The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 20, 1898, Image 1

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'AMERICA FUR AMERICANS." A hold that all men arc Ainrrciauk who Swear AUt'iaiue to tin l'nit1 Statt- without a uii rexervation.
Vol. t ME Vlll.
A Kansas Editor Thinks He
Should Have -Winked
Out" Before
Ibis War Was Inaugurated, If Hp Would
Have Saved II Is Reputation and
Made Monry Hereafter.
The reports from Rome state that the
Pope is feel leg unwell on account of the
manner in which Admiral Dewey
k cocked the essential stnflingout of the
Spanish fleet at Manila.
The pope even declares that he is
sorry he did not die before this war
This is about the first proposition,
we might remark, on which we have
been able to thoroughly agree with his
holiness for some time. We think
ourself that it would have been money
in his pocket if he had been called
hence before this fuss commenced.
The pope has made, as it appears to
us, several rather bad breaks within
the last month or two which are bound
to hurt him in bis pope business, no
matter how this thing terminates.
He started out by saying in effect:
Now just wait a few days and I will fix
this thing in a satisfactory manner to
both parties principally concerned.
Some way or other, however, his fixing
didn't fix. The trouble in Cuba went
right along just as if the pope had not
made a remark. After the United
States had waited until the thing bad
gotten to the point where we could
etacd it bo longer and trouble actually
commenced, the pope made another
break by declaring that his blessing
went entirely with tte Spanish arms.
Heretofore there have been a vaBt
number of people in the world who
really believed that the pope had a
special stand-in with Providence and
that his word In that quarter went; the
prompt manner, however, in which Mr.
Dewey beat the whey out of the Span
ish fleet shows that in this instance the
blessing of the pope has in some way
missed connection.
Whatever opinion the Lord may have
of the pope in a general way it is toler
ably evident that he is cot with him in
hit stand against the United States,
which Is nothing more than we would
naturally expect If the Lord, know
ing as he does, the history of Spain
nd her treatment of Cuba from start
to finish, could for a minute sympathize
with the Spanish In this business, then
we have been laboring under a wrong
impression in regard to the Lord, that
Is all.
The effect of this break is bound to
be bad for tho pope. His word won't
go any longer where it has gone here
tofore. Thousands of Americans who
have made a practice of kissing his
holiness' toe when they visited Rome,
by way of showing their reverence,
will bestow their osculations elsewhere
hereafter; if the pope wants his toe
kissed he will have to depend on what
Spaniards are left after we get through
Vith them and the subservient dagoes
about the Vatican.
People who have banked on his holi
ness and believed him infallible will
have their faith badly jarred by the
fact that his blessing appears to cut
mighty little ice when Dewey turns
loose with his guns.
Upon the whole we are satisfied that
it would have been better for Leo if he
had winked out before this thing com
menced. The above article is taken from the
Mail and Breeze of Topeka. We are
glad to seo one of the brightest papers
in the Sunflower state line up with the
procession and express Its opinion of
this meddling old dago god of those al
leged Americans who only a few short
moons since wore war-paint and rooster-feathers,
night and day, and almost
ruined the grass on the reservation
with their "ghost-dances," while dis
playing their eagerness to get a whack
at our esteemed friend J. Hull, Eq.
The Protestant who cannot see the
fr'fv" m-' VW"
W y if i ;
I wish to give you three points the Indians, the Negroes and
Archbishop Ireland.
difference it makes when it is the papist
bull that Is being "gored" ought to be
sent to an imbecile asylum, or deported,
along with this precious lot of Hibern
ians, Clan-na-Gael, Molly McGulres, et
al., who tendered their services to the
"Great Father" at Washington, to the
tune of a hundred thousand armed and
drilled troops, but are not now rending
their under-clothes to any alarming
extent in their efforts to spit their
Spanish "brethrin and slsterln" on the
bayonets they were so very anxious to
prod the Protestant ox out of Venezu
ela with. And believe me, Dear J. C,
we have this brand of cattle right here
in Atchison. One old "toe-kisser,"
said, "America would n't dare go to war
(with Spain) without the pope's con
sent," and only last week a woman
with a traitor's heart, openly sympa
thized with Spain at the hotel table.
That woman draws a salary that would
purchase the services of a dozen of her
sisters in any country on God's foot
stool cursed by Romi6h dominatien.
To with Spain with such damna
ble treason, is the heartfelt wish of
millions of Americans, who realize
there are many Roman Catholics who
are patriots in spite of their creed, but
they cannot "leaven the whole lump."
To Roman Catholic Laymen.
Now is the time when each one
should consider the advisability of
making a change in the modus oper
andi of the Roman Catholic church.
There are many who don't waat a
political attachment to it. You do not
want a church that the whole world
hates because of the danger it so often
causes to the various governments.
Beside this, there are many of the
clergy in the Roman Catholic church
who want exactly the same thing.
There was a time when the Jesuits
made themselves offensive to the peo
ple and governments of Europe, and
the pope put a stop to their work, but
now they are in power.
If they want the Roman Catholic
church and are determined not only to
have it but run it, the next best thing
to do is to form another Catholic church
and make the changes that mey be
bent under the circumstances and in the
1 ight that we have at the present time.
This subject is very Important and
needs immediate attention. There are
same things in the Roman Cath
olic church which have been very un
pleasant and if half of the friction In
that church were known to the public
it would be truly a surprise to them.
If there have been men of thought
and learning they have had a pad-lock
on their mouth. Now if the clergy and
laymen of that organization want free
dom and not oppression, let them make
a united effort at the present time for
it. The division of the church which
is in the United States is above tie
average of this body in other countries
and they should not be tied down in
m'nd'and soul by their inferiors.
Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty
or give me death," and the bondage of
this church is the worst kind of bond
age. Think it over. Nunc.
Romanizing the Government.
That this is being done, and more
rapidly, too, than the masses of honest
Americans are aware, Is a fact that
ought to alarm all lovers of our free in
How is it being done, and why?
Through and by the crafty stealth and
cunning of Jesuit priests, and the con
temptible truckling of timeserving,
vote-seeking politicians. The Roman
Catholic vote, through the officials of
that church, is in the market, and the
politician who goes the farthest in giv
ing assurances that he will carry out
the wishes of the church authorities,
as a rule, gets it. Hence politicians
are striving to out-do each other in
getting down on their marrow-bones
before the Roman Catholic church, and
are especially careful not tj displease
As evidence of this, take the last two
appointments to the Supreme Court of
the United States both Roman Cath
olics, and the last one, if distinguished
lawyers of California are to be believed
only a man of very ordinary legal abil
ity. We do not favor the cultivation
of a spirit that would bar a man from
eligibility to office purely because of
his religious belief; but when, as is the
case with the Roman Catholic church,
hundreds of years of its past history
demonstrates that as a church it is and
ever has been the persistent, wily,
treacherous, flagrant enemy of free
government, then we hold that the
offices of the American republic should
only in very rare instances be intrusted
to the adherents of that church.
Hence this article is not written to
assail a particular church, but to warn
and if possible arouse the liberty-loving
people of our blood-bought, beloved
country to a tense of the wily assaults
being mad j upon our free institutions
by the Roman Catholic hierarchy. It
is certainly high time that the people
arise in their majesty and call a halt.
It is vain to cry peace, peace, in regard
to this matter. There Is no peace.
Rome Is stealthily but surely grasping
the power in this country, and that
means death to free government. Let
the lovers of American liberty so em
phatically express thefr will that the
politicians will fear their vote as much
as they do the vote of the Roman Cath
olic church. Religious Telescope.
Ireland the Beggar.
"America has helped Ireland in the
past." Certainly she has, and she has
always been helping. We remember
the time when New York had its great
Fenian clubs too, and that big city
nourished and fed those very serpents
whose oath to crush the Sassenach
(protestant) and wade in his gore, Is
enough to stir up the bile and indigna
tion of the "Wooden Indian." What
ails America anyway that she turns a
deaf ear to the truth on every side of
her? And where is the fealty and
allegiance of the Irish Romanist? Not
with America in the slightest degree.
And with black hatred in their treach
erous hearts the Irish in Ireland are
again holding out their grimy paws
for "help" from the only country on
earth that would bear what our Nation
has born and is still bearing from the
bitterest, most devilish foes she ever
had. They are so thick m New York
that one falls over them at every step.
The Irish catholic beggers line the
streets and defile the door stones of
that great city, New York, while the
" bosses'' are raking in the duca'.s in
every public office. And like the cry
of tho horse-letehe's daughter, it is
the Public Schools.
" Give! Give! ! " Ireland asking Ameri
can aid at this day in our history Is a
most delectable spectacle. With one
breath they cry "Give!" and with the
next one they curse us. It Is quite
time that Uncle Sam should button up
ihtt long pocket of his and stop send
ing "help" to the very worst, most
treacherous foes he has.
This trouble with Spain is forcing
the Irish catholic to show his dirty
hand with the dirty cards in it. Of
course he is with Spain, heart and soul
if he has either, for who expects him
to side against hU "howly " church?
No one, for his allegiance Is to a for
eign power, the head of which is Leo
the pope and a pretty "sick Lion" is
old Leo just now. Of course, again, he
wanted to conserve all catholic force
everywhere, looking to the use to be
made of such by the next Popa in the
grand assault on America, to aid his
"dear children" In their desire to
"wade in Sassanach gore," and to win
this dear country for his "dear child
ren." liut hpain was so sure she could
wipe out the " Yankee Swine" that she
refused to listen to papal counsel, and
she received a most astonishing object
lesson from the hands of the " Yankee
Swine." Look where one will there Is
nothing but treachery under a catholic
hat. Spain destroyed the war ship
Maine by treachery, just as the Irish
catholic accomplishes all he does by
the same double dealing. It Is an
utter impossibility for a catholic Irish
man to be honorable. It is not in his
blood. And the women are the same
in a general sense, and the children
spawned between these men and wo
men are taught hatred for the protes
tant. Why is it that our country must
harbor these fiends In human shape?
Surely the enemies of any country
should be put on the outside. Instead
of which, our country not only harbors
them in her midst, but sends "help"
to the treacherous beggars. If ever
the time of " an eye opener" had come
to a country this is such a lime for
America. Kvery catholic witaln our
borders is in direct sympathy with the
Sptinbh monsters and they would most
gladly seo every protectant throat cut
by these murderous scoundrels whose
trade it is to starve, butcher and ill
treat all ho fall into their hands,
force the 1'ala and Mikes and Tims to
nhow their colors now! Let every Bid
dy In every kitchen give place to a
protestant servant. Now is the time
to get such traitors out of our homes
and our employ. Let their own kind
" help" them and for shame' sake let
our country stop sending help to these
slabbers In the dark.
Abraham Lincoln, before he was
foully murdered by thote agents of hell
and Satan the Jesuits prophesied
that a l lino would come when theso
disturber, trallorF, murders, would bo
swept from this country. Is this not
the time, when theso scoundrels are
plotting away the very life of the
If Ibis war will only open the eyes of
Americans genorally, to the truth
which faithful men and women havo
been telling them for years which
ministers have been preaching to them
from the pulpits of our land which
every politician knows and tries to hide
for his own interest- which many a
ruined business can testify to most elo
quently which Is as true as Truth
that the Roman catholic, no matter
how smooth the tongue, or sweet tho
speech is, urder any ard all circum
stance, at everjtlme and season, the
secret, scheming foe of this free Re
public, that his one lesson is to gain
power, to overturn free America and
all that makes us free Indeed, then th la
war wflt have done a greater thing for
America than the taking of a thousand
islands. " With the Band."
Demand lUllgioutt Liberty.
Lellglous liberty shall not be tram
pled under foot in the dry of Chicago,
and the Polish people who stoned our
mission last night must learn that all
men can worship aa they please. And
if they will not learn this let them go
to Spain, where people of their way of
thinking govern."
Suoli was tho language of Rev. Dr.
Thorns of the Pilgrim Temple to the
Baptist ministers' meeting this morn
ing. He had called the attention of
the Ministers' association to the ston
ing of the Polish Christian mission at
Blackhawk street and North Ashland
avenue last night after the services.
Trouble baa been brewing in the vi
cinity for some time. Rev. F. Jachl-
mowlcz, a former Polish priest, li a
Baptist missionary. He has gathered
around him a large number of Polish
Protestants, and recently erected a
small frame building on Blackhawk
street in the midst of the Polish settle
ment. At the conclusion of the services
last night, Dr. Thorns told the Baptist
ministers this morning, several hun
dred men who had been loitering about
the building, joined in a attack and
broke all the glass in the windows.
Rev. Jachlmowlcz and his wife were
stoned, but neither was struck by any
of tho missiles. A policeman had been
stationed at the building yesterday,
because of threats of attack, tut after
the services began he left his post, as
there was no elgn of any trouble.
Dr. Thorns said he had been at the
afternoon services of the mission and
was pleased with the large attendance.
With all his vigor he denounced the
attack, and his utterances were ap
plauded by the clergymen. He said
the United States had raised an army
to secure liberty to a people near its
shores, and the same sentiment that
approved of the course of the country
stood for religious liberty in Chicago.
"We are going to have it," he said.
"We will not allow the Polish people
to run the Baptist church away from
Its mission field. If it takes the whole
police force of Chicago to secure free
dom in Blackhawk street, we must in
sist upon such protection."
There was a vigorous chorus in the
affirmative to Dr. Thorns' motion that
a committee of five be appointed to call
upon Mayor Harrison today and de
mand protection lor the mission, which
Is working under the Baptist City Mis
sionary society. The following were
appointed as the committee: Dr.
Thorns, ltev. J. Q. A. Henry, Dr. Con
ley, Dr. Haines, Rev. Johnston Myers,
Chicago Journal, May 14.