THE AMERICAN i v i 1 I i A ,1 5 I Jlsl" V To all rn:ttre th ck hadel oa of Leo, the (o.lowing Urrtimony will be eatiafa tory la ibo!n ihtt certt'n eminent cotcrcandert are PrttetaiU, nd not RetnanUu a uiiiTea'.ly pro claimed by ppl prieat and paper: Montpelier, Vi , May 23 l9j-My Dear Sir I am authorized by the Hon. fjbarles Uewey of tbU city to a'ata that Rear Admiral Day la a loyal com bat muonlcaai of tae ProVataot Episcopal church, lie ia not a Koman Catholic I hope you will contradict the ttoty. You are welcome 10 use my came with Mr. Dewey If you wUh. Your truly, A. N. Lewis, Rec'or of Christ Church. A New York dally save: " Commodore Schley's name ia pro- Douocrd a If spelled "Schly;'' he comes from an old Pennsylvania family of Kheoish extraciioa, and ia a Prot estant and a Fr.emason." The Boston Trainer! pt prints this: " Rear Admiral Sampson is a mem ber of the Presbyterian church of the Covenant in Washington and of the Men's Society, which is a literary c'.ub connected with the church. He was always regular In bis attendance dur ing the several years that be waa sta-;-Mred In Washington, and took a great deal of Interest In philanthropic work." Col. Edwin A. Sherman, the Masonic veteran so well known in Boston, writes to the Masonic Tyler that at a meeting s of Oakland. Cal.. Lodre. P. & A. M . held May 7, a resolution was passed con gratulating "Our Worshipful Brother Joseph B. Coughlaa, Past Master of Solano Lodge, Vallejo, Cal., and cap tain of the U. S. cruiser Raleigh, upon being uniojired in the batt.e of Ma nila." Citizen. John Ireland's Graft. The New York Herald interviewed a prominent layman of the Roman Cath olic cnurch sojn after the recent silver jubilee of Archbishop Corrlgan, and this is what he hai to tay: '"The reason for the failure of the Vatican to send an anniversary gift is included in the story of the teace no- oca tinna Thfl nna hi ftifl ctrnnirlv f upon the other. Primarily, it should J be borne in mind that Archbishop Ire land was no 1 designated as the ambas sador of Rome. That Is the ho'y fath er did not take the initiative in the matter. Archbishop Ireland went to Washington at the time when the na tions were on the verge of war, for the purpose of raising money. As the story was explained to me on high authority, he came in contact with a prominent official of the government, in pursuit of his purpose, who proposed an exchange of good offises financial aid for the church, as against the influence of Rome, exerted upon Spain, wholly bear in mind, for the maintenance of peace. The world knows the history of the negotiations. Cardinal Gibbons, Arch bishop Ireland, Bishop Keane, and Bishop O'Connell, were the prime movers on this side of the water. They failed.' "Concerning Archbishop Ireland's going to uome and its probable mean ing, the Meads of Archbishop Corrl ' gan are puzzled and not quite serene. I was informed that they are seriously contemplating sending some distin guished layman to Rome to guard his interests from any Influence which may possibly be exerted against them. I could not gain any positive knowlede on this point, however." The Spanish Church. "Religion," remarked the traveler returned not long ago from Spain, and by the way he was a good Catholic, "as it is observed in Spain is one of the most interesting studies the modern American traveler finds in that coun try. The virgin, for instance, always wears the royal crown and ranks as a Queen. She has a household composed of the greatest ladies of the kingdom, who take care of her wardrobe, chapels, etc.; she also has landed estates, less now than formerly, which are adminis tered in her name and the revenue in vested for her cult. The savior is treated as a king, called 'His Divine Majesty,' and when the host passes by any barrack, the guard turns out, pre sents arms and the royal anth em, 'La Marcia Rial,' is played. "The wardrobe of the Virgin del Sagrario at Toledo li well worth seeing, for Its wealth I uorlva ed Vy the toilet 0' the most extravsrn', qwetis cf the world. Her mauto Kr ga a day U en tirely of ailver a. d fo'.d, with 78 OfO piarl embroidered on i, while the diamonds, rubl and emerald rcat te; ed all over It a-e vlmply ccuctleti. Her ord nary roVs for every day wear, so to speak, are quite as tp'.endU, lo all sort of color, material and decorations of embroide-y -nd fine needlework. They are pre- ti from popes, kings, queen and t e mighty of the earth. Herlmoerlal c wa, dating from the six eenth on uy, cost 125,000 In gold and workmausup, not counting the jewel', which glitter in It like the stars of night The braoeiets, made by Henrado, a famous silversmith of the sixteenth century, also cost $10,000. Nobojy knows what was the value of the gold and jswela given to this virgin by the old Qjeea Isabella, as she was, in addition, tLe virgin's mistress of the robes. "Villages boast of their cristos and of their virgins, as the Vtrgla de la Pa lomafofthe duve), de la B asca (the white lady), and o'.hers, and when rival processions meet the cocfrades have more than once Insulted the rival im age, pelted it with stones and mud and defended their own with the knife and bludgeon. Really, one can scarcely re alize when he sees things like this everywhere he goes, that Spain Is of the nineteenth ceatury. Washington, D. C, S'-ar. Romanism Elsewhere. Glancing further over the Romish horizon, we behold indications of a widespread revolt in a quarter itast suspected. It Is found cot among the laity so much as amoog the clergy, and th's, not in America, but in Europe. The notable movement in France, of which we made mention some weeks ago, is losing none of its significance; but is upon the increase. A number of priests have not been content to utter a simple protest against Romish abuses and excesses, but have enrolled them selves as studeBts in colleges In Prot estant churches in Paris and other places. But, perhaps, a more signifi cant revolutionary sign is visible In Rome Itself, where a new paper has been started, called La Nuovo Roma (New Rome). Dissatisfied and pro testing priests use it as their organ of expression. In it they complain of the spiritual degeneracy going on in the church through the supremacy of the Jeduits. But more noteworthy is that part of the paper which bears this bold heading, "Let us free ourselves of the papacy." This new candidate for pop ular favor and recognition has an in creasing patronage, being warmly wel comed by both clergymen and laymen, who send to it communications of ring ing interest and meaning. Ultramon tanes are becoming alarmed, and one of their leading journals eays: "The old, stubborn, fault-finding spirit which characterized the revolution of the sixteenth century has been awak ened." Will the former counter per secuting and suppressing spirit also be aroused? Will Rome tolerate freedom of thought, speech and action as it takes form and color in a growing re volt from its ranks? Ex. Grant's Prophecy of the Future. To the Editor of tHe New York Sun: Sir Apropos of the great speech of the Marquis of Salisbury on "Living and Dying Nations," delivered in Lon don May 4th of might not prove uninteresting to some of your readers to quote a few lines from my book, " Impressions of a Car toonist," which I am now at work on. On the occasion of a visit to my home in Morristown, in May, 1877, Gin. Grant was wont to dwell with peculiar pleasure on his early army days in the far West, and to emphasize that his then-born confidence in the great future of that magnificent section had never been shaken. This will make clear the following extract from my book, which refers to a later visit, just following his return from his tour of the world, in 1S82. "I had looked forward with the greatest pleasure, and, indeed I may own, curiosity, to Gen. Grant's return from his tour, and his promised sojourn with us, for I appreciated most fully his profound political sagacity and mental acumen, and was eager to gath er his impressions of men and coun tries, gained under advantages granted to no man heretofore. Henry F ' Therefore, upon his arrival at his hou-e, it can bi Imagined that I was not long in plunging 'In media res.' " To my utter surprise, the General Immediately launched out into the most glowing panegyric upon our West, the strides that industry and progress had made siijce his an e bellum experi ence, and seemingly could neither ex haust his aa miration of what had been already accomplished, nor prophei-y too strongly as to its possibilities " ' Well, but, General,' I broke In, ' I mean, what made the greatest im pression upon you ia yjur foreign travels? " " Without a second's hesitation. 'Nast, the Latin races are doomed,' said he impressively." Thus unerringly had Gen. Grant, years ago, analyzed and formulated the situation so perfectly appreciated and so forcibly defined by England's Prem ier in his grand speech Th. Nast. Morriston N J , June 7. RELIGION IN THE AUIEBICEI COLONIES. An Essay by Chae Roys, throwing a blaze of light on Ame lean history shows that the Jesuits were tae cau-e of all the colonial wars, Indian an French massacres of tiose times and many startling facts not generally known. In pamphlet form Price 10 Cents. Address: CHASE ROYS, Washington, D. C. Do you look over the advertisements In this paper? Hol too Smooth. The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC are so smooth and the cars furnished so complete that you can imagine your self in your own luxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok ing Cars as they pass through Omaha every morning. We have plenty of the March 1th Is sue. We can fill your order. Tour friends should read the sworn testi mony against the Roman Catnolle House of the Good Shepherd at St Paul. Ten tor 30 cents; fifty for $1.2; 100 for 12.00; BOO for $7.50; 1,000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sle.!p longer. The World's Great Blood Purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form of Impure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system Thousands of people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism, And That Tired Feeling. Remember thfo And get Hood's And only Hood's. No-To-Bae for rifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makea weak men airou. blood pure. Wo, li. All drugglala Bowers. W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHk.blFK'd BALK. By virtue of an order of late liaurd out of tue district court tor Douglas county. Nebraska, and to 1110 di rected, 1 will 00 tue l'.ith day of July. A. U. ltm. at ten o'clock A. M. of said day. at tbs fc-Aeir front door of tue county court house, In tLe cl.y of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high est biddur fur caah the property tleacnoed In aald order of sale aa follows to-wit: Lot seven (7), In block one hundred and ninety-seven (KT), and also lot eight, In block one hundred and ninety-seven, (197), In orlirinal ilat of the city of Omaha, aa surveyed, plittted and recorded, all in Douglas county, slate or Nebraska. Suid nroiwrty to le Bold to Batlsfy Walter E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of three nundred and ninuiy-inree aim ai-iuu (..::) dollars judgment, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September ith, ISMti; and also an attorney's toe of which amounts are a first valid and existing llt-n upon lot 7, In block IDl, above described. To satlslv Walter B. eKeler. nlalntllT herein, the sum of four hundred and thirly- eignt and 4K-1H0 (H-.x) uonars judgment, with Interest at rate of ten (loj per cent Ier annum from September 28, 1H; togeth er with an attorney's fee of SU.M, which amounts are a first valid and existing Hen uton said lot 8. block 1S7, above described. To s.ttlsty the sum or one Hundred ana fourteen and M-H ($114.14-0 dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, ac cording to a judgment rendered by the dis trict court ot said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 1SWJ, in a certain ctton and there pending, wnerein waiter K. Keeler Is plaintiff, and I'hoehe Kelwcca Elizabeth Hlwlna Linton, Adolphus Freder ick Linton, her husband, Joint aiorns, William Morris and rranK crisp, copart ners, doing business us Ashurst. Horns, Crisp & Company, John Whiitaker Coop er, William Isaac Shard, and John Morris are defendants. Uuiniii .ebrasKA, June 17th. ISM. joiin w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton et al. Docket 06, No. 17b. H-17-S W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHB.n.IKf a sALfe.. oy virtue of au allat order 01 sale issued out oC tue Ulstrict court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on me lnb day or July A I) 11. at ten o'clock A. u. of raid day, al th KAsT front door of the county court house, lo tiie city of Omaha, Douglas county Ne braska, sell al public auction to the hlgtiest bidder for Cain, the property described lo said order of sale as follows, tu-wil: Lot four block In 1.14 and lot five block one hundred and sixty-four (164) of the Origin al Plat of the city of Omaha, as surveyed. platted and recorded, all situated in Dong- las county, state ot iNeorasaa, Said properly to be sold to satisfy Wal ter E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sums as follows, to-wlt: Un loi. 4 in oiock 1:14. abjve described the sum of ll.897.uo, together with an attor ney's fee of i!.7i). on lot 5 in block 1&4. above described, the aum of $75.45, together with an attorney's fee of Which said amounts according to the Judgment of the district court bear Inter est at tne rate 01 ten per ceuu per annum from September 28th, 18M, and are tirst lien upon said property. To satisfy the further sum of three hun dred and sixty-two and 82-100 ($at2.S2) dol lars costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at its September term, A. D. 189B, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Walter E. Keeler Is plaintiff and Phoebe Rebecca Elisabeth Elwlne Linton and Adolphus Frederick Linton, her hus band, John Morris, William Morris and Frank Crisp, co-partners doing business as Ashurst, Morris, Crisp & Company, John Whlttaker Cooper and William Isaac Shard are defendants. Uuiaba. Nebraska. Ju .e 17tb, john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb. W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton, et al. Doc. 5a; No. 17. Ex.-Doc 1; Page 96. 6-17 5 W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHEKIFK S SALE By virtue of au aiiat orderof sale issued out of tin' district court lor Douglas county, Nebraska, and to uie directed. 1 will, on the I'.nn day of July. A. . 1). Ib'M, at 111 o'clock A. M. of said day, st tne EAST froi-taour of the county court bouse, In the city ot Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tne highest bidder tor cash, the property de scribed lu said order of sale, as follows, to wlt: Lot forty-three (43) In Windsor Place Extension, an addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas county, stato of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J. Twlntlng, plaintiff herein, the sum ot forty-nine and 89-101) (J49.89) dellars Judg ment, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from I ebru ary 1st. lslff. To satisfy the further gum of fifty and 63-100 dollars ($50.63) costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judg ment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county at Its February term. A. D. ls7 in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Harry J. Twinting is plalntitt and John Baumer, Josephine uaumer, nis wite, and Christopher Shlna ler are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. June 17th, 189. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney. Doc. 67. No. 24. Ex. Doc. Z. Page Twinting vs. Baumer, et al. 0-17-5 No man ia living- up to his political duties who fails to oppose the enemies of national peace, purity and prosper lty. W. A. SAUNPKR3. Attorney, Merchants National Rank. SIIEKIKK'." SALK-By virtu of plurlei rwr of ! 1 i. oil .if th district court for Douclaa county, N braaka. and lo m directed, I will, on the ib day ml June A. 1. l-"t. at 10 o'clock a ni. of aall day, at the EAST front door of tha county court houae. In Ui city ot Omaha, Douglas rounly, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the big heat Old ler tor caah, the property describe.! la aJ J order of aale, aa follows, to-wlt: Lot tan (lo), In block rtv (1), In Shlnn'a addition to the city of Omaha, and also lot alght (8), in block three (3), In Patrick's addition to the city of Omaha, aa sur veyed, 4ailad and recorded, all situated In Douglas county, state ot Nebraska. Said property to le sold to satlafy Oer rit 8. Collier, plaintiff herein, the sum of two thousand four hundred and eighty, six and to-luD (U,4i.60) dollars judgment, with Interest thereon st rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from September at, Isxi, beiag a first lien upon said lot 10, In block &, Shlnn'a addition, and a second llmi upon lot s. In block I, Patrick's addition above described, being subject to a ruort- Sage ot fcl.3uo.OU and interest on said last escribed lot. Toaatiafythe further sum of alnety and 71-100 if.MiSI dul.ara coats Herein Uwelbi-r with accruing costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by th district court ot said Douglas county, at lis September term, A. D. ltM, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Uerrlt 8. Col lier and Kussell E. McKelvey and Blanche L, McKelvey, bis wife, are defendants Omaha, Nebraika. May irth. IHM JOHN W. M' DONALD. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney. Collier va. McKelvey. Docket 67, No. 4Z Ex. Docket Z, Page 157. W. A. 8AUNOKKH, Attorney, Merchants National Dank. SHKK11TH HALK By virtue of an ordei of aale laaued out of the District Oouri for Douglas county, Nebraaka. and 10 uie di rected, 1 will, on the Mb day of July, A. U. lows, at ten o'clock A. M of aald day. al the HAfi't frontdoor of the county court houas in the city or Omaha, Douglas county. Ne braska, sell at public auction, to 1 lie highest bidder for caati, the property described Is laid order of aale aa follows, to-wlt: The nor. b one-half iN. Hi of the nor ;h west quarter of section one 111, towntblp Hfteen (!;' Uange twelve (12) east In Doug aa couoty, aa aurveyed and recorded, all altuated la aald Douglas county, and alale of Nebraska Said property ui beeold to satlafy Walter K Keelur, plaintiffs herein, the auiu of one uui ured anu tulrty-aeven and J.Vloo (1137 111) col lars Judgment, together with Interest there on at the rate of ten (IOi per cent per an uutn from September 27th, 18D), together with an attorney's fee amounting to tue au m of tinrteen and 77-100 113 771 dollars, wnu b aald amounts the court suds to be a tint valid and enlstlug lien upon said real estate, above described. Toaatisfy the further aum of thirty-four and 10-loo i4. lib dollare coats herein.kuaeiuer with accruing costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by tne district court 01 aaiu Douglas county, at lu Hepleiuuer verm, A. u. 1HK7, In a certa n action tuen and there peuu ing, wherein Walter a. Keeler la plaintllf aud Pnoeba Kebecca Kllzaieth blviua Lintos and Adolphus Frederick Linton, her Our band, are defendants. IJUtuaha, Neoraaaa, June 3rd, lsDH. John w. mcdo.nalu. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska W. A. Baundere, attorney, sveelef va, Idntou et ai. 8 3 5 Doc. 2i No. m W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bklg. SHERIFF'S SALB-By virtue of an plu rlcs order of sale Issued out of the dis. trict court for Douglas county, Nubruska, aud to mc directed, 1 will, on the Win day of July, a. D., Ib'.w. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the EAST front door of the county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, sell at public auc tion, to tbe highest bidder for cash, the proorty described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: All of lots seven (7), ten (10), thirteen (13), twenty-live (27) and thirty (30) In Cun ningham & Brennan's Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and record ed, all In Douglas county, state ot Ne- ora.HKa. Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J. Twinting, plaintiff herein, the sums as lunows, to-wlt: On lot seven (7), above described, the sum of $23.34, together with an attorney's ree or J2.33. On lot ten (10). above described, the sum of 125.31, together with an attorney's fee of $2.53. On lot twelve (12), above described, the sum of $20.63, together with an attorney's fee of 4)2.06. On lot thirteen (13). above described, tne sum of J25.71, together with an attorney's ree of 2.u7. On lot twenty-five (25), above described, the sum of $17.32, together with an attor ney's fee of $1.73; and On lot thirty (3u). above described, the sum of $20.46, together with an attorney's fee or $2.04; All of which sums, by the Judgment of the district court, bear Interest (excepting the attorneys' fees) at the rate of ten (lo) per cent from May 3rd, 1897, and are a tirst ilen upon said above descrilied property. To satisfy John A. Creighton, defendant herein, tbe sum of three hundred and twenty-nine and 66-100 dollars ($329.65), Judgment against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Ryan, with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from De- cemher 18th, 1891; which amounts are a sec ond Hen upon lots seven (7), ten (10), twelve (ia), tnineen (13) and twenty-live (2j), above described. To satisfy F. 8. Parmelee Gun Company. defendant herein, the sum of three hundred and sixteen and 45-100 dollars ($316.45). Judg ment against jerry nyan, with interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from May 15th, 1893; which amount is a third lien upon lot twenty-five (25), above descrllted. Also to satisfy Daniel Condon the sum of eleven thousand seven hundred and ten ar.d 84-100 dollars ($11,710.84), Judgment against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Ryan. with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from February 3rd, 1896; which amount is a fourth lien upon said described property. To satisfy the further sum of two hun dred and twenty-eight and 24-100 dollars ($228.24), costs herein, together with ac cruing costs, according to a Judgment ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. 1897, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Harry J. Twinting Is plaintiff, ami Dennis Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, his wife, William Mauley, Mrs. Mealey, his wife, first and real name un known, Jerry Kyan and Mrs. Ryan, his wife, tirst and real name unknown, James J. Spellman, Mrs. Spellman, his wife, first and real name unknown, Ju lia Ooetschuis, The County of Douglas, Daniel Condon, John A. Creighton, Mer chants National Bank. John V. Breen, John Grossman, Globe Loan & Trust Com pany, Henry Lrhman, Thomas Murray, Charles Klopp, F. S. Parmelee Gun Com pany, Parlin Orendorff & Martin Company, McCord, Brady Company, The Western Newspaper Union. Soren T. Peterson and Anna Cunningham are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. June 17th, 18V8. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, attorney. Twinting vs. Cunningham et a!. Doc. 57; No. 209. Ex.-Doc. Z; PagelllS 6-17 5 Pasenuers arriving at Chicago by the Chicago, liock Island & I'aclBc Hy can, by the new Union Elevated Loop, reach any part of the city, or for a five cent fare can be taken immediately to aty of the large stores in the down town district. A train will stop at the Rock Island Station every' minute. These facilities can only be offered by the "Great liock Island Route." Address JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., Chicago. LkeL'ndea, MUh., Feb., 21, 1393 Dear Sir: I received your Atlas of the World and I am well pleased; far beyond my expectations. JOHN COLLING . . USE . . SAWYERS CELEBRA TED SOAP Ask your Grocer for It and if ha due not have It, CUT OUT this advents meat and have him order it for yixu Wa manufacture tha following braud: Pun Family So.?. Floating; Soap. Pure Castile Soap. FRIEND " Sawyer's FOR SALE BY SAWYER & FRY, ICO Steuben St., weir end PITTSBURGH. PA. It'eatern .iynita Athlreaa, Sawyers Soap, IfcIS HOWARD STREET, OMAHA; NEB. THE GREAT HISTORICAL REVIEW. Current History, An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine. DEVOTED TO RECORDING IMPORTANT EVENT8, PRO GRESS AND GROWTH IN ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. In Its Field Current His tory Has No Competitor. A sa A at 1 J In UlnnlxJ Current Histo- A&rJIIlK VfailltJU. ryi..pind. - mag-iulu for annta to handln. It appeals to intUmal NEW ENGLAND PUBLISH G CO., 3 SOMERSET STREET, BOSTON, MASS. W. A. 8ALNOKUS. Attorney. Merchants National Bank Bids SHERIFF'S SALE. Br virtus of a pluriea ordr of aale laausd out nf th a district ivinn. tor DouKlaa couutv, NebraaKa. and to ma directed. 1 will, on tbe Huh day of Jul A. U. li. at tn o'clock a. M of ald day. at tbe k'AST front door of the count court bouae In tbe clt of Otnaoa. Douclaa county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to tne nigneai oiauer tor caan. toe property, oeacrloed in aald ordsr of sale ai follow. ' to-wlt: Lots four (4). five (51. six (li) nine iti. Malld fourteen (Ui. flf .een (IS), alxteen (16), nrr-a-teen (IT), nineteen il). twenty (20). twenty four (-). In block twu i2i. In Harris and Pat u nou'a Annex Addition to tbe city of Souih Umaha, aa aurreyea, platted and recorded, all altuated in Douglas county, stats of N braaka. ttald property tn beaold to aatlsfy William H. Brevoor:. plaintiff herein, the aum of two hundred and forty-four and 80-1U0 dollar ifci'.H.HD judgment, witb Interest thereon at rale or ten (10) percent per annum from Ha 4th, l&M, which amounts are a drat valid and exlatlnn lien upon said property TO aauary the further aum or U Hundred and Thirtv-thre and Srt-100 doliara lilXi.wi) coats herein, together wlU. accruing coats, according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Doug, laa county, at lu May term. A. U. 1, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein William 11. Hrevoort la plaintiff anil Jonat K. Harris and Uoaa L. Har U, hi wife, are defendants. O tii aba. Nebraaka. June 17ih. 1SW juhn w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, attorney. Brefoort vs. Harris, et al. DOC.S5. No.3"6. 8-17-4 Use Sawyer's Soap. Tbe lest In the World. Leyden'i "Secret Instruction ot Um Jesuits." for 30c, and his "Secret Con feeslon to a Priest," tor S0c( both p&per covered books, are the cheapest books on the market today. Send u 60c and have them sent to roar ad dress. American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. We have plenty ot the March 4th Is sue. We can fill your order. Your friends should read the sworn testi mony against the Roman Catholle House ot the Good Shepherd at St. Paul. Ten for SO cents; fifty for $1.85; 100 for J2.00; 600 for 17.50; 1,000 to $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? Ton shou'd! They should not sleep longer. Holding; on to pagan superstition gives Rome a mortgage on your faith. Priests make use of the politician who keep themselves ready to be tued A3 tOOls. 1