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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1898)
H E AMERICAN Fifty Years in the Church of Rome t m BV. RF.V. CHARLES CHINIQUY, TOGETHER THE AMERICAN For the Balance of 1898, for The price of the book alone at retail U 12 25 but you eet h"th tbe book Red the paper for 2 00. Send in your orders ACCOMPANIED BY THE CASH to AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1615 Howard Street. OMAHA, NEB. Is Carriage a Popular Medical, i Sensible Book for Curious People--A Useful Book for Everyone IT MW IORI-S MOST CELEBRATED MEDICAL Of Cocrse The YorNO REALLY FOUR GREAT BOOKS IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. HRT I DISEASES AND THEIR CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CURE. rART (.-CHRONIC DISEASES OF ALL SORTS, AND ALL PARTS, INCLUDING "PRIVATE" FOR BOTH SEXES RT M.-PLAIN TALK ABOUT CONJUGAL RELATIONS, ERRORS, REFORMSi MARRIAGE IN ALL COUNTRIES. rT W.-IMPROVEMENT OF MARRIAGEi A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED AND ALL WHO HOPE EVER TO BE. APPENDIX Contain over 200 preicriptlont for relief and cur of acuta and chronic disorder common to adult and children! complete table of antidote to poisonti illuttrated irection for resuscitating J TO 1TV K of ho rielm.MW of this book and the satisfaction It flvpa tothoughfuL 11 W i AlU lUn earneet and riMlwmuijitite people can be properly alatedbero. 10 PIRATES. 35 CHROK08. T A a torn v of Mai Man and of Womant The Origin ori.lfri Man from the Ke: III 'V.rul'.V"n"1 Ihrre l.lraanl lnr Vlalra of ilal ana Mrrlal r llltiatrailima of rutal llrvdopii.rnt; 12 True-lu-LUo loloriitpra by Color I'lioloaraphv. In Fife t'olura. etui rnrrra titer Are You Well? OOD HEALTH li rum t.o-.ntoo K'fHy Hprlmtl. TliMPte furiuimit'ly timet rn dowwl fruiti Writi nn t to tV nn kU-w of lliclr Imturitp. It Ik ho t Hy tit le r t rulr a tutu im tiv n iuiwki are lucky .luhml if tlM'f hin m iim1 ntniKli t Ifairii now U iimtiiltiln tt-. 1 1nn all run rlti lv n'Silltin "lUln Hum Tlllk"" tf CallM1! Vt (lit. m', orrtirt Ui dut, mniitlti-ii, rvivHHlve iim m t?it(um t nl coiTttj (Iruikliikt, tlie m ami ahus uf alroholiva, th bAil luiUtit of ciiililn n, ttit urt'Tnlcnri of ermrti itf Toatk thM trnrlprTriltw vjjfor of manho.xl - i.)iaitrr ftmt cn't Ik read and hi-eilcd ttMii Hju rly. Thnthrr rth miniTii of ii i I ) . thr toUHott tmhit tft men, Hirlit-bMinK iu women, t. etc., anil the all r?rfui cuatt'tiia of aocit'tv vliorrhy nny tf U VM of ttofti acxft are doomed to "aorlHl atnn Ita. Thli chapter ahowa why thounl.iicwt younif iMtltt (TO aatr-.v,how pro!liuilon haa tM-rnm preva m, why It win not down, how tts Ham ful ill- r eotni'yd to the 'Innocent'1 uiol aurtliuK and rmwM-tant raou to know. Th w-aulta of a mad chase for wealth, nf ovrr orit, ovrr-atudv, fatlurta la huwint, the fart that Itralth ta th" basis of wraith not rt ivnrt and tho eauwa Ktid efftH-w of horrinle mflnnrholv thto rt ail Diaitera it would b wttl for ou to tUtuit uvtT. Are You III? THEN' von arelnitwM ararr man tf yuu a'ro not anxtum to K'ara bow li came ab.ut. bHt'a the limittT ami iiHt' to dm'. Wluthor It bo "01117 a rol.i." a rhronic -atrrh. or aonvihlriir tnon aeriotts that baa "arlflra en tho lunca" in hroncl!ti or coDsuiiipii.ui. tho ikHwr you tln'l out how grrloue jt l. and That to do for yours H the hrut'r. It you must leara "how to live with one lung" the parlhr you gtt thla knowlpiijirt thf lotmror ro iUllvo. Or, may lw your parth ular vrek epot la In tha UvtT, atomaob 14 Dttarpia. Then you cau make no niitaka In framing Uiv beit twtbodiof iwnlatlnu thwe Tftal function. If you are fall of arh-, patna, nruralaln or rhrunia. Man, tt will aui-eiy PT to look up the way to shake Uwm off. Buirly you can't want to mltt-t the Insiit (ou armntnia of Hriaht'a aiaraar, or other de tractlve dlaeaaee of Uie p-nlto-unuanr orpana," and oa better become posted on auch thinsra aa oaorrnoia,trloture and worse forma of contagion iaap "by the hoot" than by experience. The tSlcted will read with aridity all about lin(Htem y, tjarreoneae. dlaeaaea of women, norvon diaraaea. la, paxalyaia, akin ai.eaaea. ecroima. w i vi, ii. one book cannot cover "all the Ilia that a, hetr tn." and tlierefore to eawr aofiArocti.m. br. fbote auhort i nntnnctment (AhI oy pwr fr o "P. B. T." wao iiirt lo (l((n iiro( vAtrrae, and toetoaulry will be aniwered to the beat tuaauiuy. . hnvirp TTTT'VTv' ?00 '","T taTe"onirtblDr like It" or)nrt aas-ood." Bnndreila bava l-J X lLii.a declared that It lg'poruiiir to uir and far sfmd of all other work, rir tJT TJTiP flPT ,hat work 18 offered for f oim fturtnafo mrrit and ntllity, and not UJi-y X X viiJ u x diatrlboted In theapform to advertise proprietary medicine. T i?Crr'rf'ri'VT A T CI of the mostentbualaatte kind from all countries where English la apo XXaO A AlUWm kt,nt would, eveti In small up. Oil M pagea of Uiiaeiie. PRDFVQSTn'VAT nteno' all claaaea. cformmew. dnrfors, latrtan-s, eillfort, crltlca, bare xvv-'i. A-ooAvyi.ixjj given flauerlDg endoraement j remarkably few critical. POPULAR EDITION. Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mail, 8 1 .50 American Publishing (p. WITH $2.00 Failure? $1.00 Sa! Science ArTR0lt AND 8PEC1AU8T. DR. B. B. fOOTL You Want to Know tVavr Everybody Ought to Know. how to chooso tho best one to marry; imk fliAKKiitu now w ins nnppy m marrinco; The Fond Parent how to have prize babies; The Mother how to have them without pain; Thk Childless how to be fruitful and multiply; Thk ('villous how they "growed" and came to be; The Healthy how to enjoy life and keep well; j he invalid now to pet well again speedily ; The Imprudent how to regain wasted energy. All who want knowledge that is of most worth Find it in Dr. Footers "l'lain Home Talk," 1.0(H) pages, 200 cuts, 3G col. plates; 200 recipes. ft.S.ASE ALL CLAfcfcES! A BOOK FOR THE MASOEB! the drownedi hygienic rule for the are ef Infant. 900 ILLUSTRATIONS. Iilaraare of Iba I urana Are You Engaged ? r L x nopTTipT to as yeu iHTiiata. wen, doo't tmrry, and mak no mlatakc. It la ao ?axy to in t In aud ao dlttlCllIt tO Kft out, that If la well worth while to 'be euro you are HKht before you gv aheatl.' There la no book ao helpful In enaMlug you to aeiect wiHt-ly aa " llal llomr lalfc." Yc ou can learn aometblns from other's ujtstaki-c The lllniory of Mar rlHire of all kind, In anconiitriea.the run nna exnerlmenta aome natlom have made, ancient and uuHiern, barharouaand clvlllied. help tia to know what not to do. Theauual Immorality iirowlnit out ol uniMii Med nature and nmrriaKe lnlatlta. thehtitory of nroaiitmlon. It prevalence, allureliieiita.dantrera, rvKUitM, theetTortaof rellglona and aacetk iam toaub. ilite and control the dominant paelonall theaeatud. leaare fruitful In lmlh-atlun pltlalla to avoid. On the other hand chapters on adaption In inarriafto physical, mental and magnetic on early marrlairea, InterumrrUtfe, elopctnenl. etc., etc.. alii the reader to make a cond match, aelei't happily for home and off. spring, to avoid "Lucifer Mali lies.'' and to escape the rat imp aud lottery kinds of marriage. Are You Married? TI7FRK are fhap- tera tMi.slly uaeiul In allowing you how to happy I noii n marrie d," Many marritd peo ple would jrt t aloTiff K'tter If they knew liow to adapt tht-nv aflvea toearh other, ml would try to un denttatid one an ot her' needa. They oiht to rd whNt 'l'lain Home Talk' nava about the true ti1U3mphy of Inter course, the ''natur al rrlallona of the iwxea," thelnftuenco on health and evil of perYerrioTia, 'the wormwoM that embitter aoeial life," etc., etc. Many will find meh aatlrdaettoii In the chapter on karrehnraa which haul-pen the mean of tcmat joy to man? a ehUrllewi pair, aiding them to discover and remove the thta le. Othera like Ita unique "eatay?j f.r married peinle" treating of equal Ity, sleeping apar exceaa, ruoderatiou. ealouay. In. difffrenee, prvventfon, continence. fod for prejr niint. women, the explanation of child-makina, why childrenof aecond husband rraemble the flrat.etc .etc. In ahort. men and wonen hitate to talk with their home phTfttrfana concerning many delicate qn ca tion that perplex them and that they rrally Ded to underatand, and which thla book will enlighten them on but remrmber that tf fail to do o,t iwlAr trmi4 remit tf waif vpor tht ontifm by rtpUinff frm 0 cMarge to tptcial kuer$ j enqyirp. mm VUAT KOI TEACHES In the Year 1900 Rome Will ak! This Country and Keep It Hecker. Shf BatTht KelirlB Liberty I. Only Endurrtl Until the Opposite Side ran I rt Into EffeHt aitbout In Jur t the Kaman Churrh. Education outside of tna Catholic Church la a damnaDia neresy.ropa Plua IX. Kriuratlon must be controlled fcy Catholic authorltlea. even to war and bloodshed. Catholic World. I frankly confess tnat ino uatnouca stand before the country as the ene mies of the public achoola. Father Phelan. I would as soon administer eacra- ment to a doe aa to Cathollca who end their children to public achoola. Father Walker. The public scbooia nave proaucea nothln; but a godless feneration 01 thlfTes and blackguards. Father 8chaner. ... It will be a glorious aay in wis eountry when under the laws tne achool svstem will be ahWered to pieces. Catholic Telegraph. The public schools are nurseries of flee: they are godless and unleea aup- nressed will prove ine oamnauon 01 this country. Father Walker. We must take part in tne elections. more In a aolld mass in every state against the party pledged to sustain the Integrity of the public schools. McCloskey. Tbe common schools or tnis country are sinks of moral pollution and nur series of hell. Chicago Tablet The time Is not far away wnen tne Roman Catholic cnurcn or me ne publlc of the United States, at the order of the Pope, will refuse to nay their school tax. and will send bullets to the breasts of the government agents rather than pay It. it win eome ottlckly at the click of a trigger, and will be obeyed, of course, aa com Inr from Almighty God. Mgr. Capel. "We hate Protestantism: we deteat It with our whole heart and soul." Catholic Visitor. "No man baa a rleht to choose his relirlon." ArchblBhon Hug In Freeman's Journal. Jan. 29. 1852. "If Catholics ever gain sufficient nu merical malorlty In this eountry. re- llslona freedom "d.' Cath olic Shepherd of the Vallev, Nov. 23. 1851. "Protestantism, of every form, has not. and never can have any rlrtt where Catholicity Is triumphant." t)r. O. A. Prownson'a Catholic Review. June. 1851. "We have taken this principle for a basis: That the Catholic relltrlon with all Its rights, oueht to be excluslTelv dominant. In such sort, that every other worship ehall he banished and Interdicted." Plus IX. In his allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardinals, Sentemher. 1R51. "Protetantlsm why. we should draw and ouarter It. and hang up the crow's meat. We would tear It with nlncers and Are It with hot Irons! Fill It with molten lead and sink It In hell fire one hundred fathoms dep." Father Phelan, Editor Western Watch man. "Rellclnns lihertv Is merely endur ed until th opposite side can be car ried Into effect, without peril o the Catholic Church." Bishop O'Con nor. The Roman Catholic Is to wield his vote for the purpose of securing Cath olic ascendency in this country." Father TTecker, in the Ca'bollc World, Julv1870. "Undoubtedly It Is the Intention of the Pone to possess this country. In this Intention he Is aided bv the Jes uits and Catholic prelates and priests." Brownson's Catholic Review, July, 18fi4. When a Catholic candidate la on a ticket and his opponent Is a non Cathollc, let the Catholic candidate have the vote, no matter what he rep resents." Catholic Review. July. 1894. "In case of conflicting; laws between the two powers, the laws of the church must prevail over the state." Pins IX. Syllabus 1864. "We hold the stare to be only an Inferior court, receiving Its authority from the church and liable to have Its decrees reversed upon appeal." Brownson's Essays, p. 282. "We do not accept this government or hold It to be any eovernment at all. or as capable of perftrrmlng any of tbe proper functions of government. If the American government Is to be sus tained and preserved at all, It must be by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation (that is. the gov ernment by the people), and the ac ceptance of the Catholic principle, which is the government of the pone." Catholic World. September. 1871. "T acknowledge no civil power." Cardinal Manning-, speaking In the name of the Pope. S. R, S., 1873. "The Pope, aa the head and month piece of the Catholic Church, admin isters Its discipline and Issues orders to which every Catholic nnder pain of eln mnst yield obedle Cath olic World, of August, 1868. "In 1900 Rome will take this coun try and keep It" Priest Hecker. "The will of the Pope Is the supreme law of all lands." aarehblshop Ire land. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the sword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2. 500 for $7.50; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the sword. Ten fo SO cents; fifty for ji.a; 100 for $2- 600 for $7.60; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends! You should! They should not sleep longer. Admirers of JanWo. Blaine can ob tain of at a beautiful history of that eminent statesman. Price, $1.10. American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. -Union Elevated Loopi Chicago It runs on Van Buren St directly in front of the - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station Pasae Direr arriving In Cblcaro can, by tbe new Union Klemted Loop, reach art part of tbe city; or, for a Ore cent faro, can tie taken immediately to any of the large a tores In tbe down town district.' All Elevated Train will (top at tbe "Itock Island" Hlatlon. TralDsevery minute. Te facilities ran only be oftVred bythe "GUKAT KOCH ISLAND ROUTE." If you will send a 2-cent stamp for postage we will mail you atoncea new blrd'a-eye view of C hlcago, just issued In five colors, wblcb sbowa you Just wbat you want to know about Chicago and tbe new Loop and Elevated Sys tem. I h e map yui ehould have, whether you live out of tbe city and exvect to come to It. or whether you live In Chicago and you or your friends contemplate making a trip. 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If you want to breathe patriotism and renew your love of the Little Red School House; If you want to commune with gifted spirit, buy and read these poems. Frlce, 25 cents. Address : The American CONVENT AND SECRETS BY R. L. KOSTELO. This book is one of latest additions to the Anti-Roman literature, but Is among the best that has yet been written. It deals with tbe confessional and other practices of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the political Intrigues of the Jesuits, In a clear, concise manner. ThUbook is now on sale, In paper cover at SO CENTS, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA. NEB. Americanism ' or Romanism Which? "V 0 Mi B -S 1 V i m "Tlie book is of great valuo. nWeslcyan IkOudist "We will sent.this book postpaid on receipt of price; or, for $2 00 we will 6end "THE AMERICAN" ONE YEAR together with the book. AMERICAN PUBLISHING C .. 1615 Howard St.. DO YOU WANT Bishop Coxes famous Satolli Letters BXT1TLB1) The Jesuit Party in American Polities Exposed and Expounded, bein a series of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLEVE LAND COXE,' of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate. This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of excellent patriotic literature. Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Must Accompay all 'Orders. AMSrUCAK PUBLISHING CO. Edith O'Gorman's CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED, $1.25 HORRORS CONFESSIONAL HY- JOHN T.CHRiSTIAN.D.D Cloth. 280 Pages. PRICE $1.00 AGENTS WANTED "Picturesque and able." Tlie CoiiyrcgationdU). "It ought to bo put la our pubi! schools as a text-book." Xorth Curoliria X'upiw, 8 Qmaqa. Dsli