The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 17, 1898, Image 1

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As a Contest Between Prot
estantism and Roman
Sentiment or Member f the "Sacred
College" Also Unfriendly to the
United States-Pope Sets
. Cp Claim U Cuba.
A Special' Cabk gram to the Globe
Democrat from Rome dated June 11,
Although every effort has been made
In Vatican circles to prevent the mat
ter from becoming known, the pope is
in such a delicate condition of health
that four times during the last three
weeks Dr. Lapponi, his chief physician
warned his immediate entourage as
well as the papal camerlengo, Cardinal
Oreglio, who, by virtue of his office, as
sumes on the death of the pope, charge
f all the affairs of the papacy pending
the election of the new pontiff, to pre
pare for the worst.
It is not that he has suffered from
any specifio Illness, but there has been
a most alarming1 decline in vitality and
In strength, and that has brought
about syncope of such alarming char
acter that Dr. Lapponi expressed fear
that the aced pontiff would never re
cover consciousness.
The physician as well as those about
the pope do not hesitate to attribute
his altered condition to his grief on the
score of Soaln. and he has on several
occasions! intimated to his attendants,
and likewise totthe Marquis Mary Del
Val, theij venerable Spanish Ambassa
dor to the Vatican, that he felt that
his hour'ihad come, and that Divine
Providence would asiuredly not per
mit him to live to witness the downfall
of a Catholic nation so dear to his heart
as Spain. . ' ' ' ,
There is co doubt that the sympathy
of the Pontiff, as well as the papal
court and of 'the sacred college, are
the present war is regarded at the
TANTISM, and that a defeat of Spain
will be considered in the light of
As pointed out to me today by a for
eign diplomat accredited to the Vatl-
can, andjwho has spent many years of
his life in that capacity, there is no
power in the world, not even Italy it
self, which fromSUme immemorial has
maintained such intimate relations
with the papacy as Spain. The latter
has always been the chief ally of the
holy see in combatting the reformation,
and, since , the council of Trent, the
theology, the philosophy and the en
tire influence"of the papacy has been
Spanish rather than Roman. More
over, the three (most influential mem
bers of the sacred college at the pres
ent moment, namely, Cardinals Ram
polla, Jacobini and Mocenni, have all
spent long years as nuncios in Madrid,
and are avowedly pro-Spanish, while
the favorite prelate in attendance on
the holy father and the one who enjoj s
to the greatest degree his confidence
and affection, is Mgr. Merry Del Val,
the son of the Spanish Ambassador
The pontiff thoroughly disapproved
of the present Liberal cabinet in Spain
and deplored the policy which it has
pirsued, as well as the neglect of
which its members have been guilty In
making proper preparations for the
conflict with the United States. Pre
mier Sagasta has never stood well here,
owing to the fact of his being the grand
master of Freemasonry in Spain, while
the Liberals, whenever in office, have
Incurred the animosity of the holy see
by introducing reforms that were an'
tagonistlc to the church.
But the relations of the bolv father
with the queen regent remain as litl-
mate as intimate as ever. He is in
constant communication with her, and,
although since the rej cuon by the
United States of his offers of mediation,
he has been forced to maintain an offi
cially neutral attitude for fear of off. nd
ing the influential Catholic element in
the United States, yet he has NEVER
BOR through bis nuncios, and particu
THE JESUITS, for an Intervention by
the continental powers in behalf of
Spain, with a view to a termination of
the war. He is perfectly indifferent to
the loss of Cuba, but desires at all costs
to maintain the Queen Regent and her
son on the throne of Spain, and like
wise to secure, the retention by Spain
of the Philippine Islands, where the
Roman Catholic church owns vast
Tte holy father takes the view that; both
the Philippine islands and Cuba are, j
strictly speaking, tfie projerty of the papa
cy, Spain holding tftern from tlie holy see,
as fiefs granted three centuries ago, and
Leo XIII claims tlwt from the moment
that Spain ceases to fulfill tlit conditions
of the fief and is unable to retain coritrol of
these dependencies, the fief ceases to be op
erative, and the depehdencies REVERT
While the pontiff is not prepared to
put forward any arguments on this
score with regard to the Antilles,
where the church interests are rela
tively unimportant, he is doing so in
the case of the Philippines, and there
is no doubt that, were France or even
Germaiy to secure from Spain a lease
of the Philippines in return for an ad
vance of the money needed to pay the
war indemnity, which will doubtless
be exacted by the United States, the
theoretical claim of either of these two
leading powers might be ttreegthened
by a transfer to them of the fiefs by the
It is intimated in Vatican circles that
the unfriendly sentiments of both the
pontiff and the sacred col.ege with re
gard to America, in connection with
the present war, will be demonstrated
at the forthcoming consistory by the
failure of the pontiff to fulfill his orlg
laal intention of conferring a red hat
upon one of the most conspicuous of the
American archbishops, wco is known
We hoM that U men are Aii:ercUn
here to have teen elected for this
The Vatican take the ground that it
would be In questionable tatte to give
at the present moment to the United
States so strlkirg a demonstration of
pontifical regard as the creation of a
second American cardinal, and the
candidate for the dignity in question is,
therefore, likely to have to wat for a
new pope before h s can hope to receive
the ha'.
In conclusion, I would add on the
most rel able atd positive authority
that Leo's condition is so alarming that
the news of any great Spanish disaster,
or of a revolution at Madrid, might be
followed by fatal results, and culminate
in a conclave, that is to say, the elec
tion of his successor to the chair of .St.
Unfriendly Mexicans.
Phoenix, Arizona, June 11 The Re
publican of this city says there is a
prospect of trouble between the Mexi
cans and Americans, at the towns of
Clifter, Morenci and Metcalf. Those
towns, especially Morenci, have been
the scenes of frequent disturbances for
years. The present threatened out
break is said to be based on the sympa
thy of the Mexicans with Spain. The
Mexican population of those mining
camps has been recruited chit fly from
Chihuahua, and is said to be made up
of a class of citizens who found it neces
sary to leave the southern republic to
save their skins.
Gov. McCord lately received a letter
from Senor Maximo Gavito, the Mexi
can consul at Bisbee, describing the
condition of affairs in Eastern Graham
county, whereupon the governor wrote
the district attorney at that place, in
closing a copy of the consul's letter and
of his own reply Jo it, saying that aim
liar copies had been sent to the town
marshals at each of the above men
tioned towns In Graham county, with
the request that they use their best
efforts toward preventing friction and
asking that the district attorney oc-op-
erate in the matter.
the American should be on every
newsdealers counter. Will you and
your friends see to it in your city? Keep
asking for this paper.
wfco Swear Allrgianc to the United State, without a mental reervatin.
Fill DAY, JUNE 17, 189$.
The Manila Prelate, Caught
in One Lie.Told Another
to Clear Himself.
The Archbishop Went "Oat Like
Tallow Dip, With a Slu and a Very
Bad Smell," When Dewey Sent
Him His Own Signed
Fastoral Letter.
Washington, D. C, June 1. An offi
cial with Admiral Dewey writes a
friend in the Navy Department that
the Admiral astonished a high church
official out there at Manila very much
recently. .
The Bishop of Man 11a, "so the kt
ter runs, "bad been circulating pastor
als, urging his people to rise up and
kill 'los heretlcos' (the heathen Amer
icans,) who would not permit the sacra
ments of matrimony or the last rites
for the dying to be administered.
Dewey waited until he could fix some
of these steles definitely upon the
reverend Ananias, acd then wrote him
a note, in which the Admiral expressed
his astonishment that an Archbishop
could so far forget and debase his holy
office as to be guilty of lying, and lying
to basely, li ne neara any more oi
these falsehoods from his reverence or
any of the minor clergy, he, Dewey,
would turn his guns loose upon the
Archbishop's palace at Cavite and the
cathedral at Manila, and level both to
the ground. 1 False teachers shall ntt
disgrace the holy came they pretend
to reverence by uitaring the most abso
lute falsehoods in the name of God."
, " A Frcnoh priest, who ess a broth
er that is a chaplain in the United'
States navy, undertook to carry the
note to the Archbishop. In three days
there came back a most ar ject apology
to the American commandant, in which
the holy man denied tbat he had ever
said, or thought the wicked things im
puted to him. In rep'y, Dewey simply
etnt the Archbishop his own pastoral
letter that . he had somehow ot
tained which contained the very
words and expressions the arcb,
bishop had sworn he never thought of,
much less used. This ended the corres
pondence. But the Archbishop was
snuffed out like a tallow dip, with
sizz and a very bad smell. "Globe-Democrat.
Jesuit Working This Scheme.
Influences other than commercial
and political are beginning to have a
bearing on the Philippines policy of
this government. In the past week the
President has received very strong rep
resentation upon the subject from re
ligious bodies. The Protestant churches
are taking a deep interest Some an
niversary gatherings have adopted me
morials. Eminent ministers on their
way to or from assemblies and confer
ences have stopped in Washington and
given their views to the administration
and members of Congress, Religious
reasons against the return ot the Phil
ippines to Spain are being advanced.
The same influences are pressing the
government to take and hold the Caro
lines and the Ladrones.
Methodist ministers, who are leaders
in 'their denomination, to which the
President belongs, have called on him
to says that the moral sense of the na
tion will not submit to the restoration of
Spanish rule in the Philippines. They
declare the United States owes it to
the Philippines to give them religious
liberty. They argue that this nation
has christian duties to perform, and
that it will disregard Its obligations if
it suffers misrule and religious intoler
ance to resume full sway when it has
been almost banished, These ministers
talk with much feeling. Their convic
tions are very positive. It seems that
they are backed by considerable senti
ment of the same kind in the churches.
If this religious argument regarding
the Philippines is as widely entertained
as it appears to be, it will figure in the
determination of the government's
course. The Protestant bodies make
the point that missionary efforts to bet
ter the condition ot the natives to civ
ilize them have been prohibited in tho
PhllloDines bv the influence ot the
Catholic orders with the Spanish au
thority. They tell the president of re
peated efforts in vain to get a footing
on the islands for christian missionar
Number 25.
ies. They are about to put iorth new
efforts, and they insist that It to the
duty of the United States to at loaot
give the attempts to evangelize the
Philippines protection.
The case of the Carolines is being
used to point the argument At one
time the people of those islands were,
under missionary influences, advancing
rapidly toward civilisation. The Span
ish authorities expelled the missionar
ies, and the natives relapsed. If the
administration listens to the church
people, the Carolines and tho Ladronea
ai well as the Philippines, will be
wrested from Spain, Exchange.
Are We to Have More of Copplnger.
Washington, June 9. Now that the
army for Santiago de Cuba is fairly on
the way to co-operate with Admiral
Sampson, the entire energies of the
war department are directed to getting
ready the army Intended for Porto
Ma, -Gen. Copplnger is likely to re
place Maj. Gen. John R. Brooke, who
was first selected as the leader of the
Porto Rlcan army of invasion. Gen.
Copplnger may also be the military
governor of the captured province.
The army for Porto Rico will number
about 20,000 and will consist of both
regulars and volunteers.
Until the supply is exhausted, we
will send to each subscriber sending ua
the names of five of his friends, accom
panied by 25c. for five sample copies ot
Tbk American, one volume, of "The
Stenographer," a book containing the
story of the life, trials, tribulations,
courtship, etc., ot a stenographer. The
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on ft high grade of book-paper. We
have 750 of them. Get your order la
early. Regular price of such a hook
is, ordinarily, 11.25. You get it for
nothing if you buy five samples. Dont
send stamps of a larger denomination
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A new, modern, 6 room house to ex
hange tor land 5 to 40 acres In vi
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