The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 01, 1898, Image 5
THE: AMERICAN. totlt jxs e-l e of the fiYd, aod to da alter ;Le w utile ariny pushed for ward to Kingston, Rosacea, A'tiona, Buzzud Roost, Big Sbanty and Ken ear Mountain. At alt the above named place our advance was opprxed by Johnston' army anl many a poor lellow, both of the blue any ffrey, lost his life In each of those battle. At Recca I came very near going into the enemy' licet aja'nst my will. It happened in this way: I had done great deal of riding the night bafore, nd the forenoon of that day my horse gave out an 1 1 was obl'ged to go to the quartermaster for another and take what was there, an old ambulance horse. I put my saddle on him and Urted in tj deliver orders. I had not rode him more than two hours when he was taken with the blind staggers and started with me for the enemey's line. Pulling on the re ns was like puliiog on a steamboat. When he had cone about 100 yards I saw there wa a large gait post almost In the line he was going. Just before we got to the post I grasped the right rein with both hands and pulled his head far enough to the right to strike the post. He doubled up like a ball and I went about eight feet farther and landed on my Gboalder and head. I was well shook up but still fit for duly. The collision the horse got with the post knocked him senseless and caused his nose to bleed quite freely and when he got on his feet he seemed alright, but I did not care to take any more chances, so turned him In and took the next best thing, a mule, and rode it for three day till my horse was fit for duty again. I did tome long riding during the war, but those three days on the mule were the most rough. If my memory serves me right the fight at Dalla was the first step of Sherman's march to the sea, and his tory will agree with me in saying, the army never countermarched from that time until it started for Washington to be mustered out after reaching the sea. This was the greatest campaign known in history, and was the final ending of the great rebellion, which lasted over ofur years, and in which 800,000 men were killed or wounded. H. H. Kirby, Sr. Co. I 8th Mo. Inf't'y. KEEP HEMP HANDY. Men Who Speak as McCaffrey is Said to Hare Spoken are Traitors. Coon Rapids, la., June 21. Editor American:-With this I enclose a copy of an anonymous letter received by W. Bean of this place, a Son of Veteran, an A. P. A. and a member of the O U. A. M. At his request I send the copy to you to make a note of. 1 would have preferred sending the original letter instead of the copy, but he was afraid it would get lost. I also send you a copy of the Coon Rapids Enter prise containing an article which 1 have marked and which I will explain. The Rev. McCaffrey, In the commence ment of war urged his people to not take up arms against their "Sister country, but instead to take up arms against the Unite 1 States," telling them this from the pulpit two Sundays in succession, which caused a rupture In the Catholic church at this place, some of the members cursing the priest for his treachery, and which roused the indignation of our American citizens until it began to look Bomewhat threat ening for tne priest, hence the little article printed in the Enterprise. But let me say very few swallowed the pill but are watching with distrust all ac tions of the priest and his ilk, and, should he become too active, have J remedy ready to cool his patriotism for a foreign country. The following is a copy of the letter: To W. M. Bean, Coon Rapids, April 19, '98. I am a Catholic but 1 warn you that you may warn others. There is arms and ammunition in the basement of our church, and the time is set to use them. Watch the priest, he is urging war against you Protestants Attend our church any Sunday and hear what I tell you. An American Catholic. The above is a true copy of the letter received by Mr. W. Bean. Mas. F. Geiselhart. The following is the article spoken of bv Mrs. Geiselhart, which was printed In the Enterprise: ' "erroneous report corrected. The following was handed to us by Father McCaffrey with the request that it : fuvl-t-to It f d.r io co.'-ect a U w n port ci'cu a.efl about him: It fa.h to cy duty a aa American citii n toevnett tu.-otg-h jojr per a fa'M report that I regret to learn !i the gossip "f our I t-la j atr-i.t;c town. I did not or ctuU I te 1 ncyCa ho le people, "to all fight for Spain." As a pr'ett I am supposed to love all God's creatures, to do good to a 1, to be in spirit anJ In li vd as I am In came Catholic. At d as to crttdj the high ways to the better home above, I study all, am quite .'miliar with a'. I aad say to all let u aiide in peace fcee a there and tue Lord bo oar shepherd. Apart from this, however, I, as a citizen Uke my stand, and proudly , tco, just where 1 belong, side by side wita the G. A. R boys In blue, beneath tae ma-j-stic folds of the fl g of flsgs ' Old Glory!" Has this the right ring to it? Yours truly, Rev. D. F. McCaffrey. No man's influence is so small but what he could make it tell against, Rome. , When Rome gives money she always ' puts a chain of power on it Until the suiply is exhausted, we will send to each subscriber seLdlng us the names of five of his friends, accom panied by 25c. for five sample copies of The American, oae volume of 'Tue Stenographer," a Ouoit containing the story of the life, trials, tribuiauous, courtship, etc , of a stenographer. Tne book ess 220 pages, is elegant. y bound in cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grade of book-paper. We have 750 of them. Git your order in early. price of such a book is, ordinarily, $1.25. You get it for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't send stamps of a larger denomination than 2 cents. ' Holding on to pagan superstition gives Rome a mortgage on your faith. ol too Smooth. The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC are so smooth and tue cars furnished so complete that you can imagine your self in your own luxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok ing Cars as they pass m rough Omaha every morning. Truth is always ready to go to war; error will run at the first opportunity. Every fact is an antidote for some foolish fancy. a. We have plenty of the March 4th is sue, we can nu your oraer. xour friends should read the sworn testi mony against the Roman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd at St Paul. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.26; 100 for 2.00; 500 for $7.50; 1,000 for $10. Have you eent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not alee? longer. Priests make use of the politician! who keep themselves ready to be used aa tools. For Sale or Trade: One hundred and ninety-two (192) acres of the beet Ohio farm land, unincumbered, for farm land in Sarpy or Douglas coun ties, Sarpy preferred. Application caa be made at this offce. Land is located in Noble county near Caldwell. Tbts is a great opportunity for some one near Omaha. A new, modern, 6 room house to ex hange for land 5 to 40 acre9 in vi cinity of Omaha. House has city water, gas, bath, good cellar. . Lot Is above grade; fruit, sidewalks, clear title; four blocks from carline. Address "Good," care American. Omaba, Neb. Do you know that Sawyer's Soap Is the very best in the market? Ask your grocer for it. Insist on having it and no other. Don't Tobacco Spit ana nitioke lour Life Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of lite, nerve and vigor, take No-T Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or St. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Re j Co.. Chicago or New York. Big guide to Omaha and Exposition at Omaha mailed for 10 cents. Agents wanted everywhere. E. P. Walker, 710 N. 40 St., Omaha. Try Sawyer's Soap. Leyden'a "Secret Instruotiona ot the Jesuits," tor 30c, and his "Secret Con fession to a Priest," for 80c, both paper covered books, are the cheapest books on the market today. Send us 60c and have them sent to your ad drees. American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. The man who praises Martin Luther and courts Gibbons or Ireland is a huge humbug. It takes patriotism to stand out against papal tyranny. Fighting truth is an old trick ot popery; and it has become an adept at it OT The Spaniards Have Retired to Their Entrenchments. CUBANS DOING GOOD WORK, General Wheeler's Reoullng I'srtles I'om aad (io at Will Mora Than 15.000 Men Now at the Fruut Aguailore 10 II Taken for a Haae. With Smrrr.K's Akmv, Juno St. via Jamaica. (ioiieral Wheeler Unlay for warded his official report of the en counter between the Spaniards and Colonel Woods' command:. The officers arc highly complimented for their dash and courage. The whole country, front and flank, is thoroughly reconnoitered and an ac curate map has been made by the en gineers. Much of the information thus obtained will be of inestimable value from a strategic point of view. Last night Ocneral Mendonea of General Law ton's staff made a recon noisance up to the very trenches of the enemy. They could plainly hear the Spanish sentries talking on picket duty. Corporal Dewey and nine sharp shooters from the Seventh infantry went out at dark last night with one day's rations towards the Spanish lines and they have not returned, but no fear is entertained for their safety. It is believed they are lying in the bushes waiting for night. At daylight this morning Lieutenant Smith of the Fourth infantry with a detail of fifty men from the Seventh infantry under. Lieutenant Dearfoo, crossed the San Juan and went in a northeasterly direction as far as Caney, or El Gautney, as it is marked upon the maps, without encountering any Spanish troops. Fifty men of Com pany A, Seventh regiment, under Cap tain Young also made a reconnois sance in force. The Spaniards have seemingly retired to their entrench ments as no pickets or skirmishers were encountered. General Lawton, General Wheeler and General Chaffee have had riders beyond our advance posts several times. Captain Wright of General Hates' staff followed the line of the railroad running out of Juragua towards San tiago to-day to within two and a half miles of the city. The road approaches within half a mile of our front and can be utilized to bring up supplies and siege guns, the first of which was landed at liaiquiri this afternoon. As soon as the remaining battalions of the Thirty-fourth Michigan and Eight Massachusetts, which will arrive ou the Harvard to-morrow and the 6,000 reinforcements sent out from Tampa, reach here, Aguadores, a town on the coast four miles west of Jaragua will be taken. The place was shelled to-day by several ships of the fleet. Aguadores is on the line of the ad vance of the army into the interior and close to the railroad. It will theu probably become the base of opera tions, while the supply base may re main at Juragua. Captain Wright, on his reeonnois sance obtained information, which is believed to be reliable, to the effect that 3,000 Spanish troops have been sent to reinforce the garrison at Aguadores. General Lawton will probably make a diversion with his artillery as soon as it is placed in position. Heavy rain this afternoon made it impossible to move to-day beyond General Wheeler's headquarters. But the roads will dry quickly, the guns will probably be brought up to-morrow and the en trenchments will be shelled by the ar tillery and by Colonel Wood's dy namite guns. The shrapnel guns will be used by the artillery. They are ef fective at 3,500 yards. The Cubans say the Spaniards are in deadly fear of dynamite, and General Lawton will see how he can terrify them. The military telcgrtiph line has been completed as far as General Wheeler's headquarters, thus placing the front in direct communication with General Shafter, who still maintains his head quarters on board the Seguranca, whereie can keep in close touch with Kear Admiral Sampson. It is probable, however, that he will establish his headquarters at Juragua to-morrow or Thursday. The Cubans under General Castillo are doing commendable work as ad vance pickets. They are thrown out, day and night, from half a mile to a mile in advance of our pickets, along the front and flanks, thus forming 8 double cordon about the army. An epidemic of measles, which was started on board one or two of the transports, is spreading to the camp, and about twenty new cases have broken out to-day. HOBSON'S CREW REMEMBERED For the Flint Time Congress Recognize Non-ConiniUftloned Men. Washington, June 3d. The Senate has passed the resolution extending the thanks of Congress to Naval Con structor Hobson, but with an amend ment including the names of his crew. This is the first time Congress has recognized men below the grade of commissioned officers. The Knn Kent Money Hume. Sa Francisco, June SO. The day after the Kansas regiment was paid off, the express office took in 8'J,700, practically all of which went home to the mothers ot Kansas volunteers, Some of these Kansas soldiers sent as much as ?::5 out of the JjO received for their first two months' service, and many gave the folks at home more than half their earniugs. Until the supply l exbaistv1. we will send to eaen subscriber sending u the names of five of his friends, accom panied by 2oj. for five sample copies of The American, one volume of "The Stenographer," a book containing the story of the life, trials, tribulations, courtship, etc., of a stenographer. The book has 220 pages, Is elegantly bound in cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grade of book-paper. We have "M of them. Get your order io early. Regular price of such a book t, ordinarily, 11.25. You get It for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't send stamps of a larger denomination than 2 cents. No-Ts-Uh for rifljr Casta. Guaranteed tobacco batitt rura, makes weak men strong, blood pure, too, tl. All druggist No rreater. no mora interesting, no mora fearless exposure of Romanism waa ever written than that penned by Rev. Charles Chlnlquy aad popularly known as "Fifty Tears In the Church of Roma." Price $1.21 Bend na $100 and get the book. American Pub. Co.. HIS Howard SU Omaha. Nab. When a man sees the truth he be holds the deformities of error. PainfuMU leers Troubled with Them for the Past Ten Years Purifying the Blood with Hood' Sarsaparilla Effecta a Cure. All troubles that are duo to impure blood yield with wontlerful prompt ness to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cradicutcs all scrofulous taints and makes the blood rich and pure. Head those words: " I have been troubled with very pain ful ulcers on my ankles the greater part ot the time for about ten years. I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and when I bad taken two bottles I could sees change for the better. I have now taken four bottles and the ulcers are well. 1 am able to attend to my work about the house without any pain, and I can rest well at night. I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla as an lnt medicine." MART A. WKD MAN, W infield, Kansas. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best -In fact the One True wood runner. Sold by all drtiRglsts. tt ; six for 15. u ji ri'll are the only pills to tike ntWU i fills with Hood's Siirsaparilla, W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. C3Hlih.ll''l!"S SALK. Hv virtue of an ordot kJ of Issued out of tue district couri for Uouulas county. Nebraska, and me di rected. 1 will ou Hit! luth day of July. A It. InSW, at u u o'ciock a. m. of said day. ai the hASl' front door of the county court house, in the city ot oumbu. Douglas county Nebraska, sell Ht uublfc auction to the high est biduur fur canh the property doacriued In said ordor of Bale as roiiowa to-wit; Lot seven IT). In block one hundred and ninety-seven (197). and also lot eight, in block one hundred and ninety-seven, (197) in erigliiul plat of the city of Omaha, us surveyed, nlutted and recorded, all In 1)oijuih.m county, state of Nebraska. S:iiii Diooertv to bo sold to satisfy Walter E. Keeler. uluintiff herein, the sum of three hundred und ninuty-thioe and 2"i-100 (.) dollurs Judgment, with Interest thi-Xeon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September UKth, and also an attorney's fee of &!!.&!, which amounts are a first valid and existing" lien Upon lot 7 in liliH'k l')7. above described. To Satisfy Walter R eKeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of four hundred and thirty, eliflit and 4S-1W) (t4.lx.-Mi dollars Judgment with Interest at rate of ten (10) ptr cent per annum from September 28, IslHi; togeth er with an attorney's fee of Itf.M, which amounts are a first valid and existing lien upon said lot 8, block Vfi, above described. To satisfy the sum ot one hundred and fourteen and S4-1IW (till. 84) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, ac nordinir to a Judirment rendered by the dls tiict court of said Douglas county, at Its siitemher term. A. 1). lsnti. In a certain action and there pending, wherein Walter K. Keeler Is plaintiff, and Phoebe Kebecca Elisabeth ttlwina Liinton, Aooipnus r reucr- lck L.ihlon. hei husband, Juiui morns, William Morris and Frank Crisp, copart ners, dolnir business as Ashurst, Morris Crisp & Company, John Whlttaker Coop er. William Isaac Shard, and John Morris are defendants. Owaua euraska, June ITtli, 1,-WH. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton et ul. Docket uu, No. 178. 8-17-5 W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National bank. SriulKH'S SALK. aj viriuu of u alia order ol sale issued out u( tue District court for Douglas county, Nebraska, auu to me directed, t will. on tue Uin day of Juty A 1) IK, at ten o'clock A. M. of raiu da, il the &Ab1' front door of liieooujiy court bouse in tL.e city of Oumua, Douglas couuiy, pie Drunk a, sell at public auctiuu to the birfuesl bidder lor cash, tne property descrloed in said order of sale as follows, u.-wu: Lot four block In 1.(4 and lot Ave block one hundred and sixty-four (161) of the Origin al Plat of the city of Omaha, aa surveyed platted and recorded, all situated in Doug. las county, state oi ieuiasaa. Said crooerty to be sold to satisfy W'al ter E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, Uie sums as follows, to-wit: On lot 4 In block 1M. above described, the sum of l,897.uo, together with an attor nev'a fe of 1189.70. on lot & In block 164. above described, the sum of $175.45, together with an attorney's fee of Which said amounts according to the ludKment of the district court bear inter est at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from September z&tn, ISM, ana are ins lien uuon said DroDerty. To satisfy the further sum of three nun dred and sixty-two and 82-100 ($362.) dol lars costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county at its oebtember term. A. L. 18!. in certain action then and there pending, wherein Walter E. Keeler Is plaintiff und Phoebe Rebecca Elizabeth Elwine Linton and Adolphus Frederick Linton, her hus band, John Morris, William Morris and Frank Crisp, co-partners doing business as Ashurst, Morris, crisp & company, John Whlttaker Cooper and William lauc snaru are deienaants. Omaha, Nebraska, June 17th, 181s. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb, W. A. SAUNDEKS, Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton, et al. Doc. 55; No. 179. Ex. -Doc. 1; Page 96. S-17-5 No man is living up to his political duties who fails to oppose the enemies of national peace, purity and prosper W. A. 8Al'NrKR9. Attorney, ilerchanta National Hank. tiKttlr ' SALK By vlrtua of a plur or..r of ii i.ud out if tiit utrlct court for Douala county. Ne braska, and to ma directed, I mil, oil the lU uar ' Julia A. I1. !. at ID u'olut'S , m. of siitd day. at tha EArVT front djor f ilia county court house, lit lit city of Uniaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. il I public auction, to tha highral bidder' I or laatt, the property described tu ml order of sale, aa follows, lo-wlt: Lot ten (in), in liliKk II v U). in 8hlnn Idittou to the city of Omaha, and aiso ot riKht IM, In blink tlirva (.1). In fallkk a Union to (ha city ot Omaha, aa aur- vrtni, ulattnl and rocordvd, all aituaiad in Douglas county, state of Nebraska. baia luoiierly to b aoiu to aatisiy uer- rll b. Collior, pluintiff haivlii, lh sum ot wo Ihouaanj lour iiuiwirj ana igniy- ix ana uu-luo ti.y iio) dollar Judgment, with interna thereon at rata of aavau t"l per cnl H-r annum from tteptomber 21. 1&L being a It rat lien upon aanl lot 10. In block i, blilnn'a a.MtUmi, rfml a aecoiul lln upon lot , in block J, 1'atrick adiiuion abov dencrihe, beinf subject to a inort- 3 a go of and luiereat on said last cue r toe J lot. To aattufy the further suui of alnety and S-IIJO im ;si cuaia herein toaetbrr 1th accruing- coats, according; to a Judg ment rendered by tha district couit of al t Douglas county, at Its September term, A. It. IS. In a certain action than and there pending, wherein Oerrlt 8. Coi ner anu nuaaeu c. aicaveitvy aim uibiii.ii . ilcKalvey, bis wild, are defendants Omaha, Nebraska. May Tin. JOHN W. M DONALD. Sheriff of DotiglaM County, Nebraaka, W. A. SAUNDKKS, Attorney. Collier va. McKeivey. Docket 67. No. 12 El. Docket Z, Fags 1CT. W. A. 8 AC NO Kit, Attorney. Merchants National Bank. StlkHlrF S HALK. By virtue of au ordei of aula Issued out ot the District Oourl for Douglas county, Nebraska, aud to Die di rected, i will, ou the Alt) day of July, A. D. 1m. at ten o clock A. M or aaiu uay. at mt KAsT frontdoor oi the county court hous m the city oi Oumba, Douglas ooduly. Ne braska, sell at public auclloa, to the bigbest bluder for canii. the property described la said order of sal as follows, to-wlti Tim imr.h oue-hair iN. ttibl tne uur.nwesi quarter ot aectluu one Ul, tuwnhip DUeeo ii." Uaiine twelve (Ul east la Uoutf aa louuiy. as surveyed aud recrdod, all situated in said Douglas county, and state of Nebraska. Bald property to oe sold tosatisiy niuwrt Keeler. plaintiffs herein, the sum of one uuu- uredaou thirty-seven and ift-loo ifl.ii . J) tol- lurs Judgment, tokellier wiui interest tuero on at tue rate or ten tnu per cent iror uuiu trotn Bepleuioer is.tu, !", togetuor with an attorney's fee amounting to tne auw ot tu.rteeu and 71-100 ild 77) dollars, wnicn said amounts the court Suds to bo a Hrst Valid and axialing lieu upon said real estate, above described lo satisfy His further suiu or tuiriy-iuur sou 10-100 i4.1U)doliars costs bereiu.ku. uer with accruing costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by tue district court oi wu Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 1HV7, in a cert a. n action tuen and there peud lug, wherein Waller a. Keeler Is plaintiff aud Pnoeba Ueuecca fcllsa.elU fclviua uuiuii and Adoipbus sredenck i-lulou, tisr uur band, are defendants. QOuiaba, Neurassa. June 3rd, jun.l to. aicirc.irift!'. Sheriff of Douglas County, Ndbrsa W. A. BaUuOeia, attorney. . beeler Va, t-lnUjn tl at. 0 f-a Doc. oil; flu.ui. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National UanK uidg-. ks HKIUKKS SAL.B By vlrtua of an plu ' rles order of sale Issued out of the dis trict court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to mo u.reuttd, i will, ou the I'.itb uay of July, a. U., 1HM. at io u'ciocs m. of said day, at the EAST front door of the county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, sell at public auc. Hon, to the IHKIiesc uiuuer )Oi' casu, tue property described ill said order of sule aa lollows, All of lots seven (7), ten iio), insrteen (13), twenty-live (iio) and thirty iju) in tun i,n, ul, am A, Krennan'B Addition to the city ot uniaha, as surveyed, platted and record ed, all In Douglas county, state ot Ne braska. 8ud nroiiertv to be sold to satlsty iiurry J. Twiiiting, plulnttll herein, the sums as follows, to-wit: un lot seven u), aoove uescnueu, me sum of tZVM. loKelher with an attorney s l. nf tl i)n lut ten (10). above described, me sum of fcS.31, together with an attorney's re or vi n.L on lot twelve (11!), above described, tne sum of together with an attorney s fee of fci.oti. On lot thirteen (13). above oescriiKM, tne sum of ii.71, together with an attorney s fee of V.H. . .. . on lot twenty-live (ai). above described, the sum of 17.S2, together wun an attor nev's fett of 11.73: alul on lot thirty (Jo), above described, the sum of together with an attorney's fee of 2.o4; All of which sums, by the Judgment of the district court, bear Interest (excepting the attorneys' fees) at the rate of ten (10) per cent from May 3rd, 1SM7, and are a first lien upon said above described property. To satisfy John A. creignton, oeienuant herein, the sum of three hundred and twentv-nine and 6-HM) dollars ( Judgment against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Kyan, with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from De. cember lSih. 1WU: which amounts are a sec ond lien upon lots seven (7), ten (10), twelve (1J), thirteen (13) and twenty-nve w, above described. To satisfy r . . I'armelee uun company, defendant herein, the sum of three hundred and sixteen and 4S-1UU dollars (.si!.iw, juuk- ment against Jerry ltyan, with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from May 15th, 13; which amount Is a third Hen upon lot tweuty-nve u), hIiova deHcrlbed. Also to satisfy Daniel conuon tne sum or eleven thousand seven hundred and ten ai.d 81-1UU dollars ($11,710.84), Judgment against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Kyan, 1th Interest thereon at rale of seven (i) per cent per annum from February 3rd. lSHi; which amount Is a fourth lien upon said described property. To satisfy the further sum or two nun dred and twenty-eight and 24-luO dollars (tJ.24). costs herein, together with se ct ulna costs, according to a Judgment ren dered by the district court of said Douglas countv. at Its May term, A. D. 1817, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Harry J. Twlntlng is plaintiff, and Dermis Cunningham, Mary cunningnarr. his wife, William Mealey, Mrs. Mealev. his wife, first and real name un known, Jerry Ryan and Mrs. Kyan, his wife, lirst and real name unknown, James J. Spellman, Mrs. bpellman his wire, nrst and real name unanown. ju lia Ooetschuls. The County of Douglas, Daniel Condon. John A. Crelghton, Mer chants National Hank. John P. Ureen John Grossman, Globe Loan & Trust Com pany, Henry Uhman, Thomas Murray, Charles Klopp, k . S. Parmelee Gun Com Danv. Farlin Orendorff & Martin Company, McCord, Brady Company, The Western Newspaper Union, Soren T. Peterson and Anna Cunningham are defendants. Omaha, Neuraska, June 17th, 18. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, attorney. Twintmg vs. Cunningham et al. Doc. 57; No. 2u9. Kx.-Doc.7m Panels. 6-17 5 Passenger arriving- at Chicago by the Chicago, Hock Isiand & Pacific H'y can, by tne new Union Elevated Loop reach any part of the city, or for a five ceat fare can be taken immediately to aty of the large stores in the down town district. A train will stop at the Rack Island Station every minute These facilities can only be offered by the "Great Hock lsiand lioute." Address JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., Chicago. Lake Linden, Mich., Feb., 21, ISM Dear Sir: I received your Atlas of the World and I am well pleased: far beyoud my expeditions. JOHN COLLING . . USE . . SAWERSCELEBf TEO SOAP Ask your Cnx-er for it an J If be doe not have tt, CUT OUT this adverUe meat and have him order it for you. We manufacture the fallowing b aids: Pure Family Soap. Floating Soap. Pure Castile Soap. FRIEND Sawyer's FOR SALE BY SAWYER & FRY, ISO Steuben St., west end PITTSBURGH. PA. Western JtjentH Adilre, Sawyers Soap, 1615 HOWARD STREET, OMAHA. NEB. THE GREAT HISTORICAL REVIEW. Current History, An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine. DEVOTED TO KECORDINO IMPORTANT EVENTS, PRO GRESS AND GROWTH IN ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. In Its Field Current His- tory Has No Competitor. Agents Wanted.ysas o miKizim lor I gents to hindlA. It appeals to lntel'uient people. Address NEW ENGLAND PUBLISH G CO., 3 SOMERSET STREET, Boston, m a a aa. W. A. 8A UNO KUS, Attorney. Merchant National Bank Blag SHEKIKK'bSALE. By virtue of a plurles order of sale Issued out of the district ucurl for llouglas county. Nehrassa. and to ni directed, 1 will, on the luth day of Jul A. I). ISM. ac ten o clock a. M. ot said day. at tne KAST front door of the county Court house in the city of Uuiaua, Dou(ia county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the hiickest bidder for caih. the property cescrloed In said ordjr of sale ai follow. to-wit: Lots fourili. Hire (5. six (Hi nine ii. tea (10 fuuttwen tUi. lif een ili), lxieu (lib, sevea- teen Hi), uiueeen iltb. twenty (sOi, twenty touri'.'li. in bloc I: 1ji2i, la Harris and Pat- t. rsou Annex Addition to the city of Soma Uuutha. as surveyed, platted aud record "d. all enured io Douglas county, suie of Nu- braaka, cald property to be sold to satisfy William H. Hrtvour:, plaintiff herein, the sum ot two hundred auu forty-four and no-lw dollar it'W..ili Juili niciit, with Interest thereon at rale of leu i IUi percent per annum from May 4to, lni, which auiounUi are a tirt valid and exUlioK Hen upon said property. To satisfy the further uui of O Hundred and Thirty-three and 86-100 dollars iflU.'vii costs herein. tOKetner wiu. accruing costs, ai.'cordlng to a judgment rendered by the disirt :t court of s.ild Uou lits county, at lis May term, A. D. lsuH, In a certain action then ana there peadiuf. wherein William tl. Krevoort Is plaintiff aud Jonat K. Harris and Kjta t. Uari. his wife, re detenu ants. Umaua, Nebraska, June 17lh. JuliN W. McUUN ALU. Sheriff ot Douglas County, Nebrasga. W. A. Caunders, attorney. Breroorl vs. Harris, et al. Doc.M. No.3-ti. 8-1T-4 W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Rank. CHEKIKR S SALE By virtue of aa alia Ooroerof sale issued out of the disirict court lor Douglas county, Nebraska, auu to tue directeu. 1 will, on the Win day of Juiy, A. D. lsw. at 10 o'clock A. u. at satd uay. st tne EAST froi-taoor ot tue county court bouse, in tne city of Ouiaaa. Liuugias county. Nebraska, sell at public auctiuu to the highest bidder for cash, the property de scribeu in said order of sale, as follows, to wn: Lot forty-three (43) In Windsor Place Extension, an addition to the city of uniaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, ail in Douglas county, state of Nebraska, Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J. Twinting, plaintiff herein, the sum ot forty-nine and N-1U (Wa.SS) dollars judg ment, with interest thereon at the rate ot ten (10) per cent, per annum from iebru ary lsu lsi7. To satisfy the further sum of fifty and 63-luo dollars (M.tW) costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a judg ment revdered by the district court ot saij Douglas county at its February term, A. D. l.'i,, in a certain action then and ihera pending, wherein Harry J. Twinting la plaintiff and John Baumer, Josephine Baumer, his wife, and Christopher iiund ler are defendants. Omaha, Neoravka. June 17th. lsvs. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney. Doc. 57. No. 24. Ex. Doc. Z. Page Twinting vs. Baumer, et sX 6-17-5 Use Sawyer's Soap. Wor'.d. uissiaanssisrsamDsaasnBaaas The best in tha.