The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 15, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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eraacfumoN rates:
Bt muL iw Annual. - - f 2 00
lnribir M Ade.
R.mtt h P O.W Er" Mont-T OfX-r. or
1NU CO Pibllhrm, JOIA Hiwrd Hlrowt,
Onilu. Nob.
JOHN C. THOMPtON, - - EJito.
W. C. KELLEY, Bmrtmw Uiii
An entertainment lor the benefit of
Rescue Home will be given the evening
of August 3rd lo Y. M. C. A. Auditor
It matter not ho good you have
been lathis Ilfe.lf you die outside of the
"true" church the Roman Catholic
you will, according lo IU catechism, go
to bell.
We are Indebted to Fr tenda Hart, of
Arkansas, England, of Mlnola, Lloyd,
of Iowa, and Armstrong, of Nebraska,
for 13 to help wipe out the debt of The
Our frlenda, Alexander, Turney, Tor
tor and Hamilton have our tbanki for
19.25 contributed to help wipe out the
lndebtedneuof Thk Amkhican. Who
will be next?
Your storekeeper thould have the
new revenue or tax bill where he oould
put bis hand on it when needed Have
each man in your town send to ua for a
copy of The American containing that
law. Price I oenta.
The National Kepublloan League bat
concluded a very tuecoseful meeting In
thii city. Ita platform I simply a
present day Republican platform, with
out any of the dust or cobwebs of early
Republicanism. It Is simply pleasant,
not oourageous, because it neither con
demns papal Interference in our affairs
of state, nor deplores the widespread
epidemic of oOlolal corruption both in
side and outside of the Republican par
ty. It would have recalled thousands
of true, honest and sincere me n to the
party In this state alone had it taken
advanced ground against these twin
evils, for the American people are to
day fully aware of the danger that be
sets them and their free Institutions.
We have hesitated often to pay a
deserved tribute to a stanch patriot
because of the knowledge that Rome
would drive him from his position or do
all In her power to ruin his business if
she knew he dared oppose her political
schemes or expose the immoral and
blighting effect of her unholy confes
sional. There are some men who have
worked so openly and so persistently
to forward the principles which have
been advocated by this paper that a
word of commendation from us would
in no way redound to their Injury. For
that reason we shall, occasionally, hon
or our other friends by Introducing to
them a man or a women who has done
much to kindle and keep alive the fires
of patriotism in tbelr respective com
munities. The first man of this char
acter, living outside of Omaha, whose
acquaintance we formed was Mr.
Towner Smith of Fremont He was
born an American and early realized
that tbe dangerous character of Rom
anism was unknown to a large msjority
of his fellow-citizens. As opportunity
ottered he pointed out to bis immedi
ate friends the breakers upon which
the ship of state was drifting, but it Is
doubtful if he succeeded in arousing
many of them to a full realization of
the actual dangers which were beset
ting the nation and more especially the
free public school system of the coun
try. A Chicago paper, the Progressive
Thinker, published an account of the
assassination of President Abraham
Lincoln, which plainly laid the brlme
at the door of the Roman Catholic
church. Mr. Smith realized the im
portance of getting that account into
the bands of the common people. He
bought thousands of copies of that is
sue and distributed them broadeast,
and people flocked into the A. P. A.,
which was then in its Infancy. Other
papers sprang into existence for the
purpose of opposing and exposing Rom
anism, books were printed with the
same end in view, all of which Mr.
Smith placed where they would do the
most good. As a consequence the city
in which he lives is one of the Ameri
can strongholds in this state, and much
of the credit for that condition of af
fairs is due to the efforts of Mr. Smith
He Is a patriot through and through,
and is juat as loyal a friend as he is a
It Is now tud that Spain is r-ady
to turn Cuba over to the United States
provided this coustry will luuma and
pay tbe pope's claim of msoy millions
of dollars. This proposition is prepos
terous. Who ever heard of a victor
paying tbe debts o' hit enemy? Tbe
American people will not endorse nor
will they accept such a dishonorable
arrangement for peace. Spain was
given ample opportunity to release
Cuba and arrange terms of peace wkh
tbe Cuban insurgents months and years
before this country, out of human love
and horror, went forth to stay the Span
ish hand ol death. But she did not
treat with them. Instead, she herded
the defenseless men, women and child
ren within her picket lines and slowly
starved and neglected them to death.
No doubt there was method In her
barbarity. She owed tha pope, the
pope owned her. Under his adroit ma
nipulation, and in obedience to his Jes
uitical Instruction, Spain so shaped her
programme that this country was com
pelled to demand that the Spanish
evacuate Cuba became she was violat
ing tbe Monroe doctrine. As a natural
consequence Spain refused to step out.
Spanish honor the order of the pope,
to tell the whole truth prevented her
retiring from the Island, instead of wait
ing and being driven forta by over
whelming odds and after great loss.
The pope pulled every string he could
to prevent this country from putting in
its declaration of war that the people
of Cuba are free. But those words
were put In and the Cuban debt, so far
as this country was concerned, became
but an entry of 1250,000,000 to loss and
gain on the pope's ledger. Yet, in
spite of this fact the agents of the pope
are busily engaged, through the press,
from the altars and through their poli
ticians, in arranging a peace not one
that will redound lo the credit of Spain
or the glory of the United States, but
a peace that will profit the pope. Any
further talk of putting the pope's hand
into Uncle Sam's pocket should be
frowned upon. Tbe people will not
tolerate a Roman Cathollo raid on the
United States treasury. Spain must
pay the pope if he Is ever paid. This
country owes him nothing but its ever
lasting cootompt. That he will com
mence to receive before this war comes
to an end, for the American people see
plainly the hand of the jesult in Span
ish affairs. With jasultlsm they will
not treat. They remember the papal
rallying cry "death to heretlos," and
will, ere long, shout, "down with the
The American has been pleased to
note the success which has attended
Charles E. Winter in his political am
bitions. He has the gift of language
that makes an orator, and he was sig
nally honored in being called upon to
deliver the address of welcome to the
National League of Republican Clubs
in Omaha Thursday afternoon. But
we fear our young friend is drifting
upon the shoals with respect to the
paramount question of official corrup
tion which confronts the people of the
entire country and of Nebraska in par
t'cular. Why will Mr. Winter abuse
the high honor entrusted to him by al
luding in his annual report to a con
victed embezzler as "our honorable
mayor?" Why did Mr. Winter say that
Bartley and Moore are dead issues
without disposing, as he evidently de
sired to do, of Acting Mayor Frank .
Moores who, in another position
wronged tbe people of Douglas county
as they have been wronged by no other
public official? The American would
like to think that Bartley and Eugene
Moore and Frank . Moores are dead
issue in Nebraska politics but the
yawning gap in the state and county
treasuries caused by the wrongs of
these men cannot be closed up with a
sweep of the hand, nor can the out
raged sentiment of the people of the
state to appeased by mere assertion so
long as Frank Moores is permitted to
hold the office of mayor of Omaha.
The American would like to see Mr.
Winter occupying the high position he
does in the state league alllgn himself
on the right side of this paramount
question of common honesty in public
office. Because Winter championed
Moores for mayor, innocently we are
quite willing to admit, is no reason
why he should try to commit the Re
publican state league to his support
now that he stands convicted In the
I record of the highest court of the
s'a'e. If Republicanism meant correct
Ideal of tariff and fioance, it also means
purity ia public office and decency la
private life, and until party leaders
come to acknowledge these facts, they
will not be true to tbelr party princi
ples, and the opposition will be justi
fied in making issue against them
along these line. Bartley is lo the
penitentiary, but Frank Moores Is Act
ing Mayor of Omaha. ' If Bartley Is a
dead Uue that very fact makes ths
record of Frank E Moores a mora lively
issue than it otherwise would be be
cause Republican leaders are using
Bartley s conviction to shield him.
The papers at Atchison, Kas., of a
recent date contained an account of an
assault on Uoder-SherilT Anderson by
negro criminals who had planned a jail
delivery. While ha was beaten In a
most brutal manner hla plucky resist
ance prevented a single prisoner mak
ing his escape. We have known Mr.
Anderson for a number of years, and
while he is not a very large man he
is made of tha, stuff of which reliable
and competent sheriffs are made. He
has demonstrated that he can be
Our thanks are due the American
Citizen of Boston for the article which
appears on the first page, and which
shows to a considerable extent the in
terest the Society of Jesus the jesuits
had in the war. The Citizen is al
ways in the front rank. It knows a
piece of news when it sees it.
If the Trans-Atlantic Steamship
Company, which is owned by the Jesu
its, gets the contract for taking Toral
and his 10,000 Spanish troops back to
Spain, at half its contract price with
Spain, it will pull nearly $600,000 out
of Uncle Sam's pocket.
The Internal revenue bill is printed
in full on page 6 of this issue.
Santiago has fallen.
Facts About Father William's Case.
Tn your article referring to the possi
ble shortage of the Rev. John Williams
in his settlement of the affairs of the
Goble hoirs you leave the reader to
draw his own conclusions without giv
ing any facts, which are briefly these:
Mr. Williams was appointed guardi
an of Allen E. and Gertrude Goble by
the county court in 1391. Since then
the heirs have attained their majority
and some time ago appeared in court
with their guardian and submitted
what was supposed to be an accounting
of his stewardship, and the same was
allowed by the county court, and the
guardian discharged. Several months
elapsed when the Goble heirs discov
ered what they believed were some ir
regularities in the accounts of their
Reverend guardian and submitted the
matter to their attorneys, Crane &
Crane, and Holmes & Morgan, with the
result that a petition was filed praying
for a reopening of the case, alleging
fraud in settlement, etc., and that the
guardian be cited to pay over some
$2,800 in cash, and the assignment of a
certain judgment obtained against cer
tain creditors of the estate which was
taken in the name of the guardian.
The case came on for trial some days
ago and the court decided in favor of
the heirs as to the items amounting to
$2,800 and Mr. Williams was ordered to
pay this sum into court. In deciding
the case Judge Baxter gave Mr. Will-
lams the benefit of the doubt saying
that "It was perhaps an error in book
keeping, but the court is not inclined
to think that Mr. Williams committed
an Intentional fraud." As to the mat
ter of the judgment (which amounts to
about $4,000 now) the court believed it
had no authority to reopen inasmuch
as it had heretofore passed upon it.
Action on this item has been commenced
in the district court and they are confi
dent of succes in that tribunal.
The foregoing are the facts in the
case and I understand matters are pro
gressing toward settlement with the
heirs in the first items Involved.
Do you know that Sawyer's Soap is
the very best in the market? Ask
your grocer for it. Insist on having it
and no other.
Ask the newsdealers In you town for
this paper. Have your friends also en
quire. Help spread the truth.
When Rome gives money ana always
puts a chain of power oa it
American Bible Study.
Tbe idea that I would be able to find
In tbe Bible new passage or unheard
of sayings was not what prompted me
to give up a port on of the space of this
paper, and a part of my time, so as to
be able to lay before you certain words
from the Old and the New Testaments.
I hdleve with the writer of the Book
of Ecclesiastea, that there "It no new
thing under the tun." (Chap. 1, v. 0.)
It was the belief that professed Chris
tiana were being drawn after the "man
of tin," the "beast," and awsy from
Christ that Induced me to become, for
the time, a student and a teacher of the
trutht of tbe Bible. If I turn one soul
back into the right path I shall feel
that I have been well paid for the work
I have done. If I do not cause one
man to lee the Word as I believe God
has shown It to me, but cause many to
dispute so that the truth may be easily
learned, then shall I also know that I
have been rewarded. But, whatever
tbe result, I will be content, for, as
Paul said, "I have delivered unto you
first of all that which I also received,"
and claim only as he claimed that "I
am what I am." (First Cor., Chap. 15,
v. 10)
My first effort, friends, will be to con
nect the "beast," which is described in
the thirteenth chapter of Revelations,
with the papal church and the pope of
John says: "And I stood upon the
(and 8 of the tea, and saw a beast rise
up out of the sea having seven heads
and ten horns, and upon his horct ten
crowns and upon HIS HEAD the name
of blasphemy."
I do not know how many timet I have
read, not only that passage but the
whole Book of Revelations, without un
derstanding a word of what was there
written. I know that when I was in
the habit of going to church and to
Sunday school, that I have heard Rev
elations spoken of as a sealed book, yet
there is no book in all the Bible so open
as Is tbe Book of Revelations. The ti
tle of the Book itself tells us that it is
not sealed or shut, but open and re
vealed. Tbe only difficulty -to under
standing it is in being able ro get hold
of the key, the combination, the inter
pretation. It Is my intention and pur
pose to make Revelations and such
other parts of the Bible as I shall use
in this series of articles as plain to you
at the same have been made to me
through belief in Jesus Chi 1st.
John also more fully describes that
beast in the second verse of the thir
teenth chapter. He says: "And the
beast which I saw was like unto a leop
ard, and his feet were as the feet of a
bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a
lion; and the dragon gave him his pow
er, and his throne, and great author
ity." The last clause In that sentence tells
us plainly that there is some power set
up and at work before the "beast" is
brought upon the scence, and that it
gives the beaat "HIS power, and his
throne, and great authority." Let us
see what it was. The twelfth chapter
of Revelations shows what it was.
That chapter reads as follows:
"And there appeared a great wonder
in heaven: a woman clothed with the
sun, and the moon under her feet, and
upon her head a crown of twelve stars;
And she beitg with child cried, tra
vailing in birth, and pained to be de
livered. And there appeared another- wonder
in heaven; and behold a great red
dragon having seven heads and ten
horns, and seven crowns upon his
And his tail drew the third part of
the stars of heaven, and did oast them
to the earth; and the dragon stood be
fore the woman which was ready to be
delivered, for to devour her child as
soon as it was born.
And she brought forth a man child,
who was to rule all nations with a rod of
Iron; and her child was caught up unto
God, and to his throne.
And the woman fled into the wilder
ness, where she hath a place prepared
of God, that they should feed her there
a thousand two hundred and threescore
And there was war in heaven: Mi
chael and his angels fought against the
dragon; and the dragon fought and his
And prevailed not; neither was their
place found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil and
Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth,
and bis angels were cast out with him.
And I haard a loud voice aaylng la
heaven, 'Now is come salvation, and
strength, and tbe kingdom of our God
and the power of his Cbrlst; for the ao
cuwr of our brethren is cast down,
which accused them before our God
day and n'gbl
And they overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb, and by the word of their
teat'monj; and they loved not their
lives unto the death.
Therefore rejoice, ye havent, and ye
that dwell in them. Woe to the in-
habltera of the earth and of tbe tea!
for the devil la come down unto you,
having great wrath, because he know-
eth that he hath but a short time. "
And when the dragon taw that he
was catt unto the earth, be persecuted
the woman which brought forth the
man child.
And to the woman were given two
wings of a great eagle, that she might
fly into the wilderness, into her place,
where the is nourished for a time and
timet, and half a time, from the face of
the serpent.
And the serpent cast out of his mouth
water as a flood after the woman; and
tbe earth opened her mouth, and swal
lowed up the n tod which tbe dragon
cast out of hit mouth.
And the dragon was wroth with the
woman, and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep
the commandments cf God, and have
the testimony of Jesus Cbrlst.
Such is the twelfth chapter of Rev
elations. It would be Impossible to ex
plain this entire chapter in one article
but we can go Into it deep enough to
lay the foundation for future articles.
From that chapter we learn the kind
of power that would be ruling the earth
at the time the beast of the seven
heads and ten horns, which John saw
come up out of the sea, was set up
an un-christian and corrupt power,
for tbe "old serpent, called the Devil
and Satan" would not be connected with
anything tbat was not corrupt, nor
would he assist any other kind of a
power to obtain great authority or a
throne, or power.
Before we look for further proof of
this feature of the prophecy, let us learn
what and who the woman was that was
delivered of the child which the dragon
wanted to devour. Let Jonn give you
the answer which he received from the
angel and which he sets out in the
eighteenth verse of the seventeenth
chapter. It was: "And the woman
which thou sawest is that great city,
which reigneth over the kings of the
earth." What city do you think was
reigning over the kings of the earth?
The angel tells John plainly in the
ninth verse of the seventeenth chap
ter. "The seven heads are seven moun
tains, on which the woman sitteth."
Now, let us put the two verses together.
"The seven heads are seven mountains,
on which the woman sitteth; and the
woman which thou sawest is the great
city, which reigneth over the kings of
the earth." Have you ever heard of
more than one city tbat ruled the
kings of tbe earth that was built upon
seven mountains or hills, or that was
not the home of the pope, the city of
Rev. Samuel W, Barnum In his book,
' Romanism As It Is," at page 51 says:
"The seven hills (some of which are
called mounts) of ancient Rome, the
Aventlne, Palatine, Celian, Esquillne,
Capitol or Capltoline, Vlminal and
Quirlnal are all on the east of the
Now, let us turn to the fifth verse of
the twelfth chapter. "And she brought
forth a man child, who was to rule
all nations with a rod of iron; and her
child was caught up unto God, and to
His throne." You will see by that
verse that her child was caught up
unto God. In the twenty-fourth chap
ter of St. Luke, and the 51 verse, it is
stated that Christ was parted from his
disciples, and carried up into heaven.
Christ was, during his life, what we
would today call a Roman citizen, be
cause he would, had he been a common
mortal like you and I, have been sub
ject to all the civil laws of the Roman
empire, for the town in which he was
born and all Judea was subject to Rome
for more than 100 years before John re
corded his vision. Therefore, Christ
was a son of the city that 'sittj on
seven mountains, exactly as I am today
a son of America, though born in the
Territory of Nebraska.
But two more thoughts will be treat
ed at this time, although the subject is
only touched.
We have learned what the woman
stands for, what the dragon is and
what the seven heads represented.
Now'let us find out what the angel told
John was the meaning of the ten horns.
Reai the twelfth verse of the seven
teenth chapter of Revelations. "And
the tea horns which thou sawest are tea
kings which have not received bo king
doms as yet; but receive power as kings
one hour with the beast." If kings are
to arise then kingdoms must be cre
ated and as the ten horns come up out
of the head of tbe beast it is but fair to
believe that the ten kingdoms must be
made up out of the possessions ruled
over by the dragon which gives the
beast "hit power, and bis throne and
great authority." We have already
teen that the pagan or un-christlan em
pire of Rome la represented by the red
dragon, which had ten horns, the
same number as the beasL
Let ua go to history and learn tha
fate of the Roman Empire. Machiavel
sayt It was divided into ten kingdoms
the Hubs, Ostrogoths, Visigoths,
Franks, Vandals, Suevi, Burgundiaus,
Heruli, Anglo-Saxon and Lombards.
It seems from Rev. Barnum's history of
"Romanism At It la," that the last of
these powers were overthrown in 553,
althougn D'Aubigne aaya Theoaosiut
II and Valentlnian III proclaimed the
Roman Bishop "rector of the whole
church," and that Justinian published
a similar decree. Justinian's decree
was dated in 533 and Uriah Smith's
'Thoughts on tbe Book of Daniel and
Revelations," says tbe Justinian de
cree or edict did not go into effect un
til 538 from which time the claim to
headship by the Roman Catnoilo
church dates.
The other thought is this: John
says he saw the name of blasphemy on
the beast's head, not on those ten horns
that came up out of the dragon's head
but on the head of the beast. A trav
eler wno visited not only Rome, but
the Vatican and the pope (and by tbe
way we are told he was a Baptist) is
quoted in "Marvel of the Nations" as
saying that he read this Inscription on
the tiara which the pope wears: 'Vi
carius Fiiii Dei." The author ol ''Mar
vel of tae Nations," Mr. Smith, has
added the numerals together and gets
this result:
V equals 5
I " 1
c " 100
A no value 0
R no value 0
1 equals 1
U same value as V (see Web. Die). 5
S no value.. q
F no value 0
I equals. 1
I :
I "
D '
. 1
. 1
E no value 0
I equals 1
John says, in the eighteenth verse ef
the thirteenth chapter of Revelations:
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number of a man;
and hla number is six hundred three
score and six."
The inscription on the pope's crown
and that on the head of the beast which
John saw come up out of the sea are
both 666, plainly showing that the pope
of Rome is tho Man of Sin.
Tope ttrows Feeble.
Rome, July 9. Most of the European
governments have been confidentially
advised that the pope's health is now
so serious that a fatal termination may
come at any moment, despite the fact
that he continues to transact business
and receive Important visitors. His
recent trouble has been weakness of
the heart and poor circulation. This
is now complicated by a peculiar obsti
nate intestinal catarrh, which is ex
tremely difficult to deal with.
The pope's physician, Signor Lap-
poni, has thought it advisable to call to
his assistance the famous Dr. Marchia-
fava and two other experts, who have
unanimously warned the pontiff that he
must Implicitly follow their directions
if he wants to live to see peace declared
between the United States and Spain.
As that happens to be the pope's most
ardent wish, their warning ,has had
some effect.
The pope's latest move in behalf of
peace was made at the beginning of the
present week, when he instructed the
papal nuncio at Madrid to urge certain
fiery Spanish prelates to refrain from
advocating a continuance of the war.
Holding on to pagan uperstitio
gives Rome a mortgage on your faltn.