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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1898)
THE AMERICAN Fifty Years in the Church of Rome 1 :tXiX . BY. RKV. CHARLES CHINIQUY, TOOETHER THE AMERICAN For the Balance of 1898, for Tbe price of the hemic n) ne a', retell U 2 25 hut you pet vth then hook atd the paper for 2 CO Sond In your orJers ACCOM PAN'. ED UY THE AMERICAN lUJJ.MSUINU COMPANY, 1615 Howard Street, - - - - - OMAHA, NEB. Is Marriage a Failure? $1.00 Popular Medical, Sal Science A Sensible Book for Curious People-A Useful Book for Everyone Y XIW IOU'I MOST CIUBaUTEB MEDICAL ifTBOR ADD bTECIUHT. DR. I. B. FOOTB. 0 REALLY FOUR GREAT BOOKS IN ONE LARGE VOLUME VMIT l-DISEASES AND THEIR CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CURL tT a-CHRONlC DISEASES OF AU SORTS, AND AU PARTS, INCLUDING "PRIVATE" FOR BOTH SEXES tWTT HL-PIAIN TALK ABOUT CONJUGAL RELATIONS, ERRORS, REFORMSi MARRIAGE IN ALL COUNTRIES. WBT W.-HPR0VEMENT OF MARRIAGE) A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED AND ALL WHO HOPE EVER TO BL APPEHDIX : Contain! over 200 prescription, for relief and euro of leute ana1 chronic ditordort common to adultt and children) complete table of antidotei to poiuni illuitrattd irectiont for resuscitating Jdr t X Tl? TT1T of ,h" rlohneaa of tbi M 4..., AaWi.i. warneasana lOriVATZf. 30 CHBOIdOI. " T af Man aad of Womaai Th Origin ama, ,rTr "... "f"'""1 niree r.irgeni i v.wa- iy iiiuairailona ol rum Colurttvaee by t utor I'bsluerephy. in Five t'elora. Aff You Well? OOD HEALTH le a rare NxiB tmi arnrralljr tllKhied. Thow f(iriuut'ljr lliue en duwrd frum lilrlli lie apt to he re.'klta of th-tr tipriiatre. It la aii ratjr to lime tir dlvl. pair It dial link y frllowa are link; luilm! If tliry have rnw rnotiicli to learn niw to maintain a. Thin all rau do l.y rradlux "flalu Hum Talk" a toe centre of clia eaM. errora In dirt, paraailtni, evi-raatve nn'at railnir. tt-a and mffre drinkliiK. Hie nae and almw of alrolmlira, the laul lialilta of clilMnu. I he nrrvalrnrn of frrora of that nadermlne vhror of manhood- a rhantrr Jnat ra rnt tw Nod Aiirf hrrlrd tonrairrrlv. I'tirntlHTe tne aunirroiie lora of adulta, llie'totiatTo bahlt tlllii larlnir in women, nc-. no., anu me an- Jioajferfal cuaiouM of oorlrtjr whrrrhy many of the OJnat of bota erxta are dtHimnl to "aorlal atarva tHM." Thh) cbaptrr aliowa why (hninilitlrsa yomiK iMaa o aatrar.Bow pmaiitutioa uaa nrromr rrr era, why It will not down, hiiw lie haorful dl-are awT4oan!jrd to Hie "Inoocent" moat etartliug and annnaat facta to know. i reautta or a mad cneae Tor weann, or ovrr- ''Xeeas, ov tudr. fallurre In biialnraa, th fart tlmt xMa ta tin baula ot wraith nut we verm and the aaaama and effrrte of horrible mrlanrholv thrae aaraaai nattere It would be well fur jrou to tbiok over. Are You III? THEM eon are Indeed a rare men tf you are not enjioua to learn bow It came about, wbat'e tbe matter and wbat'e to be done. Whether It be "only a fold." a chronic catarrh, or aomrthlna wore aerloue that baa "artllra the lnne" la bronrhlila or consumption, the aoonrr you find out how aerioin It la. and what to do for yourself the brtter. If yon must learn "how to lire with one limit" the earlier you jet thla knowlrdse tbe lonfrer yoowlll live. Or, may ne your particular weak apot la In the liver, etomarh or bowele. Then you can make no mistake In learning the beat teettode of rerulatlrur theea Tltal functlona. If you an full of aeWea. aalaa. aruralda or rheama. aaa. It wllleu-ely pay lo I.H.k up the way to ahake Be off. Burely you cant want to neglect the lnttil oaa ermptoaia of Brlfhfe dlaeaar. or other de artteav dtoeaaea of tbe "trenlto-urluary orfns," and na better beeoma posted on auch thlnita aa naorrtHM. stricture and wore forma of ronlaiinua 1 ,aai i "by the book" than by exprrlrnce. The -nuncted wlU read with aridity all about lmpotenry, WnuM dlaeaeee of women, arcoiia diseases. est, paralysis, akin eiseaeee. srn.i.ij, cir. in, one book canni co-er "all the ills that l a neir to, ana urer.orw w w.,. I stay eonnh Wn Pfro or by letter, rif vaiuid theinaulry will be aaowered to toe beat en ant i Tii'YWT fTTTTT?" Ton already bays) "anmethlnit like If or "font ta foofl,'' Bandrcd hay iJVJll X 1 H li IV declared that It la "peculiar to itotlf" and far ahead of all other works. TsOKTr' TJ,nT?PT?T,ht tuts work la offered for ' oim twnnatc inert t and 0111117, and not UJi X C J1xji:j A disirlboted In cheap form to advertise proprietary medicines. TPCTTHTrtXTT A T Q of 0 "oirt enthualaatle kind from all countritt where English la apo A EjO 1 IMUIN liVljO keD wonll, even In small tvpe, mi 60 pge of this size. PRrkPTdTrtXr A T n,ea ot " la, cirovi, doctor, lainera, uliurri, crltlca, have wl XiOOlVil xiu given flattering endoraeaient; remarkably few critical. ri. POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mail, 8 1 .50 American Pnblishi (p. 1 ? ' i t'. J. ' t eV WITH $2.00 Op Coubse You "Want to Know What Everybody Ought to Know. The Yorua how to choose the host one to marry j The Married how to be happy in marriage; Tub Fond Parent how to have prize babies; The Mother how to have thorn without pain; The Childless how to be fruitful and multiply; The Cvriovs how they "crowed" and came to be; The Healthy how to enjoy life and keop well; The Invalid how to pet well again speedily ; The Imprudent how to regain wasted energy. All who want knowledge that is of most worth Find it in Dr. Foote's "I'lain Home Talk," 1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 36 col. plates; 200 recipes. rt.S.APE ALL CLASSES I A BOOK FOB THE MAbtiESI the drowned) hygienic rulei for the care of Infants. hook and (he eatlsfactioii It give to thoughf ul. i and teisely inytunf it ptoplt can be properly alated here. 200 ZXXVITRATXONt. nf I.ilt Man from the Eagt Diseases of the ii,r nalra or vital an epectal I Hal and taorrjal Onaaei lirrlimrnl: 12 I ravlo-l.Ua Are You Engaged? J. i. a nopme: lo ne aa Set, nrrhaie. Well, on't hurry; and make no uiietake. It ta so a.v to get tn and so dinirnlt to ftet out, thai It Is well worth while to "be sure yon are rtjrht before yon to ahead. " There la do book so helpful la enabling you to select wisely aa "Plata Home Talk." You can learn something from oi tier's uililakes. The History of Mar. riatre of all kinds, la all countries, tbe rurf- oneeiprrtmenta tome nations hsve made, am lent and modern, barbarous and rlvllUed, help us to know hat not to do. The srxual Immorality growing out of unaailafled nature and marriage mlafits. tbe history of prostitution. Ita prevalence. alluremrnta.dangera, rrmilia. theefforteof religions and aacettrlsm toaub due and rontrol the domlnaut passion all these stud Ira ere fruitful In Indicating pilfalls lo avoid. Oa the other hand chapters on adaption In marriage rihyslcai, nieutal and magnetic on early marriages, nirruiarrlagr, elopements, tc. etc., aid tbe reader to make a good maieh, aelrct happily for home and off spring, to avoid "Lucifer Waii hem" and to escape tbe rat trap and lottery kinds of marriage. Are You Married? THERE are chap, tera equally asrful tn snowing you "how lo he hapny though married. Jrfany married peo ple would get along better U they knew how to adapt them eelTea to each ol oer, and would try to uo derstsnd one an other's needs. They ought to res whst "Main Home Talk" tavs abtmt the true philosophy of Inter course, the "natar I relations of the sexes." tbe Influence oa health and evil of peTTeratons, "the wormwood that embitters social life," etc., etc. Msny will find murh satlefsctloo la the chapter oa aarreajBeaa which has been tbe meana of great joy to msny a childless pair, aiding them to discover and remove the obstacle. Others like Ita unique "eseeye fog married people" treating of equal ity, sleeping apart, excess, moderation. Jealousy, lav difference, prevention, continence, food for preg nant women, the explanation of rtiMd-maktBg, why children of second husband resemble the Brat, In abort, men and women hesitate to tslk with tbelr borne physicians concerning many delicate aaea liana that perplex them and that they really need to -understand, and which this book will enlighten them on but remember that if fan to do no, Uu a ntkor tumttt ready to wtnte wcor tit oanaetoa if repining res f ckarg lo tptciai kittn qfenquim. In the Year iooo Rome Will ; ke This Country and Keep It Ilecker. Mi HoaotaThat Kfltirln l.lKHy latliilj F hi! ii red 1'ntil lhelpto.lte Slle roa It 1'iit lilt- ItTI Without In. Jurt to the INuni'". I linnh. Education outgJde) of tna Catholic Church la a damnable heresy. Popa Plua IX. Education mtiat be scontrollad bf Catholic authorltla. en to war and blooflah'd. Catholic World, I I frankly confeia that the Catbollca atand before the) country aa tha ena mlea of tha public achoola. Father Phelan. T would aa aoon admlnlater sacra, roent to a do aa to Cathollca who end their children to public achoola. Father Walker. The public achoola hare produced nothlnf bat a rodlesa feneration of thlerea and blaeiipiarda. Fathar Schaner. Tt will he a rlortou dar In thla eonntry when tinder the lawe tha chool ivitem will he ahlvered to pieces. Catholic Telegraph. Tha public achoola are nuraerlea ot rice: the are rodleaa and nnlcaa eup presaed will prove th dumnatlon of thl country. Father Walker. We must take part In the electlona, move In a aolld ma. In every atate aaalnat the party pledeed to auRtaln the Inteirrlty of the public achoola. McCloskey. The common achoola of this country are ilnka of moral pollution and nur series of hell. Chlearo Tablet. The time Is not far away when the Roman Catholic Church of the Re public of the United States, at the order of the Pope, will refuse to nay their school tax. and will end bullets to the breasts of the rovernmnt airenta rather than nav it, Tt will come nnlckly at the click of a trlarsrer, and will be oheved. of course, as com Inar from Almlehty God. Mar. Capel. "We hate Protestantism: we doteet It with our whole heart and soul." Catholic Visitor. "No man haa a right to choose his relielon." Archblshnn Hmrhova In Freaman's .ToiirnAl, Jan. 29. 1RB2. "Tf Cathollca ever train eufflelent nn merlcal malorlty In this country, vo lition freedom la at an end." Cath olic Shepherd of the Valley. Nov. 23, 18M. "Protestantism, of every form, haa not. and never can have any rlrht where Catholicity Is triumphant" Dr. O. A. Prownson'a Catholic Review, June. 1SB1. "We have taken thla principle for a basis: That the Catholic rellarton with all Its rights, ought to he exclusively dominant, in such sort, that every other worship shall he banished and Interdicted." Pin IX. In hi allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardlnala, Serttemher. 1RM. "Protestantism why. we should draw and miarter It. and hang up the crow'a meat. We would tear It with rtlncers and Are It with hot Irons! Fill tt with tnolten leaa and sink It In bell tire one hundred fathoms deep." Father Phelan. Editor Western Watch man. "Religions liberty la merely endur ed until the opposite side can be car ried Into effect, without peril to the Catholic Church." Bishop O'Con nor. The Roman Catholic Is to wield his vote for the purpose of securing Cath olic ascendency In thla country." Father Hecker, in the Catholic World, Julv. 1S70. "Undoubtedly it Is the intention of the Pope to possess this country. In this Intention he Is aided bv the Jes uits and Catholic prelates and priests." Rrownson'a Catholic Review, July, 18M. When a Catholic candidate la on a ticket and bis opponent Is a non Catholic, let the Catholic candidate have the vote, no matter what he rep resents." Catholic Review. July. 1894. "In case of conflicting; lawa between the two powers, the laws of the church must prevail over the atate." Plna IX Syllabua 1864. "We hold the stare to be only an Inferior court, receiving Its authority from the church and liable to have its decrees reversed upon 4 appeal." Brownson'a Essays, p. 282. "We do not accept this government or hold It to be any government at all, or as capable of performing any of tha proper functions of government If the American government la to be sus tained - and preaerved at all. It must be by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation (that is. the gov ernment by the people), and the ac ceptance of the Catholic Tife.tTls, which Is the government of the podsv' Catholic World. September. 1871. "I acknowledge no civil power." Cardinal Manning, speaking; lo the name of the Pope, S. R, S.. 187S. The Pope, aa the head and month piece of the Catholic Church, admin isters its discipline and Issues orders to which every Catholic under pain of aln must yield ohedle ." Cath olic World, of Augnst 1868. "In 1900 Rome will take thla conn try and keep It" Prleat Hecker. The will of the Pope la the supreme law of all landa." rchblshop Ire land. We have plenty of tbe issue of Jan uary 28, containing; tbe exposure of Rome's plot to take thla country by the aword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2. 500 for $7.60; 1.000 for 110. Have yon sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They ahould not sleep longer. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan uary 28, containing; the exposure of Rome's plot to take thla country by the sword. Ten for 30 cents: fifty for 81.25; 100 for $2. BOO for $7.50; 1.000 for 110. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. Admirers of James O. Blaine can ob tain of us a beautiful history of that eminent statesman. Price, 91.00. American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. Union Elevated LoopS It runs on Van Buren St directly in front of the - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station Haa-engera arriving In Chicago can. by the new I'nlun Klevated Loup, reach at y part of the city; or. foe a tire cent fare, can be taken immediately to any of the large stores In the down Uiwn district. All Klevated Train will atop at the "Kork Island" elation. Trains every minute. Tbese faclllUea can only he offered bv 'he "CHEAT HOCK ISLAND KOUTK." If you will send a ( cent stamp for po-tn.e we will mall you at once a new bird's eye view of 1 lilcago. Just Issued In five colon, which hows vim lust what vou want tn know about Chicago and the new Loop and Klevated rvs tetn. 1 bis map you should have win t her you live nut of tbe city and extect to c, me o It. or whether you live In Chicago and you or yuur menus contemplate making a trip Addresa JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A.. 2-lT-f tn cago Department Store Price Best describes the rates ai which DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Denta! Work. Set Teeth $5 00 Best Set Teeth 7 50 , Gold Fllllnf2-8 11.00 and up Silver Fillings 1 00 Gold Crowns 5 00 Teeth Extracted 2S Teeth out In the mornlnir-. iN'ew Onem Same Day. All work at about Half whm other Dentists Charge. 16 Years' Experience 16 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk., Sixteenth and Douglas Street? TELEPHONE 1775 13 'Vf rtiS " r .via i i ! no Vii THE POPULAR LINE TO LEADVILLE, GLENWOQD SPRINGS ASPEN, GRAND JUNCTION CRIPPLE CREEK Roaches all the principal town and min Ins oamps In Colorado, Utah and New Meaico. PASSES THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY EN ROUTE TO AND FROM PACIFIC COAST. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE LINE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. AU through trains equipped with Pullman Paiaet and Tourist Sleeping Car. For elegantly Illustrated descriptive books free ot coat, address E.T.JEFFERY. A. S.HUGHES, S. K. HOOPER. hwtasdGnlirr. traSelaager. SejlPAtagt DENVER. COLORADO. JOHN M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all caaea. Cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 604 X. 16th St., OMAHA. NEB. FO KflHSRS CITY, iST.LDUISAPS,DNTAsu SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST Ticket Office. I.E. Urnrr 1311 in. r'arnam Mi The New "SGGDiGLine of tnevvoria Magnificent Aggregation of Rewards I'ru tec test by the Copy rtsbt 070,000 TO IN $100,000 A Baalneaa rreaaeltlea-A New Ca-Oaeratlva Tbaaaaada af Ballara-Plaaaaat aad PraAtahla May a. ears at tear Isaar-Natkiag teetered, Ketaleg fcalaed. wi acaaBTLi ivisy rtaaoa A rura ao wwil' 'rTT" i7ZT"!7 LOUISIANA LOTTERY lavaar llsaaar--Mai dollar M prlta H.e. y-aekiM f Heeew.eltoer .. lr udn.t. aaa k. or ... a pni. that .h.ll b. tl.r ,,,p.. '''"l, L.I. UwJrTt, V T'NB ci-. l,,wrtllwla Uigrsadcalssa)laeaaUsisa4aciwalre.ll- X.k. J uur u a um. BK.'.M MtB flD I ICPT . Tnrt .blJi a Bagsns. ealW CRKA4. Pnce. li a yrar. tt OUR OBJECT ! " j"irii i;iu,.. .a. 'f.r.s! 'j--". tMul.luh KK 4 M a. a -r..t K.mbVf U.. m erry h. ' '" ""V. "rrTrara VM.,l..uu.4lla.'.ie1Vi:H' HIUH HA I e-'"-"'a4WilWeedr.rt aa w, 1M..I aastatvsaa. .rhlu,J.Ufit.ia. tl sraa. o i nCJin fill!el. 1 a. Inass wll the MH,ia ear h Hy.l awa, 1 1 ta II I I 1 1 I I " ih.i tt sib. Met auc amllf. Nu aiming Mtrrs. no.kil.piil aruuua.! Hul favte) Ut ISaTtM aulvarrtttr-ra thai Ollt If IstafBi k la Ihuiiuutabua la"Lmu" " Th. l.o, eniiemua every aplie of gia." "Til. bum. 1 lieeuml al urllt, pruVMl t.L.1." - Kar uru, th. aiyar a 14 .hoa. th. cabia Hrht.. I ho' of th. tiiatK4, yrt hM ouarag laiird "t'ountth. iiiilrrt.rtw.aa ytwfo. 1 h lmtalll'i..yn.ararly Dliaaing nim. aena-eltine that 1 liatrtaaff VII I j, j; , mn.M I. -Th, Ion r ssa.lre.wl rry wa of iMia mm. i thi. .uoMtk M -'." numbrr V I. "The ,i SIM h-. nrly bhnlina him.1 The grnerai a any bars aritlwr lime ta oppnrtaaity tn arareh bi.lory fnrthenanara of Am.rvn 0ne-al..we ol tvrlv. saiiia,in hK-b aipr.r everr nan in ahuv. quoULKtiM I tarllrld. Mct.lkllan, Aluaa da, Hoaacraaa, Upogatrart, Ue.lVkMI, tarly, liaukk CuaUr, TluMBaasa, Bunuid. 1 run ,uiim. . iihi AriT nmnn WHAT TO DO FIRST! PRIZE8 FOR P0EM8 OR SKETCHES. ,ubli.h.M tbiTlisitrd etatea. Ta aasi watraas wiu. ll.h.raiauui i Bitm Mala, i aa aaai wsiiaa. 7,500!! IN GOLD AS W iMidinc tnarann-p (n the wrid. To do tha we must know thfct&aat.f a t, I , -a sar I . a, A at Is fatly alt lag uaj at W A r lB l n awirnaea v mimm - a. - " - - - Intalliitriit. reuliiig uwpla lor.ulenb.rt Tlie tr. saaaaa la ins Ti.r. t)r ft-r 40 coil, l"r a aH-nth.1 trial Bubwnntaia ,,Z iiMwmum be rrliira mail IU. Iatrf rarviao n.i. ily.a lira.y Wright, Beautifully Wnight.h.did MlwrlhrniHe. lZ,H"mLM7ui,:i W,d.O..!d Band,l..I...hord,r.,.a tl.nt .A&M tni r. Pie, a l a inxhra 1m (Indira' or tirut'.), with (i.nuirw Ku.iaa Ruhr, lliiinotid or tnurald Ktonr, in Tiffany or Crvea hitine V out eff .loir TlKlwo.rltl. fur I'oin SI 0 lo 3 00. ur more. We narantss ll. pnr, i to b. j.. Xrnirf o wa will y ..u 110 OOin t'.h. J03T THINK I a VKl.r. h ratara wall ,.ni, .n..rrat rruil than v.a !T: .'-.-...I it .-.i.i. mmrul P. It tlnln1! if .ilvar or ac. ,iriiip SCIKHII. OF CRITICISM, ..Ml verTbuts-cr.ta-f mar r.prra. ti.Hr opniwii ijy thTiiKS arnoiitf th.etaa who arlvct the att-erT dtried to be the miiat riannnatK.oaand d-rcinons faluubli QlrTHItJa HI fW inv ltim weahall diainifiite Ki Jtarar BiilM eood to be tras. but rrmrmbrr, ths gn-at pul.h.hing houar. make mii.lioks, snd ws T.ot f. rtll Tt ? fhoO.OOWO -orth of adwrtlog. W. .hull hare an amoui.t that -ill make our IfTi pT" V,,h h?..' ft iwYX. in .T.rr parucuUr, just as ws aossi. YouUke aochaneoi HOW TO GET A PRIZE is atorr, sketch, pov-ra, anecdote, adTrtisine, or ao-irwrr in i wai BKBBiwm.iBua-nu w. p-;--on. b. lorTthe 1Mb dny of the itHmth of iwie, earh wilh. .P;' Sf B IV HI7Frffl ad 1'KKAM, will be dutnbutfil equally the GRAND A-UOKKCjA TION Ot MONTHLY fHIZLSalul uotatHi WE PAY PRIZE8 BEFORE YOU WIN nZ.JiuT rolapX-if "ryT and y oi tks I eat - tb. yris. tbay wla in ths noothly swarua 5iM!fflwroVetBatwe . v all Save am equal chance to w in. ?xrivr. ..jPJ?.,f,r.fVhIWiJl romolrSaud aceurat. information will be nt each .ubaenber, fully eiplainnig " fu. Of ths CKKAM PUB1.IH111NO COMFANYl BrirAST, Maii, V. S. A., Jan. s, MP. Tn tsi Pcst-lc -We ebeerfolly eertlfy that ths Oflleenj and I)imw. of the rREAM Pt'BI.ISHl.Ntl C(. of IhtaTlu.DImlTliy knowi Zandthafthry sr. Inaaeully re.ponbKthoroughly reliable, honorable ,,D.lrm.n. '7i . i. a- sao luniy..moj .',"-". i t sv.,n..r. (Sigaed " " u. BAatiSk Auahs, P. 6. M. CREAM. PUBLISHING. CO., BELFAST, Maine., mam ointci, nu. jy AmerDcarDDSDiri oir KomainiuSiinij vThe hook is ol great value." Wesleyan Heihodiii. We wi l sentithls bork poFtiaiti tin teceipt 01 pnet ; or. jir ira w we will send "THE AMERICAN" ONE YEAR together with the book. AMERICAN PUBLISHING C , 1615 Howard St.. DO YOU WANT . . . Bishop Coxe's famous Satolli Letters EX TITLED The Jesuit Party in American Polities Exposed and Expounded, bein a series of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLEVE LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate. This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of excellent patriotic literature. Price, 20 Cents per Single Co py, postpaid $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. CasJ. Must Accompay all Orders. AttGRICAN FUBLISHWG CO. Edith O'Gorman's CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED, $1.25 Laws af the l nlted Matlea. GRAND PRIZES TO BE DISTRIBUTED! flae-A Ureal Pah l.aiag Bseee Will Dlstrleete FartaersaiB-iw isielliaee, neaare aaa i raima f w.swv-wj. draw ths I krt lie-rot HI after it viMllrf. TV mmt a. W e prvwiu mm hmmt ptM, jrlipMiiix ad uipw,'.n Ud inaniat-tl 9 devtaet-d lr -ruuiUbl dialnbtttann cf tHiaarnln Isav W ITlUtirar uin,.it-... . ZrZ VII. " the Umgatrret they maittrd ta the aouad af SI. aitd drum." VIII. -Th. uK-ta turnrd auddnly loinf in my dirwtioe.'" IX.' th., h gauil gt:rly Ufou ths ru.hitig a-atrrn." X. She lonl tii. earl, yet her sisBDer vaailuUnt. tPttdmr ua Dst rm than fln Minri of AmrritiB GrnrniU from WalnvatasrsstiuiyeaUiauin. .tasaesfsawuea.uitnjuiiisaeBaawiB.u-um. thu iis.1 with the numlitt of th qututiuii m whtch lutim irir, with If cpuU lor S munltia)' trlti auhecnptioH lo CRI A M, will to cuuim1 .";Vr tlir a IAH1.K VHlZt.H. nianrof which will b. t AMI. aa asuaose at ths axd or xaa mi runutmr. CHANU ittiminaLrnuM Dutiluh orrr 100 eompMeahirirain f ar, vrlaN-h-ii (nuti tm p-prttstiicata. 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