The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 24, 1898, Image 1

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"AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We hold that all men are Atiierciann who Swear Allegiance to the I'niud State without a mental rerrvatUn.
Volume VIII.
For ?o,coo Damages for
Illegally Detaining
la the Hoae of the Good Shepherd at
St. Paul, Minn., and Has Four
Humanists on the Jury.
The case of Seline Clewett against
the Houte of the Good Shepherd came
up for trial last Friday before Judge
Otis, when the lone cd tedious task
of selecting the jury began. , The
ssheme of packing the jury with Ro
man Catholics was work-:d for all there
was in it. Ma y, however, were forced
to retire from the jury box on their own
One-half of the admissions of the ex
amined juror in a proper court would
be sufficient to preclude the sitting on
any jury of any members of the Catho
lic church. -
Attorney Butts claimed that as the
House of the Gor d Shepherd was purely
a Catholic institution, no member of
the church 6hould wan, or should be
permitted to sit as a juror in this case.
He told the court that the church
taught its members, under pain of ex
communication, to at all t'mes stand by
the church, whether they were violat
ing the law or not. He claimed, and
offered to show by their official books,
that an oath taken before a court,
where no intention was had to keep it,
was not an oath. He claimed that the
church taught mental reservation, and
that in the Hill Seminary and other
colleges, they were teaching doctrines
of murder, high treason and ptrjury,
and that any Catholic was particularly
disqualified to sit on a jury where an
institution of the church was being
F. B. Hester was the first juror ex
amined, who practically corroborated
M r. Butts in his claim that no Catholic
should be on the jury.
Mr. Hester, on examination, admitted
once having been a member of the po
lice force for several years.
He admitted being a Roman Catholic
in good standing.
lie admitted that be was acquainted
with the teachings of his church in
spiritual matters.
He admitted that he considered it a
sacrilege to bring a priest or nun into
cojrt, or in any way interfere with
their conduct.
He admitted that he thought it his
duty tj believe the word of the sisters
given in court.
He admitted that his religion made
it his duty to sustain the church against
the state; to sustain the sisters whether
right or wrong, and to protect defend
ant0, right or wrong.
He admitted that the sisters were his
superiors; that he had no right to crit
icise them or to pass judgment upon
them, and that it was sacrilege to sue
them in the stat '. court; that they were
above him, and had the right and pow
er to dettrmine for him wtat was right
and what wa wrong; that the only
persons who could rightfully try these
defendants were their superiors in the
He also admitted when asked by At
torney Butts if it was not a fact that an
cath in court was no oath under the in
structions of his church, unless there
was intenticn on the part of the affiant
to keep it, Hester answered "that
such was the case,"
He admitted that, by the teachings
of his church, he understood that an
oath was not a valid oath if the inten
tion was wanting.
Pierce Butler then took a turn at the
He atked him if he could no', as a
juror, decide imart!a1y in a case
where a sister of a priest was a party,
in a cao where people not of his
church were parlies.
Mr. Hester tald that he could.
Even if the case were Mr. Butts
against Archbishop Ireland?
Mr. Hester hesitated. He was non
plussed for a time, then, answering,
said that he should decide for the arch
bishop, which created great laughter
in court.
Judge Otis excused the juror from
further service.
The testimony of Mr. Hester, being a
Catholic, came like a thunderbolt upon
the Irish attendants upon court.
All along they have been trying to
evade their own doctrinal teachings.
All along they have tried to force their
people upon the jury, and at last an
uncoached juror unwittingly lets the
whole cat out of tbe bag, thus exposing
the entire traitorous system of the
All day Friday was devoted to the
examination of Mr. Hester.
Mr. Hester is doubtless an honest
Catholic, and answered as be had been
taught to believe was correct. His
frankness was a sad blow to the hypo
critical sect that have all along tried
to conceal their teachings.
Juror Ivey, upon being challenged
for actual bias, admitted that be had a
strong opinion, and that he would like
to dynamite and blow up the entire
building. He was excused.
Many jurors were examined who
testified in a similar itrain, who were
excused from service.
Many Catholics who were honest
enough to admit the truth concerning
the teachings of their church, were ex
cused. The whole ambition of the at.omeys
for the defense was devoted to getting
Catholics upon the jury. All day Fri
day forenoon was consumed in the se
lection of a jury, four of whom are
known Catholics. St. Paul Breexs.
Aguinald's Plan for a Republic
London, June 18. The Madrid cor
respondent of the Times gives the text
of a Berlin letter dated June 4 and read
in the cortee, purporting to be the text
of an agreement signed April 24 at
Singapore between Aguinaldo, the in
surgent leader, and the American con
sul there regarding the future govern
ment of the Philippine, an agreement
afterward orally ratified at Uong Kong
by Aumlral Dewey.
In this agreement Agulcaldo undet-
iHRlCEngrr VAuT7rl smm0& Ett"' OfiJ TVr3?f1
m vitfr , mi&msx-. mg.-. a external, tnrrmm ijhh.
takes to organize a republican govern-,
ment under the protectorate of the
United Stites with the assistance of
two or three American delegates as
counselors. The ports of the archi
pelago are t be opened to foreign
trade and Immigrants, with certain re
strictions against the Chinese.
Then follow clauses promising judi
cial and other reforms, the expulsion
and abolition of "tyrannical religious
orders," the freedom of the press, pro
tection to Spanish residents, provision
for the return of Spanish officials to
Spain and the general development of
the country.
The rebels propose to sign a procla
mation of independence June 20.
The Church Military Flag.
By far the best equipped tent and the
best attended services at Camp Alger,
Washington, are those maintained by
the Roman Catholic church. The three
chaplains there just now are the Rev.
Thomas E.Sherman of the 4',h Missouri,
who is a son of Gen. W. T. Sherman;
the Rev. P. C. Murphy, of the 9th
Massachusetts, and the Rev. Eugene
Kelley, of the 7th Illinois. Their camp
"church" does not provide room for the
audience, bat a small tent covers a
chancel only. At the head of the tent
is an altar made of boards, decorated
with pine branches and furnished with
white cheesecloth and American flags.
On Sundays the additional decorations
are ferns and daisies gathered by the
soldiers. A large crucifix hangs on
the cedar tent pole. From the TOP
MILITARY FLAG. Pine boughs
furnish a soft carpet for men to kneel
on. The worshippers were drawn up
in front of the tent. Out of considera
tion lor the Protestants of the regi
ments, Father Sherman has afternoon
sermons. Holy communion is cele
brated at 5 o'clock in the morning, one
weekday morning recently 115 being
present. Almost every member of the
r giments attend the services on Sun
days. Big guide to Omaha and Exposition
at Omaha mailed for 10 cents. Agents
wanted everywhere. E. P. Walker,
710 N. 40 St., Omaha.
Try Sawyer'a Soap.
Places It at Half Mast When
Told of Dewey's Vic
tory. Enraged Citizens Demand of the Police
That They Cause the Flag to he
Properly Unfurled.
How is This for Loyalty.
Kalispell, Mont., June 15. Editor
American: When the news of Dew
ey'ssuccess at Manila reached Missoula,
Mont., the Uni'ed States flag which
floats over the Catholic school at that
place was put at half mast by order of
the teacher In the school. The citizens
became indignant and a policeman or
dered the flag to be flaig to the breeza
properly to avoid trouble. It was nec
essary to order this Catholic teacher to
put the flag in the proper pes Hon the
econd time before she complied with
the order. P.
The Archbishop Was Boss,
A dispatch from Hong Kong, China,
to the St. Louis Globe Democrat of the
18th Inst, contained these paragraphs:
Augusti is at his wits' end. He has
frequently cabled Madrid of late that
he will be able, to hold the city no
longer. He has again shown a disposi
tion to surrender. This time, however,
he has been overruled by the archbish
op of Manila, who volunteered to go
into the interior and treat with the
rebels. The priests' attempts have
been useles, and there is nothing left
for Manila but in fall.
Failing to repulse the Insurgents In
any of the recent engagement?, the
Spaniards havt resorted U their well
known Aguinaldo is held re
sponsible for all of the recent successes,
and the Americans are denounced for
aiding1 the rebellion by furnishing him
and his followers with arms.
Tbe rebel leader bein considered
the evil genius which is encompassing
the fall of Spanish arms, several at
temps have been made to Basslnate
aim. The first attempt was made with
poison. ' A Spanish spy, who had
joined the ranks ot the insurgents, ad
ministered the poison, but beyond be
ing made very tick for a short time
Aguinaldo suffered no grave conse
quences. The spy was apprehended
and subsequently executed. Upon an
other recent occasion a Spanish prison
er made a desperate attempt to stab
Aguinaldo In camp. His attempt was
also unsuccessful, and when the alarm
was raised he started to run, but fell
riddled with bullets from the rifles of
avenging rebels.
Falling in his attempt to Influence
the insurgents, the archbishop of Ma
nila has now announced that he has re
ceived a message from God, who has
promised that the ''Yankee pigs" shall
be driven from the island, and the
Spaniards have restored to them their
own. In addition, he says that the
communication which he has received
states that the Spanish arms will tri
umph in the present con f! let with the
United States.
Ammg the other reports which
reach here, all of which have arrived
here on the British war-ship 'Linnet,
which left Manila Tuesday, is one to
the effect that the wife and five child
ren of Captain General Augustl are
among the prisoners taken by the in
surgents. It is also stated that the
Governor has resigned the military
command, owing to the disagreements
which have arisen between himself and
the archbishop, who is discouraging
every movement looking to the surren
der of the city.
Officers of the Lisnetstate that when
the German steamer Kaiserin Austria
entered tbe harbor of Manila she sa
luted the Spanish Hag. They state
that the belief prevails in Manila that
there is something in the wind, with
Germany as the central figure. They
say that German officers have been seen
walking arm in arm with Spaniards.
j They are responsible for the story that
while officers of the German warship
Irene were lunching with Spaniards
''the former stated that there would be
no annexation to the United States of
the Philippines while the present Em
peror reigned. It was on June 5 that
Augustl called a council of war and
proposed that tbe city mrrer.der The
- -p
opposition was too strong and it wag
deoided to hold out as long as possible.
It is said the Germans proposed t
remove the wounded Spanish soldiers
to a hospital ship under the German
flag, but Admiral Dewey is reported to
have replied that hitherto mediation
had always been British, and it must
ao remain.
Fired i Powder Mill.
Cincinnati, O., June 20. The finish
lshlng department of the King Powder
company, located at Kings Mills, in
Warren county, was destroyed last
night in a manner leading to tbe be
lief that it was tbe work of enemies of
the government.
The building, in which was stored a
quantity of smokeless powder, had evi
dently been fired near midnight by two
men, one of whom was badly burned
and apparently had been dragged away
from the burning building by his com
panion, who then ran away in the di
rection of South Lebanon.
Smokeless powder In the condition It
was in this department does not ex
plode, like ordinary powder.' with a
flash, but breaks into a bright light,
and burns for some time. The great
lieht attracted citizens and some o
these met a stranger going toward
South LebanoD.
The injured man was taken into cus
tody. He is apparently a foreigner,
tut is so badly injured that be can
scarcely talk.
The powder burned was not for the
government, and the money loss Is In
considerable, perhaps 12,000. This
company has a contract to supply the
government, and this is thought to be
the reason its destruction wasattempted
ol too Smooth.
The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the cars furnished
so complete that you can imagine your
self in your own luxurious apartments
at home.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok
ing Cars as they pass through Omaha
ever? morning.
Do you know that Sawyer's Soap is
the very best in the market? Ask
your grocer for It Insist on having it
and no other.
To lure t'outiiiuttloii rorover.
Take Cam-srwl Cnntlv Cathartic. 10o or 2.VJ.
tf C C. C lull to euro, Uruiiiimu r-t-M money.