THE AMERICAN PUBLISHED WKUiT. mi oo Si Hka ll IMf luilL - " " larullr is k&nux. INit CO PuhUOr, ll Howard Htrm-t, aha. Nl JOHN C, THOMPSON, W. C. KKIXKY. . . . . lull lor. luataeaa Haaaw OMAHA, NEH . APRIL S. Tha beep will be ieparalrJ from the tbe f oat la a ert f It w an Inspiring slgbt to the militiamen shoulder arm ao4 march to tbe depot beneath t;n thousand flags and through streets' Hoed with a hun dred thousand people. There m a blendloit of the blue and . .... in the nar ado which wm formed to ewsort the Omaha Guards and ttie Ulflo. to the depot last Wednesday. We ere one people. Mckinley during sixty days. MrKleley ku been ma ligned ead hie miti?ea he been ques tioned by mea who were at heart hie friend, slmp'y becauae ef the ma- lloiouly untruthful report aent out from the natioca capital by lotcroated parties. We koow not what wa the motlte that actuated these false re p;wt, nor do we know who waa respon ble for them, but tlat they woro false and that they were malicious erects that are transpiring and othera which have tramptred aem to prove conolu- I vey. It seems to be aeltled that President McKlnlcy waa not for peace at any price; In fact, there are graye aououi In our mind that he wai even for peace, if the report regarding the attitude of bla cabinet, that are now coming to ll-, "t iihl. Why did not the pops mediate be tween Spain and Cuba, Imlead of wait ing until the United Statoa told Spain to atop her Inhuman warfare and then jump up with an offer to mediate. The Uoman Cathollo church furn lshea seventy-five poroent of the gov ernment employes, but when the coun try need fighting men the Roman of fiola's stay at home, or deaert at the flrat opportunity after enlisting. The Omaha Guard and the Tour lrq RlflM b lh Omaha and pons to war, but our citizen need have no fear of an atUck from the Spanish flotilla . . .till have the Hibernian Rifle with u to protect the Port of Omaha Now it U ald that Senator Thurston and Allen have both recommended Romanist Coppinger' promotion. hi promotion will keep ome loyal Protestant officer, out. of the yellow fever and oholera itrloken dlatrlct, we ball not object. HE AMERICAN. Ith briag Mated by party I aot to be depended upon. Romaataa I A Peter Cartlaat. la reponible to thla. It la well knows Aa aichane says: A dUpa'ctt to that tbe church mutt a! way know I the Baltimore American of April 13, every aecrel entruaied to one of her j from Washington, say: 'A diplomatic member. la the preeent inUnoe,klate I nalaaloa worthily filled la usually re- ecreu are of great value to her, a her warded by tbe eovertigo poet iff by tbe eldeat daughter and tbe pope' godson red hat of a cardinal. Tbe American are, jointly with tbe cburcb, financially prelate, therefore at-e in Archbishop interested In tbe succesa of Spanlah arm. I tome bas ber linger pretty deep In thla trouble. Watch ber. and prejudice. We believe it can now be s-ated posi tively and emphatically that McKli ley I president; that no men la hi matter; that he baa lltteoed only to the will of the aoverelga people while hearing un complainingly the censure that abould have been borne by thoae who hindered and restrained him o long when be a-aa endeavoring to do hi whole duty. It 1 the duty and should be tbe pleas ure of every patriotic, loyal cttixin to uphold the prealdent in the present crUls; by their act tbey abould con vince him that Ireland and the Irl.h Roman Catholic do not own America neither do thry elect It chief executive. While we have never doubled Pre. McKlcley' loyalty, we have doubted " w the fluty or every subscrib-r to n- K..t FMtn nl the The American to send this paper to at THE GREAT HISTORICAL BETtCT- Every copy of last week's American 1 gone and we have thirty five re quest for the paper. If you are not go ing to aend your paper to a friend will you be kind enough to send it to u so acardinalate ifCorrigan Ireland a futire cardinal. It 1, of course, a debaiame question wnein r tbe archbishop ha been successful in hi diplomatic capac ty. But te obeyed the Vatican to the letter. It is conceded h re tlat be conducted a lott cause witb. cUttnguUbed a'Hlty." for hi loyalty to Spain, Irelat d 1 to have nd other that we can get it it the hand of those who are Interested. ill allow him to be boosted over their head. To Car. CoutipattN t-'orv-r. Take Cascureu Cuiidv Cathartic lUe nrSe It G C- C. tail M euro. druiwiiiia refund muuef wishes of hi uuit trusted adviser, The Paris Sol lei say the war be tween the United State and Spain 1 the first step In an inevitable struggle between the Latin and Anglo-Saxon races, between the Cathollo and Prot estant religion, between the old and the new civilizations." First Lieutenant Let Forby of the Thurston Rifles was presented with a handsome Hold glass just as the train was pulling out for Lincoln. Tbe pres ent was from tome of his friends who had been associated with him In Mars lodire No. 130. K, of P., of which he is a past chancellor commander. Our government can look for trouble from Spain's Roman Catholic sympa' thliers in this country In other quar ters than those now being attacked We expect the next thing these Intern al enemies will assail will be the armor plate works, the gun factories and the coal mines, followed by the destruction of the lighting plants of the large cities, during which will occur a reign of terror. Wise Protestants will buy arms and ammunition. Trouble is vetting nearer every day. Don't be like the foolish virgins in Christ's par able. Last week we stated that It would be just like Rome to blow up and destroy our arsenals, magazines and powder mills. Today we can say a fire was started in the powder mill near Santa Cruz, Cal., Tuesday and that it is sup posed to have been the work of a Span leh agent; and that Wednesday night the arsenal at New Orleans was broken open and a quantity of dynamite taken That, probably, was also done by Spanish agent. Spain's agents are all Roman Catholics. Near the close of last week, and after conT(ncel U4 that he has enough uerve President McKlnley bad signed the to eve. extrahazardous question. Cuban resolutions which virtually de- rjotii tbe W,P em, we re for Mo- clared war against Spain, tbe news K1je If he is reported to be acting wa flashed from Washington that I dlfTeraot to what a patriot would act, Postmaster General Gry had resigned, we eb,u awat developments, and it the that John Sherman would soon retire charges prove true we shall not hesl from the caMnet, that John I). Long ute 0 cen8UPC him, for the right of had hauded in hi resignation aa aecre- the people are dearer than the friend taryof the navy and that Lyman J. gbip or good will of acv man. Gage wa. thinking of quitting so that men who were In sympathy with the Our exchanges can materially aid u attitude of tbe United States Senate lo M e(Tort to wcure the names of all could be appointed to cabinet position Nebraska-born boys above the age of J3 who would carry out the ideas of who are ready to emulate the example the prealdent. It was also stat3d that of theIr lo ali pfc-v,,.ic fathers, and ere the signing of the resolutions was a relkdy an8Wer their country's call distinct victory for Secretary Alger, ad KO forth to fight and die, If neces- who had been ably seconded by Secre- nfJt to me rree) if they will say tary Bliss. that we want to add their names to a Any person who knows anything roll bearing our own, which roll will be about the official family of the Presi- tendered tbe governor In case more riant knows it la comoosed of ehrht men. volunteer are needed tor offensive or That the Secretary of State, the Secre- defensive purposes. Nebraska is filled tary of the Treasury, the Secretary of with old soldier heroes who once risked the Navy, and the Seer tary of War their lives to make others free, and are the four most responsible positions, their must be thousand of soldier' sons Three of those positions were filled by who would gladly and willingly go to what is how reported to have been peace the front as so many of foreign birth at any price mea, while the third, the are doing. While we are not auth ... i Secretary of war, which had but little, I orlzed to organize a regiment, we comparatively, to do with a dispute propose to aid our country in every outside our national borders, was tor possible way while trouble continues, war. The other four were but little and one of the ways to help Is to know more than figure-heads, yet three of what Nebraska boys are ready to shoul them were for war and one, Mr Gary, der a musket and march to victory or was for peace, which left the cabinet I to death under the flag their fathers so evenly divided, and placed the respon-1 ably defended. It would be a grand siblllty for deciding the question as to tribute to the patriotism of the fathers whether there should be war or peace and mothers of this state and an ever- on the shoulders of the president. I lasting glory to the commonwealth to He decided right. be able to offer a whole company or a He said there should be war. whole regiment of Nebraska-born boys Immediately Mr. Gary resigned be- to defend and protect this nation. To ... a m a . 1 . . . a. t . 1 4 1 1 cause or m-neaiin ana nr. unarie tne end mat it may oe posmveiy anowu Emory Smith, the author of the Cuban how many Nebraska born boys are anx- plank In the Republican platform, wm lous to serve their country we request appointed to the position made vacant those who are to send their name, age by Mr. Gary's retirement. Then Mr. and address to the editor, John C. Lonir. the Secretary of the Navy, re- Thompson, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, signed, but his resignation is being held Nebraska. up until the president can find the right man to fill the position. Then the ven erable John Sherman, tht Secretary of State, stepped down and his assistant, Mr. Day, was appointed to his place. Mr. Gage is still a member of the cabi net and will be until he succeeds in raising the necessary funds to carry on the war. then, unless he catches the war spirit, he may resign. During the time those misleading statements were being sent out John Ireland was in Washington. Whether they emanated from htm or not we do not know, but as he was a peace at any price advocate, and as he knew the av erage Republican, like the average Democrat, would endorte any policy their leaders might choose to adopt, he may have inspired many of those dis patches for the purpose of securing the least one of their friend for tbe bal ance of this year. It only costs One (tl) Dollar, and the nation should be awak ened to the real and awlful danger that Is almost upon us. There is a move in certain quarters to stir up discord among the state mi litiamen. The plea is put for ward that if they cannot enlist as a company they should not enlist at all. This looks to us like a pretty flimsy excuse. It may serve to keep the Hibernian Rifles at home in the several states, but that is about as far as it will reach, for loyal men in the ranks will not question the wisdom of the governor, or make the mistake of supposing that be would divide lcc&l companies and jump inex perienced men over the heads of their officers. The average governor Is a man of sense, whether we agree with blm politically or not, and we think he can be trusted to treat his soldiers with the utmost justice. This is es pecially true of the governor of Nebraska. Our friend John Raid, the Sixteenth Street jeweler, was married the first of the week to a most estimable lady. The Jesuit. Dr. Fisher of the Yale university, says, in his church history; The teach ing of the Spaniard, Mariana, one of their Jesuit writers, that regicide waa lawful, was believed to have lead to tho murder of Henry IV of France. Tbe assassination of his predecessor, Herry III as well as William of Orange, was traced by manv to the p isonous doc trines of the Jesuit teachers." A lap ef the Called State. Toe new wall map issued by me Bur ling ton Route 1 three feet four Inuhe Ide by four feet long; is print- d in six colors; 1 mounted on roil err: show every state, count.', important town and railroad In the Uoion, and forms a very desirable and useful adjunct to any household or business esiaoiub ment. Purchased in lot of 5,000 the maps cost the Burlington Koute nearly ceou apiece, but oo the receipt of l. cents in stamps or coin tbe under signed will te pleased to Bend you one Write immediately, as the supply Is liailf-d. J. Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, eb. No-To-Itac for Fifty Centa. Qua run teed tobacco balm cure, makes weak oen struutf, blood pure sue. II. All drutfKusl The only offer to furnish pat rk tic literature at a figure less than cost rhlch we huve ever received comes At the present lime when presidents from Rev. J. A. LaBsingof Cambridge .. . I M Rnv. Tanslne- ha itsued hun are auieu oy tnusu wuo maae meir .... 7 ... , I rirerla of thousand of DamohletS Of plots In Roman Catholic houses, may eieacht o( which he has about 5,000 we not say tbat tbe uoman uatbouc tlll on hard, and as he la going to church is always the same. And if sol diers are leaving the regular army and give for a reason that they will not fight for a government which will not "avenge the Maine," it looks as If there Europe he offers to send to each of our subscribers, who will send him a silver dime, 25 pamphlets of 32 pages each Tbe pamphlets are the best anti-Roman literature ever issued, and we advise . m vou to taice advantage oi mis oner were poople who were advising them to Address Rev. J. A. Lansing, 1034 Mai desert. At this when there is war these things should be taken into c nsideratlon, and properly landled. It people are murderers let the world know them so that they shall be given a "wide berth," in every sense of the word. It would do any one good to read Dr. Fisher's churoh history. The Roman Cathollo church is truly placed in it where she belongs. E. S. ave.. uamDriage, mass, itememoertne package of pamphlets are sent by mail postpaid Send in the dime (10c) tha Is all. Be quick. To Cure t'oiili(ialliin forever, Take Ciuu-urets C'anily Cuttaai-tic. loo or 25v If C. C- C. (ail lo cure. druKK't refund money Current History, An Illustrated Quarterly Maiiee. DEVOTED TO RECORDING IMPORTANT EVENTS. PRO GRESS AND GROWTH IN ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD n Its Field Current His tory Has No Competitor. Current Histo ry la a splendid magazine for It appeal to intelligent Agents Wanted. agents to handle, people. Addrees NEW EXGLAXD PUBLISB'G CO., 3 SOMERSET STREET. BOSTON. MASS. Our Bool) Catalogue. ANTI-ROMAN BOOKS. "FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME," by Rev. Cbas Chlnl quy; cloth, J2.00. THE PRIEST. THE WOMAN AND THE CONFESSIONAL," by Rer. Chas. Chlniquy; cloth, $1.00. "CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED, by Edith O'Gorman; cloth, $1.00 "AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM. WHICH?" by J. T. Christian; cloth, $1.00. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," by Rev. J. G. White; cloth. $1.25. ROMANISM AND THE REFORMA TION, by Rev. Guineas; cloth, $LW. ROMANISM AND THE REPUBLIC, by I. J. Lansing, $L0J REV. MOTHER ROSE, by Bishop J. V. McNamara; paper, 26c. HORRORS OF THE CONFESSIONAL, by Rev. R. L Kostello; paper, BOe. SECRETS OF THE JESUITS, by Rev. T. E. Ley den; paper, 30c SECRET CONFESSION TO A PRIB8T by Rev. T. E. Ley den; paper, SOe. The governor of Nebraska Is reported to have said that he had received more than one hundred applications for com missions to organize a company. We suggest that the governor call the ap plicants all to Lincoln, have them mustered into service in two companies and let them choose their officers by lot. Each man, after he signs the muster roll, to draw an envelope con taining a card designating his rank We can't expect to get permission to furnish two hundred companies in ad dition to the state militia, and every man who offered to get up a company did it, no doubt, for the pure and un selfish motive of serving his country and not for tbe salary attached to a captaincy. What say you, Governor? No Papal Interference. At the last conference in New York the ministers of the M. K. church, by a vote of 165 to 3, adopted the followln g resolution: 'We want no overtures from our government for settlement of the burn ing questions confronting us as a nation based upon propositions emanating from Rome. Let efforts emanating from that source exhaust themselves in humanizing and civilizing Spain American institutions will guard their own honor." For Sale or Trade: One hundred and ninety-two (192) acrea of the beet Ohio farm land, unincumbered, for farm land in Sarpy or Douglas coun ties, Sarpy preferred. Application can be made at this offce. Land la located In Noble county near Caldwell. This is a great opportunity for some one near Omaha. Some complaint is heard because the party backing for his peace scheme, Spanl8h ex-minister, Polo, Is In Canada must aamu mat tor plottln? la9i thi country, and ef- once pariy ieauy gave way w me pin- (orU makh,g to have him remove iui piea oi a lanusmug anu u, iug uuo- neutral terrltoryt It 8eem9 to u8 pie, whom he, his god the pope, ana reqlrM t good de&1 o nervo tor their butchers, the Spaniards, yet hope goyernment to object to one man to keep beyond the fostering care of the remainlng on British goU plan fcnd siars ana swipes. i . -,, . wh- OUP government piv w nwhbi n It pleases us to oe a Die to set our President, before our readers, la a true j light on this question. The evidence at hand and partly out lined above seems to prove that he was Ttat would our government say if the not a peace at any price man. The Brit ish Prime Minister were to demand resignations of Gary, Long and Sher- the nsbanding and the unarming of has allowed the organization, arming and drilling: of 100,000 Irish Roman Catholics for the avowed purpose of freeing Ireland from , British rule. man disprove such a charge. His de cision in favor of wcr when they his j principle off Jal adv;ai 4 were opposed to it, makes any defense of his action by his I.-ienns unc reBjary, ana an that treat force? We should treat the British as we want them to treat us. Advices from Washington are to the '. Sect that the government has learned apology from Lfs opponents obligatory that some of Hi secret service officers I . . . . 11 Li - J if they would not be accused of utfalr-' in lorelgn countries are unreuaoie nu Everybody says So. ftuuuiretg Caudr Cathartic, ttie most won derful medical discovery of ttie aye, pleas ant aud refreshing to the taste, act sently and positively on kidneys, liver ana noweia, clcaimine the entire system, dispel colua, cure headache, lever, namiuui consiiauou and biliousness. Please buy and try a bo; of C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, SO cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by au aruggisis. Met too Smooth. QThe tracks of the UNION PACIFIC are so smooth and the oars furnished so complete that you can imagine your self In your own luxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok ing Cars as they pass through Omaha everv mornlnir "fflv wire bad ulmplea on her face, but she han been taking CASCAKKTS and tbey have ftll disappeared. I bad been troubled witn oonstipation tor some time, out titer lav ing the first Cascaret I bave had do trouble witb this ailment. We cannot speak too high ly of fascarets." Krhd W artmah. (708 Qermantowo Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. An Eventful Month. April is a fruitful month in anniver saries, not counting those back of the present century. The first gun was fired on Sumter April 12, 1861. Pres. Lincoln issued his first call for volun teers April 15, 1861, April 15 1861, England took her stand for neutrality between North and South. April19, 1861, privatears were commissioned by Jefferson Davis. April 9, 1865. Gen. Lee surrendered tj Gen. Grant. April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated Then, too, it was In April, 1846, that our troops marched to Mexico. These are but a few of many April events to be added to the present month's epoch making occurrences. CANDY II -J CATHARTIC jA V. TKAOI MAUN KIOISTf RCO f IV. Leyden'a "Secret Instructions) of the Jesuits," tor 80c, and his "Secret Con fession to a Priest," for 80c, both ptper covered books, are the cheapest books on the market today. Send tu 60c and have them aent to your ad dress. American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. riounnh libwuip, . .... . ... Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 360. Sue. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SMrilac tmrr taw. CkMM, Kaalml. n V wa. Ill MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. PEOPLES' ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Contains lutest Information aa maps of Cuba and the Klondike Gold Region; paper, 50c IF CHRIST CAMB TO CONGRESS, by Hon. M. W. Howard; paper. We. ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, 4 vols.; cloth $6.00. PLAIN HOME TALK, by Dr. B. B. Foote; cloth, $2.08. AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN. I vols.; cloth $6.00. PLAIN HOME TALK. OR MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, by Dr. Foote; cloth. Popular Edition, $1.50. PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD'S FAIR; Illustrated; clotn. $1.60. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE? by Mrs. A. V. Swetland, M. D.; cloth, $1.M. THE STENOGRAPHER; cloth. 75e. LIFE OF JAMES O. BLAINE; Back ram Cloth, $1.60. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE? Pop ular Edition; paper, 60c The above are eome of the best an most popular publications, and the cloth bound hooka will he an ornament in any library. Sent on receipt ef price. Address, Gut Price Book Store, 1615 Howard St., OMAHA. NEB. KO-TO-BAC Sotrt anl rn&rsntt) b all drug gists to CI B Tobftooo Ubit. Page: coiled spring woven WIRE FENCE and GATES for Farm Park and Lawn. From y. . Jt Te Will Se.l You HIGH briAUt.BlbToLta FOR UtS MONEY THAI AIT OTHER CONCERN IN THE OMAHA OFFICE: 33 D. uglas Block, M. H. iSH, AGT. meniuiu luih pttper wiicu wnuug. Another Priest Gets a Jab. A dispatch from Chicago says Priest Dorney of Chicago has been appointed chaplain of the battleship Iowa. Murat Halstead's Great War Book. Th mat Yin OorrMpondent'i mutarpUo. "Our Country in War." AND MIUkTIOHS WITH ALL RATIONS. All ftbont tha imln, tsriiw And coflt i(nOT of tho O.8.. Sprnln ond All BAtiou. All About Coda, BoaIa, MaIaa DiMAtor. OwidiHA. MAA-Aitcwntlr lllottrAtad. - Agents Wanted Quick. Oao aa- oold B In mo dor: otbtrt ata BAkina Ml wc int. Moot ItborAl torma oArABWad.OdATA orodtt.priaAlow.fraiciit pold. Haaoaobba MlltaA D "Emm j mow m pw OOAIAIW f irciTiuiii met, nt . st, raxus. Yoo Get The Profits "ZSZSZ Ins direct from tha tuna- fActamm 1898 Full Siie Ladles' or Cent9' Models from SIS.oo up. 200O MODELS left oTr from Uut aeamn at your own price-" from SIO.OO up. Complete CAtAlogue of Blerolei sad Sundriea Free. w Ahip our highest grAd wbene Anjwhere without one cent of money In ed ance, prapATAilfreiffhtehATfrsBArKl Cuarantee Them For Two Years). Addreat VICTOR MAJHFaCTORINB COMPANY. 427. ZSB 4 297 Fifth Ave.. Chteano. Hit. 30 Days Free Trial 0,"VE &HT OF MOW ST LH ADVANCS, " " a-u rm-uy ah auverilfiPa. ft will SHI in Hltrh flratff- Mf-wiarR jrhisifMs Btiel Urnii fr LKNM IHlftjKV tfcma any sHber (utfra la tkm WerlaV Bbt V tettw tad fret 10 tm SO. Hieh ami Sf wing Mai-falnt with automatic bnblnn win.Ur, rit arUmf DMnlf, tare vff thrradirisT cv Under shuttle anil fnll tu Cif altav-hm.nt VIhaaI mrmAm alel, am Walant woMwrtrk. OaaraalfH far 10 Tea rat at ft), a) II. ais, gi4, ma Ueofc 1 ahla-l. ftnaal saav a til. A Ha ml Machine at '.6tt. Charge ptrraiiid. $22 vB VICTOR MORGAN buv vuur "reans int I'lamw riirert and vp atni.' anrl dral-r froli . W t cll t V ft at 1-8 AiK?iT rUF. AliiBir-ni-titMjutranUit Iff Vb r. Ph for w fWe 4U p mialitri rt Se inir Mvh)n, tr;nn and r'Unoa. ? m i yaw ir-i rroa fartftry ai wh-'l!1 pr a. AIlKRff wtprnD biNTr rn T r.t tt 29R and 9M7 Fifth Avenu. ( hirmao. StC" m THE OrrtJJl AJI MORPHIXK II A 1.4 T. " What Wa May Do lo 1. Havwl" l a Utile book, giving lull parttruUm of a reliable cure. Free. Lr.J. UhlepHruA, "pu H.,! eba.naD,OkiH