The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 15, 1898, Image 5

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    I r i
(Continued from Page 3.) J
la lortor resignation and honest industry who
t'ljLl vou. uht-n I answered with tears of gratitude
'id regret, that it was not false modesty, tut a
y.nsciouines of my own ridiculous deformity,!
'jPiat made me refuse your offer? Who told you,
iiat, tut for this, 1 should have accepted it
roudly .iii the name of all my lowborn sisters?
you replied to me with the touching words:
I understand your refusal, my friend; it is not
occasioned by false modesty, but by a sentiment
f dignity that I love and respect.' Who tM
vou," continued tne woricgiri,
Animation, "that I should be
little solitary retreat in this magnificent house,
which dazzles me with its splendor? Who guid
ed you in the choice of the apartment (still far
too good) that you have provided for me? Who
taught you,' that, without envying the beauty of
the charming creatures that surround you, and
yhom I love because they love you, I should al
rtfray feel, by an involuntary comparison, em
barrassed and ashamed before them? Who told
you therefore to send them away, whenever j-ou
wished to speak with me? Yes! who hts revealed
to you all the painful and secret susceptibilities
of a position like mine! Who has revealed them
to you; uod, no doubt: who in ms innnue ma
jesty creates worlds, and yet cares forthe poor
little insect hidden beneath the gras. And you
think, that the gratitude of a heart you have un
derstood so well, cannot rise in its turn to the
knowledge of what may be hurtful to you? No,
no, lady; some people have the instinct of self
j?rservation; others have the still more precious
instinct that euables them to preserve those they
Isita Cl rA na rriron rt a title inctlnpf T fpll Vfill
V v V JKA al (It? 11 VII 11 V tklJkl a u v
vthat you are betrayed!" And
look, and cheeks slightly colored
the speaker laid such stress upon
and accompanied them with such
ure, that Mdlle. de Cardoville, already shaken by
the girl's warmth, began almost to share in her
apprehensions. Then, although she had before
learned to appreciate the superior
this poor child of the people, Mdlle. de Cardoville
had never till now heard her friend express her
self with so much eloquence, too, that was in
spired by the noblest sentiments. This circum
stance added to the impression made upon Adri
enne. But at the moment she was about to an
swer, a knock was heard at the door of the room,
and Florine entered.
On seeing the alarmed countenance of her
waiting-maid, Mdlle. de Cardoville said, hastily:
"Well, Florine! what news? Whence come you,
Not since the establishment of Tug
American have we appealed publioly
to the friends of the American move
ment and particularly to the friends of
this paper, for their financial suprort,
but today we make an earnest appeal to
all true, loyal and patriotic Americans
for immediate financial assistance with
which to keep The American alive.
We believe we are doing God's work
and in Els name we come to you asking
jour assistance. It is humiliating to
have to publish broadcast that we are
eo beset by our creditors that, we must
have your assistance at once or be com
pelled to go into court to prevent the
destruction of the most outspoken and
fearless paper west of New York. We
have thousands of dollars outstanding
which we are unable to collect, yet our
creditors are insisting on our paying
them what we owe. There Is, there
fore, friends and brothers, no alterna
tive; we must have your help or spend
time in law courts which should be put
Into the work we are engaged in. Our
appeal is to you. Can we have your
help. If so please send your mite by
return mail. Our indebtedness is only
$2,600 but as we have been defrauded
right and left, by alleged patriots, we
come to you who are true blue and ask
you to help make up the sumiwhlch is
so necessary to make THE AMERICAN a
complete success. Will you aid us at
this time, or shall this contest against
Romanism be prosecuted in a weak,
half-hearted manner? One of our good
friends has already offered to put in 110
toward liquidating the indebtedness of
The American. What will you give?
Can't you help us wipe out that debt?
Now, all together.
We have given seven years of
our life to this work without hope or
expectation of reward and are willing
to give seven, aye fifty years more If
you will for this once go down into
your pockets and help put The Amer
ican out of the reach of the men who
can cripple if they cannot kill it. The
first subscriber to this fund is the man
who suggested this appeal, in his an
swer to a personal application we had
made to him for assistance. If you can
my child?" "From Saint-Dizier House,
"And why did you go there?" asked Mdlle. de
Cardorille, with surpise.
"This morning," said Florine, glancing at the
workgirl, " madame, there, confided to me her
suspicious and uneasiness. I 6hared in them.
The visit of the Abbe d'Aigrigny to M. Rodin
appeared to me very serious. I thought, if it
should turn out that M. Rodin had been during
the last few days to Saint-Dizier House, there
would be no longer any doubt of his treachery."
" True," said Adrienne, more and more un
easy. "Well?"
" As I had been charged to superintend the
removal from the lodge, I knew that several
things had remained there. To obtain admit
tance, I had to apply to Mrs. Grivois. Iliad thus
a pretext for returning to the hotel."
" What next, Florine, what next?"
(To be Continued.)
wun increaMiij;
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not tend us INK) send us what you can,
but please send us something. We
need it now; we need It greatly.
All donations will be acknowledged
through the columns of The Ameri
can unless donors request otherwise.
Address all letters to The American
1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb,
Want As War We Are Busy With. Spain.
London, July 9. The European chan
celleries have been quite busy for sev
eral weeks past exchanging views uptn
the course to be pursued In the event of
war 'between ChiU and Argentina.
This contingency Is by no means re
mote, as it affects the material inter
ests of more than one important power.
If war is to come in the near future
most European powers would like It to
commence immediately, while the
United States is busily engaged else
where. Italy will probably intervene either
to prevent war or to limit Us scope and
duration. It was Italy that first drew
diplomatic attention to the troubled
horizon in South America. She has
been as good as told that she can do as
she likes so far as continental Europe
Is concerned. Italian Interests In Ar
gentina are large. Italians claim a
majority of the population, and more
than half the country's wealth. In
Italy they say that Argentina is Latin
and Italian, while Chill is Teuton and
British. Some Italian newspapers even
advocate the dispatch o' troops to
Buenos Ayres to help fight the Chil
ians. It is generally believed in Italy that
whatever shall be done in this connec
tion the United States, if offended or
challenged, will do nothing more than
protest. Presumably Washington Is
as well informed as the European gov
ernments as to what is going on.
Meanwhile, it has been semi-officlally
explained In Rome that Italy will
counsel prudence to the two disputants,
and, if need be, intervene to prevent a
war. This has been followed by an os
tentatious activity In Italian dockyards
and by the announcement yesterday
that a powerful squadron will be forth
with prepared for sea.
Color Hair.
Draping . .
S . .
Planned Invasion of Texas.
Washington, D. C, July 9. Captain
Luis Manene and Lieutenant Fredcrlco
Munlategui, both of the Spanish army,
and former passengers on the Norwe
gian steamer Bergen, have been ar
rested by officers of the Mexican se
cret service, by order of the Minister
of Foreign Affairs, and are imprisoned
in the City of Mexico.
They were sent to Mexlc) direct from
Havana by Captain General Blanco for
the purpose of organizing the Spanish
sympathizers there for an invasion of
Texas. The object of the iavaslon was
principally to draw as much of the
United States army there as possible.
The two officers were overzealous in
their work, and their incendiary
speeches soon attracted the attention
of the Mexican officials. When they
were arrested they had succeeded in
enlisting about 500 Mexicans and Span
iards In their enterprise, and were pro
ceeding with the formation of an army
of Invasion. The Mexican government,
realizing the Infraction of their neu
trality proclamation, put a stop to the
work at once, and the two officers will
be kept as prisoners until they can be
returned to Spain.
Takes a l'riost With Him.
San Francisco, Cal., July 1. Francis
Brooks Doherty, a well known Paulist
missionary, sailed on the Newport for
Manila at the request of General Mer
He speaks Spanish fluently, and was
selected for the mission by the Super
ior general of the Paullsts, who recog
nized the opportunities afforded in the
Philippines for an American priest of
the same faith as the majority of the
Father Doherty hopes to be of ser
vice to the United States by explaining
awav the false impression said to exist
on the Island that. the American sol
diers would destroy their religion and
loot their places of worship. N. Y.
World, July 2.
No man's Influence Is so small but
what he could make it tell against
m- .... I..LII.J
Until tha supply eihauited, wc
will Mod to each subscriber sending u
the name of life of hit frleods, accom
panied by 25j. for flva aamplo coplot of
The American, one volume of "The
Stenographer," a book containing tha
tor j of the life, trials, tribulations,
court hip, etc., of a stenographer. The
book ha 220 pge, 1 elegant! bound
in cloth, printed from good, clean type
on a high graJe of book-paper. We
have 70 of them. Get your order In
early. Regu'ar prioe of uch a book
t, ordinarily, 11.25. You get it for
nothing if you buy lira sample. Don't
tend lUmpa of a larger denomination
than 2 cent.
Wo-To-Hm tor Fifty Crata.
Guaranteed tobuoo habit eure, mate weak
man strong, blood pur. too, IL All druMlsl
No greater, no mora lntareatlng. na
mora taarlaaa azpoaura of Romanism
was aver written than that panned by
Rt. Cbarlea Chlnlquy and popularly
known a "Fifty Taart In tha Church
of Roma." Prtoa flM. Band as 1100
and rt tha book. American Pub. Co..
Kit Howard 8U. Omaha, Nab.
When a man sees the truth he be
holds the deformities of error.
Painful Ulcers
Troubled with Them for the
Past Ten Years
Purifying the Blood with Hood's
Saraaparllla Effects a Cure.
All troubles that are due to Impure
blood yield with wonderful prompt
ness to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
thoroughly eradicates all scrofulous
tainU and make the blood rich and
pure. Read these wordu :
"I have been troubled with very pain
ful ulcers on my ankles the greater part
of the time for about ten year. I decided
to try Hood' Saraaparllla, and when I
had taken two bottle I could aeeacbanga
for the better. I have now taken (our
bottle and the nicer are well. I am able
to attend to my work about the house
without any pain, and I can rest well at
night. I regard Hood' Sarsaparilla a an
excellent medicine." Mabt A. Weix-
MAN, Wlnfleld, Kansas.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best-In fact the One True Wood Purifier.
Bold by all druggists. $1 ; six for f 5.
mm ji Vila are the only pills to take
11000 S fills With Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Attorney, Merchants Natlonul Bank.
SUKrtlFF'B BALK. By virtue of an order
of Bale Issued out of tue district court
for Douglas couuty. Nebraska, and to uie dl-reolt-a.
1 will on uw l'.lib day of July. A.
1). lfeiM, at tea o clock A. M. or s.iiu uay. at
the KasT front door of the county court
bouse, In tbecliy of Omaha. Douglascouniy.
Nebraska, sell at public auctlou to the high
est btudur for cash the property descrioeu
In said order of sale as fonow to-wit:
Lot seven (7), In block one hundred and
ninety-seven (l'J7), and also lot eight, In
block one hunurea ana ninety-seven, tisi;,
In orielnul rlat of the city of Omaha, us
surveyed, platted and recorded, all In
IJougias county, state or iseorusxa.
Mn.ul nrouertv to be sold to Batlsfy Walter
E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of three
hundred anu ninety-mine anu zo-iw
($3S.2t) dollars Judgment, with Interest
thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per
annum from Heotember asth. liU: and also
an attorney's fee of .&!, which amounts
are a first valid and existing nen upon lot
7, In block 17, above described.
To HH.tlnfv Walter E. eKeler. plaintiff
herein, the sum of four hundred and thirty-
eight and 4S-1UU uonars juugmeiii,
with Interest at rate of ten (Kb per cent
per annum from September !, lWti; togeth
er with an attorney's fee of U.M, which
amounts are a first valid and existing lien
upon said lot 8, block 197, above described.
To satlsly tne sum oi one nunureu anu
fourteen and 84-100 ($114.84) dollars costs
herein, together with accruing costs, ac
cording to a Judgment rendered by the dis
trict court of said uougma county, at. us
Sc-ntember term. A. 1. !. in a. certain
action and there pending, wherein Walter
K. Keeler is Plaintiff, and I'hoebe Reliecca
Elizabeth Klwina Linton, Adoiphus Freder
ick Linton, her husband, Jonn aiorris,
William Morris and Frank crisp, copart
ners, doing business as Ashurst, Morris,
Crisp & Company, John W'hittaker Coop
er, William Isaac Shard, and John Morris
are defendants.
Omttua sebraska, June 17lh, lh'.m.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. Saunders, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Linton et al.
Docket 66, No. 17.
Attorney, Merchants National Uank.
lilv&lFF'S SALE. by virtue of an altat
order of sale isaueu out of lue District
court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to
me directed, 1 will, on tne I nn Uay of July A
D. at ten o'clock A. u. of ruiu day, al tht
rAsl from door of the couuty court, bouso,
in tue city ofOinana, Douglas couuty Ne
braska, sell at public auction to Uie highest
bidder for Cain, the property descriueu in
aaid order of sale as follows, w-wit:
Lot four block In 14 and lot five block one
hundred and sixty-four (164) of the Origin
al 1'lat of the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all situated in Doug
las county, stale of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Wal
ter H. keeler, plaintiff herein, Uie sums as
follows, to-wlt:
On lot 4 In block VM, above descrtted. the
sum of !1,897.U0, together with an attor
ney a fee of S1&U.7U.
On lot 6 In block 164. above described, the
sum of Jya.45, together with au attorney's
tee of vn.oi.
Which said amounts according to the
Judgment of the district court bear Inter
est at the rate of ten per cent, per annum
from September 2Mh, 1$, and axe lirst
lien unoii said Drooerty.
To satisfy the further sum of three hun
dred and sixty-two and KMUv (tA2.K! dol
lars coata herein, together with accruing
costs according to a judgment renuerea by
the district court of said Douglas county
at Its September term, A. D. ihk, in a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Walter K. Keeler Is plaintiff and
Phoebe Rebecca Elizabeth Klwine Linton
and Adoiphus Frederick Linton, her hus
band, John Morris, William Morris and
Frank Crisp, co-partners doing business
as Ashurst, Morris. Crisp & Company,
John Whittaker Cooper and William Isaac
btiard are defendants.
Otualiti, Nebraska, June 17th. ISM.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb,
W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Linton, et ai.
Doc. 55; No. 179.
Ex. -Doc. I; Page 96.
No man is living- up to his political
duties who fails to oppose the enemies
of national peace, purity and prosper
Attorney, Merchants National Bank.
StiKKIr ' tULK-By ilnut of plurlet
or.ier of at iul out of the
dislrUt court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the
.Id uy ! J-o. A. L. 1mi. at tuo cluca
m. of said day. at the EAST front door
of Hie county court house, in the city of
wmaha, Dougla couuty, Nebraska, soli
I public auction, to tue biaheat 01 J ler
lor tasli. tne property describe", in aaJj
order oi sale, aa folio . to-wit:
Lot tea Uui. in block ttv ti). iii Milan
aaaitlou to the city of oniaba, and a,o
lot mgrii (. in blot a three til. Iu t'attkk a
addition to I lie illy of Omaha, aa aur-
teynl, platted and recorded, ail auualvt
In Duuaias county, state of Nebraska.
bald oroiwrty to b sold to aallaly uer-
rlt B. Collier, planum herein, lb turn of
two thousand four tiuuured auj int)-
aix and w-luu tlil W) dollars judgment.
with Interest thereon at rate of seven lit
per cent per amiuiu from September .
ami, being a first lien upon said lot 10, in
block &. ttnlnn'a addition, and a second lien
upon lot a. In block a, t'atrlck a addition
above described, being subject to a mort
gage ot U.JU) and Interest on aaid last
described lot.
To aatiaf j the further auui of ninety aad
Ta-ltaj iyu Jsi uoeu herein together
with accruing; coata, according to a Judg
ment rendered by the district court of
aald Douglas county, at Ita September
term, A 1). llflM, In a certain action then
and there pending, wherein Gerrlt S. Col
lier and Kuaaell K. McK.elvey and blanche
L, Mckelvey, nla wife, are defeudanta
Uuiaha, Nebraska. May JTih. 18.
Hherlff ot Douglaa County, Nebraska.
W. A. 8AUNDUKS. Attorney.
Collier va. McKelvey.
Docket 67, No. U-fix. Docket Z. Pas
Attorney, Merchant National Bank.
SHfc. Kin' s SALk Ity virtue of aa ordei
of sale Issued out ot lue Ulairlct Court
for lAJugias county, Nebraska, and to nie di
rected, t will, ou tbe &m day ot Juiy. A.
U. lrtM. at teu o'clock A. m of said day, at ton
kAsT from door oi lue county court nous
in tue city oi ouiaba, Douglas county. Ne
braska, sell at public auclloa, to be uisueel
blduer for canu. ine property dacrlued to
said order ol sale as follows, wull;
The nor.n oue-naif (N Viiuf the northwest
quarter of secliou one Hi, nfieeu
ii.ii Uanae twelvs iUi earn in I'oux aa couuty.
as surveyed and reCrdod, all situated in
aald louKia louuiy, auu slate of .Vibrissa.
Bald property to ue sold to satisfy inter K.
Keeler, plamtitfa herein, the sum ! oue buu
ured anu thirty seven and .VIOiMiu; -Ul i.ul
lars Judguieul, together wltu interest there
uu ai tue rate of leu IUj per ceul per an
num from ecpleuiuer t.iii, If , losetUer
with an attorney's fee amouuiluK iu tue sum
of tu.rlecn anu 771llU ifU 77) dollars, wuiU
said amounts tbe Court, Uuds Ui us a lint
valid aud emstlug lien upon satd reai estate,
abote dt scribed.
To satisfy the further auu, of thirty-four
and 10-luu it4.1i))dollarcoete bereiu.ioe.utr
with accrulUK Coats. acuurUinK to a JuUs
nieut rendered by tue district court oi sau
Douglas county, at IU September term, A. U.
ISH7, in a certs. n action luen anu there peou
lug, wherein Waiver a. Keeler b Meiutltt aud
1'uoebo Itebeuca Kllsa eth klvlua L.iniou
and Adoiphus aredenck Union bar nua
bsnd, are defendauts.
LlUuiaba, Nebraska, .uiiedrd, IrtlH
juhn v. McDonald,
HbertrT of Douxtas couuty, Nebraska
W. A. baundeis, attorney,
aeeier va, i.iuUju tl ai. 0 3-S
Doc. No. -M
Attorney, Merchants Natlonul Bank Dldg.
UKIUFF S SALE By virtue of an plu
' lies order of sale Issued out ot tbe dis
trict court tor Douglas county, Nebraska,
auu to uie u.rejUU, t Will, on ibe l'.uti Uay
of Juiy, a. D., le',a, at ill o'clock
a. m. of said day. at the EAST front door
of the county court house, In tlio city of
Umalia, Douglus county, sell al imblic auc
tion, to the Utahest bidder lor casn, tne
property dcscruied In said order of sale
as follows, lo-wit:
All of lots seven Ul, ten twj, iinnet-ii
(13), twenty-live tail and thirty (..) Iu Cun
ningham lirennan's Addition to the city
of Omaha, as surveyed, platteil aud record
ed, all lu Douglas county, stale of Ne
Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry
J. TwlniliiK, plaintiff herein, the sums us
foiiuwK to-wit:
on lot seven (7). above descrlDed. the
sum of U3.W, together with an attorney's
fee of li.&i.
On lot ten 110). above rjeacriberj. me
sum of ISi.'il, togtither with an attorney's
fe of IL.d3.
on lot twelve (12). above described, tne
sum of tW.SS, together Willi an attorney s
tee of fc.oii.
On lot thirteen (13), above oescriueu, tne
sum of $6.71, together with au attorney's
fee of K.t.7.
on lot twenty-five Cid. above descri'iea.
the sum of $17.32, together with an attor
ney's fee of l.73; and
On lot inirty tJ), aoove uescriueu, me
um of S2u.. together wltn an attorney'
fee of S2.04:
All of which sums, by the Judgment of
the district court, bear interest (excepting
tb attorneys' feesl at the rate of ten (lot
per cent from May 3rd, lusU, and are a first
lien upon said above aescrioea properiy.
To satisfy John A. creigmon, uetenuant
herein, the sum of three hundred and
iwentv-nlne and 65-HM dollars (3J9.ti5,
Judgment against Dennis Cunningham and
Jerry Kyan, with Interest thereon at rate
of seven (7) per cent per annum from De
cember 18i h, lSill; which amounts are a sec
ond lien upon lots seven (7), ten (Mn, twelve
(U), tnineen (uj ana iwenty-uve tij;,
above described.
To satisly F. 8. Farmelee Gun Company,
defendant herein, the sum of three hundred
and sixteen and 45-KW dollars (Witt. M, Judg
ment against Jerry Kyan, with interest
thereon at rate of seven (7) Per cent per
annum from May 15th, ls3; which amount
Is a third lien upon lot iweniy-nve uw,
above described.
Also to satisfy Daniel Condon the Bum of
eleven thousand seven hundred and ten
ai.d S4-1UU dollars (JU.71U .84), Judgment
against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry
Kyan. with interest thereon at rate of seven
(7 per cent per annum from February
3rd, MMi; which amount is a fourth lien
upon said described property.
To satisfy the further sum or two Hun
dred and twenty-eight and 24-luo dollars
($X24), costs herein, together Willi ac-
ulnu costs, according to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, al its aiay term, ,. u. iwi, in a
certain action then and there , pending,
wherein Harry J. Twinting Is plaintiff, and
Dennis Cunningham, .Mary cunntngnam,
his wife, William Mealcy. -Mrs.
Mealey, bis wife, first and real name un
known, Jerry Kyan and Mrs. Kyan,
bis wife, lirst and real name unknown.
James J. Spellman, Mrs. Bpellman,
his wife, nrst and reai name unanown, Ju
lia Goetschuls, The County of Douglas,
Daniel Condon, John A. Creighton, Mer
chants National Hank, John V. Kreen,
John Grossman, Globe Loan & Trust Com
pany, Henry Lehman, Thomas Murray,
Charles Klopp, F. S. Farmelee Gun Com
pany, Farlin orendorff & Martin Company,
McCord, Drady Company, The Western
Newspaper Union, Soren T. Peterson and
Anna Cunningham are defendants.
Omaba, Nebraska. June 17th, lHWv
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. Saunders, attorney.
Twinting vs. Cunningham et al.
Doc. 57; No. 209.
Ex.-loc. Z; Page U5. 6-17 5
Passengers arriving- at Chicago by
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These facilities can only be offered by
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Dear Sir:
I received your Atlas of the World
and I am well pleased; far beyond my
. . USE . a
Aak your Gror-er for It and if ha doM
not have It, CUT OUT tnl advertl
ment and hava him order It for you.
We manufacture the following- braod:
Pure Family Soap.
Floating So.p.
Pure Castile Soap.
ISO Steuben St.,
west cno PITTSBURGH, PA.
IVftttern Jyentn Address,
Sawyers Soap,
An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine.
In Its Field Current His
tory Has No Competitor.
Agents Wanted.cruuMnaX
O magazine Ur
agent to handle. It appeals to Intelligent
people. Address
W. A. 8AI NDKH8,
Attorney. Merchants National Bank Bldg
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a plurlee
order of aale lasued out of tbe district court
for Douglaa county. Nebraska, and to noe
directed. 1 will, on tbe bub day ot Jul
A. D. 189. at ten o'clock a. M. of said
day. at tbe EAST front door of the couatj
court bouae la the city of Omaha, Douglaa
county. Nebraska, sell at pub ic auction to
the hlgbeat bidder for casta, the property
Oeacrloed la aald order of aale as follow,
Lots four (4), Bve 15), six () nine (9), ten (Id
fourteen (14). nfteen (t.V. sixteen (101, seven
teen (17), nineteen ilm. twenty (20), twenty
four ('Jd, lu blocL' twoiZi. In Harris and Pat
t. rson's Annex Addition to the city of South
Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and recorded,
all situated la Douglas county, state ot Ne
i ra9 u
t-ald property to be sold to aatlsfy William
II. Hrevoori, plnlntllT herein, the autn of two
hundred aud forty-four and 80-100 dollar
i.'.4.tli judgment, with Interest thereon at
rale of ten ilUi percent per annum from Mai
4i b, 1M. which amounUare a drat valid ana
existing Hen upon said property.
To aatlsfy the further sum of O a
Hundred and Thirty-three and M-100
dollars iflilt.vii costs herein, together WUL
accruing costs, according to a Judgment
renuerea oy uieuiin-i court oi aaiu uou
liia county, at lu May term, A. D. KM,
lnacertam action then and there pending,
wherein William H. Krevoort is plaintiff and
.lunat K Harris and Hoaa L. Harris, his wife,
are defendants
Omaha, Nebraska. June 17lh. ISM.
juhn w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
W. A. Paundert, attorney.
Breroort vs. Harris, et al.
Doc. 55, Nu.N. --
Attorney, Merchants National Bank.
OHERIKF'8 SALE By virtue of aa alias
O orueruf sale issued out of the district court
lor DouKlas county, Nebraska, and to ua
dlrectea. 1 will, on tbe I'.ah day ot July.
A. D. 1M3. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day. at tne EAST frottdoor of the county
couri bouse, to the city of Omaha. Douglaa
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, tbe property d
acrlbeu In said order of sale, as follows, to
wit: Lot forty-three (43) In Windsor Place
Extension, an addition to the city ot
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
all in Douglas county, state of Nebraska,
S.iid property to be sold to aatlsfy Harry
J. Twinting, plaintiff herein, the sura ot
forty-nine and &M0O (HS.Sy) dollars Judg
ment, with Interest thereon at the rate ot
ten (10) per cent, per annum from Febru
ary 1st. lsW.
To satisfy the further sura ot fifty and
$3-100 dollars U50.63) costs herein, together
with accruing costs according to a Judg
ment rendered by the district court of said.
Douglas county at Its February term. A.
D. 1;7 In a certain action then and ihera
pending, wherein Harry J. Twinting la
jilaintitt and John Baumer, JoseptUna
Baumer, his wife, and Christopher tihlnd
ler are defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. June 17th. 189s.
Sheriff ot Douglas County, Neb.
W. A. SAUNDKRS, Attorney.
10C, 67. No. 24. Ex. Doc. Z. Page
Twinting vs. Baumer, et al.
Use Sawyer's Soap.
The best In the.