The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 15, 1898, Image 1
VI- THE AMERICAN, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We hold that all men are Amercian who Swtar AUt-gianre to the I'nit.i! Sttr without a mental rt-M-rvatieii. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Volume Y1I. OMAHA. NEBRASKA, Fill DAY, Jl'LV l.r,, 1 SI'S. NUMRKK 29. the jesu:ts WANTED WAR So That They Could Secure Large Amounts for Carrying Troops to Cuba and the I'hll ipplues AI so Accused of Bringing About tlie Rebellion so as to lie Able to Miir dcr and Rob Rich Citizens. The oft repeated assert loo in the leading papers of Europe an assertion which Is carefully excluded from Amer lean dailies that the Jesuits are at the bottom of all this trouble with Spain that they pushed that unfor tunate nation into war with the sole purpose of making gain for themselves, finds verification In recent evidence carefully set forth. We taite from the Christian Observer of June 22, the fol lowing able and cosvincing article from the pen of Rev. John M. Mecklin, of Marburg, Germany: In spite of the fact that the Jesuits have been twice banished from Spain, once In 1767, and again after the re establishment of the order by Pius VII. in 1814, tbey have always played a most prominent part in Spanish affairs. This fact has been revealed in a most interesting manner In connection with Spain's contest with her colonies, ard the resulting war with the United States. In the FrankfurterJeitung, for the 9th of March, 1893, a correspondent from Barcelona, Spain, in describing the shameful condition of the sick sol diers brought back from Cuba and the Philippines, took occasion to censure the Jesuits, the reputed owners of the Transatlantic Ship Compf n; , .wbJi.'b does the transporting, for tb! " y it of duty. He stated that the Jeiiip owners seemed much more concert" auvuk ujBKiHK ujuuey UUb UI OptllU D misfortunes than in taking cars of her l.A..4 -.1.1 L t O t t wounded soldiers. This accusation raised a great outcry among the German Catholic paper?, It was characterized as "high slander' and "veritable madness," and the call came for "procf." In an article of April 16, 1898, entitled "Es lebe der Kriegl " the reply came, furnishing the demanded proofs, and some oti.ers per haps not desired. The article is of great interest as throwing light upon the present conditions and the future of Spain. For the authority for the majority of the statements made in this article, I refer the reader to the above. In regard to the alleged neglect of duty towards the sick soldiers, the author finds abundant proof in the Spanish papers. The Publicidad, Castelar's organ, and a friend to church and monks,-said on September 20, last, that fifty-five soldiers were shipped out of Porto Rico "because they lay at the point of death." In another case, 846 sick soldiers on a vessel coming home had only one physician. Often soldiers died, no one knowing their names, and In such cases they were unceremonl ously thrown into the sea, and were never entered upon the list of those lost in the war. The Noticiero, another clerical pap er, thus describes the condition of the soldiers brought back from the Philip pines on board the Ignacio de Loyola: "During the whole time of the pas sage they were left alone; not even a cup of broth was given them, and no physician visited them. The members of the Red Cross Society who went to bring the wounded from the ships, tes tify that the stench between decks was unbearable, and the filth on the beds of the soldiers was indescribable." But the question at once arises, how can the Jesuits be held responsible for this, since by their monastic vow of poverty they are forbidden to possess property, and, furthermore, by the en actment of 1 808, they cannot legally possess property in Spain? Our auth or tells us that neither Spaniards nor Jesuits trouble themse.ves ab.iut ti-is law. They do, in fact, posse s proper ty, in spite of the pathetic way in which the German Catholic paper speaks of "the poor Spanish monk." In Barcelona they own the "Slglo," a magnificent business house similar to the Louvre in Paris, tbe gigantic ma chine works and shipyards, "Maritima y Tenestre," besides the Transatlantic Company. Naturally enough these great con cerns are not entered upon the books as owned by the Society of Jesus, but are represented by men who are really pup pets, moving and acting as the real owners puJled the strings. At the head of the Transatlantic Company stands the name of tbe Marquis of Comilla, a man recognized by all the Spanish papers as a tool of the Jesuits. He Is called the "Sacrlsiy Banker," the "holy," "blessed," 'charitable" marquis. All those appointed to a place in the crews of the ships wear the scapulary of the heart of Jesus, and must hear the mass every day. The Jesuits are the preachers and con fessors. They go in and out and show that they are the real owners. Onjof the best ships of the Company is called Ignacio de Loyola. Recently when a new ship was launched at Cadiz, no secular authorities were present, but only sixteen Jesuit fathers and 160 pupils. Our correspondent says that should you ask a street Arab in Barce lona to whom belongs tbe Transatlan tic, he would reply: "To whom else but the Jesuits? " The Diluvio, the chief paper of Bar celona, stated, Jan. 1, that Joaquin Jover, a ship owner, offered to trans port the sick and wounded back to tbe fatherland free of charge, but so pow erful was the Influence of the Jesuits that the government gave the Trans atlantic Company the preferences, in pite of the fact that the same receives "60 ($112.00) pesetas for every sick sol dier brought home. To day in Barcelona should one speak of "the pcor Spanlh monks," he would probably be laughed to scorn. The fact Is, the monks are not poor; they are immensely wealthy. Before the out-break of war with the United States the Transatlantic Company re ceived for tbe transportation of soldiers during a definite time, 8,ti8,770 pesitaB or over. 737,00. When we recall that within three years 200,000 soldiers have been transported to Cuba, 40 000 to the Philippines, together with nfC- essa-y supplies, that for every sick sol dier brought back the company like wise receives pay, we can get some idea of the extent of its profits. In fact, tbe Diluvio, the Progress, and other Span ish papers, have not hesitated to ac cuse the Jesuits of working fjr the prolongation of the war that they might thereby fill their coffers. .But a gaver cbarge than this is brought to bear against the Jesuits. It is no more nor less than that they are responsible for the insurrection in the Philippines. This Is charged not only by Spanish papers, but unani mously the Insurrectionists say they fight against the monks who are op pressing the people. Liberal societies, and especially the Freemasons, have declared that the monks are responsi ble for the misery of the Islands. Of tbe greatest significance for us is the petition sent to the queen regent by good patriots of the Philippines not in sympathy with the insurrectionists. This petition, after enumerating a long series of acts of violence, cruel perse cutions, robberies and Inquisitorial measures, says: "We demand the expulsion of the monks, not because of their religious Intolerance or sectarian fanaticism, but because the country abhors them, be cause they are the cauee of the rebellion, the dragging shoe In every step forward. THEY ARE THIS NOT SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE MONKS, BUT BECAUSE THEY HOLD IT AS NECESSARY THAT THIS LAND SHALL REMAIN FOREVER IN THE DARKNESS OF IGNORANCE, THAT THEREBY THEY MAY BEldltioQ of Philippines from the eyes ALWAYS ITS M ASTERS, AND UN-1 of the world, but tbat he shuddered at HINDERED MAY SPOIL ITS PEO FLE. We dinrand the expulsion of the monks, because we do not wish the rebellion to break out anew, for the in surrection will break out again when the land sees that instead of fulfilling its righteous and moderata requests Spain remains in the same category with the tyrants and hangmen of tbe Philippines." The monks wore shrewd enough to s e the stu'-m coming, and ti kco it was directed against them. They b3- ' took themselves to the governor with ( the report that the natives were going ti revolt, and decisive action muet be taken to prevent an insurrection. The governor asked for proofs. After a short time communications came that in such and such bouses arms would be found concealed. The arms were found as stated, and with them a list of the "conspirators." These were at once arrested. If they denied, they were tortured, and when, under torture, often a confession was wrenched frm them, tbey were promptly put to death. Thus several thousand natives per ished, their goods being confiscated to the cloisters of the monks. This fact was calculated to arouse suspicion, which was only confirmed when upon the list of the so-called "conspirators" the names were discovered to be almost without exception those of rich people. In the face of repeated accusations the monks observed a dogged silence. Says the Pais for Maroh 10, 1898: "It is to us a cause of amazement that the monks and their henchmen are so long silent, although for a long time they have been accused by the papers of all parties of being the true originators of the Philippine rebellion The accusations which, with irrefutable proofs, are with one accord cast Into their faces, tbey atrswer with silence. Suddenly they remember that they are the disciples of the Crucified and must keep silence." This could be curried farther and reference made to Gen. Blanco's testi mony, for years governor-general of the Philippines, and who once said that long ago he would have drawn aside the veil that hides the true con- the consequences. It is enough to quote one sentence of his country's future: "The ascendency of this ele ment the monks is alone sufficient to explain the decline of Spain.'' Enough has been said to f how how absolutely Spain is at the mercy of the clergy. As the Progress has said (Jan. 29, 1889): She is the spoil of the Jesuits. Thev prescribe the laws of her industrial life, and monopolize charity and rellgljus feeling for tbe advantage of the Sons of Loyola. Be sides the concerns mentioned, they con:rol the "Philippine Tobacco Co.," the "Spanish Colonial Bank" and the "North' rn Railway," denying the workmen of the latter a right to a de finite wage, and carrying thousands of monks and nuns at half price. Their influence is everywhere folt in tbe suppression of freedom of thought, in driving liberal professor out of tbe universities and replacing them by those who pander to Rome, and in fighting every movement that louks to freedom and enlightenment. Tnisis the true cause tf Spain's unrest and the frequent mutterings of revolution. It may be she is just on tbe eve of a revolution similar to tbat In France at the close of the last century, and in Germany in 1812, when the vastestates of clergy and church were secularized. It may be then that a brighter day will dawn for Spain. But not until that time comes, and Spain has the courage to shake herself frco from the octopus that is sapping the sources of her in dustrial and spiritual life, will her course be any other than that it has been for the last three hundred years a retrogression. That she will not see the light of this new day, except through a revolu tlon, the most radical, we may be sure, for "the merciless priest will never re lease the beast of sacrifice even now, at the very alter, until it has breathed out Its life to the glo.-y of Rome and of Saint Ignatius of Loyola." Defends the .Masons. Madison, Wis., July 10. Rev. W. D. Simmonds, pastor of the Unitarian church, took for his subject at this morning'9 service the attack upon the Free Masons as being responsible fir the decline of Spain, made by Henry Austin Adams before the Catholic sum mer school Friday. Mr. Simmonds said he did not propose to attack the Catholic church nor the Catholic sum mer school. He paid a high tribute to the summer school and Its intellectual standiug. "Mr. Adams admits that Spain U in decrepitude,'' said Mr. Simmonds. 'Adams made the statement that the declln i of Sualn was due to the Free Musi jns. an order respected throughout tbe world and emb-a;lng multitudes of men apparently just and upright. So serious a charge should have been sup ported ry proof or by lome example, but no example was giver, no scintilla of proof ad ranced. "Mr. Adams closed his course with a lecture on the political duties of Cath olics. He urged all Catholics to enter politics AS CATHOLICS. Heextolled the action of the German Catholics in forming a Catholic party and acting together in the German parliament. This is what Mr. Adams has been teaching In our summer school, and it is harmful. "The trcuble With Spain is Jesuiti cal absolutism. Priests have put both hands and both feet on politics, as Mr. Adams says American Catholics should and they have sapped the vitals of the Spanish nation. Priests have held the balance of power in the Spanish poli tics, as Mr. Adams wishes them to in America, and tbe present condition of Spain is the result. "Mr. Adams does not like our free public school system. The man who attacks it is a public enemy. I hope ' that some representative Madison Catholic will come forward and say that these are not the Ideals of the Catholics of the country." Court and Church Circles Curious. Madrid, June 30. There Is the great est anxiety in court and church circles to know on what conditions Spanish rule may be re-established in Oceanica. The queen and her conservative and military following, under clerical In fluence, fear that America may insist that the Philippines shall at least have home rule and be free from the tyranny of the friars and Jesuits. This is re garded as the main issue in the settle ment of the Philippine question." Pope Want I'. S. to Annex Cuba. Rome, July 12. The pope dissuades Spain from insisting on the independ ence of Cuba. Judging that Cuba ls not capable of self-government he thinks annexation to the United States m0ii opportune.