THE AMERICAN r41 c. ' I. CW. - ' I nnnjlf AJ- II li. - aiad by Una - r nwt A4 w fcuall b tut-AMHl to rH - mr tatM-nMott Tn pnea ol THe. .ME-kK AN uuitl JAN. lt. let'8, toKet-r with d? O tiHjJ bcok i only CL THE AMERICAN !ftt;',te Chiiii. j.iv k "MFTV YKAHH IN TI1K I Hl'lMl (r HuMK," wnt any tllrftin lha ()mt-tl Sit 41m, r ( 'auwl.t by mall lor only ft O fViul TAKH with your ortlnr s9m A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, AMEKH'A FK AMEKIl'ANS." W'r hold that all mm are Am"rci who Swear Allrianoc to the 1'iutrd Stattk without a tiirntal reservation. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, MAY C, l.v.S. I'KU'K KIVK t'ENTS. Voi.LMK VIII. Nl'miieic 1M. TO THE IRISH FOR SPAIN. A Poll of the Island Shows That Outside of the Orange Strongholds in the North That 90 Per Out r the Population Favor Spain Id IU Conflict With the lnud St.te. English Roman Catholics and Jews Said t Paver Spain. London, May 2 The question as to whether British r.vmpatby in really with America is still agitating those who are chiefly interested in establish ing a good understanding between the two nations. Mr. Alfred Harmsworth, who per fonally and through his papers has been doing the moBt efficient work in this direction, is convinced that a large majority of the people of the United Kingdom are unreservedly in sympathy with the United States. He bases bis conviction on a careful canvass of the country which he has just bad completed. It shows that Scotland is practically solid for Amer ica and THAT IRELAND, except in tbk NORTH, is hostile to America. Of the merchant?, shippers and business men generally 30 per cent are Ameri can sympathizers, 35 per cent are neu tral and 35 per cei t are against war anywhere. The non-conformists are solidly pro Americans, while 90 PER CKNT OF the ROMAN CATHOLICS are pro Spanish, in all cases, according to the figures collected. The British aristocracy, aside from the Catholics, is evenly divided, while the Jews are opposed to America. On the subject of Catholic opposition to America the Daily Mail in an arti cle printed today says: - "It is largely due to distinguished members of the Catholic aristocracy and to the Catholic prelacy of the Waited Kingdom and Ireland that a slight sympathy lor Spain has been worked up during the past few days. The priests and people alike are intent on showing their interests in the coun try which is a firmer stronghold of the church than Italy, and great efforts are making to force the trend of public opinion. "This fact and the strong Irish feel ing explains why so few nationalist members of the House of Commons have spoke publicly in favor of the United States. Messrs. Redmond and Dillon have spoken, but the latter was Immediately attacked by the probably widest circulated Catholic organ in England, the Catholic Times." Blessed Spalns Arm. London, April 25. The St. Peters burg eorrespondeai of the Daily Tele graph says: "Emperor Nicholas today granted an audience to the Spanish ambassador, Duke De Tanames, acd discussed with him the Cuban question at great length. A conference of the ambassa dors of the powers on the subject of Owba baa been held at the foreign office and well-informed persons declare that Russia will now support Spain." The Berlin correspondent of the Standard bays: "Germany will take no steps prejudi cial to the United States, nor probably join in any intervention on Spain's be half, it is evident, therefore, that the meeting yesterday (Saturday) at Dres den between Emperor William and Bmperor Frances Joseph signally failed to bring Germany into line with Austria." The Rome correspondent of the Stan dard says: "The queen regent asked the bless ing of the pope upon Spanish arms. HI holiness replied that he sent it from his heart and hoped to see a vin dication of Spain's right, which had been tramped upon." Before Meeting Dfwey. Madrid, April 24. The archbishop of Madrid has issued a diocesan letter, ROMAN CATHOLICS AS TRAITORS. Two Reports which Confirm Our Charge that Their First Allegiance is to the Church. The Government Should Realize Who Spies" Really AreThey Are Roman KANSAS CITY, MO., May 5. A dispatch to the Journal from Sedalia Mo., says: "A letter received here from Mrs. II. V. Dodge, a sister-in-law of A. S. Dodge, of the Cotton Belt, says, SPANISH SYMPATHIZK KS IN KI'XSO, SCOTT CO., MO., RAISED AND FORWARDED TO MADRID A FUND OF $300.00, TO UK USED H Y Sl'AIN IN HER WAR AGAINST THE UNITED STATES." Alexander Schlegel, file clerk in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, asserts publicly that he was informed by a niembea of the Bohemian Roman Catholic Church of South Omaha, that Roman Catholics had contrib uted money to a fund now being raised by the Roman Catholic Church to aid Spain in her war against the United States. He is able to furnish names of his informants, and is endeavoring to learn the names of the contributors and the amount raised. "T1USASON against the United States, shall consist only In levying war against them, or AMIBKIXG to their Enemies, G1VIXG THEM All) and COMFORT." Sec. .7, Art. Ill, U. S. Constitution. A dispatch from New York says, Governor Black has approved the idea of placing ONE HUNDRED ARMED GUARDS around the Aqueducts from which the water supply of Greater New York is drawn, in order to prevent Spanish sympathizers or spies from poisoning the water supply of the great city. The sympathizers are understood to be Roman Catholics. in a flamboyant style that occasionally sinks Into absolute rodomontade, differ ing widely from the high style of Car dinal Cascajares y Azira, archbishop of Valladolid. Toe archbishop makes the war ap pear a question of good and evil, with Spain all white and the United States all black. He appeals to all the saints to protect the Spaniards, almost prom ising invulnerability against American bullets. There are several fine pass ages that redetm the letter from out and out puff and bombast, Drive Tbeu All Out. New York, May 2. A copyrighted cablegram from Singapore to the World says: Aguinaldo's policy after the Philippines have been captured embraces the independence of the islands and the internal affairs to be controlled under European and Ameri can advisers. The insurgents desire American protection, temporarily at least, on the same lines as proposed after the Cuban campaign. The scheme includes free trade to the world; safe guards enacted against an inllux ot Chinese aliens: a complete reforma tion in the corrupt judiciary under ex perienced European officials; the entire freedom of the press and public utter ance; a general religious toleration; the AIIOLITION AND EXPULSION OF RE LIGIOUS FRATERNITIES, the church being represented by secular priest hood; provision for facilities to exploit resources; the building of railways; the removal of the restrictions on en terprise and the investment of capital. A Mother Fonder Mill Destroyed. Auburn, Cal., April 30. The Clipper Gap powder works, seven miles from here, were blown up this evening. It is supposed that lightning caused the explosion. These works resumed operations a lew days ago after several months' idleness. The Vatican Host W orking For Spain. J a me Creeiman, special correspon dent of the New York Journal, writing from London under date of May 3, says: "The Vatican is putting forth its ut most strength to induce the European powers to Intervene in Kiua form. I can say, however, on the highest possi ble authority that the British govern ment spurns all who approach it with suggestions of interference. "Everywhere in England are evi dences of the extraordinary activity of Catholic priests and other church dig nitaries of that church to turn public sympathy toward Spain and induce the government tq lend countenance to an attempted concert of the powers. So far, no overt proposals have been made between the continental governments." Another of Konie's Murderous Tricks. Springfield, III., May 3. Experts to day who have tested the contents of a package found in one of the company boxes of the Third infrntry, Illinois National Guard, pronounced it dyna mite. This morning a rigid examina tion was made of all equipments and bRggge but nothing else was discov ered. There is no clew to the party who placed the infernal thing. The men believe they have narrowly es caped the fate of the sailors of the Maine. Guards have been placed at every dcor and other entrance to the buildings, and only persons having passes are allowed to entt r. Dragging In Kcliirion. That group of nobodies who are en deavoring to whip up a popular feeling in favor of Spain has also lately been playing a most unfair game by endeav oring to add to the bitterness of the struggle by dragging in religion. It had been whispered at first and then loudly uttered in one or two corners that this war was really one of an anti Catholic sentiment in the United States against the most Catholic nation. Absurd and unfounded as such a statement is. still it has met with be lievers of the simpler sort, and there were even found ignorant men who in a public meeting muttered that because they were 0 the same religion the Irish sympathize with the Spaniards. I am glad to be able to say that such a heresy as this has met with an indig nant denial on the part of the Irish Catholic public men, one of whom well says that when the question at issue li liberty v-rsus tyranny Irishmen do not stay to Inquire as to the religion of the combatants. Nor do fair Englishmen forget how many million of loyal Cath olic citizens the United States contains, a fact which alone is sufficient to es tablish the utter foolishness of the pes tilential invention. London corres pondent Chicago Tribune, under date of April 30. Abuse of England. An English correspondent writing to a London paper from Madrid, (ays "England is. of course, abused in all the papers as much as ever. Today a leading article proves that she does not belong to Europe or civilization at all. We are fit comrades of the Yankees and polar bear?, a may be seen at once from the horror our language, so harsh and wretched after the warm, hospitable flow of French and Italian. German and Kussian are discreetly omitted, for the hope of help from Ilusria is very strong: but just now there is something more novel than sneers at England. In London the readers of Stock Exchange papers re member seeing the headline, "The Hope as a Bull." Hut here we read "Tte Pope as a Filibuster.'' That is his re ward for declaring his interest lies with neither side, but with the suffering Cubans." Strong ames. The last change in the Cabinet cir cle, which makes William II. Day Sec retary of State, will introduce to the society of the capital a new hostess in the circle in the person of Mrs. Day, 1 who is a pleasing and attractive woman with dark hair and eyes, a slender and youthful figure, and one who is not easily forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Day have four sons, the oldest being 14 years old. Three of them are humor ously designated by their parents, "Luther, the Reformer," "Stephen.the Martyr," and "William, named Mc Kinley," and the fourth, Lucas, is just plain Lucas, who doubtless has possibil ities that will develop later. Chirago Tribune. Did Thee Cowards Mow I'ptbf Powder Mill. Dover, N. J., April ;U) Slaty-three members of Company M, N. J. N. G., the 44 Spanish Catholics. were burned in effigy. Stuffed figures were ridden on rail and there were cries of "cowards, cowards," in the streets of Dover, N. J., last night. These sixty-three men have refused to give their services to the govern ment. When the action of the company was learned by the towns-people yesterday indignation ran high. By 9 o'clock half the town had turned out, and a march was made te the armory. There a man climbed to the roof and hung a sheet on the flagpole. In the mean time a fire had bea started, and the guards were burned in effigy. The Dg urea were stuffed and carried through the streets on rails. The police were powerless. Highest Komau Authority. The present pope has ordered, by an Encyclical Letter, that the writings of "St." Thomas Aquinasshall be studied in every school throughout the world In obedience to this order the English Jesuits translate into r.ngusn a por tion of his works, under the title of "Aquinas Etbicus." We have fre quently quoted from this translation what Aquinas teaches as to the lawful ness of exterminating heretics out of the world by death, says the Protes tant Observer, But Father Iticakby, S. J., who issued that translation, sup pressed an important portion of what Aquinas said on this subject. The sup pressed portion is, however, as much approved by Pope Leo Xlll. as that which we have so frequently quoted. Last year a new translation of that por tion of what Aquinas teaches relating to heretics was published by the De partment of History of the University of Pennsylvania. It proves more clear ly than ever before how much this popish saint, together with the present pope, approved of religious intolerance even to blood, and therefore we reprint it below. Aquinas writes iQuaest. XI., Art. ill. r "Heretics must be considered from two points of view; namely, as regards the heretic himself, and secondly as re gards the church. As for the heretics themselveo there is their sin, for which they deserve not only to be separated from the ohurca by excommunication but to h HRNTOIIT OF THK WHKI.Il IIY DEATH. It la, indeed, a much " 'ry aerioua offence to corrupt the faith, upon which deHndn the life of the out, than to falsify coin, by mean of which the temporal life la sustained. Henco, If counterfeiter and other malefactor are justly hurried to diath by secular ruler, tu ueh the more may ihoito who are oouvlc'cd 'A hcrey cvt only le excommunicated, HIT JUSTLY I'tJT TO A KI'KEOV OKA Til. Hut on the side of tin) church there is nierev look ing for the conversion of the erring. She diHta nut, therefore, condemn Im mediately, but only after a first and second admonition, as the A poetic teaches. Should the heretic still prove stubborn, the church, no longer hoping for his oonverslon, shall pro vide for the safety of others by e par ting him from herself by a sentence of excommunication. She further relin quishes him to the secular judgment to be put out of the world by death. Je rome also says (on the pat-sage in Gala tlana V.), 'a little leavon,' and a pro vided In 21 qu. 3, cap. 11, 'Foul flesh, must bo cut away, and mangy sheep mutt be kept from tbo fold, lost tho whole house be burned, the whole mass corrupted, the whole body be destroyed. A rius was but a spark In Alexandria, but alnoe this spark was cot promptly quenched, the whole world has been devastated by tho flames.' "As to tbe first argument, namely that which relates to the meekness in which a heretic should be admonished a first and a second time, If, after that, he refuses to return, ho la looked upon as perverted, as appears from the au thority of the Apostle above cited. "As to the second argument, any ad vantage which may proceed from her etics, la in no way intentional on their part, as, for example, they furnish, ac cording to the Apostle, of the constancy of the faithful, or as Augustine says, Lib. I. de gen., cont. Manlch. (oap. I., about the middle), 'Let us put away all slothfulness. carefully the Holy Scrip tures.' Their Intention Is, on the con trary, to corrupt the faith, and this is most harmful. We should, therefore, give more weight to those conscious sins which would cut them off, rather than tbe unintentional good, which would seem to countenance their toler ation. "To the third argument we may re ply, as it is written in the Decretals 24, qu. 3, cap. beginning, 'It Is to be ob served that excommunication is one thing ami extirpation another.' One is excommunicated with a view, as the Apostle says (I Cor. v. 5), 'that the spirit may be saved In the day of the Lord.' That heretics shall be totally extirpated by death is not, however, contrary to the command of God, for that command Is to be understood as applying only in the case when the tarei cannot be destroyed without des troying the wheat at the same time." Was He an Irish lioman Catholic.' New York, May 1. The man on the monitor Puritan who was put in con finement because he was found In a tur ret where he did not belong and who was suspected of being a Spanish spy, is Charles Yglesias of Ocean Grove, N. J. His real name is Charles Ilutledge Garrigan. He assumed the name Yg lesias a few years ago when he married a Spanish woman of that name In New York City. Garrigan said he wanted to retain his own name, but his wife Insisted that he should change it. She is now dead. Another Irish Spy. Philadelphia, Pa., May 4.-Another alleged Spanish spy was arrested on the St. Paul today. It was learned to night that the name of the suspect is Howard U an Dan. He claims to be an Austrian. He strenuously denied that his intentions had been hostile to the ship, but a rough draft of the interior ot the vessel, showing the location of her magazines and engines was found In his possession. To Cora I'oaatlpallon Foravar. Take Cam'aru Candv CatliArlia lUe or I&a. II C. V. C tail to ur, tlriu rfuad uoDej.