be un derstood to mean the food product made from wheat mixed or blended In whole or In part with any other grain or other ma terial, or the manufactured product of any other grain or other material than wheat Sec. 36. That every person, firm or cor- poration, before engaging in the business of making, packing or repacking mixed Dour, shall pay a speciul tux at the rate of $12 per- annum, the same to be paid and posted in accordance with the provisions of sections 8242 and 8239 of the revised statutes and subject to the fines and pen alties therein imposed for any violation thereof. (Section 37 provides for the method of sale under the brand "mixed flour." Penalty for failure to obev the law is also prescribed.) Sec. 88. That all sales and conslKn- ments of mixed flour Bhall be In packages not before used for thut purpose (Penalty or fine of not less than $250 and not more than $500, or by imprisonment not less than 30 days nor more than one year. ) Sec. 89. That in addition to the brand ing and marking of mixed flour as herein provided, there shall be affixed to the packages containing the same a lubel in tho following words: "Notice The (munu facturer or packer, as the case may be) of 1 the ufixed flour herein contained has com. plied with all the requirements of law. Every person is cautioned not to use this package or label again or to remove the contents without destroying the revenue ! stamp thereon, under the penalty tire- scribed by law in such cases. " (Penalty, fine of $50.) ! Sec. 40. That barrels or other packages r In which mixed, flour may be packed shall contain not to exceed 196 pounds; that upon the manufacture and sale of mixed flour there shall bo levied a tax of 4 cents . per barrel containing 196 pounds or more than 98 pounds; 2 cents on every half bar rel containing 98 pounds or more than 49 pounds; 1 cent on every quarter barrel I containing 49 pounds or more than 24 ' pounds and one-hulf cent on every one eighth barrel containing 24M pounds or i less. The tax levied by this section shall i be represented by coupon stamps. f (Section 41 provides for the collection of I the tax in certain cases and section 42 1m- poses a tax equal to the tax set forth In 4 section 40 in addition to the import tax on all "mixed flour" from foreign IVmntrina Sections 43 to 49, inclusive, provide penal- MOB, CIC.J f rea. - Sec. 50. That there shall be levied, col-1 lected and paid upon tea when imported J from foreign countries a duty of 10 cent per pound. Sec. 51. That this act shall take effect on the day next succeeding the dute of it passage exoept as otherwise specially pro vided for. X c