I V.'C VIEWt " pnnctptos Ad-A- I ICII 0 Turatwi by ihu p- THE AMERICAN, THE AMERICAN smfe rhimini' "rim yeauh in ihi CHUtUli Or HOME," m.1 to n iiarwa In tha Unitol Htatm or tWln tOy C'T approval w ahull b . 'Oai your lahKnpuon H 'fft MERICAN ul j AN. W. p. -wUufcO by mall for only with your order WaC A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, "AMEK1CA FOK AMERICANS." We hold that all men are Amercian who Swear Allegiance to the t'uitrd State without a mental reservation. THICK II VK CENTS. Volume VIII. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Fill DAY, A PHIL 21), 1898. 'Nu WHICH 20. Jlk SHALL IT BE LIBERTY OR A PAPAL CROSS? The Time has Come When Americans Should Set tle Which Shall Sur mount the Capitol. ' The War Is Now On, and Romanists Have .Already Caused the Destruction of 3 ol Our Powder Mills Tennessee California and New Jersey Their Field of Action. They Have Broken Into and Robbed One of Our Dynamite Magazines and Intend to Bum Bridges and Wreck Trains Carrying the U. S. Troops. A TREASONABLE LETTER. It Gives the Fortifications, Location of Guns, Etc, and Offers Men as Guides to Lead an Attack on San Francisco, Cal. An Armory, Together With All the Guns, Ammunition and Supplies of the Sou'h Dakota Soldiers Burned Thursday. IT IS TIME TO Washington, D. C, April 27. The destruction of the Santa Cruz powder mills, the largest on the coast, has added haste to the activity of the government agents. The explosion referred to may have been an accident, hut there are several suspicious circumstances which are being investigated. . New Orleans, La., April 27. The government dynamite maga zine was broken open last night and a large quantity stolen. Easton, Pa., April 28. The town of Dover, in Morris Co., N.J. and the country within a radius of 20 miles, was startled this evening by a series of terrific explosions, the first of which occurred at 2:10. The explosions occurred at the Atlantic Powder Company's works, and the plant is a mass of ruins. Sioux Falls, S. D., April 28. A fire at Worthing, S. D., this afternoon burned to the ground the armory. The ammunition, uniforms and guns of Company D. National Guards, were totally destroyed. ' Washington, D. C, April 28. The post-orlice department has received information of another letter being held because it con tained treasonable information. The letter was addressed to Premier Sagasta, Spain, and was mailed by a woman, and des cribed the fortifications of San Frannsco, where guns are located, etc. It also described point, dower down the coast where Spanish vessels could land troope id said there were men who would act as guides to attae,oe""' Francisco and seize The di trains. s, therefol Atlanta, Ga., April 28. Dr. Jan tj)g jeeipg, of Good Hope, Ga., has notified Gov. Atkinson that . .- tish spies passed through his town and had planned tt ridges and wreck trains loaded with U. S. troops goin t. GET YOUR GUN. Would Attempt to Nail the Cross on the Dome of Our National Capitol Building. NEW YORK, Ai'Rii, 27. Special Correspondent Evening Sun prints extracts from La Lucha, the leading Havana raper Monday which. The leading editorial, says: "Let us go and NAIL THE CROSS OF THE REDEEMER, ENVELOPED IN THE RED AND GOLD OF THE SPANISH ENSIGN, ABOVE THE DOME OF THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON in order that all the nations of the earth may contemplate it with amazement and see how a nation, though small. in territory, can do all when it has, as our Spain has, the heart of a giant, and the courage of a lion." MORE 'TREASON' TALK A Roman Bisjiop Says We Have No Right to War With Spain. lluim a Mnjority of the Men Killed Id the .11 aimi lHaaster Were Itoman CnlliollcR Untrue. Right Reverend Bishop Maurice F. Burke rtferred to the war In his ser mon at the cathedral yesterday morn in?, nii while his views are considered sensible by many of his hearers, others are of the opinion that there Is an un patriotic tinge to them. It is known that there are a good many Catholics in the city who do not coincide with the views that have been expressed by the bishop. In his sermon yesterday Bishop Burke said th re would have been no war if the voice of the Roman pontiff had been heard. The bishop expressed the opinion that the war with Spain is a calamity for the Unite 1 States, and that it will remain forever a blot and stain upon our national character. He said the questions could all have been settled by mediation, and that the war is unnecessary. A high tribute was paid to President McKinley for his efforts to maintain peace, in the face of all the opposition against him, and in conclusion the bish op said that Catholics would shed their blood for their country In this war as in all others. He did not advise Cath olics to stay out of the war, but on the other hand told them it was their duty to fight for this country. " I simply expressed my views of the situation, referring to the war briefly," said Bishop Burke today. He atated hit position mora expliclty this morn. intr, but said be did not know that It would be of interest to the general public. "This war is a calamity, " he said in substance. "It will be a disgrace to his country. Here we have the spec tacle of the United Strtes senate going msd when these questions of such great Importance are to be tettled. The President has been forced into the action he has taken by certain classes of people, when he would have settled the questions involved in some ether way. " These insurgents in Cuba are a la--less class, always in rebellion. This country has recogDiz d a government there when no government exists, ex cept in imagination. To drive the Spanish out of Cuba Is to drive away from the Island all the wealth and in telligence, and leave it in the hands of a half starved people, incapable of governing themselves. " What have we to gain by it? If Cuba is set free, what is to become of it, and how are we to be benefited? Cuba belongs to Spain by all the rights of international law and all other law that was ever known. We might as well attack Spain on the claim that it has been cruel to its people in Madrid. Cuba is as much the property of Spain as Spain Itself, and we have VO right to Interfere." Bishop Burke said he had told bis people that the war was brought on by the jingoes who cry for it, stir up the feeling and then leave others to fight the battles and pay the expenses. He spoke of the enormpua expense that attends war, and of the manner in which it will interfere with business. This country is widely known for its business, he said, and we are known as a business nation It cannot be said that Bishop Burke' expressions are unpatriotic In any de gree. His views are based on the ground that the Roman pontiff could have maintained peace by mediation if bis voice had been heard. The church looks upon him as the representative of Christ upon earth, and as that representative he would have main tained peace between the two nations. The bishop also believes that the war may lead to international compli cations, and may involve the United States in other wars. According to his view of the situation, it is not war for the rights of humanity. The in surgents in Cuba brought all their suffering upon themselves by the re bellion. "Spain might as well interfere in behalf of one of our states in rebellion," be said. "There would be as much justice in it as our interfenence on be half of Cuba." "How about the Maine?" he was asked. " A majority of the men lost in the Maine disaster were Catholics, I be lieve," he said, "but still that was not a cause for war. It does not enter into this strife at all, it seems to me, having been lost to sight In the talk about the freedom of Cuba. There are other ways of settling such affairs as the blowing up of the Maine. They have been settled before without the dread calamity of a war, and this one could have been adjusted. "I did not advise Catholics to May out o' the war," said the bishop. " On the contrary, I told them it was their duty to fight for their country. They will be found on every battle fiield and in every battle, in this war as they have in every other war the world has ever known where men fought for their altars and their tires." -St, Joseph Mo. New. Ihe Tope's I'rajer. St. Dlabolua-Most Worthy Father: It is well-known that tbou art the cod of all wrong-doing, misrepresentat'en and killing that though we a-e com pelled, ostensibly, to worship the other God, yet the history of all ages down to the present show that you are our god; we were the introducers of yourself, saw after the crucifixion of Christ and in the first war, you, mas acred 40,000 Jews. We authorized Constantino the wholesale murderer to be our standard bearer. The orders to kill and destroy all heretics have been obeyed by th popes and tbeir generals Fernando, the Catholic; Charles V. appointed by the pope to destroy here tics, Philip II, Alva, Louis XlV-the great murder, Torquernada, and many other most devoted followers. Your orders have been faithfully executed in the New World by Cortes and Pizarro surpassing Columbus himself and lately Weyler, the faithful soldier of the most noble Spanish nation carrying out her historic spirit to the letter. Now, Most Devoted Patron of Killing and of Providing Human Misery we conjure you to aid our unfortunate country, Spain, and her lonely widow hoping against hope and for her we offer our prayers and sympathy. Death to heretics'. Yours in true fellowship, ever faithful and devoted to your inter ests, and pledging you to continue to throw dust in the eyes of the ignorant to keep them in ignorance and make them humble slaves so that we can manage them, Lko Xll. Have you read Rev. Kostelo's great exposure of the Roma nCo nfessional. We sell it. Price 50 cents. Most sen sational book ever published. Trans lations from Don, Ligourl, Kenrlck and St. Thomas. Only 50 cento