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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1898)
THE AMERICAN 4 THE AMERICAN FCWVKIITION KATK.S; III mail, -rr Annum. - - 2 00 lnvnln In AJnc. AMKKU AN Wmi.lf.H INU CO mililibcrw, 101A lluwurtl Hlraml, Omaha. Nvh. JOHN f.THOMlON. - - EJilr. W. C KKLUCY, - HuMn MnT OMAHA. N:n, MAY 0, ISHH. It would i rk1 idt-a to abolish the office of chaplain In our army and navy. Tben there would not he any "hourly hulli'tint" ix'nt to the poi. This government will Had before thU war with Spain cuds thai every Rowan Catholic .rii-t attached to our army ii a SpanUb wpy under papal direction. John Ireland sys the reason he in jected himself Into the auto-war con trovert y was to he able to vend the poe "hourly bulletins ot the plans of thli government." Andre fame?' says the Ilomao Catholic all favor Spain. Then the government makes a mistake every time it gives a commUtdon to a Roman Catholic priest, jeuit or layman. Protestant soidlera and allort tihould not have their lives placed in jeopardy through the espionage of Human Cath olic priest, who owe primary alleg iance, In all things, to the pope of Rome. William Kwart Gladstone Euglund's Grand Old Man la dead. Nothing we could say would describe the venera tion and the esteem In which he wax held by his fellow countrymen, or the universal respect In which he wa hold by the people of all nations. He wai both a statesman and a scholar, and was known to be a stanch Protestant. Can you not make good use of a few copies of this weeks paper? Orders must be received here by Wednesday sure to guarantee delivery, as we have but a limited number. Send a copy to a few of your friends. Ton copies for 80 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2.00; 500 for 17.60; 1,000 for 110.00. Send In your order NOW, do not put It off. Two oent stamps will be all right. : . a The Roman Catholto Archbishop of Manila has called upon all hts spiritual subject to fight to the death against the invasion ot their Homan Catholic territory by the heretics (Protestants) of America, and yet the government Of the United States goes right on ap pointing Roman Cat holic Jesuit priests to positions on Its warships and In its army where they can act as spies and keep Its foes posted on its strength, the location of it troops and the move ment of It ships. BE CAREFUL MR. PRESIDENT. Tom Sherman would ploy traitor and betray this government into the hands of his superiors who govern Spain, as speedily at the most obscure member of his diabolical, bloodthirsty and treach erous order, the Society of Jesus. That 18 what they are forced Into the gov ernment service for, and if the govern ment don't shoot or hang a few of the blackhearted as well as black coated gentry known as jesult priests before the war is over it won't be because they have not deserved that fate, but because the government agents refuse to see the wolf that is arrayed in sheep' clothing. Every reader of Thk American will be filled with regret at the announce ment of the death of Elder H. W. Bow man, notice of which we have just re ceived from hi wife who 1 now living In East Los Angeles, Cal. Elder Bow man has been in poor health for some time but none ot his friends anticipated his early dissolution. When we met him a year ago he was not In the best of health but we thought he had years of usefulness before him. But it seems his life-work was completed April 30th, for the silent reaper east hi sickle to the earth and the soul of Elder Bowman was one of those he reaped. The de ceased was one of the best known pa triots in the country, having edited patriotic papers, lectured against Ro manism and contributed columns of sharp, incisive paragraphs to this and other papers. By his death the cause of anti-Romanism sustains a loss that it may never be able to fill. With the thousands of patriots who read this announcement ot his death we mourn with his widow in her hour of bereave ment. May his reward be a part in the kingdom of God. Krcrnt press dipJtihe s from Washington convey to us the information that certain Roman Catholic priests, and certain jm-inWrs of the Roman Otitholie order of the Society of Jesus commonly called the Jesuits, have been appointed to positions in the army and navy. Wc cannot place implicit reliance in the press dispatches, hut, assuming that in this instance they are reliable, we will point out to President McKiuley that which may have escaped his attention or which may never have been submitted for his consideration. The first is that Roman Catholics, and especially the priests and Jesuits, owe primary allegiance to the pope of Rome in AM, THINGS. Leo XIII in an encyclical dated January io, 1890, specifi cally stated that where the laws of the state conflict with the laws of the church the laws of the church are to be unhesitating ly obeyed that it is a crime to disobey the pope. And each priest in the United States has sworn in part: "In the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Kaptist, the Holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and the Saints and the Sacred Hosts of Heaven, and to you, my lord, I do declare from my heart, without mental reservation that the pope is Christ's vicar-general arid is the true and only head of the universal church throughout the earth, and that, by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ HIi HAS POWKR TO DKPOSK HKRKTICAI, KINGS, PRINCKS, STATICS, COMMONWEALTHS AND GOVERN MENTS, AM, PHING ILLEGAL WITHOUT HIS SACRED CONFIRMATION, and that they may safely be DESTROYED. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I will DEPEND THIS DOCTRINE and his holiness' rights and customs against all usurpers of the Protestant authority whatsoever, especially against the now pretended authority of the church in England and all adherents, in regard that they be usurpal and heretical, opposing the sacred mother of the church of Rome. " I DO DENOUNCE AND DISOWN ANY ALLEGIANCE AS DUE TO ANY PROTESTANT KING, PRINCE OR STATIC OR OHEDIENCE TO ANY OP THEIR INFERIOR OFFICERS. I do further declare the doctriue of the church of England, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and other Protestants, to be damnable and those to be damned who will not forsake the same. "I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his holiness' agents in any place whatever I shall be, and to do my utmost to extirpate the Protestant doctrine and to destroy all their pretended power, legal or otherwise." Col. Kd win A. Sherman's book, " The Engineer Corps of Hell," contains something startliug. It is the extreme oath of the Jesuit. Col. Sherman is a 33" Mason and President McKiu ley is a Mason and as a Mason we call his attention to the diaboli cal and treasonable oaths which have been assumed by the priests and the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic church in the United States, and we unhesitatingly brand every man who has assumed those oaths who are now in the government service or who are seeking positions therein, as spies and traitors. The extreme oath of the Jesuit given in Col. Sherman's book, besides containing all quoted above in the priest's oath, has the following damnable declarations: " I do further promise and declare that I WILL HAVE NO OPINION OR WILL OF MY OWN or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will UNHESITATINGLY OBEY EACH AND EVERY COMMAND that I may receive from MY SUPERIORS IN THE MILITIA OF THE POPE and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whatsoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the north, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civili zation of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be sub missive in all things whatsoever, communicated to me. I do furthermore promise and declare that I WILL, when opportunity presents, MAKE AND WAGE RELENTLESS WAR, secretly or openly, AGAINST ALL HERETICS, Prot estants and Liberals as I am directed to do, TO EXTIRPATE THEM FROM THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH, and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition, and that I WILL HANG, BURN, WASTE, BOIL, FLAY, STRANGLE AND BURY ALIVE THESE INFAMOUS HERETICS; RIP OPEN THE STOMACHS AND WOMBS OF THIER WOMEN AND CRUSH THEIR INFANTS' HEADS AGAINST THE WALLS in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I WILL SECRETLY USE THE POISONOUS CUP, THE STRANGULATING CORD, THE STEEL OF THE POINARD, OR THE LEADEN BULLET, regardless of the HONOR, RANK, DIGNITY OR AUTHORITY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS, whatever may be their condition in life, EITHER PUBLIC OR PRI VATE, AS I AT ANY TIME MAY BE DIRECTED SO TO DO BY ANY AGENT OF THE POPE OR SUPERIOR OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE HOLY FATHER, of the SOCIETY OF JESUS. In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now re ceive, I will subscribe my name, written in my blood, in testi mony thereof: and should I prove false or weaken in my deter mination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul 1 be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever. " Such, President McKinley, are the obligations assumed by- some men whom you have appointed to positions, positions where they can be of the utmost service to your country's ene mies and of the most dreadful consequences to the brave men who have offered their lives in defense of this government. The men who have taken those obligations will know every detail the number of your troops, their location, their orders, your coast defenses, the numlter of stands of arms, amount of supplies, munitions, etc., and even your intended moves. What they know, Martinelli, Ireland, Gibbons, Corrigan, and Fitz gerald will know, and what they know the Jope, through a special, trusted messenger, and the General of the Jesuits, will know in Rome; and what the pope knows his agents in Spain, in Austria, in Germany, in France, in Portugal, in the whole Roman Catholic world will know sufficiently, and le instructed, to do all in their power to deprive this country of its "PRE- TENDED POWER, LEGAL OR OTHERWISE." In a former editorial we called your attention to the fact that if there was a leak from any department at Washington, it could in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred be traced to a Roman Catholic. We reassert that, and add to it the charge that the so-called Spanish spies will use the priests of Rome as go be tweens, and Spain will receive ALL HER RELIABLE INFOR MATION FROM THIS COUNTRY THROUGH CHAN NELS CONTROLLED BY THE VATICAN, to which point it will be carried by special Jesuit messengers. It does not seem possible that the President is not fully in formed as to the aims and objects of the Church of Rome, or as to the means it will employ to attain the coveted end, yet he may be. Equally as great men have been misled for a time by the false pretences, the lying promises and the treachery and trickery that goes to make up Jesuit or papal diplomacy, and he may now be completely hoodwinked, but he is sure to get his eyes open in the end, and when he does we pledge him the un divided support of every loyal, patriotic man who assumed the A. P. A. obligation. Until that time the unthinking may go to war with priests to be betrayed and delivered to the enemy. so papisi should m: trusted durisc this COSFLlCT. THE CHURCH OI' ROME ACCEPTS II AS A RELIC lo US WAli AM) WILL DO ALL IT CAS IS AS USDERIIASDED WA V TO AID SPA IS, and the Protestauts who put any confidence in Romish protestations of loyalty may have a terrible awakening one of these days. We believe this war is foretold in the Scriptures and that it will lead up to and end in the great battle of Armageddon. The Book of Revelations describes Rome so plainly that there is no opportunity for a reading, thinking man to be mistaken. FOR GOD'S SAKE, MR. McKINLEY, BOW NOT TO THE PAPAL BEAST. BE FAITHFUL IN A FEW, THAT HE MAY MAKE YOU RULER OVER MANY THINGS WHEN HE COMES IN HIS POWER AND HIS GLORY. PERTINENT QUESTIONS. Is it necessary for the Pope to issue a procla mation before the Roman adherent knows whether he can be loyal to a country or not? Must Loyalty to the Church take precedence over Loyalty to the Country? If so, how can a Roman be depended upon as a Loyal Subject? If the Roman Pontiff has the RIGHT to say to a subject you be Loyal " to a Country, has he NOT the same RIGHT to compel the Roman subject to be disloyal? Ought our government to appoint a Roman subject to any place of Trust, or have such with in their confidence, when they the Romans owe first allegiance to the Pope; particularly when the Roman Pontiff has been and is now giving all the aid he possibly can to Spain? These are pertinent questions for the loyal officers of the American Government, to fully consider before they are betrayed by the Romans and the blood of our young Americans is need lessly spilled through Spanish Roman treachery. Loyalty, safe and true should be the test in every appointment. We know of Sisters of the Romish church who are talking and doing all in their power for Spain, and yet these woman have been receiving United States, City and County monies for many years thousands upon thousands of dollars. Yours for Our Government, without an if, YOUNG AMERICA. New York, May 16th, 1898. Brief Printing. We make a specialty of Brief Printing, and our friends have only to call up Telephone 911 and we will call and get your copy and deliver you the printed briefs promptly on time. Let us also furnish your Letterheads, Billheads, Envelopes and all other kinds of Job Printing. American PuBLrsniNo Co. A HEARTLESS JUDGE. The story is circulated that a certain judge who i cot often charged wt-.h ingratitude, bu fallen into that tin. It ii said that a certain per kid holding office by appointment of a board of j idgts, bought a large number of treea paying for them with public money. Said official out of the bigness of hi heart tendered one of those judge a number of those same trees, and offered to have them planted by men paid by the public. ThU all happened a few werks previous to the expiration of said official' term, he was then a can didate for re-ekct'on. Now who could believe it, but really this same judge was heartless enough to refuse to cast bis vote for said kind-hearted official's re-election!! Now the question is, what can a fellow do wheD he wants that judge's vote? Can't someone find out Mike Davitt calls on the 25,000,000 Americans of Irish blood to resist any attempt at an alliance between Ameri can and Great Britain. Don't get ex cited Mike. There are hardly one tenth that number of Americans with Irish blood in their veins, but, be they few or many, they must not interfere with the plans of the government not at this time they must be loyal, and no foreign bog-trotter will be allowed to work up dissatisfaction even among the ignorant Irish Roman Catholics against a country that is at peace with us. The Irish are born traitors and if their priests don't lead them gradually to the defense of Spain It will surprise nine out of every ten Protestants. Ex-Park Commlssbner Tukey suc ceded in getting the dally papers to declare that he could not accept his old job even if re elected. Tukey came to this conclusion only after he found that he could get only two votes from the electing board of judges. We are reminded of Pat who declared he would no longer work for his old employer, giving as a reason that " Me boss said 'Pat you're discharged.' " A well-known London paper says: "Jesuits control the French army, and some regiments of the British army are composed entirely of Roman Cath olics. Who can assure us that exigen cies may not arise in which this may prove a very serious affair?" And how about Romanist regiments in the U. S. army? They owe supreme allegiance to the pope. Boston Citizen. Hatch. If the pope says he wished he had not lived to see the day that Manila fell from the hands of the Spanish into the hands of the Americans, and if the priests and nuns of the Spanish hospit als at Cavite, tried to have the Ameri can fleet blown up, by sending it thro1 a channel which had been mined, should not the American people look upon Martinelli as a papal, pro-Spanish spy, because of his being the pope's representative, although not officially recognized? Clewitt. The Next Move. Now is the time for the Roman Cath olic clergy In the United States to sever their relations with the pope and form their own denomination. When the clergy voted on the infallibility of the pope, many of the delegates from the United States were opposed to the pro posed Innovation, and if they had voted according to their idea of right, would have voted against this doctrine. Now since the part of that denomination In the United States is strong enough to take charge of the work here they should tell the pope they will not trouble him in regard to the manage ment of the affairs here. Mart. Everybody Bays so. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a bos of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Leyden'e "Secret Instructions of the Jesuits," tor SOc, and hla "Secret Con fession to a Priest," for SOc, both paper covered books, are the cheapest books on the market today. Send na 60c and hare them sent to your ad drees. American Pub. Co.. Omaha. Neb. To Core Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Cundv Cathartic 10c or 25c If C. C- C. tail to cure, druRKiats refund money. Pope Leo XIII. Uses Snuff. Pope Leo XIII. uses snuff, and it is made expressly for him by a firm in Baltimore. It is sent to Rome in one pound and five-pound jars.