TME AMERICAN 5 li THE WANDERING JEW. ttv n . r m k rilAlTKR XXV. T II K I' K K I' OK U I FT. Father d'Aigrigny did not recognize Pugolert, nnd luid never seen Agricola. He could not, therefore, at first eKj!uin the kind of angry alarm exhibited by Hodin. I'ut the revered futher un derstood it all, when be heard Gabriel utter a cry of joy, and rush into the arms of the smith, ex. claiming: "My brother! my second father oh! it is heaven that sends you to me." Having pressed Gabriel's hand, lagobcrt ad vanced towards Father d'Aigrigny, with a rapid but unsteady step. As lie remarked the soldier's threatening countenance, the reverend father, strong in his acquired rights, and feeding that, since noon, he was at home here, drew back a little, and said rmpctiously to the veteran: "Who are you, sir! What do you want here?" Instead of answering, the soldier continued to advance; then, stopping just facing Father d'Aig rigny, he looked at' dim for a second with such an astounding inixtue of curiosity, disdain, aver sion and audacity, that the excolonel of hussars quailed before the pale face and glowing eye of the veteran. . The notary and Samuel, struck with surprise, remained mute Spectators of this scene, while Agricola and Gabriel followed with anxiety Dagobert'. least movements. As for Rodin, he pretended to le leaning on the casket, in order still to cover it with his body. Surmounting at length the embarrassment caused by the steadfast look of the soldier, Father d'Aigrigny raised his' head, and repealed; "1 ask you, sir, who you are, and what you want ? " " Do you not recognize me? " said Dagobert, hardly able to restrain himself. "No, sir "In truth; returned the, soldier, with profound contempt, "you cast dowu you eyes for shame, when, at Leipsic, you fought for the Russians against the French, and when General Simon, covered with wounds, answered you, renegade that you were, when you asked him for his sword. I do not surrender to a traitor I " and dragged himself along to one of the Russian grenadiers, to whom he yielded up his weapon. Well! there was then a wounded soldier by the side of General Simon I am he." " In brief, sir, what do you want?" said Father d'Aigrigny, hardly able to control himself. "I have come to unmask you you, that are as false and hateful a priest, as Gabriel is admirable and beloved by all.V "Sir!" cried the marquis, becoming livid with rago and emotion. " I tell you, that you are infamous," resumed the soldier, with still greater force. " To rob Marshal Simon's daughters, and Gabriel,' aud Mdlle. de Cardoville of their inheritance, you have had recourse to the most shameful means." "What do you say?" cried Gabried. "The daugeters of Marshal Simon?" "Are your relations, my dear boy, as is also that worthy Mdlle. de Cardoville, the benefactress of Agricola. Now, ibis priest," he added, point ing to Father d'Aigrigny, "has had them shut up the one as mad, in a lunatic asylum the others in a convent. As for you, my dear boy, I did not hope to find you here, believing that they would have prevented you, like the others, from coming hither this morning. But, thank God, you are here, and I arrive in time. I should nave ueen sooner, uui ior my wound, i have lost so much blood, that I have done nothing but faint all the morning." "Truly!" cried Gabriel, with uneasiness. "I had not remarked you arm in a sling. What is the wound?" At a sign from Agricola, Dagobert answered 4t Nothing; the consequence of a fall. But here 1 am to unveil many infamies." It is impossible to paint the curiosity, anguish, surprise, or fear, of the different actors in this scene, as they listened to Dagobert's threatening words. Bnt the most overcome was Gabriel. His angelic countenance was distorted, his knees trembled under him. Struck by the communica tion of Dagobert, which revealed the existence of other heirs, he was unable to speak for some time; at length, he cried out, in a tone of despair "And it is I oh, God! I who am the cause o the spoliation of this family ! " " You, brother? " exclaimed Agricola. " Did they not wish to rob you also? " added Dagobert. " lne will, cried uabriel, with increasing agony, "gave the property to those of the heirs that should appear before noon." " Well?" said Dagobert, alarmed at the emotion of the young priest. " Twelve -o'clock has struck," resumed th latter. " Of all the family, I alone was present Do you understand it now? The term is expired. The heirs have beeu thrust aside by me!" "By you!" said Dagobert, stares meriug with joy. ' By you, my brave boy! then all is well." HU " All is well," resumed Dagobert, radiant with delight. "You will share with the others I know you." " But all this property I have irrevocably made over to another," cried Gabriel, in despair. " Made over the property! " cried Dagobert, quite petrified. "To whom, then? to whom?" "To this gentleman," said Gabriel, pointing to Father d'Aigrigny. "To him!" exclaimed Dagobert, overwhelmed by the news; "to him the renegade who has always been the evil genius of this family! " " But, brother," cried Agricola, "did you then know your claim to this inheritance?" " No," answered the young priest, with deep dejection; "no 1 only learned it this morning, from Father d'Aigrigny. lie told me, that he had only recently been informed of my right, by family papers long ago found upon me, and sent by our mothar to her confessor." A sudden li jht seemed to dawn upon the mind of the smith, as he exclaimed: I understand it all now. They discoved in these papers, that you would one day have a chance of becoming rich. Therefore, they interested themselves about you therefore, they took you into their college, where we could never see you therefore, they deceived you in your vocation by shameful false hoods, to force you to become a priest, and to lead you to make this deed of gift. Oh, sir!" re sumed Agricola, turning towards Father d'Aig rigny, with indignation, "my father is right such machinations are indeed infamous! " During this scene, the reverend father and his socius, were alarmed and shaken in their cool ness. Rodin, still leaning upon the casket, had aid a few words in a low voice to Father d'Aig- m a . a a ngny. bo that when Agricola, carried away oy his indignation, reproached the latter with his infamanous machinations, he bowed his head mmbly, and answered: " We are bound to for- on . 1 . v give injuries, and oner them to the ljoru as a mark of our humility." Dagobert, confounded at all he had just heard, felt his reason begin to wander. After so much anxiety, his strength failed beneath this new and terrible blow. Agricola's just and sensible words, in connection with certain passages, of the testa ment, at once enlightened Gabriel as to the views of Father d'Aigrigny, in taking charge of his education, and leading him to join the Society of esus. For the first time in his life, Gabriel was able to take in at a glance all the secret springs of the dark intrigue, of which he had been the victim. Then, indignation and despair sur mounting his natural timidity, the missionary, with flashing eye, and cheeks inflamed with noble wrath, exclaimed, as he addressed Father d'Aigrigny: " So, father, when you placed me in one of your colleges, it was not from any feel- ng of kindness of commiseration, but only in the hope of bringing me one day to renounce in favor of your order my- share in this inherit ance; and it did not even sullice you to sacrifice me to your cupidity, but I must also be rendered the involuntary instrument of a shameful spolia tion! If only I were concerned if you only coveted my claim to all this wealth, I should not complain. I am the minister of a religion which honors and sanctifies poverty; I have consented to the donation in your favor, and I have not, I could never have any claim upon it. But pro perty is concerned which belongs to poor orphans, brought from a distant exile by my adopted father, and I will not see them wronged. But the benefactress of my adopted brother is concerned, and I will not see her wronged. But the last will of a dying man is concerned, who, in his ardent love of humanity, bequeathed to his de cendants an evangelic mission an admirable mission of progress, love,- union, liberty and II will not see this mission blighted in its bud. No, no; I tell you, that this mission shall be accom plished, though I have to cancel the donation I have made." On these words, Father d'Aigrigny and Rodin looked at each other with a slight shrug of the shoulders. At a sign from the socius, the rever ened father began to speak with immovable calm ness, in a slow and sanctified voice, keeping his eyes constantly cast down: "There are many incidents connected with this inheritance of M de Rennepont, which appear very complicated many phantoms, which seem unusally menacing and yet, nothing could be really more simple and natural. Let us proceed in regular order fcet us put aside all these calumnious imputations we will return to them afterwards. M. Gabriel de Rennepont and I humbly beg him to contra dict me, if I depart in the instance from the exact truth M. Gabriel de Reunepont, ia re knowledgnient of the caro formerly bestowed on! hiru by the society to which I have the honor to c c THE MARCH 4 JSTHE AMERICAN CONTAINS A COMPLETE REPORT OF" THE SAUNA CLEWETT CASE u M AGAINST THE HOUSE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, of St. Paul, Minnesota. LJ THE Daily Newspapers have not dared to publish the proceedings in this celebrated case, 1 which has been on trial in the St. Paul Courts for some weeks, but THE AMERICAN I I will give its readers a full report made up from the Court Records. Everybody should read it. 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"The Review may well be pro id of its eighty two years, for truly it may be raid of it that 'age cannot wither nor time stale its infinite variety. Fortunate is one who can sit down and feast on the good things furnished by the best literary caterers In the world." Grand Ravids Democrat. "It any one nane In magazine litera ture stauds for what is authorattve that name is the North American Review which for more taan eignty year has remained at thn head of the monthly periodicals." .Boston Post. ' The Review is filled each month with articles which should be read by every true citizen. "OddfeUows Review, St. lJaul. "The Review has done more for the better class of readers than aay other publication of this kind In the coun try." Christian Advocate, St Louis. VJUUVJlJliil J TOM !fy - si ' - po!jpitin We have plenty of the March 4th Is sue. We can fill your order. Tour friendi should read the sworn testi mony against the Roman Catholle House of the Good Shepherd at St raul. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for L2t; 100 for $2.00; 500 for $7.60; 1,000 (or $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? Ton should! They should not longer. We have plenty of the March 4th is sue. We can fill your order. Tour friends should read the sworn teeti monr against the Roman Catholic House of tbs Good StephTd at St. Paul. Ten for 30 cents; flfty for 11.25; 100 for 12.00; 500 for $7.60; 1,000 for $16. Have y-1 gent any ot that num ber to your friends? Tou should! They should not sleep longer. W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHERlfFS SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me dl rwtcd, I will, on the 12th day of April, A. D. iwh, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the EAST frontdoor of the county courthouse, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska seil at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the property described In said order of sale as follows to-wlt: Lits four (4) in block M, and lot five (5) In block 1M of the Original Flat of tre city of Omaha, as surveyed, ulatted and record ed, all situated In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy wal ler E. Keer, plaintiff herein, the sums as follows, to wit: On lot 4 In block 131. above described, the sum of $1.P!7.00. together with an attorney's iee ot nm.iu; On lot 5 In block lttt. above described the sum of $075.45, together with an attorney's tee or tut a; Which said amounts according to the Judg ment of the distrlctcourt bear interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from Sep tember 38th, 1896, and are first Hen upon said property. To satisfy the further sum of three nun dred and nineteen and 12-100 ($319.12) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the distrlctcourt of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 1896, In a certain ac tion then and there pending, wherein Walter E. Keeler Is plaintiff and Pboeoe Rebecca Elizabeth Elwlne Linton and Adolphua Fred' erick Linton, her husuand. John Morris. Will lam Morris and Frank Crisp co-partners do ing business as Ashurst. Morris. Crisp A Com pany, John Whlttaker Cooper and William issac enara are aeienaants. Omaha, Nebraska, March 11th, 1897. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff ot Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton, et al. Doc.M; No. 179. Ei.-Doc. I; FageSe. 3-11-5 EELIGIOK III THE MUEBICfll COLONIES. An Essay by Chase Roy. throwing a blaze of light on Amer icanVistory shows that the Jesuits were we! cause of all the colonial wars, Indian an French massacres of those times and many startling facts not generally known. j In pamphlet form Price 10 Cent?. Address: CHASE UOYS, Washington, D. C. SO Cents a Number; $5.00 a Year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, N. T. Mention The American when you write. DR. C GEEWO He Treats all Acute and Chronic Diseases, such as Ca tarrh, Asthma Rheumatism, Hick Head ache, Female Weakness, Lost Manho'd Nervous De bility. Kidney Liver aad Stomach Troub f auaisase,? R. F. WILLIAMS, ISAAC 8. HASCALL, ISO Sou'h Thirteenth street, Omaha. Mr. Williams is secretary of Omaha Republican Dlmetallc League. Mr Hascall has for years been a member of the Omaha city council. Ex-Constable Clark, 313 South Fourteenth street. Oharlea Carlson, corner Twentieth ana Ames avenue, kidney and bladder trouble, 4 yean' standing. 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