THE AMERICAN. vV REVENUE DEBATE. i ii n MONITOR TERROR CAP TURES A BIG PRIZE. STEAMER CUIDO CAUGHT. He Pilot Hunt Was SI ! Hlnwa la rise, llervrc (It Vests UUrn III Or lr la mop Wat lu.ll With Moaf anil peites From t'orunnst fur Itlaaco'ft Troops. Kkv Wkw, r'la.. April ?S The United States iiionit ir Terror, Captaiu N. Luillow, captured llit b;g .punish ateaiurr Uuulo. bound from (ornna, Hpaiu, for Havana, early yesterday. The prize had on board a larjft" cargo of provisions 10 1 money intended for the SpanUh troops in Cuba. The eaptnre took place ton itiiie off Car denas, after a hot chase, during which the Terror and the gnntxsit Machias fired, almost blowing the Spaniard's pilothouse into the water. The money captured is in an iron cafe. The amount of this is unknown. It is estimated that the Uuido, with her carjjo, is worth JIOO.OOU The Spanish steamer liuido. Cap tain Aruiarechia, is a vi-ssel of 3.CH5 tons net, owned by the Navigation company of itilboa. Slie was built at Belfast in 1BV1, is 3(i) feet oag, has forty-one feet beam and is twenty-six feet deep. The Guido left Liverpool on April 2 and Corunna on April 6, for Havana. The Spanish crew feared they would be hanired or driven overboard after the solid allot crashed through the pilot house and the formidable moni tor swuiitf around abeam of them with the crew at her monster runs Itwas a 6-pounder that made the Guido heave to. The Machias was within bailing distance, and so will share the prize money. The crew of the prize were delight d to know that they were to be taken to Key West, and not to be turned loose on the coast of Cuba, where they feared death at the hands of the in orients. SPAIN'S METHODS. Philippine KrbaU Mtitcrd and Placed a DalaKa a Bales Vancouvkb, B. C, April 8ft Mail brought by the Empress of China, which arrived here this morning from Hong Kong and Yokohama, states that the people of the Orient are turn ing their attention from far Eastern questions to the war between the United States and Spain. ' Generally speaking, the press is on the side of America. Spain seems to be resorting to foul tactics to kill the rebellion. At the end of March 150 rebels were holding a, meeting in a house at Manila. The news got to the authorities and the bouse was surrounded with the result that upon their refusal to surrender, about ten so-called insurectionista were killed, some forty wounded, and the remainder taken prisoner. They slid not linger long in confinement, be ing released by death. This massacre aroused intense indignation. The Japanese officials declare it becomes more evident than ever as events pro gress and develop that neither the present government nor the Philippine rebels can ever govern the islands, as they ought to be governed with a view to the reasonable development of this "paradise of the earth. " THE WAY SPAIN TELLS IT. After Half an Hoar's Flfht ths Amer icans Were Obliged to Retreat, Madrid, April 29. The version of the bombardment of Matanzas by the United States fleet sent here says that "after half an hour's fight the Ameri cans were obliged to retreat" Little credence is attached to the dispatches from New York telling of the bombardment of Matanzas, as the latter "conflict with official reports." The official reports, in addition to aylng the Americans "were obliged to retreat," admit that "several men were killed ' and "some damage was done to the town," also saying that "the American loss is not knowu " The forts about Havana, it is an nounced here, have not fired a single projectile, the cannon shots being merely signal guns. War's Effect oa Millinery. New Yore, April 29. One effect of the war that is looked for by the cus tom authorities at this port is the topping of the importation of straw goods from Manila and of millinery goods generally from other Spanish porta Fortunately for the importers of Manila straw goods the importa tions ordered for the spring and sum mer trade are about all here. If hos tilities are prolonged until next fall, however, this trade, it is believed, will suffer seriously. Do Not Want to Go to Cobs. Charleston, S. C, April 29. The officers of the Fourth brigade, com posed of state troops, passed resolu tions refusing to be sent to Cuba. The men say they will stay here and fiVht. but they will not go outside the United States as individual soldier companies to fight the Spaniards. Japan VrgmA to Bell to America Yokohama, April 29 The local Journals urge Japan to consent to America buying the two Japanese cruisers now building id tne unwea t tales. SHELLED MATANZAS. Aaterteaa Skips letrer Ike VarllSaa ttaae at Hsrsw ksrrssis Kav Wiwr. Ap-il it. The New York, the l'urltan and the Cincinnati bombarded the fiwts at the mouth of Matanza fcirU.r yesterday "afternoon. mere were n ciMiaites on our aide, but it is b.-lieved that the hail of iru which pounded in the furU must have raUM-d Ids of lifn to the Span iards, though nothing is known defin itely. The engmr'ti n" commence.! at '3:57 ami ci'uii at l.l.V The object of the attack was l prevent the completion of the earthw .r at Punts florda. A batt-ry 'i me eastward arm of the bay -p I fire on the tlagship and this w:i j -i shelled. AHiut te.v! eight-inch shells were tired from the eastern forts, but all fell short About five or six light shells were fired from the half ram p;ete4 baitery. Two of thee whizzed over the New York and one (ell short. The ships left the buy for the open sea, the object of discovering the wherealouts of the butteries having Wen accomplished. In the neighborhood of WO shots were put on land from the three ships, at a range of from t, ));; to 7, 030 yards. Kear Admiral Samp.-uu. wheu asked if he Mas satistiod with the result, said: "Yes, 1 am. 1 expected to be." The half completed Spanish earth works and battery were apparently up by the shells. All the ships engaged showed ex cellent marksmanship throughout the engagement and when they were firiug at the shortest range nearly every shell took effect The forts which were bombarded were on a low lying point and were considered merely earthworks. They did not make a good target, yet when the big guns wera fired at the shortest range portions of the fort could be seen flying in the air at every shot The flagship returned to flavana. and the Puritan and Cincinnati were left on Matnnzas station. KANSAS SOLDIERS. Governor Leedy to Reeralt the Volun teers to toll Himself. Topeka, Kan., April 29 Governor Leedy yesterday received a message from the war department notifying him that he could organize the Kan sas troops to suit himself. "While the department prefers the enlistment of national guards," "the message stated, "you are at liberty to use your own judgment" With this license from the war de partment the governor proceeded in a vigorous manner to carry out his plan to reorganize the Kansas national guards lie Immediately ordered the following telegram sent to the captain of every Kansas regiment. "You will carefully pack all army clotbng and equippage belonging to the state or federal government at once, and send them, direct to the ad jutant general's department at Tope ka. Send two invoices and two re ceipts with each." LEEDY HANGED IN EFFIGY. Wichita National Guards Moved to Is ger at Being Turned Dow a. Wichita, Kan., April 29. At mid night last nicht Governor Leedy was hvnged in effigy on First street, in front of the armory of the national guards. Crowds of people marched back and forth on the street hooting and yelling: "Down with Leedy and Weyler." This action was due to the fact that Leedy has ignored the guards In organizing volunteers and the order commanding that all equipage of the guards be sent at once to Topeka. A public an ti-Leedy demonstration is being arranged for to-night NATIONAL GUARD REBELS Maryland Troops Hreak Camp and Ba tnrn to Armory Dissatisfied. Haltimouk, Md., April 29. The fourth regiment, Maryland national guard, has broken camp at Pimlico and returned to the armory in this city. It is reported they have re belled because of dissatisfaction at not having been assigned to active service by General Wilmer, the fifth being assigned to that honor. Beer to He Hither. Milwaukee, Wis, April 29. Ac cording to a statement by cne of the prominent brewers in this city, the enforcement of the war revenue measure Increasing the tax on beer 91 per barrel will be promptly followed by every brewer in the country by an Increase in the price of that commod ity to the same extent Beer bottles, it was stated, would be Increased 5 and 10 cents per dozen pints and quar ts respectively. Losing British Sympathy. London, April 29. The trend of English sentiment toward Spain is be coming so pronounced as to be a gen erally recognized fact All resident Americans, even American diplomats, are compelled to admit it Although the government's friendly attitude is unchanged, it is questioned whether a majority in parliament is not now Spanish in its sympathy, although a week ago practically unanimous par tisans of the United States. Wild Stories Being Published. Paris, April 29 The newspapers here are publishing a series of wild stories. According to one of them Germany has protested against the blockade of the Philippine islands and contemplates sending warships from Kiao Chou to uphold her protest To Free a Fill batter Nbw York. April 29. The friends of Captain John I). Hart, of filibuster ing fame, are hopeful that within a few days President VfcKtnley will grant bla pardon and are working In dustriously to that end. 11 1 1. NAVY DEPARTMENT ON MATANZAS SHELLING. A NAVAL RECONNOISANCE. Was Simply ta ascertain the Where abonte af the shore Batteries Ma lansas to Be Takea at aa Karly Bate, So lhat Aid May Ba Ulvea the Heconeentra dos Board's IMaaa. Wasih.iotom, April ill. The nsvy department has no reports regarding the engagement at Matanzas between the shore batteries aud three vessels of Admiral Sampsm's fleet It, of course, could not be expected that the news could be had from Havana, with a Spanish censorship managing the end of the cable there. The fact that Admiral Satnpioa has not made any report to the Secretary as yet notwithstanding he. must have bad the same opportunity to communi cate with Key West as was enjoyed by the press, leads the officials of the department to believe that the affair was not of great consequence. Indeed, they say that it is inconceivable that any very extensive damage could have been in tic ted upon properly placed batteries at the distance reported, verying from two and a half to four miles, in the short space of eighteen minutes, during which it Is said the the engagement lasted. A member of the atrategy board, who is of course thoroughly conver sant with the plans of Admiral Samp son, so far as they have been general ized, is authority for the statement that the admiral had no Intention whatever at this time to bombard the Matanzas battery. To do so now would be bad strategy and of little avail, for in the absence of any land ing force the admiral would be unpre pared to take advantage of the vic tory he might gain through a reduc tion of forts, and the Spaniards might have ample opportunity over night to repair in a large measure the damage inflicted on their fortifications. It is stated positively that Admiral Samp son's purpose was to ascertain if any shore batteries existed in Matanzas, and if so to draw their fire and ascer tain their character and then to retire beyond range In other words, it was simply a naval reconnoisance. In the event that during his obser vation the admiral discovered that new defenses were under construction oa shore he would of course not lose ths opportunity to cripple them by throwing a few shells into the earth works and endeavoring to knock over a gun or two It is the general belief at the department, however, that Ma tanzas Is to be soon reduced and made a baso of operations In the campaign against Havana. It is also the Pres ident's purpose to keep In mind throughout the war the awful condi t ion of the reconcentrados, who are most numerous In and around Matan zas. Unless relief is extended to them they undoubtedly will perish during the progress of a long drawn out war. The reported seizure by the Spanish military authorities at Matanzas of the stores contributed by Amer icans, and held in trust there for the relief of these poor sufferers, is regarded as a clear indication that even if the Red Cross steamer Texas is permitted to land her cargo of sup plies at Matanzas under existing con ditions the food will not reach the re concentradoes, but will only go to support the Spanish garrison in their resistance. Therefore it is believed that the President contemplates the early seizure of Matanzas, not only because of its Importance, but in or der that he may there hold out a helping hand to the starving peas antry. It is likely, therefore, that while there was nothing of the nature of a general engagement in Admiral Sampson's reconnoisance, he will soon take steps to begin a heavier and lively bombardment of Matanzas. AN EXCHANGE PROPOSED. The Spanish Government Suggests That Captured Prises Be Traded. Washington, April 29. Spain has made a proposition to the state de partment, through the French ambas sador, who is acting for her sinoe Minister Polo departed, for an ex change of captured vessel a She pro poses the formation of a board of exchange, to be made up of represen tatives of foreign countries. Nothing has been done in the matter by the department Nearly s.OOO From Kansas Topeka, Kan., April 29. According to a telegram from United States Sen ator W. A. Harris, received by Gov ernor Leedy yesterday, the quota of three regiments allotted to Kansas will permit the state to send almost 4,0')') men to the front Nina 8panlsh Warships at Manila. London, April 2'j. It is reported in Madrid, according to a dispatch this afternoon from the Spanish capital, that a Spanish squadron of nine war ships sailed from Manila on Monday last to take up positions off Subiglik bay where they will await the passage of American merchant vessels, for the purpose of capturing them. A Tanderbllt's t:niragemot Nw York, April 26. The New York Press announces the engage ment of Miss Kdith Uresser, daughter of Captain George Dresser, U. Si N., to George W. VanderbUt IMaMrsU Mate right aa lbs Bead rrepasllla. Wasiero. April ? The general debate upon the measure , framed by the ways and means oommittes to meet the extraordinary expenditure of the war with Spain opened In the House yesterday. There was a signal absence of that partisan rancor which has always heretofore characterised debates on revenue measures. lioth sides, speaking through their resiective leader. Messrs. lhngley and liailey, concurred in the necessity which existed for immediate raising of hundreds of millions to nroaecute the war, but the opposiug doctrines which they held rlahed at the first onset over the method by which the revenue should be raised. The sec tion providing for $.Vki,0'Ht,000 of bunds became the target of the IVmccratio and Populistic oppo sition, and Mr. liailey, in an hour's speech argued for an income tax which would raise IIOD.tloo.ouo a year; the coinage of the silver seigniorage, and the issue of $"8,ooo.000 of legal tender notes, as an alternative propo sition. Mr. Dingley declared that it was almost incredible that anyone could seriously propose In such a crisis that the government should rely for funds upon the proceeds of another law-suit over a proposition which the supreme court li:td decided against the government Mnle Combine Broken. Kansas Citt, Ma, April 2'.). A dis patch from St Louis yesterday said that the government had broken the backbone of the Missouri mule trust by refusing to accept the bids recently sent in for supplying psck mules for the army. The efforts of the combine have constantly harassed the govern ment aud caused Quartermaster Gen eral Ludington in' his emergency to appeal to Congress for relief. Don't Believe Mrdrld Reports. Washington, April 9. The very fact that the Madrid officials have rather ostentatiously declared that the Spanish fleet has sailed to bom bard the cities on the North American coast is taken as a certain indication at the navy department of the utter improbability of such a movement If this wero contemplated, the Span ish oflicials would be the very last to make their purpose, public. To Bombard American Coast lowns. London, April 29. It is reported here from Madrid that the destination of the Spanish fleet, which is said to have been at sea for some days, is un known to anyone but the minister of marine, Admiral B Tine jo. ltut it is added that news is expected before long at the Spanish capital of the bombardment of American coast towns. No Sliver Opposition Washington, April 28. While there Is no doubt that the senators of all parties which advocate the free coin age of silver will oppose the bond feature of the war revenue bill, the present prospect is that they will not seek to delay its passage on account of that provision. The Oregon Is Coming. Washington, April 29. The navy department has received word that the United States battleship Oregon was spoken a few hundred miles be low Montevideo The big vessel was booming along under forced draft and making great speed. She will stop at Montevideo for coal and proceed to Key West with all possible baste. Many Changes Ashed For. Washington, April 29. Senators, members of tbe House of Representa tives and state officials crowded Sec retary Alger's office at the war de partment to-day, suggesting change in the apportionment of the troops the states were called upon to furnish, or asking for a change of rendezvous Go to Spanish Soldier. Matanzas, April 29. l!y order of General Molino. the food supplies now in store here for the reconcen tredos will bo held subject to hi order in case they may be needed to feed the soldiers during the approach ing conflict Vonr Ironclads Coming. Katonnb, France, April 29. Ac cording to a letter just received here from Madrid, dated from the Spanish capital on Tuesday, a Spanish squad ron, consisting of four iron-clads and three torpedo boat destroyers, sailed for the United States yesterday. Waiting for the Equipments. Cakthaor, Mo, April !. The boys are waiting for the call to mobilize and hope the full supply of company equipments will soon be on hand. The Junta I to Go to Cuba. New York, April i9. The Cuban junta and its following will go to the Cuban capital as soon as the United States opens a port of entry. - THE MARKETS. Kansas City Grala and Live fttoeh. Hard Wbeat-Na 1. 11.0731.0" Ni 2. 11.07 No. 3, il.Osis: No. A 11.01. rejected, 11.00. Soft Wheat No. U 11. OR U 2. tl.07; No. 8, U.03'4: No. A tl.004l.02. rejec.ei. II. OA Spring Whest Ma 2. ?1 0J3L0 , Ni 1 rt'lecied. 98c. Mtsed Corn-No, " 82: Ma 3. 32c; Na 4. 31c White Corn-No. 2. 32',e Ka a 32c; Na A SI Sc. Cattl - Reelects 3.97 -i taiw . 92 dipped. 2.188 - ittte V. ewes The market wis st;a to 10 Mhr. hlpp ng and uresm .1 txef s e vs. 14 20, 695, nat. e hetfet HiWrt 4. native te. Vrs, 14,' l4.4'i ut, a ssoifcer Sj 50 Ho Receipts 14.44 shlTM.l. 3 913 The mir(t sua titn tr i strong. Prices ranged trim 4 to Mini BUGLE PEALS! -;. . . OR - Songs of Warning For the American People. A BOOK OF POEM5 BY RUlZaA A. FITTSI1VORR. "Mr. Klia A. I ittsiuger is a puet of rare ability, especially in the realm of true patroitism. Her volume entitled "Bugle l'euls" contains the spirit ami sentiment of the highest form of Americanism, and tbe "grand and awful times." in which we live. These poems constitute a clarion call for the defense of American citizenship and American institutions against the world." J. Q'. A. IIenky. PaHtnr La S tile Ave. lUptl.t Church, Chicago, II!. If you want to breathe patriotism and renew your love of the LlUle lied School House; 11 you want to commune with gifted spirit, buy and read thene potnis. 1'rlcc, 5u wnta. Ad lrom : Tb4 Amor lean Ke. Srott r. llerxhf j's Opinion. We are confronted with the problem of the wisdom of the pope being a di rector of International settlements. The cables and the press have bjen burdened for the last three weeks with the news of bit mediations between the United States, Spain and Cuba. Whether be sent soy communication to the President of the United States through Archbishop Iruland.or through the papal agent In Washington, we have no way of knowing. If he did, it likely bad a cool reception at tbe White House. I can bardly bring mycelf to believe that tbe President of the United Statei would seriously consider such interference. The doleful state ment of Archbishop Ireland that he had entirely lout all hope in the pre ventioo of war, may be taken as an in dication of tbe failure of the pope's at tempt, if there was such a move. That tbe p jpedid direct ly communicate with Spain la very oertaio, but in that move be bad more la mind than the saving of Spain from the chaitltement she de served, is perfectly apparent. And this too is perfectly natural. Spain is tbe ancient friend and support of tbe papacy. Spain has helped to make the modern papacy, and the papacy has helped to make Spain what she Is es pecially her decline snd ruin. The exchange of messages between Spain and the pope does not speak well lor tbe pope as arbiter. On April 9th tbe Spanish government sent a communi cation to the pope saying it had the pleasure of "satisfying the Itev. Pon tiff Jn order that the prestige of tbe Catholic nation might not be dimin ished." So it appsars that the pope's plan for the settiemont was made to avoid any surrender of the Spanish claims or authority in Cuba or else where. Qieer sense of justice this. This even more cltarly defines tbe pope's intention to serve Spain, and not justice or humanity. Tbe papal nuncio at Madrid thus ad dressed the Spanish government in conveying the pope's reply: "The pope will not fail to use his Influence where occasion offers In order that the withes of the Spanish government may be realized and tbe prestige of the no ble Catholic nation be unimpaired." In reading this, I had the unpleasant feeling that Spain and Leo XIII con sulted as to what course met the de sires of Spain, and the intervention of tbe pope was like an effort to accom plish this, and bad little reference to tbe cessation of the starvation in Cuba, and was concerned very little with the broader course of humanity and liberty there, much less to meet the just de mands of the United States. No per son who Is in the least degree familiar with the pope's conduct as an agent in International arbitration, would have any confidence In either papal candor or ability in such a service as this. The Pope of Rome will, and must fa ver a Catholic country, rather than a Protestant nation. Then, the pope Is not in accord with the growing and widening spirit of liberty, progress and education. In every way be is un fit to arbitrate, except it be between two exclusively Catholic countries. To longer permit Spain to continue tbe unsufferabie condition of her mis rule in Cuba is not in the patience of the American people, but if there is no . ay out of it except through the pope, wo had Vtter suffer tbe unsuff .arable. We will Lot consider the right, author t,7 or justice of papal arbitration in any matter which conoerns our nation al affairs or international relations. That papal iotvrfi re nee always has reference to tbe wolfareof theCatbollo ohurch and not to the bust Inter its of the countries concerned, I shown by tbe strong controversy which has beea in prog res between the Pope of Itome and the Ctar of Itusjla. Several year ago two dioceses la Ilussia were de prived of their b Whops by death; they were located in the Polish district. The pope at once appointed two eccles iastics to Oil the vasint soon; they im mediately reported at Home and look tbe usual oath of allegiance to the pope. Hut on their return to Hussia they were Informed by that government that they did not first take tbe oath of allegiance to the Itusin government before swearing to obey the pipe, and would not be permitted to enter upon their duties. This created great amaicraent In the court at Rome, as all previous apojlntmeots bad been arranged with reference to the first oath being takea to papal allegiance. Tbe Czar has declared that he will not yield an Inch and the pope refuses to consecrate tbe bishops designated by the Czar. Scott P. Hkrshev, Ph. D. For fifty cents we will send yoa a eopy of the Atlas of the World, coa earning the laUst and most accurate maps of Cuba and the Klondike couv try, besides a great deal of useful aad raiuable Information. American Pua. oo., Omaha. Until the aui ply is exhausted, wa will send to each subscribjr sending us ! the names of five of bis friends, accom panied by 25a. for five sample copies of Tbe American, one volume of "The Stenographer," a book containing the story of tbe life, trials, tribulations, courtship, etc., of a stenographer. The book has 220 pages, Is elegantly bound In cloth, printed from good, clean typa on a high grade of book-paper. We have 750 of them. Get your order la early. Regular price of such a book Is, ordinarily, $1.25. You get it for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't send stamps of a larger denomination than 2 cents. . . USE . . SA WY ERS'CELEBR 4 TED SOAP Ask your Grocer for It and If ha doe not have it, CUT OUT this advertise ment and have him order it for you. We manufacture tbe following brauds: Pure Family Soap. Floating Soap. Pure Castile Soap. FRIEND " Sawyer's FOR SALE BY SAWYER 8t FRV, ISO Steuben St., west two PITTSBURGH. PA. Western A yen tsA dd ress. Sawyers Soap, 1615 HOWARD STREET, OMAHA. NEB. Omaha Express and Delivery Co., J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. H. HAYFORD Sec Treas. Movlnc and light express work at reason able pfiws Piaoo uioId a spoclnll. Household loodsatored, packed and shipped. Carry-alls for picnics. Office, 410 North 16th Street. Telephone 1203. L ike Lmdea, Mich., Feb., 21, H'W Dear Sir: I received your Atlas of the World and I am well pleased; far beyoud my expeditions. JOHN OOLLINGv