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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. in. if Jrew That Sunk the Mcrrimac Is Agai.i Aboard Sampson's Ships. FOR SEVENTEEN SPANIARDS. Lieutenants and t'onrtrea Enlisted a, raptured al Caney, ttlvea fur lb Araertrana ( oloarl Aetur anil 1-lenteiiant Mlley Met Mpaulsh ltrreeulatle lu View of A mile. Off Ji'RAGi'A. July . Richmond I. Hobaon of the tlnphlp New York nd the seven aeaincu who with hlui Milled lha collier Mcrrinmo Into the channel t lb harlMir of Nuutiatfo tU Cuba June 1 and sunk her there, were sur rendered by the Spauinh military au thorities to-day iu exchange for prU cer captured by the American forces. Hoomhi and his men were escorted through the American lines by Captain Chad wick of New York, who was waiting for them. Every step of their journey was narked by the wildest demonstration pon the part of the American sol fliers, who threw atmle all semblance bf order, scrambled out of the en trenchments, knocked over tent ffti.vs and other camp paraphernalia in their apemess to tee the returning' heroes and sent up cheer after cheer for the men who had passed wifely through the jaws of death to serve their lountry. A llobson and his men inarched through General Wheeler's camp the bands played "When Johnny Comes Marching Home.'! The same scenes of enthusiasm were repeated upon the arrival of the men I.IEl'T. IIOHSON. (The hiro of the Merrimac.) M the hospital station and at our base a,t Juragtm. llobson, who reached there in ad Vance of his companions, was taken an board the New York immediately The flagships decks were lined with Officers and men and as llobson clam be red -tip her side and stepped on board his vessel the harbor rang with the shouts and cheers of his comrades Which were re-echoed by the crews of t dozen transports lying near by. llobson hud little to say in regard to (ill experiences except that he and his companions had been well treated by the Spaniards and that they were all la excellent health. A TRUCK TO MAKE EXCHANGE. The Spanish authorities consented this (Wednesday) morning to exchange llobson ana his men ana a truce was established for the purpose. The place elected for the exchange was under a tree between the American and Spanish lines, two-thirds of a mile beyond the entrenchments occupied by Colonel Wood's "Hough Riders" near General Wheeler's headquarters and in the tenter of the American line. The American prisoners left the fteina Mercedes hospital on the out skirts of Santiago de Cuba, where they bad been confined, at 2:45 this after boon, in charge of Major Irles, a Span ish Btaff oflieer, who speaks English perfectly. 17 MEN FOR MERRI MAC'S CREW. "The prisoners were conducted to the meeting place on foot, but were, not blindfolded. Colonel John Jacob As- tor and Lieutenant Miley, accompan ted by an interpreter, Maestro, were In charge of the Spanish prison era. These consisted of Lieutenants Muelio-Volet and Aurelius, a German belonging to the Twenty-ninth regtv lar Spanish infantry, who was cap tured at El Caney Friday, and Lieu tenant Adolph Aries of the First pro Visional regiment of Barcelona, one of the most aristocratic military organ Uations of the Spanish army, and fourteen non-commissioned officers and privates. SPANISH BLINDFOLDED. Lieutenant Aries and a number of tnen were wounded in the fight at El Caney. The Spanish prisoners were taken through the American lines mounted and blindfolded. The meeting between Colonel Astor and Major Irles, a Spanish officer, was extremely courteous, though very for Dial, and no attempt was made by tither of them to discuss anything ex jept the matter in hand. Major Irles was given his choice of three Spanish lieutenants in exchange lor llobson and was also, inform that he could have all of the fourteen men in exchange for the American tailors. SPANIARDS' 1'ARTINU DEFIANCE. It was then not later than o'clock ' 8 : Just at everything wai finished and the two part its ifiri servaratintf, Irle turnril ami ttiil rurt-ju-ly enough, but In a liuf which iiiilu-atrtl runMiler- ilile ilctiatin a n J hi ht-arrra the iiiprvMiuu that he desired hostilities t I renewal at onre; "Our undrr Maiiilm ia, fr nt it im u that this truce conns to tu end at 5 o'c!.h-'." Ctilunt'l Astr looked at his watch, Iniuetl to the Spanish offittr, without mnkinjf repljf and then started back lowly to the Arut-rlcau lines, with HciliMin and hie companions following. The meeting' vt the two parties anil the exchange of prisoners had taken place in full view of Uth the Ameri can and NpttiiUh soldiers, who were intrenched near the meeting place. WOUNDED ARE DOING WELL Of l.OOO II rmi it t I to a liltlalna lloeplUI Only To Hair Wed. With Siiaftvk's Akmv, July 5. The general health of the Tinted States troops is excellent. No', a case of yel low fever is rcorted. " Of over l.utio wounded treated in tint division hospital, only two have died John Myers, Company C, Sixth infun try, a leg having been amputated at the thigh, and 1'rivute James II. Mc Cartney of the same company and reg iment, who succumbed to a brain op eration. The wounds show that the Spaniards are not only usiug explosive bullets, but also brass covered bullets with the ends tiled. The latter make ghastly wounds. When they strike the brass lining spreads out, tearing the flesh. SHE DANCED WITH ANOTHER. Jealous Kansas liny Kllluil llluiaelf and a (ilrl Near Knirla. Eui'olilA, Kan., July 8. Arthur Jones and Mary Leishmnn were found dead on the base ba'.l grand stand at Soden's grove this morning. They were seen together night inquir ing for postage stamps. The girl was shot through the head and near the heart. The boy was shot through the heart. A revolver with three empty cylinders lay between them. The boy was 16 years old and worked in the office of the Emporia Republican and the girl lived at Scranton. She had quarreled with her people. It is probable Jones killed the girl through jealousy. She went with another boy to the Fourth of .July d:nce. She hud been going with Jones for some time. IN DEFENSE OF THE CUBANS. (tfiifral Shnfler Kuja (lie luauru,tiits lo Not Mintreilt SpiinUH 1'rlnnnrH, Washington, July 8. The War no- pnrtmeiit posted the following dis patch from General Shatter to-duy, re ceived in response to an inquiry as to the reported killing of Spanish prison ers by Cubans: I'i.av ma. Kstk, July :. The Hon. Secretary of AVar, Washington: Dis patch as to killing prisoners by Cubans absolutely false. No prisoners have been turned over to them and they have shown no disposition to treat badly any Spaniards who have fallen iu their bauds. Shatter, Major Gen cral Commanding. CANNOT USE THE BALLOON. The Spaniards Deatroyetl the Stores of tlai and Tube. Washington, Julys General G--eely has received a dispatch from Colonel Allen, at l'laya del Este, Cuba, regard ing the signal corps balloon used for observation purposes with General Shatter's army. He says that the balloon, which was hit by the enemy and split, has Wen repaired, but the supply of stored gas and tubes for it is exhausted, owing to the injuries caused by the enemies bullets. At tempts are now making to get tubes from the front, where the gas gen erator is kept. A second balloon is expected from Tampa to-day, Colonel Allen reports. MORE SAD NEWS FOR MADRID. Admiral Vlllamlt lrd and Captain Lav K Is a Suicide. Madrid, July ?. - The government has received a telegram from Admiral Cervera announcing the death of Ad miral Villatnil, who was in command of the Spanish torpedo boat squadron at Santiago, and the suicide of Captain Lazaga, the commander of the Infanta Maria Teresa. Captain Villamil was in command of the torpedo boat destroyers. It is said that Blanco wanted him placed in command of the whole fleet to super sede Cervera. TRANSPORTS AT HAWAII. Tha Second and Third Manila Expedi tion Reported From Honolulu. Honolulu, June 2!). The second fleet of transports arrived here June 23 and sailed for Manila June 25. The Monterey and collier Urutus ar rived June 24 and left for Manila June 29. The trip was successful, the Monterey going tinder her own steam until June 18, when the Brutus took her in tow. Sampson's Report on the Relna Mercedes. Washisgtox, July 8. Admiral Sampson has telegraphed the navy de partment as follows from his flagship the New York, off Santiago, dated yes terday: "About midnight last night the Reina Mercedes was seen by the Massachusetts, which vessel had a searchlight on the channel, coming out of the harbor of Santiago. The Massa chusetts and Texas opened tire and the Spanish vessel was sunk opposite Es trelia cove. 1 am inclined to think it was the intention to sink her in ths channel and thus block the harbor en trance. If so, this plan was dufeated by the fire of the ships, as she lies on tha edge of tbe nhors." It did not take Friend Egbert of Wisconsin lone to make up bit mind to help free The American from debt. He a readier our last Issue to a friend and came acres our appeal. He at once declared hi Intention of end ing u a couple of dollar. The gentle man to whom be wa reading tald be would chip In a dollar also. Tbe re sult was that tbe next mail brought ui a money order for t3.00. Thank jou, Friend Egbert Thank you, our un koown and unnamed friend. With Go J' help we shall continue to oppose Romanism. Tbe answer to our appeal have commenced to come In in earnest. We hope each one will lee their way clear to send us something, if It la not more than a dollar. If you would all do that today, next week we could ray to you, The American l out of dht. There will probably be some who can not give anything, but there are many other who can give 15, flft, 125, 150 and (100 and we believe that as we are doing God's work, lie will put It In the hearts of true Christiana to bo'd up our band at this time A friend tells us that it Is no ue to oppose Martin White for he was agreed on be'ore the new board of Are and po lice commissioners were confirmed, and that all the other elements In the Re publican party were to get something and that our friend would be taken care of- We were not a party to that agreement so are not bound by it Martin White 1 an unfit man for chief of police. He ha boasted that he will make certain businessmen walk out of town if be I chosen chief. Those bus loess men are Masons of hieh degree. Can't McKlnley take the hint. The pnne Is In despair. He can't offer to Intervene now because the United States refused his offer at first. We repeat, can't McKlnley take a hint? The pope wants him to ask him to ar bitrateand the old rascal claims to own both the Philippines and Cura. Nice ided, that, to ask a man to settle a question for you when be claims you are trying to take something from an other that belongs to him. The government of tbe world can set rid of that pestiferous pang, which has headquarter in the Vatican on the Tiber, by cancelling all bond and other securities held by their corpora tion and confiscating all property now In Its came. There's millions !n It. Dare you do It? Out of town Americans when visiting Omaha can save money and get a pleas ant room by applying at this office. Room can be secured In advance by de posit of f 1. The American should be on every newsdealers counter. Will you and your friend see to it in your city? Keep asking for this paper. Henry P. Bowers, Clinton, la., Is the bead of tbe A. P. A. In this country. Write blm about your council and ask him for Information. Do you look over the advertisements In this paper? Ignorant Spain. The Spanish are appalling illiterate. Two-thirds of them can neither read nor write. This fact shows that the gate of knowledge and rational living is shut to millions, while the gate of superstition, with all its horrid spec ters that pass through, is wide open. Rev. A. Bilkovsky, Universalis!, Bal timore, Md. Omaha's Mayer. Frank E. Moores, mayor of Omaha, Neb., visited police headquarters yes terday forenoon to inspect the workings of the police department, wbicb be said he had learned Vas one of the most efficient in the country. Mayor Moores came to this city to take his daughter home. She graduated a few days ago from the Sacred Heart in Clifton. Cincinnati, O., Commercial Tribune, June 29. A Chance for Spam. Nothing could be a greater blessing to Spain than to fall in this war. It means a renaissance for tbe Spanish people; it means education for the masses; it means civil liberty and sta bility of the Spanish government. This Is a providential chance for Spain to emerge from tbe night of ber long aleep and kef p Hep with tbe natloc of the earth. Itev. P. E. Bovard, Metho dist , Alameda, Cal. W by I Rome U Be Feared. Under tbi caption tbe Moravian peak truly, seriously, and impres sively a follow: "Tbe answer it not far to seek, especially for Moravian acquainted with tbe bls'ory of their own church and It practical suppres sion In the borne land through the In strumentality of Jesuits and d racoons during and after the Thirty Years' War. It Is because the Roman religion and ultramontane political tyranny have been demonstrated In the past to be Inseparable wherever Rome attains the power. Through the confessional Rome ha the mean of compelling Its laity to obey the priesthood. Nor has tbe pope abandoned tbe claim to over sovereignty above all minarchlal rul ers and all governments of the people. Where it can, Rome curb liberty. In Ecuadore the constitution of 1862 said that 'nobody can be an elector, or elected, or occupy any state offhe who Is not a member of the Catholic church.' In Germany, since 187.1, Romanism ha been the source of endless disturbance and trouble. The celebration of the jubilee of Canislus, the Introducer of Jesuitism Into Germany, Is a declara tion to the world of her desire", limited only by ber ability to carry them ou. As we love liberty, we Protestants must be on our guard against any en croachment at home." Which! The time has come for every Roman Catholic to decide what be shall do. Shall be follow the pope in his endeav or to support Spain, or will they stard by the United States and take their re ligion direct from the Bible? The pope i trying to cause all tbe "faithful here to carry his train, but, will they do it? Will the Roman Catholics here think for tffemselves or will they still be slaves to the pope and fight for the enemies of this country instead of against them? It is high time the Roman Catholic?, In a body, swear al legiance to this government, so that Deople mav know that they meant what they said. A mental reservation man should be compelled to be an In dlan reservation man and placed under guard and closely watched. Now, let all honest men of the Roman Catholic church show that they are what tbey say thev are. And if they are enemies to the United States let them be treat ed as such. Tempus. Buffalo, N. Y. and Return Via the North-Western Line July 11th and 12th. Extraordinary rates throueh cars. The North-West ern is the " Official Line " Write C. E. Morgan International President B Y. P. U., Omaha or City office 1401 Farnam St. $10 Reward. I will give the above reward to any person, church or patriotic society tat will, before the 30th day of Sep tember, 1898, sell the largest amount of my Anti-Catholic book. Circulars and price li&ts sent on receipt of a two cent stamp. Money to accompany orders for books. Address Riv. J. G. White, Stanford, 111 Rosaries for the Army. The quartermaster of the commissary department on Third Street Friday gave Father Pustet's Cathollo supply house the contract for making 5,000 rosaries for the army. Cincinnati, O., Post, June 18. A First-Class Argument. Tbe condition of Spain is a first-class argument for popular education. Keep ing 65 per cent of the people in ignor ance even of the alphabet is a costly business. St. Louis Globe Democrat. REUGI0H IN THE BHB1C0K COLONIES. An Essay by Chaae Roys, throwing a blaze of light on American history shows that the Jesuits were the cause of all the colonial wars, Indian an French massacres of those times and many startling facts not generally known. In pamphlet form Price 10 Cents. Address: CHASE ROYS, Washington, D. C. Big guide to Omaha and Exposition at Omaha mailed for 10 cents. Agents wanted everywhere. E. P. Walker, 710 N. 40 St., Omaha. Try Sawyer's Soap. CUT PUKE BOOKS Here's a Book Bargain! Five of the Best Stories Ever Written. -j VV o give you lUOC just iu hiro j -u uuugiy ivi uuitl tL?r r 8001 things. These books in cloth binding 6ell for 71 ' mJt cents a ''h i Thev ' cahIoi I ytl I never A over nlar BaifiranJ. Y of a - s.jr bounds of possibility. ItcnntatnsoverUU pages, printed from new plates. A BRIDE FROM THE BUSH. Jfv K. W. IOK.Vf'.VO. A Tnlt of A lUfmHan Lift. Thlsgtory has won for us gifted author a name and fame over two continents. There is no lack of thrilling dra matic situations throughout the book. The whole story has life and motion, pathetic and ludicrous situations follow each other in rapid succession, with a happy aud satisfactory but unlooked-for etui lug. It la a fascinating book from cover to cover. TICKET NO. 1657. liv EVELYS ADAVS. niufrn(f. Tlilsls a romantic tale of the wonderful adventure of a young American in Mexice. llow he made :'4Mklu in three years, and won the hand of the fair t 'anuellta, by the aid of ticket kiM, Is a strange story of hardship and good luck, and makes Interesting reading. FOR THE DEFENSE. Iv B. I. FARJEO.V. This Is one of the best and most Interesting works of this famous author. It is a detective and love story, with a deep mystery cleverly unraveled by akillful work. It is of thrilling interest from beginning to end. pages of clear type, .Tr-N0TE THE PRICE One book, 10 cents; Three books, 25 cents; All Five books, 40 cents, postpaid. " These prices arts f,.r "root citih" with your onler. Remit bv silver, 2 cent postage biani.jr, i. O. or Express money CUT PRICE BOOK STORE 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. Until the suiply is exhausted, we will send to each subscriber seeding us the nmes of five of his friends, accom panied by 25c. for five sample copies of The American, one volume of "The Stenographer," a book cootainlog the story of the life, trials, tribulations, courtship, etc., of a stenographer. The book has 220 pages, is elegantly bound in cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grade of book-paper. We have "50 of them. Gat your order In early. Regular price of such a book is, ordintrily, $1.25. You get it for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't send of a larger denomination than 2 cents. Is your subscription to THE Ameri can paid for this year? If not you should st nd in $2.00 by the very next mail. Do not delay. Public .Notice. The Northwestern Line Daylight Special now leaves the U. P. Depot at 6:40 a. M , arrives at Chicago 8:45 same evening. No change in tbe other trains. Overland Limited 4:45 p. M., and the Omaha Chicago Special at 6:45 a m., arrives at Chicago 7:45 and 9:30 respectively, next morning. The most advanced Vestibuled Sleepers, Diners and Free Parlor Chair cars of course--What else would the "NORTH WESTERN " have? 1401-Farnam st. Priests make use of the politicians who keep themselves ready to be used as tools. Darligbt Train to Chicago. Beginning Monday, February 7th, the Northwestern Line placed in ser vice a DAYLIGHT TRAIN TO CHICAGO, leaving Omaha 7:00 a. m., Council Bluffs 7:25 a. m., and arriving in Chi cago 5:45 p. m., making connections with evening trains for all points east. Dining cars serve all meals. The afternoon limited trains at 4:45 and 6:30 arriving Chicago next morning at 7:45 and 9:30 a. m., respectively, still remain in service. City ticket office 1401 Farnam St. All papists are bigoted no matter how liberal they may make out to be. Rome makes it a rellgieus duty to oppose the public rchools. Rome finds slander a better weapon than a bbwle knife. Those who would lead men to oppose Rome must look up her record. Notice or Incorporation. Notice Is hereby given that on the 20th day of June, 188, Orrin 0. LTake. David Rich and Edsou Kk'.b organized the Exposition Cater ing Company and adonted articles of Incor poration, and filed the same according to the State of Nebraska, which said articles among other things provided : First. The name of the corporation to be the Exposition Catering Company. Second. The palnclpal place of business to be Omaha. Nebraska. Third. The nature of the business to be that of conducting hotels and restaurants, also tbe purchasing and selllag of food sup piles or hotel and restaurant properties. Fourth. The capital stock of tbe said cor poration shall be ten thousand Dollars 10.000.00) divided Into shares of One Hun dred Dollars (1100.00) each; all or said stork to be paid up at the commencement of the business. Fifth. That cald corporation shall begin on the 22nd day of June. 1S!' and continue for a period of one year. Sixth. The hUhest amount of Indebted ness to which this corpc ration shall at any time subject itself shall not be more than two-thirds of Its capital stock. DAVID RICH. 7-B 4 Secretary. Omaha Express and Delivery Co., J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. H. HAYFORD Seo. Treas. Moving and light express work at reason able prices Piano moving a spec ally Houst'bUd goods stored, packed and shipped. Carry-alls for picnics. , Office, 410 Sorth 16th Street. Telephone 1203. ILlcy UVw UvVvl uvi.u viivivu caw ivoo uiau 3 copy. are vours at 10 cents per copy. 3 inr ?K rent. The whole five honk ft for 40 cents, postpaid. They would be a bargain at five for a dollar. UNCLE TOM'8 CABIN I or. Lire Among the Lol. H UAItttlET HKtA-UEH S70HE. So other M I American uovel evr achieved BiK-h popularity, and f althimKh It wiu wrtt-u ovr forty yeam aK the rielnit l"B l uuw tWMiniK 1 ni ie loit 1 min witn IV the Mitne krea entnvment that their Kmndfatnrrs and tv. M tfMnJm.jh.r. v,,i-tiiil- fitr It in a htmlc th&t will Kniw old, and other generations will lauirh Topny and cry over Eva and I'm-le Tom. It i pnntea in near, reaunuie rype, on kuuu pnptr, com plete, iinchanved and uuauridgeu, and coutaius nearly 2UU large paces. QUEEN MAB. Ry TT7LLM.V WE STALL. A iule ui Luc and Aiirrwturt on LunU ami Sra- "Oueen Mub" is without doubt the heat of thin pop- author'a works. It Is a mart ling, realistic ano fuxcliiating as the work of Jules Verne or H. Hitler ami deals with the wonderful adventnrea young K.nwli-hrnan on a voyage to the tropics. Never since the day of Kimtiison Crusoe have such strango and starMinir advent ures hecn recorded, yet ail within the order, or bank orhft. AdJress, . Whivfis 0Uer jf! Than Qold ARK YOU H r o It en In Health? if so. (o to LIU. C. ) GEE ti and TRV bis wonderful KEM EIIES composed of Knots, Herbs. Hinls, Harks, atd Flowers. He bus over 5.IKKI d lift rent kinds to pre s ribe from and cures all manner of tllKOMC llK ISKS. such a Kheu mutism. I'nlai rh. Kidney. Liver, Itlad der. stonmcli Trouble Asthma. Throat and l.tinirTroiiblefi. Indigestion, UyHpepulM, or write enclosing stump for book and blank. Auuress, DR. C. GEE WO, S1!1-.V1 '. HUli St., OMAHA. NEK. t NOTICE. Id tbe District Court of DouKlai county. N 1 H ft William 8. randerson, plaintiff vs. Mattle Sanderson, defendant. To Mattle Sanderson, non-resident defend ant: You sre liereby notified that on tbe Bth dav of Ma j, IhUn. William S. Sanderson, ulaln tltr herein. Hied a petition In the District Court of Dour I as County, Neb., the object and prayer of wbicb are to obtain a divorce from you on the uround that at the time of the marr ai?e between the plaintiff and your self you were physically Incompetent to per form the sexual dut'esof a wtfe to a husband by reason of physical deformity, and for such, other relief as may be lust and equitable. . You are required to answer said petltloik on or before the 27lh day of June, 1HW. i WILLIAM 8. HANDEKMJN. Plaintiff,! 5-20-4 , By Edson Kich, his aturuey. J. T. PATCH. Attorney, Room 22 Patterson Block, In the matter of the estate of Charles B, Evans, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance 1 n nn, X-V.,. 1,.. " 1 1 1 1 i.r t - . . . I III, 1.11 u II i J i .1 , lilll iui nti llll.lll ... Judge, made on the 33th day of Novembt 1807, licensing the sale of the real esta hereinafter described belonging to said e. tate, mere win De sold at tne norm a1 of the court house, In said county, on aitb da July, of 18h at. 10 n'clrck, at ! oc venaue, to tne mgnesi Diuuer ior c Mek Headache), f emale WeMklieH. l.OHtfl Manhood, Nervous I I i 1 1 1 y , and all I'rivaKl lleae. All oases ituuranteed or mt neAA II I U II II I ,1 t.V ..." 1 II 1 .1 I III 1 1 . I . In 1.11 ,11. Si or c jtj . to J I een V I remain F v fl the following described real estate, Tbe East one-half (Hi of lot eighteen Felham place, an addition to the Omaha, said county. Said sale will open one hour. K. STANFORD JESTER. Administrator of the Estate of Charles B. Evans, deceased. 2f FOR itiDIAN TERRITOnT, THE CHEROKEE STRIP. OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH LITTLE ROCK and HOT SPRINGS, ARK Ticket Office. I. E. Corner 13th mi Fanim 8ti wr X"URT HALSTEAO'S GREiT WAR BOOR. f y'Our Oonmrr in Vt ar. All iiboot inniM, naviM, cout daftness. Mama Diaaatar, Cuba, Oar War ?S I I 1 with Huain and ralationa with Pnrlun fcltinn r X Naarlf patnta, written ainca tha Maina Uiv V VJtar. Maitniticntoalarad illaotrationa. ABi.7tj? 0 -taking 110 to mm dav. Noaxn-rianoa ai... VT Moai iinaral Mmi guaranteed, audait' credo.' price low, framht paid. Handmma outfit free.! flnA L'w? 'mpa to par mietaae. till CIIKISIL t BIOS. 154 Ittarlwra St mtCiSO. I Wi Will Sell Yoa HIGH nttiRp hinuAi ril FOR LESS MONET THAI ANT OTHER CONCERN III THE From TSSaMaTBf io-jb A Yon Set The Profits uE2tt53fi " lng dkect from tne Mt 1 fartarers. 1898 Full 8il Ladles' or Cent Model from $18. oo up. 2000 MODE! left over from taut snuon at your own price). from SIO. OO up. Complete ctitalotrue of BicjcJcs and Sundries Free, "a ship onrhifthext grade wbeel anywhere without one cent of money In a da Vance, prepay all freight charmw and Cuarante Them For Two Years. Address VICTOR MANBFACTORtNB C0MP1HV. cat. 427. M6 A 297 Frith An., Chlcioo. lilt. Y 1 To Tore on.n(mtlon Forever. Til t.1k V;"""""' l-sv t.-athartle IUe orOc f, If C. C. C. tail to cure, oruKioui refund tuoney X, 1 1 Si S c av