The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 20, 1898, Image 8
THE AMERICAN P. AMADRID DISPATCH THAT IS NOT DENIED. IS GUARDEDLY CONFIRMED. A Lara: Nsaaber Arls TuU Wr TkM aed f (pa 11 Mbilni Was ! Cut lb t ! 1h tpaaUh rise Mill Hedging ! -WulU Mitkl'Ml j NiPRin, Mr 20. A Havana die patch says Hantlajjo de Culm wst bom barded, but Utile damage u dun. Chicago, May lft A dispatch to the Chicago Newa frtun Washington says: Although nouiiup ofllcial l g-lyeo oat at the nary department, the opinion la eaatiously expressed that the reported lion bard me nt o( Santiago de Cuba la probably true. A large number of American ts aela are there and one of the special missions to which they have been as signed la the cutting of the cable from that port The outlook for a naval battle with in twenty-four hours Is considered promising. New Yohk, Mar 19. A dispatch to the New York Times from Washing ton says: Admiral Sampson Is now, It la said, In a position to be regularly and frequently Informed of the ap proach of the enemy, and the Spanish admiral is now or will be cut off and unable io turn In any direction with aafety. "We are bound to come np with him," said a prominent naval ofllcer, "unless he decides to ran for our coast But that will only defer the inevita ble meeting for a few daya. The longer he runs and dodges, the shorter becomes Lis supply of fuel Once that U exhausted, he has no plaoe to which ka can resort for supplies except Ban Juan or Havana. "lie way select either port he pre fers If it be 1'orto Rico, Sampson , would return and resume the bom bardment 1 do not, however, believe Admiral Cervera will permit hia fleet to be bottled up In a harbor and belled where it cannot maneuver. That would condemn htm for -uosea-lanlike conduct and for criminal waste of the powder cf his fleet" POLO IN CANADA. sTrssnlsr LaarUa States tke Canadian Oassraassat's rosltlon. Ottawa, May SO. Mr. Charlton, a Member from Ontario, called the gov ernment's attention to the presence In Canada of Senor J'olo y Uernabe, late Spanish minister at Washington, who aeemed to be actively engaged In at tending to an office of war. A few days ago one Downing was arrested a a spy In Washington and committed ttlolde, and it is feared that the pres ence of Spanish officials here might lead to complications as being consid ered a breach of neutrality. Premier Laurisr replied that 'the government had no knowledge that Bernabe had done anything to war rant interference by the government; at any rate, the attention of the gov ernment had not been called to the Batter. The British empire had al ways been the asylum for refugees voder any circumstances. So Ion as the Spanish ambassador did not abuse Canada's hospitality the government Aid not conceive that it was in any bound to take notice of hia preaenoe here. ILLINOIS TORNADO. JSevea Kill aad oy Injarwc la Ogl Coast? by tke Wis Bockfokd, I1L, May SO. Eleven people are known to be dead and forty tally Injured as the result of a tor nado that swept over Ogle county last night The storm came from the southwest and was from 3 K to 400 feet wide. It leveled everything In its path.dsmollshing hundreds of farm bouses and bsrna and killing much live stock. The storm waa severest at SUUman Valley, where it wrecked fifteen buildings, two churches, and a depot Great damage waa also done at Ade line, many buildings being razed. The railroads report many washouts. Tel egraph and telephone wires were bad ly effected. Oar rowing Japanese Trad. WAaniaeTON, May 50. The com merce of the United States with Japan baa grown more in the last year than that of any other nation. The annual returns of the foreign trade of the mpire of Japan Just received by the bureau of statistics shows that the Imports into Japan from the United Btatca increased from tS,18S,?&) In 1896 to $13,519,818 in 18K7, while her xporta to the United States increased from $15,706,170 in 18S6 to f26,Jlb,20S In 1897. iBipeetor aehaaek Dead. Chicago, May 80. Inspector Mich Mi John Schaack, who was the best known member of the Chicago police force, with which he had been con nected thirty years, died last night of diabetes and inflammatory rheuma tism. His estate is valued at $350,0 JO. A Brlttsk KoldUr Shot by Spaniard. Gibraltar, May 20. A number of British soldiers while out boating yes terday, attempted to land ou Spanish territory, whereupon a sentry tired cpou thcui and wounded one man. fiill BEFORE DEWEY'S TIME. lb rhlllppln Ma Bona a Mmbii iMja. ViSiorrtK. II C, May '.'0. It ap pears from information brought by the steamship Kinprvts of India that the Spanish did a little bombardon.' on their own account tu the I'hilip pinrs about a fortnight before Admiral lrwey silenced their fleet About the middle of April, ssys a Manila report, Spauiah wanhip went duwu to Cebu, where they bombarded the city. The troops met no oppoaitto i on tsnimg. the rel-els having tied before a shot was fired, taking with them, it is said. $.'00,000 in eskb. About thirty na tives were killed in the bombardment, but no Kuropean casualties are re ported. The fore gners in busiuess In (bu, hoisted their national flag over their premises and thewi were re spected by the hpsnUh admiral tebu, which ranks third io the cities of the Philippines, was wrecked by the bombardment A niasscre of rebels by the Spanish also preceded Admiral Iewey's volley. An account from Manila ssys: "The other day a panic was occasioned In the city by the report thst the suburb of Tonde had risen. All the doors and windows were closed and the civil guard paraded the streets. The real cause of the panic was afterwards dis covered to be a surprise by the civil guard of a meeting of Insurrection ists in a house In Calle de I a mil a. The civil guard opened fire upon the rebels and at the same time burst open t! doors of the house. The rebels offered stout renistence with the long knives and axes, but the volleys soou settled matters, eleven natives being killed. Kight of the guard were wounded and later two died. Subse quently sixty or seventy persons were captured and shot without loss of time. ' It Is estimated 200 rebels es caped Into the country. Two compa nies of the Third native regiment were also sent In pursuit. Risings In Bolinao, Zambsles, have been sub dued, Spanish troops having killed thousands of Indlaus and hundreds of women and children." MISSOURI TROOPS MOVE eeead Baglmanl of Velentners Off tot I hlokanaaog. Camp St&tuinb, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., May 20. The Second regiment, MUsouri volunteers, broke camp yes terday afternoon and marched across the reservation here to the depot, where they took three specials that will convey the first Missouri infan try soldiers to the point of mobiliza tion at Chlckamauga. Two weeks of camp life with no equipment furn ished by the government has made the boys' hardy but not a little ragged. Each company had three days' travel rations, hardtack and corned beef, is sued to them, besides tea days' field rationa The First regiment will leave to-day, while the Third still has no orders. CONGRESS AWAITS NEWS H Adjournment Will Be Considered Colli After Ike Naval Battle. Wasuinotok, May 20. The opinion of the leaders in Congress is that un til they know the result of the naval battle, which is to take place when ever Sampson and Schley catch the Spanish fleet final adjournment will not be considered. TO FALLS CHURCH, VA. Traasportntloa for Ike Twentv-ieeond Kansas Has Booa Forwarded. Topkka, Kan., May 2a Colonel Lindsay of the Twenty-second Kansas has been notified from Washington that transportation to take his com' mand to Falls Church, Va, has been forwarded to him. CHARLESTON DELAYED. A Trivial Aealdaal 1 antes tke -n to Pat Bath to Start Itlantl. - Sak Frascisco, May U0. On ac count of a trivial accident to her con densers, the Charleston put back to Mare Island to-day for repairs. She will not get to sea for two days. Barred From ntlatoorL Jefferson Citt, Mo, May 2a State Superintendent of Insurance Orear to day refused to license the Woodmen of the World of Omaha, Neb., to do a fraternal and beneficiary insurance business in Missouri for 1893. The refusal was made on the ground that the constitution and by-laws of the company do not give it a representa tive form of government as required by section 1 of the fraternal insurance law. Tornado at Paabody, Kaa. Wichita. Kan., May 2u At 6:20 last night a storm approaching a tor nado in violence struck the west side of Peabody and destroyed many small residences and outbuildings. No loss of life is reported. Ulod by Persons Unknown. Topeka, Kan., May 20. The cor oner's jury in the J. & Collins murder case returned a verdict 'to the effect that Collins was murdered by. un known parties. Cklaf Harrlgaa Bealces. St. Louis, Ma, May 10. After forty years of service on the St Louis police department, the last ten being at its head, Chief Laurence Harrigan to-day resigned his position because of ill health. Wriggling Wormt Here Again. Emporia, Kan., May 20. Within the past two days, what is supposed to be the web 'worm, which did so much damage last spring, has made lis ap pearance, and in some instances has stripped entire orchards of every leaf and bud. Uncle Sam Says This is America's Greatest Medicine. it win Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good it is sure to do you. " Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. AU druggists. W. A. 8AUNDKK8, Attorney. Merchant National Bank Bid. SHUtlKK B Hals.-By virtue of an order of tale Issued out of the district couM fur Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me dirt"-led I will, on the -1st day of June. A. It. IHW at 10' o'clock a. H. of said day. at the K.AtT front door of county-court bouh. In tlit city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, tell at public auction to the high eat I Idder for cash, the property described In aald order of tale aa follow, to-wlt: Lot three ,3i n block four (41 In Foster's Addition t l the city of Omaha, aa surveyed, plaited and recorded, all la Douglas county, state of Nabraaka. Said property to be sold to satisfy James W. livoraky. plaintiff herein, the sum of One hundred and Slity. eight and (Moo dollars ifltlK.Uii) Judgment, with Interest thereon at rale of ten Jul percent per annum from Feb ruary 1st. 1897, tot ether with an attorney's fee In the sum of Sixteen and SO loll (118.801 dollars, which an ounts are a second valid and existing lien upon raid property (tuhie-t only io the linn of the Kuriutrt Loan it Trust Company with Interest). To tatttfy the Farmers T.oan A Trust Com- 8 any. defendantahereln, the turn of one bun red and aeventy-nipe if I7 K dolltr Judit ment. with lnte.reat thereon at the rate of ten 1 101 per annum 'roin Haute . berTTtb IHU7. toetner with an attorneys fee of seventeen and Ml UK) if 17 tail dollar which aald amount are a third valid and exlatlng lien upon said above described property. To atlafy the turn of alxty-four and m too dollar coat herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the dlatrlct court of said Doug la county, at It September term. A. D IKH7. in a certain action then and there pendlns. wherein James W. Dvorsky Is plaintiff, and Uliarle T. Uorman. Mrs. Oorhaui. hit wife. Hrat and real name unknown. The Farmer Loan & Trust Company, a corpora tion onanlr.ed and exlutlnn under tbe laws of theHta'eof Iowa, defendant. Omaha, Nebraska. May Mth, lmw. joh w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Hwunden. attorney. Dvoriky . Gorman, et al. Doc. 01 ; No. lOi. 5-20-5 NOTICE. tn the District Court of Douglas county. Nebraska. William 9. Punterson, plaintiff vs Mattle Fanderf-n. defendant. To Mattle Hunderson, non-resident defend ant : You are hereby notified that on te 9th da v of Miiy. lKliH. William S. Handerson. nlaln ttfT herein. Hied a petition In the District Court of Dourlas County. Neb., the object and prayer of which are to otitain a divorce from you on the ground that at the time of the marr age between tbe platmltTand your self you were physically Incompetent to per form the sexual dut'eof a w'fe to a husband by reason of physical deformity, and for such o'her relief may be luat and niultable. You are required to answer said netttlon on or before the 27th (lav of June, mm. WILLIAM H. HANDEKSON. Plaintiff. 5-20-4 By Edson Klch, bis atfa rney. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANT In I t District Court of Douglas County Nebraska. Huale J. Mclntvre. plaintiff, vs. Thomas B Mclntyre. defendan. ToTboroa K. Mclntyre You will take notice that on the luth day of May. 18W. I caused a petition to be Hied la this court aralnst you. praying for a divorce from you on tbe grounds of detert'on and wantonly an cruelly neglecting and tefuslng to fur nish ire with reasonable maintenance, you being of sufficient ablll'y i to do.and that unlets you answer aald petition on or be ta's tbe 27th day of 'une, im. vou will tie In default, nd the alienations or salA pe tition will be taken as true, and judgment entered according to tbe prayer of said peti tion. Omaha, Neb., May 20 b. lHSH. SUM SUSIE J. McINTVKE. I. II. ANDKEWS. Attorney, (OttNew York Life Building. SBERIFK'S SALE. BY V1RTDE Or AN order of tale issued out of the district, court, for Doudat county. Nebraska, and t me directed. I will, on tbe 14th day of June, A. D. at 10 O'clock A. at. of aald day at tbe EAST front door of the county cowrt house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas count Nehraka. sell at public auction to the bias es! bidder for cash, the property described hi said order of tale as follows, to-wlt: Lot number two (Si In Block number three (3) In the First Addition to tbe city of South Omaha as surveyed, plstted and recorded, all In Douglas County State of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Nellie Burgstrom plaintiff h'reln. tbe sum of twelve hundrfd and thl't j-three and s-PM ($1.23305) do lart judgment. To atlsfy the further sum of twelve and 48-100 dollars ($12 48) cost herein, to gether with accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term. A. D. 18D7. In a certain action then and there pendlne. wherein Nellie Burgs' rom 1 platw t ff and Harry Johnson, a minor. Is defend ant. Omaha, Nebraska. Mav nth. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County. NebrasKa. I. R. Andrews, attorney tor plaintiff Burgstrom vs. Johnson. Doc. 00: No. 125. 5-13-1 W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank. QHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an alia. order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebras ka, and to me directed. I will on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1S9S. at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the property described In said order of sale a follows, to-wlt: Lot forty-three (43) In Windsor Place Extension, an addition to the cltv of Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and recorded1, all In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J. Twlntlng. plaintiff herein, the sum of forty-nine and 89-109 (149.89) dollars Judg ment, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent, per annum from Febru ary, 1st. 1897. To satisfy the further sum of fifty and 63-100 dollars (150.(3) cost herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judg ment rendered by the district court of said Douglas countv at Its February term. A. D. 1S97., In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Harry J. Twinilng la plaintiff and John Batimer, Josephine Baumer, his wife, and Christopher dhind ler are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. May 13, 18"t. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb. W. A. SACNDERS. Attorney. Twintlng vs. Haumer. et al. 613-5 Doc. 5J. No. 24. Kx. Doe. Z. Paga To Tore 4'oiKttpatlon Kerever. Take C.iM-aifit Cumlv CuliiaitiC, lou orSta II C CC tali to cure, druijgihU refund money A. SAl'NUKR. liaiit NaU'.ini Dank HMir loHKIIIrm i4AIK-ly virtu.- .f n I'lu 1 1 1, s oil-r of ml- fnol ou; f lh- trt. t rourl f..r tnugl miniy. NVI.ra-k. nt to in.- Hrrl. 1 out. nn lb.- let it ! uf June. A. I !. A l. Is-", ft le O'lte k a. m. of ai.l 'lay. at the K.T froii- .liH.r .f th.. -ouiitv -oiiit houiM- to the 'l:y of iiiiiaSa, l..oijlas i-oumy. at jioblir at' thiti, i tbe lnhei li. liter fur rauli, Ihe .nii-riv i. llie.l In aalil ofler uf le as fitlluM . Ii-Ut : All of lm -ven 7l, len llot, tti:rte.-n 1131. iweniy-llve (i'.i an.l th rty ;'l In fiin nliiKham at ir-nnn A kliimn to the itv of iimalia. as tirveye.l. ilalte. ami reii'M eil. ll III ISlllKldS i-ounly, stale of , tirwskit. S.H'I prnfierijr to I wil l to tdiisfy Harry J TwIntfriK. herein, the sums I. .!,. t .- it: on bit seven 171. almve ileorlle.l. re siiir. of U JI. uiifi ihi-r with an ailurney' fee of U .US. i in lot ten l. aliove ,). . riln-1. the turn of UTi 31, together with an attorney'x f... of tl M. On hit twelve (IL'I. slKive ilewrllieil. the siuii of y'&. teiher with an attorney's fee of Ciei On lot thirteen (1.1). alwve dearriliefl. ti e sum of t "I. toKeiher with an attorney' fie of C..'i7. On lot twenty-live C!T.). alnive d -rlie., the sum of 117 X.', imcHhrr with an attor ney' fee of $1.73; and on ht thirty in. above .lewrle,l. tbe sum of t.ii 4b, uigether wltn an allorney's fee of li.4: All of which sums, by the judgment of Ihe ilutrh t court, l-r lnlereet (except'nir Ihe attorneys' fe. s at Ihe rate of ten ll'O per cent from May Snl. 1W7. an I are a llrst lien uiion aalil aliove ilesi-rllieil prooerly. To satisfy John A. tr-ighton. ilefemlunt herein, the mm of three hundred and taenty-nine and Ki-im dollars itliKCii. tiiilKment against Iiennls CoiinlliKham ami Jerry Ityan, with Interest thereon at rsle of seven (7i per cent ner annum from I e remlier ISth. IkW; wblrh amounts are ! see oml Hen uiion lots seven (7. ten (11. twelve 1131. thirteen (13) and twenty-five CTii, alwive ilewrllied. To satisfy K. R. Parmelee (lun Companv. ili-femliiui heriln. the sum of thre. hiimlreil anil sixteen ami 4.Vlui .loll.irs (t:ilii.4.M. In. Iron-nt against Jerry Kyun. with interest thereon at rale of seven (7) per cent per annum from May 1.1th. Kfd: which amount Is a third lien iiMin lot twenty. five (ill. above describe. 1. Also to satisfy Daniel Condon the sum of eleven thousand seven humlred and ten si.d M-lo dollar (H1.7WMI. judgment RKalnst lh'nnis CiinnlnKham ami Jerry Hviin.wllh Interest thereon at rate of seven (7 per cent per annum from Kelirtiarv 3rd. lsMt;; which amount Is a fourth lb n upon said described property. To satisfy tbe further sum of two hun dred and twenty-eight and U-lu) dollars l$i24l, coet herein, together with ac ciulng costs, accorillug to a judgment ren. tiered by the district court of said Hondas county, at Its May term. A. I). 17. In a certain action then and there pendlnsf. wherein Harrv J. Twlntlna Is nlalntlff. and Dennis runnlOKham, Mary rtinnlngham, his wife, William Menlev, Mrs. Mealey, his wife, first and real name un known. Jerry Ryan and Mrs. Kyan. his wife, first and real name unknown, Jame J. SiH-llinnn. Nlrs. Hpellmnn, his wife, first and real name unknown, Ju lia Goetsohula, The roiinty of Doniflas, Daniel Comlon, John A. Oreighton. Mer obanls National Hank. John P. Mfen, John Ocossinun, Cllohe Ioan & Trust Com Itny. Henry I hman. Thomas Murray, Charles Klopn. F. S. Parmelee Otin Com pany. Parlln Orendorff & Martin Companv. McCord, Hrady Company, The Western Newspaper Vnlon, Horen T. Peterson and Anna Cunningham are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, May 13th, john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, attorney. Twlntlnir vs. Cunnlnghnm ct al. loc. .17; No. S. Ex. -Doc. Z; Page 135. r.713-3 W. A. SAl'NDERS. Attorney, Merchant National Bank. SHERIFF'S SALK. By virtue of an alia order of ale tamied out of the district court of Douirlas county, Nebras ka, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 14th dny of June, A. 1). IK!, at ten o'clock a. m. of said flay, at the KAST front door of the county court house, in the. city of Omaha. DookIhr county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the hlxhesl bidder for cash the property described In ("aid order of mile a follows, to-wlt: Lots four (4) and five (5) In blo"K one hundred and alxty-four (IM) of the Origin al Plat of the city of Omaha, as surveyed, plaited and recorded, all situated in Uoug las county, atate of Nebraska. Said property to lie sold to satisfy Wal ter K. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sums as follows, to-wlt: tin lot 4 In block 164. above described, the sum of ll.fW.OO. together with an attor ney' fea of S1KS.70. On lot S In block 164, above described, the ( sunt oi ni;i.., lueincr who tin atiuiii--j a fee of Ufi4. Which said amounts according to the Judgment of the district aourt bear Inter est at the rate of ten per cent per annum from September 28th. 1896, and are first lien upon said property. To satisfy the further sum of three hun dred and sixty-two and 82-100 ($3t2.Wl dol lar cost herein, together with accruing cost according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of ald Douglas e0unty, at It September term, A. P. 1896. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Walter E. Keeler i plaintiff und Phoebe Rebecca Elisabeth Elwlne Linton and Adolphus Frederick Linton, her hus band. John Morris, William Morris and Frank frlsp, co-partner doing business as Ashurst, Morris, Crisp A- Company, John Whlttaker Cooper and William lfauc Shard are defendants. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb. W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton, et al. Doc. S&: No. 179. Ex. -Doc. I; Page 96. 5-13-5. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. C HERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order J of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglii1 county. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the141h day of June, A. D. 189K. at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at the east front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas coun ty. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property de scribed In said order of sale, as follows, to-wlt: Ixt seven (7). in block one hundred and ninety-seven (197). and also lot eight. In block one hundred and ninety-seven. (197). in original plat of the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Dougla-s county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of three hundred and ninety-three and as-lon (KS3.26) dollar Judgment, with Interest thereon at. the rate of ten 00) per cent per annum from September 2th. 1896; and also an attorney's fee of $39.32. which amount are a first valid and existing lien upon lot 7. In block 197. above described. To satisfy Walter E. eKeler. plaintiff herein, the sum of four hundred and thirty eight and 48-100 43H.48) dollars judgment, with Interest at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September 28. 1X96: togeth er with an attorney's fee of $43.84. which amount are a first valid and existing lien upon said lot 8, block 197, above described. To satisfy the sum of one hundred and fourteen and 84-100 ($114.84) dollar costs herein, together with accruing costs, ac cording to a Judgment rendered by the dis trict court of said Douglas county, at its September term, A. D. 1896. In a Certain action and there pending, wherein W'alter E. Keeler Is plaintiff, and Phoebe Reliecca Elisabeth Elwina Linton, Adolphus Freder ick Linton, her husband. John Morris, William Morris and Frank Crisp, copart ners, doing business as Ashurst, Morris, Crisp A Company, John Whlttaker Coop er. William Isaac Shard, and John Morris are defendants. Omaha. Nebraska. May 13th. 1S98. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders. Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton et al. Docket 55. No. 178. 5-13-5 We have plenty of the issue of Jan nary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by tbe word. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2. ; 600 for I7.B0; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. TV. Atlnrnry. M-r CUT-PUKE BOOKS Here's a Book Bargain! Five of the Best Stories Ever Written. We give you these just to make you hungry for other t'sJ ' K001 things. These books in cloth binding sell for Jy'. t, '? from C Jv1 J cnts t-iJt ' I Thev from They 7 ' raslri i 'I for ' 40 bargain nlar boundaof pomlblltty. It contalnsoverUu pmies, printed from new plate. A BRIDE FROM THE BUSH. B. ir. HORXrxa. A TnUof AwmUan Lift. Thin tory huM wuii fur it KUUnl antltui- a name and faiiieovertwodihttnentM. There In no lai k of thrllllnir dra luatlr Hltuatlim UinMiKhmii the biNik. The wholeHtiiry Ium life arid motion, pathetic and liidivrous uttualiiih fnl I" w ew h other In rapid suiHwrnlon, with a happy and aallitfactury but unloukcd furcutl ln. It I a faaclnatlns buok from cover tu cover. TICKET NO. 16547. By EVELYN ADAMS. lUtutratnt, Thin Ik a romantic tele of the wonderful adventure uf a young American In Mexico. )uw he made lju.Uuu in three yearn, and won the hand f the fair Carmellta, by the aid of ticket 1I&47, I aalrajiKe story uf uardhlu and good luck, auduutke luterettnK reading. FOR THE OEPEN8E. Rv 11. L. FA RJEO.V. This I one of the bent and moat Interesting' works of till-, faiuuu. author. It i. a detective and Inve ory, with a deep mywtery cleverly unraveled by skillful wurk. It la of thrillinic Interest fruin be(lnnliiK to end. Ml uage. uf clear type. rNOTE THE PRICE-One book, 10 cents; Three books, 25 cents; All Five books. 40 cents, postpaid. When Joy. Fills the Heart A Tear Ago IF. S. Hockirtro All Among the Summer Hones V. UabrUl Aa l a othlng tin luuu i. ;;.::r..n Across the Sea Vlrytnui (MiirM Bring Back Thy Sunshlue Marir yiawfMttr Blue Kyea Janut MitUuy Comrades Ftlix NcWrnium Come to the Sunset Tree Mr. Hrnutti Dream Face IV. M. Hutchwm Douglas! Tender and True. Latlu John Scott llreaining of Hume J. L. Wiiftim 'wKiwu Below the Waving Lindens " . . E. L. Krtnt Faded leaves , Pinil Forget Me Not H'Uarlin dam "Klve O'clock In the Morning" (liiriM Girl I Met on the Farm (The) John Krad Golden Years Are Fleeting Lutiii IHehl Goodnight JMtunui in " JliirflKi " Hour of Kest (The) Joi L. HotcM Haupv Little Country fllrls Elizabeth i'Mp How Will He Ever Catch Them J Comic, W. Tmtbert Re I An Englishman Sir Arfaier Nullimn I Whistle anil Walt for Katie llickael A'ulan I Keally IXin't Think I Khali Marry Awm Just Touch the Harp Gently. .1 (tin. Hbinifihin Jenny in the Orchard Hamilton Able Jack's Farewell Jiimtt L. Mullin Kate, Poor Kate, Comic Katr Hoplt Katey' Letter ,.Li(l lhifrrin Lit tle Annie Rnoney MUharl Nolan Little Fisher-111 allien (The) Lurtiil H'uWflkltlB Let Music Break on This Blest Morn, Christinas Carol Little Buttercup's Hong Sir Arthur Suflltxin Love s Soft Greeting N. L. tiilbtrt Love That Slumbers JKilton WtUinot ISM . full sheet music alse, printed allowing It to open flat on the music rack, elegantly designed cover, gotten up In fact to make Its exterior a pleasing ornament, and Its Interior a lasting Joy. Publisher's price Is (l.tU. Our Price. Postpaid, 50 Cents. These prices ar f r "epot cash" with your order. Remtt by silver, 2 cent pottavre namui, P. O. or Express money order, or bank orft. Adure-e, CUT PRICE BOOK STORE 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. W. A. 8AUNDBR8. Attorney, Mere hams National Bank. SHKK1FF S SALE.-By virtue of an order of sale issued out of tne district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. 1 win on the 81st day of May. A. I), in, at ten o'clock . at. of said day. at the EAST front door of tbe county court house, le the-uyof Oinaba. Douglas roun'y. NebrasVa, sell at publ'r auction to the blith est bidder for cash the property described Id said order "f sale ss follows to-wlt: Lot thirty (3(1) In Reed's Second Addition to the dry of Omaha, a sureeyed, platted and reco-ded. all In Douglas county, state of Ne braska. bald property to be sold to satisfy Walter E. Ketler. plaintiff herein, the gum of four hundred and one and 30-100 H01.;W) dollars Judgment, with 'Interest thereon at the rate of ten (101 rer cent, per annum from Keb'ii ary 7th, 1C98. together with an attorneys fee of fortyand 13 110 H0 13) dollars. To satisfy the further sum of sixty-two and 86-100 dollars (toi.Stb costs herein. together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by tbe district court of said Doug las county at It February term. A. D. 1898. In a certain action then and there pending, wbereln Walter E. Keeler Is Plaintiff and Arthur J. Wyman. Eleanor Phelps 8edley and Mr. fedle her husband first and real name unknown, are def-ndants. Omaha Nebraska. April Z9tb. im. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. SAUNDEK3 Attorney. Keeler vs. Wyman et al. 5 Doc. 61. No. 48. Ex. Doc Z. Page W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bunk Bid HKRIFF'8 SALE. By virtue of an O order of sale Issued out of tbe district court for Douglas county, Nebraska and to me directed. I will, on the 14th day cf June, A. D. 1898. at ten o'clock A. at. of said day. at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, tbe property de scribed Id said order of sale as follows, to wlt: Lot four (4), block three hundred and six teen (.116) Id the original plat of the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded and all nelng situated In Douglas county, State of Nebraska. Paid property to be sold to satisfy Barry J. Twlntlng. plaintiff herein, the sum of Fifty six and 78-100 i$36.78l collars Judgment with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September 27. 1897, to gether with aa attorney's fee of five and 67-100 ($5 67) dollars which said amounts are a first lien upon said above described prop erty. To satisfy the further sum of sixteen and 60-100 (116 60) dollars costs herein, to- f ether with accruing costs, according to a udgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, state of Nebraska at Its September term A. U 1897. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Harry J. Twlntlng 1s plaintiff and The Amer ican National Bank of Omaha. Nebraska, a corporation organized under tbe laws of lbs Vnlted iut, Samuel 8. Curt s and Kite Bird Curtis are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. Miiy Ulth. john w. Mcdonald, . Sheriff of Douglas County, h'euratxa. W. A, Saunders, attorney, Twlntlng vs. Am. Nut. Hunk Doc. til . No Ex. 1, i'. 4 5-13-6 Si.oo to 12. ;o per ciy. in paper covers u copy- are never been ottered at Jess tnan 25 are yours at 10 cents per copy. 3 for 7. rent. Ihe whole five books cents, postpaid. They would be at rive for a dollar. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN I or, l ife A ( the Ulv- Hy UaukiET Ut.t: HEH Sivwr.. So other d i Amentan novel ever a lileved mh unpuuuity, anil f if aliliiMiKh It wa wniien over forty yeantatro the rMu; Al generation I now reailiuie "lTu'le Torn' Caldn" wlia I tlie Mine keen enjoviueiit thai their srsndrthrr and M uraiiiluuitlier exprrleiiced, for It la a lunik that will never it row oiu, anu ucner (reiienmun. win utagn vver Tupny and cry over Eva arid t'm'le Tom. It Is printed In clear, readable type. un Kuod paper, com plete, iuiliaia.'ed mid uiuibriiigeU, and contaius nearly 300 larve patfe. QUEEN MAB. By WILLIAM WEHTALL. A " Lium ih4 AUrrnlurr iih idfl't and tir. "Uueen Mab" I without ilmil the le-l of thia nou- author' wurk. It I aa KUrtllliK. reallxlc and fawillarllur a the work of Jule. Vern or H. Hlder Riwicanl, and deal wild the wonderful adventures f a ymina Knallnliman on a vovatfe to the tronle. Never alnee the daynof Hublnnon rniMiv havenuch trani;e and Htartltns adventure been recorded, yet all within Lha it finds expression in song, gratifying the performer and delighting the hearer. Nothing so serves to calm the wearied soul after a storm-tossed day as the sweet melodies that recall memories of childhood and those long gone to rest. Recognizing the need of a varied list of songs, in neat and convenient form, that would appeal to all hearts and tastes. The Favorite Collection of Songs has been pre pared expressly to fill this want, and contains words and music of 70 of the choicest produc tions of gifted and famous composers. Picture to yourself an evening at home with the follow ing list of beautiful songs before you: Mary and Johu, or the Lovers' Quarrel, iHwatd SfoB Many Tears Ago Sir Arthur Sullivan Mother Watch the Little Feet J. W. Tunur Nancy Lee Stfphtn A&amm Oh! You Pretty Blue Eyed Witch.... W. F. Tatfur inn uanien uate ( l liel w.l. wtuman, Jr. oiu uottaire l im it (The).., Old Harn Uate (The) Ja. L. MolUin ...H. Ballman Playmate Edmund Fiiriwim Polly ...JanuvL. AfoUey Kuth and I M.W. Bait Niiniebndy i ,.0. A. McFarran Stranger Yet Claribrl Sailing Oodrry Jf.irlt Speak to Me FnbU t'ompana Speak Gently W. T. WnoKton That Is Ixive iVIix MrUlrnnon The Sweetest Tune ...Frmnt Abt Think of Me Nevermore (J. Liniry The Boy I Love ftL Smith HuntU Two by Two Xichola Ferri The Dear (lid Songs of Home Fran Abt The Passing Bell Claribti The Country Cousin. Comic Vincent Vavi There's a Silver Lining to Every Cloud, ClaruVi Tell Me Truly A. X. Wnktjltl When Soft Eyes Smile Jut. L. ttotckti Why Tarries My live? T. I'lta. When Twilight Gathers In J. A. MoUoy Will Your Heart Kesponito Mine?.. .A. D. Duvivitr When I View the Mother Holding Anon Watchman, What of the Night? I'h. Oouncsl Wst! Wst! Wst! Look Sharp Won't You Tell Me Why Kobin! (laribtl Whisper In the Twilight Anthony A'wS on fine cream tinted paper with sewed binding, W. T. NELSON, New York Life Building. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. To Ellen Sarah Helmcr, non-resident de fendant: You are herehy notified that on the 5th day of November, 1S7. Krank Thompson, executor, and Joe R. Lane, administrator, with the will annexed of James Thompson as plaintiffs tiled a petition in the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and that you, Impleaded with others, are par ties defendant. The object and prayer of said petition Is to foreclose a certain mort gage executed by Louis Helmer and Ellen Sarah Helmer on the 29th clay of Decem ber, ISS.'S, upon the property situnte In Douglas county, Nebraska, described as follows: , Ixits fourteen (14), fifteen (l"i), sixteen, 1K and twenty-two (22), In block three (:i). Wise and Parmelee's addition to the city of Omaha, to secure the payment of a promissory note for the sum of with 10 per cent interest thereon from date. You are also notified that on the 5th day of November. IK!?, the defendant. Thei Farmer's Loan and Trust companv, flll its cross-petition In this case for the pur pose of foreclosing one certain tax certifi cate dated November 12. 1894, Issued to J. F. Toy and by him assign d to the Farmers Loan and Trust Companv, and also one certain tax certificate, dated November 10, 18D0, both of said certificates covering lot 22 in block 3 of Wise & Par malee's addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. That there is due the said Farmer' Loan and Trust company the sum of H3.n0 with Interest from November 0, 1897, at the rate of ten per cent per annum. And this cross-petitioner prays for a decree finding that it has a first lien upon said rel estate, the same to be sold to satisfy the amount due with Interest, attorney's fee and costs. You are required lo answer said petition and cross-petition on or before the 13th day of June. 1898. FRANK THOMPSON, executor, and Joe R. Lane, administrator, with the will an nexed of James Thompson, plaintiffs. Omaha, Neb., May 6, 1898. By W. T. Nelson, his attorney. Thompson et al. vs. Helmer et al. THE FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST By W. A. Saunders, bis attornev Docket 62. No. 191. " '5.6-4 J. T. PATCH. Attorney, 1623 Farnam, Street, Omaha. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Edward J. Donecken, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis trator of said estate, before me, county judge of Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county court room. In satd countv, on the 12th day of July, 1898, on the 12th day of September, and on the 12th dav of No vember, 189, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months are allowed for the cred itors to present their claim and one veur for the administrator to settle said estate from the 4th dav of Mnv, 1898 " . . IRVINU F RAXTRU, ' County Judge.