THE AMERICAN. ("ASSASSINATION OF PRES. LINCOLN ? - ,W Every Person Implicated In the Diabolical Plot a Ro man Catholic. Standpoint Occupied by Ex Priest Chlniquy, .Vho was the Pres ident's Close Friend. Father Chiniquy, the apostate Cath olic priest, who has been lecturing in Baltimore. In conversation 'lth a Morning Herald- reporter, made a number of statements regarding the assassination of President Lincoln, vwhlch are not to be found in the his Vtortes of the period, and accounts for Mhat lamentable tragedy: "I am a French Canadian by birth," aid he to the reporter, "and was born In Kamovaska, Canada. In 1S09. Both of my parents were Catholics, and I was, of course, brought up In that faith. From a very early age I was destined for the priesthood, and my education was conducted with that end always In view. Having been ordain ed, I arose very rapidly In the esti mation of my religious superiors as well as In popular favor, and was soon looked upon as one of the most prom ising members of the Canadian priest hood. My work in the cause of tem perance brought me Into special prom inence, and I became widely known 'All over Canada, and, Indeed, in the Catholic church everywhere. "In 1851 Catholic bishops and clergy from all over North America met in ecret conclave at Buffalo, N. Y., and there the question was discussed, and It was decided to seize the cities of North America for the Catholic church. The plan adopted was to bring Catholic emigrants from Europe In sufficient numbers to gain control of the city governments by popular ote. The attempt was carried out to aome extent, and was successful at least In New York. It was particu larly the desire of the church to get possession of the school fund In the arious cities in order to use it for the benefit of Catholicism. The well remembered struggle for the expulsion of the Bible from the' public schools in Cincinnati in 1S70 was the out growth of the action of the conclave In 1851. "At this same conclave I was assign ed to go to Illinois with a band of French Canadian Catholics and to found a colony or. coiOnies. Colonists also came from France, and early in 1862 I founded my colony at St. Anne, Kankakee county, 111. A chapel or church was built, and we had a con gregation of about BOO souls. "In 1858, after several years of tudy and many trials, I determined to leave the Church of Rome, whose doctrines I no longer believed. It was on Saturday evening that I reached my final determination, and the next morning I went into the pulpit and told my congregation of the step I was about to take, and my reasons. After talking to them for two hours I put the matter to a vote, and all but fifteen of my 300 parishioners ex pressed their intention of following me. This action, when it became known, created no little excitement all over the country. About a year later we Joined the Chicago Presbytery, and afterward the Canadian Presbytery to which we still belong. "Previous to this Abraham Lincoln bad defended me when I was prose cuted' by the church, and when, some time after our withdrawal from the church our colony was theatened with destruction from famine, he came for ward and for our benefit delivered a lecture, in which he denounced the or der of the Jesuits with the greatest boldness. This made our former friendship all the stronger. "In 1862 a Canadian Jesuit priest was converted through my teaching, and from him I first learned of a plot of that order to assasinate Mr. Lin coln. He told me that the plot was first laid in 1861. I went at once to Washington, and in a conference with Mr. Lincoln warned him of what I had learned. He told me that he was al ready informed of the matter by Mr. Samuel F. B. Morse, the telegraph In ventor, who had heard it by chance while in Rome. Mr. Morse was not a Catholic. "About a year afterward I convert ed another Jesuit priest, who had ab solutely no knowledge of any other convert, and by him I was told the same story. I again went to Wash ington and warned the president. After the assassination, while I was in San Francisco, another Jesuit priest gave me, for a third time, Identically the same account of the plot In the order against the president. While I was seeking information In regard to the crime I met the Rev. F. A. Con well, of Chicago, who related the fol lowing: "Ninety miles northwest of St Pajil, Minn., is the little village of St Joseph, settled by Roman Catholics, nd with a college for the education of priests. On the 14th of April, 1865, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, two men drove up to the village hotel; one was the Rev. F. A. Conwell, chaplain of the first Minnesota regiment and the other was Horace P. Bennett of St. Cloud about ten miles eastward. While Mr. Bennett was attending to the horse in the barn the landlord, J. H. Linneman .who has charge of the friary, and was purveyor for the priests, told Chaplain Conwell that President Lincoln and Secretary Sew ard were assassinated. And when Mr. Bennett returned from the barn to the tavern the landlord reiterated the atatement to both his guests. "This was not later than 6:30 p. m., and the assassination of Lincoln did aot occur till about 10 p. m. Allow ing for the difference In time between St Joseph and Washington the news reached St Joseph at least two hours bafora It occurred. "Th two men make affidavit of tha feet, sworn to September 6, and Octo ber 18. 1883. Landlord Linneman, pumyor for tha prlesta, rafuaea to swear, but makes a written dilata tion. Oi toiler 20. l-iSl. tin y msned. raying that he to'.d Cj:.v.; and Mr. Bennett that be bad ha u this rumor in his store from pwple wLo came in and out: but n iiuunt remember from whom.' That latae of memory probably saved the laudio'd's l:fe. Tbe priests of St Jj$pii we e eo;nliant of the p'ot to 143:1. ua'e Liai-o.n an ) Seward. "Without a stnsle exception the con spirator were t'athoais. It is true that Atrero:h. I ayne ana liar old asked Protes'.a-t niirlsters when they ! linn, hut they had been e:i- ' "d Catholics till then. John i ....? flooth was a proselyte to n . , u ; ad sti wre Atzeroth, Payne a:v1 HaroM. But had their fa n-. ...r.-is appeared with them o . . i alo!d that would hare opened t. va of the American people to cleai.y f-e that the assassin ation of Lin-o n aril Seward were planned and execute! by J suit p Its'. The murderers were instructed to con ceal their religion. Such is the doc trine of the Catholic church. St Liguori says: " 'It is often more to the glory of God and the good of our neighbor to conceal our religious faith, as when we live among heretics we can more easily do them good in that way; or !f by declaring our religion, we cause some disturbance or deaths, or even wratn of the tyrant. Liguori Theologia, ii. 3.) "Dr. Mudd, at whose place Booth stopped in his fl'ght, was a Catholic and so was Garrett, In whose barn Booth was killed. "After the murder Father Cainlquy went to Washington in disguise. He found that the influence of Rome at the capital was almost supreme. The only statesman who dared to face the nefarious influence of Rome was Gen. Baker. But several other statesmen confessed that without doubt the Jes uits were at the bottom of the plot; and sometime this would appear so clearly In evidence before the mili tary tribunal that it was feared it could not be kept from the public. Mrs Surratt was a Catholic, and her house was the common rendezvous of the priests. "Booth, the assassin himself, was confirmed in this very city of Balti more. He was but the tool of the Jesuits. He was taught by them that the pope had called Jeff Davis his dear son, and had taken the southern confederacy under his protection. He was taught that Lincoln was an apos tate, that he had been baptized in the Catholic religion, had rebelled against It and broken his oath of allegiance to the pope. He was taught that it was his religious duty to slay this Infa mous enemy of his church. "Compare other murders known to have been plotted and executed by Jesuits with this one and you will find that they resemble each other as one drop of water resembles another. Compare the last hours of the Jesuit, Ravaillac, the assassin of Henry IV., who absolutely refused to repent, though suffering the most horrible tortures on the rack, with Booth, who, with an unset broken leg, the bone al most puncturing the flesh, writes In his daily memorandum: 'I can never repent, though we hated to kill. Our country owed all its troubles tg him (Lincoln), and God simply made me the Instrument of his punishment." "I found that the influence of Rome was almost supreme in Washington. Several of the government men with whom I conversed told me that they had not the least doubt that the Jesu its were at the bottom of the crime. They were afraid to let the crime come out lest the priests should be implicated, and in the event of their execution they knew that riots, blood. Are and devastations must follow, and these the country, in its then divided state could not sustain." Evading Real Issues. The weakness of the case of those who are vigorously opposing the im migration restriction bill is shown by their persistent refusal to meet fairly and squarely the real and es sential issue involved in the proposal of an educational test for new arrivals The protest of the German societies of Chicago and of the league recently organized In New York, as well as the arguments advanced in congress by such men as Senator Caffrey, deal with but one aspect of the problem. They harp upon the obvious and ad mitted fact that illiteracy is not al ways and necessarily a sign of vi ciousness and incapacity, and Indulge In irrelevant emotional appeals to principles which no friend of the edu cational test dreams of surrendering. That Immigration has done much for the development of the country is not questioned by any sane man. That it can and will do still more is equally beyond dispute. That an edu cational test If applied a hundred or even fifty years ago, would have barred out thousands of worthy, use ful and desirable citizens, to the great detriment of the country, is also readily and cheerfully conceded. Why, then, urge considerations that have absolutely no bearing upon the ques tion we are called upon to settle here and now? What is this essential question? Simply this, whether or not the coun try needs a rest from the work of ah sorption and assimilation Imposed by a practically unrestricted immigra tion. Today we only exclude paupers, criminals, diseased persons and con tract laborers. If we need no further restriction In the interest of the American standard of wages and liv ing, the educational test is Indeed un necessary and Improper; but those who admit that present restrictive measures are Inadequate are bound to supply a better and fairer test than that of ability to read and write, a test so perfect as to exclude all un worthy applicants and admit all worthy ones. The champions of the Immigration bill recognize that here and there injustice would result, but they most emphatically deny that any great number of desirable immigrants would be shut out or that the law would stop Immigration. Are not the labor organizations better authorities on the need of further restriction than the societies now fighting the Lodge bill? Chicago Evening Post . Tea, we have plenty of this Issue. Wa can fill your order. Ten for 10 cants; fifty for $1.25; 100 for 12.00; too tor f7.60; 1,000 for 110.00. A. T. A. PRINCIPLES. Th following ar tha declarations of prti-lU adopted by th National Coun cil or ilia A. I. A. at lva Maine. "Loyalty to trua Anieru-anmm, which know neither biith. place, ra.-a. creed, nor party. I tha nral requirement lor uieniberslup In tha American IToteotiv Asso-tallon. "Tha American Protective Association Is not a political party, and due not con trol tha political affiliation of Ita mam ber; but It teach them to b intna,.iy active in tha discharge of their political duties in or out of party line. Wcaura It believes that all problem confronting our peopla will ba bourn! aolttl by a con acientlou dun hats of tha dutiea of citl lerifhip by every individual. " tolerant of ail creed. It holla that subjection and suort to any po.lil cal power not controlled by Anvrtcmi cit izens, and which claima equal If not irreater sovereignty than the liOkernmeiit of tha lnlted Elates. I irr-coucl labia with American cttlienship. it Is. there fure opposed to the holding of offices In state or national government by any subject or supporter of uch ecclesiastical power. "We uphold the constitution of. tha I'nited State of America and no portion of it more than ita guaranle of religion hbeity, but hold till rei.gious itoeny to tie guaranteed to the inuiviuuui. ana not to mean that under It protection any un-American ecclesiastical power can claim any absolute control over the edu cation of children, growing up under the star and stripe. "We consider the non-ectarian fre public school the bulwark of American ItiHiliiKinns. tha best ldace for ttie edu cation of American children. To keep them uch. we protest against me em ployment of sublets, of uny un-American ecclesiastical power as ottiter or teachers of our public school. W condemn the support out or in public treasury by direct appropriation or by contract of ar.jr sectarian school, reformatory or other Institution not own ed and controlled by public authority. "lieltevlng that exemption irom taxa tion is equivalent to a grant of public funds, we demand that no real or person ul ik.niu.rrv im ..vetiiot from taxation. the title to which is not vested In the national or state governments, or in any ot uieir sub-divisions. "We protest against the enlistment in the i'nited Stales army. navy, or the militia of any slate, of any person not an actual citixen of the United Ktutes. "We demand for the protection of our cltixen laborers the prohibition of the Im portation of pauper labor, ana tne re striction of all Immigration to persona who cannot show their ability and honest mention to becoma seii-supporiing auwi. lean citlxens. , "We demand the change of the natural thorizing the naturalization of minora, without a previous declaration of Inten tion, and by providing that no alien shall be naturalized or permitted to vote In any state In the union who cannot speak the language of the land, and who can not prove seven years' consecutive resi dence In this country from the date of Ills declaration of intention. "We protest against wie gross negli gence and laxity with which tha Judici ary of our land administer the present naturalization laws, anu nguuisi. ui practice of naturalizing aliens ut the ex pense of committees or candidates as the most prolific source of the present prostitution of American citizenship to the basest uses. "We demand that hospitals, asylums, reformatories, or otker Institutions In which people are under restraint, be at all tim6S subject to public inspection, whether they are maintained by the pub lic or by private corporations or Individ uals. . 'We demand that all national or state legislation affecting financial, commer cial or Industrial interests be general in character and In no Instance In favor of any one section of tha country, or any one class ot tne people. CANNON LAW. 1. The constitutions of princes are not superior, but subordinate to ecclesiasti cal constitutions. 2. The laws of the emperor cannot dis solve the ecclesiastical or cannon iaws. 3. It Is not lawful for an emperor to exact anything opposed to the apostolic rules. 4. It Is not lawful for. kings to usurp the things that belong to priests. 5. TiO custom of anyone can thwart tne statutes of the popes. 6. Let no resistance be offered to the apostolic (cannon) precepts, but let them be salutileriousiy ruinueu. 7. The yoke Imposed by tne nmy see is to be borne, though It appear Intolerable and Insupportable. 8. The Fontirr can neitner be loosea nor bound by the secular power. 9. That the Pontiff was called God by the pious Prince Constantine, and that as God he cannot be judged as man. 10. That a" God he is far above the reach of all human law and Judgment. 11. That all laws contrary to the can ons and decrees of the Eoman prelates are of no force. 12. That all of the ordinances of the Pope are unhesitatingly to be obeyed. 13. We ought not even to speua to one whom the Pope has ex-communlcated. 14. Priests are fathers and masters, even of princes. 15. The civil law is derived from man, but the ecclesiastical or canon law is de rived directly from God, by which the Pontiff can. In connection with his pre lates, make constitutions for the whole Christian world, in matters spiritual, con cerning the salvation ot souis. ana tne right government ot tne cnurcn; ana it necessary Judge and dispose (if all the temporal goods of all ChristlanF. IB. A heretic, holding or teaching false doctrine concerning the sacraments, is excommunicated and degraded, and hand ed over to the secullar court. 17. Secular princes unwilling to swear to defend the church against heretics are excommunicated, and they are laid under an Interdict. 18. The goods of hertlcs are to be con fiscated and applied to the church. 19. Advocates or notaries, favoring heretics, or their defenders, or pleading for them In law suits, or writing docu ments for them, are infamous and sus pended from office. 20. The secular powers, whether perma nent or temporary, are bound to swear that they will exterminate, according to their power, all heretics condemned by the church; and a temporal lord not purg ing his land of heretics, is excommuni- C21?dThose signed with th cross for the riwminxtlnn of heretics, rejoice .in the privilege granted to the crusaders for th help or in noiy lanu. 22. They are absolved from all obllga Hons who are In anywise bound to here. 23' Whoever dies In battle against the unbelieving, merits th kingdom of heav- eli w do not esteem thos homicides to whom It may have happened In their seal for their mother church against th excommunicated, to Kin some 01 mem. Th nn 1 hollo Drlncea ar bound. both by civil and common law, not to receive or tolerate heretics, and much mora ar not to permit their rites, or other exercise of their religion, or rather, their false sect, but are most solemnly bound everywhere, to repel and expel 1 m111 Th. following temporal punish' merits are to b enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy, ana tne consequent uisiiuaiui cations for all civil acts. 2nd Intestable well active as passive (that Is, they can neither make nor will inherit h,t i left to them by others). 3rd Loss of parental power over children. 4th Loss 01 aowry, auu vhuji i""nctro granted to women. 6th Confiscation of all goods. 6th That vassals and slaves and others are from all, even sworn obligations due to ineir ioru, or anotner, 7th Capital corporal punishment, es pecially death, and perpetual imprison- 27. The canon law forbids all tolera- linn 28. That metropolitans and bishops ar to ex-communicate mm wno grants uo rtv of conscience. 29. No oath Is to be kept toward here tic prlncs, lords or others. SO. Heretics are to be deprived of all civil and paternal rights. 81. Th Pope can a,bsolv from all oaths. si. Every bishop Is ordinary Judg In cause of heresy. The reason Is because th bishops can ex-ofTlclo, and ought to extirpate heretics, and Inflict upon them th du punishments, and to this ar hound on pain of deposition. B aside ar Ue Inquisitors especially dput4 by th apostolic Fverr Mshnp In hi dine ts thought to ba, and In reality la. a natural inquisitor, iliirraiiy born inqul Itori, o a 10 hav ihe aam power with thoa already mentioned la riuw of heresy. 1L In every promts rr oath, although absolutely taken, (here ar certain con dition tacitly understood. amngt which are: 1st If 1 can; 2nd To uv th right and authority of a superior; Ird Wnen the oath suppose the honor ot th apos tolic e to be illicit. St. That the council of Trent, (th lat and great authority of Home), decree and command that th aacred canon nd all general council, a lie) th other apostolic enactment Issued In favor of ecclesiastical persons of ecclesiastical liberty, and against Its violator, all of which by this present decree it renews, and mint be exactly observed by all. EXTREME OATH OF THE JESCIT. t. now tn the prenc of Al mighty God, the blessed Virgin M.try. th blessed Michael the Archangel, tne bl -ed St. John the Hiiptlst. the holy Apost les St. Peter and bl. Paul and the fcalnt and Sacred Host of heaen. and to you. my ghostly father, th superior general of the society of Jesus, founded by Saint Ignatus Lola In t tie pontincatlon of Paul the Third, and continued to tha present, do, by th womb of th virgin. the matrix of God. and th rod of Jeaus Christ declare and swear that his holi ness, the pope, ts Christ s vlce-gerent. and is the true and only head of thj Catholic or universal church throughout the ratth: and that by virtue of th ke of binding and loosing given to In holi ness by my Saviour. Jesus Christ, h hath power to depose heretical klng, princes, states, commonwealths and gov ernment, all being lllexal without bis sacred confirmation, and they may l safely destroyed. Therefore, to the ut most of my power, 1 will defend this doctrine and his holiness' right and cus tom against all uxurpera of the heretical or Protestant authority whatsoever, es pecially the Lutheran church of Ger many, Holland, lien mark. Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authori ties and churches of Kngland and Scot land, and brunches of the same now es tablished In Ireland and on tha conti nent of America, and elsewhere, and all adherents In regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the Bucred church or ftome. "I do now denounce and disown any al legiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestant or Lib erals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. "1 do further decl.ire that the doctrine of the churches of Kngland and Scotland, of the Calvinlsts. Huguenots and other of the name of Protestant or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves to b damned who will not forsake the same. 1 do further declare that 1 will help. assist and advise all or any of his holi ness' agents. In any place wherever I shall be, In Switzerland, (iermnny, Hol land. Denmark. Sweden. Norway. Kng land, Iceland or America, or in any other kingdom or teiritory. I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heietlcal Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to destroy all their ptetended powers, legil or otherwise. ' I do further promise and dec ar that. notwithstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the mother church's In terest, to keep secret and private all ber agents' council from time to t!me, as they entrust me, and not to dlvulce, directly or Indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever, but to exe cute all that shall be proposed, given In charge, or discovered unto me. by you or my ghostly father, or any of his sac red convent. 'I do further promise and declare that I will have no ojdnlon or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver iperlnde ac cadaver), hut will unhesitatingly oby each and every command that 1 may, re ceive from my superiors In tne mtlllia ot the pope and of Jesus Christ. "That I will go to any part or the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the north, the burn ing snnu.i of the desert of Africa, or the pingles of India, to the centers of civili zation of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining and will be submissive In all things whatsoever. communicated to me. 'I do furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretely or openly, against all heretics. Protest ants and Liberals as I am dlrer-ted to do. to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will snnre neith er age. sex or condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, st: angle an I burn alive these inramous heretics; rip up the stomach and wombs of their wo men and crush their Infants' heads against the walls In order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, 1 will se cretly use the poisonous cup, the strang ulating cord, tne steal or tne po.nara. or the leaden bullet, regardless of the rank, dignity or authority of the person or per sons, whatever may be their condlt on In life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood ot tne noiy iainer, or mo society of Jesus. In confirmation or which I nereoy dedi cate my life, my soul and all corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name, written In mv blood. In testimony there of; and should I prove false or weaken In my determination, may my brethern and fellow soldiers ot ine muiiia oi ine pops cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all th punishment that can be Inflicted upon me on earth and mv soul be tortured by demons In an eternal hell forever. All of which I 'io swear by the blessed trinity, and blessed sacra ment which I am now to receive, to per form, and on my part to keep Inviolably; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these, my real intentions, to keep this my oath. In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the eu charlst, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger, dipped In my own blood, and seal in the face of this holy convent. mi raeives the wafer from the super ior and writs his name with the point ot his daeaer. diODea in nis own oioou, ia.- an from over th heart. CARDINAL'S OATH. t. n -A Inal nf tha TJolv Un. man church, do promise and swear that. rrom mis time io in hiu i mjr mo . will be faithful and obedient unto St. r. it,, hrtlu nr,tnll Roman church. and our most holy lord, the pop of Rome, ana nis successum. chuiui:io and lawfully elected; that I will give no advice, consent or assistance against th pontifical majesty and person; that I will never Knowingly ana huyiucuij, i ui" Injury or disgrace, make public the coun cils entrusted to m by themselves, or by messengers or letters: also that I will giv them any assistance tn retaining, defending and recovering th Roman . w. ...urali Af Trtljr with all in y iinsiii. , . . - -, - ---- rtghti and privileges of my order will allow 11, ana will ueieuu mciu their honor and state, and I will direct and defend, with du form and honor, th legates and nunclous of the apostolic ee in th territories, churches, monas teries and other benefices committed to mnA T will nnrrilatlv nwin. TjJ W "UftS gg-v A - - - v - - r- erat with them and treat them with honor in their coming, aoiaing ana re turning, and that I will resist unto blood . . .. hatnAVAi who shftll sttemnt anything against them. That I will by every way ana uy eveiy uienun dwob w preserve, augment and advance the , . vamo r,li'tlA0- th nth rtrt f V of the' Holy Roman bishop, our lord the pop and nis oeiore meniionea succes sors, and that, at whatever time anything shall b decided to their prejudice, which Is out of my power to hinder, as soon as I shall know that any steps or measures have been taken in the matter. I will make It known to the same, our lord or his successors, or some other person by whose mean It may be brought to their knowledge. That I will keep and carry out and cause others to keep and carry out the rules of the holy father, th decrees, ordinances, dispensations, reservations, provision, apostolic man date and constitutions of th Holy Father Bextus, of happy memory, a o visiting- th thresholds of th apostl at certain precrlhl times, accord ng to th tenor of that which 1 hav just read through. That I will w-k out and up prosecut and right lomnl u iMtraeruturum et impiignatui umi agatnat heretic or achtumatii' wao oppose our lord, th pop of Home, and b.s bfi mentioned u.'cemor. and till 1 will do With every possible effort." (Signature) then sent to th PB. BISHOPS OATH. "I. lect of th diocese, from henceforward will b faithful and obedient to Hi. Peter th Apoatl and lo ti Holy Roman church, and to our lord, the holy pop ef It. una. and to hi successors, canonically enter ing, I will neither advlt a. consent nor do anything that they may lose III or mem ber, or that their persona may be ied. or hand In an wise laid upon them, or any Injurlc onered to tnein. under any pretenc whatoevr. Th counsel with which they shall Intrust ine by tncni-eivt-s. their nu'SKPi.Kera or letteia 1 will not knowingly reveal to any, t.j their ptejuilli. 1 will help them to drfand and keop the Roman papacy and the rovaltl-- of St. Peter against all men. Th l gat ot tha apomollc e. going and com ing. 1 will honorably treat and help in his necessities. 'I he riaht. honot a privi lege and authority of th Holy Roman church of our lord, th pope, and his aforesaid successor. I will endeavor to pieserv. defend, lucre and advanc. I will not ba In any counsel, action or treaty. In which shall b plotted against our said lord and Roman church, any thing io the hurt or prejudice of their persona, rutins, honor, tat or power, and. If I shall know any inch thing to be treated or agitated bv any whatso ever. I will hinder It to my utinoii. and as soon a i can, i will signify It to our lord. Tha ordinance and niandute of th pope, I will obaerv with all my might and causa to be observed by other. "Heretics, schismatic and tebels to our aid lord or hi successor, 1 will to my uimoHi persecute and oppose. "Heretic, schtsmtitlco et lebellcs eld- em lximlno noHiro vel succexsorlbus pr dictia pro posss perseuuar et op; unliatio." i win come to a council w hen i am called, 1 will visit the threshold ot th THE FENIAN'S OATH. "I swear by almluhtv God. bv all In heaven and eirth, by the holy prayer book of my holy church, by the bla.aed Virgin Mary mother of God. by hr sor row and grief at the cros. by her tears and waluiiKs, by the holy apostle St. t'eter and I'.iul. by the glorious apontla of Ireland St. Patrick by th biesed and holy church of all age, by the huly national martyrs, to tight upon th Irish oil, to fight for the Independence of lanu to tight until l die, wailing in tn red gor uf the SaHSunach i Protestant) for the glorious cause of national. ty ; to tight until nut a single vestige, track or footstep. Is left to tell that the holy soil of Ireland was ever trodilen by th 8a enach tyranta and murderer; and. more over, when the Protestant robbers an I brutes In Ireland shall bo murdered and driven Into the sea like the swine our Iird Jesus Christ caused to be drowned, then we shall embark for, and take Lng- latid, and root out every vestige of t.i accursed blood of the heretic adulterer, Henry III., and nones uuraelve of th beasts who have so long kept our Island of saints Old Ireland In the chain of bondage, driven us from her shore, ex ile Into foreign lands. I will wade in th blood of Orangemen and heretic i Pro testants) who do not Join u and become ourselves. Scotland too. having given aid and suq- cor to the beast, wa Khali live In h ir gor. We shall not give up until we have re stored our holy faith all ovar the Br.t sli isles. To all of th s I a ncerely and conacien- touslv wear with my eves bllnJed. not knowing who to me administers tldi oath. apostles every three years and give an account of our lord of all my pastoral oftioe and of the things belonging to my diocese, to the iJlsciiiine or my cieigy and people. 1 will In ilka manner humbly receive and diligently execute th apost olic commands. If I am detained by a lawful Impediment, I will perform th aforesaid by a member of my chapter or a orient of mv diocese, fully Instrui ted In all thing above mentioned. The pusses- sions belonging to my table. I will neitner sell nor otherwise alienate without con sulting the hun. mi piiniiii B'i ne.p uia God and these huly gospels of God." (Signature), Bent to the Romish Manager. PRIEST'S OATH. l , now in ,un ii-;.7u. .7 ui Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, "I ine uieaseu micimd hit niiiiai.Knii n.w blessed St. John the Hiptlsi. thi H'ly .. , at l ...... - an.l u l,,,,l nnil th Saints and the Sacred Hosts ot Heaven, anu io you, my ioru, i uo ueviaio uum ... t. .... ... .iihnnl munlal ri,rvii linn my urai i, ,,i.,jui in. ... . ......... ... .1 i Chriara tii r. irnnrii 1 llllll HIW lli'f v, iiiii... " - .w.. n. and is the true and only head of the uni versal cnurcn iiirouguuut mo ctuif,, nm 1... ,!.,, ,,r ilia Iiav, f lilnillnif luai, iij iimi ... ..... ... j ... a .1 I ..ln. i.,An hli h.i Inn,, Kv .(Paul anu luiiniiiH itcn m.i .-,. Christ he has power to dep s heretical kings, princ es, states, commonwta thsand governments, ail ueuig iueai wiinoui m sacred confirmation, an t that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power. I will defend thl doctrine and his holiness' r ghts unl cus toms against an usurpers oi me i ant authority whatsoever, especially against the now pretended author. ty and -i? - i t.. inn.i .nH oil clhArAiita tn fliurcu in r.iminiiu oil' --. - regard that they be usufpalandheretlcals, opposing me sacreu niuuicr ui uw i-uni-'i of Rome. ,, "1 do denounce and disown any allegi ance as due to any Protestant king, prince or state or obedience to any of their Inferior officers. 1 do further de clare the doctrine of the church ot Eng land, of the Calvanlsts. Huguenots and other Protestants, to be damnable and those to be damned who will not for sake the same. ,,, t , "I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his holi ness' agents In any place wherever I shall be, and to do my utmost to extir pate the Protestant doctrine and to des troy all their pretended power, regil or otherwise. I do further promise and de clare that, 'notwithstanding I may be per mitted by dispensation to assume any heretical religion (Protestant denomina tions) for the propagation of the mother church's interest, to keep secret and pri vate all her agents' counsels as they en trust me, and not to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by owrd, writing or circum stances whatsoever, but to execute all which shall be proposed, given In charge or discovered unto me by you, my mot reverend lord and bishop. "AH of which I, . o waI b the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacra ment which I am about to receive to . -, iraMan Inviolably. aPnd o7c.ll V allThV Heavency ana aiort ous Host of neaven io uuw Intentions to keep this my oath. "In testimony whereof I tag this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Euch arist and witness the same further with my consecrated hand. In the presence of my holy bishop and all the priests woo assist him In my ordination to the priest hood." OATH OF THE CLAN-NA-OAEU The folllowtng Is the oath taken by the members of that famous Romish Catho lic society: , "I (name In full) do solemnly swear in. th presenc of Almighty God. that I will labor whll life Is left in me to establish and defend a republican form of govern ment in Ireland; that I will keep secret the names and everything connected with th Irish brotherhood from all not en titled to know such secrets: that I will obey and comply with the constitution and laws of the same, that I will pre serve the funds of this order for th cause of Irish revolution alone, as speci fied in the constitution: that I will deem it my special duty and mission to pro mote and foster sentiments of the union. brotherly love, nationality. Irish. I take this obligation without any mental reservation, noiums nn ccm, -ever binding upon me. and that any vio lation thereof, or desertion of my duty to the brotherhood is Infamous, and merits the severest punishment, so help m find " ' This oath the candidate Is abjured to keep at the haiard of his llf. It wa; printed in the Chicago Inter Ocean and was worn to be correct at th Cronln trial. It was reported by said paper No vember 17. ISM. rrlests and bishop aot as cbapl1 tor thl holy (T) order. Still United. i'ARlS. Jan. ft. During tha in tha Chamber of Deputlea today the estimates of the department public worship M. Uerard deaoaa the dangers of clericalism. The premier, M. Ml Ine, deolafat there ws no (round for such fara Continuing, be denied the govern was composed of clericals, or that at was under pontlflrlal direction, adduafj that the so-called clerical peril wai only put forward to divert attanU from tha socialist and revoluUoMff perlt. Ex-Minister Goblet then rnovet tft separation of the church and tat which was uefeated by l9 to 191 TOts 8ovril members denounced tha latest ferenct of Chief Rabbi Zaddorkaaaa km te ICsterhaxy affair, whereupon C Mellard replied that If the chief rafctt had acted Improperly he could ba t prlved of his salary. M. da Many called attention ta Ita propaganda of English and Oirau pastors in various parts of Franca, a nouncliig them amid applauaa aa "spies ' and as being a veritable to the existence of the fatherland." The estimates were then adopted. M. Dutrtex moved the denunciation of th cousoruat (or understanding fca twen the French government and taa Vatican). The motion was defea4 bv a vote of 316 to 171. The World's Great Blood Purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form d Impure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your systeo. Thousands of people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria Catarrh, Rheumatism, And That Tired Feeling;. Remember thb And get Hood's And, nnlv Hoodl To the Klondike. Thousands of adventurous spir its will start fur Alaska in the next three months. The wisest will take the BURLINGTON ROUTE via Billings. That b the shortest and quickest line. Folder about Klondike at TICKET OFFICE, nn ST J. B. REYNOLDS, Faas'r AgenV SUnion Elevated Loopi Chicago It runs on Van Buren St directly in front of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station Passenger arriving In Chicago Can. y lf new Union Elevated Loop, reach as rtJ lb city; or. for a 8 t cent fare, caatt immediately to any of th larg star la th down town district. Ail Elavatcd Traias will stop at tb "la Iiland" Station. Train Try nlnnt. These facilities can only be offered by tha "GHKAT ROCK ISLAND ROCT? if you will send a J cent (tamp for imtm we will mall you atone a nw blrd'a-ay n of t hlcago, Juat lsud la color, wale shows you juat what you want to know abaaa Chicago and th new Loop and Elevat4 B tern, ihi map you should bar, whether yea 11 out of the city and ex i act to com M IV or whether you Uv In Chicago and yoa at your friend contemplate making a trip. Add rea JOHN SEBASTIAN, O. P. A, tM7-f if cht9g KHHSflS CITY, FOR ST. LOTOS SawS1 SOUTH and SOUTHEAST Ticket Offirt. I. E. Corsfr ISta aid Finm R. FOR INDIAN TERRlTOrTt THE CHEROKEE STRIP, OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH LITTLE ROCK and HOT SPRINGS, ACL I Tidit emu. 1. 1. Cerur 13U ui Pima a Mop JV.