The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 06, 1898, Image 5

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ii ii gii
Iay and Mzht ravalr, aarf Infantry
fatrol Hi sirrata an I lul.lle HallJ
'( Holllrn anit arlUt
l.anra Kr 1 hay t an lloU
Thalr buppnrta-r in
llirrk No l.on;ar.
M A ii:i 1 1. May i. -The troops are
held in the I'arrucki to march
at any in tan I against the mob of the
revolutionists. Cavalry anl infantry
patrol the streets from nightfall to
sunrise. All the public builjius are
crowded insula Willi foot and mounted
pol ice.
Id the rest of the kingdom the pre
caution, though ss risible, are
equally strict because the court and
the government apprehend graver
movements still if a fresh reverse oc
curs in Cuba or to the lleet.
The chief fear is of a popular revo
lution, which everybody can see is
brewing. The civil authorities in
Madrid got so alarmed at the attitude
of the Republicans aud Carlists that
they frankly told Senor Sagasta they
could not answer for order much
If national feeling runs too high
against Senors Sagasta and Moret,
who really are in the most dauger.the
queen probably will ask Marshal
Campos to form a sort of government
for the defense of the monarchy. The
old marshal has told her that he will
be ready to do so directly she sends
for him. So the days of the Sagasta
cabinet are numbered.
The situation in the provinces is
unchanged and everywhere the dis
satisfaction ii growing, especially
over the price of bread. Acts against
authority are becoming more and
mere overt At Oaeerea., capital of
Kster Madura, the populace marched
into a railway station to prevent the
export of provisions and overpowered
the soldiers on guard, capturing four
teen loads of wheat flour.
In the town of Angilas, in the
province of Murcia, a mob mostly
composed of women, burned the store
houses and offices.
This morning a mob of about 8,000
striking miners made a tumultuous
demonstration at Murcia. They
shouted, "Death to the thiaves!"
"Down with the taxes!" and attempt
ed to set Are to the raiiroad depot and
other buildings and then began a
movement towards Carthagena. A
strong force of troops, however, pre
vented the rioters from moving on the
port A number of men were wounded
Disturbances are also threatened at
Carthagena, where martial law has
been proclaimed.
Similar scenes have occurred at
Ovideo and Leon and at a number of
other towns where factory hands have
struck work. The strikers are parad
ing the streets, t demanding cheap
bread and are stoning houses.
Mlaanurl Win In Dahata.
Columbia, May l The Joint debate
last night between the University of
Missouri and the University of Ne
braska was won by Missouri. The
question discussed was, "Resolved,
That the Annexation of the Hawaiian
Islands Would lie Beneficial to the
United States" Missouri had the af
firmittve. Missouri was represented
by George II. English, Highley
and A. . toppldge. .Nebraska by
Mr. Taylor, Mr. Kimplev and Mr.
A Naval Rnrcaoii In Ilngrae.
Washington, May ts. - Frederick W.
Oleott, past assistant surgeon, at
tached to the United States steamship
Mohican at Honolulu, was convicted
by a general court-martial of drunk
enness, neglect of duty and violation
of naval regulations regarding the
ship's medical journal, and sentenced
to lose six numbers in his grade and
be suspended from duty tor one vear
and a half on shore duty pay.
Advloe Sent to Doarcjr.
Washington, May fi. Anticipating
early communication with Commodore
Dewey Secretary Long sent to Hong
Koag yesterday a long cablegram
containing instructions for the future
guidance of the American naval of
ficer. This message, it is believed,
related to the plans made by this
government for immediately dispatch
ing troops to his assistance should he
deem such action necessary.
Haw "War Rtaka" Written.
LoirDosr. May 6. War risks on
stocks at Lloyd's to-day include small
premiums on the possibility of war
complications between France and the
United States or between France and
Great Britain. No significance is at
tached to the matter, but business of
that character has actually been done.
Took tha Wbola a mil.
K auras Citt. Ma. May ft Chief
Hayes was ordered this morning to
arrest Thomas Keeper, a cook of this
city, for eloping with the wife of J.
M. Whitley of Independence- Keeper
ran away last night with Mrs Whit
ley, taking with him the entire Whit
ley family of five children.
So a of Praalrtant Have a Major.
Clcvblawd, Ohio, May 6 Troops
A, It aud C, First Ohio volunteer cav
alry, left for Columbus to-day. Among
the officers is Webb C Hayes, son of
the late President, who is an acting
t t'hilloplaa fr.tpnrla to THIa faaatry A r
j ra f I liuil.Ooo a Maath.
W Aniv;roi. May 1 Th un ir-
landing at the state department is
I tnat Consul ocar K, our
; representative at Manila until the
r-cent war begin, is now aboard the
(1 igship olym.iia in Man; a harbor,
having accompanied Commodore
Dewey from Hong Kon r, so that ad
vices may come from h::u to the state
department a well from Vcnm
dore Dewey to li e nav department
A mail report from Consul William
reached the s'.i If department recently
under .late of M. in :1a, Feiir iary
last It givct i fi.! I description of the
I'hiiippine is-i-il, their resources,
growth of Am.'.-can trade, etc., aud
will be incorporated in the next vol
ume issued by the bureau of statistics
of the State department Mr. Will
iams' report says:
"Local ani European authorities
estimate th area of the Philippine
I islands at liiuhio square mi!i', and
I their population at 1 5.ivm,.Ii
I "The island of l.n,:on, on which the
city of Manila is situate. I, is larger
than New York an 1 Massachusetts,
and has a population of n. 'Mo. ')!)). and
the island of Mindanao is nearly, if
not quite, as large. There are scores
of other island. An idea of the ei
tentof the population of the Philip
pines may lie formed when it is
stated that the six New Kngland
states and New York, New Jersey,
Maryland aud Delaware have I1) per
cent less area and population."
He says the exports to this country
average 1,ihm,0mj a month.
Statement of Our Kspan Oral
I.10.O00.00O already.
WASHi.vOTOif, May 8 The war with
Spain up to date has cost t!!l,Ofl,
403.81 This is divided among the
supply departments as follows: Sub
sistence, 91.1,o'j1,0V; quartermasters',
Stft.O'M.OOii; pay department, $63,0'.t,
00i 39; signal corps, S.MVXX); ordnance
department, St.U'l.hill; medical de
partment, $soi),o00; corps of engineers,
8.1,000; inspector general's department,
$!S4,4SD. This makes a total of f 1 17,
:il2,ls4..19, to which is added l- per
cent, making the grand total as above.
SpanUh Fork Daatroysri.
Kkv Wkt, I'la., May fi The gun
boat Wilmington early yesterday
morning destroyed a Spanish fort just
being finished about four miles east of
Cojima. The Wilmington also fired at
a troop of cavalry passing Jaruco
beach. Two men were seen to drop
on the beach.
Tha Continental Prnsa.
Lonkov, May ft. The Continental
press notices a broadening political
ambition of the United States, con pled
with the increasing friendship be
tween (rreat Britain and the United
States, with ill-concealed aversion.
Intervention rumors are again in the
Admit Autonomy ft a Faree.
Madrid, May 6. In a striking
speech in parliament Romero Roble
do, leader of the Weyleritea, said Cu
ban autonomy was a farce, and called
on all classes of Spaniards to defend
the king and fatherland against
Spain's international enemy.
What the Power Don't I.Ike.
London, May 6. None of the
powers like the idea of the United
States becoming a near neighbor of
Japan, and the fear of further Amer
ioan victories is likely to give a co
hesion in which the powers hitherto
have been sadly lacking.
Don Carlo Prove loyalty.
Lonpon, May fi. According to di&
patches from Brussels, Don Carlos
declares he will not provoke a revolu
tionary movement On the contrary.
he will prevent a Carlist agitation
while war continues.
Forope to Protest.
Lonpon, May 1. Kmperor William
and Kmperor Nicholas are very much
disturbed as to the ultimate destiny
of the Philippines and that some sort
of immediate intervention is extreme
ly probable
More Rumor of War.
Lima, Peru, May 6, via Galveston,
Texas. The Chilian -Argentine ques
tion is rapidly assuming an acute
stage. The Union of Valparaiso says:
"Chile wants a settlement and offers
peace or war, one of the two, sharp
Argentine must choose. "
Will Prevent Exportation.
London, May 8. A Madrid special
says the cortes will prohibit the ex
portation of corn, flour, rye, maize
and potates. It will also suppress tha
import duty on them.
Polo to Go to Madrid at One.
Toronto, Canada, May 6. Senoi
Polo y Bernabe expects to leave here
for Madrid to-morrow.
ansa City Grain and Llva Sloek.
Bard Wheat No. L II 13. No. 3. IL04
No. 8, 11.11: No, 1 tl.08; rejected, L08
Boft Wheat No. 1. 1119 No. a ll.lTi
No. S, 11.14, No. . II. OH, rejected, 11.06
Spring Wseat-No. i fl 10 N 3. tl 09;
rejected, 11.02
Mixed Corn-No. 2. 38:. N X 83SC;
No. 4. Sic.
White Ooru-No. 8, 33sjt No. 3, fic;
No 4, 81VC.
CatUe ReclepU S.099. calves. 121;
shipped, 2,954 cattle no calves. The
market was steady to strong.
Shipping and dressed beef steer. f&T&ft
6.00; native belters. I4S6 2.4 05. native
feeder M.2&&4.65 natlre Mockers, fcl 30
U5.00; native cow. lltfft.S4.4H.
Hogs Receipt. 16 7.7 snipped, 4,181.
The market was Arm an 1 active, Prlaaa
rauRCd from 48. 40 u H lit
tarf Oaer tha San Fraarleea lllapalrb
Which Said That laa, Had l.uet
In llnadrad Man Canl Com
pany Raft So IHepatrh Ha
(tat From Maalla nine
Monday Mornlaa;
Wasiiinotov, May i. The oflicials
of the navy department, from the sec
retary down, are thoroughly iudig
usnt at the character of the stories
coming from Sa:i Francisco at authen
tic accounts of the engagement of
Commodore Ilewey at Manila. One in
particular excited indignation, that
ascribing to Admiral Kirklaud at
Mare Island the receipt of a telegram
from Commodore llewey describing
the terrible mortality 011 Ii s own fleet
resulting from the battle of Manila.
Captain Crowinshicld, chief of the
navigation bureau, declared that it
was utterly impossible for news from
the fleet to cuiiw in any such fashion,
and added that, as the department's
facilities for the receipt of informa
tion from Commodore Uevvey squad
ron were superior to those of any iu
dividual, it was utterly improbable
that they could receive news before
ttie department itself. Such dispatches
as that complained of, hu said, were
cruel and senseless and inflicted great
misery upon the wives, mothers,
daughters aud other relatives of the
brave sailors of the fleet, who are
anxiously waiting to hear from them.
Vai.i.ejo, Cal., May 8. Admiral
Kirkiand stated to-day that the re
port that he had received a message
from the navy department at Wash
ington saying that -'(' men were
killed on the cruiser Haltimore was
untrue. The admiral said he had re
ceived no word from Washington and
knew nothing about the fight at Ma
nila, except reports already published.
London, May fi. The officials of ths
Eastern Telegraph company, when
questioned to-day regarding ths re
port that a dispatch from Commodore
Dewey had reached Washington, said:
"Neither President McKinley nor any
one else has received a message from
Commodore Dewey."
Suoh a message, it is explained,
must necessarily be transmitted over
the lines of the Eastern Telegraph
company, either from Manila or Hong
Kong. Ths company knows of no
communication emanating from Ma
nila since the cable was cut Ths
company has been watching all points
for Manila intelligence, being anx
ious regarding the safety of its staff
snd property.
Many Uneonnrmed Rumor About tha
Movement of tha admiral.
WASHiweTOS, May 6. No confirma
tion is obtainable of ths various re
ports concerning the movements of
Admiral Sampson's fleet Persons
who, from their official position,
might be supposed to share the
eon fide ooe of the administration,
are credited with the statement
that the admiral has gone to seize
Porto Bloo, and this statement is
made after conference with the ex
ecutive. On the other hand, it is
assarted with almost equal positive
ness, that the fleet has gone to meet
the Oregon aid bring her in safety to
the north. Still another report is to
the effect that the Admiral has gone
to seize, to be used as a
base of operations.
The Chicago May I'rlce la I 50, and
.Idly tell Altom Si ll':
Chicago, May ft. A new high price
for May wheat in Chicago was made
this morning. 'I'll ore was an advance
of seven cents over night and the first
quotation was (1.37. After a decline
to SI. HI the market advaooed to 81. i0.
July wheat, soon after the market
opened, sold at $1 a bushel
Cash prices in Kansas City ad
vanced 15c in some eases, and No. x
red wheat, just before the close of the
market, sold at $i. 88.
Blanea Question ih Sincerity of the
United State.
Havana, May b. The Cuban con
gress, elected under the autonomist
government, was formally opened yes
terday with great ceremony. Captain
General Blanco made a speech, in tha
course of which he said that if the
declarations of the United States had
been sincere, its guns to-day ought to
be saluting the first Cuban parliamen t
instead of threatening the lives of the
Aa Ovation to esarbee.
Philadelphia, May 6. The biff
auxiliary cruiser St Paul, with Cap
tain Sigsbes on the bridge, left Phila
delphia at 8 o'clock this morning and
steamed down the Delaware river to
League Island navy yard, where she
dropped anohor. The passage of the
St Paul down the river was the sig
nal for an outburst of patriotism.
Thai I'ean-rnl Indian Territory.
Akhmork, Ind. Ter., May fi. The
grand jury since J an u jut. l'!!, has
rutorneai 430 intlw-Uswuils Mi-it are
tor iarewoy aud saliixf "aviakj.
Caaaaea4e at the Vaeeat leaping
Sharp Weleh Agalaat Serarlea.
8a Kit n i. , May 6 - Kttrsor
diaary precautious are taken by the
officers of tha Oregon at every port
visited on har Journey to Join Samp
son's lieet at Key West This is
known by a letter received hera yes
Urdsr from an officer of (he ship It
was written at Callso
Soon as the port is approached, sen
tries sre doubled at every (toint of ob
servation ami all approaching Imata
ars warned off Urrqueiit soundings
are takeu, aud when a suitable place
ia found the anchor is dropped. Soon
as ths anchor cable has finished rat
tling through tiie hawser hole, two
steam launches, manned by well
armed marines, are towered over the
side. These launches then atcstn in
opposite directions around the bat t la
sh 1 p. never erasing their constant
patrol, night or day, until tha anchor
is once more weighed.
Throughout the stay in port nobody
except xrt oilicials are permitted to
come any where near the battleship,
aud even these are 00 111 pel led to show
their credentials and explain their
business to the vigilant launch crews
before being allowed alonside.
Captain Clark is determined, the
writer said, to take no chances. Ilia
orders are strict and are being carried
out night and day, with all thu vigi
lance that woll disciplined officers
and men can contribute. The men,
the writer said, are all anxious for
service, ami never seem ierfoctly
happy unless the Oregon is kteaining
at full heed in the direction of the
scene of conflict
The Spaniard Will lie lirlvan from
Thl llxmlaphar llofore War Knda.
Nkw Yoiik, May H. The Washing
ton correspondent to the New York
Mail and Kx press wires as follows:
"The first chapter of the war of 1898
has been written. Three yet remain.
They will be the capture of I'orto
Rico, the destruction of Spain's Atlan
tic fleet and the occupation of Cuba.
The order in which those three chap
ters shall be written depends upon
the direction in which Spain's war
ships are now . heading. With the
fleet vanquished or captured thi
rest will be easy writing. The end of
the war may therefore be said to be
already in sight lint after the ces
sation of hostilities will eome the
most vital stage of the Spanish inci
dent the making of the peace. Then
will re-enter Secretary Day, from
whose domain the Incident has tem
porarily passed. The treaty of peace
must now be more than the formal re
linquishment of Spanish sovereignty
in Cuba. It must surrender also I'orto
Rico, for while a single remnant of
Spain's sovereignty remains in the
West Indies Cuba would be perpetu
ally menaced, and we should have this
Job of purification all to do over."
Tha Senate Committee Will Probably
Oppoe tha Maamre.
Wakhinoton, May 6. There is now
no donbt that there will be a majority
in committee against the bond feature,
as Senator Jones of Nevada has taken
a position against it and Senator W'ol-
cott has indicated that he will oppose
it if an acceptable substitute can be
The laooad DUtrlot Prli Captured br
the Lawreuoe Man.
Ottawa, Kan., May ft. The long
d sad lock at the Second district Re
publican congressional convention
broke this afternoon on the :i:i5th bal
lot and J. I). Ilowersock of Lawrence
was nominated by an overwhelming
So Contest for the Congressional Nom
ination In tha Kane Seventh.
Hiiti'Hinson. Kan., May fi. The
Seventh district Re publican conven
tion met here to-day. Chester I. Long
was nominated unanimously.
France Mas a KusptHon.
I'ahis, May 6. The Kclaire says ne-
gotiotions are pending between the
Cnited States and (ireat Britain which
will result In the latter supporting
the former if other powers favor
Spain by attempting to stop the war
before the I'nited States has received
satisfaction. The United States, it is
added, has promised In return to cap
ture the Canary islands and cede them
to Great Britain.
fast Work oa the Wlanoatln.
San Francisco. May 6. Work at
the Union Iron Works on the United
States battleship Wisconsin is delayed
by the non -arrival of her armor plate.
Otherwise the completion of the ves
sel is being rushed with all possible
speed. There are over 3,000 men em
ployed in the yard, working night and
day shifts.
Open Order for Mole.
St. Louis, Ma, May Quarter
master U. C Smith has received or
ders from Washington to purchase all
the mules possible until further or
ders. Acting under these instruc
tions. Captain Smith has already
bought S.800 pack mules. The total
number o mules purchased at this i
point is now 7,000, with the prooa- !
bilitv that it will rnn up to the lo, 000 1
mark lieforc the week is over. J ha
purchases will syregate an outlav in 1
st Lotiis for mules alotie of S?oi,i,iQ,
Sc veral hnndrrd have been shipped Uj
San Antonio, Tt-xaa.
Sonis of Warning For the American People.
"Mrs. Kliza A. rittsiner in a juet of rute ability,
especially in the relm of true patroitinm. Her volume
entitled "Uugle Peals" contains the spirit nixl sentiment
of the highest form of Americanism, aud the'V'rand aud
awful times." in which we live.
Thes poems constitute a clarion call fur the defense
of American citienship and American institutions
against the world." J. (. A. IIksrv.
Pastor L Slie Ave. H.piM Church. Chicago, 111.
If you want to breathe patriotism and renew your love of the
Little lied School House; if you want to commune with gifted spirit,
buy and read these poems. Trice, fs) cent. Ad Ires : The American
Until the supply Is exhausted, we
will send to each ubM-riber seeding us
thu uamea nf five of his friends, accom
panied by i")o. for five sample copies of
Thk Amkkh an, one volume, of "The
Stenographer," book containing the
story of the life, trials, tribulations,
courtship, etc., of a stenographer, The
book has 220 pages, U elegantly bound
In cloth, printed from good, clean type
on a high grade of book-paier. We
have 7fi0 of them. (Jet your order in
early. Regular price of such a book
la, ordinarily, You get it for
nothing if you buy five samples. Don't
send ?UmM of a larger denomination
than 2 cents.
To Cora t'onailnatlnn f orever.
Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic I0r or iVi
II U U. C. fail 10 cure. druiiKisis refund moiir
A lap of the United MUU-.
The new wall map issued by the Hur
ltngton Route Is threo feet four Inche
wide by four feet long; la printed in six
colors; la mounted on rollers; shows
every state, county, important town
and railroad in the Union, and forms a
very desirable aud useful adjunct to
any household or business establish
ment. Purchased In lots of 5,000 the map
cost the Burlington Route nearly 3
cents apiece, but on the receipt of 15
cents In stamps or coin the under
signed will be pleased to scud you one.
Write immediately, as the supply Is
J. Francis, U. 1. A., llurlington
Route, Umaha, Neb.
No-To-Har for fifty Ceata.
Guaranteed tohsoco habit eure, makes weak
men struus1, blooil pure- All drufgistsv
The only offer to furnish patriotic
literature at a figure less than cost
which we have ever received com en
from Rev. J. A. Lansing of Cambridge,
Maae. Rev. Lansing has bsuod hun
dreds of thousands of pamphlets of 32
pages each, of which he has about 5, (NX)
still on band, and as he Is going to
Kurope he offers to send to each of qj. r
subHcribers, who will send him a silver
dime, 25 pamphlets of 32 pages each.
The pamphlets are the beet anti-Roman
literatuie ever issued, and we advise
you to take advantage of this offer.
Address Rev. J. A. Lansing, 1034 Main
ave., Cambridge, Mavts. liememberthe
package of pamphlets are sent by mail
postpaid. Send in the dime ( 10c) that
is all. Be quick.
For Sa'e or Trade: One hundred
and ninety-two (192) acres of the best
Ohio farm land, unincumbered, for
farm land In Sarpy or Douglas coun
ties, Sarpy preferred. Application caa
be made at thla offce. Land Is located
In Noble county near Caldwell. This
Is a great opportunity for gome one
near Omaha.
KvervtHMiy Ha So.
Cascarets Candy C'uthartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the ae. peas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act eently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colcis,
euro headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. I'lease buv and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 2,".. M) i-enls. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
ol too Smooth.
The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the cars furnished
so complete that you can imagine your
self In your own luxurious apartments
at home.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok
ing Cars as they pass through Omaha
every morning
"Both my wife and myself have been
alnT CASCAKETS and they are the best
medicine we bave ever bad In the bouse. Last
week my wife was frantio with beadacbe for
twodava. she tried some of vourCASCAKETS,
and tbev relieved the pain fa ber bead almost
Immediately. We twlh recommend Cascarets."
Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co. . Pittsburg, Ps.
tsadi MAM asranrrmo
Pleatanl. Palntahlp Potent. Tte (J.iod Ho
(loud. Nt'Ter irtin. Weaken, or (inm UN .
airrilat eaaa.. rfck., I.. I.rt 117
Mn.Tn.Rir r,,l nliir-ii!,ie4 b all ilruir-
Htl-1 U-DAW g-i.uio i t KK-rofcaeeu llabn.
Farm Park and Lawn.
33 Dt uglas Block,
Mention this paper when writing
An Illustrated yuattcrl) Magazine.
In Its Field Current His
tory Has No Competitor.
- magazine for
sgHMts to handle. It appeals to intelliceiit
people. AdilrHMH
. . USE . .
Ask your Grocer for It and If ha don
not have it, CUT OUT this advertise
ment and have him order it for you.
We manufacture the lcllowing brands:
Pure Family Seap.
Floating Soap.
Pure Castile Soap.
150 Steuben St.,
west emo. PITTSBURGH, PA.
H'cxfcru JtjrntM .If.rc,
Sawyers Soap,
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.,
J. L. TURNEY, Mgr.
H. H. HAYFORO Sec. Treaa.
Moving and light ei press work at reasoa
able prices Tlaoo moving a specialty
Household goods stored, parked and shipped.
Carry-alls for picnics.
Office, 410 North 10th Street.
Telephone 1203.
LsreL!ndea, Mi3h., Feb., 21, M'tr
Dear Sir:
I received your Atlas of the World
and I am well pleased: far beyond my
30 Days Free Trial
Ww lo EiaWl.T As Advrtu4.
1 av Htrh ttr4 tow
ftrfctas m4 Onus tor LkftM lURlT
Uta M'r frm Im lb Warli.
j a VtoiOT b4 trm 9 ! tw M
Ntfh wnSarwiair Mark sriUi autotn)
bobbia winder, arlf triune Mdl, Uf
as If thnttwlmf cylinHrt sfatiiile tod tall m
f U fctnanta. rMnt arraatat at fkk aa
Wftlaat a-acttwprfc. timmrmtp4 Hr 19 Tarit at St.M
11. Sit, CIS, U. Brwa DhI l', tal aaa
at . A Ha ad Mvhioe Kt f.Mi, tharffi rrtaaM.
nay sntt ' rrjajswi anl dir.-! and aw
aTiU' and dftln' rrvfiia. H r tYj
mi ib Awt:n rKic. ah hum i
Birtiln 4 iMVatr1rd fr tb ir. Sv1Mi fr out I
(Hf ao t..l Pii..s We mhip v 4irH fraai
rartr ai ktiatie pritr. AitDKCHrt
VICTOR MIN'F'8 C0.rv,.t,.
u-l 295 and 297 Fifth Annua. Chlcsjo. '
thk oni M ami mokmiim: hakit.
" W bat We My 1'i'to UrNived" Is a iittlf book.
ivin I'uil panw nlurR oi a llHble cure. Kre.
llr. J. I.. SteplnMi-, Kept. II., Lebanon, Ulna,
111 aV A 1